Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding a press conference right now on the 911 system. It is streamed below.
The Mayor called Jackson's 911 system severely "understaffed." Over 600,000 calls poured into the 911 system last year. Jackson receives 1,700 calls per day.
JPD Chief Wade said the 911 system has been "an issue for years." The system only has 29 dispatchers even though the budget covers 48 positions. However, 14 temps work in the 911 center as well. Chief Wade said employee performance improved after shifts were shortened from 12 hours to 8 hours.
Jackistan "The City that Doesnt Work"
I will never understand why Jackson budgets for a certain amount of positions but never fills them. They did the same thing at the water plant. They do the same thing at the police departement. Whoever is the HR director should be fired on the spot.
My grandpa was hurt and my grandma called 911 and the city of Jackson never answered.
She called me (I live in Flowood) and she was still calling 911 when I got there.
I drove all the way from Flowood and got there before anyone at Jackson 911 even answered.
What a shithole.
1:54, the reason they budget for and dont fill those those positions is to all the mayors minions can hold two titles and draws two salaries.
It happens every where every day even in county government.
"Blah, blah, blah, fighting racism, blah, blah, overcoming racism, blah, I had achieved great things for Jackson, blah, racism, blah..."
1:54, ask your legislator. They do the same thing with state jobs. MS has experienced record levels in revenue over the past several years yet most state agencies have had PINs taken away and struggle filling positions due to the cutbacks imposed by the state leaders.
I mean why pay 48 people to do a job when you can pay 29 people to do the job of 48. It’s the same principle that the current Gov and Lt Gov brag about in their campaign ads.
1. Those 1,700 calls are the ones that are actually answered.
2. @1:54 PM It's called "salary savings," and you can assume that Chowke uses that money for other things...things that he doesn't reveal to the council nor public.
I am sure there is another call center in Pearl that could handle another department that the Chokwe has broken.
911 is overrated. No big deal if u are in a life-threatening situation
Well 1:54. You are right. But in HR's albeit weak defense...I assume these job applicants must live in Jackson and be a minority.
That restricts the applicant pool significantly and makes HR's recruitment options way more limited.
Well, he has been Mayor for years. And he is just now acknowledging this?
@2:02pm - Elder abuse for letting your grandparents live in Jackson.
Remind me which branch of city government has the responsibility for carrying out executive functions?
1:54 - then obviously you don't understand how the City of Jackson (doesn't) work!
If you budget for the positions, and don't fill them, then that let's one take those budgeted dollars and spend on those things that they want to spend money on but don't want to show up as such - you know, 'grants' for local community groups, awards for outstanding singing, renaming bridges and streets, - and of course the biggies like 'emergency procurements'.
How else could they fund those 'emergencies' if they didn't put some fluff into the original budget knowing it can't be spent if they never advertise the positions, much less fill them.
They removed the residency requirement after the water crisis in August 2022.
I clicked on the link and have no farkin' clue what I'm listening to. I see a uniformed policeman and a chick in yellow and the mayor standing over there and a unintelligible voice with a musical backdrop. WTF?
The city of Jackson Ms leaders spend so much time with press conferences explaining to their constituents why something is not working!
To the Mayor, what the excuse now? Can your administration do anything positive for the constituency.
Just a question. How many times are you going to take your car to the shop for the same damn problem and the mechanic just makes excuses?
Now I can move to another city that provides great basic services, however my grandkids can’t rob, shoot and kill over yonder! So I’ll just stay until things are fixed in Jackson if I live that long!
Mr Mayor can you do just one little tiny thing? Get the shooters off the streets? If not we don’t need JPD!
Chok looking for another federal bailout.
When in Jackistan (rarely) my Glock is my 9-1-1, and it is on speed dial.
Such a progressive 9-1-1 problem! Thanks, Mayor!
To the Mayor of Jackson I hope you understand we really don’t want to bash you or the city. However progress must be made about your crime problem. Get with the DA and clean our town up. Jackson is too small for the criminals and dope boys to be running your city. Now if you are not up to the task, step aside and let someone that cares about Jackson take the helm.
Mr Mayor, stop making excuses and do your job! Put people in place that can make a positive change, Now you have to let them do their jobs!
Mr Mayor, you really act like you don’t give a hoot! But I just think you are way over your Peter Principle Head!
Mr Mayor hire a kick ass Police Chief, work with the DA and you will see positive reviews.
Who does not want to live in a safe community? Now Mr Mayor you have a body guard and live in a gated community. What’s up with that? Give us some RELIEF.
The "most radical" city in America-
And to think there are people who show up on here everyday trying make a case that Jackson compares favorably to the surrounding communities.
3:13 "my Glock is my 9-1-1"
ha. ha. ha.
$1000 your "9-1-1" gets stolen before you get the chance to cap some poor sumbitch's ass.
Good point, I forgot they were forced to pump the brakes on the residency requirement.
Let me know when they remove that cronyism/skin tone requirement, KF.
August 2, 2023 at 2:44 PM
Clearly it's the legislature unless this is a trick question.
2:45 is spot on. Local governments (and probably state and others) have been doing this for years to pad their budget. Then during the budget year, they transfer the money to whatever toy or boondoggle they want to fund and voila, it's done. Sometimes the department that has the phantom positions doesn't even know it until the money gets transferred out. Ask me how I know.
There’s always the call center in Pearl.
Why would anyone living in Jackson call 911? Even if by chance someone walking down the hall did answer the phone what difference would that make. JPD is not coming. If you are lucky you might see a Jackson cruiser going the opposite direction. But don't expect them to turn around and try to help you.
@3:13 PM
In Jackson, all of the real Glocks have been converted to full auto with 3D printed auto-seers.
I think you will surprised to find yourself rather out-gunned.
This clearly explains why this past legislative session the state provided funding for the CAPITOL POLICE to establish their own 911 system - which should be up and running before the year is over.
Granted, the Mayor and his kush tried to kill the operation but just like everything else the Mayor claims to try to accomplish, he failed in that effort.
For those of us living in the livable part of Jackson, we will have an effective 911 system soon, despite the Mayor's failure to provide it for the entire six years of his 'leadership'.
To hell with Jackson. The sooner it implodes, the sooner it will be in receivership.
If Jackson PD gets far more 911 calls than Memphis, Birmingham & New Orleans, then the question to ask is WHY??? Can we get a bteakdown of the reasons so many residents call 911 to see how many are real emergencies? I've heard paramedics & firefighters say many residents call 911 for free rides to routine doctor appointments & other nonessential things.
Call the Captiol Police at 601-359-3125 if you are in the CCID instead of 911. Hopefully, the Capitol Police will have a 911 center at some point.
His faux stats work out to slightly more than 1 call/minute on a 24 hour basis. 9-1-1 calls likely last 3-5 minutes each.
He is included calls that weren't answered.
But his solution is for the call takers to answer with "what is the address" vs. "what is your emergency will solve everything. What a fucking liar. The dispatchers must still determine what the emergency is to be able to respond with the appropriate emergency service, i.e. police or fire or ambulance or public works, etc.
The local media are carrying his water.
No way 1700 calls per day.At that rate ( 600,000 per year) means every citizen of Jackson called 911 4x's..BS
Choc a Lot is dumb!
PS-911 in Jackson has been shit for years...it is not even that under the Mair!
Call me a Stokes supporter.
Well it was time for the Mayor to come up with another "crisis" the 911 Call Center is up on the chopping block. Just slide this into the rotation of other critical issues Jackson faces DAILY.
And pay raises for dispatchers? He almost laughed out loud! Either cut back on city services (fewer garbage pick ups, no water leaks fixed, etc..) or raise your taxes. How about this boy wonder, cut some of the fat of the top? Have your seen the salaries of most Jackson's administrative staff? Open The Books dot com Jackson.
Even if they answer, it doesn’t mean that they will actually dispatch emergency services. If they actually did their jobs, Frances Fortner would’ve received her diploma
August 2, 1:44
You made me laugh outloud. Thanks.
1. Chokwe talks entirely too much.
2. Chokwe wants you to be impressed with his grasp on selected minutiae in n hope you will miss the part about the incompetent micromanager and total loser who has singlehandedly destroyed what was left of the city.
3. Chokwe has an ego problem that renders him too dumb to know when to STFU. He believes we need to hear his drivel.
4. It’s the software. Of course it is. The COJ was FORCED to upgrade its software. Chokwe preferred keeping it simple in the technological dark ages when dispatch didn’t have to input so much information.
5. It’s a staffing shortage. Of course it is. Every critical city department has serious staffing shortages because nobody can work for this clown.
6. COJ has highest number of 911 calls in the state. Thanks for telling us that, Chokwe, because otherwise we’d have been in the dark. It really does take a genius to explain how a city with one of highest violent crime rates in the world has the most 911 calls in its state.
And so......RIGHT.....RIGHT? And so.....RIGHT
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