Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Rest of the Story, Annandale Edition

The media had a field day last week with the plight of a woman who claimed she and her family were forced to live in an RV after a fire damaged their home on Christmas Eve.  WAPT reported:

Pam Navari thought it couldn’t get worse than an electrical fire gutting her house on Christmas Eve, but now she says she was wrong. With cash getting tight over the summer, and being desperate to keep their son in school, the Navaris found an RV they could fit in their driveway.

The Navaris live in Annandale Estates. The homeowners association covenant doesn’t allow RVs, except in a bona fide emergency.

 “We called the alderman, the mayor was aware of it. We were told as long as I was approved by the homeowners (association) board, then we could get a temporary permit. They were OK with it,” Navari said.

But soon after they moved in, the Navaris learned not everyone was OK with it.

“The next thing we knew, we get a letter from a board member saying it was against the covenant. They were not able to change the covenant. They felt sympathy for us in our situation, but we needed to leave,” Navari said.
Navari still doesn’t know which of her neighbors complained, but one woman told her she was concerned the RV would bring down her property value....

 After a court summons from the city of Madison was left on their RV, the Navaris were allowed to speak to the homeowners association board for the first time. They invited a 16 WAPT News crew to come along, but the HOA board refused to allow the camera crew in.

The Navaris didn’t get the answer for which they had hoped.

“I cannot believe that people can be so cold and unempathetic about what people are going through,” Navari said...

 The Navaris hope their attorney reaches a settlement with their insurer soon. Unless neighbors have a change of heart, they will be forced to leave their home -- again.

“We are not trying to hurt anybody. We are trying to continue to be a family. Every day we are fighting to have this attorney deal with the insurance company so we can get our home back. That’s what we are trying to do,” Navari said.

Members of the Annandale Estates Board did not want to talk to 16 WAPT News for this story. A spokesman, instead, referred questions to Madison’s code enforcement director, Miriam Etheridge, who declined to say much except “rules are rules.”

The Navaris are due in court next month for violating the city ordinance. They face fines, court costs and possible jail time.
 Posted below is a copy of the court file.   The city of Madison issued a citation to Richard Navari on October 17, 2019 at 2:07 PM for violation of a city ordinance.  The citation has the defendant's signature.  The court date is November 5.   The fine is all of $150.   Madison records show that the city sent a warning letter to the Navaris on September 17.  The Navari's attorney called and obtained an extension to October 15.

However, the Navaris claim they didn't know about the court date because the citation was left on the windshield of the RV.  As Lee Corso would say, not so fast my friend.  Mr. Navari's signature is at the bottom of the citation (posted below).  The incident report states that an officer visited the home and "met Richard Joseph Navari".  It also stated "Navari signed the bottom of the citation saying that he would be in court on the above stated date and time."   Somehow, those facts were left out of the WAPT story. 

Mr. Navari knew about the court date but didn't appear in court.  Failure to appear in court for a citation usually results in the issuing of a bench warrant  in most jurisdictions and Madison is no different.  The judge issued a bench warrant for Mr. Navari for contempt of court.  However, Madison is civilized so his attorney was notified of the warrant.  The police allowed Mr. Navari to turn himself in and he was released on his own recognizance.  He was not arrested for having an RV in the driveway.     The Navaris are scheduled to appear in court on December 17. 

The Clarion-Ledger also reported on the Navaris' woes (Actually Sarah Fowler copied the story but gave WAPT credit.).  Mrs. Navari posted a Facebook video that appeared on the newspaper's website.  She said they were forced to set up a Gofundme account.*

The account was set up on July 14 and had a goal of $10,000.  The timing very interesting because it appeared just a few weeks after the IRS slapped the Navaris with a $213,339 tax lien in June.  The Madison County website states:

 Yup, the Navaris went the Gofundmeroute after the IRS came after them.  However, the Gofundme page claimed the insurance company was denying their claim.*

Then there is the matter of the insurance company.  Mrs. Navari complained incessantly in the Facebook video that the Division of Insurance would not help her.  There is just one problem.  The Commissioner has no authority to regulate or discipline her insurance company, Lloyds of London, under federal law.  Once upon a time, the Commish could investigate such surplus line policies but Congress placed such authority under federal jurisdiction a few years ago.

JJ has also learned that the Navaris settled with their insurance company earlier this week.  The Facebook video and Gofundme account came down around the same time.

The Navaris are no strangers to legal controversy.  A plaintiff sued Mrs. Navari in Virginia ten years ago for allegedly embezzling nearly $150,000 in her role as administratix of an estate in 2006.  The bankruptcy docket states the case settled.

The Navaris filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition in 2009 in Virginia.  They claimed assets of $2.5 million and liabilities of $7.6 million.  $4.2 million of the liabilities were unsecured.   They claimed a home worth $2 million and a rental property of $525,000. 

Mrs. Navari also sued her employer, St. Joseph Hospice of West Mississippi, in U.S. District Court in 2017 for sex discrimination. The case settled a year ago.

Kingfish note: Ms. Navaris stated on her Gofundmepage that they were renting a house.  Did the insurance company contribute any funds towards the rental of the home?

Did the insurance company actually contribute any funds to the Navaris before the claim settled or the case was reported in the media? If it did contribute or pay, how much did it pay?

*Here is the text of the Gofundme account.

 Christmas Eve (12/24/18) was a nightmare for me and my family.  We experienced a horrific house fire.  The fire began in our breaker box and quickly spread throughout our home.

My mom was visiting for Christmas. She and I were busy making our traditional holiday meal: Reuben sandwiches and cookies for Santa.  The fire  happened so fast.  We heard loud, exploding sounds coming from the breaker box.  By the time we got to the box, It was smoking and next the flames were pouring from the panel door. Seconds later, the house was without power, and we were facing a nightmare! We did our best to put the fire out. Our neighbors, the local fire department, police and paramedics did everything they could to first, protect us, then save our home.  It was the most terrifying experience....and heartbreaking.  To see black smoke pouring from our windows, doors and roof was surreal. 

Once my family was safe and on their way to the hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation, I was guided into our home by a fireman to review the damage  done. I remember holding his hand while he walked me around and showed me my house.   It was like my house had died. There was no life left in it.   We first walked into the front door. As we entered, there were pieces of broken glass and rubble son the floor. The stairs leading to the second floor were dirty and wet, the bench in my foyer was covered in soot.  We walked upstairs to Joey's bedroom.    His furniture was pulled away from the walls, there were holes that had been cut into his wall, his bathroom was unrecognizable, and there was a hole in the floor where the linen closet used to be.  I could see thru to the first floor and up to the attic from the hole in the ceiling. 

 The hallway downstairs was now like a river, there was water flowing from one end of the house spreading throughout our family room and going into our master bedroom.   The laundry room’s wall was cut out and parts of the ceiling were everywhere.  The whole entire area was filled with foam.   What windows they could open were cracked open.  I just could not believe how badly our home had been destroyed by the fire, smoke & water.   When I left the house my pant legs and shoes were soaked. 

Our neighbors helped find places for our 5 pets to stay while I went to the hospital to be with my son and husband.  The fire department made arrangements for us to stay at a local hotel.  Our neighbors took our wrapped Christmas presents to the hotel, and our pastor and his wife came to the hospital to see Rich and Christopher and asked if they could take a Christmas Tree to the hotel for us.   

Both Rich and Christopher were discharged from the ER.  We all left the hospital and headed back to our house so we all could see and grab some stuff we needed.   Christopher was so happy we all were together and was hoping that Santa would still be able to come.  I grabbed our smokey smelling stockings, the presents I had in my closet and off we went to the hotel.  

When we opened the door it was the most beautiful sight.  There was a Christmas tree with presents under it.  The hotel has given us a good bag filled with snacks and drinks, neighbors we had never met gave us food and gift cards to help.  Christopher's school, my co workers and company helped as well. 

Unfortunately,  our insurance company and their representatives have not.  To date, July 14th 2019,  we are still not back in our home.   The weeks and months following our fire has been by far the worst nightmare our family has had to face.   At present time,  the third party administrator's claim's examiner has stopped paying our Loss of Use for housing, furniture, utilities,  June and now July rents not paid.   The house we have been renting is now back on the market for sale.   We have not been reimbursed for any of our expenses we incurred as a direct result of the fire starting on 12/24/18 to present food, clothing supplies etc.    We do not have a complete approved estimate from the insurance company's Third Party Administrator that was submitted by their second adjuster they sent out,  only as a result of us submitting a completed estimate done by a public adjuster.    We filed a complaint with the MS department of Insurance.   We have had to hire counsel to help us.

 As a result of us filing a complaint and hiring a public adjuster,  the insurance company's  third party administrator has placed us under an investigation.    We have no idea how long this will take.     

 Our family has no other option except to try and purchase a 5th Wheel or some type of temporary housing unit that can be placed in our driveway for us to live in.    We have been looking , we would like to get one where Christopher can have some space, which is an option is a bunk house design.    Our goal is to raise enough to assist us with this purchase.   

We are still working on our contents, the majority of our stuff that was tried to be saved, still has the smell the smell that is the reminder of our fire.  As we go item by item, the smell just wants to make me throw up.   It is like we are reliving the fire with every item we list.    

Those of you that know me, know I am only asking for help because we are in desperate need.  Our number one goal is to stay together as a family.   Christopher starts back to school soon,  by doing this, he will still be able to ride the same school bus to school while us trying to have some sense of security.    At this present moment, as a direct result of not having the security of receiving any loss of use funds available in our policy this is where we are.   

If anyone would like to know more about my insurance policy please just ask.  We are insured we have a policy that we have been paying on.     
Thank you so much for anything you can do to help us. 


Anonymous said...

And, now, you know the rest of the story.

Anonymous said...

Dayum! Woe be to the miscreants that attract the Kingfish’s attention. Great work!

Anonymous said...

Great work KF! I wish other news organizations would do the same level of investigative work. This is why I never donate to GoFundMe pages. I can't tell who is being truthful and who isn't when they are set up.

Anonymous said...

Rueben sandwich on Christmas?

Anonymous said...

I have heard they were paid a decent loss of use settlement from the insurance company and they rented a house for $3000/month for a while until the funds ran out.

Also heard there is a coverage issue with the insurance company. Most likely it was underinsured and they have a co-insurance penalty.

Now for facts. You are not placed with an excess and surplus lines carrier unless 1) you have a bad prior claims history, or 2) you have serious debt/credit issues where admitted carriers deny coverage or rate it crazy expensive. Their reasoning is that if you have bad credit/unhealthy debt/liens/bankruptcy/foreclosure, etc, you are more than likely to have a total loss. Funny how they come to those conclusions. E&S carriers are typically WAY more expensive in premium than admitted carriers UNLESS you fit in one(or both) of the two categories above.

Anonymous said...

As a result of us filing a complaint and hiring a public adjuster, the insurance company's third party administrator has placed us under an investigation. We have no idea how long this will take.

No you are under investigation due to the tax lien and the timing of the fire. Not for filing a complaint or hiring your own independent adjuster.

Anonymous said...

More shoddy work from Megan West and WAPT. Not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Would really like to see comments address the interplay between the filing of the tax lien and the "settlement" of the insurance claim. I know the carrier is required to satisfy all purchase money liens associated with the insured property, but what about this tax lien? Is the carrier required to protect the lien holder interest with respect to loss proceeds above the amount of the purchase money liens?

Anonymous said...

Did this couple think their past and present issues would not come out? I can’t believe they cried wolf with their history and present issues. I’m guessing they won’t be residing in MS much longer. New family plan: pay off debts, sell the lot, jump in the RV, and GO!!

Every reporter that reported on this story without all the facts should be ashamed! I even saw the sob-story version on national news. There’s no one left to trust but KF.

Anonymous said...

Read the bankruptcy filing. They are total scam artists. Even included as an unsecured claim is the $150k she ripped off from the estate. They found a gullible TV Newser who didn't bother to check out their story and reeled her on in. Heck, West jumped right into the boat including the bullshit attempt to muscle her way into the meeting with the AE HOA. The house is 20+ years old and suddenly the breaker box blew up? Sure.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Fowler copied someone else's work? Say it ain't so KF.

Anonymous said...

Usually when I see a story such as the one presented on WAPT about this family's woes I am very skeptical. Well, I took everything in the story as the truth and the whole truth. I was hoodwinked, something that seldom happens. I'll be going back to my cynical ways, especially when Megan West Allen is reporting. Damn, is Kingfish the only true investigative report left in this state?

Anonymous said...

I thought there was more to this story when I first read it. People are usually pretty sympathetic to their neighbors when they are in a legit bind. The fact that the residents and HOA were hostile to this couple didn't pass the sniff test. I think they had had enough.Too bad even Fox news website picked up on the story.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but .... after reading the bankruptcy material and other docs, I have no sympathy for these folks. Looks like they play the system and have little regard for their responsibilities, financial or otherwise.

Macy Hanson said...

It was always peculiar to me that no details about the "dispute" with the insurance carrier were provided. And why, if there was an actual dispute, why the insureds didn't just file a coverage lawsuit (it happens all of the time). Such an alleged bad faith coverage-denial normally would trigger the filing of a near-immediate coverage suit.

Anonymous said...



Not everyone has a lawyer on stand by.

And this isn’t a case a lawyer could take for 1/3 because that’d be their money.

And cgl policies do not provide for atty fees to prevailing party.

And it would take 5 years to resolve.

So stop

Anonymous said...

My hat's off to the HOA and neighborhood for standing their ground and maintaining professionalism in the face of withering criticism.

Anonymous said...

proving yet again, its all fake news.....except for the work of the kingfish.

Anonymous said...

Macy Hanson, people don't file coverage lawsuits all the time. Coverage is spelled out in the policy and the problem is that people assume they have coverage for things such as a golf cart or 4 wheeler running the roads, wrong your homeowners doesn't cover that. They most likely did spend all their loss of use and coverage only extends for the estimated time it takes to repair the house. If they were with Lloyds it was credit due to the bankruptcy's sounds like. You get what you pay for and most people don't understand that new moderate homes without the land is $140 a foot to build. I'm sure they were underinsured also.

Macy Hanson said...


1. Lawyers could work this hourly or for flat fee, especially if it could be resolved early on. Also, getting 2/3 is better than getting 0/3. Even further, bad faith denials do allow the prevailing party an award of reasonable attorney's fees.

2. So, what is your suggestion for how this should have been handled? I am looking forward to your constructive response.

3. How do you figure a CGL policy is in place for a complete residence? I thought this was an excess lines homeowner's policy?

4. Five years to resolve? The system is slow, but a clean case typically won't drag out nearly that long. Not in federal court.

This all speaks to the fact that this is not a normal coverage dispute, based upon my experience. But hey, I could be wrong. I am not perfect.

Anonymous said...

Go Fund Me to a family in Annandale Estates.....{ouch my sides from laughing}

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure KF has ever done a better job investigating a story. Nice job.

Cynical Sam said...

The old electrical box "shorted out" fire. I bet that insurance adjusters have never seen that one before.

Anonymous said...


They live in an RV in their driveway with do you think they have time to

hire a lawyer
pay a lawyer
draft a suit
wait 20-45 days for answer
wait 3 months for CMC before magistrate
draft discovery and have it answered in 8/2020
respond to motions to dismiss
file motion for summary judgment
draft rule 16 CMO
get ready for trial in 2021

just stop

Anonymous said...

First of all, there are parts of this story that you do not know. Ms. Navari has not settled her claim, as of this week. There was an offer made but not approved because the offer was well below the value of the claim. So, indicating that a settlement offer had been approved is false. Secondly, Ms. Navari's carrier stopped paying for their rental home until the fire investigation was performed. However, being that there was a discrepancy between the two adjusters that came out to evaluate the damage of the property, the insurance carrier halted any payments towards rental property, etc. In fact, The Navari's cannot even move their belongings from the home until the final cost of assets damaged as been calculated. If they move off of the property, even to the end of the driveway, which is considered public streets, they constitute abandoning the property and lose the right to pursue the claim.

Why should a family create additional economic debt and burden if they own an RV? As you pointed out in the covenants, they were within their right to have the RV on the property as it was a "bona fide" emergency. This language is currently being interpreted through legal counsel. But, you also failed to notate that HOA president, Leland Speed, was supposed to have sent a letter to the zoning authority giving the Navari's authority to use their RV on the property, this was previously approved as notated in several e-mails. The HOA never sent in this information to the city, thus they were thrown into a city violation issue. The HOA had a proxy vote that failed to include the Navari's in that decision claiming they were "not in good standing with the HOA." This sounds a bit discriminatory to me. Let's exclude the person we are trying to get rid of, yeah... that is good management right there!!

Thirdly, the issue of her bankruptcy has no bearing on this issue. Many people file for grounds that do not necessarily connect to current issues. Penalizing someone for exercising their right to absolve debt is not a crime nor does it insinuate malfeasance. Our own president filed for bankruptcy several times due to bad lending practices, as do many other business professionals.

The issue surrounding the Navari's estate problem was not directly the result of Ms. Navari's actions. There was approval of funds to be invested and managed through various business partners. Unfortunately, as with some investments, this partnership did not survive. So, insinuating that she "stole" the money is completely false and could constitute defamation of character.

I applaud your efforts to discredit her traumatizing event. Yes, the family has seen some peculiar situations, but when you are wanting to "expose truths" make sure you do a better job on your research because this is mediocre at best.

Tata For Now!

Anonymous said...

One positive aspect of the internet and digital footprints (and court records)... you can only outrun your past for so long. I’m sure being underinsured (probably didn’t want higher premium), and their colorful history, caused the settlement issues. And that tax lien didn’t happen overnight. I’m sure investigators learned it was coming down the pipes, which likely added to delay/suspicion/investigation. Or maybe, shortly before fire, they actually increased their coverage. This would cause insurance investigators to dig deeper. Regardless, it appears the only entity victimizing these folks is KARMA!

Kingfish said...

Wow. You sure do know alot of specific information.

Why don't you talk about how much money the insurance company paid this year, before this week. Just curious. Hundreds? Thousands? Nothing?

Anonymous said...

@3:07- You forgot about the IRS tax lien. Come on... I’m dying to hear this excuse!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good of The Kingfish to rip this story from a simple, local Facebook Page. But, he rarely gives credit, just as most don't. Now he'll claim he got it elsewhere, wait for it.....

What I find most discomforting is the fact that the assholes in charge of a public meeting would now allow the media. What turds.

Anonymous said...

3:07 the bankruptcy has a lot to do with why they are with an E&S carrier. Admitted carriers don't like bad credit and bankruptcies.

Most likely coverages are not what they think they should be because they thought the house should be insured for market value which is most likely less than replacement cost. This is most likely more than 20% than the replacement cost and is now facing a co-insurance penalty.

Also, since the release of the tax lien, I am sure there are some holdups because of this.

I don't know who told you the lie about moving off the property while this was being settled constitutes " abandoning the property and lose the right to pursue the claim" whoever told you that doesn't have a clue what they are talking about.

Considering the go fund me getting pulled down, and Mrs. Navari's facebook profile is no longer public, I am assuming there is something fishy based off of those actions. If I am a betting man, the insurance company doesn't think this fire was "accidental". But what do I know.

Anonymous said...

@3:07- The only thing traumatizing this family is that this isn’t playing out at their speed. I would venture to bet that the HOA learned of new information that may have affected their actions. If they were supportive, and then suddenly not supportive, obviously additional information was obtained.

Also, explain why he signed citation and didn’t show up for court?

If I understand your arguments, we are supposed to believe that completely innocent folks are accused of stealing, file a multi-million dollar bankruptcy, settle a sex discrimination “claim”, accrue a massive tax lien, lose a house to fire (on Christmas Eve while making sandwiches), get harassed by both the HOA and the city, and start a Gofundme because they can’t afford their $3000 rent, ALL in a relatively short time span? Come on!!

Anonymous said...

@3:07 - Haven't they already moved off the property when they lived in a rental property?

Anonymous said...

Now a whole community feels like they have a black eye.
No one in Annandale Estates has publicly defended themselves against all the incorrect comments thrown their way.
There “was” a fb comment on her page talking about killing her neighbors. It was quickly deleted.
There is no mention of the brave young couple who rushed into the home with a 15 lb bag of baking soda to squelch the flames coming from the breaker box located inside the home. It was an electrical fire that was treated like a kitchen grease fire.
No mention of the time and money and items neighbors gifted them.
They failed to go through the proper steps to even see if an RV could be parked for a very limited amount of time. Only a judge can grant a reprieve and that reprieve is for a vehicle. An attempt was made to change the covenant via HOA . It was no approved.
It looks like they simply did what they wanted to do and this appears to be the way they have always conducted themselves.
Many, many people in Annandale are wonderful hardworking people who have money because they worked for it. People who always give a helping hand anyplace, anytime it is needed and certainly did their best to help this family.
They had everyone fooled.
They have their own fb page. Go to Annandale Estates Neighborhood Madison ( not the Annandale Estates, Madison, Mississippi one or that one too if you want to hear more neighbor bashing) Search Christmas Last year. You cannot post because it is a private group, but you can read the post.
A grave injustice has been served up to some mighty fine people.

Anonymous said...

" Christopher was so happy we all were together and was hoping that Santa would still be able to come."

If that's lil' Christopher in the beach photo, I would guess him to be way over the age of believing in Ole Saint Nick.

It's almost one month until the next reindeer landing ( up on the rooftop, click click click) .

How's Moma going to fill those smokey Christmas stockings ?

Slip down in the Madison Walmart perhaps ?

Anonymous said...

The Annandale covenants are online at Article VIII, Section 6, Item (j) of the Covenants states the following: “No structure of a temporary character, and no trailer, tent, shack, barn, kennel, outdoor clothes line or dryer, playhouse, shed or other building shall be erected, used or maintained on any Lot at any time.” That's pretty straightforward. And the HOA president or board does not have the authority to change the covenants - it requires a vote of the homeowners. But at the end of the day, none of that matters because living in a trailer is a violation of Madison's ordinances. The Navaris could have placed it in an RV park and avoided this self-inflicted nightmare!

Anonymous said...

@3:46- I went and read the reviews on one of those pages. I’m hoping those idiots that left the bad reviews delete them now that the whole truth is out. I’ll never understand people who feel compelled to leave reviews like that based on sob-story news. How many times have we seen the truth unfold? People willing to be crybaby victims usually aren’t telling the truth!! Hopefully, the neighborhood will insist all those reporters do whole-truth follow up stories.

Anonymous said...

On a year-to-year basis the Annandale HOA can sometimes be a bunch of bastards. Some years, they are reasonable.

This info totally changes the story, and I agree KF does the job that reporters used to do......

Anonymous said...

The WAPT Facebook article also contains conflicting information straight from Mrs. Navari. For instance, she states that the RV is rented because it is much less than renting a home. However, there are other accounts that it was purchased to provide security as to where they could live. Which is it? Plus, the GoFundMe page was entitled, "Mamma Needs a New Fifth-Wheel." And, Mrs. Navari told numerous people in Madison that purchasing the RV was a smart investment because they planned to obtain some land at the beach or a lake and park the RV for "mini-vacations".
Also, her accounts of what insurance did and did not provide after the fire are conflicting. She states in the GoFundMe explanation that they were not able to pay June and July rent. One can assume that insurance was paying for rent from December-May? Why did it stop? What happened? If it was paying, why not stay in the rental property until the claim was settled?
There seem to be several concerned citizens on the Facebook page that try to point out truth and common sense, and they are blasted by Mrs. Navari for being evil and seeking to only hurt their family. Even accusing these people of "turning them in to HOA" and telling them they should be ashamed. Really?
In my humble opinion, the only person who should be ashamed is Mrs. Navari. You bash Madison and the good people of Annandale and never once mention those who helped your family You know who DID NOT go publicly and bash others... the people of Annandale. Evidently, there are many people in the neighborhood and in the city of Madison who have plenty to say about the Navari family, but they showed restraint, dignity, and class. That is much more of a representation of Madison than depicted by the Navari family.

Anonymous said...

The Navari family was renting a house from their neighbors in Annandale. Damn those "heartless" and "vile" Annandale residents never wanting to help anybody out and only thinking of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Prospective clients who go about forcing their narrative on everyone, who present themselves as total victims and insist that anyone who doesn't fully buy into it is unreasonable and wrong, thereby causing them further injury, are huge red flags to me. That seems to be one of the hallmarks of a bogus claim. That doesn't mean it's always rotten, but it definitely makes me look at them and their case with extra care.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!! Just WoW!!!

Anonymous said...

What a tangled web we weave....

Time helps clear up a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

To see you later, Tata... you might want to get your facts straight or ask your friend Pam why she posted on her FB page that she settled with insurance on Friday. I sure hope she didn't lie to you about that. It would be so out of character for her to be dishonest (insert eye roll here).

Anonymous said...

Grifters in my opinion.
Time wounds all heels!

Anonymous said...

There are lazy reporters and there are still journalists!! Go KingFish!!

Anonymous said...

An earlier post listed the covenant in question [No structure of a temporary character, and no trailer, tent, shack, barn, kennel, outdoor clothes line or dryer, playhouse, shed or other building shall be erected, used or maintained on any Lot at any time.”]
We were being asked to remove this statement from the covenants. This would never pass, however, many of us stated that in an emergency such as the one in question, we would be OK with the camper being used while the home is being repaired. Also, I was told months ago that the home that they occupied in the interim in Annandale near the end of Forest Lake Drive was gratis by a neighbor who had the home for sale, so, who was receiving the rent? We have lived in Annandale 30 years. It is a quiet settled neighborhood with many young children.
My experience with mortgages and insurance is that the mortgage lender always reviews the insurance policy to be sure that there is proper replacement coverage before they will close on the loan. So, who dropped the ball?

Anonymous said...

You folks are all so full of speculation. My gosh, do you have nothing better to do than to bash a family based on second hand information and assumptions?! The insurance claim would have been denied a long time ago if it were arson. To say otherwise without support is defamation (i.e., false accusation of felony - arson). The broader issue is not the Navaris’ go fund me account or an IRS lien, it’s simply about how an HOA is more worried about enforcing covenants than even attempting or considering to aid a neighbor. You can agree or disagree about Annandale’s strict enforcement of the covenants but to act as if you are morally superior through anonymous internet posts based on half truths and issues from ten years ago is beyond the pale. To say this is the “rest of the story” is laughable and is junk journalism.

Anonymous said...

November 20, 2019 at 10:37 PM = Junk comment

Anonymous said...

With the assets and liabilities of such high numbers, I would tend to think they work and could afford to help themselves and not have to rely so heavily on assistance from neighbors. Anyone know why renting a suitable place to live, off site, would be considered abandonment? If it is unlivable or unsafe, I would add that to my list of things for the attorney to hash out.

Snoots In The Hood said...

Many of you have posted about the 'red flags' that got your attention in this scenario. I'll tell you the 'red flag' those of us in the bleachers see while reading through these posts: The Snoots in Pineappleville. Maybe not a Grisham novel, but definitely Dr. Spock material. Coming to a book-store near you.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, in a very pleasant small town, a family lost their home to fire.
The adults involved may or may not have made bad decisions in the past and present ,but they had children, so the people in the town decided it was none of their business, even though one contrary neighbor did their best to make a bad situation worse.
The townsfolk decided they would note that they might exercise caution with dealing with the adults in the future, but the children were innocents to make a bad situation worse would be unkind.
The news people did not report on a family and neighborhood matter as they did not consider it newsworthy...just gossip.

Anonymous said...

When you move into a city that has a property maintenance code, you agree to abide by that code. Madison's code states that no trailers are allowed unless you receive a permit. The Navaris did not apply for a permit and thus did not receive a permit. But they want to blame the HOA.

I'm sure the judge will hear the BS and sort it out in December. Then the Navaris can blame him when they have to tow their trailer away.

Anonymous said...

The Navari's have been outed thanks to KF.

They'll be gone soon. On to their next scheme.

Anonymous said...

10:37"The insurance claim would have been denied a long time ago if it were arson."

How little you know about the conviction of arson and insurance payments. I have personally seen a claim paid where the wife caught the husband cheating, spray painted nasty stuff on the walls, soaked the house in mixed gas and lighter fluid and all but saw her strike the company still paid.

Anonymous said...

I hope all of their Ole Miss stuff wasn't damaged in the fire.

Anonymous said...

Trailers in Madison? Of course there are! They're just not in the front yards. One, for example, is used as a residence on the Hoy Road property of a gentleman who used to be the Fire Inspector. Another (at least as big as the Navari fifth wheel) sat behind a house on Deerfield Drive, off Hoy, for the past fifteen years but has recently been moved. Others? Sure. Depending on who you are and who you know, you get a pass.

Anonymous said...

@9:51AM, Ain't Life Grand...And this is for the reason to be super kind to everyone, but prepared to break their neck at any moment.

Anonymous said...

November 21, 2019 at 9:51 AM

Note this code relates to Overnight parking within the city limits.
No permit was requested by this family.

Section 302.8.2 Permit Required to Park Overnight
Parking of trailers, boats, truck campers, travel trailers, tent trailers, camping trailers, recreational vehicles, off highway vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, tractors, or other major recreational equipment on a paved driveway or other hard surface area normally considered the driveway of the lot, parcel or tract requires a permit from the City of Madison Building and Permit Department. A permit will not be issued by the City of Madison unless the applicant provides written approval from the applicant’s Home Owner’s association to the Building and Permit Department. Each item listed in this paragraph requires a separate permit. Permit(s) can be obtained at the Building and Permit Department in the City of Madison or on the City of Madison’s Website.

Additionally, Annandale’s HOA covenant reads:
No structure of a temporary character, and no trailer, tent, shack, barn, kennel, outdoor clothes line or dryer, playhouse, shed or other building shall be erected, used or maintained on any Lot at any time.

The surrounding neighbors did not have issue with the RV being parked in their driveway for a limited amount of time,
Nor Mayor Mary, nor the Alderman.
Point being, the Navari family acted upon their own accord.

Anonymous said...

@1:47PM - Well said. Also, we (the neighbors) saw no progress on repairing the house in 11 months. When asked why, Ms. Navari told us that the insurance company had made them an offer, but she thought it wasn't sufficient, so they hired a lawyer. Hmm... How long will it take to negotiate and/or sue Lloyds of London? Months? Years?

I'm Tired of Responding To Ignorance.. said...

1:47 - Gee Whilakers! I'm glad I have an indoor clothes-line and nobody can see my plastic peacocks from the roadway.

And, Holy Shit Batman...If I lived in that hood and had a small doghouse on my back patio, on my own acre, out of sight totally, I'd be run slap-ass out of town.

And to your final point, who determines a 'limited amount of time' and what difference does it make if neither Queen Mary or an alderman had no objection, or, for that matter, 'the surrounding neighbors'. Since when are those the deciding factors in enforcing a rule of law?

U Can C Federal Prison From Atop Yazoo River Bridge said...

Grifters, like Gypsies, by definition are small time tricksters. They're like cheats in a card game dealing off the bottom, or three at a time coming into a store, going in different directions, distracting the clerks and stealing scarves and a purse or two.

These people are guilty of attempting to steal $300,000 from an insurance company. They're lucky to have (so far) avoided jail.

Anonymous said...

Do these people work, and if so, what do they do?

Anonymous said...

@8:26 she had on her FB that she worked at St. Katherine’s. But she also had on her page she had to take time off from her job because of PTSD, anxiety and depression related to the fire.

Anonymous said...

She seems to be pretty crafty, plus dedicated to the proposition of a successful lawsuit. One way to bolster her case of personal injury and mental anguish at the hands of the insurance company is to seek (documented) professional help and be diagnosed as suffering from PTSD and depression which are obviously the fault of Lloyd's of London or the City of Madison. St Catherine's should have put her on lock-down.

Meanwhile: None of the comments mention the 'man of the house'. What about him, his behavior and occupation? Does he even exist?

Anonymous said...

This was written by Mr. Navari’s son on January 8, 2019

My whole family feels so blessed and so much more apart of our community now, then ever before. Words cant describe how grateful i am to have a neighbors like yall to show so much love and support. It gives me goosbumps to type this all up and think about it.
We have been so blessed threw this whole process i just wanted to personally thank all of our neighbors. Your prayers have kept us strong and togather as a family threw these tough times. Once again thank you so much for everything that everyone did..

Anonymous said...

This family attended a Madison County Property Owners meeting several months ago. The owner of the property management company hired by their neighborhood was a guest speaker. While he was speaking, the couple sidetracked the conversation into their personal story. They didn’t even know who he was and that was evident. The point to that is if they had concerns, they would have already met with him or known who he was. When you have a question or have a concern,you call them. I mean you pay them anyway. HOA volunteers aren’t employees and don’t know everything. Geez. I had an impression they were living in an old camper and not a huge $40,000 plus nice camper. Listening to their story, it sounded like their home was covered with blue tarps and way more damage had happened. It’s not the same story as how they explained it that night. One thing that has been said repeatedly is that only one person has complained. I highly doubt it’s just one from that whole neighborhood. I feel for them, but it seems like more could be done in that timespan. WAPT fell for a story that didn’t have all the facts. This story made national news with little to no fact finding. I don’t live there but the HOA board needs an apology.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Navari claims on her FB posts that they received permission from HOA member, but he moved and dropped the ball reporting info to the city. Is that true or another one of her lies?

Anonymous said...

She claims she had the green light from the former HOA Board Pres. He didn't have the authority the blow off the covenants and exited the neighborhood+state very soon after this happened.

Anonymous said...

This is not the neighbor that complained though there are a lot of assumptions it is only because their home was filmed during the wapt story.
This is from her fb page.
On Christmas Eve, our next door neighbor’s home suffered a major electrical fire. Their 12 yr old son pounded on our door as he relayed info to 911. I grabbed a 5lb (correction) 13.5 lb) bag of baking soda and passed it to my daughter. She and boyfriend never hesitated; just ran into the house as I held back their terrified boy. Their fuse box was on fire! The father began throwing handfuls of soda and when my daughter noted soot in his nose and around his face, she told him to get out and took over trying to extinguish the flame. Then her boyfriend took over as she told the mom to get out. My daughter covered her boyfriend’s nose as he continued to douse the fire with soda. Madison Fire Dept arrived & I was yelling electrical fire, holding the boy back and waited for what seemed like an eternity for My daughter to emerge. It was a struggle for the fire dept to locate the exact point of origin as it is a 2 story home with 3 attic access points.
So much more transpired last night.
I woke up this morning, Christmas morning, tearful and grateful.
The kingdom of heaven is for all who believe. The lowly, the sinner, the repentant; all have gifts to give just as The Wise Men gave to Jesus. Lay your gifts at the feet of God & let Him have full use of them. Merry CHRISTmas to all my family, friend, acquaintances, people both known & unknown to me. I wish you Peace.

Anonymous said...

"I hope all of their Ole Miss stuff wasn't damaged in the fire.
November 21, 2019 at 8:52 AM"

Your short post may possibly go to the heart of the matter. Why do they have Ole Miss Stuff? And why did the TV reporters zoom-in on it? Aren't the poor-poor pitiful people in this story, from Virginia and Pennsylvania? Do they think that by glomming-onto 'Ole Miss Culture', they'll gain sympathy for their latest (alleged) grift?

Here's a tip, for FGOM (Future Grifters of Mississippi): only Ole Miss People like Ole Miss. The rest of us DETEST that school, and the people who identify with it. In our experience, the school is a disease. And that school's 'people' tend to be self-important, degenerate CHEATS. We don't like the way they drive. We are not amused by their attitude toward 'substances'. We don't like their arrogance. We don't enjoy the contempt they hold for the rest of us, and have learned not to trust them in business.

So truly, if I were a person of the 'Christine Blasey Ford Tradition' (I.e., having grown up in a culture obsessed with doing bad things and getting away with them, by polishing one's INNOCENT & WHOLESOME ACT), and I were trying to convince people that my LAKESIDE MANSION WITH A POOL, had been "destroyed" by an apparently rather minor electrical fire (for example, most houses "destroyed" by fire, do not have enough intact clothing left in them, to require or justify a $23,000.00 clothes-cleaning bill), the LAST thing I would do, would be to try enhance sympathy for myself, by identifying with Ole Miss.

What works in Pennsylvania (I'm thinking about Sandusky's decades-long rape spree, sheltered and excused by a Football-crazed community's "Team Spirit") does NOT work in Mississippi.

Also, while few Mississippians seem capable of pronouncing it, they're adept at applying 'KILZ', to block smoke odors. No biggie. They can operate a washing machine, too (for those smoky-smelling clothes... Pinesol, for the more "affected" items... Woolite for the delicates... ). They also know that a total re-rock of an interior (not that the TV reportage of this "tragedy" shows any need for such a thing) takes a crew just a few days, and costs just a few tens-of-thousands.

Truly: there are better states than Mississippi, in which to "PULL AN OMAROSA".

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS