Is this a legit protest or is our friend Adofo Minko literally talking s*** about s***? He posted these two flyers online.
This one is floating around online as well.
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Is this person still employed with the public defender's office? Surely this is not the look Hinds County wants their employee presenting!
How do they intend to "transport" the raw sewage? These folks couldn't organize an orgy in a whorehouse.
Between this guy and "The Cipher", the Jacktown Insane Asylum is quite entertaining.
Someone needs to tell him there's more raw sewage at the Jackson Country Club than in Virden Addition.
There's a whole lotta white people who would reject that Lamumba gives a damn about white people.
Literal shithole.
Jackson is having a crappy day.
And if someone does do it will this person promoting this be held liable?
He seems to be using this meme as a way to get attention to the issue he's trying to solve (getting the city to take care of a sewage issue that they are responsible for). I don't think they're going to actually move sewage from Virden Addition to Eastover.
What these well informed "protesters" don't know is that there are several homes in these "privileged" areas that also have raw sewage bubbling up in their yards and streets that the city has repeatedly been contacted about and has done absolutely NOTHING to fix. Quit trying to start a class war- ridiculous.
"End environmental racism"? I would think all those folk who live down river on the Pearl have a bigger argument..
Come at me bro....
I’m a African American and this right is standing up for justice this is getting revenge. So I will tell everyone stop letting race or things of the world get in the way of what’s really important and that’s getting to Heaven. We do that by treating our neighbor regardless of color or religious beliefs with love. The signs are there the Bible is revealing itself. We have tried everything to turn this world now it’s time to let go and let God.
I look forward to a shovel being picked up by anyone in jackson.
Wow this is worthy of a post? He aint a member of the "Not F*cking Around Crew" calling for armed insurrection in white neighborhoods.
He is just trying to get some infrastructure repaired. You people seriously need to deal with your pisspants wh*te fragility.
9:43 BOOM...mike drop.
The Tulane School of Law routinely takes on cities that pollute (don’t meet effluent standards). Some of these activists should call Tulane and let them sue the city. Obviously, the MDEQ doesn’t give a rats rear end obout the excursions.
So let the lawyers have at it.
(Posted for the benefit of the activists that might actually read this story)
Imagine filling a bucket full of sewage, putting it in your trunk, and then hitting a pothole...
It could be a new extreme challenge up there with the eating of Tide Pods: who can make it across Jackson without slopping filth all across your car. Bonus points if the buckets are inside the passenger area and not in a trunk or truckbed.
Hey anybody willing to do some shoveling in this city should call themselves the City of Jackson "Public Works Department". We don't have one now.
The state constitution prohibits donations of - er - fertilizer, so this would be illegal. I'm glad to hear the public defender has time to do things other than defend poor folks accused of committing crimes.
9:39 you're confusing racism with resentment. Issues I have have nothing to do with skin color or religion. My issues are founded in how people act. Lake of personal responsibility is No. 1 one my list of resentment. God wants us to love our neighbor, but I believe that's based on the assumption that your neighbor loves you and refrains from doing those things that you resent. Christ drove the money changers from the temple because he resented what they were doing.
This is exactly what Jackson needs to do. Drive off the last enclave of tax base in town. Go ahead Jxn, do it!
This is not St. Louis a bunch of people show up with shovels somebody will get shot Homey dont play that
Also you elected him you keep making bad hires then you will have utility street police problems. The State of Miss offered to take over after giving special taxes to help Jackson pay for things. guarantee things would be better within six months
Doesn’t that little guy live in NE Jackson?
9:43 for the win!
“I look forward to a shovel being picked up by anyone in jackson.
August 7, 2020 at 9:43 AM”
Uhh does he not know things aren't any better over here? Nobody at the City listens to us either. We've got water failures, raw sewage, busted streets, you name it. And what do your sewage problems have to do with us in NE Jackson? We aren't in charge either.
Maybe we could all collectively take our sh**t and dump it on Lumumba's yard instead of each others'.
Y'all may be missing his point. His Honor Baby Chok sold his digs on Pear Orchard and now lives down the street from Honeysuckle Lane in a 4,000+ sf trophy home. I won't pen the address, but y'all can look it up, as it is of course public record.
I think that I would try a more effective path than be shoveling poo into my car and carrying it all over town. Maybe reduce it to one target, the mayor's yard.
Reduce driving and sloshing around...
Adofo Minko sounds like a clown's name. Oh wait this is a clown that causing "this" show. Welcome to Jackson where we elected nutballs, loony tunes, and crazies. In The South we don't hide our crazy relatives we elect them to local office.
Until the voters realized they voted for him, and realize they are constantly wasting their vote because they are voting based on the wrong criteria, all of this will continue. The WOKE people need to actually wake up and realize their voting over the past 20 years has created a vast majority of the problem which they blame others for. And this is not about race, this is about social stance. Plenty of qualified people that fit anyones racial preference (what ever that might be), but voters continue to allow themselves to get played by people who really are not their friend at all. Time for the WOKE people to actually wake up and realize what is truly going on.
Buster Bailey lives in Water Stone.....put the sewage on his
lawn. Remember, he use to take the doors off black folks homes
If they could not pay their rent and laugh about it !!!!!
Soooooo per Facebook this Adofo does not violate standards but the Orange Man is a violator?
I thought "Buster Bailey" was a cartoon strip.
"Adolfo Finko" is a pseudonym for a Madison County real estate agent. I sometimes wonder if at least half of the trolls on here are Madison or Rankin Country real estate agents. "Vultures and thieves at [our] back."
" I thought "Buster Bailey" was a cartoon strip."
Nah, you're probably thinking about Beetle Bailey or Buster Brown.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe Buster Bailey was a major developer in Jackson back in the 1960's & 1970's.
This must Buster Bailey must be his grandson.
No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Mr. Minks should have been fired after the video of haranguing the victims mother. Of course he is the wrong color for that.
He should show the tax paid per household.
Just pointing out, that Minka used to work for Chockwe's lawfirm.....
" Uhh does he not know things aren't any better over here? Nobody at the City listens to us either. We've got water failures, raw sewage, busted streets, you name it. And what do your sewage problems have to do with us in NE Jackson? We aren't in charge either."
Hey 11:11 AM.
Please stop.
Your whimpering is embarrassing.
I'm reminded of an upset puppy in the garage.
Just because your parents decided to stay in that town, doesn't mean you have to remain there.
Get out of the damn basement and check out what's available in the surrounding areas.
"Adofo Minko"
I'd never heard of this guy until I started glancing at the "Jackson Free Press" a few years ago.
Seems to me, Donna Ladd & Todd Stauffer love this fellow.
They always give this dude major space in their little monthly advertising circular.
Seems to me, Donna Ladd & Todd Stauffer love this fellow.
Donner's way of criticizing Antard without having to sully herself doing so directly.
What I learned from post and comments is how few people under how things work... not sewage, not inheritance ,,not that banks reward elected officials with lower interest rates on loans, not how home properties are taxed ( yes fashionable Northeast Jackson pays more and those taxes are unavoidable).
That the mayor of any city wants to keep the constituents who pay the highest property taxes happy is critical.... losIng that tax base is the single worst thing as businesses follow , not lead on that!
Good Lord people! Try to learn how government works or you’ll do what you’ve been doing... destroying what works right along with what doesn’t in your ignorance!
I’m late to the party but.....
9:43 has won the Internet for the weekend! Congratulations!!
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