Getting a Covid-19 vaccine will be almost as easy as going to Chick-Fil-A. The Mississippi State Health Department announced the creation of 18 drive-thru vaccination sites next week.
Click here to find a schedule for vaccination sites.
State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said 17,000 doses of the vaccine have been administered, a far cry from the 4,500 reported by the New York Times yesterday. He said a vaccination should take approximately ten minutes. An appointment is required.
Meanwhile, things continue to worsen on the Covid-19 front in Mississippi. The Health Department reported a record 3,023 case of the Wuhan virus and 29 deaths. The virus has caused 4,707 deaths. Nursing home deaths comprise 36% of all deaths.
Hospitalizations and vents are at their worst levels ever in Mississippi. 1,340 patients are hospitalized and 325 are in ICU's. 201 patients suffer on ventilators.
it's all a hoax, the election was rigged, man never really walked on the moon, and Elvise and JFK are sharing an apartment in Memphis.
Just relax everyone. Modern man has been around for what, 300,000 years plus, and haven't been wiped out yet. They had bad shit back then without vaccines and such until modern times and still we made it. Someday mankind will become extinct, but I seriously doubt it will be anytime soon. Save your strength and anxiety for a real problem.
Seniors (65 and up) are receiving the vaccine starting today in Florida.
Since states are allocated the vaccine on the basis of population, can we assume Mississippi is soon to follow? When will people over 65 get their vaccinations in Mississippi?
Don't count on it being soon. Florida values people over 65. Governor Reeves and Dr. Dobbs don't. People 65+ are way way down the list in Mississippi. Every senior in this state (everyone) over age 65 should move to Florida to save their life. And it is a matter of life and death.
Cases don't equal illness.
Go on out and celebrate the new year. As long as we're setting records, make it a high enough number to be proud of. You won't get a chance like this again to kill innocent people and not face prosecution.
The link says “ Only healthcare workers are eligible for drive-through vaccination at this time.”
That graphic says "healthcare workers" specifically, so maybe not just like the chik-fil-a drive thru?
We could all move to that enlightened Mecca of liberalism, the shithole of New York. There the leftist liberal lunatic, Andrew Cuomo, does a better job of murdering granny and pawpaw than any redneck could ever do. His master plan now is to give the limited supply of vaccine to drug addicts. Isn't he special, bless his heart.
KF - for real! I need to know what the DeSoto county coroner's thoughts are on this vaccine. He has such a unique insight on these "sciency" issues. He knows about real science and conspiracies and stuff! Lead us on, exalted county official! How can you leave us hanging KF?
4:13 brought up a good idea. We should put the Chik-fil-a folks in charge of the vaccine rollout...and perhaps just about everything else the government should be doing.
3:18 Yeah, the Black Death killed half of Europe. I guess anything with less than a 50% mortality rate is nothing to be concerned about.
I care a lot more about the chances of me being on the earth in another 25 years than I do of some random human still being in existence in 1,000 years. Nobody should be looked at as being worthless cannon-fodder.
4:45, and we came back even stronger. Oh well, panic if you need to.
@ 4:45. The Black Death was an epidemic which spread across almost all of Europe in the years 1346-53 (7 year period). The plague killed over a third of the entire population. Man did still survive didn't you. This super cold is way off the mark to even get anywhere near the Black Death score as we are in year 1. You really do need to get a grip.
Is the drive thru for anyone or just healthcare workers?
No one cares. Everyone gathered for Christmas, everyone will be partying for New Year’s. January will see tens of thousands more dead. The same folks on here posting “life will go on” wont care, unless something happens directly to them or someone they care about. Such is the world we live in.
I wish the “I don’t care” crowd here would also don’t care to drag mom or themselves to the hospital if they are short of breath...
@ 3:35. Thank you for making the only reasonable post to this “story”.
Except the chicken biscuit is less likely to cause cancer, autoimmune disorders and paralysis
Drs. Dobbs and Fauci only talk about masks and hunkering down. Why do they never talk about other preventive measures such as the use of vitamins and supplements to help people build up their immune system to try and minimize the risk of catching the virus or minimizing its effect? Why do they not use their bully pulpit to urge doctors to treat patients more aggressively at home to minimize hospitalizations? Sadly,I think I know the reason.
Comrade, don't tell Dobbs.
COVID-19 treatment in Mississippi: [Forrest General] tries new device with positive results
Dr. Dobb's Hippocratic oath holds him to first do no harm.
The CDC and every international expert holds that you maximize the number of lives saved and limit the morbidity by starting vaccination with the elderly and proceeding sequentially through the next age group. 90+, then 80+, then 70+, then 60+.
Virtually all civilized countries are proceeding in that fashion.
But not Mississippi. And the Governor and Dr. Dobbs have a choice. Do you insert "essential workers" (regardless of age) before someone 65-74? Doing so, which is their choice, will raise the mortality and morbidity due to Covid.
I would think his oath would prevent him from doing harm.
I think it would be easier to find an expert on faster than light travel than the host of "experts" on Covid. At least the expert physicists would likely be more in agreement.
Wonder why was the MS Nat. Guard was placed ahead?
@3:57pm - Because they’re the ones running all the free testing stations so you morons can go get drive thru testing after your drunken New Years party.
Zero Hedge just reported that over half of California healthcare workers are refusing the vaccine:
The most progressive state in this nation. They are willing to risk the high survival rate than risk the side effects of the vaccine.
Really makes you think.
A PCR test run over a cycle threshold of 35 will be positive. Every. Single. Time. What are the CT times in Mississippi? In Minnesota, 40% of the death certificates are wrong. How the hell does that happen? Check out Senator Scott Jensen. The numbers are inflated across the entire country. It exposes the corrupt medical mafia. Case count means nothing. The governor of Florida is making labs report cycle thresholds. unfortunately there is a perverse financial incentive in Mississippi and we will never know the real number of covid deaths.
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