Covid-fovid, we are going to have us a pandemic Mississippi State Fair. WAPT reported yesterday:
Fairgoers will still be able to enjoy their favorite food, rides and livestock shows, but there will be some major changes. Mississippi Agriculture Commissioner Andy Gipson said fair officials have been researching how other states have been safely reopening their fairs.
Gipson said this year, several safety measures will be in place, including vendors using glass screens, everyone wearing masks and social distancing.
"That will include a maximum number of people per acre at any one time," Gipson said. "I will include all of our vendors and everybody wearing masks as they come through the gate, and that will include staying 6 feet away and lots of sanitizer everywhere."
The Mississippi State Fair is expected to be held Oct. 7 through Oct. 18.
Watch video here.
$5 to enter, $5 to park. One free biscuit and covid for everyone at no extra cost.
Man with the Big White Hat is tripping, y’all.
What Fairs have been held since the spring. Even Texas cancelled their fair several weeks ago. Theirs was scheduled Sept 25 thru Oct.18.
Dumbest idea ever!!! I Tater had any stones, he would shut this down
No worries. The Rev. Gipson will be there in person using his hat to measure acceptable distancing. Anyone - and that means ANYONE - not brim-distance from others will be severely ignored.
Sarcasm aside, it should be OK. What better elected official to be making decisions about a human virus and other infectious diseases than a banking lawyer-slash-Ag Commissioner? I mean, goat milk, COVID-19, it's all just science and shit, right?
We must be the dumbest state in the US. Someone PLEASE stop this ignorance. The fair is a nasty germ-filled rip off on a good day. But with Covid, it will ensure yet another spike in cases. Great idea Andy Gibson! Do you care about people? Do you care about our state? Do you care about us being the laughing stock of the nation? Please don’t do this. It’s a bad idea. Sure, let idiots who want to go get Covid. I’m not worrying about them. I worry about the thousands and thousands of innocent people they will infect all in the name of shitty fattening food and cheap ass stuffed animals. THIS IS WHY OUR NATION CANT GET THIS VIRUS UNDER CONTROL!
This sounds like an incredibly stupid idea. Will tater tot DEFEND this stupidity??? Hey stay indoors and don’t eat at restaurants or open movie theaters, but hey it’s ok to go to the fair???
"We must be the dumbest state in the US. Someone PLEASE stop this ignorance. The fair is a nasty germ-filled rip off on a good day. But with Covid, it will ensure yet another spike in cases. Great idea Andy Gibson! Do you care about people? Do you care about our state? Do you care about us being the laughing stock of the nation? Please don’t do this. It’s a bad idea. Sure, let idiots who want to go get Covid. I’m not worrying about them. I worry about the thousands and thousands of innocent people they will infect all in the name of shitty fattening food and cheap ass stuffed animals. THIS IS WHY OUR NATION CANT GET THIS VIRUS UNDER CONTROL" !
"We must be the dumbest state in the US. Someone PLEASE stop this ignorance. The fair is a nasty germ-filled rip off on a good day. But with Covid, it will ensure yet another spike in cases. Great idea Andy Gibson! Do you care about people? Do you care about our state? Do you care about us being the laughing stock of the nation? Please don’t do this. It’s a bad idea. Sure, let idiots who want to go get Covid. I’m not worrying about them. I worry about the thousands and thousands of innocent people they will infect all in the name of shitty fattening food and cheap ass stuffed animals. THIS IS WHY OUR NATION CANT GET THIS VIRUS UNDER CONTROL!"
For Gawd's sake 5:42, please calm down !
I'm looking forward to the State Fair.
Funnel Cakes, Free Biscuits, chicken-on-a stick, cheap ass stuffed animals . . . and the rest !
Got ta' love it !!!!
But no one says you have to go if you don't wish to . . .
"But no one says you have to go if you don't wish to . . ."
Damned right, freedom of choice. So, will the Rev. Ag Commissioner Gipson be personally manning the abortion-rights tent or will he be, ahem, "farming" it out to, oh, say, Planned Parenthood or some other similar organization?
Bet $100 there will be a shooting at the fair this year.
There will always be a few "shooting's at the fair" . . . as long as it's held in Jackson .
Just be aware of your surroundings.
Unless a stray bullet hits your cotton candy, all should be fine !
The Commish can decree this today - after all, its only August. The 'planned' day for the Fair is first part of October.
The real fair - that one up in Neshoba County - was still making noise about having their event this year two months out. It was only when it was a couple of weeks away that they finally announced its cancellation.
And Andy, despite his white hat, is not the savior of our world, much less our souls. He might think that the fair should go on -- after all, he doesn't believe in the benefits of vaccines for simple diseases that we have already conquered, so I'm sure he's not afraid of anything that we don't know crap about - but come a few weeks from now if things aren't looking a hellofa lot better, his declaration of how his visitors will be social distancing will be shot down without a whimper.
But we should all try to talk Tater into letting this one slip by; if they held the fair it might help the overall gene pool of the state within a few weeks following its close. At least, something to consider.
Fair has never been the same since they removed the Double Ferris Wheels. Used to have two of those bad boys.
well they're not having the motorcycles riding on the walls so why go?
"Bet $100 there will be *a shooting* at the fair this year."
If that is the literal bet, I'll take it. Anyone care to offer an over/under?
I always look forward to those portly Lions Club members in their gold vests, flashlights that don't work, pointing to traffic lanes that don't exist wondering why the hell they signed up for this duty. And half of them are the twin of W.C.Fields.
The ignorance of our public officials never ceases to amaze me. Look at every other large public event in the nation like the NASCAR races. It’s always “social distancing rules will be in place” but as soon as the people get in they take off their masks and congregate in close groups. You cannot trust the public to follow the rules, and saying otherwise is just an excuse to hold the event knowing people will engage in risky behavior. Gipson is a certified idiot.
Oh dear! 20 States have had the good sense to cancel their State Fairs.
Is Andy consulting with Florida and Georgia and Texas on this? Are they his " models"? How's their approach working out so far?
For that matter, how is ours?
The pity is all of this could have been avoided and we could have been resuming a much closer to normal life expect for politics having apparently warped more than a few minds and carried the already warped to bat poop crazy.
I certainly plan on going for some grilled sausage, to have a look at the baby sized casket they push under the water to show your loved one will stay forever dry with their box, some taffy, a foot long corndog a chance to get my weight guessed and a healthy dose of Covid. A note to fair attendees - With potential death so prevalent in the air, there is little need to take your gun with you. Do they still have pig races? Id hate to miss them.
Big Hat Reverend Andy still aching to do something to feed his ego, since his Ag Fest that he the Wildlife Fisheries and Parks Czar planned to have fizzled out.
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