Monday, August 28, 2023

Governor: No Mask Mandates

Governor Tate Reeves issued the following statement. 

Governor Tate Reeves released the following statement following media speculation of the return of mask mandates and other COVD-19 measures, (including a CBS News story titled, "Is masking coming back? As new COVID variants emerge, here's what experts say."):

"Mississippians will not and should not submit to fear again. In the early days of COVID, there was understandable uncertainty. We did not yet know what we were facing. As the months unfolded, it became clear that there were two pandemics. A disease that was easy to spread and that was deadly for many vulnerable people. And a pandemic of fear stoked by 'the expert class' that demanded total subjugation of the American people. 

"In the first days of national unity, it seemed ridiculous to assume that bureaucrats and 'experts' were trying to seize power. Now, it seems ridiculous to assume they wouldn’t try it again. 

"The simple answer to the question being posed by 'experts' is: no. We will not return to widespread masking or COVID rules. 

"If you want to take extraordinary measures to protect yourself from getting sick, God bless you. That is your right and you should do what you think is best. Maybe you’re the smartest of all of us. But we are never going back to 2020. 

"People have a right to make their own decisions. To decide how much risk they tolerate. And no matter what pronouncements come down from the Biden/Fauci administration: we will go to school, we will go to church, we will go to work, and we will play sports. We will live in self-determination, not top-down fear."



Anonymous said...

Please dear God, let sanity and facts prevail over insane emotional hysterics.

No sane person will ever participate in this theatre again.

Anonymous said...

Yall dont forget Tater went to Millsaps.

Anonymous said...

I'll only wear a mask if I see Brandon Presley wearing a mask.

Anonymous said...

1.1 million people in the USA have died from Coronavirus of some type.

And, if I'm not mistaken, Donald Trump was president when it all started and was for nearly the entire first year of the pandemic.

We all get that Covid isn't unknown anymore. We all get that there are choices that can be made, blah blah blah.

I'm more concerned with the stagnation of the labor rate in Mississippi, and the fact that we are still just about 50th in every statistic that matters. It's fine to be all puffy and float your political leanings, but come on..deliver for the state, Tate. Get more businesses here. Enact polices that help keep our young people from moving to all those liberal cities like Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Dallas, Houston. Policies that will get young people from those areas to move here. What have you done for that? Big Zero.

I get that you are going to be reelected. But take a drive 10 minutes up Capitol Street towards the zoo and see the people you have been elected to also help. I doubt you will, and I really doubt you care about them at all. You certainly left it to the feds to attempt to fix Jackson up until now...

Anonymous said...

Masks don’t work. Period. They are silly. I can tell who watches CNN or corporate news when I go about because their viewers fall for it.

Anonymous said...

"If you want to take extra ordinary measures to protect yourself from getting sick, God bless you"

I love it!!

Translation to the Feds: We ain't doing shit this time..............

Anonymous said...

So Lumumba can't override this? He hated giving up that mask mandate last time.

Anonymous said...

Some of the employees at the Madison Wal Mart had on masks yesterday. However, they had them pulled down below their nose and mouth. What is the purpose?

Anonymous said...

Funny how this is happening closer to election time.

Anonymous said...

If I fart, you're going to smell it behind your mask. That alone tells you your little blue face-condom is good for nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'll consider Covid to be a serious issue when Briben closes the southern border because of it.

Anonymous said...

"Masks don’t work. Period. They are silly."

Please tell your surgeon and other operating room personnel that masks don't work, and they have no need to wear them while performing surgery on you.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't in full agreement with the mask mandates myself because it was questionable at best for many of us, BUT what they did provide was some semblance of protection. I couldn't stand wearing those things especially for Long stints such as shopping at Wal-mart.

I think that politics aside and barring the opinion all of the pseudo virology experts , people (and I especially mean vulnerable people such as the elderly and immuno compromised) need to do what they have to do without being made fun of or otherwise ridiculed for their behavior. So if you see someones 80 year old mom wearing a mask, mind your own damn business.

The rest of you can go kick rocks

Anonymous said...

Hey Genius at 11:52

If masks don't work then why do all the surgeons and nurses in the operating room wear them---No wonder we rank number 50 out of fifty states !!

Anonymous said...

It's an election year and Tate want's people to forget that he kept up those mask mandates for two years.

Anonymous said...

There is a new variant from Canada (they closed the clandestine Chinese covid incubation lab in California) that has the potential to kill a lot of unhealthy people. The new vaccine is going to do a better job of thinning the heart as well. Expect twice as many myocardial hospitalizations!

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 12:08 PM, please get a clue. The tone of your post says you don't have one.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:44 AM

Most of the 1.1 million people in the USA that died, did so due to existing health complications aggravated by COVID-19.

Donald Trump as president mobilized the fastest health response in history, funding field hospitals in major cities, mobilizing 2 US Navy hospital ships off of the East and West coast, working with auto manufacturers to increase ventilator supply, and initiating Operation Warp Speed to accelerate vaccine development. He also wasn't a Fauci fan, which turns out to have been spot-on.

The track record of attracting (and keeping) Mississippi industry isn't too bad, if you consider Eaton, Raytheon, Siemens (Energy), Nissan, Continental Tire, Toyota, Edelbrock, KOHLER, Milwaukee Tool, Hyperion, Modine, Point Eight, Hush Aerospace, Apex Ammunition, Ingalls Shipyard, Viking, Howard Industries, ...


Vaxx Maxx said...

I was able to intercept an entire pallet of Pfizer vaccine, 4000 doses at 2 shots per dose. I've got it stored in a chest freezer in my garage. I've been injecting myself every day, sometimes multiple times a day if I can stand it. The symptoms were terrible for the first few weeks. There were times I was completely paralyzed with pain, contorted like the Edvard Munch paining and frozen in agony for hours. I became stronger and some of the worst symptoms subsided over time. I've been vaxmaxxing for almost 4 months now and I feel as though I'm becoming something greater than human now. I will continue to administer the injections into the same arm as long as possible. I'm increasing the dosages as much as I can stand and will maintain my journal.

Anonymous said...

My gosh, you guys are predictable. And Tate knows it.

Anonymous said...

"Please tell your surgeon and other operating room personnel that masks don't work, and they have no need to wear them while performing surgery on you."

Surgeons wear surgical masks to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses to the patient having surgery?

Anonymous said...

It was Tater that said we couldn’t fish….anyone else remember that?

Anonymous said...

If masks work why did people who used them religiously still get sick?

Anonymous said...

We're all gonna die, again.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:44

In the beginning when the federal government tide funding to hospitals with the Covid relief package everybody had Covid and everybody died of Covid.

Anonymous said...

Governor says no he won't meet you at Lumumba's zoo, where animals go to die.

Anonymous said...


surgeons wear masks to prevent the spread of "nosocomial" or "hospital acquired infections", so to answer your question directly........yes

Anonymous said...

Deputy Phil probably appreciates the distraction.

Anonymous said...

Tate is a true freedom fighter. He is the leader we need to be the champion of liberty. Tate 2028

Anonymous said...

Stay last Mississippi. I like that our state stays unpopular and therefore uncrowded

Anonymous said...

Will Chowke donate masks to the Chicoms again?

Will AG Fitch sue the Chicoms again?

"If you can't question the science, it's not science, it's propaganda."

Fauci was the highest paid federal employee, making $18,000 more than Pres. Trump in 2019. A solid member of the "ruling class."

Anonymous said...

12:30 - "Donald Trump as president mobilized the fastest health response in history"
HILARIOUS! He tried to keep it from the American people! And his health response was to drink Clorox or take horse medicine!

I'm not a Biden fan, but why are you people trying to blame this administration when it was Trump who was in office the entire time.

Anonymous said...

11:33 (2nd) Yep, so what? We should be glad that even though he went to Millsaps, he doesn't carry the liberal banner that normally charges out of there.

Anonymous said...

All Biden has to do is declare a state of emergency and he can do whatever he damn well pleases. The democrats got away with stealing an election in 2020 and they are 100% certain they can do it again.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Tater stepping up and saying this (although he didn’t step up soon enough), but I didn’t need Tater to tell me I’m not going to have to wear a mask. The vast majority of you mask-wearers out there don’t actually believe they work, but they do it to be “the better person”, and make people feel better. In reality, all your doing is perpetuating ignorance. I see people every day with a mask on their chin. It makes them feel better to at least have it. Which is ignorance. The CDC website states that wearing a N95 mask for prolonged periods has detrimental health effects, but yet they push them anyway. And a professionally fitted mask such as an N95 *might* provide some protection, but very little if any. For over 100 years mask studies have proven that a face covering doesn’t stop aerosolized particles. Fauci even said so, before he didn’t say so. So putting on a cheap ear loop mask with gaping sides where you can actually see someone’s lips isn’t going to stop anything. I quit wearing a mask very early on. Never caught covid, despite most of my family having it at some point. Masks don’t work, the magical 6’ distance is more than stupid, and the vaccines aren’t effective (and damn sure aren’t safe). Do not comply, even if it’s to appear that you care. Promoting truth is caring.

And to the person that thinks they brought up a good point with surgeons wearing masks, that’s to prevent saliva/bacterial infections in open wounds. I’m sorry you were duped.

Anonymous said...

All my masks are in the garbage - where they should be!

Anonymous said...

Think Brandon Presley will buck his party on dictatorial Covid mandates and lockdowns?

Think again because he will not.

Anonymous said...

Tate panders as well, if not better, than any politician that I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

12:47, right? *facepalm*

Anonymous said...

If drunk driving is dangerous why do so many do it safely?

Anonymous said...

Dear Tater,
Fauci has retired. Let it go. I know the name is a dog whistle to your rabid fans, but just give it up.
You would feel different about masks if you, your wife, or daughters had a compromised immune system.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! Mississippi's Governor is resisting the Chinafication of our nation.

This time around, maybe, he'll keep the gyms open? That'll be the acid test.

Anonymous said...

Take the mask test. Put on a mask and see if you can smell perfume. If perfume can get through then so can a virus.

Anonymous said...

Chow time conservatives!

Come eat up your kibble.

*rable rable rable*

Ooo y'all are hungry for the classics.

Anonymous said...

One thing that has always caused me some concern regarding COVID is the fact that we basically know it came from the lab in Wuhan, then China deleted all information to cover it up. However, they would still have all the research done on this particular virus strain that escaped. That said they are the nation that has taken it the most serious. Makes me wonder sometimes what do they know about it that everyone else doesn't that makes them so heavy handed in trying to contain. Hopefully for humanity's sake they are just a bunch of overbearing hypochondriacs.

Anonymous said...

It’s all about the next election anyway. Everyone knows it. Lockdowns incoming, even worse this time.

Anonymous said...

We can all get ready to see masks and ballots in our mail box. Probably the same amount of ballots as there will be masks.
It worked once.

QueenBee said...

Okay, enough~! Anyone who wants to wear and mask., by ALL means, do it! Those who don't want to wear one - don't! What I WILL NOT DO is be bullied or belittled to do (or not do) either! The art of FEAR has paralyzed "rational" thought. Personally, I think it's all crazy. But, this is MY own opinion!
People have the right to breathe in peace, whether with a mask or without. I don't tell folk how to live their own lives. What is the problem here? I really don't get it.., WHY can't you just simply do what is right FOR YOU & YOURS? WHY can't you just be responsible for your own life? I absolutely REFUSE to walk around paranoid when someone coughs or sneezes. So, now they are "unclean?" If so, remember, keep that same energy from here on out.

Anonymous said...

Some pople be like...

Okay, enough~! Anyone who wants to wear and seatbelt., by ALL means, do it! Those who don't want to wear one - don't! What I WILL NOT DO is be bullied or belittled to do (or not do) either! The art of FEAR has paralyzed "rational" thought. Personally, I think it's all crazy. But, this is MY own opinion!
People have the right to drive in peace, whether with a seatbelt or without. I don't tell folk how to live their own lives. What is the problem here? I really don't get it.., WHY can't you just simply do what is right FOR YOU & YOURS? WHY can't you just be responsible for your own life? I absolutely REFUSE to walk around paranoid when someone drives without a seatbelt. So, now they are "dangerous?" If so, remember, keep that same energy from here on out.



Anonymous said...

Just don't close Flag Island or the rednecks, pugilistic wannabes, and goons on here will revolt.

Anonymous said...

I'll print and sell t-shirts that say "I will kill your grandmother" while I refuse to wear a mask ever again.
They do not work, you will not guilt me into participating in the theatrics.

I will even agree not to laugh in the face of the people who wear them around their shin while judging my maskless self.

I'll wait until they leave and THEN giggle as polite society dictates the correct handling of such mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Please lock the country back down again! I would LOVE another couple of months of “working” from home! I can catch back up on my movies, video games, and day drinking!

Anonymous said...

The dog whistle has sounded, and just as always the liberals responded.

Anonymous said...

My questions is, will this website be a propaganda outlet (think daily fabricated cases/death counts) like it was the first time around?

Marcus Welby said...

To my fellow physicians at 12:08, 12:17 and especially 1:22. You seem to have forgotten the purpose of the surgical mask, and I would suggest a simple review of what you learned in medical school. It has nothing to do with the spread of a virus.

Anonymous said...

From the NY Times in February 2023:

The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.

“There is just no evidence that they” — masks — “make any difference,” he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. “Full stop.”

But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks?

“Makes no difference — none of it,” said Jefferson.

What about the studies that initially persuaded policymakers to impose mask mandates?

“They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

But, keep preaching that masks actually prevented one from getting a respiratory virus. It's insanity.

Anonymous said...

The N95 mask is stifling to wear but stops 95% of particulates, yes?

Anonymous said...

Please dear Lord deliver me for exposure to anonymous they seem to feed on this site. Perhaps bring back the soap operas!

Anonymous said...

"Yall dont forget Tater went to Millsaps."

11:33 - You couldn't find Millsaps on a dart-board with assistance from the college president.

Anonymous said...

For the N95 promoters.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:44 - You prissed in here wearing your Shepard Smith Democrat slippers and schooled Tate on 'The Mississippi Labor Rate'.

Meanwhile, what the hell does that mean? There's no such thing as a 'labor rate'.

I'm guessing you meant to address the number of seasoned democrat voters who are satisfied sitting on their aunt's front porch while not participating in the labor market.

Mom paid for your degree. Do better.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:15 PM - What is hilarious is how your mind works.

- Trump was only in office for the 1st year of COVID.
- He had DAILY press conferences.
- It was the FDA that originally endorsed and then later revoked the EUA for chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
- It was very dangerous of the "orange man bad" media to carry the bleach story as long as they did. He didn't direct anyone to take it and anyone who thought it was a good idea is an idiot.
- You are the only one bringing Biden up, so clearly you have a bias.

BTW - how did the bleach taste?

Anonymous said...

The Obama-Harris administration has got to find something to hang their deficit figures on. They're about to surpass (in three years) Trump's pandemic deficit figures when the country was absolutely shut down.

Remember when Joe wore a mask to the Black Elementary School for that entire school year? That was fourth grade when his school desk caught on fire and, as he slammed down the desk-top, the emergency resulted in an untimely circumcision.

Anonymous said...

I will gladly wear a mask. Yessir. I will wear a mask when I drive though and work in Jackson to keep from smelling the raw sewage spewing up and running down the streets. Masks in Jackson work good. It helps mask the boo boo odor. Oh, we are talking about Covid. Never mind….I AIN’T wearing one.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 11:44 AM, what are you doing to remedy the problems you pointed out? From reading your post, it seems you are doing the same thing you do in mama's kitchen. Stomp your little feet, clinch your little fist, and wail like the juvenile you are.

Anonymous said...

Vaxxmaxxer copypasta never gets old!

Anonymous said...

4:52PM wrote:

"From the NY Times in February 2023:...Tom Jefferson...Oxford...'There is just no evidence that they' — masks — 'make any difference,' he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi...'Full stop.' (Note the skip-quote with the word "masks" inserted)...These observations don’t come from just anywhere. Jefferson and 11 colleagues conducted the study for Cochrane, a British nonprofit that is widely considered the gold standard for its reviews of health care data."

That was an opinion piece by Bret Stephens and as Cochrane itself pointed out in response to that and other misinterpretations, it was not a "study," it was a review of studies, and it was taken out of context, inaccurately quoted, and misinterpreted:

“Many commentators have claimed that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that ‘masks don’t work’, which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation. It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people’s risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.”

From a statement by Dr. Karla Soares-Weiser, Editor-in-Chief of the Cochrane Library.

The NY Times followed up with another article in March, 2023, "Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work," (possible paywall if you aren't a subscriber). The author spoke with and heavily quoted Cochrane personnel, including Soares-Weiser and Michael Brown ("Michael D. Brown, a doctor and academic who serves on the Cochrane editorial board and made the final decision on the review, told me the review couldn’t arrive at a firm conclusion because there weren’t enough high-quality randomized trials with high rates of mask adherence."), with the gist being that the review found the studies to determine whether masks and mandates work didn't determine whether the mandates were being followed or by how many people, so the studies were found to be not particularly informative in determining whether masks or mandates work. In general layman's terms, the review of the studies found them generally useless for the purposes of reaching ANY conclusion on masks or mandates.

The whole thing was yet another example of what happens when people with absolutely no medical or scientific training or experience, and none reading information intended for such people, see or hear and pass along snippets of misinterpreted, inaccurate, and misquoted information from medical and scientific sources writing for an audience with medical and scientific training and experience.

QueenBee said...

@3:41pm: Not at all trying to change your position.
However, I do find your response to be intriguing. Just for my own knowledge, how do you draw a correlation between my comments (choice to wear a mask) and your comments (choice to wear a seatbelt)?

Aisle B Bach said...

So...for all you geniuses pointing out the surgeon and surgical techs wearing masks in an operating room...How many surgeries are performed in Walmart, Kroger, Sam's etc ad nauseum??? surgery generally involves invasive procedures with an open wound whether it is patching up externally created wounds due to accidents drive bys etc...or purposeful surgery to correct or remove something...I mean...are you suggesting that these merchant theaters of operation are the same as an operating room? this is what I believe would be called in logic a non sequitur...perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Is the New York Times the best you can do? How about the National Enquirer, are they still in business? Both have the same level of credibility. I don't care how long your post is, or how intelligent you intend to sound. If you think a face mask, like those used in the previous covid fearmongering, actually work, you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Tate will continue to talk about masks, abortion, and bathrooms and get re-elected while not ever addressing the actual issues facing the average Mississippian. We deserve what we get.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like tough talk, Tate. Whatever the feds tell you to do, though, you’ll throw up your hands, something about respecting the federal mandate, and you’ll toe whatever line the feds tell you.

Anonymous said...

Remember when the bootlickers on the left were all against the vax till their masters told them to get it. They were all on tv against it till Potato got in, then like good lemmings they did as their masters told them and you can still see it from the idiots in the comments. These idiots once again will don their masks and get their 10th booster like hood boys and girls if told to because they can’t think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Tate Reeves is the best we can do? No wonder we are last in almost everything (except obesity, poverty, teen pregnancy, violent crime).

Anonymous said...

August 29, 2023 at 8:08 AM, get off of the bench, and show us what you have. You run for governor, and show us how it's done. The old saying is, don't judge a person until you have walked in their shoes. Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

The blood of any dead Mississippians caused by this decision will be on Tater’s hands. He won’t care though since the dead will be poor and black. Not every African American can afford the medical treatment that Kim Wade received when his stupidity and hubris regarding Covid-19 nearly killed him.

Anonymous said...

August 29, 2023 at 1:01 PM, with what you are posting, the governor has already caused a breakout of ignorance. Is there a face mask for that?

Anonymous said...

@1:01 PM, when you say "The blood of any dead Mississippians caused by this decision will be on Tater’s hands. He won’t care though since the dead will be poor and black," it makes me remember that guy in Michigan, I think it was, who was shot by a lady cop after she pulled him over when someone in a supermarket harassed him over not wearing a mask. The guy just had enough, I guess, and supposedly had a knife or something, the lady cop said, when she shot him.

It's a shame, the man is dead because he refused to wear a mask that doesn't even work.

Anonymous said...

I have worked in a chemical plant for 20 years, a properly worn N95 mask will protect you from most harmful elements including Covid. Smell is one thing, secretion and absorption into your lungs is another.

Anonymous said...

Tater is about to dump a pile of money on public hospitals just in time for the election, and he will cite rising Covid numbers as one of the justifications. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

7:18PM wrote, "...a properly worn N95 mask will protect you from most harmful elements including Covid."

This is correct. What is called an "N95 mask" is really a "respirator." "N95" is a written standard from the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (the "NIOSH" printed on them) but it means it filters 95% of airborne particles that have a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 0.3 µm (mircometers). As the comment notes, it must be worn/used properly ("donned" and "doffed") to be as effective as the standard sets out or as the user intends. This is true of most items designed to protect the wearer or user, like ballistic ("bulletproof") vests, or even common screening material.

Just like the vests and screening, even if worn/installed properly, N95 respirators do not claim to protect the user from all potential dangers. A ballistic vest will protect the wearer from direct hits, up to a certain number of them, and up to a certain caliber of ammunition/energy of bullet. A screened-in porch will protect from most biting insects. But neither will, nor do they claim to, protect those behind them from any possible "hits" from all possible sources, and don't claim to protect areas not covered. A "mask," vest, or screening can be made to be or become less effective - but not totally ineffective - depending on such factors as fitment, damage, age, etc.

There have been many studies done that show the "size" of the "particles" carrying the COVID-19 virus is most often well in excess of the 0.3 µm standard of N95. For example, one study showed that of the three size groupings in the study (a hospital/clinical setting), ≤2.5 μm, 2.5–10 μm, ≥10 μm, the two larger groups obviously larger than 0.3 μm, were by a 10:3 ratio the most encountered. Even if roughly 25% of the particles - those in the under-2.5 size - were all under 0.3 (and they were not), the respirator would still block 75% of the virus-carrying particles.

Anyone with any common sense or even just life experience would instantly know and understand that a car or truck cannot fit through the typical front door of a home. They should be able to understand that anything 2.5 units in size cannot fit through a 0.3 unit opening, whether those units are inches, feet, or micrometers.

Let's take a couple of examples most folks are familiar with, or at least can easily understand. If a screened-in porch or gazebo has a couple of tears in the screening, or someone holds the screen door open too long, a few mosquitoes will inevitably find their way in. However, since the majority of the screen is still intact, it isn't nearly as bad as it would be with no screening at all. Any soldier, Marine, or cop knows and can attest that vests, helmets, and other personal/worn ballistic shielding save lives. They are not "bulletproof" because those don't exist and they are not an absolute protection against any possible bullet wound. But they are substantially more protection than BDUs and its replacements, uniforms, street clothes, and underwear, and they would much rather have and wear them than not (or they know deciding not to wear them in a particular situation is a calculated risk they choose to take). What they will not say is that they are meaningless chest diapers/hats/leg decorations/etc. worn merely to "virtue signal."

To sum up, if you truly believe that your vehicle will fit through your front door, then your belief that "masks don't work" is understandable. It's still idiotic, but at least its understandable. If you know and understand that your vehicle will cause considerable damage if you attempt to drive it through your front door, and almost certainly will not get through anyway, yet still think "masks don't work," you are a damned fool.

Anonymous said...

Sir, I have no intentions of wearing an N95 mask for something no worse than a severe flu. For someone to suggest wearing an N95 mask for something like a severe case of the flu, is a damn fool.

I can get my automobile, or any automobile, for that matter, in the front door of any home, and I will do it one piece at a time. With a nod to Johnny Cash.

Anonymous said...

9:39AM wrote, "I can get my automobile, or any automobile, for that matter, in the front door of any home, and I will do it one piece at a time."

A flaw in your boast. Two words: "unibody construction." Or just the cab section of a Ford Superduty (F250/350) crew cab - hardly an uncommon vehicle - and even without the fenders and hood would be amusing to watch you try to fit through what I'm sure is the grand entrance to your home (or many other lesser architectural wonderhomes). And that's more akin to the whole inability to get a too-large "particle" through a too-small opening situation than I'm sure you'd ever admit.

As to the "I have no intentions of wearing an N95 mask for something no worse than a severe flu. For someone to suggest wearing an N95 mask for something like a severe case of the flu, is a damn fool," even as trolling it demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge and understanding of anything relevant to the issue. Such a troll might work with similarly ignorant people but not with those with any education, knowledge, or experience in the relevant medicine and science.

Among the reasons is that "severe flu" can and does kill a lot of people, and it makes all with it feel terrible for at least several days if not weeks. For you to claim/admit that you wouldn't do something as easy and simple as wearing an N95 while out in "close proximity" public areas to avoid "severe flu" during an epidemic or increased outbreak (the situation under discussion) is just like saying you wouldn't bother to put on a readily-available ballistic vest if someone were wildly shooting in your direction or wouldn't bother to step inside a screened-in area while mosquitoes were swarming. Put another way, you are admitting you are a "damned fool," an outright liar, or most likely, both.

Anonymous said...

I must have struck a nerve. I admit to being foolish in my long lifetime, I have no problem with telling the truth. What I haven't ever experienced is someone calling me a liar to my face, and I'm sure if we were conversing eye to eye, you wouldn't do it either. You just don't seem to have what it takes to do that. Even if you did, it wouldn't be true.

You are like so many others that fear death, or think that you somehow control your own destiny. I find this foolish notion among those that consider themselves to be well-educated, as you do, but are ignorant in the things that really define the nature of mankind.

I will assume that you are in the medical profession. A few in that field are decent human beings, a few. The rest are a disgrace to the human race, I believe you would be numbered with the rest.

Anonymous said...

By the way, every unibody, every truck cab is welded together panel, by panel.

Anonymous said...

"By the way, every unibody, every truck cab is welded together panel, by panel."

I'm sure that once you cut it apart and re-weld it back together in your living room, both car and living room will be equally splendiferous. Even if you're the veritable Earl Scheib of Mississippi, you'll still have a fucking car in your living room and won't be able to see the Curtis-Mathis to watch Fox News from your recliner (assuming you didn't burn the place down).

Just like wearing an N95 to avoid "serious flu" or COVID, it is always easier to just not do stupid things (like weld in the living room and burn your tornado antenna down to a smoking frame) and take simple precautions rather than treat the resulting illnesses, but idiots just gotta do what idiots do, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

"I admit to being foolish in my long lifetime..."

That's the first step in getting better. Quit while you're ahead.

"...I'm sure if we were conversing eye to eye, you wouldn't do it either."

So much for quitting while you are ahead, but I'm sure you're a real Wes Shivers style badass. At least when you're conscious.

Ah, well, some are born to be successful trolls and others are born to be foolish.

Anonymous said...

“but idiots just gotta do what idiots do”, that is so true, but I was hoping you would have learned your lesson, and let it go.

Where did you ever get the idea that I was going to reassemble an automobile inside my living room? I only said I could get it through the front door. You have made an ass of yourself by assuming something.

I would walk it, piece by disassembled piece, through the front door, through the living room, out the patio door, past the pool, close to 100 yards later, through the doors of the shop, and there it would be reassembly.

For a guy that likes to restore old cars, like myself, what we are talking about isn't anything special, except the going through the front door part. You, sir, or madam, prove education doesn't equate to intelligence. Now, you have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

"I would walk it, piece by disassembled piece, through the front door, through the living room, out the patio door, past the pool, close to 100 yards later, through the doors of the shop, and there it would be reassembly."

That sounds pretty labor-intensive. And insane. But it does present yet another way to show the fatal flaw in your "I'm not wearing a mask" argument. The virus-carrying particles too big to go through the openings in an N95 respirator will not have microscopic redneck idiots cutting them apart, carrying them through the openings in an N95 and on to the wearer's respiratory system, and reassembling them, nor cutting them apart in the wearer's system, carrying them through the N95 of the wearer, through the air to an N95 worn by another and through those openings, and reassembling them in that person's system. If the majority of unibody cars or truck cabs or the particles in question will not fit through the door or the filter as-is, they will not be entering the premise or the body of the wearer.

With an N95, the 0.3µm "screen" will stop the majority of particles carrying the virus. To return to the car/truck analogy, assuming a home's door is a typical 36" opening, a unibody car, truck cab, etc., will not be going through. With an N95, the virus-carrying particles in excess of 0.3µm, i.e., the majority of them, will not be getting through. This provides protection against infection and transmission. The debate over distribution of particle size is reasonable, the debate of reduced infection and transmission is not.

Respirators and even "masks" provide protection against airborne particles over whatever size is larger than the openings in them. That cannot be reasonably debated, only inanely argued. In the case of COVID and N95s, the question has been answered: the majority of particles are larger than 0.3µm. QED. You could debate about, if you had the education, research data, and knowledge to interpret it all, what the precise sizing of particles might be and in what distribution, and therefore what the precise percentage of those smaller or larger than 0.3µm might be, but you cannot reasonably claim that an N95 does not block some number of the total number of virus carrying particles and does not reduce the infection and transmission rates. And that brings us full-circle back to the issue of whether "masks" work - they do. There can be no reasonable debate that an object larger than 36" will not fit through a 36" door, a virus-carrying particle larger than 0.3µm will not fit through a 0.3µm opening, and a particle larger than X size will not fit through an opening of X size, only foolish raving that they will somehow fit through.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS