Monday, August 29, 2022

Governor: O.B. Curtis Water Plant is Failing

Governor Tate Reeves is addressing Jackson's water crisis in an emergency press conference that is live-streamed below.


* OBC's main water pumps failed last week.  The plant has been operating on backup but smaller pumps.  The complete failure of the plant began today.  Fire safety and sanitation are severely affected. There are two main pumps.  Each pump has two motors.  The two pumps failed.  The backups operated for an "extended period of time."  The state will assess the state of affairs at the water plant.  Governor Reeves said the lack of redundancies meant the margin for error was very small. 

* The Governor and State Health Department are declaring a state of emergency.  

* MEMA will take the lead in distributing water to Jackson.  Governor said state has to provide water for up to 180,000 people.  

* "There is no silver bullet fix," said the Governor.  The state created an incident command structure that surges assets to making improvements and repairs to the plant.  The state and Jackson will split half the cost.  The Mayor accepted the terms in principle.  

* The Governor said do not drink the water as too often the water is raw water pumped into the pipes. 

* State Health Officer Dr. Edney said there was very poor water flow and pressure today.   He said boil water for at least three minutes.  


*  MEMA Director McCraney said they are trying to avoid using fire stations to distribute water so there aren't long lines at the fire stations.  Governor will mobilize the National Guard for command and control.

* Potable and non-potable water will be distributed. 

*  Hinds County EOC Director Joey Perkins secured water for fire-fighting. 

* The unified command center will operate at O.B. Curtis.  

* Governor said MSDH and EPA identified many of the issues in 2016.  What has changed today "is the failure of the O.B. Curtis facility."  He said orders issued in 2016 "have not been adhered to." 

*  "We will go with this emergency plan as long as we have to," said Governor Reeves.

* Governor Reeves hopes the city will cooperate with the state.  Getting O.B. Curtis back up and operating is the first priority.  The command center will issue a daily report. 

* The Governor lauded the plant workers.  He said they have been doing "heroic work" but "there have not been enough of them."  


*  Bobby Harrison asked if there was anything the Health Dept. could have done to avoid this crisis.  He also asked if they knew where the water distribution points will be.  The Governor said there will be time in the future to assess what went wrong.  He is more concerned with getting the command center set up and getting clean water flowing again. 

* Reporter asked if the Governor thought the Mayor was misleading the severity of the situation.  Governor Reeves said he would not engage in Monday morning quarterbacking.  He said he did not personally invite the Mayor to the press conference. 

 *  OBC produces up to 50 million gallons per day while Fewell produces up to 20 million gallons per day. Fewell has been producing nearly 30 million gallons per day recently to make up for the loss at OBC.

* Bobby Harrison asked about calling a special session.  The Governor said there is an appetite at the legislature for such a special session.  He said he is focused on getting the command center set up and assessing the problems.  


Anonymous said...

No water in Northeast Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Don’t dare give them a dime!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t he bail out every city for every problem? Moss Point has issues. So does Walnut Grove. Maybe he can step up and help Meridian and Greenwood too!

Anonymous said...

No water in belhaven

burton39110 said...

They will misuse whatever the State gives them. They can’t even negotiate a garbage contract.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed the state will control the money and not allow 80 million and much more to go into pockets instead of solutions. Personally, I am all for it. Bringing in the Guard may do more than help with the water, too. Sad, but true. I'm so tired of the Jackson 5 and crew who are bleeding Jackson dry to finance their cars, planes, and lifestyle. Maybe finally accountability will return to at least one crisis in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor accepted the terms in principle.

A gated neighborhood dose of hubris from the Emperor Polluter.

Anonymous said...

Good work Governor Reeves!

You and the state were asleep at the wheel.

Also I notice that your unified comand will start up first thing tomorrow morning. Bankers hours?

Anonymous said...

Chok me’s plan is working. Let it get so bad the state/feds bails him out.

Anonymous said...

Long story short, the taxpayers of MS will fund the fix of this complete and total abject failure of this mayor and his administration. Meanwhile, these morons can't even send a water bill to its constituents that would fund needed repairs. Over 70% reelected this absolute fool and it is unfair to the rest of the taxpayers to fund this incompetence.

Anonymous said...

No pressure for hydrants. This is setting up like a wet dream for a deranged arsonist

Anonymous said...

This will probably be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of restaurants in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

I am glad the Governor is activating the National Guard. This is a true emergency and one that I am glad is receiving the attention of the Governor and the
Board of Health are trying to rectify. What a failure and how dare the national news say this is the Governor playing the race card. This is the Governor caring about a majority black city's citizens!

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck is Chokwe?

Anonymous said...

I don’t rely on any fool named Lumumba, so I’m about to take myself a hot shower and drink a cold glass of iced tap water. Heard he’s going to Embassy Suites in Ridgeland until the State fixes this mess.

Anonymous said...

The reason that no one was at OB Curtis is that the state told the mayor how it was going to be and the mayor sent everyone home.

Anonymous said...

Actually only 16% of Jackson citizens voted in mayor election.

Anonymous said...

The total physical and social destruction of Jackson has been the boy mayor’s goal from day 1. He’s doing exactly what he said he would. If you have the means to leave that shithole, and stayed anyway, you chose this. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

The two pumps have been out for several weeks, if not months. Both are 'off site' - but as of today, the City has not authorized getting them fixed.

Reminds one of the electrical panel that was out of service for almost a year without an order being placed to buy a new one.

Anonymous said...

Where is the mayor? I hear a lot about "cooperation" but this snake oil salesman can't be bothered to answer questions that the state isn't privy to about the situation?

Anonymous said...

With all that has transpired to this point, I'm hard-pressed to believe this is really happening. Someone tell me this isn't a movie.

Anonymous said...

No water to flush toilets. This could soon be smelling to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

Legislature should demand Jackson turn the airport and reservoir over to the state in exchange for repairing OB Curtis. A$$ grass or cash, nobody rides for free. We will screw but it’s going to cost you. Otherwise just let it crumble and start over.

Anonymous said...

The adults have entered the room. Move aside boy mayor,

FJB said...

Time for debtors to force bankruptcy and let the state take over. city council and mayor walked out in chains. What a disgrace. Failure on all fronts, and no one with any amount of honesty can deny that. Failed police, failed water/sewer, failed trash. The emperor is fiddling with the supreme court while the city is burning down, and he doesn't care. I wonder if Shad can see if the mayor has paid his own water bill and if not, put his arse in jail for that.

Anonymous said...

Where is the mayor? He always loves to talk to the cameras and say a lot but yet say nothing. Was he mad that he didn’t get an invite to the press conference? Was he mad that he didn’t get a MEMA vest like everyone else at tonight’s presser?

Anonymous said...

The City in court over the garbage and not fixing our damn problem.

Anonymous said...

Let Jackson either and die. The fools that live there voted for their leader based on race for years and years. Let them suffer with their decision.

Anonymous said...

It’s unfair and regrettable the state has to step in and taxpayers outside the water system likely have to assume the financial burden of correcting this catastrophe. It’s also terribly unfair to be aware of real human suffering due to lack of sanitary water and do nothing. So I, for one, as a non-Jackson resident, favor spending state and federal dollars to ensure every resident of the city has access to clean water and every business that sustains the city’s tax base doesn’t collapse.

Time to resign said...

Tate just bitch slapped the mayor of Jackson. I heard it all the way to my house.

Anonymous said...

But it’s not *real* socialism.

Anonymous said...

Watch Antar on NBC national news. He blames everything on others.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much transparency there will actually be?

Will the state present a truthful narrative of the actions and inactions of the last year?

Surely our local media will begin dissecting each and every press release and statement from the past few years to find out the truth?

Anonymous said...

^^^ 7:47 Think the governor stepped up in good manner.

Anonymous said...

757 = your favor of the spending is possibly the only solution, but not until the state takes over the system. Giving the money to Jackson officials will be a waste. Fixing it and then giving it back to the Jackson officials to run will be a waste.

The Mayor likes to claim he "inherited" these problems - let me just ask: Did the water work in 2016 and before? Did we have multiple 'boil water' notices in 2016 and before? Did the system shut down for weeks at a time in 2016 and before?

Answer to all - NO. At the time if the system had problems, they fixed them. Prior to Lumumba, the city had competent and capable managers over the entire water/sewer system and in charge of the various treatment facilities.

The city sent bills and collected them -they didn't continue to serve water, treat sewer, and pick up garbage for those houses that didn't pay their bill. But once the city decided to put a moritorium on cut-offs of water, thousands of users decided to pay nothing for a few years.

Result is, no money to take care of basic repairs. To do basic maintenance. To fix things when they broke. To replace broken parts with the redundant supply, but then to replace the redundancy.

But - not under this administration. He didn't inherit all these problems like he claims, he created them.

Anonymous said...

So now my taxes have to pay for Jackson water system repairs, other folks student loans and illegal aliens flooding the border? Thanks Democrats! Y’all all suck!

Anonymous said...

Time to hand over the airport so it can be run properly.

Anonymous said...

I’m not from Jackson, but lived in the Jackson ‘burbs for 20 years before leaving in 2014.

I lived there longer than anywhere else in my life, and will always consider myself part-Mississippian.

But this is so gross. I live in one of many of the ATL equivalents of JXN now. If this shit were going in Atlanta right now, black activists would be at the mayor’s house with torches & pitchforks right now, with Delta, Coke & CFA bosses on lines 1- a thousand.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

If the Governor calls a special session of the legislature, he should have language to take over the Jackson water system. And he should also open the code section on adding a remedy of impeaching a mayor for a city greater than 100k.

Anonymous said...

The Barksdalers arrived to carry dysfunctional Democrat water. They've not uttered a word, nor has Ladd, about the raw sewage pollution. Anna's tap also looks to be high and dry after the sPigott got turned off.

Anonymous said...

I know a handful of former staff that know how to spell airport. Several would return should the state assume control of the board.

Anonymous said...

8:09, this is 7:57. I agree with you. I favor the spending but am opposed to giving the money to the city. History proves it will be mismanaged and will not accomplish what residents are entitled to receive—a reliable source of clean water with a reliable system of maintenance and ratepaying.

Anonymous said...

@7:20 - Hope that is not sarcasm, because the last I researched, the governor has no obligation to step into city issues. He/she manages the state, not poorly managed cities - the voters elect them. That's why we have *and pay* a mayor and city council. Our current admin has forced the state to step in. My heart breaks for older, disabled, and disadvantaged people who now have to figure out how to get water to drink or just to flush a commode, not to mention wash clothes, dishes, and shower.
I'm disgusted at the amount of money that has been funneled from those in need of services into pockets of a few. Surely now the corruption will stop, and a REAL leader will step up. This is just inexcusable and embarrassing. Prayers for those who are suffering due to horribly incompetent leadership. (Actually I think it may be partial incompetence with a huge helping of greed and entitlement thrown in).

Anonymous said...

You morons who live in Madison/Rankin think things are going to get better for you if Jackson totally fails? Get real (and get ready to get robbed).

And stop pretending like other areas of the state haven't gotten one-off funding for infrastructure.

Like it or not, everyone's fortunes are somewhat linked to the success or failure of Jackson.

Is Chokwe a terrible and incompetent mayor? Of course he is. But essentially no one has garner enough excitement to challenge him. You can also stop pretending everyone in Jackson supports him because that is simply not the case.

Many, many people in Jackson want him out and welcome the state takeover. Should we be punished too? Of course not. Good on Tate for stepping in, and hopefully he takes the next step in calling a special session.

Anonymous said...

Havin a busy night ‘fish???? Congrats since you are the only one who has stayed after this. One Lake folks been busy too!

Anonymous said...

Omari has water! ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Richard’s can run a water plant?

Anonymous said...

8:09. AMEN!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the leadership of Jackson needs to man up and work WITH the state and the surrounding areas rather than isolating themselves against everyone that could help them. I guess these piss poor leaders never heard that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Glad the state can step in and help in an emergency. I’m sure there will be cries of racism by the left as the proper people’s pockets aren’t being lined.

Anonymous said...

8:09 is correct and HELL YES to 8:17. The entire city of Byram (15,000 residents) is victim to COJ’s crap. We have no vote or voice yet we depend on COJ water while many of us are forced to pay DOUBLE rates — literally— for sporadically available, undrinkable water. People who moved here 5 years ago never dreamed it would come this. COJ has made it VERY clear they are willing to spend all available funds to fight Byram assuming responsibility for water for it’s citizens— Jackson feels entitled to receive premium payment for use of its aged water lines here that it does not improve or maintain.

Mayor lumumba, watch the Governors press conference. This is what leadership looks like. No finger pointing. No blaming. Nothing except focus on the needs of the people and the immediate steps to meet those needs. No self absorption, no race card, no trips to Atlanta to escape the misery you’ve visited on the rest of us.

Mayor lumumba, you need to RESIGN. Today.

Anonymous said...

I literally cannot imagine a mayor doing a worse job.

Anonymous said...

So did this have anything to do with the flood or not? If not another lie.

Anonymous said...

lol I just went to jacksonfreepress and searched “water” on the main page. Zero results.

Anonymous said...

8:25: Get ready to get robbed? Nah dawg. That’s why I carry.

“Like it or not, everyone's fortunes are somewhat linked to the success or failure of Jackson.” This is not even remotely true. I have no need to go to or interact with anything in Jackson. As long as the state gets their taxes from me I hear nothing from Jackson.

Let it rot and let the people dumb enough to stay there deal with it. Stop using my tax money to fund Jackson’s incompetence.

Free The Land. What a bunch of horse shit.

Anonymous said...

This mayor is completely incompetent. A city basically provides water, sewer and trash pickup, and safety. Jackson provides none of the above.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Governor Reeves for stepping up & taking charge. Those trying to make a living in the restaurant industry have suffered long enough.
Jackson's joke of a Mayor should hide in shame! It's time for real men to come in & run things.
Citizens of Jackson, stop your complaining!! You bitch about your Mayor not doing anything now you're bitching about Governor Reeves coming in & taking over.
Does nothing suit y'all?!?!

Anonymous said...

The governor just showed more leadership on the Jackson water crisis in the space of one press conference than the mayor has in the last 3 years. Reeves recognized the problem, outlined the impacts, stated that it was a situation that demanded immediate action, is calling in experts who will then call in specific technicians for a hands-on assessment of the situation at the water stations,,,and finally, he pledged that based on the findings, the most immediate solutions will be put into effect to get key positions staffed at the water plant, and ultimately water pressure restored and suitable for consumption again. Even though it's not the state's responsibility to be bailing Jackson out, the governor didn't politicize it or lay blame. I hope the mayor was watching and taking notes.

Anonymous said...

Ladd and Kid Judin already beating the systemic racism drum. Yup, white people purposefully f*^ked up the broken pumps and bribed the people fixing the pumps on the side to fix them real slowly so the black man in Jackson could take yet another shaft.

Anonymous said...

@7:20 - Hope that is not sarcasm, because the last I researched, the governor has no obligation to step into city issues. He/she manages the state, not poorly managed cities - the voters elect them. That's why we have *and pay* a mayor and city council. Our current admin has forced the state to step in. My heart breaks for older, disabled, and disadvantaged people who now have to figure out how to get water to drink or just to flush a commode, not to mention wash clothes, dishes, and shower.
I'm disgusted at the amount of money that has been funneled from those in need of services into pockets of a few. Surely now the corruption will stop, and a REAL leader will step up. This is just inexcusable and embarrassing. Prayers for those who are suffering due to horribly incompetent leadership. (Actually I think it may be partial incompetence with a huge helping of greed and entitlement thrown in).

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I can get all my neighbors in my Rankin County water system to not pay bills, so the system can't pay suppliers and we can let the state run in and pay for an emergency. It is WRONG for me to pay my bills and have to pay for the mess that the city made with tax money that should be spent at a state level on roads, bridges, economic development projects. I have no sympathy for the citizens or any business that chose to locate in the city, this is not a surprise. You chose to live or open a business with the leadership that is there and you should let them lead, I choose to live with the leadership I have elected and if they did something like what has been done in Jackson they would be out at the next election. People get what they vote for. I will remember how my representatives vote.

Anonymous said...

Believe me. I know.

The State will create a regional water authority with Board appointed by the Governor, Lt. Governor and a few members by the Mayor, but they won't be able to control the Board.

The Board will appoint a manager for the Water Authority. The Water Authority will run the water system.

No more free water.

Anonymous said...

Can the Mayor veto the takeover? I can’t wait until the Mayor plays the race card on Tot. Why wasn’t Chok at the press conference?
So which contractor gets the emergency no bid contract to fix the water system? My bet is on the guys from Philadelphia with the guys from Florence a close second. We will soon see which contractor writes the biggest checks. The good thing is Tot is probably not going to let the Socrates and Crisler crowd siphon any money away from his guys.

Anonymous said...

Can the Mayor veto the takeover? I can’t wait until the Mayor plays the race card on Tot. Why wasn’t Chok at the press conference?
So which contractor gets the emergency no bid contract to fix the water system? My bet is on the guys from Philadelphia with the guys from Florence a close second. We will soon see which contractor writes the biggest checks. The good thing is Tot is probably not going to let the Socrates and Crisler crowd siphon any money away from his guys.

Anonymous said...

For those who do not know, Jackson’s form of government is the “Strong Mayor” model. This type of governance has damaged the city more than just the Lumumba administration. The Melton term was disastrous. The city council has tried to flex its muscles over the garbage contract. So far, not much luck there. The problems at O B Curtis are of long standing types and help has been requested for years. We pray the Governor’s intervention will be successful.

Kingfish said...

How often has the Mayor lied about the Governor and trashed him? Governor doesn't owe him anything. Tate's actually mellowed. Remember when Lying Lumumba lied about the state not paying its water bills? Governor was much nicer about it than he would have been ten years ago, right Harvey?

Remember last week when the Mayor said the water was safe, he would drink it, the leadership of the Health Dept disagreed with its staff and all that jazz? Why didn't he mention anything about the pumps failing? I first heard about it last week and have been trying to confirm it but had been unable to do so. The Mayor again didn't tell the truth.

I can say this. When it comes to leadership, meaning the Congressional delegation (ALL of them), Senators, legislators (including a certain caucus), and statewide officials, NONE of them trust the Mayor with a bailout or the money to fix the water system. None of them. The common complaint you hear is the mayor will just let his cronies line their pockets. The other common complaint is how often, easily, and brazenly he lies just as he did several times today.

Anonymous said...

Trash was not picked up today as well. Sorry to ‘pile on.’

Anonymous said...

Kim Wade called it. Looks like "Whiteboy Bob" is Governor Tate Reeves. Right.
Chowke has now officially lost control of the water system. I guess the next thing he'll lose control over is the City of Jackson, right. I mean, you know, that's what happened to Detroit, right.

Anonymous said...

You'd think IF a paper or cloth mask would stop you from getting Covid-19, you'd think drinking a glass of Jackson tap water through a mask would stop those pesky microbes and bacteria of untreated Ross Barnett Reservoir water.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations mayor. You just made Tate Reeves into a knight in shining armor. I didn’t think it could be done.

“Like it or not, everyone's fortunes are somewhat linked to the success or failure of Jackson.”

I agree. That’s one of the things that makes me so mad at this Chockwe douche.

Anonymous said...

Any money the State spends should come with the condition that Mayor Lumumba resigns. He is 95% of what is wrong with the water system due to his incompetence or local of will to get this thing fixed and get freaking bills sent out.

Anonymous said...

Can Flowood provide water to NE JXN?

Anonymous said...

This is copied from another post about this matter, and whoever wrote it probably is not supportive of Tate’s position, but he sure does express the opinion of most people who do not live anywhere near this shithole.

All of the politicians are posturing for the next election. I will actively campaign against any of these clowns that bail Jackson out of this self created mess. Seriously, it might be cheaper to relocate the capital than to start pouring an undetermined amount of the taxpayers’ money down the sinkhole that is Jackson. Let’s be honest here, none of our state “leaders” have the balls to do what is necessary to correct the many problems that Jackson presents because they are afraid of being call “racist”, and it is unreasonable of those that choose to live in Jackson and operate businesses there to expect the citizens of the State to pay for their inability to elect competent leaders. Therefore the problem will not be solved.

Anonymous said...

Free the water!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Governor. What most do not understand is Capitol city health seriously affects the health of the entire states. Always. Fact. Small minded suburb folk don’t get this.

Anonymous said...

Lumumba’s failures with Jackson’s water system should be considered criminal.

Anonymous said...

This is a takeover without calling it a takeover. Lumumba’s fingers won’t touch a dime. But the state is doing the right thing.

The people in Byram paying double for water should have sued years ago.

Some of y’all need some Jesus. Too much anger and hate.

Anonymous said...

7:47, if you knew anything about bankruptcy you would know that jackson is the debtor. And currently they are not in default. I have no idea how.

Anonymous said...

I think Lumumba should resign asap. What a worthless human being he is. He’s not accomplished only rode daddy coat tails. He is a joke of a mayor and a equally bad lawyer. I hope I see him at char today. Grinning like he is someone special.

Math Teacher said...

From he announcement..."The state and Jackson will split half the cost."

Question: Who covers the other half?

Anonymous said...

Funny reading all of these Tate is stepping up comments.

Tate’s stepping up doesn’t have anything to do with calls coming in from his rich white donors thinking it’s cool to live in Eastover and CCOJ, and send their kids to JA?

It’s the perception of a water crises.

Anonymous said...

5:51 You, me and the rest of the state.

Anonymous said...

Other than the members of the city council, is there a single prominent black politician, businessman, or community leader who has publicly criticized the mayor for anything? We call for a new mayor, but who can beat this clown? As with every other issue, race is more important than competence.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, Tate, take it all over. Install Marshall Law in Jackson. Take over all the tax dollars. There should be some tax dollars to work with if the supposedly elected crooks can't steal all of the money. I know I pay a chunk in property tax. Clean house! Hinds county is also a mess. I am asking to be rescued. Everything is a mess: schools, police department, roads, water, you name it. I did not vote for any of these fools. I've already lost my butt on what used to be viable rental property. I am retired and on a fixed income. You can't count on me for sales tax, as I rarely shop in Jackson. You are welcome to take everything else I am forced to pay to this shit hole. Help! Help! Help!

Anonymous said...

For those calling for the Mayor to resign- why is there not an ability to recall elected officials in MS law?

Anonymous said...

@8:15pm Stay tuned, based on the present realities - it's just around the corner. Hundreds of thousands with no drinking water? or undrinkable water? and unreliable sanitation issues?

That is a powder keg. Here come the feds because it will take billions to sort it.

Anonymous said...

Pssst everyone knows Flowood and Pearl quietly built their own water treatment right? Rankin county won’t touch Jackson water in the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor deserves some of the blame for many of Jackson’s problems. But the real culprit is a long declining tax base, driven by white flight that started in the 1970s. Jackson simply does not have the money to fix/replace its infrastructure. The State can help some, but it’s powers are limited. I wish I had a solution, but I don’t.

Anonymous said...

NE Jackson resident here. I own a business in ridgeland for medical procedures and botox etc… I am showering at my office and filling up water containers here to take home. Lumumba is a criminal and needs to resign.

Anonymous said...

The Official Movement to remove Lumumba from the Office of the Mair shall be named:


Anonymous said...

At this point, I think Chowke's only lasting legacy will be to stay in power until the release of Windows 12 so the spell check will finally recognize his name. First, middle and last. Right.

Anonymous said...

9:01pm this may be difficult to understand for small suburb brains, but it is about more than just you. Like it or not, Jackson is still the biggest economic driver in the metro area. And good luck with your concealed carry when the gun is already at your head. Pop.

Anonymous said...

It should be a hate crime for nazis like you and clay edwards to insult the mayor and his staff. It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat “I don’t care if you are black or white” y’all are being racists and spreading hate and lies. You disrespect the mayor, his sister, and his chief of staff. This is outrageous!

Anonymous said...

Reading some interesting comments on social media. I think it is truthful to convey the many comments by many participants:

"The state government is so racist that they have refused to do their job and pay for Jackson's water system. It is because Jackson is 85% black."

It is this sort of simplistic idiocy that has led to a city that cannot pick up its garbage. A city that cannot provide drinkable water to its citizens. A city that can't paint stripes down streets showing where to drive or fill in potholes. A city that can't bill or collect for its water. A city that can't afford enough police officers or run anything. A city with a failing school system.

Do the morons who actually think like this quote really think it is the responsibility of poor people in Yazoo and Carthage and Louisville to pay for Jackson's city services? Horrific thinking will not save the day.

Anonymous said...

7:03 AM, white flight? Don’t forget about the black flight.

You’re using race as a ruse as a means of deflecting attention away from critical questions such as why are poor blacks failing in systems run by their own people.

7:45 AM, don’t be so obvious. When the truth hurts and you can’t win the argument, you leftists always start calling people nazis, racists and words that end with phobia. Be original and come up with a new diversion tactic.

Anonymous said...

What did Reeves mean when he said he "hoped the city would cooperate"?
They need to MAKE the city cooperate.

Anonymous said...

What really chaps my ass is the comments on sites like yahoo. They bots and/or crazy liberals blame the governor for Jackson’s problems. The article never even mentions the mayor. The news media has no cred at all. Spin no facts. Atlas shrugged.

Anonymous said...

If the state can fix the water, maybe they can take over the entire city. It’s obvious the citizens of Jackson suck at electing leadership.

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes to funding the repairs, if and only if Chuckles resigns immediately.

I am so tired of bailing out idiots and the morons who still defend them and I am so tired of the we just have to save Jackson because, er...well...the capital.

If Chuckie does not care enough to save y'all why should we?

And any conservatives that allow any funds to flow into that den of corruption with out a panel of oversight will hopefully be primaried. And yes, I hope Pheel, the News, Favre and any other criminals all rot.

The average worker who pays a regular water bill and all of their own student debt is sick of all of this BS.

Anonymous said...

Please dont feed 7:45.

PLEASE see the troll spotlight and dont take the bait.

Anonymous said...

Surely Donner Kay and Antard and passing a Thank You card around the office and Melvin and 'Kaze are signing with lots of hearts and kisses to thank Tate for finally rescuing their dumb asses?

Anonymous said...

7:45: You know what it’s called when it becomes illegal to criticize the the political chief executive and his family, right?

Anonymous said...

Well this is the nail in the coffin for Chokwe. He will either resign during his term or decide not to run for re-election. Now we just need a decent candidate to run and get behind to help fix all of this mess.

Anonymous said...

@7:45 AM - Respect is earned. It's not just another free gub'mint handout to the "disadvantaged".

Did anyone else see the mayor on the HLN channel the other morning when he announced a flood emergency for Jackson? The HLN reporter identified him as the governor. I snorted coffee out my nose, I was laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

Tater organizes a last minute press conference about the Jackson water system and doesn’t inform the Jackson mayor and everyone here wonders “Where is the mayor?”.

The public school system has really failed you people.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the money from the Infrastructure Bill that Biden signed in 2021. In his public remarks. when signing it, he specifically mentioned the water problems in Jackson as something the bill would help. I was counting on that, thinking Jackson was in too deep a hole to dig itself out without outside help.

Anonymous said...

Does this have anything to do with the flood or not?

Anonymous said...

Will the State have to take on Ladumbo's garbage crisis too?

Anonymous said...

7:45am..... BAHAHAHAHAHAHA... what WORLD are you living in? The MAYOR and his SISTER and his CHIEF OF STAFF are a JOKE! Our capitol city is a JOKE under this administration! They are worse than the raw boo boo in your drinking water

Anonymous said...

This is well beyond sad. But, he will reign yet again.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:21 PM

You are 100% correct and if the election were held tomorrow he would get 70% of the vote again. JJ is as complicit as the drive by media when it comes to situations like this. The media will not call him out for his total incompetence because they are afraid of the "R" word being thrown their way. I make mention of Systemic Racism on this site occasionally and JJ refuses to post my comments. We do have a systemic racism problem in this country and its the media behind it. They will not call out a black woke liberal politician for any reason but you let somewhat like Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell etc... say anything and they are called Uncle Toms. I have no sympathy for the city of Jackson and it pisses me off to know that my tax dollars will be used to fix this mess only to have to step in again a few years from now to do it all over again and no one will hold these idiots accountable. Pigs enjoy the mud so its best to leave them to soak in the mudhole they dig for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Burn Baby Burn. Make Jackson Chimneyville again. Tear it down and rebuild it from the slab.

Jackson is, by far, the worst capital city of any state. Total garbage.

No law. No order. No water. No trash pickup. There is nothing redeeming about the “City with Soul”

Anonymous said...

The mayor was informed. He had to be informed or he would not have done his state of emergency to allow for the State's state of emergency. Plus "he agreed in principle"

The governor simply said he did not personally invite the mayor to that press conference. The inference seemed to be that the focus was mainly on how/what the first steps the state was taking. I assume the mayor being present would have been untenable for the types of questions that media would ask.

Anonymous said...

Used to work in Jackson. Saw the writing on the wall when DGNB and several other large Mississippi Corporations were bought out or collapsed(worldcom) and left downtown jackson. This failure was a long time coming. They have had issues with the water system for years and Baby Choke just massively accelerated the failure of the system. Is he fully responsible, No, but the others that "Carried his Water" as ushering in a new Economic paradise of a "Dignity Economy" are as much to blame as he is. I blame the news outlets for pushing a liberal hate whity victim mentality, look the other way for their favored missteps, that holds no one accountable and would not and will not do any kind of investigative reporting. There have been VERY FEW NEWS outlets that even mention the water issues or have done any kind of reporting other than "Boil your water" or "There is another burst water main". Even Mississippi Public Broadcasting this morning said "OB Failed because of the Flood" I call Horse Hockey, it failed because of YEARS of neglect, the flood was just the final straw.

Cbalducc said...

Who would make a credible alternative to Chockwe? And even if he or she could win an election, would the city council or others seek to stymie any reforms?

Anonymous said...

Serious question: Do we have to pay our water bill this month for the water we are told not to drink or use?

Anonymous said...

Want a long-term solution?

1a. Consolidate city and county government - one less set of incompetent politicians running things.


1b. Change Jackson to a council-manager form of government, where a qualified manager runs daily operations and the Mayor has no authority.

2. Regionalize water, sewer and the airport with equal representation from all three counties.

Anonymous said...

your "water" portion of your bill is based on usage. you still have garbage and sewer on there

a more accurate question is why are we paying excess "estimated" usages when we can use the water. my bill is still estimated

Anonymous said...

Your new water meter is in the mail.

There is no recall statute because the crooked and/or incompetent politicians don't want one. Gee, I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Tater Tot just vetoed Prince Chowke.

Anonymous said...

We need a new Lamumba cartoon.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware anyone still paid water bills in Jackson 9:26?

I mean, I suppose I know some businesses do, and a few pals in NE Jxn who's accountants pay their utilities (even though they don't actually get invoiced).

So probably don't have to pay. They are not organized enough to do anything about it or even manage cut offs.

Anonymous said...

... and if the election were held tomorrow he would get 70% of the vote again.


Anonymous said...

Ya' got 'dat right!!

"Time to resign said...
Tate just bitch slapped the mayor of Jackson. I heard it all the way to my house.

August 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM"

The Mayor's actions with regard to the water crisis does not say much for Harvard. I guess Harvard ain't what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

8:04am times one million.

That is the reason this will never be fixed.
Facts don't matter.

Scream racism till whitey pays and do it again when Chuckie et all steals all the money and still don't have an infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

Where's the $60 million the city netted from the Siemens water billing system settlement?

Has any of that money actually been used to fix the broken water billing system?

Anonymous said...

Nobody outside of the tiny circles of this hate blog, wyab, and supertalk, even see the same story you hayseeds see.

According to experts interviews on CNN, Yahoo, MSNBC, USAToday, MPB etc, it’s racist white people who denied the poor African-Americans of Jackson, MS clean drinking water. And it wasn’t until the national media spotlight was put on Mississippi (again) that anything was done by the White Republicans in power.

That’s what’s 370+ million Americans believe right now.

Nobody is interviewing Kingfish except clay edwards and the (maybe) 200 people in the metro who listen to his show.
Seriously, why do you people think Clay Edwards and Kim Wade only have the same 15 people calling into their shows each day?
You all live in an echo chamber. This was a big win for Mayor Lumumba. His next campaign will be that his strategy forced the Republicans to bend the knee to his will.

Anonymous said...

Apparently buildings downtown are without air because they lack water.p The courthouse for one.

Anonymous said...

10:13 is 100% correct.

Not worth caring about because nothing will change.

The fiction will be written, the libs will drink it up and Chuckie will come out smelling like the opposite of turbids.

Anonymous said...

@10:13 what planet are you living on? It's a bitch-slap to the mayor. He's done nothing the entire time he's been here.
Enjoy your fantasy world.

Anonymous said...

@10:27 said what planet are you living on?

The planet where Jackson Jambalaya’s exposé is not even on the bottom of Drudge Report, much less mainstream media.

But Bennie and Chokwe’s excuses are being repeated everywhere that is reporting this.

Anonymous said...

Marxist dem playbook:

1. Allow the treatment plant to fail over time.
2. MSM reports how the poor black people are suffering.
3. Governor jumps in to help.
4. State and feds send billion$ to Chowke.
5. Million$ spent on water system.
6. Balance of money vaporizes through consultants.
7. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s the military that would refer to this as FUBAR!

Anonymous said...

Chokwe finally did it. He outsmarted the governor. No wonder he was elected again as Mayor of Jackson. He has done what no other mayor of Jackson has been able to do. He is going to get the city put back in shape and not spend a dime of the city's money. Maybe the other cities in Mississippi should take notice.

Anonymous said...

Noticed that MS has hit BBC News. Mayor says it's due to flooding. We know better. Anyone taking bets on which city is next in line now that Pandora's Box has been opened. Step aside Choke.

Anonymous said...

Agree with a comment from earlier, another thread perhaps. Legislation creating a regional board for water production, if not the entire system, is the only course to “fix” the problem. Sewer treatment needs to be included if MSDEQ and EPA aren’t going to enforce regulations on the COJ.

Anonymous said...

10:39 preach.

Twitter is awash with folks blasting white people for trying recall LaToya the Detroya in NOLA right now.
They should be praising the NOT-racist white people who are standing in line, demanding accountability to help the minorities...even if minorities refuse and largely vote and follow leaders blindly based on color.

Same thing for Mississippi.

I am old and likely wont see the true bottom in my lifetime, but I weep for the youth in this mental illness celebratory world.

This madness is insurmountable and reason has left the chat long ago.

Anonymous said...

Nothing fixes government like more government.

Anonymous said...

When you boil it all down for less than 3 minutes, Chowke's only asset is that he gets to play the race card through no fault of his own OR Harvard achievements. It's merely a side gig benefit of being a Marxist.

Anonymous said...

We need a regional authority because elected leaders in Jackson lack the requisite skills to manage the city? Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight...
The reason for Jackson infrastructure problems is because white people left the city taking the tax base with them. So where were the efforts to improve job opportunities for those remaining? What efforts were made to give those who could help the tax base move in? No, as my minority middle-class neighbors in Ridgeland tell me, "Jackson's wounds were inflicted by victim culture, lack of effort, misguided priorities, and just plain 'laziness' by elected officials." "Racism" may have caused some taxpayers to flee, but indifference from city "leadership" drained the potential from Jackson long ago.

Anonymous said...

She was stealing $ for 1st class airline seat upgraded which is illegal. If someone will steal that…

Anonymous said...

That’s an over simplification with not-so subtle racist dog whistles. But yes, white flight destroyed Jackson. Arguing otherwise is just a thinly veiled attempt to blame African-Americans and paint them as incompetent. That is a racist trope often repeated by low IQ white supremacists who’s own dilapidated mobile home parks are trashier than the poorest urban ghettos.

Anonymous said...

2:15, white flight? There has been a whole heck of a lot of black flight as well.

I talked to a very nice gentleman from Jackson today. He had a total victim mentality. EVERY short fall in his life could be blamed on the government. He saw absolutely no personal responsibility for anything not even the career one chose. He had NO understanding of how the economy works and the need for businesses to make a profit. It gave me more insight into how Choke gets elected even though this man was no supporter.

Fallacy Alert. Fallacy Alert. said...

Arguing otherwise is ...

Appeal to Closure. FALLACY.

Anonymous said...

Your personal anecdotes aren’t evidence.

Anonymous said...

“That’s an over simplification with not-so subtle racist dog whistles. But yes, white flight destroyed Jackson. Arguing otherwise is just a thinly veiled attempt to blame African-Americans and paint them as incompetent. That is a racist trope often repeated by low IQ white supremacists who’s own dilapidated mobile home parks are trashier than the poorest urban ghettos”

This ignorance is akin to the settled science of global warming, or is it climate change. The language used depends on which scam is being promoted.

When an individual sees racism, and racist, everywhere, the real racist will be found staring back from the mirror.

Anonymous said...

@2:15 - so are you saying that no single person with black skin could be incompetent? That is amazing. No black person could ever be incompetent. Any other grouping of people, sure, some are going to be incompetent, but if your skin is black, you are automatically competent.

Let's be real, white flight started the problem, I will buy that for a dollar, along with the fact that Jackson would have already been on the infrastructure decline because it's infrastructure was older... but, at this point, it's income flight that is the issue. I know anecdotal evidence is just that, but for what it's worth, the 20 or so middle to upper middle class black people I know... only two of them live in Jackson. The rest are in Madison and Rankin. Let's quit fighting and starting working together. There are those of us who want to live in urban areas, and if Jackson becomes unlivable, we leave Mississippi. Not everyone wants to live in a suburb.

Anonymous said...

3:31, I didn’t say anything about evidence. I said insight.

Anonymous said...

Well 3:31....

Neither are the lies the boy mayor and sleepy joe tell, but you're dumb enough to eat that sh*t up on CNN and MSNBC news reports.....

BUT, there's enough evidence to show the whole failure of city services in jackson is the fault of Dim-O-Krats.......

Anonymous said...

Insight into what? Your imagination?

I spoke with my white neighbor today, on the sidewalk, as he ate a mayonnaise sandwich on wonder bread. His son had recently been arrested for cooking meth in his mobile home in Pearl. I advised my white neighbor that he should get his son some legal representation and perhaps treatment for addiction. He washed down his sandwich with a glass of milk and replied that it was all in “God’s hands” now. He then proceeded to pull a wad of tobacco out of the front pocket of his overalls, ingest it, and spit chewing tobacco on the community sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

4:43 & 6:31, sounds like y’all are talking to the same guy.

Anonymous said...

“This was a big win for Mayor Lumumba.”

Only in Jackson could that possibly make sense to anyone. It says more that I possibly could about the leadership of the homicide capital of the United States.

Anonymous said...

Tate Reeves is no savior!! As the Governor he did what was asked to be done years ago. The problems with the water didn’t happen overnight and is not isolated to Jackson. Reeves allowed the citizens to get in complete crisis mode before he stepped in (savior complex). How has Reeves been dealing with the water crisis, he lives in Jackson? Reeves has been dealing with it much like, Marie-Antoinette. The Mayor acknowledged they were over their heads over a year ago and Tate Reeves’ constant sound bite was/is the city of Jackson has a culture issue. The only thing he has changed is the conversation about the misappropriation of TANF funds to his cronies. So, he should not be trusted with the money either!!

Anonymous said...

"...white flight started the problem..."

So, even though the population is 80% black and run by black politicians, the city can't run properly without the white population?

Anonymous said...

The issue at the water/sewerage treatment plants is all about competence, or the lack of. It would be impossible to obtain, but a review of the resume' of all employees and job descriptions would shed some light on the root cause. My company hired a former Jackson water treatment individual with a civil engineering degree from JSU. He had no understanding of even basic algebra and no understanding of the most basic elements of water treatment. Couple that with zero maintenance of equipment and you have the disaster that we now have. The current "leadership" of Jackson is 100% responsible for the current situation because they cannot point out any single action taken to manage or prevent this from happening started at day one of their administration. They say this is decades in the making, then it should have been an obvious targeted issue to address at day one. Ask how many managers or department heads have passed the professional license exams. My bet is none. Prove me wrong (and don't include lawyers, they contribute nothing but but the amusing concept of claiming they can veto a veto, kinda like 1/0.

Kingfish said...

All these people, including the Mayor, yapping about white flight.

Do you REALLY think they want them to move back?

Does the Mayor think he would be elected if such white (and later black) flight did not happen?

Anonymous said...

Just shut the fuck up whiteboy

Anonymous said...

It only took 14 minutes for someone to step up and prove KF's point for him.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS