Tuesday, August 27, 2019

It’s Round 2!

Archie Beats McQuirter!

Election night is finally here as candidates scrap for their party’s nomination.   All this trouble just for the right to do it again in November.  Comment here for election night.  Have at it.  Results are posted below.

9:30 PM

Hinds County (100%)

Victor P. Mason 11,367 39.55
Lee D. Vance 17,315 60.25

So many sad faces at the Victor Mason party. Make no mistake, Mason earned this defeat fair and square.

District #2 Supervisor
David L. Archie 3,764 50.89
Darrel McQuirter 3,619 48.93

9:22 PM

Tate Reeves 134,604 55%
Bill Waller 109,636 45%
75% counted.

Tate giving his victory speech. "Capitol Press" seems to be used much in his speech.

Attorney General
Lynn Fitch 123,546 52%
Andy Taggart 114,434 48%
75% Counted

Percentages hold but race going in wrong way for Taggart.

9:27 PM

Hinds County

Is upset brewing in District #2?

David Archie 3,108 52%
Darrel McQuirter 2,897 48%
80% Counted

9:15 PM

Hinds County

Victor P. Mason 8,653 38.57
Lee D. Vance 13,736 61.23
81% Counted

District #2 Supervisor

David L. Archie 2,443 49.74
Darrel McQuirter 2,461 50.10
72% Counted, 8 boxes to go.

District #5 Supervisor
Bobby 'Bobcat' McGowan 1,996 62.79
Patty Patterson 1,173 36.90
76% counted.

This one is over.

9:12 PM

Tate Reeves 117,744 55%
Bill Waller 94,611 45%

Waller's conceding.  Too many people told me they knew no one voting for Tate yet when quizzed, they sounded more like the reporter who voted for Mondale. Get outside your own circles.... or bubbles.

Attorney General

Lynn Fitch 105,885 52%
Andy Taggart 99,000 48%
66% Counted

Taggart won't go away but now is the time to start grabbing some votes if he is to win.

De'Keither A Stamps 20,514 59%
Dorothy Benford 14,055 41%
62% Counted

Stamps has this one.

Waller said it was drizzling at 8:00 AM at Spann today.  Um, it was? I seem to remember it being pretty hot and dry. 

9:05 PM

Hinds County

Lee Vance 12,453 61%
Victor Mason 7,925 39%
75% Counted

There is a new Sheriff in town.  

District #2 Supervisor

David Archie 2,339 50%
Darrel McQuirter 2,331 50%
69% Counted

District #5 Supervisor

Bobby McGowan ( 1,557 62%
Patty Patterson 950 38%
68% Counted

No surprise. Patterson got creamed all over social media and talk radio over the last three weeks.

9:00 PM

Tate Reeves 114,806 55.42%
Bill Waller 92,338 44.58%
65% counted.

Press calling this one for Reeves.  

Attorney General
Lynn Fitch 97,683 52%
Andy Taggart 90,404 48%
60% Counted

This Nick Saban commercial just ran on the SEC network.  Old but still funny.

8:55 PM

Tate Reeves 97,163 56%
Bill Waller 77,726 44%
55% counted

The lead grows.

Attorney General

Lynn Fitch 88,321 52%
Andy Taggart 82,481 48%
55% Counted

Just under a 6,000 vote margin. Time for Taggart. A little closer than Lynn would've liked, given her fund-raising.

8:50 PM

Tate Reeves 75,053 56%
Bill Waller 59,180 44%
47% Counted

Attorney General
Lynn Fitch 67,017 52%
Andy Taggart 62,258 48%

De'Keither A Stamps 13,921 58%
Dorothy Benford 9,893 42%

House #70
William Brown 1,211 55%
Kathy Sykes 1,006 45%

8:45 PM

Victor P. Mason 3,874 38.01
Lee D. Vance 6,292 61.74

District #2 Supervisor
David L. Archie 1,397 51.12
Darrel McQuirter 1,331 48.70
44% Counted

District #3 Supervisor
Silas Bolden Jr. 1,254 34.69
Credell Calhoun 2,336 64.62
73% Counted

Now Credell can play more games on the board.

District #5 Supervisor
Bobby 'Bobcat' McGowan 1,060 54.72
Patty Patterson 869 44.86

8:38 PM


Tate Reeves 64,567 57%
Bill Waller 49,605 43%
40% of precincts.

No surprise here.  KF picked Tate to win by 15.  Let's see if that holds up.

Attorney General
Lynn Fitch 58,161 53%
Andy Taggart 52,572 47%
39% of precincts.

PSC Commish-Central

De'Keither Stamps 9,942 57%
Dorothy Benford 7,601 43%


Anonymous said...

Must be a lot of humidity in the polling places today

Anonymous said...

Hood for govnha

Anonymous said...

The Little Emperor is nervous.

Anonymous said...

This ballgame is ovah.

Anonymous said...

Looks like doughboy is going to steal this one. Is the job really worth spending millions? Anyone know what the ROI is for two terms as governor? A quarter billion? What is Phil's net worth?

Anonymous said...

Only two MS GOP’ers had the cojones to challenge Deep Tate. I salute them. Trying to save MS from a gelatinous tyrant

Anonymous said...

Vance has 62% of the vote, with 54% of precincts reporting.

Sounds like a new sheriff's in town!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So it’s Tate. Now, sincerely, someone tell me why I shouldn’t vote for Hood. I’ll listen. At least he want to eliminate the grocery tax...

Anonymous said...

It’s Tate!!!
(He’ll beat Hood by a similar margin.)

Anonymous said...

David Archie...... RIP Hinds County.

Anonymous said...

Biggest loser of the night is no doubt Robert Foster. Boy Wonder couldn't deliver his home county to Waller and in the process really pissed off Tater.
Put a fork in him as his 15 minutes are over...forever. He might want to consider changing his "rules" as he's gonna be very lonely in his truck for the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

I guess I will be helping Mississippi turn Purple. The last election before I migrate to Tennessee. Anyone but Tate!

Anonymous said...

Hood will be our next Guvnah. I wish him well!

Anonymous said...

Taggart is sucking hind tit! He’s going down!!!

Anonymous said...

Suck it Frontier!

Anonymous said...

Smells like ass in here, an ass-whoopin’ that is!

Anonymous said...

There are over 120,000 people voting against Tater and I'm willing to gamble will vote against him in the general election. What a loathsome creampuff.

Anonymous said...

With Tate Reeves as the apparent going-to-be choice of Mississippi, Mississippi gets what it deserves. Bottom place, laughing stock of the country, and all of you good people wonder why.

Anonymous said...

All you never Tate Democrats that post on here posing as Republicans, see I told you so. Tate will beat Jim Hood like a drum in the general election.

Anonymous said...

Fitch, please don’t ruin the AGs off by hiring retired troopers. Don’t create a second worthless agency

Anonymous said...

Until the cowards that are the baby boomers die off, our State and our Country will continue to fall. It will be too late for our State, hopefully not our Country. That spineless generation is the worst thing that’s ever happened to America.

Our Next Governor Jim Hood said...

Hello darlin’

Kingfish said...

Depends. Myers and McGhee would be fine. The Fisher clones would not be fine.

Anonymous said...

Chuckway, Lee Vance, and Jody Owens is a train wreck waiting to happen. Jackson & Hinds County crime rates will be worse than ever before. And don’t mention Adrienne Wooten & Tommy Green still on the bench letting all of the murderers go free.

Anonymous said...

What a sad day for Mississippi. A sad day for the rural hospitals that are at risk for closure because Reeves is so damn recalcitrant.

If Jim Hood is elected, what are the chances he would change from Democrat to Republican?

The thing that scares me about voting for Hood is the possibility of a Democrat being in a position to make congressional appointments should there be vacancies.

Someone please convince me voting for Hood wouldn't be a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Taggart should have learned from Johnny Black’s defeat. People don’t like negative ads and attacks right at the day of voting.

Anonymous said...

It’s now up to Tate to form a plan between now and November. I swear, if it’s just the I love trump and the other guys a liberal bs. I’ll vote for Hood. We need someone who can formulate a plan for fixing roads and our capital city. Oh, if he can work on the confederate flag thingy, that’d be great too. Push away from the table Tate and gather some ideas to win my vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Any of you Waller/Hood whiners and losers threatening to leave the state like the Hollyweirdos leaving the country after Trump kicked Hildabeast' fat butt ? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

@9:19 - sorry doofus, you're gonna lose that bet. And notice that I put 'lose' not 'loose' for all you maroons that don't know the difference.

Anonymous said...

Since Waller lost, I'm voting for Hood.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News. Jackson Mississippi ranked as one of the worst real estate markets in the country. 295 of 300. Ahead of Detroit though.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi just dodged a bullet in the AG's race.

24 oz. Porterhouse, medium rare said...

Lee Vance needs to be standing outside the Wynndale Steak House tomorrow afternoon at 4:29 when they open the door a minute later so he can personally take down that MONSTER sized Victor Mason banner complete with Vic's smiling mug that hangs over those waiting on a table. Good riddance Vic.

Anonymous said...

Foster could have been a hero. Now he's a big zero.

Anonymous said...

Professor Rozman, is teaching.... Tate take notes..... lol

Anonymous said...

Great day, Victor is done!!!! But David Archie, WTF!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“Traditional Mississippi values are the truths that will keep Mississippi headed in the right direction,” Reeves said.

Wait, WHAT?!?! Anyone who says that Mississippi is headed "in the right direction" is either a complete idiot or damned liar. I voted for Haley, I voted for Trump (but that is up for discussion come 2020). For Tate to have given Jim Hood what is among the best campaign sound bites in recent memory after apparently winning the runoff shows just how much trouble the state is in, be it Reeves or Hood as the next guv.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the “Foster in a landslide” people from yesterday? It’s glorious seeing all of the liberal pseudo Republicans proclaiming their support for Hood tonight. I’ll also enjoy seeing you lose then. Go Tate!

Anonymous said...

If Tate Reeves is elected the next governor them I'm moving to West Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Taggart will forever be known as a wannabe that never was. What a slimeball.

Anonymous said...

If the current results hold, Reeves wins 54-46 - BUT - the coastal counties, especially Jackson and Harrison, had local races that brought out voters and that helped Reeves greatly.

In broad terms and comparatively speaking, a late-to-the-race Waller spent a fraction of what Reeves spent and came within striking distance of an upset. That will serve to encourage some very deep Dem pockets to attempt to flip the Governorship. Those deep pockets don't give a shit beyond the "D" after the name who the next guv might be or how it might affect the state. If those deep pockets decide to start spending, Reeves will not be able to keep up because for the Tate backers, the ROI will be getting more dollars back than they spend but for those willing to spend to flip the race, the ROI will be "Governor [whoever] (D)." I truly feel for Elee and the families. This will be very ugly and I have no doubt every personal or professional mistake Tate or Elee has ever made will be discovered and scrutinized and very likely used as fodder.

If Tate has an ounce of sense, he will go out of his way to court Waller and more importantly, his supporters and then, go above and beyond to live up to whatever promises he might make to them.

Anonymous said...

Mark Baker is gonna win it all!

Wait...he spent 2,000,000 to place third.....

What a loser

Anonymous said...

I voted for Waller and the responses of his supporter is embarrassing. What a bunch a whiners. Tater was better organized and raised more money. It was an uphill fight for Waller all along. Quit whining. We may prefer Waller, but Tater out worked him.

Anonymous said...

Morons like Tate Reeves are the reason for the brain drain.

Anonymous said...

Actually we did NOT dodge a bullet in the AG's race. We got shot square in the ass electing this pretentious dumb blonde. As is often the case, we get what we deserve. She's already got the Miskelly boys opening up the warehouse doors.

We pissed away a chance to have a professional attorney in the job.

Anonymous said...

It is a great day for Mississippi. Andy Taggart was defeated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David Archie's victory is great for Hinds County. When you hit rock bottom there is no way to go but up. We have touched bottom. In a few years Hinds County will be headed up.

Anonymous said...

Right after the election, I suggested that about 7 points was the max potential differential between winner and loser and that was not good for Tate. That was fairly accurate and 54-46ish does not bode well at all for Tate. For him to have anything remotely approaching a lead in the upcoming bloodbath, he needed to beat Waller by at least 14 (57-43) and 18 (59-41) would have been at least an order of magnitude better. Tate's total in the runoff was about 5% less than in the primary and Waller's was about 20% more (albeit in a 2-way versus a 3-way in which the 3rd place Foster had about 17% of that total), but Jimmy Hood got more votes than Tate or even Waller and Foster combined. Granted, it doesn't translate absolutely, but it is still not good at all for Tate because a substantive-but-unknown number of those who voted for Waller or Foster will not vote for Reeves; most Reeves and Foster voters would have voted for Waller over Hood, but how many Waller or Foster voters will get out and vote for Reeves over Hood? It is clear that some number of Waller and Foster voters will vote for Hood over Reeves and Tate cannot count on or even expect a solid rally by Waller and Foster voters over to him. Again, more serious danger for Tate.

As of now and barring anything extraordinary, it'll be about 5 points difference between the winner and loser. Tate cannot win over the "Tater-haters" and he has absolutely no chance with 90ish% of black voters or something north of 80% of Dems. Tate as the MSGOP candidate and Jimmy as the Dem candidate have each had about 45% (with a slight advantage to Tate) of the November vote since each entered the race and short of a very unlikely complete and total meltdown, those votes are locked in. At this point, only about half of the remaining 10% are really in play, again, unless something really unexpected happens.

I'll suggest that tonight/tomorrow morning, it's Jimmy over Tate 51-49ish, but that will change several times back and forth over the coming months of serious ugliness.

Anonymous said...

Reeves outspent Waller 10-1 and has been in statewide office for 16 years. Why didn't he win in a landslide?

Anonymous said...

I still can’t believe Taggart’s whole campaign pitch was to amp up the War on Drugs. How ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Get ready JH... now tater toter is going to try to penny back on your ideals too, just like he did with Judge Waller’s ideals... talk about flip flopping ( your ideal becomes mine now) just wait and see.. Tater has no plans for the people of the state of MS..white or black rich or poor he’s only thinking about the conservatives and republicans ( the good ole boys kkk views) so he say... Tater does not care for MISSISSIPPI or MISSISSIPPIANS.. WAKE UP FOLKS OF MISSISSIPPI PLEASE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BOOM! Suck it Tater Haters

Anonymous said...

Andy, when you put out lies and misrepresentations you take on risks. Well you lost and are now branded a liar who couldn’t run in his own merits. #liarswillalwaysbeliars

Anonymous said...

@12:04, because he is as nearly unlikable as Hillary Clinton. If he gets elected, his whiny, entitled attitude will get old quickly.

I'm just a dumb redneck, but how can you justify spending millions of dollars to get elected to a job that only pays $150K?

Anonymous said...

Clinton republicans were responsible for David (wife beater) Archie being elected. Those idiots voted in Republican rather than democrat. Well, I guess the old saying is true. You get what you vote for. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

We are about to be screwed, from all angles.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Today proved itself last night as inconsequential on a statewide basis as the JFP is in the metro area. The money donated to that outfit would be better served feeding the poor at Stewpot or the Gateway Rescue Mission or any other soup kitchen in this state.

Anonymous said...

Curious 7:28 AM. What is Mississippi Today?

Now, for a breath of fresh air. I am glad Tate Reeves won and I believe he will prevail in November. He is not arrogant as so many want to label him; he is a "down to business" numbers man. He is going to have a Lieutenant Governor who is also a financial wizard. Pulling Mississippi upwards in economy and strength is a hard job particularly with a legislature full of those who are only interested in pork. Watch us bloom and grow! We have two men who are devoted to family, faith, and work. Two who husband money well and can wield power well. Two who are on the right side with Washington. Both are qualified and experienced in our State. All of these factors are sign posts to a better Mississippi!

Anonymous said...

Where do I get a "Don't Blame Me. I Voted For Waller" bumper sticker?

I don't see Waller voters supporting Tate after Tate's dirty politics. Get comfortable saying "Governor Hood".

Anonymous said...

Some persuasions 7:18 eagerly await the actions.

Anonymous said...

Hot damn! We can finally get that new road connecting our gated community to the shopping center. Win!

Anon-E-Mouse said...

Tate Reeves as governor will do to Mississippi what Ray Mabus did to the Mississippi Democrats. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how Tate handles things when Donald Trump crashes the economy and we don't have any friends or trading partners left. I guess we can all eat whole chickens stuffed with catfish and soybeans for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 - well said, Tate.
Where is that guy who was taking money on Hood beating Tate in the general? I need to make some easy money. Btw, I voted for Waller.

Anonymous said...

The New Jim Hood ad "ITS OIC And ME"

Anonymous said...

The Tater Squad is gonna say "we must come together to stop JH and his liberal agenda". But if the legislature is Rep, that argument doesn't really have merit. Another thing: when Tatertot says he wants to fix roads/bridges and our hospitals...to quote our President to Crooked Hillary "why haven't you done so before now? I mean you've been in government 30 years and you're just thinking of solutions?" The Reps have had control of the state for the last several years and we (the people) are no better off...except their donors and independent contractors working for them. It's time to put a stop to their drunken power & self enrichment and have a check on them. One party in total control can be a dangerous thing.

Anonymous said...

Weekly called out, 'you are not from here.' true dat! Yankee, Federal, we were true blue! Leads to many trying to convert me to the 'noble lost cause myths.'
The state flag issue, writing that the Republican party had not historical tie to the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, defeated Andy.
It is a pretty flag, simple, nice colors. I do not like complex state flags.

The proposed flag is worse, looks like the EU flag.

Anonymous said...

8:03...a little early to be hitting the sauce, huh?

Anonymous said...

To those of you who believe that Mississippi has been harmed because Tate has no plan--

just wait until Hood tries to implement his.

Anonymous said...

What will Gov Hood or Gov Reeves do with Public Safety and Corrections? That would be good information to have. Will they continue with the same leadership or is there hope for either agency?

Anonymous said...

What will Gov Hood or Gov Reeves do with Public Safety and Corrections? That would be good information to have. Will they continue with the same leadership or is there hope for either agency?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately my neighbors here on the coast helped get Reeves elected. Everyone touted how he got the BP money dedicated to the coast.
Let’s see.
75% hoes to the coast
Subtract pet projects included in the bill
Add 3 counties that are near the coast to be included in the 75%
Add some bullshit language about the county seat within so many miles but no further north than language??????????
Add stupid shit like the aquarium that will lose money
The coast will be lucky to get 25% of the BP money to do restoration etc.
All the mayors supported Reeves thinking he helped them out. I don’t quite understand the math.
I do wonder rather Delbert will exact revenge on the short shit for the way he was treated the last 8 years though.
Payback can be s bitch sometimes.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:03am

Curious 7:28 AM. What is Mississippi Today?...............Now, for a breath of fresh air. I am glad Tate Reeves won and I believe he will prevail in November. He is not arrogant as so many want to label him; he is a "down to business" numbers man. He is going to have a Lieutenant Governor who is also a financial wizard. Pulling Mississippi upwards in economy and strength is a hard job particularly with a legislature full of those who are only interested in pork. Watch us bloom and grow! We have two men who are devoted to family, faith, and work. Two who husband money well and can wield power well. Two who are on the right side with Washington. Both are qualified and experienced in our State. All of these factors are sign posts to a better Mississippi!

Bullsh*t!? That lil fat som'icth could give a rats tail about this state!? You hear it in his rhetoric and talking points!? He's as advertised. Full of divisive sh*t!

Delbert I can deal with. Sensible, humble, practical, straight shooter. He walks the walk. But Little Lord Fauntleroy f*ck that som'itch with a prickly pear.

Anonymous said...

AG, Governor, it's all a side-show. Delbert is sharpening his knives and the streets will run green with the spending he's about to cut.

Anonymous said...

@9:23 - don't worry, he won't get a chance. The general won't be close.

Anonymous said...

Go on Hosemann and cut that budget!

State agencies are overstaffed by at least 20% and have not leveraged technology effectively to increase efficiency. The state needs to negotiate its purchasing contracts as an enterprise, seek opportunities to consolidate agencies to eliminate duplication of efforts, open a data center to centralize state-owned records and provide technology platforms for localities who can't afford stand-alone solutions. And, PERS, DPS and Corrections need to be dealt with. Introduce a bill to consolidate school districts for a maximum of one per county, and in the delta and very rural areas consolidate districts across county lines.

Anonymous said...

Just casually observing the election returns, it appeared a definite correlation of the votes for Reeves/Fitch & Waller/Taggart.
Waller’s concession speech was extremely disappointing. It was definitely not party unifying. It was more of Waller patting himself on his back saying “look what I did”. Waller’s true democratic ideology was expressed as he simply provided Hood with fodder.
Hood’s speech was true Hood; his folksy charm in full array. Hood is the consummate Mississippian politician. Looking at the two political camps on tv, it will be predominantly black versus white.
Reeves’s acceptance speech was well prepared & effectively delivered. Reeves classily paid respectable homage to Waller & then laid out a party approach to defeating Hood.
It would be nitrous to elect a democrat that would be a thorn in the side of our outstanding republican president. With the republicans in control of the federal government, Mississippi could ill afford to elect a democrat.
Fitch was her typical, classy self in her acceptance speech stating that she maintained the high road when confronted with attacks.

Anonymous said...


You drink a lot of Kool-Aid, don't you? Hell, I almost wish Waller would have run as an independent, so he wouldn't be associated with either of these clown parties! MS is getting what it deserves in Reeves and Hood. They are both garbage candidates with no real desire to push the state forward. They are only about special interests.

Anonymous said...

Waller should have run as a Democrat. His odds were better of running as a common-sense conservative Democrat than running as a moderate Republican. Waller had more political connectivity and claim to the Democratic nomination than Hood did/does. Hood has done extremely little for Mississippi Democrats during his time in office.

Anonymous said...

@1:43 PM
Why don’t u give the board the benefit of ur proposed electoral process? Maybe u should seek elected office & attempt to implement ur utopia plan. That would certainly educate u on “special interest”.

Anonymous said...

@ August 28, 2019 at 12:44 PM

State agencies are overstaffed by at least 20%............... have not leveraged technology effectively to increase efficiency................ open a data center to centralize state-owned records and provide technology platforms for localities who can't afford stand-alone solutions...............And, PERS, needs to be dealt with

Everyone say hello to Buck Clarke's sorry pathetic ass showing up as an anonymous poster, regurgitating some got'damn nonsense!?

"open a data center to centralize state-owned records and provide technology platforms for localities who can't afford stand-alone solutions" - what in the entire hell you think Information Technology Services is doing right now? SMH

Cutting agencies another 20% and people wonder why sh*t is so f*cked up right now? Where the hell do you plan on generating the funds to cover the retirement fund when you have fewer people paying into it!?

You must have forgotten that same retirement fund that Tate Reeves as Treasurer f*cked up back in 2005; when he directed a sh*t load of the money into garbage sub-prime mortgage securities at Goldman Sachs!? That was a billion dollar hit back in 2008!? Hell - it took Jim Hood to sue the sorry bastards to recoup $700 million of that.

Nah Buck, glad people kept you from getting a promotion out of the state legislature into a statewide position!

Anonymous said...

1:12PM wrote, "Just casually observing the election returns, it appeared a definite correlation of the votes for Reeves/Fitch & Waller/Taggart."

Might want to look a little less casually:


Tate Reeves

Bill Waller

Total - 326,233

Lynn Fitch

Andy Taggart

Total - 317,651


Tate Reeves

Bill Waller

Foster, Robert

Total - 374,127

Lynn Fitch

Andy Taggart

Mark Baker

Total - 362,591

In the Dem primary:

Jim Hood

The other six - about 90,000

Total - about 290,000...in a primary whose results were known the second Hood declared (really, well before it was official)

There were fewer total votes cast in the runoff and Reeves and Fitch got fewer votes in the runoff (both of which are common and were expected) but a significant number of voters showed up to vote for Waller and Taggart (not common, but not some divine sign, either) - OR - and this where the shit hits the fan for Tate, they showed up to vote to defeat Tate (which could and likely will matter quite a bit in the general) or against Fitch (which won't likely matter one tiny bit). Thus far, about 7% more people have gone to polls to vote for Hood, in a contest whose outcome was all but known, than have voted for Tate - AND - about 190,000 voters voted for "not Tate" in the primary and over 3/4 of that number did it again in the runoff. Again, ominous for Tate.

Barbour-Musgrove was about 470,000-410,000 (about 52-46, with the remaining 2% split between 3 loonies), which was the last time the guv race was even a real race. That was 16 years ago, about 2 years before Facebook existed at all, about 4 years before the first iPhone, about 5 years before 99% of US population knew who Barack Obama was, and about 6 years anyone knew what in the hell a "Kardashian" was. I'd suggest that quite a bit has changed in those 16 years. (Exhibit 1) MSGOP pols scrambling to show who better licks the shoes of (Exhibit 2) New York developer-turned-President Donald J. Trump. Thus far, about 300,000 Dems went to the polls to cast a vote in a mostly meaningless primary and about 200,000 GOPers said "not Tate" twice. And that was before the knives, chains, and large out-of-state checkbooks really get whipped out. The general election will both ugly and close.

Anonymous said...

Well tater proved the “money can buy elections” crowd right. If Waller had a comparable sum of campaign cash as tater he would have been the republican nominee for governor. I kept hearing people say tater had no plan or solutions for the state’s problems, well how the hell can he have a plan or solutions when he helped create those problems?? He has nothing of substance to offer the people of this state, he is just another connected idiot who believes he is entitled to the governor’s seat. He will probably lose to hood and will be the biggest embarrassment Haley and Philbilly ever spawned.

Anonymous said...

This LEO is voting for Jim Hood & Lynn Fitch!!

Anonymous said...

One comment Jim Hood made in his post election interview really resonated with me, “ when I am elected I will put an end to this corruption”. How many years has Jim Hood been the chief law enforcement person in MS? How many corrupt people has he prosecuted? I did not know the governor was responsible for prosecuting corruption. I thought the Attorney General was. Funny how things get turned around in politics.

Anonymous said...

This TAURUS is voting for Tate Reeves!!

Anonymous said...

Hard to endure politicians claiming to be the most conservative. I no longer grasp what conservative means in Mississippi to most voters. Pork rules in this great State.
Do I even vote in the fall? Does it matter? Probably.

Haley's Comet said...

All this chatter about cutting back state agencies. Meanwhile we have people like Barbour trotting Lynn Fitch in and out of agencies and Reeves with designs on doing the same. These places are all employment agencies - political spoils for the winners.

Further meanwhile, Taggart on day 1 would have been desk-deep reviewing cases and opportunities for cases while Fitch will be flying out to Dallas to choose wallpaper and teak-wood filing cabinets.

Imagine this if Haley gets his way: Eight years of Tater followed eight years of Fitch. And by then, Haley will be alongside Willie Morris and another witch.

Anonymous said...


Well this LEO is voting for Tate.

Anonymous said...

6:45 wrote, "Well tater proved the “money can buy elections” crowd right. If Waller had a comparable sum of campaign cash as tater he would have been the republican nominee for governor."

Maybe, but probably not. Money was at best tertiary to the runoff. Waller lost because he chose to ignore a cardinal rule of late 20th and early 21st century politics: nice guys generally do not win political contests. Somewhat to Tate's credit, he was as gentlemanly as a 21st century office-seeker might be expected in such circumstances. If Tate really spent millions "on the runoff" (DURING the runoff isn't the same as ON the runoff), it was a major blunder and waste of campaign funds he will need later. Waller can perhaps console himself (and I hope he does) with the fact that he did remain (mostly - the birthday party commercial was a bit, er, childish, pardon the pun) a gentleman. He lost, but he did so without resorting to the excessive unpleasantness that typifies modern campaigning. In any event, what is coming will make the runoff seem like an uncontested race in Mayberry circa 1962.

As an aside, Waller endorsing Tate is problematic since Hood and Waller share several arguments that Tate has very publicly and very firmly opposed. Some of those shared arguments, if properly implemented, would be of long-term benefit to the citizens, but not to various "special interests." If Waller does want to eventually endorse Tate, both better be very careful lest it provide Jimmy (and his backers) with real ammunition.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS