Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Madison County primary elections 2015

Here are the sample ballots for the Madison County primaries as well as the ads for all Madison County candidates who advertised their campaigns on this site.  This is your thread to go at it in Madison County elections.  Yes, that includes you Billingsley and Longwitz knuckleheads.  Tomorrow will be Rankin County.  Thursday will be Hinds County. 

If a candidate's ad is not up here even though he advertises on the site, its because I was not sent a 450 x 200 pixel sized ad.


Anonymous said...

Why are so many interested in the Justice Court Judge gig? I know times are tough in the legal world, but there is no way to get a ROI after campaign time/expenses.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me Bill Weisenberger is not going to get reelected. Aren't we smarter than that? I'm voting for Kelly Williams. Please join with me! I've known Kelly for 10 years. She will not embarrass any of us the way Weisenberger has.

Anonymous said...

We have got to clean house in Madison County Board of Supervisors. Tray Baxter is the key. It's the most important supervisor district and we have to beat john Howland!!!

Anonymous said...

There are some hot women running for office in Madison County!

Anonymous said...

Blayne Ingram is by far the best candidate for justice court judge. Face it people a judge needs to be a lawyer, plain and simple. Featherhead and Williams are cute novelty candidates, but Blayne is the only one that's even plausible

Anonymous said...

I thought judicial races were supposed to be about fairness and impartiality. There is nothing fair or impartial about the way Bill Weisenberger has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. Any candidate who says Bill is not qualified to be judge is also telling you that they have no regard for due process.

Anonymous said...

Dumping Crosby is top priority, too. Like Tim Johnson, once he got elected to the board, he's been able to suddenly quit work and live a very lavish lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

You would actually be surprised how much goes on in justice court. There are thousands upon thousands of collection cases adding up to millions of dollars for companies that are settled in that court. This is important for the businesses who are owed money, for the collection agencies and collections attorneys, and justice court is also a major, major revenue generator for the county governments.

Anonymous said...

Or does anybody know, or can anybody find out how much money justice court generates in fines and fees every month for Madison county? I don't know what it is, but I guarantee you would be shocked by the number.

Anonymous said...

My friend Mayor Mary has been standing up to the county bullies for years now. They have treated Mary so badly that I don't know how she keeps it up. It is a true testament to her faith in God to protect her from such evil. Please, please let's take this chance to finally clean up county government in Madison County. Mary deserves this victory, and our future depends on it.

Anonymous said...

Please give me a break with the Weisenberger sob story! A sitting judge has to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. If you do not think Bill Weisenberger has appeared improper up to this point, there is no helping you, and you should probably lose the franchise.

Anonymous said...

Quick question. Who the hell is Trey Baxter and why should I care?

toejangle said...

Agree with 10:05----The Madison county supervisors have to be voted out, they have shown that honesty is not one of their virtues and integrity is non starter with them----They have to go !!! At least the new crew can be trusted and they are honest.

Anonymous said...

An election IS the court of public opinion.

Anonymous said...

10:20 -----
Why hello Queen Mary.....

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why you should care about trey Baxter. He's a McDaniel clone, that's why. There are so many McDanielites running undercover in Madison County, that if they all win, on election day they will get together and have a big tea party.

Anonymous said...

@10:20 - "Mary deserves this victory"
What "victory" are you referring to? If you mean Queen Mary's race then that shows your "friend" is running for a state-wide position to simply get her way with Madison County and that will be her focus.
If you are referring to the Madison County BOS then that appears that there are candidates hand-picked by her to run so she can get her claws further into the county.
Madison County has gone too long where a candidate lives or dies at the polls based on her endorsement. 30+ years is too long to be a mayor and her backstabbing, lies, and crooked politics need to stop.
I hope too many people don't choke on their Madison Kool-Aid Tuesday when you all see how the rest of the state views her and she is embarrassed by the numbers she gets.

Anonymous said...

Rudy Warnock owns John HowLand. He financed his campaign and his men put up Howland's signs. Howland votes with the Canton Democrats every time. End the corruption and vote for Trey Baxter.

Anonymous said...

Since he doesn't dodge issues can one of you Bill Billingsley supporters get a statement out of your rock-ribbed conservative Republican candidate to explain why he has made generous campaign contributions to all of these LIBERAL Congressional DEMOCRATS?

Senator Max Baucus
House Representative Xavier Becerra
Senator Kent Conrad
Senator Russ Feingold
House Representative Harold Ford, Jr.
House Representative James McGovern
Senator Ken Salazar
House Representative Ronnie Shows
Senator Debbie Stabenow

Since the primary is for all the marbles this year Republican voters in SD#25 deserve an explanation.

Anonymous said...

There is no way this crooked and corrupt Board of Supervisors survives this time. Mary has finally done what she has been working on for years. With Jill and Sheila on board, she can really straighten out the county mess now. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Puppets. All puppets.

Anonymous said...

Steen is worse than all of them..I have had the opportunity to help jill ford campaign. It is so sad how uninformed voters are.. Unfortunately due to the ignorance of the voters in Madison county we will be stuck with the same 3 stooges again, and everyone will wonder why the same crap will continue in Canton. You will get what you deserve

Anonymous said...

There are two major private citizens behind the two sides in the Madison County supervisors races.
One of them is Rudy Warnock. Everybody knows who Rudy is. He has run for office and lost. He has had his hands and money in every county race anyone can name for as long as anybody can remember. Everybody knows he has gotten lots and lots of county work for many years. Some people hate him for it. Some people love him for it. Some people profit from it. Some people hate him for it. Some people want the business for themselves.

The other private citizen behind Madison County politics is Andy Taggart. Everybody knows who Andy is. He has run for office and won. He served as a county supervisor. He has had his hands and money in every county race anyone can name for as long as anybody can remember. Everybody knows Andy wants lots and lots of legal work from Madison County. Some people hate him for it. Some people love him for it. Some people want to profit from it. But there can be no denying that Andy Taggart wants the county business for himself

So, there you have it. All the fog and confusion has just been removed from the Madison County supervisors races. You are welcome.
Now, for my opinion:

Between these two private citizens, I, for better or for worse, choose the one who is operating honestly. Andy Taggert is not operating honestly. Andy Taggart cloaks himself in Christianity while using his name and his face to get government business for himself. That is not honest. That is vulgar and he should be ashamed. Andy Taggart will be first in line at the trough if his slate of candidates wins election to the Madison County Board of Supervisors. He cheated the public when he slipped in his replacement at the last second on the Board of Supervisors. He is a very smooth operator, and if his candidates when, and the tagger is going to be the new political mastermind of Madison County politics and money

Anonymous said...

Queen Mary is laughing all the way to Canton. She has the entire state distracted with this auditors race circus. Meanwhile, she is working the phone and sending her people door to door for these supervisors races. You can call her a sociopathic monster in a clown costume , but you cannot call her a fool

bill said...

11:06, you conveniently left the dates off those contributions, but they all occurred when I was on the political action committee for the National Association for Home Health and Hospice, my industry's main lobbying group in D.C. I was even the chairman of it for a couple of years. One thing I learned from taking care of so many Medicare patients is that Washington runs on money, and I supported members of Congress who were either friendly to my industry or who we wanted to convince to be friendly. Most of the contributions I made were part of formal fundraisers that our PAC hosted for the members, and I led by example. I wasn't going to ask our members to write a check if I wasn't going to write one first. Becerra was related to one of my managers in Colorado, and Shows was a friend that I met over a beer in the airport. Both were supporters of my industry.

Any other questions? Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you mean by uninformed voters. A large section of the electorate in Madison has been informed how they should vote in these supervisor elections. I guess it went something like this. "Vote for a clean sweep."
Please tell me how it is an informed choice to vote for a so-called sweep if you have no idea why you are voting that way. I understand that the Board of Supervisors has always done a terrible job of public relations and explaining their choices, as in the case of the recreational lake in the north county. Karl & Paul don't care about what you think of them. Just don't pretend that you even know what you're voting against. You're not informed. You're uninformed. And gullible.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Kelly does not inspire confidence. And don't call me sexist. Judge Marsha Weems Stacey has done a great job every time I've been in her court. She's in control and tough. Very no nonsense. Kelly just seems confused mostly.

Anonymous said...

I was a Longwitz supporter, until I met him. I like your style Bill. You don't dodge questions and I know you don't need the money. You are a leader who has run a big company and will fight for the issues, even if I don't agree on every issue I have to respect that about you. This is not a paid post...I don't know Bill personally, but my wife did work at Gilbert's until it was sold to Gentiva... Never was the same.

Anonymous said...

By uninformed, I mean, most people I spoke to had no idea whose district they live in and I knocked on over 50 doors in a neighborhood in the city of Madison

Anonymous said...

I know Steen ran on a platform of no new taxes, and he was the swing vote to raise our taxes. And he voted to re-appoint Rudy. That's all I need to know that he is a liar and typical politician

Anonymous said...

For those scoring Mr. Billingsley is happy to grease the skids of any politico of any political persuasion if their hands are on the levers and if elected will happily allow his own to get greased. There are probably any number of Oxford House "friendly" PACs who will eagerly jump to the front of the line to earn his friendship.

Anonymous said...

You cannot judge the entire political career or the character of a person by a couple of votes. Gerald stain is a good person, a good Christian man and a good friend to many many people. I know the city of Madison has been really whipped up to support Jill Ford. It's been particularly disappointing to see how both Jill and Sheila started from day one with these nasty, negative finger wagging attack campaigns. Would somebody please ask Jill and Sheila what they would do positive for Madison County? Of course, it's fine to disagree with somebody's votes. But Gerald and John Bell both care deeply about their home towns, Madison and ridgeland The people who have been voting for them four years are not going to abandon them just because Mary is once again having another conniption for the 10th time.

Anonymous said...

Dear God, oh please our sweet dear merciful God in heaven, please, please, please do not let this turn into another Oxford house thread. Please, people. Please give us just one thread's break without Oxford house histrionics. Did I say please? Please.

Anonymous said...

Gerald Stain? That was a slip of the tongue, right?

Anonymous said...

Campaign contributions have consequences.

NRA Rating = A

NRA Rating = C

NRA Rating = D

NRA Rating = F
Ford, Jr.

New to the County but Not to the Metro said...

Trey Baxter could be running on the ISIS ticket and I'd vote for him over John Howland.

Anonymous said...

Shelia will win because Mary picked her.

Jill will NOT win because Mary picked her.

People in Madison like Mary, want her to have what she wants. People in Ridgeland can not stand Mary. People in the county do not like Mary. Steen might not be the best, but he is better than a Mary "puppet". Jill made a bad mistake aligning herself with Mary's group and hoping and thinking she would get Ridgeland's vote. Not going to happen. Her saying she has no allegiance to either city has not helped either. No matter who wins between John Bell and Shelia, Madison has someone with allegiance. If Jill wins Ridgeland is out in the cold. Not a well thought out campaign.

Shelia will be a good Sup. she is smart, honorable, well respected and has no need to take the kick backs or favors. Jill would probably bring something good to the board, but her "water bottle" interviews turned people off along with the big things listed above.

Shelia is in. Jill will not make the cut.

Anonymous said...

You just have to like Jill Ford. She is simply amazing

Anonymous said...

Okay. Please handicap the John Howland and trey Baxter race. That one seems a little harder to call.

Anonymous said...

To 12:34

All that is B.S. We are going to kick them out for squandering tax payer dollars----A first grade student could make better fiscal decisions than these clowns. Visit the park on Sulphur Springs rd. and you can see corruption at work !!

Anonymous said...

12:52, who cares. Those individuals also shaped other industries. The fact that NRA likes or dislikes anyone is no barometer whether they'd be a good statesman.

Anonymous said...

Please please please, let's kick out the Rudy Warnock gang. Vote Sheila, Trey and Jill

Anonymous said...

OK, I just received a negative mail piece in my mailbox from Troy Baxter. So far, he and Lynn Fitch are the only negative pieces we have received. I have to say he does a good job of boiling down his four issues in this campaign. Lake, Airport, Galleria, Rudy. Very clear, which is good.
But here is what I am having trouble getting my mind around. Any board of supervisors is going to make some spending decisions I disagree with. That is inevitable. As the old saying goes, you can't please everybody all the time. So, somebody please explain to me why Madison County will be automatically better off by replacing these three supervisors with another three. Won't they also make spending decisions we disagree with sometimes?
I don't know about the claim that the mayor of Madison "controls" these three challengers. Maybe that's true, maybe it's false. Seems to depend on who you ask the question. Let's suppose they are all three independent actors from the mayor of Madison. If they are, then that concerns me since the three of them added up together have exactly zero experience in public office and in managing public money. this will put them at the mercy of the two Democrats from the north part of the county, right? That concerns me on its face.
Then, let's assume that the three challengers ARE controlled by the mayor of Madison. Based on information I recall from the last Madison mayoral election, the city of Madison basically has no money. The decisions the mayor has made, while they have been good for safety and aesthetics and home value, have not put the city of Madison in a sound fiscal shape. I believe the term is "broke". So, if the main issue is truly the financial health of Madison County, and if the mayor of Madison will be running these three candidates, Madison County just might then be in a worse financial position with these challengers than it is in right now with the incumbents.

That's just a pure fiscal analysis, nothing else. It does not consider personality politics. I'm just throwing it out there.

Anonymous said...

Amazing? Impressive? Really?? I disagree. Jill Ford gives the term "airhead" new meaning.

Anonymous said...

"Trey Baxter could be running on the ISIS ticket and I'd vote for him over John Howland. "

Ding Ding Ding!
12:56 wins the Internet for today!

Anonymous said...

Okay. Just saw the "Queen Mary the Puppeteer" mail piece. Kudos. Just rock solid work. Very clever, and it has a higher production value than anything that has ever been done in Madison County. I don't have the technology, but could someone please post it here so all can enjoy?

Anonymous said...

Many people care about 2nd Amendment rights 1:58 PM. You must have missed Bill Billingsley's comments on the same. Would he haved made a campaign video about gun rights if nobody cared? Of course not. His financial support for liberal Democrats who would like to restrain or even roll back those rights is something for any concerned Senate District 25 voter wanting to protect our rights to consider.

Anonymous said...

There is a clear difference between caring about the 2nd Amendment and your right to have a gun and what the NRA does. The NRA is to the 2nd Amendment what Westboro Baptist Church is to abortion, just with sharper suits.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I have no trouble holding in my head both of these thoughts:

(1) many incumbents in Madison County are corrupt and should be voted out; and

(2) just because Mayor Mary is their enemy, doesn't make her an honest person or to be trusted as state auditor.

It's not either/or, it's both/and.

bill said...

12:25, you're wrong on both points. I wasn't happy to write those checks, but it was the right thing to do back then because I was asking others to do the same thing. Your suggestion that I might have my palm greased by anyone also deserves a comment. Are you talking about a political contribution? Sure, I'll take your check as long as you aren't someone I personally don't want to have on my donor list, such as Rudy Warnock or some of that crew. However, I'll tell you the same thing that I've told everyone else. Present me with a good bill then I'll vote for it regardless of whether you've donated to my campaign. Present me with a bad bill then I'll vote against it regardless of whether you've donated to my campaign. One thing I promise not to do is to ask you to support my summer fundraiser at the same time that you're trying to win my vote on one of your bills. That's how career politicians act, and that's a big part of why I'm running - to reduce the number of career politicians in the State Senate by one.

Now, if you're suggesting that I can be bribed then that's a discussion that needs to take place in person, so I can use my superior persuasive ability to convince you of your error. Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

Out of all the justice court candidates, is anybody actually from Madison County? That would give me some comfort in knowing how to vote, even if they're not a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

3:08, like 12:25 - presuming you're both not the same person - you are making a silly argument if you think Billingsley donated to Democrats that long ago for any other reason than trying to help his industry. Are you saying he's lying with his explanation? Why don't you appreciate it that he's at least being responsive to the questions? Does it matter than only three of them are still in Congress? You're another example of someone who has never met the guy.

Anonymous said...

Question for Mr. Billingsley, what caused you to have a change of heart after you retired? As you stated, you made lots of money off the government during your career. You retire and became a Chris McDaniel-supporting tea party conservative. What gives, and why did you only seem to have such a change of heart after you retired from profiting from the government and taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of the TP'ers, but having to respond to people like 4:31 is what repels me from ever wanting to serve in the legislature. Geez, people. Being a fiscal conservative and successfully operating a business that provides health care to government beneficiaries are not mutually exclusive. What morons in our electorate we have.

Anonymous said...

Profiting from the Government and Taxpayers? Whose left to make money off of? Obviously you are the smartest wife of a candidate in the room! If you, or the candidate you support/married to, ever created a job or ran a business you may have some clue as to what he may have been thinking. Longwitz lives off the government. Never hired a single sole in the business world and has not had one accomplishment professionally other than suing the city of Ridgleand to let someone put out an OBAMA sign in their yard. Excuse me while I take a breath and admire that professional resume.

And to address 12:25, I don't think you need to be talking about donations with your candidates reputation for SQUEEZING money from lobbyist at let's say the time that a bill they want to pass is coming up for a vote. It is well documented how Will has done that. Ask any lobbyist! They all know...

Anonymous said...

Interesting that there is zero interest on this thread in the Bartley-Bomgar race. It is a good one. Very different constituencies, but two well run campaigns. And clean. Nice to see.

Anonymous said...

12:58 pm, your wrong and do not speak for me. I live in the county and very much like the mayor Mary, wish we had the same code restrictions in the county.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for her opponent as I want Mayor Mary to stay put and keep being a tiger mom for Madison. I don't even live there now but plan to retire that way, in part because of the way she has managed to keep property values high and crime low.

And to the guy who liked Longwitz til he met him, I had the polar opposite experience. I met him at a non political event and his passion about Lenora's Law changed me to a fan. If you don't know what that is, you should. I worked in the legal end of registering sex offenders for years and it is eye opening to say the least. They were across the board not someone you wanted running around unmonitored. For instance, I found one working as an ice cream truck driver, and another driving school buses on the coast. These were convicted child molesters.

Anonymous said...

you're (you are) not your.

And I stand corrected, should have said I do not know anyone that lives in the county that likes Mary.

It is still hurting Jill being in the gang of three. Mary will have the purse strings of the county with these three in. Ridgeland will be the furthest out of the loop, the county will get some but not a fair shake.

I have not met one single person that lives in the city limits of Ridgeland that will say they are voting for Jill. I hate it, I do not want to vote for Gerald but I want my interest looked after more than I want him defeated. I hope the other 2 win to clean up the mess. Gerald is harmless without his partners but he will look out for Ridgeland. I wish someone from within Ridgeland would have stepped up to run
In my opinion, Ridgeland can not afford to take the chance.

Anonymous said...

The Bomgar Bartley race has been getting crazy. You must not be paying attention. Bomgar has an agenda to completely undermine education. If he's successful there is no way our schools won't suffer. I do not want a homeschooler making decisions that affect my children and their wonderful public school. If he wants to homeschool his own kids that is fine. But don't lie to us and try to say that he is pro-education! He is giving money to Empower Mississippi, whose agenda is to destroy public schools and outsource education to charter schools and voucher programs.
Bruce Bartley may not be the best candidate but he is not Bomgar.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an interesting read, multiply times 82 and it's no wonder that Mississippi is in the shape we are. Some WIN some Loose, some wonder how they got there-others worked hard to get there, until we Control those Lobbyist $$$ on the County, State and Federal level--they all seem to Work for the Lobbyist

Anonymous said...

Who is Mary's candidate in Billingsley vs Longwitz? Take note Ridgeland, it is Bill Billingsley.

Anonymous said...

You can ask for a Mulligan on your campaign contributions to Democrats but it is up to each Republican voter to decide whether or not to give you one. Billingsley's contributions are what they are.

Greasing the skids. Billingsley protests but still knows that is how career politicians play the game. Campaign contributions to encourage some friendy treatment. Instead of standing on principle he instead jumped in and opted to play the career politician game. Ostensibly because he was encouraging everyone else to play the game.

That is the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

My comment was that there was virtually nothing on THIS thread about Bartley-Bomgar. I didn't mean to invite the old worn out Nancy Loome rhetoric about enemies of public education. I'm just glad they are running clean races (even though several school administrators like 7:30 can't resist the scare tactics). Frankly, you could stack 1/10th of Joel's resume and still beat Bartley on merit. But of course, that is not how politicians are elected. Will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

8:44 you are right. There's no interest because the voters of Madison County have had a chance to meet both candidates and they know who is the real deal. Bomgar will win big because people see through Bartley's veneer. You can't whip up a resume overnight and decide to run for office. Says a lot when a candidate like Joel actually walks the walk and lives by their values.

Anonymous said...

"I do not want a homeschooler making decisions that affect my children and their wonderful public school"......said the completely brain washed parent in a school district that would be rated D in any other state outside of MS, AL and LA. That home schooler as you call him would beat every teacher your kid has on any test you throw at him. And so will his kids.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why Billingsley stuff is on my Facebook feed. Maybe we are friends? ha. Anyway he just threw down the dirty campaigning gauntlet with some trash talking about his opponent. I thought it was a news article then realized the link was to his own website. Smacks of desperation to me. I love Mayor Mary and am not sure why she supports him if JJ is true. I'm no longer undecided though after that rather nasty post. Longwitz may be firing back but I have not seen any signs of it yet. I like a newcomer but Billingsley seems entrenched in the campaign contributions mess already and also is, well, retired. He's about my age and I know as much energy as I have, I could not tackle being a senator. And I have not been retired for years, or at all. It will be an interesting race, although I don't think there's much chance there.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me who Wayne Weide is? I'm trying to follow the elections for my area and one senator candidate keeps referring to him but I don't see much when I google it. Is this a legit source? I tend to lean toward our current senator but his opponent keeps posting articles from this that looks like a real news site and are real negative but I may be naive. I am not sure if it's a real blog or whatever. I know everyone has their candidate but I can't tell who is objective and who is like paid or biased.

Also, where can I find info on who's running for judges? I didn't know that was even happening or how to know who to vote for.

Anonymous said...

You go negative 10:06 when you are way behind and out of time.

Anonymous said...

@10:42. Well there's that. Didn't think about the struggling aspect. I didn't know it was such a lopsided race, but maybe you're right. Bless him, he has to live with being so negative.Am I missing Longwitz being negative? If so, please let me know as I am really not current but I DESPISE nasty campaigning. It may be on both ends and I just haven't seen the other side. I am still on the fence but the trash talk turns me off. I want to give both them a fair review. Also, can anyone weigh in on the other Madison electons? This is the only one that is getting press.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:01 What if Wayne Weidi is right? Are you saying that no candidate can tell the truth about his opponent if it happens to be negative? If something negative is said you will then automatically vote for the one who may or may not be participating in an unethical or illegal activity?

Anonymous said...

You say Joel Bomgar could outscore me and my kids on a test? Really? Is that the best you've got? Do you not understand that a major reason people move to Madison County is our schools? Do you not understand that a major reason our property values are so high is because of our quality public schools? Whether or not you have kids in public school, or whether you support public schools at all, surely you understand that the Madison County schools are a major contributor to your property values. And Joel Bomgar wants to undo that. He wants to weaken our schools. That is not up for debate. How can anyone who owns a home support Bomgar?

Major Hoople's Lost Digit said...

12:34; you claim 'Jill and Sheila' have from day one engaged in political attacks. Name one. Take your time. I don't know Jill, but Sheila came out day one and said she was not going to engage in negatives and would conduct a positive campaign. She has done that. Prove otherwise or shut your yap. Again, list a couple of negatives. And again, take your time. We'll be here all day and a couple of nights.

And for the poster who claimed Taggart has and still benefits from Madison County work.....where's your list? The Madison supes detest Taggart. They don't deal with honest folk.

Anonymous said...

People move to madison because it is white. Plain and simple. Why you don't want poor kids in the delta in failing schools to have better options is beyond me. The status quo is not working.

Anonymous said...

Madison public is nothing more than a hoorah football club for over extended reunionites who can't send their kids to private school. God forbid your child has ANY special needs. You will fight for any kind of 504 or IEP plan to be put in place.

Anonymous said...

I apologize to you 5:00 for being responsible for depriving the great state of Mississippi of your service. That being said, you are correct, those things aren't mutually exclusive, but a candidate who makes a major swing from one side to the other after he's cashed out should expect to be asked the question, particularly one who was plastered all over the news for weeks flipping voter rolls on behalf of Chris McDaniel.

To 5:04, pop another cork and keep the witty comments flowing. That's good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I apologize to you 5:00 for being responsible for depriving the great state of Mississippi of your service. That being said, you are correct, those things aren't mutually exclusive, but a candidate who makes a major swing from one side to the other after he's cashed out should expect to be asked the question, particularly one who was plastered all over the news for weeks flipping voter rolls on behalf of Chris McDaniel.

To 5:04, pop another cork and keep the witty comments flowing. That's good stuff.

Anonymous said...

8:19 - the point is there is "no major swing" to question. You can be fiscally conservative while being a successful health care provider, sometimes it's required.

The McDaniel vote counting question is a legitimate inquiry.

Anonymous said...

"People move to madison because it is white. Plain and simple. "

Bovine manure, mindreader. The top two reasons are almost non-existent crime and a school district that was recently rated best in the state.

There are several other reasons but without those two the recent transplants would not have considered living here.

The Delta can fix their own problems. Unless, of course, they don't have what it takes to govern themselves. You wouldn't want to admit that, would you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you for the clarification, 7:23.

I guess that's why that "hoorah football club" was the only High School in Mississippi to host President George Bush;

Why year in, year out it leads the State with the most National Merit scholars;

Why it has won 10 consecutive State Academic Decathlons competing against public and private schools; Why it won the National Academic Decathlon Championship and has multiple top ten finishes in the country

Why it has the best marching band program in the State year in, year out

I could continue.

Anonymous said...

5:38, what an ignorant post. I live in a "high end" neighborhood in Madison Co. and it is the most diverse neighborhood I've ever lived in. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Billingsley was polling on Monday night. Let's see if he releases the results.

Anonymous said...

MSGOP radio network owner Davenport of Supertalk reknown gives Billingsley $5000 campaign contribution while Billingsley drops $7800 on MSGOP radio advertising. Now that is some serious back scratchin'.

Anonymous said...

9:08, the McDaniel question has been asked and answered about a thousand times, even by Kingfish himself. Pete Perry stood up for Billingsley, for crying out loud, and there's not a bigger Cochran homer than him. Or are you saying that anyone working as an election examiner for a candidate you don't like should have his judgement questioned? Let it go, man. That issue is so last year.

Anonymous said...

He was a little more than an election examiner leading up to the election. Did some pretty hard stumping for McDaniel on this site.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, but even the harshest McDaniel critic has to admit that he was a different candidate prior to his semi-meltdown on the night of June 24. Lots of people supported him, and they're not all right wing lunatics. I remember that Billingsley publicly supported Cochran in the general election, and he seems to have plenty of Cochran supporters on his side in this race. It's a non issue to most of us.

Anonymous said...

A non-issue to most of us? You speak for most of us? Hardly.

Bill Billingsley gave Chris McDaniel $1500 and gave Thad Cochran NOTHING in advance of the November election.

Pete Perry was big for Cochran but the discreditable race baiting crap he pulled in the primary was an absolute embarrassment to Republicans all over Mississippi.

So whether or not the disrespected Pete Perry now vouches for Billingsley carries little, if any, credibility and no safe passage for Billingsley from his heavy support for Chris McDaniel.

Anonymous said...

So that's your litmus test from now on? You've picked one race out of dozens that Billingsley has been just as active in and decided that's the one that will drive your vote. You ignore real issues and continue what's obviously a personal vendetta against McDaniel and everyone who was on his side, regardless of what they've done before or since. And you have the nerve to call them idiots...

Anonymous said...

True Story - Rudy Warnock attempted to pay a person I know over $100k for his personal pool with a county check. The current Madison County Board members continue to select Rudy as the county engineer. Just based on this alone, I would not choose to re-elect a single member.

Anonymous said...

Wake up 3:38. The Republican party in Mississippi is completely broken. When you start a war by stabbing your brethren in the back that war doesn't suddenly end with relations returning to some sort of normal. The maniacal need of GOP insiders for absolute and total dictatorial control is their undoing.

Anonymous said...

Tell me what Republican politician running for office, in part by railing ad length against the "career politicians", tells a major Republican constituency in their district to surrender to the big government types (like Mikula and Avery @ the MDMH) to know what is best for their neighborhoods, their families, their safety and their property values?

Longwitz Lesson Learned said...

In his current radio ad, Longwitz claims he has increased jobs at Nissan. But he doesn't explain how that happened. I thought increased sales, product demand, labor force, production capability, physical plant build-out, transportation logistics and supplier presence were responsible for increasing employment opportunities. Well, I thought that until I learned that, all along, it was Longwitz.

Anonymous said...

I don't know 6:33. Seems like Nissan could have expanded their other plants vs. the Canton plant to take on the increased capacity, but they chose Canton for some reason. Maybe you should investigate and get back to us with an essay or a youtube video clarifying.

Anonymous said...

Longwitz called me during the session asking my stance on a bill because he knew it was in my area of work. I told him I was opposed to the bill because it contradicticted several other laws and was only getting traction because a particular lobbyist was being paid to promote it. He said he agreed, although it was clear he didn't know about the existing area of contradicting laws, and started talking about his campaign for reelection. I told him I didn't want to discuss donations at the time. He got agitated and hung up. He voted for the bill to get out of committee that same day, although he lost that vote.

Billingsley fought to overturn votes of citizens of this state so that a radicalized nutjob could unseat Thad Cochran.

Is there another choice?

Anonymous said...

[Yawn] Billingsley didn't fight for squat. He checked records to see if voters illegally crossed over, and he found some who did. No votes were thrown out. You guys need to move on.

Anonymous said...

Use the search feature on this site and search "will longwitz"

Read all the horrible things you said about him in the past.

Suddenly he is supposed to be our savior?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS