Check out the picture below.
The scene is the sentencing of Deryl Dedmon. The young man highlighted above is his cousin, Christian of the Klan of Dedmon.
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My momma and grandmother would refer to it as 'home training'.
Not many branches in that family tree.
Does Rankin SO not do any type of background investigation before they hire these people?
The old man in the middle definitely looks like a stereotype.
Figured as much and the question was asked in another post.
ok and?
Ok and?
It's hard, but lemme hep you.
If the possum is sitting in the tree shitting, it don't fall far from the tree!
Well, one of Brett McAlpin's cousins owns an investment advisory firm in Flowood. Don't think he has acted like that.
Who cares. This is news or even mentionable?
Hand picked and deputized by the Sheriff himself.
As long as he never said anything atheistic, he was all good.
Clearly the devil was working through the RCSO.
Ha! KF deleted the Ridgeland Walmart donnybrook video. Someone threaten to sue? Race card?
That guy looks like he got run over by a truck.
If I were a 28 year old redneck who participated in high school sports, and actually made it all the way to jr. College sports, I would submit my application to join in some capacity the Rankin County law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, I have to catch a flight out of the “Jackson” airport pretty soon. I travel a lot, and several years ago got pulled over at like 1 o’clock in the morning for an alcohol check. Needless to say, I was not weaving, running off of the road, throwing beer cans out of the car. Is there any way to move that airport out of the most red neck county in the United States of America?
Sure you won’t post my comment again….
Possums don't climb trees.
Why post a pic of those friends and family who love him? They're not necessarily who he "is"... they just love and cared for him. Actually not cool to do this KF. Yeah, I know you won't admit & post this.
So he decided to avenge his cousin by basically doing the same thing, but this time with the protection of a badge? Ahh got it.
I watched the trial derrly and everyone who was in the runs. In almost all the cases, the parents testified and basically admitted that they taught the child (den) to hate.
My guess is he just got tired of scrolling through the racist vitriolic comments from niknar.
And here we go again. Won’t post anything I comment on. Didn’t mention a name KF. Only asked a question. Yet you can post this story on your blog and all is well…
Just my opinion of the guy… I believe he was good police at pearl pd… once he went to rankin s.o. He was picked up by Mcalpin. That’s where the kid turned south. And they turned him into a narcotics investigator waaaaaaay to quick. But just an opinion from knowing the guy personally
@9:37 is correct. Christian Dedmon was an impressionable young police officer at Pearl PD who had a promising career ahead of him. He moved to Rankin SO with aspirations of working as a narcotics detective and looked up to Brett McAlpin like a god. McAlpin has a career long reputation of being a brutal maniac. He’s not respected by anyone outside of Rankin county LE. Plenty of people tried to tell Dedmon otherwise but he wouldn’t listen. Hartfield also was trained by loose cannons at Richland PD (you know who you are). They are just as much at fault for not guiding him better. All that said, these men were trained officers, of sound mind, who were sworn to protect the constitutional rights of others. They knew right from wrong and no matter the reason, thier actions can’t be justified. It’s a shame they didn’t listen to the people who tried to guide them in the right direction. Now they should absolutely pay the consequences for their actions. There are so many lives irreparably changed by the choices of the few.
5:49, August 6
Possums most certainly climb trees. They also make dens in hollowed out tree trunks. If you don't believe me, you need to check out a wild persimmon tree in the fall.
I'm confused here. Is everyone talking about the Rankin SO problem or the Jackson crime problem?
Do I hear some dueling banjos playing in the background? I that man wearing a white shirt a grand dragon?
@7:23 AM - Thugs are thugs, no matter which county/city/agency.
@9:37 and 11:54 — “Christian” Dedmon is most certainly not a kid, nor was he an impressionable young police officer. He is a 28 year old thug and terrorist. McAlpin may be the Osama Bin Laden of Rankin County, but young Chrissy (prison name) is Mohamed Atta. These are bad guys whose past good works can never absolve them of this.
For all you good people of Rankin, Atta flew the plane into the World Trade Center. It was in the papers and the rest of the mainstream press.
All of you people worried about driving to the airport. The airport belongs to the city of Jackson. I am sure the mayor can provide a safe passage to the airport. He has done such a good job on curbing crime in Jackson. By the way, how has the safe zone around the hospitals working?
I wonder what the Dedmon family's reaction would have been if their loved one had been beaten to death by a group of black teenagers who came to Rankin county to do just that. From what I remember, Anderson was a random innocent who happened to be in the path of Dedmon and crew, so even allegations of "thugs on thugs" is wholly incorrect and inappropriate.
If they did the crime now they should serve the time. I did not believe this story at first because it was too incredible to believe that police officers would do anything like this. There are bad apples everywhere. It should not taint police officers who truly try to serve the law. You cannot judge the rest by the actions of these men.
@11:54: I have had several clients over the years come in to discuss (1) the beating they took from a police officer; and (2) the bogus charges the officer would file on them after issuing the beating. While this behavior occurs at most departments, one name was mentioned far more than anyone else (probably 3 to 1). That person is now the Chief of Police of a city that rhymes with Itchland.
@August 8, 2023 at 8:26 AM. But you can judge the rest by their own actions. The investigation is far from being over. rest assured more of Rankin County's 'finest' will be charged. And., Do you really believe that Sheriff Bailey didn't know about these going ons? No one in the Black community believes that for a minute!
Nobody in the white community believes him either 7:17.
At least nobody with a brain.
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