Friday, November 6, 2015

Death at Oxford House. (Updated)

 Update: The deceased was John Winfield.  Law enforcement sources said he was dead for two days before the police were called.  A housemate called police upon discovery of his body.  He was a military veteran and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.  He posted comments on this website several times under his own name. 

Original post on 11/5/15 at 1:53 PM: An ambulance and two JPD cruisers appeared at the Oxford House on2230 East Northside Drive today.  JPD told JJ that a resident died of natural causes.  No other information is available at this time. Pictures are posted below. The black SUV belongs to the Coroner.  Landlord Anna Fiser Stephens and her father were seen in the yard while police investigated the scene. 


Anonymous said...

This is tragic. I'm sorry for the loss of life, whatever the circumstances. This was someone who was trying to better themselves.

Anonymous said...

KF-you are intrusive and crazy about this house. Leave these people alone. Let them die in peace, at least. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Can the toxicology reports (if any) or autopsy details become public record?

Anonymous said...

2:02PM, our tax dollars led to that house's inception. It's everyone's business what goes on in that house. If he wanted to die in peace, he shouldn't have moved in next to women and children in what the government laughingly considers a grand experiment at the neighborhood's expense.

Anonymous said...

NOTHING intrusive about this reporting. NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

After a non-descript law enforcement squad pulls over one resident, now we have a death at Oxford House. I think we can now put an end to this guinea-pig trial. #Will4Washington2020

Anonymous said...

I would die of natural causes, too, if I lived in a 1700 sq ft home with 7 other men. The man probably was stressed out of his brain. I wonder in which of the 5 bedrooms did the incident happen?

Anonymous said...

First Jerry Avery, then Gene Rowzee, now this...

Anonymous said...

Dear Senator Longwitz:

Congrats on your return to the Mississippi Senate.

We stepped up.

We eagerly await January 2016.


One of your Landslide Voters

Anonymous said...

Hey!! John Grisham, where are you?? I'm sure you could knock out a 300-pager on this subject in about a week. Easy money. Pay Kingfish some royalties on the title already established, "Death at Oxford House." It has a flair of Hemingway and O'Connor.

Anonymous said...

This is very tragic for the family, the house residents and the neighborhood. However, this was also very predictable given that the MS Department of Mental Health provides no support or services to these residents. This is yet another tragic failure of our citizens by the MS Department of Mental Health.

Anonymous said...

Self-run, democratic...unsupervised, no mandatory drug testing, above-market rental rates, a little older than 7 months and what a disaster already!!! Lady Fiser, tear down this lease!


Anonymous said...

Dr. Jim Herzog should offer free grief counseling to the residents since he is on the MDMH board and practices in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

What's Oxford House? I haven't heard anything about it

Anonymous said...

I guess one out of seven ain't bad. That's way better than the survival rate of her chickens. The cops showed up and only found feathers 'n' bonez.

She may wanna put off childhood for a while, for the kid's sake.

Anonymous said...

If this was a critically ill person, why the hell was he living in the care of Oxford House??? They don't even provide drug treatment!

Freudian Slop said...

Not sure how 'natural causes' weaves its way through the maze and intersects with the Department of Mental Health's failure. But, 2:21 didn't need anything credible in order to post such tripe.

Anonymous said...

Unless the person obviously choked to death on something or drowned, how can they determine "natural causes" that fast?

Anonymous said...

I hope when your families are faced with the tradegy of death that people will show the same respect you have shown to this person. This man honorably served this country so that when he died you would have the FREEDOM to bash him because he happened to die in your neighborhood. And yes I am very familiar with Oxford house and would be glad to have them live next door to me in my prestigious neighborhood. Oh and I am a disabled veteran, and it disgust me that I put my life on the line for people like you. May God have mercy on your souls!!!

Anonymous said...

Republican Supermajority. Kick oxford house out of the state!

Anonymous said...

WAPT was there @ 2:30 this afternoon. Look for a report tonight.

Anonymous said...

Natural Causes? How can the Coroner determine "natural causes" for an unexplained death in a Rehab House without an autopsy? Nonsense. How about an autopsy report so EVERYONE knows this was really a natural causes death. Just another cover-up of an OH disaster. We are not talking about a relapse folks, we are talking about someone who has now died! What does it take to investigate these halfway houses?

Good reporting KF. We will not get this on CL.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else die of natural causes in a rent house in Jackson today? Yesterday? You people are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

There is no way they can tell this death was the result of natural causes without an autopsy. The guy, God rest his soul, had been dead for at least 24 hours before authorities arrived; how sad...

Anonymous said...

2:54 -- Prove it. Let's see your DD254 and your VA letter. What was your branch when you were commissioned, or if you were enlisted, your MOS. What theaters and units did you serve with……etc. etc. etc.

THought so……….we are adept at knowing who is an Oxford House worker, and who is not. We've gone down this road too many times with the disabled Vet mantra. You all do a disservice to all those who truly are disabled, when you showcase this guy as your poster boy for DAVs. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

5:01 -- your paranoia and concern for your continued OH employment is showing…………..sadly, you OH people are treating him worse than a dog that got hit and died on the side of the road. He was a human being and his family deserves to know why/how he died. What are you afraid of???????? Pathetic?? I'd say pathetic is when you attempt to hide something like this because it might not support your AGENDA.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope it wasn't John who passed as he was the only nearly sane one there.

Quincy said...

There IS no 2:54.

But, if this coroner ruled 'natural causes' after looking at a body that had been deceased 24 hours, the coroner needs to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who are commenting negatively in this circumstance are incredibly creepy people. Super creepy.

Pappy Odaniel said...


Mr military service's a DD214, unless we're talking security classification for classified DoD contracts...then you would definitely need a DD254

Anonymous said...

this man was too sick to be responsible for looking after recovering addicts. If he had been in a good program that cared, they might have noticed that about him. Oxford House was a disaster waiting to happen, and it has now happened.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with his family... He was a great guy, but had some problelms. i cannot let my friend to be reduced to what has been said above. He was one of the wittiest people I've ever known and a lot of fun to be around. He also had the best taste in music, and loved animals more than most people live their own children. I'll miss him greatly and wish he had gotten more time here, but I'm glad he's not suffering anymore.

Anonymous said...

Pappy I think they mistyped a 5 for a 1. Happens when people get old and fat finger.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine this man having been dead for 24 hours without anyone in the house noticing. Isn't that weird? At the very least, even the nosy neighbor in command would have noticed.

Anonymous said...

What State lawmaker will have the courage to investigate this man's death? Rehab houses are notoriously unsafe. Why did this man die and what could have been done to prevent him dieing alone in an OH? So wrong on so many levels. How many more have to die before anything is done? MDMH and OH you now have blood on your hands...literally.

Anonymous said...

There still is NO 2:54. Put the gin bottle down. You too, Pappy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous. Addicts and alcoholics ARE US. We are your fathers and mothers. sisters and brothers, nieces and nephew, sons and daughters and friends. Addiction is a disease, no different than diabetes and heart disease. Whether this person died of "natural causes" or his addiction is moot--he died of a DISEASE.

Anonymous said...

This man was better he was a veteran and he probably felt sorry for all you hating assholes

Anonymous said...

we have no idea what he died of because we are not being told anything but "natural causes". The circumstances and location of his death make this a VERY suspicious death. Not like this guy was in a hospice program or in a local hospital. Very strange circumstances.

Anonymous said...

1114 pm he WAS awesome and interesting and a deep thinker... I sure wish I could talk to him!!! People are HATEFUL

Anonymous said...

To 543 am... Thanks

Anonymous said...

KF we know you are on this. Can you shed any light? This appears very suspicious. He is walking around a few days ago and now he is dead. Natural Causes? This is a rehab house, not an average residence.

Anonymous said...

8:19 - I know! Isn't it crazy that people can die? People are alive one day and dead the next. And a lot of times, they can't control when, how, and where they die. It could even happen to you one day!

Anonymous said...

To those who want an autopsy and a public release of information: just repeat the rumor I heard that he died of Ebola virus - that will stir things up.

And you can NEVER tell that anyone died of "natural causes" by looking at them. I have signed hundreds of death certificates but I am not an elected hack without credentials such as MS coroners are.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know John, but I live in the neighborhood. From what I saw of John in his postings on this website and with the neighborhood and in a conversation or two we had, he seemed to be a good person with a good heart. Better than most. Honestly, I felt that he made an excellent neighbor and was the bright light in this whole entire OH debacle. Prayers for his family and friends, and for his housemates.

Anonymous said...

There were 7 people living there at the time of John's death. He was the central figure leader in that house and yet none of the other residents knew for two days that he had passed?

JPD MUST investigate any and all communications that took place between the other 6 residents and their OH handlers and the Stephens prior to the time that police were contacted. It has been well established already in Mississippi that OH handlers will effort to cover-up problems in Oxford Houses.

Anonymous said...

Time to clue in Madison Ridgeland Academy.

Anonymous said...

There are NO peer reviewed clinical studies that support the DORE flim flam quackery. NONE.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace, John.

I hope Neal and Anna Fiser Stephens and their enabling parents get sued for running a slipshod halfway house on the sly. This is no way to rehabilitate people.

Anonymous said...

Dead two days before police were called? Isn't there a house manager? I was under the impression that residents saw each other at meals everyday. Guess this is just another flop house.

Anonymous said...

Something really stinks about this whole thing. Dead for two days and NO ONE notices? Multiple people living in the house. He was the house manager was he not? And the coroner rules this "natural causes". Total BS.

KF please stay on this. Something is very wrong with this entire situation. You just cannot make this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't CL and the Local News station covering this? Someone has died in a very controversial "residence" that's whole stated purpose is rehab/halfway for drug and alcohol addiction. Our tax dollars were used to open this house. The tax payers deserve an explanation beyond "move along, nothing to see here".

Anonymous said...

A group home with someone lying dead for two days and there is criticism of a news source reporting it? No dispute that the deceased was a good guy. Where in the reporting does it say he isn't? All the more reason to demand investigation of this to make sure nothing beyond natural causes plays into this. Surely, particularly for a veteran, this concern should take precedence over acting politically correct or cheerleading for this questionable residence situation.

LM said...

I am very sad to see this not just because of it being John W, but anyone in the house passing away with little to no supervision. But John W's case was particular...

He was a vet with PTSD. He did a job that for most people wouldn't have the calling, the guts to do. The cost of his sacrifice didn't just end when he came back home. He struggled with demons of warfare which led to his addiction. He didn't ask to be an addict.

He tried to make the best of his situation and extend the first olive branch to the neighborhood in the midst of one of the worst storms in living memory. He wanted so badly to be apart of the neighborhood. He tried to keep the house together in an orderly fashion. He recognized the flaws and missteps of how the house was brought into the neighborhood.

It is so hard to realize that he never would live to see his own recovery and the fruits of that labor: a family, a career, freedom. He sacrificed his life for our nation's freedom, but yet he would never be able to truly experience that for himself.

The shortcomings of Oxford House now are more important than ever. This is more than about property values and NIMBY-related fears. This is about how recovering addicts are treated in an effective and safe environment. How can a dead body sit there for two days? How can a determination of natural causes be made from just first glance at the body? Does this bias the autopsy process to follow? Where was the oversight promised by DMH? Where was the democratic process at play promised by Oxford House? This was the president! It would hardly be unnoticeable of John W.'s absence for two days. His white truck was just sitting there to no one's attention.

Rest in peace, John W. I hope you have finally found the comfort and peace that you were fighting for all of this time.

Anonymous said...

Oxford House and DMH have failed John W.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 10:19. We are not all "creepy" who believe someone mis-spoke with the "natural causes" pronouncement. I thought any death, discovered over 24 hours later, required an autopsy.

Anonymous said...

Diana Mikula must be held accountable. At the minimum, the Mississippi Dept of Mental Health must be moved under the Governor.

Anonymous said...

So strange. I grew up in the area of the Oxford house. The area is loaded with addicts who haven't sought treatment, often because of enablers in their families. Yet one house has some people trying to better themselves and so many are completely obsessed with it. I guess if you drive a nice car, have a nice job, and are loaded to the tilt on pills as you drive through the neighborhood that is okay, but God forbid some people exercise sober living in a house like this.

Anonymous said...

11:32 - you speak with such authority - "The area is loaded with addicts who haven't sought treatment". Loaded? How many is loaded? How would you know? Do you have anything to base your claim on other than speculation? You are an obvious OH supporter. We are "obsessed" with it because MANY of us predicted this very outcome. And our fears seem to have been borne out. Two days and no one reports his death? He was not living alone. He was a recovering addict. He was supposedly the house manager. Legitimate questions have been raised and need to be answered.

Anonymous said...

This is a questionable death that should be properly investigated, but it would be a questionable death had it occurred down the street. Complain all you want about Oxford House, but would this be any different if one of his roommates had found the body within a few minutes? John would still be just as dead and everyone would still blame OH and DMH for his death. Let the investigation conclude before you throw stones.

Anonymous said...

11:32am, are you the same person who mentions addicts in the neighborhood over and over again on this thread?? I would encourage everyone to seek help when needed. The issue is how that treatment should be handled. Oxford House is certainly not the gold standard of treatment. It sounds like you are the one being invasive into other people's lives, not the ones seeking answers about OH.

Anonymous said...

OH issues now back front and center. Since the last blow up, Jerri Avery and Gene Rowzee Jr. have resignedfrom MDMH. Why? Will Longwitz won in a landslide primarily because of the OH issues he raised, and his efforts to expose the numerous issues with OH funding using tax payer money. Now we have an unexplained death in the OH at the center of the controversy. According to JPD the deceased was there for two days before his death was REPORTED not necessarily discovered - that determination must be made during an investigation. The Repubs have a super majority in the legislature. There is no excuse now for inaction by our elected officials.

Anonymous said...

This young man was from Brandon. Most of his friends knew him as "Brandon" which I am pretty sure was his middle name. He was in his early 30s. He was in the the Air National Guard for a few years but not many. I know his parents. They are good people. You can believe they did everything they could to help him as many parents do for their children who have addictions. RIP Brandon.

Anonymous said...

What action should they take? They can't interfere with the zoning - that's federally protected. They can't stop the houses from being rented. They can't close the ones that are already open. They can't stop private citizens from renting future houses to OH residents. All the state can do is take the DMH out of the loop through the budget process, and that wasn't even approached during the budget hearings. Even if they do, all that does is remove what little oversight that DMH provides. Move the DMH under the Governor? All of the above still applies. Sorry, girls, but the sober living houses are here to stay.

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse now for inaction by our elected officials.

Yes, no excuse for inaction. None at all. It is also time for a legislative investigation into why public school districts in Mississippi are spending precious dollars on DORE quack science licenses when there are NO peer reviewed clinical studies that support and confirm the efficacy of the flim flam. DORE is a scam and the Legislature needs to stop this wasteful spending on snake oil.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 12:32, the budget hearings were meaningless. They are advisory only. The budget rubber meets the road during the session. It is a whole new ballgame now plus a 120-day session to kick things off. You're about to find out that Longwitz isn't the only legislator interested in addressing the OH issue. Just wait and see, we're just getting started.

Anonymous said...

These houses depend on TAX PAYER dollars (federal and state) to open, recruit, and pay "staff". Take away the money and the houses will slowly disappear. This always comes back to money...the use of tax payer dollars. Take the tax payer support out of the loop and the credibility that they leverage from that tax payer support will evaporate and the scheme collapses. Perhaps then these people can actually get the help they obviously need.

Anonymous said...

12:32 - wrong oh prescient one. These things live off taxpayer money pure and simple. The documentation that proves that has been belabored ad nauseam. Take away the money and they go away.

The Girls

Anonymous said...

11:51, I was 11:32 above. No, I am not that person. First time I've posted on the OH, although I've read a few previous posts with passing interest. The obsession with the house has struck me as incredibly strange. I can understand the concern with the number of people living in the house, sober living house or non-sober living house. It's a little more difficult to understand the obsession with the house on other bases. It's impossible for me to understand the actions some have taken towards the house.

Anonymous said...

12:59 - if you do not understand the serious concerns you describe as "obsession" then you have been living under a rock. A young man is now dead. This was not an 85 year old senior with congestive heart failure. When a young man living in a "sober" living home as you euphemistically describe it, with known addiction issues turns up dead in the the very house that is supposed to be a SOBER living environment; yes we have very real questions and concerns.

Anonymous said...

It's impossible for me to understand the actions some have taken towards the house.

What actions? Be specific. @11:32 you noted that you grew up in the area, not that you currently live in the area. So tell us what actions have been "taken towards the house" and how you've come to acquire this second- or third-hand information.

Anonymous said...

F--k you, you bunch of snotty ass Eastover Bitches. I hope they put about 5 more of these houses in your neighborhood. Have any of you any decency? I hope your sister gets raped, your brother gets herpes and you die a slow and financially impoverished death. And after you die what's left of your estate goes for taxes.

Anonymous said...

What state funding are you talking about? The $4,000 startup loans? Wrong. Provided by a federal grant administered by DMH. The rent is between the residents and the landlord. Oxford House may wither away in Mississippi eventually, but it won't be because the legislature sharpened their pencils and removed a non-existent amount from the DMH budget.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the original story and the update, KF. Apparently none of the primary local news media have chosen to pick this up, at least not yet. Those of us in the neighborhood certainly need to know about this tragic but highly suspect, given the circumstances, event.

Anonymous said...

1;40 pm: And I hope you are sentenced to anger management classes.

Anonymous said...

1:40pm, I'm trying to figure out the individuals which you are insulting...people against or for Oxford House? Keep in mind...the Stephens have kinfolk that are deep in Eastover Country. The Fisers...I'm not sure about but they have an Eastover attitude nonetheless.

Then again, there are some Eastover people against Oxford House, too. That being said, you should wipe the spit and sweat off of your digital device and clarify the direction of your insults. I would love to either combat them or applaud them.

Anonymous said...

1:40 - you are obviously from OH. You seem to be unfamiliar with the local geographical difference in East Over and Left Over. The house is located in Left Over not East Over. East Over is probably taking a yawn on this one. Not their problem. This is a Left Over issue. We do not have estates in Left Over. Just homes that we would like to see retain a semblance of their value.

Anonymous said...

1:40 takes it too far, obviously. The point remains it has been disingenuous for residents of this neighborhood to sound the North Korean nuclear alarm bell for this house, aside from the understandable concern of having 7 residents under one roof. As just one example, numerous residents of this neighborhood regularly imbibe more than the legal limit and drive, among other offenses while intoxicated or other the influence, posing more of a danger to society than these persons in the house. I bet it happens tonight night at a wedding event or some other such party at a house in the neighborhood. You know those people. They are no better than the people in that house. You've sounded such an incredible alarm bell that to the extent you are worried about property values, you've created the problem you sought to avoid. You could have just been nice and quietly taken them a baked pie to welcome them to the neighborhood, and then privately worked out whatever legitimate issues there are to work out.

Anonymous said...

What happens to the level of drugs detectable in a body after it has been sitting rigor mortis for 2 days?

The real question is "What did Paul Molloy and Diana Mikula know and when did they know it?"

We demand answers. I'm just so glad Billingsley lost. Thank you, Will. Will will get to the bottom of this.


Anonymous said...

@1:40 is obviously not from here.

Could Have Been Murder said...

The report states he had been dead for two days. Nowhere has it been claimed that nobody 'knew he had passed'.

For the guy who has signed hundreds of death certificates, you may not have ever determined 'natural causes' by looking at a corpse, but you signed a hell of a lot of them when you were told or read a chart stating that the deceased was 90+ years old. Not sure which is more inexact.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, track down 1:40 and see if they are being sloppy with their IP address. They could always mask it still but methinks that is a temper tantrum only found in Maryland. Note the misnomer of the neighborhood. Typical of what we have seen when they said "east Jackson."

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1:40, please don't let these people take you there. And I want to ask that you please not lump all in as Bitches of Eastover. I'm in that neighborhood, and I have been horrified at the awful comments on here, today, as well as in previous threads. Nextdoor did quite a number too, probably some of the same commenters. I didn't know John, but wrote him in support and he was very appreciative. He was polite to all, even to those who did not deserve it. God rest his soul, comfort and peace to his family, and a cloak of humanity and kindness to all of you who have such awful thoughts and dare make such hateful comments in the face of someone's death. He did nothing to you. You and your families have committed equal sins, as have we all. "Anonymous" doesn't hide that.

Anonymous said...

The house mates thought he was out

Anonymous said...

To the person who commented today(Friday)at 5:43 a.m. CLAIMING that "Addiction is a disease, no different than diabetes and heart disease . . .":

The fact is, alcohol abuse and drug abuse are NOT real biological diseases. Check out the book "Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease" by Herbert Fingarette, Ph.D.. There is ABUNDANT SCIENTIFIC evidence available now proving that alcohol abuse (a.k.a. "alcoholism") is NOT a real disease.

Of course, as the article "A Biblical Analysis of Alcoholics Anonymous" points out (see, CHRISTIANS should have suspected all along that alcohol abuse is NOT a real disease.

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2015 at 2:47 PM
November 6, 2015 at 3:16 PM

Same person. Disregard.

Robert P. Wise said...

I spoke with John W about two weeks ago when he was chasing after his cute little bulldog down Trawick. He told me he had spent 4 tours in Iraq and 3 in Afghanistan (hence the PTSD issues). I thanked him for his service.

He said that as the president of the house he had kept out anyone attempting to get in from a prison. I thanked him for that and asked that he continue to keep that up. He said the people in the house just had primarily alcohol problems. He said he would keep it that way as long as he was there, which he expected to be about another year. He said he did not want anyone out of the prisons because "I don't want someone stealing my boots!". I thanked him again.

John was trying to make better what was a difficult situation for the neighborhood.

John did tell me that OH is still recruiting from prisons but marking it down on their monthly reports as "visits" without noting they were visiting prisons. John was not keen on that aspect it was clear to me.

John reached out to us in the neighborhood which I very much appreciated. He said that while he had nieces in Brandon, he was not married and had no children. He said he was a guy in his early 30's just trying to get his life together.

I liked and appreciated John. I am sorry he will no longer be there to lead the house as I think he was a good influence there.

May John W go from strength to strength in that perfect, continuing service that is everlasting life in Christ our Lord.

Anonymous said...

"For the guy who has signed hundreds of death certificates, you may not have ever determined 'natural causes' by looking at a corpse, but you signed a hell of a lot of them when you were told or read a chart stating that the deceased was 90+ years old. Not sure which is more inexact. "

I'm not sure where your delusions are coming from but that is not how licensed hospital or ER physicians work. I pronounced then dead personally, after - well, f--- it: go to medical school and learn how this really works for yourself.

Fun fact: except for decapitation, the final cause of every death is "cardiopulmonary arrest". Other contributing causes may be determined.

I assure no one has ever sat dead in my ER or my office for two days unnoticed or unreported. This story is highly suspicious.

Anonymous said...

Fact 1 - A young (early thirties) man is dead.
Fact 2 - He was a recovering addict or alcoholic or both.
Fact 3 - He was living in a rehab/sober house with other unrelated adult males.
Fact 4 - He was found dead in the rehab/sober house.
Fact 5 - He was dead for 2 days before his death was reported according to JPD.
Fact 6 - No explanation of this man's death has been provided by authorities - either police, coroner, MDMH, or OH.

AND NOT A SINGLE NEWS AGENCY HAS SAID A WORD! They know about it but have chosen to remain silent. Why?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Robert.

Anonymous said...

KF - is it possible for someone, anyone to provide some basic facts about John Winfield? We have a lot of rumor flying, but no hard facts such as how old was he, where was he from, where did he work? These are BASIC things that should be reported about anyone that dies.

Anonymous said...

Ott and Lee Funeral Home posted an obituary on their website.

Anonymous said...

The two days thing is really fucked up.

Anonymous said...

If I have the time frame right, he would have died on Tuesday. However, there is a post under his name(assuming he is John William) on the nextdoor app 2 days ago, which would be Wednesday. And this post I am referring to ("Found dogs") didn't even seem like he posted it. I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Wait. What? He laid there for two days dead and nobody noticed? Somebody please explain to me how that happens?

Anonymous said...

Those of us that knew John know him as Brandon. Brandon fought for our country and saw so much, and it got the best of him. He never minded sharing the fact that he had PTSD. He was one of the FUNNIEST, most caring people you could know. He was sincerely one good egg. I hope he is finally at peace, and I hope an investigation will be done as to why he was deceased for so long before anyone was notified. He will be missed by so many...

Anonymous said...

When is the next Dept of Mental Health Board Meeting? This needs to be on the agenda

Anonymous said...

In honor of John W, as he was known to the neighborhood, or Brandon, as he was known to his friends, we must hold those responsible for the care and oversight of this operation accountable: Diana Mikula, Paul Molloy, Anna Stephens, Mark Stovall, and so forth.

No one should ever enter Oxford House, seeking treatment and sobriety, only to face their own demise. John W was the house president. The house president oversees his housemates but who oversees the house president? The Oxford House model failed in this regard. The democratic process intended by Molloy failed John W.

Mikula boasts of DMH's oversight of the house. One must ask whether this incident resulted from a lack of oversight or a flaw in the implementation of the oversight. Either way, the status quo is dangerous to all Oxford House residents. Mikula must resign.

Anonymous said...

No one is doubting that Brandon was a "good egg". I don't think anyone is calling his motives or sincerity into question. What I, and others, are calling into question are the motives and the sincerity of the Oxford House organization and the Stephens'. A recovering addict who happens to be a Veteran with PTSD is placed "in charge"of 6 other recently sober addicts living in a 1700 sq ft house. Only an idiot or a couple of pseudo-do-gooder money hungry liberals would expect this situation to end well. A man is dead. Had he been in a Harbour House or a similarly monitored situation perhaps he might still be alive. Shame on you Anna and Neil. Shame on you.

(insert fake name here) said...

@10:01 you erred in not entertaining the possibility that someone else may have acquired his login information and/ or device to log into next door. Acquisition of data happens all of the time. Acquisition of cellular devices and entry into them happens more frequently than most think. So either I'm wrong or someone was posting for him while he was dead or just simply used his name. Life isn't that complicated, really.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who listens to Benny Goodman,Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck,Erroll Garner,and Woody Herman,Stan Kenton,and Sarah Vaughan,must have an IQ above anyone who posts a negative comment about the deceased man from the Oxford House who meant no harm to anyone.The commentators on this BlogSpot make me sick at my stomach.The selfish people who care about nothing but themselves,who do not forgive those who may possibly trespass against them are truly destined for a place that good music,good people,and good nature will not be present.God forgive you selfish Assholes.You Haven't died yet so you really do not know what is next. John Has. God Rest His Soul.

Anonymous said...

It is in the interest of society to find ways to help those with substance abuse problems recover. It is a moral imperative to help our veterans with PTSD.
Bill, and no doubt members of our MHD as well are influenced by the Paul studies of the Oxford success rate. I would respectfully suggest that the key to the successes reported have to do with critical decisions and management in the homes studied rather than the concept. More attention to details like how locations were chosen, how residents were chosen, number of people per sq. foot and home design need closer scrutiny. Good plans can go awry if not properly implemented simply because key factors of success aren't well identified.
That said, it is disturbing to me that anyone of John's or Brandon's age could have their death ruled of " natural causes" without an autopsy unless that person had a known, imminently fatal medical condition with no need to add to family distress.
It also bothers me that in a house of 1700 sq. ft. not one of 6 others would notice any of the smells associated with death.
And, in any residential home setting absences overnight without explanation should not be expected and should be cause for concern. That should be especially true for this type of residential home and good " management" would mean checking to make sure the absent person in not on the premises ill or hurt.
I think we owe it to John/Brandon to be sure his death was indeed " natural causes". The man kindly described by those who cared about him is the kind of man who would want no less than an honest understanding of why he is no longer with us.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what happened in that house and it is odd that he was not discovered for so long, but the feigned concern of some commenters on this string for the ongoings in that house and the safety of its residents and the neighborhood is palpable. Admit what you want: proof of something sinister so that it will fit your narrative. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone who listens to Benny Goodman,Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck,Erroll Garner,and Woody Herman,Stan Kenton,and Sarah Vaughan,"

Who mentioned this? Lunatic.

Shoeless/Toothless said...


I didn't know that Eastover is a "bitch haven". Are there more bitches there than anywhere else in the metro? And by sister raping, are you referring to relatives or "sistuhs".

Is Eastover also a "whore haven"? I'm new to the area. And being a single guy, I've been searching diligently for a whore haven. If in fact, Eastover is rife with whores, would you happen to know if any houses are for sale? Not interested in raping anyone, but being a single guy, Eastover may just fit my lecherous lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

OH has demonstrated once again what happens in their unregulated, unsupervised, and unaccountable "homes". We have also been treated to how they deal with any incident in one of their "homes" - say nothing, admit nothing, make counter accusations.

Ms. Mikula and the Board of Mental Health created this mess. Clean it up or you will see a ballot initiative to clean it up.

Anonymous said...

Natural causes? Bull$hit. A 33 year old male living In a rehab house and is reported dead two days after death and it is ruled natural causes? One less autopsy. Again Bull$hit. A natural causes ruling works great for JPD because they have one less investigation to conduct. Coroner has one less death to investigate. OH has no culpability. And MDMH is off the hook. Of course they want natural causes ruling. They walk without any culpability. Bull$hit.

Anonymous said...

9:21 (and many other posters) is right - just speculate it was Ebola and we'll get an autopsy in HazMat suits and then MAYBE one other "news" outlet might report this story. UMMC still insists on asking a patient if he/she has been in Africa in the last 21 days when you REGISTER in the ER. Obviously, it MIGHT have happened, so let's force the investigation.

And whoever posted " the feigned concern of some commenters on this string for the ongoings in that house and the safety of its residents and the neighborhood is palpable."

Uh, just how many unexplained deaths in healthy 33 year olds will it take to change the so-called "feigned" concern to real concern.

A sad speculation - was this young vet with PTSD collecting a check from the VA as a service-connected disability? Could that have something to do with his housemates not reporting his death? This needs a financial/forensic investigation as well as a medical one. Of course, that would be way beyond the competence of the JPD and the DA.

Anonymous said...

You OH posters need to get your geography correct. The house in question is located in Leftover not Eastover. The folks most concerned about this issue are in Audubon and Sherwood. Unless you have $750k PLUS (couple of million in some cases) you will not be locating OH in Eastover.

Anonymous said...

MDMH will do nothing but cover this up since they have done nothing but sing the praises of OH at all Mental Health Board Meetings.
Mental Health Board fully supports OH and is complicit with the operation of these "houses".
OH will DEFINITELY cover this up. Civil Liability.
Landlord Definitely wants this to go away. Civil Liability.
JPD just wants it to go away. Not enough manpower as it is due to budget cut.
Local News outlets are closet supporters of OH.

Suggest MBI or FBI be contacted. Anyone can file a complaint. Just walk in the door.
We now have a death in an OH. This is no longer the legalities of OH location and taxpayer money being used.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly a 33 year male living in a rehab house is reported dead. Since we given no facts to work with by the elected and appointed authorities we are left to conjecture and speculation. So doing a little speculating, I wonder who was,contacted BEFORE a call was made to JPD? Were any instructions given? We're other calls made? Certainly not an uncommon scenario especially when a death is suspicious. Something happened in that house and I certainly do not believe it was "natural causes". Of course we will never know because no one in authority or with responsibility is talking. We don't need Matlock to figure this one out.

Anonymous said...

All you attorneys tell us what you think - does the family of this young man have a civil liability claim against OH and the landlord if other than"natural causes" is found?

Anonymous said...

The house in question is located in Leftover not Eastover.

Wrong. Just tipped your hand as a non-local troll trying to cover tracks.

Anonymous said...

Big question is why was Anna and her father there? Ministry issues?

Anonymous said...

Leftover is a sarcastic term we use because we do not have the money to live in Eastover. Guess we know who the none local troll is...LMAO.

Anonymous said...

11:03 - No.

Anonymous said...

11:07 - can you let my realtor know that I actually live in Eastover and not "Leftover"? It sure will help my comps.

Anonymous said...

11:29 - thanks OH for the quick response.

Anonymous said...

For the OH gang a little terminology lesson:

Leftover is a self deprecating term that we who live beside Eastover use about our neighborhood. The OH in question is located in "Leftover". You would not know this term unless you actually lived here. Got it, Good.

Anonymous said...

Lawsuit is written all over this. All of Longwitz's legwork will come into play. Current and former MDMH employees plus their OH provided outreach agents will be deposed. Rack 'em up.

Anonymous said...

Keep at it @11:24 AM. Keep digging.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone who listens to Benny Goodman,Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck,Erroll Garner,and Woody Herman,Stan Kenton,and Sarah Vaughan,must have an IQ above anyone who posts.... blah blah blah"
November 7, 2015 at 3:52 AM

Congratulations! You've just described the record collections of many of the more elderly residents of the neighborhood being destroyed by Chicken Ranch Anna's Flophouse Franchise. And you've described the sort of music preferred by my Great-grandparents and their peers/cousins (They were Jewish, as are many of the extremely elderly persons being endangered by the presence of the flophouse).

Are you describing the contents of homes you've broken-into recently? Or, are you buying your music at thrift stores? Did you acquire your "collection" from a dumpster, after the trash-out of a deceased ninety-something's Messina Heights home? Were you on the demolition crew, over at the late Genevieve Falk's house, while the museum-quality interior was being gutted? OR... is the SEVENTH bedroom at 2230 East Northside Drive actually the ATTIC? Did you find a stash of old records up there, while you were clearing a spot for your air mattress? I'm just curious.

Robert P. Wise said...

Sherwood Forest is NOT Leftover. Leftover is the area on Eastover Drive immediately West of Eastover. Sherwood Forest is a more secluded area to the East and North.

As to John W:

Receive him O Lord, for he returns to you.

Anonymous said...

"The OH in question is located in "Leftover"." But it is not. Got it? Good.

Anonymous said...

Troll @11:47 AM digs the hole even deeper.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts from someone who isn't tied in to any of this...It's so funny to read how someone will put something on here and suddenly it becomes a fact. This is not the source of facts. It's sad that a person has died who many of you cared nothing about and all the sudden you are demanding answers to the "facts" stated on this laughable blog. It's sad that a self-proclaimed lobbyist (who isn't much of an attorney Or a lobbyist OR a looker, for that matter) has the time to take pictures in front of a dead person's house & then blast the pictures to anyone who will listen. It's funny the only "bite" she got is from this laughable blog of misinformation. No other media outlet cares (and trust me, I'm not calling this laughable blog a media outlet-far far from it). It's sad that real crime goes on all day everyday in and near your neighborhood & all you (and your senator) care about is a home where people are trying to get a new start on life. It's sad that your neighborhood home values are dropping daily & all you can so is sit around & post on this crap. Restaurants in your area are closing by the hour (julep & Islander, to name the latest), & again all you and your senator care about is this house. Keep on blogging. Y'all. Are. Sad. Pieces. Of. Work.

Anonymous said...

If you want to split hairs over where leftover ends and the vaunted Sherwood begins then go for it. It ain't Eastover for sure!

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to read how someone like the Anonymous @12:47 PM will blast some condemnation on here "from someone who isn't tied in to any of this" and suddenly think they've accomplished something. Poor. Misguided. Rube.

Anonymous said...

12:47...most truthful post I've read. But, I disagree on one point. There are some facts in this blog...there are LOTS of bitches in Eastover and leftover, for that matter!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to convey how great a person truly is. John was truly great... Exemplary..
Some of you are concerned with your own agenda so much that you forgot how to be decent.

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (conceited, self-important, exclusive), but associate with humble people (those with a realistic self-view). Do not overestimate yourself.


Anonymous said...

Robert I have always heard leftover used as a disparaging local tongue in cheek term used to describe the areas adjacent to Eastover that are not technically in Eastover such as Audubon/Sherwood. Does leftover have a legal definition? Is it a defined area on a map?

Anonymous said...

Dear "someone who isn't tied in to any of this,"
You miss the point. Most people are upset BECAUSE of his tragic death. With the way this place is (not) being run, we all knew something bad would happen. We just could not have predicted that a great guy and a veteran would be the first victim. If he was critically ill, SOMEBODY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT. If he was critically ill, HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SUPERVISING RECOVERING ADDICTS.

Oxford House is failing people. They failed John W.

Anonymous said...

I have always heard leftover used as a disparaging local tongue in cheek term used to describe the areas adjacent to Eastover that are not technically in Eastover such as Audubon/Sherwood.

Bullshit. Never was anything but a designation for a specific area to the immediate west of Eastover. Keep digging troll.

Robert P Wise said...

No, just my long understanding. Not disparaging really to be next to the best.

I do hope someone can explain how John and his dog could go undetected 48 hours. He deserved better than that. He deserves the thanks of his country.

Anonymous said...

Sadly Robert I believe this is over. Just like the OH furor died off to nothing as soon as the primary was over, I suspect this will be forgotten by most come Monday. Will Longwitz has done more than I have ever seen a politician do, but he is a lone voice. MDMH has a lot of support in the House. Not sure why but apparently they do. OH is only seen as an issue by those in its immediate vicinity. I suspect most residents living around it, but not able to actually see it from their house have no more than a passing concern. Short sighted but since it does not affect them today they see no reason to do anything. This young man is a casualty of ambivalence. OH is clearly culpable, but there seems little outrage in the neighborhood. OH has won another round.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully 4:35 PM your opinion of what will happen vis-a-vis OH by the incoming Legislature is only that.

Anonymous said...

4:35pm, how has their been little outrage by the neighborhood? There are more comments on this post than ever before in all of the OH posts.

Methinks you are curiously trying to put out this fire too soon. Is this Anna or Harvey or Diana or some other Oxford House troll?

Anonymous said...

Only jealous, insecure, and mean spirited women need to call other women " bitches". The same is true for men who can't get a date and have to rely on being bullies.

Sadly, those women and men can be found in every neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had written the comments of 12:47 first. Just got through reading all the crap on here and have to agree entirely. The 'experts' on here that want to continue bitching about OH - feigning concern over one of the residents that they have been wanting to evict up until now - and 'demanding answers', would be laughable if it didn't expose such a sorry excuse of humanity that feels appropriate to comment anonymously their assumptions of facts. Calling in the MBI because someone was found dead in their house? Damn! Was their any evidence of foul play? Why don't y'all go and create an entire website where you can spend all day fuming and bitching about OH. Maybe then some degree of civility may return to JJ. (BTW, take your imitation of a Senator with you.)

Anonymous said...

"I do hope someone can explain how John and his dog could go undetected 48 hours. "

What?!? How can six people NOT NOTICE a dog hasn't been fed for 48 hours? This is getting more and more suspicious - were they all passed out in there on drugs? Carbon monoxide poisoning? This screams for an autopsy.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that John's truck was in the drive as the photos clearly show.

Anonymous said...

7:28 - I sure hope the civility does not return too soon since no one would read JJ if everyone was "civil". You fail to understand the joy of JJ. It is the one place we can REALLY complain or "bitch" as you refer to it. It is like a rowdy town meeting where everyone is yelling their opinion at the "speaker" or each other. One things for sure, this blog is like wrestling with a pig, you are both going to get nasty but the pig loves it.

Thank you KF. Keep the mud flying.

Focus on what's important - someone's life. said...

Many of you people are absolute idiots, fascinated with your own stupidity. The fact that someone dies in a residence and you go ballistic just because that residence was the same facility that you got worked up about during last summer's election season. And all the while you are fascinated that 'the media' is not covering this.

The Jackson media - as pathetic as it is - hasn't written anything about this because it isn't news. People die in this city and everywhere else every day. Even 30 year old folks. And their deaths aren't considered to be anything unusual unless and until something provides a hint that there was foul play.

The only 'foul play' here was that it was in an OH, and you jump to the conclusion that the owners are at fault; the other residents are at fault; the MDMH is at fault. You skip right over all the true facts - those that you know and even bitch about before; i.e. that MDMH does not provide supervision. Without supervision, how were they to know of his death? But do other landlords go inside all rental units every day to make sure their residents are alive and well? Of course not.

This was evidently a fine individual trying to get his life straight. And all you want to do is to use it to again raise your flag in the fight against the OH program.

PS - Good luck on thinking the MS Legislature can do anything to change this program next session. As has been well discussed and cussed on this damn site too many times already, there is no state funding involved in the OH program. Even though many injected this non-issue into last summer's campaigns, the legislature will not do anything that removes these facilities from their current locations. And frankly, based on how this has developed since all the crap quit flying after August 4th, I haven't seen the sky fall over the Sherwood Forest neighborhood or any of the other neighborhoods in Jackson or elsewhere in the state,

Anonymous said...

Civil! Heaven forbid. Take all the fun out it. JJ is the one place you can needle someone into a full white spittle Donner meltdown. JJ is daily stop for me...sometimes more when something like this is happening. Can't get local news anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

You really told 'em all off 9:39. WOW. You are somebody very, very special.

Anonymous said...

9:38 - your elucidation is...interesting and your recitation mostly complete. Just wondering the following:
Why was the landlord at the house if this is such a non event? Hard to determine foul play without an investigation. Sure the brief questioning went something like this with the residents: JPD - "you see anything unusual" , Resident - " Nothing", JPD report - 'nothing unusual seen". Must be natural causes. Quincy they are not.

You are right about one thing, getting the MS House or Senate to do anything will be very tough. They really like to be liked. Makes them feel,bad when people don't like them. Very similar to the U.S. congress. They hold a majority but are terrified to use it. Democrats are definitely not timid. They will ram something down your throat in a New York second.

Anonymous said...

9:38 - The salary and benefits of the MDMH employees that administer the OH program are paid with MS taxpayer dollars. Every hour they spend on the program admin is chargeable to the MS taxpayer. MS most certainly pays for this program.

It's A Mess said...

It's not as if the coroner is some sort of royalty secluded in a bunker, untouchable and unaccountable. Hound his ass until he explains himself. Who decides when a coroner fucks up? He is not supreme. Does it need to go before a grand jury? Who investigates the investigator (coroner)?

After a hundred and a half posts, even one from a guy who, while sipping a brandy, says he has signed hundred of death certificates, it's clear nobody agrees with the coroner's hurried assessment.

Do NOT let them cremate the body. Where is the District Attorney?

Focus on what's important - someone's life. said...

9:38 here. I don't disagree with an autopsy, although I freely admit that I don't know what the law calls for in a case like this. As to why the landlords were there - think that is absolutely normal. If I owned a property and one of the tenants died, ambulances, police and coroner there I would show up as well. The MDMH employees will still be paid by the state administering all the other programs under their purview. Granted, MDMH is just like every other state agencies as to staffing - forget all about OH - you could eliminate many of them and save money even without eliminating the programs. In the case of OH - eliminate the program and the employees will still draw the same salary. Net effect on the state budget - None.

Hinds County Coroner. You don't need this case to 'hound {her} ass' for an explanation and plenty of reason to question competence.

My point was - despite all the comments about JJ is not a place for civility but rather a town hall where people can bitch and wrestle with pigs - this particular situation is dealing with an individual that died. All you f&&kups that have nothing better to do and no more respect for individuals should learn a little respect. Your bitching isnt going to change anything, just make you feel important somehow. But your comments, crude as they are, are also heard by plenty of others that don't find entertainment value in wrestling with pigs at a time of bereavement.

Why don't y'all all let us know when your mother, father, son, brother, etc pass away so we can come on here and make nasty comments about the deceased's asshole kinfolk.

Anonymous said...

A vet 48 hours dead in his room with his dog; his truck still in the carport; a president of the house no one had seen; no one inquired; all while the house was at "full capacity" at 7.

As Oscar Wilde said in The Importance of Being Earnest of the widow on the death of her third husband:

"It's all beginning to appear a bit careless...."

Anonymous said...

The MDMH employees will still be paid by the state administering all the other programs under their purview. Granted, MDMH is just like every other state agencies as to staffing - forget all about OH - you could eliminate many of them and save money even without eliminating the programs. In the case of OH - eliminate the program and the employees will still draw the same salary. Net effect on the state budget - None.

You are clearly ignorant as to the matter of funding the OH field outreach workers.

Anonymous said...

All of you OH people, pro and con, are slap ass crazy.

Anonymous said...

10:21 - I have reviewed the comments and no one has said anything negative about the deceased or his family. In fact everything I have read has been neutral to supportive. I have however read MANY comments from the OH supporters that want everyone to just move on, nothing out of the norm here, etc. JJ is not a bereavement blog. It is a place that people can post their concerns about issues in their neighborhood or city regradless of the issue. And a death is a MAJOR issue no matter who dies or why. The events that lead to this mans death are of great concern to many. You obviously don't share that same level of concern. You certainly have every right to that opinion. Many of us have an opposite opinion. And JJ is the one place we can express it.

Ever notice how the OH support folks always turn to profanity, insults, and potty mouth. That usually happens when they run out of arguments.

Can't We Just Be Civil And Live Together? said...

So, let me get this straight. In order to refer to NE Jackson bitches as bitches, I either have to be a man who can't get a date or a jealous and mean spirited woman.

Not a chance I could actually be correct, is there?

Sounds to me like a bitch can't handle being identified as a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better!

Anonymous said...

I was indifferent as to OH before all this. Given the ridiculous reactions by those in NEJAX, though, I sincerely hope OH commits to putting another dozen houses in that dying sinkhole of real estate.

Focus on what's important - someone's life. said...

12:20. I am not an OH supporter or detractor. I don't give a damn about it. I recognize the need for these facilities, and I do 'hate' the folks that think they are wonderful, just not in their backyard. Granted, I would prefer that one not be in my neighborhood, but I don't have a good reason to defend that except for built in prejudices. So, I have come to recognize that they are not all the 'bad' things that the detractors on this site have accused them to be. Having learned more about them, found out that many have been existing and the neighborhood didn't even know about it. So - I have tempered my thoughts on them and recognize that one could be in my neighborhood and I don't know it.

But just because it is an OH, I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that so many on here have done that there was (1) something wrong; (2) it is being covered up; (3) that the other residents might be involved, because, you know, we all know that they are.........{name your choice of issues}; (4) the coroner is a crook; (5) the landlord was involved; (6) the State Bureau of Investigation should be brought in; -- all without any facts or evidence, just the assumption because they don't like the facility.

Sorry. I'm getting closer to the attitude expressed by 5:02. Given the ridiculous reaction by these assholes my opinion is changing.

Demand An Autopsy said...

After all is said and done and this thread has run its course, nothing matters other than the REAL cause of this man's demise!

Anonymous said...

"Dirty sinkhole of real estate"...I couldn't have said it any better. That's exactly how I feel looking from the outside at the crazy bizarre behavior of these less-than-human creeps that stand around in front a dead person's house, take pictures, send them to their senator and this website....THEY are the ones that need help. If the mighty senator and these crazies had just left the house alone, they'd be doing their thing & getting on with life. Instead, they want all this trashy publicity over nothing. They want to claim they are doing it for the people or for taxpayers. One big word-BULLSHIT. They are doing it for themselves because they don't want it in their backyard. Again, I'm calling BULLSHIT. The lady that took the pictures & the people who post on here are creeps. Someone else may have already said that. I didn't bother reading the 100 posts on here. I find their behavior & attitudes sad, very sad.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS