Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Taggart: Change the state flag

Republican pooh-bah Andy Taggart submitted the following column to JJ.   JJ will publish a well-written column of an opposing viewpoint if submitted.


Anonymous said...

Don't take my right to vote. This is not a complicated or urgent issue that might require my elected rep to vote for me. Someday the flag will be changed. Do you want the change to be peaceful and lasting or do you want hurt and anger for decades? Do it right. Let the people vote.

Anonymous said...

White Republican here and I could not agree more. Those whites who claim it for its historical value or ancestry are just full of shit. It's the damn flag of The confederacy. Time for you old fuckers to let it go....let's legalize weed while we're at. Can we tie the two bills together?

Anonymous said...

Can the pro-flag column be written by "Anonymous" or "Publius"?

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to my friend Andy, what other "highly polarizing" symbol should we also change......and who gets to decide what symbol is "highly polarizing??/. Might I suggest removing all roads named after MLK; terminating all organizations that are single race focused such as the NAACP.

Anonymous said...

Put it to the voters, Taggart. Hell, take down ALL the Civil War Monuments. Wipe the Civil War from out nations history. That is the ONLY way the liberals and blacks will be happy. For every Confederate monument that comes down or moved and Union Monument must come down or be moved. That would be the only fair way to address it. The liberals and black don't give a rats damn about the history of the war or that fact that slavery was abolished because of it. They just want to make the rest of us cow down to them.

We all better find a way to live together and quit worrying about the confederate monuments and battle flag. If some bed wetter is offended by them the should move to Canada or Mexico.

Taggart, you lost your credibility over the stunt you and D. I. Smith pulled to put Smith on the MADCO BOS. That's why we have Steen now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Taggart. The flag needs to be changed.

Anonymous said...

TAGGART, like most political hackers has doesn't know american and mississippi history past last tuesday. in his 3nd paragraph he chirps about how the Mississippi republican party had nothing to do slavery in the 1800's. there was no mississippi republican party in mississippi at that time.

Kingfish said...

Nope. guests columns are required to have an actual real name.

Take down all road signs names after MLK? Ooooooooooook.(Sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

It's simple. The current Mississippi State flag was adopted in April of 1894. That is 30 years after the end of the Civil War.

It is not history. History is a battlefield, a well preserved uniform, a matched pistol set of a famous Confederate General.

The flag is a monument to the failed ideology of the Southern states. It intentionally adopted the symbol of the Confederate battle flag to let everyone in the country know where the State of Mississippi stood in 1894 and in 2017.

Your history isn't changed by the removal of a symbol.

Anonymous said...

8:07 AM If changing the flag, taking down monuments, pay reparations...etc...etc....would shut the professional victims up, I would be first in line to vote for it...but it won't. No matter what is done, for the victim class, it will never be enough.

Anonymous said...

bring back the original ole bonnie blue flag that was adopted by the legislature when misssiisppi was admitted to the union. problem solved. but no , here in this 3nd world county called mississippi you bedwetters have to turn it into a racial referendum, which, next to college footballl and cheating on your spouse, is the preferred pastime here

Anonymous said...

to the dufussas at 7;54 and 8;07 .... its already been put to a vote!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd consider voting to change it to the flag of the Republic of Mississippi which flew in 1861. Otherwise, I'm again' it.

P.S. - Someone please remind me why we should care what Andy Taggart thinks.

Anonymous said...

I think if we are going to have a flag from that era, we should also amend the state's constitution to require Phil Bryant to keep a Jefferson Davis-type haircut and dress.

He should be forced to sit in a rocking chair for several hours each day with nothing to comfort him but a bucket of KFC and lemonade, where after he retires to his private suite at Black Diamonds.

Anonymous said...

Let's vote on everything!

Let's vote on killing black people for being black first!

Rankin county is up first!

Then let's vote on killing poor blacks for being poor and black!

Rankin that's next!

Anonymous said...

The State of Georgia, through Legislative action, changed their flag in 2001. The hurt, anger, decreased economic activity and the destruction of their heritage has devastated that state.

Anonymous said...

The Magnolia Flag would be a great replacement. It is historic and has not been hijacked by racist groups.

Anonymous said...

I would like to anonymously offer my pro-South but anti-flag opinion: so the North is the enemy, right? Abraham Lincoln was a huge warmonger and I'm sure many Southern men were persuaded against their will in voting for him (by withholding sex), much to their later regret.

I think we should change the flag to trick the damn Yankees, whereupon we attract many manufacturing companies with our hardworking and cheap labor force. After we have risen again, we change our flag back and force a constitutional amendment to change the American flag into a Confederate one. Also, Robert Khayat should expect to receive a life sentence on Ship Island, the new Confederate high-security prison.

Anonymous said...

A well written piece by a very thoughtful man. Yes, now is the perfect time our Legislature should make the change we all know needs to be made and sooner rather than later. My great grandfather was paroled at Vicksburg but I feel he would understand that we live now in a different era. Let's move on Mississippi. For goodness sake!

Anonymous said...

The same thought processes that gave Mississippi the flag which commemorates the loser traitors are the thought processes which place Mississippi's economy and educational attainment levels behind most states.

Anonymous said...

He brings up some valid points. However, since this is his opinion, why does he put it on company letterhead? He shouldn't put it on company letterhead unless he is representing the company as their agent.

Anonymous said...

to 8:51...... hey drama queen/king... you make it sound like sherman marched back through georgia again. georgia is the most economically developed of all southeastern states. unlike this backwater called mississippi. if you don't believe me go to atlanta and look for yourself. you have watched gone with the wind too many times.

Anonymous said...

I vote for ELIMINATING all "state" symbols. We don't NEED a state flag, state flower, state tree, etc. They do NOTHING to help anybody anywhere. The serve NO PURPOSE of any kind. So just ELIMINATE them. ALL of them. Period. Then there is nothing "state sanctioned" for anyone of any race, any sex, and "orientation" to use as a political hammer. And the same goes for college sports teams. Why can't we just refer to the various schools as well as the state of Mississippi by their NAMES??

Anonymous said...

Andy thank you for your bravery. You are on the right side of history. May this be the final crack in the door to remove the flag.

Anonymous said...

The people of Mississippi had the chance to change the flag. A large majority were very satisfied with the flag it has. People were free to vote. Why should the rights of the majority of people in Mississippi be pushed aside for the desires of a few?

Anonymous said...

I don't know Andy Taggart, but his letter seems thoughtful, albeit naive.

First, not everybody sees the flag as a polarizing issue, and to state this as fact is intellectually dishonest. Second, anyone who wishes to wave or display the flag does not have that right without risking the consequence of being labeled a racist or having their property vandalized or destroyed. And thirdly, your statement about "letting the people vote" is insulting and disingenuous. Voting by qualified individuals is a right and is not granted by some cabal in Jackson. If there is enough desire in the state to change the flag, the state needs to go through the proper process.

We've all seen the direct results of those who purport to represent us voting on things that are claimed to be in our best interest, let the process work the way it was intended. Now, that being said, we do have a unique opportunity to seize the state's bicentennial as a way to perhaps propose a new flag - but the citizens of the state should vote on it.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Wells gets $10,000 a month to push this agenda. Keep the flag.

Anonymous said...

White, Republican, 60+ year old, born/raised, 5th generation Mississippi female here. It is TIME TO CHANGE THE FLAG. The Magnolia Flag would be a beautiful and most appropriate flag for our state.

Anonymous said...

If MLK "polarizes" you, you might be committing some light racism.

Kingfish said...

Damn right MLK polarized. He needed to.

Anonymous said...

On April 17, 2001, a state referendum to change the flag, instituted by Ronnie Musgrove's flag commission, was put before Mississippi voters. The referendum to change the flag was defeated in a vote of 64% (488,630 votes) to 36% (267,812), and the 1894 flag was retained.

Peter Cleveland said...

Well said, Andy. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

we have flying cars, same-sex marriage, and advanced genetic modeling, yet the banjo playing and spittoon target practice is still goin' strong in Mississippi. Y'all come!

Possibly, if we changed the flag, would that relieve some pressure off of the rebel flag itself? Could I start wearing my Skynyrd shirts again with no dirty looks?

Anonymous said...

And while they are at it, shut down OM.

Anonymous said...

9:07 Remember the winner traitors are the ones who gave us the great nation in which we live with the right to express our opinion. Just because someone has a different view one does not have to resort to insults to try to advance his agenda.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Andy Taggart, but he is right on this one. Will this, removing the flag, get us off the bottom of the list of failed States? I don't think so but it will help heal a lot of people's feelings.

Go Andy !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Would not oppose a change in the the flag IF THE NAME OF THE CAPITAL CITY WAS CHANGED AT THE SAME TIME.

Jackson is not what it was in 1821, 1860, or 1960. Most residents despise EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who was a part of Jackson prior to today. Former, and soon-to-be former residents, despise what is being done to Jackson.

It's inevitable... BE BOLD, get it done now and we'll all be relieved?

Anonymous said...

As 8:51 said Georgia changed their flag now they want Stone Mountain sand blasted. If you were transplanted here stay out of it the rest get a damn backbone. Their like children never satisfied. We keep giving in and we will be paying repreations. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Anonymous said...

"The State of Georgia, through Legislative action, changed their flag in 2001. The hurt, anger, decreased economic activity and the destruction of their heritage has devastated that state."

Uh... can you quantify 'hurt, anger, and destruction of heritage' and it's devastation on Georgia? Because I can quantify economic activity... and compared to Mississippi, Georgia is BOOMING. By nearly every metric, Georgia has outpaced Mississippi since 2001. Their citizens enjoy a lower obesity rate, higher wages, longer lives, more home ownership, lower unemployment rates... you name it.

I guess you also forget there WAS a referendum in 2003 in Georgia. 60% voted to keep the new flag.

Quit talking out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at everyone who wants to put everything to a vote.

You live in a representative form of government. We already did vote. We do every 4 or so years. The legislature is bicameral... which means a bill has to get through two chambers. Then it has to go to the Governor for a vote, as well.

No one person is deciding this, even if the legislature does change it.

As a business owner, I appreciate Andy taking this stand. We do business with him and will continue to.

One needn't memorialize losing to remember it.

Anonymous said...

Do not put it to a vote. A vote to keep the flag by a majority of Mississippians would only send this state deeper into the Stone Age.

Anonymous said...

From 8:51: Wow, serious lack of any ability to recognize sarcasm. I really thought someone would of caught that....probably only Kingfish.

Joseph said...

Honest question: what will we change it to? I remember when the last hullabaloo started over the flag a couple of years back, and folks were advocating for the Magnolia Flag; said flag has also been mentioned in the comments above, along with the Bonnie Blue Flag (apparently nobody liked my idea of putting the sitting governor's smiling face on the flag...what a shame). Anyway, I'm just throwing this out there, but ain't both the Magnolia Flag and the Bonnie Blue Flag also associated with the Confederacy and the Confederate era? Some version of the Magnolia Flag is what actually flew over secessionist Mississippi, and the Bonnie Blue Flag ("Hurrah, hurrah, for Southern Rights, hurrah!") was the unofficial first flag of the CSA. Seems to me that if we're going to disassociate Mississippi from symbols of the Confederacy and secession, it would make no sense to go back to flags that are...symbols of the Confederacy and secession.

I reckon some folks will say that the two flags in question aren't quite as closely related to the 1860s as the current state flag is, but that's not really the point, is it? If the current flag is hurtful, I can only assume that such substitutions would also be hurtful.

If folks want the flag changed, fine, have at it, I doubt it's going to affect my life in any way, shape, form, or fashion, and it's really no skin off my back one way or another. But I am an advocate of thinking these things through, and would like to see what the options are before we charge full steam ahead into this course of action.

Anonymous said...

Yes, MLK polarized: racists vs. non-racists.

Anonymous said...

10:07, facts are sometimes problematic, just like their wordkin - farts. The vote you reference did not "retain the flag". It was a NON-BINDING choice between two different designs, the existing flag and another design that sucked. The 64% that preferred the existing design did not retain a damn thing. At that time there was no official state flag.

Following the non-binding vote that said design "A" was preferred over design 'B' the legislature, not the voters, established the current flag as the state flag.

Alpha Storm said...

Hey what about a peeled Banana as the new Mississippi Flag. I win the jackassery of the month.

Anonymous said...

Andy hit the nail on the head. I completely support changing the flag. However, the new designs and the old versions of the state flag are atrocious. The only design I have seen that I like is the Stennis flag. It's a beautiful design and would look great flying atop the capitol building.

Anonymous said...

Conservative white middle-aged male here. About time a Republican stood up for what is right on the flag issue! Most of them hedge their political bets with carefully chosen words and fail to stand for anything (both sides of the aisle). I've not heard a legit reason to keep that divisive symbol on the flag. Lead for a change and just change it. The people have proven that they'll vote for stupid crap if given the chance.

Anonymous said...

For all of you monument alarmists, here's a take from someone who's given it more rational thought than most:


For all of you rebel flag clutching folks, have you considered that you appear as the white version of Chokwe? More division is not what is needed. The flag was adopted originally to drive home the fact that MS wasn't going to cave on slavery easily. That flag represents a time where MS and lots of the nation got it completely, horribly, contemptibly wrong. Being unable to grasp that fact and let go of it is completely bewildering to anyone with an objective thought in their head.

Anonymous said...

Last week Pres. Trump held up a Texas state flag and everyone stood and cheered. At a major league baseball game outside Texas they displayed the Texas flag in solidarity with the Harvey victims and the people cheered. Same thing would happen for 49 states. If Mississippi were the victims of anything from a flood to a nuclear bombing and our flag was displayed, what would be the reaction? Maybe it's what Mississippi deserves, something we can ALL be ashamed of.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish I wish you would consider posting the Declaration of Succession ratified by the State of Ms. I think it would help add some context to this conversation. So many people in the south believe the spin that the Civil War was due to the unnecessary overreach of the Government. Yes the war was about property rights but most people don't understand the exact property rights that were the issue. It's clear in this historical document that succession was about protecting unlimited use of human capital.

Isn't it strange that most of these scared confederate symbol appeared near the end of reconstruction when the whites were trying to take back what little power they had lost.

Anonymous said...

The only flag fitting for a state like Mississippi is a white flag. It is time for Mississippi to give up and surrender. We are last in every thing good and first in everything bad. I don't see how changing a flag is going to be some miracle that will change it. The same people will still live here.
Just give up Mississippi.

Gonna be in a pickle said...

The way things are heading, won't be long before ANTIFA and the Democratic Socialist demand we remove the red, white and blue "bars" from our State flag. Then what ya got?!

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:20, you mean this nice little nugget from the Confederate Constitution:

"The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists amongst, us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution [seven states had seceded by the time of this speech]. [Thomas] Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. . . . The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. . . . Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. . . . They were attempting to make things equal which the Creator had made unequal."

All you flag apologists read that and justify keeping the "tradishun". Good grief, I love a lot about my state but things like this make me want to move elswhere...

Dan Hise said...

White Democrat (Truman variety) here. Andy and I are long-time friends. Although we diverge politically, I know of no one in my acquaintance who is more dedicated to his country and his state. Someone commented that Andy is ignorant of Mississippi history. Hell, Andy and Jere Nash have written two books on the history of Mississippi politics. I strongly recommend them to anyone who follows JJ, which might shorten some of the political debates that occur here. Similarly, Andy is one of the most well-educated students of Mississippi history in general, which makes him one of the most well-qualified people to write the letter that he wrote, not to mention that he was Chief of Staff for Governor Fordice. Andy has a spine, which means he is the natural enemy of the spineless anonymous Internet trolls. And fortunately for him, he has a splendid sense of humor. Let's change the flag, people. I second the recommendation that the Legislature adopt the flag designed by Lauren Stennis. In the alternative, I also admire the Bicentennial Flag designed for the MEC, a version of which could be made permanent.

Anonymous said...

The flag is not an historic artifact. It's just a logo that people can use to identify one state from another. Years ago Mississippi chose to make a statement of political defiance with their flag, that flag happens to be the same logo used by racists and Nazis to make their statements and identify themselves. The majority of Mississippians do not mind sharing their logo with such people and even find ways to justify it. Keep the flag. Truth be known if Mississippians could vote on it they would also secede from the union now. Let Mississippi keep it's confederate flag. It identifies Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Let the museum(s) open and people might get it. The klan didn't use the bonnie blue flag or the magnolia flag as part of its motif.

Anonymous said...

First Paragraph of Mississippi Declaration of Secession:

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

Why as a State do we cling so dearly to the symbols of this outdated ideology???

Anonymous said...

Hey a..holes. The effort has never been to change history or take your damn "heritage". It's simply to have a damn flag flying over taxpayers property that you don't have to be ashamed of. Even if it's a blank sheet. Is that so much? Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. The state has a track record of giving up

Anonymous said...

Taggart: "Arguments that Confederate monuments and the like will be the next to fall if we change the flag don't wash."

Has Mr. Taggart been living in a cave? Anyone who's been watching the news the last few months knows that isn't true.

Anonymous said...

I'm not only ashamed of our flag---I'm ashamed of our Senators, Congressmen, all of our State and local leaders for not doing what is right. The fact is most all of our public officials are crooks. Our Senators and Congressmen grew up somewhat poor and come back from Washington wealthy. Typical example---Trent Lott---Benny Thompson.
NEED I SAY MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

White flag won't work if it's cotton.

Anonymous said...

What it all comes down to is Taggart has an opinion. I also have an opinion. What gives his opinion any more rights than my opinion? Does his vote count any more than mine?
This is supposed to be a free country. People are free to cross state lines. If something about a state bothers them as much as they say there is a state line in a short distance in every direction except south. Even a small one to the south.

Anonymous said...

Andy is a lawyer, lobbyist, legislator (past), an incredible preacher an excellent historian and a shit stirrer. A combination of all these titles is very dangerous---I'll bet you he owns a flag manufacturing plant and is ready to take orders. There is always a motive driving Andy Taggart !!!!!

Anonymous said...

What or who will they blame if they finally get their way about the flag.
Haven't they about used up every possible thing they can blame for their own actions?
Our government, schools, companies, politicians, flag, statues, society, prejudice, culture, racism, teachers, law enforcement, judges, prisons, have all been blamed.
Why is it that some people look everywhere and use the lamest excuses for them not stepping up and making a success of themselves?
Has there been a shortage of mirrors?

Anonymous said...

Ha! You whining baby boomers are pathetic! Mississippi is last in everything, let's give the outsiders what they want... blah blah blah. Go to an Ole Miss game and see for yourself: the flag is here to stay with the youth. We all carry it. I hung one out of my back pocket because it was cool everyone was doing it. Now I'm not complaining I like the flag. We see your brand of conservatism for what it is: a total and utter failure. You are nothing more than an anchor being dragged twenty years behind the boat. If I wanted to know what you dingle berries were going to be thinking in twenty years (if you are still alive) I'll just watch CNN tonight. Do you all really think MS is last because of the flag??? Geeze

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:23, Who is the "they" you are talking about?

Does they = negros?

Anonymous said...

Taggart, you lost your credibility over the stunt you and D. I. Smith pulled to put Smith on the MADCO BOS.

Don't listen to a GD thing Taggart has to say. He's a f'ing liar.

Anonymous said...

AMEN 3:23

Well said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:48 Taggart's opinion is based on the fact that the Confederate battle flag has no place representing Mississippi. Our flag was adopted for bad reasons and serves no positive purpose, but it does serve a divisive purpose (as it was intended to do when adopted). Can you back your opinion with ANY objective rational reasons for keeping it?

1) Can you state one valid reason that it was adopted in the first place?

2) Can you state one valid reason that it would be positive to keep it?

Anonymous said...

ALL meaningless appeals to an authority that does not exist:

White Republican here and I could not agree more.

My great grandfather was paroled at Vicksburg

White, Republican, 60+ year old, born/raised, 5th generation Mississippi female here.

I'm not a fan of Andy Taggart, but he is right on this one

As a business owner,

Conservative white middle-aged male here.

White Democrat (Truman variety) here.

Anonymous said...

9:07 -
"commemorates the loser traitors"

Well, they did lose, but unless you're a loyal subject of Queen Elizabeth, you're just as much of a traitor.

Always cracks me up to see "patriotic Americans" bring that old saw up.

I think the referendum pretty clearly showed that people mostly don't care very much about the flag per se. If every person who voted for Obama in 2008 had shown up at the polls that day and cast a vote against the flag, it would have gone the other way. It's a bit like the old bootlegger-Baptist coalition.

Anonymous said...

Comment #70 here today indicates that lots of people have opinions on this subject. I don't know Attorney Taggert. I don't do business with him, have never met him or shook his hand. If he walked up to me and introduced himself, I would not be impressed.

However, he is correct about a few things. The flag is only a piece of cloth and he history of our flag is questionable at best and downright "flagrant in your face racial" at worst. It was adopted by the legislature - not by popular vote - during a time when passionate hot heads made the decisions for our state. Perhaps that is the way it has always been in our state.

Lets just put this thing to bed and adopt a flag that other states, competing AGAINST Mississippi for attracting business that will pull us out of last place will no longer be able to use against us (Our competition believes that should be our destiny - LAST PLACE).

We are in a race to attract another automotive assembly plant that will add 4000+ good paying jobs to our state. Let me translate that into $20,000,000+ dollars of money that will be available to be spent in grocery stores and fast food joints across our state. If I am a competitor to lure Mazda here, I would certainly in my off-record discussions tell those people that they are fools to put their plant in such a racist place - "Just look at that flag and you will see who you associate with when you locate there."

I travel a lot and do business all over our nation and offshore. Honestly, I grow sick of having to constantly fight the racist image our state cheerfully and sincerely propagates with the flag and political establishment we continue to support.

Take one step forward for the future of your children, grandchildren, neighbore and our state.

Change the Flag.

Anonymous said...

We should follow the ISIS lead as in Syria, & Bull-doze down ALL HISTORIC
Reminders of the past!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the damn flag already. If the flag is such a source of pride to you and getting rid of it somehow causes you to lose your history and heritage than you have serious issues. Way past time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Taggart is on drugs. He is also going to change hats and run for statewide office as a Democrat. The boy has been crazy for decades, heavily influenced by Jere Nash, another nut-job. I remember when Taggart put a Confederate Battle Flag Tag on the front bumper of Fordice's vehicle.

Anonymous said...

NONE of this frigging matters and doesn't make your opinion any more salient than the others.

I don't know Attorney Taggert. I don't do business with him, have never met him or shook his hand. If he walked up to me and introduced himself, I would not be impressed.
I travel a lot and do business all over our nation and offshore.

Anonymous said...

The flag and Confederate monuments were both created during the Jim Crow era for the purpose of intimidating blacks after Reconstruction and to further the Lost Cause movement which was being taught in public schools. Until 1894 Mississippi had a normal state flag like other states.

Anonymous said...

6:11 pm

You are correct, I have only one opinion.

I am sick of fighting the civil war 150 +- years later, every time I meet with business people outside of this state.

If you have been in a position to try to sell Mississippi you would understand.

Keeping the flag is only a millstone around the stat's neck. Just one more thing to have to fight as some of us fight to carry the state forward, bring in more business, jobs and security for those who love the sate and want their kids to have a future here.

Anonymous said...

A herculean diverse effort turned back Personhood at the ballot box.

The flag opponents obviously don't want to put in the effort necessary to achieve the same entirely possible result.

A vote by the people to retire the flag would send the loudest message of all to the country and world that Mississippi has turned the corner.

Anonymous said...

Out of stater here, and I realize I have no say. But, the Confederate battle flag on your state flag makes you look like a bunch of redneck racists, regardless of the glorious history of that symbol. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

There was really nothing glorious about it. Slavery was evil. Seceding from the United States in order to preserve the slavery of other human beings was evil. Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings were all evil. Other countries with an evil past such as South Africa and Germany made the decision to move forward and learn from those horrible times. Many in Mississippi never changed their views and want to go back to those times.

Anonymous said...

Pooh-Bah? LOL. Taggert is the one Republican in Madison County that people who are running for office are told to stay away from.

Anonymous said...

I would defend the American flag and will give it respect. On the other hand I don't and wouldn't defend or die for the Mississippi flag. Change it now!

Anonymous said...

So no flag supporters can come up with one logical, good reason to have the confederate battle flag as a part of our state flag? You don't come across as any more thoughtful or intelligent than these liberal protest everything types who can't coherently explain what they are protesting or why...

Anonymous said...

Welp, this guy's political future is dead.

Anonymous said...

The US Flag flew over slavery. The Confederate Battle Flag never did. The Bonnie Blue, on the other hand, flew over the city of Jackson the day after secession. Let's be sure to torch the State Flag of Texas as well.

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2017 at 8:04 AM

"Might I suggest removing all roads named after MLK; terminating all organizations that are single race focused such as the NAACP."

You're a special kind of stupid. We are talking about changing/removing the symbol on the got'damn state flag and your dumb ass wants to go off topic like Sarah Huckabee crooked eye having ass and deflect to some sh*t that bothers you personally!

See, this is why Mississippi stays dead last in everything because of residents like your dumb behind!

Get a freakin' clue you backwoods 'bama

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2017 at 9:09 AM

Hey, 8:51am was being sarcastic - relax!

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2017 at 10:03 PM

Andy Taggart has served in every capacity possible for the Mississippi Republican Party - so you are 40 years too late to make that comment. #NEXT

Anonymous said...

@ September 5, 2017 at 9:38 PM

"You don't come across as any more thoughtful or intelligent than these liberal protest everything types who can't coherently explain what they are protesting or why.."

Oh wow - you're just as dumb as September 5, 2017 at 8:04 AM - with their little anti-MLK and anti-NAACP diatribe.

So now you want to take your little pot-shot towards liberals and compare liberals to pro-flaggers!? REALLY!?

It's passive aggressive anal warts such as your self in the conservative mantra of Mississippi that has got us to this point. If its one thing a liberal can definitely do is assert themselves on a topic they are emotional about.

You're acting like you're the only person in Mississippi with a coherent thought/opinion!?

GTFOH with that passive aggressive bulls*t!?

Anonymous said...


Black Mississippian here and to all you current flag supporters, I say to you - F*CK THAT RACIST RAG AND MAY IT BURN IN HELL!

From Theodore Bilbo's racist ass to Ross Barnett's racist ass on to the current racist that is running the ship, Phil Bryant!

You som'itches run around this piece of you sh*t - it's heritage not hate - it's heritage not hate

Do you bastards even understand the definition of heritage!? "something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor"

You want to know what you ACQUIRED since that flag was created in 1894 - They acquired Jim Crow, Color Codes, anti-miscegenation, lynchings, raping, and murdering of black Mississippians without punishment, bombings of black churches and black businesses when they marched for civil rights.

Do you think our Grandparents, Parents, Aunts, Uncles, and other family members who lived in this state for the last 150 years have forgotten what was done to them? How they were treated as second class citizens? How they are still treated as second class citizens!?

So what you found two to three passive negro's that want to save that stupid flag - they are getting paid for their appearances - call me when they are no longer getting the paychecks

You know what, it would be a blessing to see that flag changed - but since we want to keep the hate train going and Phil Bryant and Tate Reeves want to hold on to it - let's keep it then!? Because if its one thing Mississippi doesn't need, is a blessing!

So to all you pro-flaggers - f*ck that flag and the horse it rode in on. You som'itches can wear it with a badge of honor, it makes it a lot easier to spot the racist in the crowd anyway!

Anonymous said...

I'll just leave this here...


Anonymous said...

The Battle Flag on our state flag needs to go. This is a symbol of a losing war effort by treasonous secessionists. Today the symbol has become associated with racisism, KKK, and white supremacists. All of these are hurtful, hateful, and disrespectful to a large percentage of Mississippi citizens of all races,
Andy is brave to be outspoken on this matter. Not all of our leaders show such courage of conviction,
Why does our state want a symbol of hate, losing, treason, and racism on its flag? I am 66 year old white make that has been a Republican since 1972. I have seen and experienced a lot. It is time that Mississippi confront its past and close this chapter.
Thanks Andy. Your letter is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...the news this morning points out that N.Korea's nuclear capability means they can wipe out our communications by exploding a bomb 250 miles above us, Irma is likely to add to the disasters of Harvey and fires in the west with misery to millions, we'll be deporting kids and adults who don't remember living anywhere except here, Mexico is courting China and Russia to protect themselves from our economic threats, and here in MS we're consumed with protecting cloth and metal objects which apparently are more important to us.
How timely that my Bible reading this morning was Proverbs 6:16-19. Perhaps, xome of you would do well to read those words this beautiful morning and do some soul searching.

Anonymous said...

They'd rather eat fire.

Anonymous said...

If we remove symbols of the past, which I am not opposed to, will we be freed from the guilt of it? Would programs that equalize disparity for past injustice such as "affirmative action", or minority preference contracts, likewise be removed?

Anonymous said...

Give up Mississippi. Even the people in your own state do not have the guts to stand for their state flag. Pass out a few more BLM posters and go on home.

Anonymous said...

"The flag and Confederate monuments were both created during the Jim Crow era for the purpose of intimidating blacks after Reconstruction..."

Just another comment based on pure ignorance. The current state flag was not designed or adopted as an attempt to intimidate anybody. That portion of the flag that you and some others think should offend you, had nothing to do with Jim Crow or reconstruction, but was designed during Lincoln's War simply as a rally-point to distinguish one group of troops from another. It's history, purpose and Christian-based design are well covered in numerous links that you can find on Google.

It's no wonder you people go into the land of catatonia when confronted with a banana peel.

Anonymous said...

Taggart's political future is not dead---he will run for Governor or Senator as a democrat. "Preacher Man" won't get my vote, I didn't care for him the first time I met him.

Anonymous said...

Don't think 5:35's mental anguish would subside if a change was made today.

Anonymous said...

9:51 You are correct. The flag was totally unnecessary as a tool of intimidation since black people were already sufficiently intimidated and terrorized at that time. The state flag was adopted to show the defiance of a former confederate state to the rest of the United States and symbolize it's continued adherence to the principles of the Confederacy. Those principles are best promulgated by certain neo-Nazi, ultra-right, and pro-white organizations that have adopted the battle flag appearing in the canton of the state flag. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is destroying itself by not taking strong action to show the white supremicists neo-Confederates and neo-Nazis the door. Andy Taggart is a good guy and he makes a strong case. It is time to throw out the trash and move on. Those who do not like it can start their own party. No one has registered KKK Party so far in Mississippi so it is available.

Anonymous said...

@ September 6, 2017 at 10:35 AM

You bigots would hold on to that stankin' flag, even if Jesus Christ himself told you to change it.

The Hate Train keeps on chugging along in Mississippi!

"It's my heritage...................it's my heritage..............It's my heritage................heritage not hate...........waaaaaaaah.......heritage not hate.................waaaaaaaaah"

That's what you bigots sound like. Wear it like a Scarlett Letter you freakin racist bastards!

Anonymous said...

5:35 is nothing but another reliable JJ troll who has left numerous comments on this one each pretending to be a different commenter.

Anonymous said...

If Taggart had sent out this message 50 or 60 years ago, he would have been shot. At least a good many white citizens are now agreeing with him, and no one is burning a cross.

Still, it is thoroughly demoralizing to see that so many Mississippians simply don't want to be in the United States. And it eats at them that we only survive because of federal subsidies. To them I say, Suck it up, losers.

Anonymous said...

how do folks determine what is worthy of a popular vote and what the reps should vote on?
Stennis is a leftie moonbat so i'd not like that flag b/c she would benefit financially and in her circles should it be chosen. Plus, it has a big center star which, like a a magnolia, is trigger-worthy due to their resemblance to the bonnie blue and the antebellum flag.
Texas flag mentioned above? Nope, it's offensive to too many mexicans and tejanos b/c it represents the colonization of that area from Mexico by the Texans in 1830s. There will be a growing call for change from the "offended" in near future as immigration/demographics change.
Which gets to the big picture- any flag/banner/symbol is offensive to someone or some segment of the population. They are meant to have historical references...that's kinda the point.
Will we change every few generations to reflect the current cultural feel or feelings of the offended?
The reason this is an issue is b/c the loudest want the change, not the majority, and the schools and media will push that.
It's a flag. It's an inanimate object. The Carlos Moores of the world and whatever-that-actress-who-wants-it-changed name is seemed to do quite fine with it as the state flag. That is the other point - changing it will accomplish nothing in the lives and futures of folks in the state.

Anonymous said...

I love the poster who mentions the D.I. Smith and Andy Taggart stunt. One of the dumbest and dirtiest tricks pulled on the voters. No integrity from either one of them.

Anonymous said...

5:15AM - Not a pot-shot at liberals, more a direct hit on anyone who blindly adopts and follows whatever either party is spewing. I have yet to see any of the protesters, when given an opportunity, be able to explain why they are out there in any sensible or logical manner. Without exception they spew a bunch of party line rhetoric and/or just scream emotionally and loudly, but still with no idea why there are actually there. It's sad.

So tell me again where your rational opinion was in that hate filled junk you typed? Liberal protest everything people = pro flagger tradishun people in that neither appears capable (or maybe willing) to intelligently, without derisive language or insults, without basically screaming and cursing, or non-sense arguments to actually address the issue with substance, logic and reason.

Our country today seems to give press to people who get emotional about something, decide to protest, yell and scream loudly in support of whatever their party is telling them is important at the time.

You just supported the argument fully with your post. We'd all do well to drop the party line crap, stop agreeing with everything that your party stands for and start thinking for ourselves. You made no coherent points, cursed and called names. There's no value in that.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:54. The stah's and bah's were put on the MS flag with bad intentions. They remain there for no good reason. That symbol represents a was that was fought on the premise that black people were less human than white people.

At some point, even you have to look and say that was WRONG. Employing that symbol was WRONG. The side that supported it then was WRONG. The side that is supporting it now is WRONG.

For a long time it was a minority that opposed slavery, but it was still WRONG. Instead of trotting out tired old talking points, please tell me ONE, 1, UNO reason that having the confederate battle flag as a symbol for MS is a good thing. Help me understand all the positives that I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 4:40, the MS flag was not created with bad intentions and remain for the reason that it is the state flag. Make up all you want.

Please go after the Maryland flag, and then get back to us after you come up with a reason why it is OK, based on your attempted argument.

Anonymous said...

Might as well add a swatiska and KKK logo and just keep it. We need to be sure the entire world knows Mississippi is NOT open for business.

Anonymous said...

@8:52. The Magnolia flag wouldn't work. It was adopted when slavery was legal, ergo it is racist. I don't know how there isn't an uproar over Georgia's flag. It's nothing more than the original confederate flag with the State seal on it.

Anonymous said...

Here's my argument: The flag is just plain ugly and an assault upon the senses and psyche of humanity. It's is the most unwelcoming imagery that one could think to slap together. Everything about it screams, "stay away".

Taggart Will Say and Do ANYTHING said...

Taggart also spun that Duane O'Neill isn't overpaid.

When tax returns of several area nonprofits were published recently by Jackson blog Jackson Jambalaya.com, many readers were upset to learn that the president and CEO of the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership made nearly $380,000 a year. Some readers thought the number was too high and asked what the Partnership’s leader did to justify the amount of compensation.

Since the Partnership is a nonprofit, CEO Duane O’Neill’s salary is determined by a committee within the organization.

Speaking as a member of the committee, Madison lawyer Andy Taggart said, “Duane O’Neill is a huge bargain to the whole metro Jackson region, even if we paid him more than he’s now making. The review that was conducted when his salary was set was a consequence of a review of similarly situated cities around the country.”

Deo Vindice said...

Still amazed at the dumb asses who have no clue what the Stars and Bars is. It is not present on the Mississippi flag. And these are the same people who insist that their opinion is relevant. The same group that piss their pants at the sight of a banana peel or piece of rope.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that no one has come up with the common sense solution - replace the stars and bars of our current flag with a peeled banana. Should satisfy those that want to get rid of the 'racist confederate' section by replacing it with the new 'racist intimidation'.

Anonymous said...

5:49 nice deflection and still no posotive reason to keep the MS flag. What does Maryland have to do with Mississippi?

Anonymous said...


Calling out a lie is not a deflection. It's simply being straight-forward.

Maryland has to do with Mississippi as they are both states in the United States of America and both have flags that have items upon them that are derived from support of the Confederacy in the United States Civil War.

The reasons for removing the current flag of Mississippi should be the same reasons for removing the flag of Maryland, but that's not suggested by those who feel somehow pained by the existence of a flag.

The reason you keep it is because it represents the state of Mississippi. Changing the flag is not going to change the past. It is of historical significance just like Bonnie Blue, the St. Louis Arch, Custer Park (the last two part of the shameful past where We killed Native Americans and drove them from their lands... not to mention broke several treaties with)

It's ignorance and appealing to ignorance to suggest that changing the flag will have any meaning or change anything.

Quit bitching and just own it.

Anonymous said...

You'll need to kill us @7:57 before you'll control us. Ready to try?

Anonymous said...

So 9:27, I surmise that you can't come up with a logical and good reason to keep the confederate battle flag on the state flag? I recall asking a stupid redneck acquaintance one time as he was about to do something yet again stupid why he would do it? His answer "I done it before." Just because it currently represents the state doesn't mean that it should. That's not an actual reason. That's an observation. Stop talking about other states with symbols that were not used as a confederate battle flag and focus.

Ignorance Times Twelve said...

Guess which flag flew over the capital building in Jackson the day after legal secession from the union of states? Now go bitch about Texas!

You thirty-somethings have no clue as to the history of events leading up to Lincoln's War. All you see is racism since that's what you've been brainwashed to believe. You have no knowledge of the meaning of a hundred different flags unfurled during battle. You can't recognize one flag from another or recite its meaning or from whence it was derived. All you know is some liberal professor or skirted-marm over at the rag paper told you you need to be offended, protest and piss your pants.

Get aboard a chunk of ice with Al Gore and float your ass out to sea.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:03. Doesn't it feel a little bit silly saying that?

Anonymous said...

10:03 is probably a troll. No actual adult walks around with a meet me at the crossroads mentality..."control us"? Who is "us" and what does a flag have to do with controlling someone? And as expected no answers for 10:42.

Anonymous said...


You "surmise"? Just a sidestep because you can intellectualize a reason to remove the flag because saying it's offensive is juvenile and petty.

The onus on reasoning is those who require actions, not on those who suggest no actions are required.

Perhaps we should change the name of the state because it being the name of the state doesn't mean it should, it's not an actual reason.

Lastly, please explain why Maryland's flag is ignored and don't dance around the issue due to ignorance:
Marylanders who sympathized with the South adopted the red-and-white of the Crossland arms as their colors. Following Lincoln's election in 1861, red and white "secession colors" appeared on everything from yarn stockings and cravats to children's clothing. People displaying these red-and-white symbols of resistance to the Union and to Lincoln's policies were vigorously prosecuted by Federal authorities.

Nowhere was the problem more serious than in deeply divided Maryland, where veterans who had fought under the red-and-white secession colors" had to be reintegrated into a state that had remained true to the Union.

As the slow process of reconciliation took place in post-Civil War Maryland, a new symbol emerged. A flag incorporating alternating quadrants of the Calvert and Crossland colors began appearing at public events.

The passage of time had gradually diminished the passions of former Rebels and Yankees, permitting them to work together once again. Now the colors they had fought under had come together as well, symbolically representing through this new flag the reunion of all the state's citizens.

In October 1889, the Fifth Regiment, Maryland National Guard, adopted a flag in this form as its regimental color. The Fifth Regiment thereby became the first organization to adopt officially what is today the Maryland flag.

True to its heritage, the original Fifth Regiment consisted primarily of Maryland-born former Confederate officers and soldiers. The new regimental color adopted in 1889, combining the traditional yellow-and-black "Maryland colors" with the red-and-white "secession colors" in the form of a bottony cross, must have seemed especially appropriate to members of the Fifth.

The Fifth Regiment's new regimental color was not the only example of former Confederates perpetuating and thereby popularizing the use of the red-and-white Crossland colors and the cross bottony design. The monument on Culp's Hill at the Gettysburg Battlefield commemorating the Second Maryland Infantry, CSA, carries a cross bottony on each face, and the Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers' Home, established in Pikesville in 1888, featured a large cross bottony on service badges and on invitations to events sponsored.

In 1904 the General Assembly affirmed the popular support shown for a banner composed of alternating Calvert and Crossland quadrants by declaring it the State flag. In 1945, a gold cross bottony was made the official ornament for a flagstaff carrying the Maryland flag.

The Maryland flag, flown on a staff properly ornamented with a gold cross bottony, is therefore much more than a symbol of state sovereignty. The flag excels as a state banner because it commemorates the vision of the founders while it reminds us of the struggle to preserve the Union. It is a unique symbol of challenges met and loyalties restored, a flag of unity and reconciliation for all the state's citizens.

- Maryland Secretary of State

Anonymous said...

I visited Gettysburg this summer, with all the strategic advantages Lee lost.He couldn't have been much smarter than the folks wanting to fly a flag of losers.

Anonymous said...

8:56 Since the Confederacy lost the war and Mississippi was one of the Confederate States, what should we change the name of this state to?

Anonymous said...

8:09 It's now clear everyone that you can't provide ANY good or positive reason that the confederate battle flag is, and should remain, on the MS flag. It's a simple question really, yet you write War and Peace about Maryland's flag. I hand you this definition for your edification:

"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man"."

I will heretofore refer to you as the straw man, but I'll play. Here is my easy and direct answer to your unrelated question about Maryland. It's a shocker really and I'll bet you will be surprised.

I don't live in Maryland. I live in Mississippi. Where there is a confederate battle flag embedded in the state flag that was put there post-civil war to serve as a statement of intimidation and continued belligerence for having been on the WRONG side of history.

I don't care if Maryland looks backwards (It isn't perceived that way because their flag is just ugly and wasn't actually used as a confederate battle flag ever). I don't care if Maryland goes broke or even suffers absolutely no repercussions because of their flag. I don't care if the entire nation is unthinking, uneducated, ignorant about other similar objects elsewhere and employs double-standards.

What I do care about is that my state make an effort to distance itself from a past, and you tend to unfortunately prove, a present, that embraces relics of past racial injustice, murder, stupidity, etc. It's OK to admit that we got it WRONG and change to make it better. It's OK to do so even if all 49 other states adopt the confederate battle flag as their state flag tomorrow.

It's OK to stand up for right, even if nobody else will. So, straw man, if all of my friends jumped off of a bridge I would not do so as well. It's time for MS to do something proactive to offset the false narrative that we are a bunch of racists and backwards people.

Have you considered moving to Maryland since you seem to be enamored with that flag? It isn't currently under scrutiny and it doesn't fly over me so I don't care about it. I can't right every wrong in the world, but I can attempt to impact my home.

-signed late 40's, white, straight, conservative, male, born and raised in the 'sip

Anonymous said...

10:12 - hello straw man, if you live in MS maybe you should change your name as well. logical...

Anonymous said...

To 9:27 and 5:33. Please understand. Many symbols and banners were used during the existence of the confederacy, some remain in prominent places, some have been removed. But, you have never seen the flag of Maryland or of Texas or any other state used as the present day banner to represent neo-nazis, self-professed bigots and klansmen or waved whenever terrorism against a large segment of the state is committed. Black people did not make this up. They are not being ultra sensitive when they say the most prominent part of THEIR states' flag STILL represents the most heinous proposition espoused by man. Just say you don't give a damn and stop trying to rationalize this bullshit.

Anonymous said...

8:09, Maryland's flag isn't in the news because it's not being used as a symbol of hate by anyone.

Anonymous said...

Fully support removing the flag and the GOP should lead this effort. Better to have no flag than this one. It is a attractive flag, much nicer than most, still it has to go. The most patriotic people I know support the Confederate symbols, most accept the noble lost cause myths, almost impossible to see the reality. A vote in the presidential election with high turnout would bring it down.

Anonymous said...

Life is full of things that offend us. Where does it end? Once it's changed and the statues come down, will you leave us alone? Personally I think we should put a picture of those giant rubber bull balls from the truck bumpers on the new flag.

Anonymous said...

"Whether or not a group adopted the symbol for their cause has nothing to do with the design’s original intent"

the hypocrisy of those in this thread should be of concern as to why you want or don't want to remove a symbol.

The confederate battle emblem was/is indeed used by hate groups and they have won.

Anonymous said...

10:29, those are not straw man arguments to which you refer. Go back and kick your debate teacher in the taint. Conceptual metaphors are quite often used in discussion.

Straw man informal fallacy is when someone debates an argument you didn't propose, not merely utilizing conceptual metaphors. Sorry you typed all that nonsense for nothing

Anonymous said...

I didn't propose an argument about the Maryland flag, but you continue to return to it rather than answer a simple question about all the positives to A) The positive reason we have the confederate battle flag on our state flag and B) the positive reason we should keep a confederate battle flag on our state flag.

Now you want to extend the debate to whether a secondary argument, that you started about something other than our state's flag, is really a straw man.
Anything but answer the question. Are you just a party hack who toes the talking point lines?

1) Inability to think logically? check
2) Inability to debate facts? check
3) Inability to admit when wrong? check
4) Consistently attempt to deflect to alternative arguments instead of answering simple questions about the original? check

Focus man, focus!

William H. Smith said...

Let me jump in here 3:58.

We have the battle flag in a corner of the state flag, because over time no flag was so identified with the Confederacy as the battle flag. It was included in the state flag to show that MS still identified herself with the Confederacy and its principles and beliefs. It also honored the war dead. And it was a sign of defiance toward the victorious Union. As the days of Jim Crow were challenged by a growing Civil Rights movement, it became even more identified with resistance and defiance toward the Federal government. So, yes, the battle flag stands for MS history - a war to preserve the enslavement of Negroes (and, yes, I believe there were Constitutional issues at stake which would better have been resolved by the courts), for defiance toward the Union, and for resistance to integration.

Now for the positive reason to keep the battle flag on the MS state flag. It serves the purpose of saying to the rest of the Union, including the other 10 Confederate states, "We remain defiant. We are not going to go along with the rest of the South in removing this Civil War symbol. We are a Southern state that does not want to be integrated into the Union except for the federal dollars we must receive in order to survive." It says to the 38% of the state that is Black,"This is a white state, where whites wield the power, and we are not going to make any concessions to you. We know it offends you. We know it reminds you of slavery, the War, segregation, and suppression of your civil rights, but that is just what we want it to say to you and everyone else. We know you feel no pride or loyalty toward that flag and that for you it can never be a unifying symbol of the whole of our state. But, frankly, we don't care. We are the majority. We voted on it, and the majority rules." It says to whites who are embarrassed by the flag and especially to our young people, "This is who we are, snowflakes. If you don't like it, you can move to one of the other 49 states. It's our history, and we will keep it at all costs." It says to businesses that would relocate to MS and to employees who might be asked to relocate, "This is who we are. If you don't like it, put your business somewhere else or don't come to live in this state. We don't give a rip. That flag is more important to us than growing our economy or improving our educational system."

William H. Smith said...

Let me jump in here 3:58.

We have the battle flag in a corner of the state flag, because over time no flag was so identified with the Confederacy as the battle flag. It was included in the state flag to show that MS still identified herself with the Confederacy and its principles and beliefs. It also honored the war dead. And it was a sign of defiance toward the victorious Union. As the days of Jim Crow were challenged by a growing Civil Rights movement, it became even more identified with resistance and defiance toward the Federal government. So, yes, the battle flag stands for MS history - a war to preserve the enslavement of Negroes (and, yes, I believe there were Constitutional issues at stake which would better have been resolved by the courts), for defiance toward the Union, and for resistance to integration.

Now for the positive reason to keep the battle flag on the MS state flag. It serves the purpose of saying to the rest of the Union, including the other 10 Confederate states, "We remain defiant. We are not going to go along with the rest of the South in removing this Civil War symbol. We are a Southern state that does not want to be integrated into the Union except for the federal dollars we must receive in order to survive." It says to the 38% of the state that is Black,"This is a white state, where whites wield the power, and we are not going to make any concessions to you. We know it offends you. We know it reminds you of slavery, the War, segregation, and suppression of your civil rights, but that is just what we want it to say to you and everyone else. We know you feel no pride or loyalty toward that flag and that for you it can never be a unifying symbol of the whole of our state. But, frankly, we don't care. We are the majority. We voted on it, and the majority rules." It says to whites who are embarrassed by the flag and especially to our young people, "This is who we are, snowflakes. If you don't like it, you can move to one of the other 49 states. It's our history, and we will keep it at all costs." It says to businesses that would relocate to MS and to employees who might be asked to relocate, "This is who we are. If you don't like it, put your business somewhere else or don't come to live in this state. We don't give a rip. That flag is more important to us than growing our economy or improving our educational system."

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where Philbilly and Tater stand on this issue. (I know, we voted on this in '00 or '01) As state leaders (and one gubernatorial candidate) you'd think they'd state their opinion. So far, spineless.

Anonymous said...

5:02 summarized it well " That flag is more important to us than growing our economy or improving our educational system."

Anonymous said...

The insufferable Smith is here. Time to head for the exits.

Anonymous said...

At least smith answered the question! Way better than the Maryland flag rube!

William H. Smith said...

6:02: Thanks for the chuckle.

Anonymous said...

It's high time we all understand that we cannot be held accountable by so called hate groups hijacking our symbols. If you are stupid enough to believe a hijacked symbol must be abandoned, you're pretty damned stupid. The Bible, the American flag, photos of Christ, The Virgin Mary and the ornament on the hood of a Cadillac have all been hijacked by hate groups. Do we ban all those too? Get the hell over your whiny-assed, sno-flake, liberal sniveling selves already. And put all your white linens on the street in a cardboard box no later than tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

@7:55 - you equate a confederate battle flag and its use to the Bible. Wow! That speaks volumes about the kind of people who supported slavery in the first place...

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, this post, allowing all the flag supporters the comment section to defend the indefensible, has likely provided more insight into what is wrong with MS and why we are perceived, and obviously in some cases, ARE backward. It's a sad, sad indictment...

Anonymous said...

So @8:28, you would rather the voices of the flag supporters be muted or silenced?

Anonymous said...

To 9/8 at 5:00 Thanks for a very honest appraisal of this situation. To 7:55 Please understand that no one proposes to take away your flag, your swastika, your Cadillac hood ornament or any other object that symbolizes your beliefs or fantasies. We are talking about a state flag. This is a symbol of many taxpayers and a significant number of them have GOOD reason to be offended or at least uncomfortable with it's design. If you want to wave it go ahead. But some people would like to at least make the effort to unite the state rather than advertising it's hate and division.

Anonymous said...

8:57 Good grief folks on here are awesome at making assertions that aren't grounded in fact and then trying to argue a point other than the one mentioned. The answer to your question/assertion is no. I'm glad that there is a forum for people to debate. I think that it makes it very clear who can/cannot express logical, well thought out arguments vs who tries to avoid answering direct questions about the argument at hand and starting tangential arguments about unrelated topics. It's awesome! What's more awesome is that slowly, various cities and institutions are simply refusing to fly the flag, so before long, with or without a formal change in the state flag, it simply won't be visible in many places. To date, 100+ posts in, not a single flagger has offered a single positive reason that the confederate battle flag should be part of the state flag. Excepting Mr. Smith, of course...

Anonymous said...

Andy makes a good point. Republicans who won the fight to end the rebellion and keep the union, ended slavery and passed the civil rights acts, were denied the vote for decades starting with the introduction of this flag are now the ones in the great state of Mississippi the ones keeping this flag. Lord have mercy. Strange the most patriotic people I know get all bothered over confederate myths, the battle flag and the current state flag. It will come down, demographics have shifted, Most Americans have no ties back to the War of rebellion, a small minority would hold on to the Confederate Lost Cause myths.

Anonymous said...

Just like the good ole boys to circle the wagons on a lost cause. Keep the damn flag, no IT is not the reason Miss. is losing good people, but it is part of the reason. 2.9 million and counting down each day. By the 2020 census I would bet this number will decrease some more but you good ole boys keep wallowing in your racism! I know what you will say, if you don't like it leave. Well that is exactly what my college educated ass will be doing soon as well as thousands of other high skilled individuals!!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS