Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bedwetter alert at Ole Miss.

You are not reading The Onion.  This post is not a piece of satire or parody.  This article really did appear in the Daily Mississippian:

This weekend, leaders from Ole Miss Greek life convened upon Camp Hopewell in Lafayette County for a three-day retreat designed to build leaders and bring campus closer together. The retreat was cut short Saturday night, however, after three black students found a banana peel in a tree in front of one of the camp’s cabins.

The students shared what they found with National Pan-Hellenic Council leaders, sparking a day’s worth of camp-wide conversation surrounding symbolism, intended or not. In the midst of the open and sometimes heated discussion, senior accounting major Ryan Swanson said he put the banana peel in the tree when he could not find a trashcan nearby.

Alexa Lee Arndt, interim director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, said she was one of the only university staff members acting in an administrative capacity at the weekend retreat. Monday afternoon, she sent a letter to all campus chapter presidents, council officers and chapter advisers, confirming the incident and outlining the university’s plans.

“To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at IMPACT … Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi,” Arndt wrote in the letter acquired by The DM....

Makala McNeil, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, one of the nine historically African-American sororities and fraternities, said she saw the banana peel after leaving a group discussion that addressed race relations. Saturday morning, all of the retreat’s participants ate breakfast together, followed by a session where they shared their feelings on race relations at Ole Miss. The breakfast options included a fruit cart with bananas.

“The overall tone was heavy,” McNeil, a senior integrated marketing communications and sociology major, said. “I mean, we were talking about race in Mississippi, at the University of Mississippi and in the Greek community, so there’s a lot involved.”

After the large discussion session, the students split into smaller conversation groups. McNeil said that around noon on Saturday, she was walking with friends to their group session across camp when one of her sorority sisters pointed at a tree 15 feet away. She said that about six feet up the tree’s trunk sat a lone, fresh-looking banana peel.

“It was so strange and surreal to see it there,” McNeil said. “We were all just sort of paranoid for a second.”

She said the image was especially disturbing in light of an incident on American University’s campus in May of this year. The morning Taylor Dumpson was to take over as the school’s first female black student government president, students found bananas hanging from nooses across campus. Some of the bananas were inscribed with references to Dumpson’s sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha.

“That, to me, was a slap in the face to see that banana hanging in a tree after talking about the personal truths of our campus,” McNeil said.

McNeil said that by lunchtime, people throughout the camp knew about the incident. As lunch rolled into the afternoon discussion group, the banana peel dominated chatter. That afternoon’s group discussion session served as an open forum on the incident.

“As the staff member responsible for the wellbeing of our community, I felt it was imperative to provide space immediately to students affected by this incident to allow them an opportunity to voice their pain and concern,” Arndt wrote in her statement.

The conversation carried on, and tensions continued to rise. White and black members of the Ole Miss Greek community shared their views on the day’s events and race relations in general. McNeil said people had a lot to say, but the conversation began to move in an unhealthy direction.

“There were a lot of emotions being showed and a lot of transparency,” McNeil said. “I just don’t feel as though it was being facilitated in a constructive way.”

The massive discussion session wrapped up as more and more students stood and left the room – some in tears, some in frustration. NPHC members began texting friends to come and pick them up from the camp since no one had been allowed to drive his or her car up to the retreat. The remainder of the retreat was canceled later that night.

“At that point, we didn’t feel welcome; we didn’t feel safe,” McNeil said. “If we didn’t feel wanted or safe at the camp, our best option was to leave.”

Katrina Caldwell, vice chancellor for diversity and community engagement, said her office was asked to put a plan together to handle the weekend’s incident on campus..... Rest of article.
He needs a nickname.

 Kingfish note: Is JJ making fun of these students? Absolutely.  These bedwetters probably see a Klan rally every time they walk down the bedding aisle at Walmart or think Eight-ball was created by the Confederacy.  They deserve nothing but ridicule.  It's almost a shame they will never get drafted into a real war so they can find out what hardship really is. Hope they never watch this video.


Anonymous said...

Ole Miss is GONE. KAPUT. It started with that Khayat creature, and the actual death of the institution some of you loved, happened shortly after the installation of the football team's tacky new mascot.

The University of Mississippi is nothing more, now, than just another soulless educational UTILITY. It's ANOTHER MIZZOU.

Booster 24 said...

So much for the surprise of the newest mascot, the dancing banana, at Saturdays football game.

Hope and Change said...

Let me be the first to suggest the camp change its name from "Camp Hopewell" to "Camp no hope oh well". Fins up Rebels!

Anonymous said...

We just need to write that school off and the snowflakes with it.

Anonymous said...

We're so screwed when this particular generation of folks is in control.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the banana peel stood up and screamed "Trump Trump Trump".
And all the snowflakes pooped their pants.

Anonymous said...

Their parents and grandparents were set upon with clubs, fire hoses and dogs trying to register to vote. Now an organization plans a catered retreat for them and they are "frightened" by a discarded banana peel.....Lord help us.

Meanwhile: In Houston Where There Are Real Problems.. said...

Not to worry. Hiram Eastland will have the Kennedy's down here soon to investigate.

Theca Jones of The Roguish Gent Podcast said...


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of pathetic pussies, I can only imagine what will happen to these people when they have to solve some real problems in life. Sometimes I wonder why I dodged bullets in several shitholes around the world to defend these ungrateful whiners.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that banana pudding is off the menu now?

Anonymous said...

It's not just Ole Miss. We are building a generation of emotionally handicapped people who don't know what a true struggle is really like. This world is going to hurt you. Better get ready for that. The tough survive. Students need to be taught to be emotionally tough, physically tough and spiritually tough. This "safe space" is a fantasy that only leads to failure.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the real world the scenario played out like this:

Makala: "Why is there a banana peel in that tree?"

Jason: "I put it there. I couldn't find a garbage can and didn't want anyone to slip and fall on it. They may get hurt."

Makala: "Thank you for watching out for others. There's a garbage can over there."

Jason: "You're welcome. I'll go put the peel in that garbage can."

Anonymous said...

LOL. This current generation of local "leaders" will leave nothing for them to ruin. I hope someone in the younger generation knows how to rebuild from scratch.

Theca Jones of The Roguish Gent Podcast said...

7:49 AM

"Safe Spaces" is such BS. EVERYONE has a "Safe Space" they just don't call them that. Some call it a Man Cave. Some it's their favorite bar. Some it's their church. Y'all gotta stop with that term. It never made sense to begin with.

Anonymous said...

As an Ole Miss grad, this is more embarrassing than the Freeze stuff. How are these kids going to survive in the real world?

Anonymous said...

now that there are no real issues to address, the narrative has focused on old historical statues, the hidden racism in produce, trigger words, and other such bullshit. The best thing that could happen to this country is a mandatory draft and a couple of atomic bombs to toughen up this generation of total pussies.

Anonymous said...

Talk about the victim mentality, and the entitlement class in our country, ole miss is the perfect place for this to occur. They feel entitled to win by any means necessary in all their sports teams, just look at the mess they've created of the football investigation. They continued to cheat while the NCAA was on campus investigating them for cheating. Now they result to any amount of lying against student athletes to try to prove themselves entitled to win by any means necessary. There is all the evidence in the world against them, but it doesn't matter to them, they just make up false conspiracies and fake twitter posts trying to justify their entitlement to win by cheating. So does it really surprise anyone that their students are screaming bloody murder over a banana peel? They are the epitome of culture rot! It's just, well, BANANAS!!! They've been entrenched to look for signs that can be purposefully construed to themselves as having any meaning they may justify themselves a victim. And Yancy Porter gets his bossman reprimanded by the owner of 247sports for photoshopping and lying about an opposing student athlete, because to their cultish, clannish media belief that cheating is okay. And if caught then they are victims of a widespread collusion attempt between many entities to bring their victim mental souls down for the cheating they beleived in. Ole miss is a conundrum. BANANAS!!!

Anonymous said...

Just give them a safe space and some coloring books.

(I hope the word "color" doesn't frighten anyone.)

Anonymous said...

Let's just outlaw bananas (literally and figuratively). Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

6:45am - I totally agree with you.

For all that MLK worked so hard and gave his life....these bed-wetters are an embarrassment and a disappointment.

Anonymous said...

The well-meaning complaints about campus sensitivities are almost as annoying as that which they complain about.

Anonymous said...

We live in a world of the "Pre-Offended". They have been brainwashed by their leaders and the media that everything wrong with the Black race is Whitey's fault. I can meet some people, smile, and say "Good morning" and they find something racially offensive about it. They look for things to offend them.

Can you imagine being an employer and having one of these idiots as your employee? You not only have a crappy employee with an attitude, you will soon be hauled before the EEOC (guilty until proven innocent) for some imagined violation.

Anonymous said...

Weren't the "Greeks" some of the most notorious slave owners in history ? Hmmm

Anonymous said...

I may be showing my ignorance, but is a banana considered some kind of racial slur or have racial tones? I saw the incident mentioned in the article at another school and perhaps that is all there is to it. Otherwise why would a banana even be considered odd?

Anonymous said...

Does the Kappa Alpha Fraternity still conduct Old South on Campus, wherein they dress like confederate officers and their dates dress like plantation owner's daughters?

If a banana in a tree triggers folks in Oxford, I can only imagine what the Old South presentation would do?

Anonymous said...

I just found a banana peel in my trash can. Yall, I think my trash can might be racist.

Anonymous said...

All things considered, the banana was hanging in a tree. I've eaten many a banana in my day, and I've often not placed them in the trash. However, I've never found it convenient to place a banana in a tree.

Anonymous said...

My wife made a loaf of Banana Bread yesterday. I had no idea she was a racist....

Apologies are offered, although they will likely do little good.

Anonymous said...

Chiquita is a racist company because it sells racist food.

Anonymous said...

This has become a very sad situation in our nation. Does anyone else see any other countries doing this? Out youth are going to be the downfall of this country. Thanks Obama

Anonymous said...

There is an alternative thought that I have not seen posted----Maybe some smart a-- racist prick put the peel in the tree in which case it is not funny and is insensitive..

Kingfish said...

Nice try, Theca. It was your friends at Mizzou who were screaming for safe spaces and used those words. Closer to home, your friends at MSU issued this demand:

6) Safe space for Black students on campus
• Safe space for Black students on campus that are away from the daily stresses of
navigating white spaces and the work/responsibilities associated with the HCDC office.
This space can either be an expansion of the HCDC office or an entirely different space
created on campus.

Keep trying. Maybe one day you will quit failing.

Anonymous said...

I feel their pain. The cracker isle at the grocery terrifies me.

Anonymous said...

9:21, I agree completely. Just reading about the situation makes me afraid to go into my kitchen. I am afraid some racist snuck a banana into my house. Should I call 911 or the FBI? Oh help me please, I hear a banana coming down the hall toward my bedroom door. Maybe I can hide in the closet. Send help immediately.

Anonymous said...

"The daily stresses navigating white spaces"

I'm tired of the daily stresses of navigating black spaces due to car jackings, armed robberies, aggravated assaults and MURDER AT A REDLIGHT.
When I retreat to my suburban home, it is called white flight and I'm racist for doing so. In fact, my whole community is called racist.

I hereby decree that any black person or black organization who asks for something specifically for the black community is RACIST, BLACK SEPARATIST and SHOULD BE PUBLICLY OUTED AS SUCH.

Btw. My black friend and co-worker ate a banana right here in the office this morning. That overt act was a message directed at me. I need a safe space.

Anonymous said...

The question that eludes us all is: "Why have they not yet terminated the woman who came up with this safe place bullshit in regard to a damned fruit peel?"

What if it had been a watermelon rind? Or a discarded Church's Chicken box? Or, GASP, discarded pan-trout bones? The pussified meter has just pegged the needle. Watch for Khayat to re-enter the scene as an independent contractor.

Anonymous said...

"McNeil said that by lunchtime, people throughout the camp knew about the incident. As lunch rolled into the afternoon discussion group, the banana peel dominated chatter. That afternoon’s group discussion session served as an open forum on the incident."

Really? "the incident"? An entire afternoon discussion about this??? Damn Snowflakes, you spend all of your time TALKING and WHINING, then looking for something else to get upset about. DO something people. Get a job. Help someone besides yourself. Go to Houston and help those folks, and see what they have to cry about. Then think about how upset you got over a banana peel that was just put there because someone could not find a trash did not MEAN anything....

Anonymous said...

History has demonstrated time after time that none of this will end well.

Slippery said...

It's only after you've actually seen AND photographed:

A banana peel
Laying on the concrete pavement
Next to a pickup truck
In a handicapped parking space
At a Medicare provided physical rehab facility

That you will actually realize that Mr. Swanson was truly being "accountable".

Anonymous said...

You wanna take this to Loony Town? We'll take it to Loony Town. Two can play at this game. I can also be a overly-sensitive, perpetual victim with no coping skills....

Black people wearing white shoes offends me. That's CLEARLY a message black people are sending, saying, "we're gonna stomp out whitey!" That outrageous stunt needs to be stopped because I'm offended by it!

Anonymous said...

Now, if they had found an 8-ball hanging in a tree I could see some cause for concern!

Anonymous said...

"Cracker Aisle"... that there is funny, I dont care who you are!

Anonymous said...

12:51 a.m. You nailed it! So true.

Albert Schweitzer said...

“I mean, we were talking about race in Mississippi, at the University of Mississippi and in the Greek community, so there’s a lot involved.”

These snowflakes seem to be engaged in this silly hyperbole for their own benefit, their own 15 seconds of fame.

I guess they are a bunch of women's study or sociology or other community organizer types.

Guess they believe bananas come from the grocery store. God forbid any one of them is a biology major and realize that bananas actually grow on trees.

Anon-E-Mouse said...

and it's hit the Drudge Report.

Anonymous said...

Ok, which one of these students has a prior history of stomping off the stage when asked to spell the word "Plantain" at a spelling bee?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All rest easy -- Darwinism will cull these idiots when hard times come. It's anthropological and nothing will change it.

Anonymous said...

"senior accounting major Ryan Swanson said he put the banana peel in the tree when he could not find a trashcan nearby."

Poor young man. He will probably be expelled from college, indicted for a hate crime, and forever be labled as a Racist for his actions.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm wonder what happens after the pass the bananas in a store

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare put Church's Fried Chicken on the list of "N" words. I eat there every other day. Great Chicken. Next will come McDonald's & White Castle. Also, I get odd looks when I buy Watermelon Sparkling Water @ Walmart. My goodness. Finally, I quit drinking for Good, Now, I drink for evil.

And just to think said...

The Ole Miss football team was projected to play in the 2027 Banana Boat Sunscreen Bowl after their first year fielding a team since 2017 and new member of the SWAC!

Anonymous said...

I think y'all are going a tad overboard here. I read this as just some dumb kids trying to be adults and have political opinions. Yes it's disappointing that they choose faux racial issues, but they're just dumb. Kids with strong opinions and little knowledge/experience have been embarrassing themselves since the beginning of time.

Anonymous said...

11:25: Stop that, or you may de-trigger some folks on here.

Kingfish said...

I should show this article to Charles Evers.

Anonymous said...

and it's hit the Drudge Report....

Yep.....and the comments are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I am ready to boycott Kroger, McDade's and all the other grocery stores that sell bananas. And McDade's fried chicken offends me. Smith County watermelons also. I go into one of these places and these items trigger my anger. Is there no sanctuary?

Anonymous said...

Just made Rush Limbaugh--this is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

@August 31, 2017 at 9:40 AM I feel their pain. The cracker isle at the grocery terrifies me.

I stay off the cookie aisle, too, in fear of whatever offense I might impart by purchasing Oreos for a picnic -- oh, "picnic." Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to -- oh, God, this is -- please don't -- I'm not -- I am so so sorry.

Anonymous said...

"Their parents and grandparents were set upon with clubs, fire hoses and dogs trying to register to vote."

1) Whose parents and grandparents was it that set upon their grandparents with club, fire hoses and dogs? Do these people have any responsibility for the state of race relations in this country.

2)What makes race such an issue is not this generation and not Obama, what makes race an issue is the history of this country. You cannot have oppression and discrimination against a race of people for hundreds of years, then have a civil rights movement in the 60's and now around 60 years later, say people are bedwetters every time raise comes up.

Da Fat Man said...

"Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis,"

That is the statement in the story that I guess all of you commenters overlooked. Now I personally think it's a reach but when day in and day out you or someone you know has been affected by racism, it can cause you to be overly sensitive. Here's an example of whites hyper-sensitivity: Affirmative action, according to public reports that 11% has been hurt by it, but the majority of whites say that it is reverse discrimination. Where are the massive layoffs and firings of whites because they have to hire blacks? yeah that's what I thought.
Stop judging others until you walked in their shoes.

Anonymous said...

Quick! Somebody call the SPLC!

Anonymous said...

9:21 says maybe it was a racist act. Here is my response. My mother had a habit of insulting you with a comment that could be taken two ways. You could be insulted if you wished, but if you called her on it she would say, no meant it the other way. My wife was constantly getting worked up by these insults and knowing that Mom would always deny that an insult was intended. My advice to my wife was - I have lived with this my entire life. If she wants to insult me, I'm going to make her hit me in the mouth. Any implied insults will be ignored. And the same advice applies to snowflakes. Maybe it WAS a racists act. If you cannot be certain just pretend it was not and get on with your life. If someone wants to insult you, make them hit you in the mouth.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about y'all, but I've got a hankering for some naner!

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how stuff like this doesn't seem to happen at State?

I mean, I'm sure they have their share of idiot students, too. But it just seems like you never hear the really bizarre stuff --like frat boys eating gerbils or racists defacing statues or people running scared from banana peels-- in Starkville. No "Free Speech Response Action Team". No fraternities making blowjob jokes about sororities in front of a packed arena.

Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

have you checked the market for banana futures?

Anonymous said...

Hell, I ate 2 bananas this morning. I guess that not only makes me racist but also a member of the klan and a nazi. And I was always naive enough to think that bananas were just a healthy fruit. Shame on me!!

Anonymous said...

2)What makes race such an issue is not this generation and not Obama, what makes race an issue is the history of this country. You cannot have oppression and discrimination against a race of people for hundreds of years, then have a civil rights movement in the 60's and now around 60 years later, say people are bedwetters every time raise comes up.

Uh, "race."

And if some pussy is "triggered" by freaking banana peel, he or she is beyond hope.

Either stop trolling or get real.

Anonymous said...

I think y'all are going a tad overboard here. I read this as just some dumb kids trying to be adults and have political opinions. Yes it's disappointing that they choose faux racial issues, but they're just dumb. Kids with strong opinions and little knowledge/experience have been embarrassing themselves since the beginning of time.

They're morons. They should be mocked and ridiculed. That's the best education they could get right now. Hypersensitive, entitled pussies who are scared of a banana peel should stay inside and shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you 12:54pm but the bullpups have the same bullshit going on....

Anonymous said...

Banana peel in a tree sends black "greeks" into a paranoid twit at U of Ms. Really? And the name Ole Miss doesn't offend them? Rebels doesn't offend them? All that other confederate bull shit doesn't offend them? This mediocre state supported school has become the poster child for cheating and racial idiocy. Ever noticed how the losers of a war always try to romanticize it as some noble, lost cause? Then there is that redacted lawyer idiot, the whore mongering coach and the felonious atty donors, among many others. There's a nonfiction book here.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:12 - Not "no" but "HELL NO!" I don't have ANY responsibility for what my ancestors - dead or alive - might have done or not have done! NONE!!! By the same token that I don't get to take credit for whatever good they might of done and whatever successes they might have achieved, neither am I expected to take the blame for their sins and/or their failures.

As for affirmative action, I don't know where that 11% number came from, but I'd be willing to bet that the 11% of white people who were rejected for jobs strictly because of their race is far greater than the % of black people who have, in the past 60 years, been rejected for a job strictly because of THEIR race. Now, I'm talking ACTUAL rejection because of race, not "PERCEIVED" rejection. And HERE is where the rubber meets the road: Just like this banana peel "incident", 99.9% of the "racism" encountered today is PERCEIVED, not ACTUAL. Blacks, just like everybody else, get rejected for jobs, etc. for any number of reasons. But ONLY blacks automatically assume the rejection was because of the color of their skin. They simply can not comprehend that their interviewing skills or their actual work experience or their education or their specific personality quirks were less impressive than the other person's. can only be RACE. Sorry, but there nothing I can do about that, EVEN IF I had any responsibility whatsoever to do so.

Anonymous said...

1:48pm. Telling it like it is. Thank you

Anonymous said...

@ 1:45, I don't think the shit show that is Ole Piss could have been summarized any better. Not only have they become the laughing stock of this state, but also of the SEC and the whole NCAA. And they are supposed to be the flagship university of this ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Chancellor Vitter, I am an alumnus of the University of Mississippi. I am concerned that Alexa Lee Arndt, "one of the only university staff members acting in an administrative capacity at the weekend retreat," allowed this situation to escalate. It appears from the article that she encouraged the unfounded over-reaction which has created a national embarrassment for our University. In so doing, she demonstrated that she is unsuitable for her position at the University. She should be terminated. For an example of what failure to take prompt action against Ms. Arndt can lead to, please see the University of Missouri's huge losses following Professor Melissa Click's outrageous behavior. Do it. Fire Alexa Lee Arndt. Now.

Anonymous said...

@4:03 Nobody calls them the flagship university but themselves. Literally. They have a knack for invention and self grandiosity. That walk of champions thing, what champions? Should become the walk of shame thing.

Robin said...

Just wait until they find out banannas grow on trees! They'll never leave their safe spaces again.

Anonymous said...

My freshman son is up there, nobody gives a crap about this, but a few folks trying to stir up trouble. OM will be fine!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of angry comments. Who's a triggered snowflake?

Anonymous said...

Heaven forbid you should see Google as a friend, and do some research involving racism and bananas. You might have come across this American University incident from May 2017, which led to an FBI investigation.

Anonymous said...

Ole Missed It announces cafeteria will no longer offer bananas and the athletic trainers have been told to no longer provide bananas (a prime source of potassium) to the schools athletes. Oxford area restaurants are banning Banana Splits and protest is planned outside area Dairy Queen....

Anonymous said...

Guess this is the end of Bananas Foster at Brennan's.

Anonymous said...

Puh-lease, 8:23. I Googled both images yesterday. A banana hanging from a noose with a written message on it such as at AU and one carelessly discarded at a leadership retreat do not convey an equal message. That's like seeing a rope laying on the ground and immediately equating it to hanging or a bed sheet as a Halloween ghost costume and thinking Klan. What's next? Eating soul food in the presence of black folk(s) considered cultural appropriation?? Get. A. Grip.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Theca?

Anonymous said...

Reverse Cracker Logic said...

I've been reading links (one or two provided above) of various types regarding outrage, discomfort, fear and safe spaces on 'predominantly white university campi'. I know there are white students at Valley, Tougaloo, Alcorn and JState...can somebody tell me where the designated safe spaces are for these students? Or is somebody going to tell me all these white students chose to attend those HBCUs because of the safety they feel there?

And what if a small group of 3 or 4 white students is headed to class at JSU and suddenly, right there in front of God and everybody, on the sidewalk, is a box of Saltine Crackers?

Anonymous said...

Anyone have one of those dancing banana costumes I could borrow for the Grove tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Banana pudding is racist...the vanilla extract used to make vanilla wafers and vanilla pudding is black in it's bottled form BUT when we use it in a recipe for (vanilla) wafers and (vanilla) pudding the black extract is racially called "vanilla"...boycott vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers, vanilla ice cream (oh, that's another discussion)...

Anonymous said...

These students attend Ole Miss, a nickname given by the slaves to the plantation owner's wife. Amd they're worried about a banana peel? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Gwen Stefani, this crap is bananas- B- A -N- A- N -A -S.

Anonymous said...

Menu for tailgating tomorrow in the Grove:

Banana Pudding (Traditional and therefore I'm sure bigoted and racist)
Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches (Elvis!)
Bananas Foster (to set things on fire)
Fruit Salad with Bananas (LGBT Friendly)
Banana Muffins (with nuts in honor of the Panhellenic BLM groups)
Banana Bread
Frozen Banana Pops dipped in Chocolate (Now that should cause a riot)
Banana Smoothies (to ensure things are copacetic and healthy)
Basic Bananas (but please put the peel in the garbage can)

Anonymous said...

11:43, the Banana Pops will probably do the trick, all by themselves. However, it would be nice if there were theme music - maybe the soundtrack from Carmen Miranda's 'BANANAS IS MY BUSINESS'. I just looked it up, and it seems that Carmen and Harry Belafonte teamed-up for a song "Daylight Come & Me Wanna Go Home", which ought to get the crowd in the right mood.

And I don't know how elaborate these 'Tailgating' things get, but if the little televisions in people's vehicles can all be running, over and over, those two seconds in Pam Ann's 'Titanic' spoof, where she's eating the banana, I think it would add to the mood - particularly in light of the Chocolate-covered Banana Pops.

Anonymous said...

I think someone's head will explode when they see chocolate covered frozen bananas at the state fair in about a month

Anonymous said...

Marcel Ledbetter - "Jerry, have you ate your banana yet?"
Jerry Clower - "No"
Marcel Ledbetter - "well don't. I took one bite and went stone blind"

Elec-Trick-Ul Banana... said...

LOL. Shit. Good stuff. Thanks Fish....

Anonymous said...

🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌. Houdy ole miss snowflakes 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

Anonymous said...

Just watched the U. S. Open and Venus Williams just won her match and took out a banana from her racket case and threw it on her chair. does that mean she was making a statement in support of the greek sororities or did she just want to replace the potassium in her body. BTW she is BLACK and not one person FREAKED out when it happened. Guess it did not matter since she wasn't at Ole Miss?

Anonymous said...

Makes me glad I am a State fan.

Anonymous said...

This is all nothing more than a diversion to get our minds off Hugh Freeze. If not for the twitching-banana of Freeze, we could concentrate on important stuff.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS