Friday, June 28, 2013

Eastover shooting.

Shooting on 1910 Eastover Drive.  JPD told JJ the victim was watching the house for a couple who is out of town.  She walked in on two suspects committing a house burglary.  They shot her in the shoulder and killed a dog.  She is alive.  No more details are known at this time. Here is video from the scene:


Anonymous said...

This was my fear once Chokwe was elected. If there are little to no consequences for one's actions and this type of crime continues in the primarily "white" neighborhoods, you are about to see homes in Eastover and CCJ flood the market. The 15% white population in Jxn will soon be at single digits. People can tolerate high taxes, pot holes and incompetent governance, but fear for the safety of your family in your own home, not a chance. Very disturbing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The good part of Jackson isn't even safe anymore. Jackson=mini Detroit.

Anonymous said...

This is obviously a fraud. Unless there is an FBI film and DNA testing as proof, we as readers of JFP will never believe such an act occurred in Jackson. If the event this accusation were actually proven then it is not a crime, rather a justifiable response because the Eastover precincts voted for Romney.

Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop calling the east over area the 'nice' part of jackson. There is no such thing as a nice part of jackson.

Let me guess? JPD showed up thirty minutes later and the didnt catch them?

Anonymous said...

I am afraid we aren't going anywhere - who is going to buy our houses??

Anonymous said...

This incident was NOT in Eastover. It appears the incident was by Parham Bridges park. Ridgewood Raod near Old Canton Road

Jules said...

That's that house on the Northeast corner of Eastover and Ridgewood, right? That house has a lot of yard and very long driveway...hard to see anything as you approach it. I wonder if they came into the house from the Casey School side of the property? Very scary, indeed.

Kingfish said...

Nice try. That video is Eastover and Ridgewood. Guess you missed the two lane road. I heard JPD say on the scanner Eastover Drive. And i have a statement from JPD and FIVE people who either live by that house or drove by there who told me.

noel said...

It was Eastover, I drove through it, twice.

I also made it safely back to Rankin county. neener neener

Anonymous said...

Eastover and Leftover residents on Facebook wondering what happened at intersection of Eastover and Ridgewood saying they just drove through and cops were everywhere. (That was my first clue) Parham Bridges Park? Where in the world did you get that? Or are there multiple cruisers on the scene there also?

Anonymous said...

it was 1910 Eastover Drive

Anonymous said...

It's literally the house on the corner of Eastover Drive & Ridgewood. The big grey house thats in the picture you dumbass.

Anonymous said...

House was already for sale.

Anonymous said...

This house was targeted because the thug POS knew the owners were out of town. Be very careful to whom you divulge travel plans. Wanted to smack my husband the other day when he told the fence people they had to be done by Friday bc we were leaving town on Sunday.

Hookah said...

Also in the news today, Hinds County District Attorney Robert Schuler Smith went into Judge Winston Kidd’s courtroom and convinced him to issue a temporary injunction blocking the open carry law which was set to begin on July 1.

Tyrone Lewis supports this move.

State Senator John Horhn (who voted for open carry) has now changed his mind and believes the constitution does not allow citizens to open carry. He also believes the Mississippi Legislature should make decisions for you and me on whether or not a person can open carry a firearm. Horhn was recently robbed at gunpoint in his own driveway in Northwest Jackson.

The courts are backlogged and career criminals are being sent back to the streets in Jackson and Hinds County.

The detention center in Raymond has turned into Unit 32 at Parchman.

Our politicians would rather play politics with gun laws over the next few weeks while serious violent crimes have taken a stranglehold of Jackson.

Our building was broken into three times in one month—JPD wrote some info down on a piece of paper.

In the 10 years that I’ve lived here, I have been kidnapped, carjacked and have had my homes and vehicles broken into so many times I cannot count.

Our law enforcement, court systems and elected leaders have failed to protect us.

I firmly believe all of the people I have mentioned above will never succeed with their half-ass, apathetic attitudes toward preventing crime and putting away those who frequently commit it.

People in this town need to arm themselves in order to protect themselves and their families from the violence that is actively being perpetuated against us.

A good friend of mine lives in the community that was targeted this evening.

His father shot an intruder at their Eastover home a few years ago.

Fortunately for them, they haven’t had any problems since.

Anonymous said...

Figures that JFP readers would claim this was a fraud. I live within sight of the incident and drove up when only one police car was there - before the other 10, the two fire trucks and the ambulance arrived. It was very real and very scary. JPD came by my house and said they were looking for two black males in their late teens or early twenties. This city is gone.....

Anonymous said...

This information was passed on to me;
One of my associates lives in the house on Eastover right behind the Northminster Church parking lot. Their house was broken in to yesterday (Thursday) between 1;30 and 7:30 p.m. and was totally ransacked and many items were stolen. In view of the recent robbery I thought the church needed this information.

Anonymous said...

Note to Eastover, Fondren, Belhaven , Woodland Hills, the downtown loft crowd, & the rest of North East Jackson:

Many of us have no sympathy for you.

For years we've been screaming cut your loss and get out of that city.

Nope. Ya'll remained.

Now this is what you have to live with.

Not to worry, Chokeway will be crowned next week and all crime will stop.

Anonymous said...

When I read about people walking in on burglaries, or having their houses burglarized when they are not home, I always ask this question - did these people have a security system with an alarm that they activate when they are not home? This is an ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY thing to have in order to protect yourself and your property, While not 100% effective, it will deter the overwhelming majority of residential burglaries and any other mayhem that may result. So, was there a security system that had been activated when this incident happened? What about the house behind the Northminster Church parking lot?

Please, please, please, get a security system and use it. Forget all the arguing about where you think is safe to live, just be the safest you can be wherever you choose to live. Get an alarm system and use it.

Blue-Light Fascination said...

Kingfish - Posting terribly poor videos since.............

Who took it and what was the purpose of the video?

Anonymous said...

Jackson is the most populous city in Mississippi. While it is 20% white or Asian ( not 15%), Forbes lists it 3rd in the Nation for " The Best Bang for Your Buck".

Crime happens in big cities.

This sort of thing happens in every city in the Nation. IF you live in a city, you need a security system with cameras, dead bolts in metal frames,and window locks.

I'm glad my friend in Madison whose house was burlarized didn't walk in on them and the value of the items stolen were quite high. And, she didn't live in an easily accessible house on a busy street. The burglars haven't been caught and it was not on the news.

49% of all gang members are Hispanic in the US and yet you in Madison aren't worried?

If you want to be safe from crime, moving isn't the answer. Get knowledgeable about crime .Crime will follow you in time. You talk about Detroit but not about the suburbs of Grosse Isle and Grosse Pointe outside of Detroit. You don't look at the suburbs of big cities.

These guys will get caught just like the church burglars did.

Grow up people and if you are going to be racist, you might ought to figure out that the world is changing.

Anonymous said...

12:49 am you post says more about you than about Jackson.

And, what it says is that you are not someone I would want for a neighbor.

On the other hand, the minority neighbors I have are compassionate people who don't take pleasure out of tragedies but rather ask themselves what they might do to prevent future tragedies.

They want the best for everyone no matter what their race or religion. And, they are successful, bright people who understand that every race has their bad being one of my race's " bad apples" as you are a troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

As someone who happens to live in Eastover, I'm always surprised at the smug comments from all of you who have fled to the 'burbs. When I drive down Lakeland drive into Flowood or out to Ridgeland or to almost any other area, I see apartment complexes in various states of transition. I see jacked up mobile homes within a stone's throw of million dollar houses. I see vacant homes in really nice areas in foreclosure. I see a changing demographic. You may not have the issues we face now at exactly this moment, but unless you move to Aspen or Nashville, etc., they are coming. . .

Anonymous said...

"Hate crimes"occur when a perpetrator targets a victim based on his/her social or racial identity. The "criminal act" is motivated by bias against such a group. Hate crime designation enhances the penalties related to the crime. Where are you, gander?

Anonymous said...

my blk friends are great, and apalled by the fact that 16% of the population commits 80%+ fo the crimes. really, screw you for calling statistics racist.

Anonymous said...

It's incredible the way some of y'all are blaming the victim and rationalizing how you have been or will be a victim yourselves. For those of you with that attitude, you deserve everything you get.

"Jackson: Violent Crime is Inevitable -- You May As Well Be Victimized Here."

Anonymous said...

Alarms are great, but what you need to ask yourself is who's going to come if something sets it off? What finally convinced me to leave Jackson ten years ago was the realization that the answer to that question was quite probably no one. My dear departed brother lived in Jackson needed an ambulance and called 911 several times over a 45 minute time period. He got nothing until the phone rang with a dispatcher calling to ask if someone had dialed 911. Fortunately, they finally came and he was OK, but that was what told me it was time to move.

Db said...

It's a terrible crime, violating a private home and shooting a person and killing a dog. It is what human nature turns to when evil rules their heart. This has been with us from the beginning. Some communities are safer than others and people make choices of where to live but it is not the victim who should be blamed for some lack of security system or firearm. The perpetrators must be caught and prosecuted and we as citizens of Jackson need to work together to secure our community. Jackson is an excellent place to live and work as I and my family have done for 15 years. House broken into 12 years ago when rash of crimes in area. Jackson did not die then and it will not now. Much can be done to improve our city. Lets solve this crime and work to build up our city. Btw Madison and rankin county need jackson to do well. So stop throwing stones and offer helpful input.

Anonymous said...

7:31 I am afraid you speak the truth. I fled Jackson some years ago due to a car theft and other issues but I see the "issue" spreading and getting bolder. Even in deep Rankin county alarms and firearms are the order of the day. A sad state of affairs the will not abate until something changes on a very large scale....

Anonymous said...

Violent crimes escalate in Eastover, the black caucus chairman parades around the capitol with an AR-15, and now . . . on Saturday morning - the Capitol City is under a "boil water" notice.

Even the poor stray cats & dogs were violated this week.

Third world environment indeed.

Anonymous said...

7:40 am reread what you wrote last.
You can't interpret stats.
Did you even ever study a statistics course?
Do you know WHY prisons have more blacks than whites? Want to look at the public defender ratio in criminal cases?
Ever looked at the fact that most black crime is black on black?
Your comments scream racism.
I'm white by the way and a Southerner so I know get the code even if you've lost your pointy hat and a sheet and developed what you might even deluded yourself into believing is subtlety. And, it's really bad if you are in denial.

Anonymous said...

I agree with DB. Jackson is the center of our state and the home of Mississippi's government. We have to find a way to stop criminals and prosecute them! The suburbs are just residential communities within commuting distance of a city. Without Jackson, there wouldn't be suburbs. The suburbs need the Metro Jackson area to be successful and safe! We need everyone to quit complaining, quit bashing the city and do what you can to help combat crime and make the entire metro area a better place to live and work! Don't become the next victim. Let's ban together and commit to stopping crime! And push your representatives to make sure that criminals who are caught are held accountable for their actions. And, yes, be prepared to defend what is yours if it does happen to you!

Anonymous said...

Amen 7:31am. You don't read the same rhetoric on this blog from the folks in Eastover b/c they don't have inferiority complexes like it seems some of the suburbanites on here do. Fine if you don't want to live in Jackson but its funny how the same folks seem to feel the need to justify such decision by bashing jackson.

Anonymous said...

Such a terrible thing. We really should be more vigilant and ready to protect ourselves while looking out for our neighbors. That is the right response to something like this, rather than moving out, and then throwing grenades back home by talking trash at every opportunity. Crime happens everywhere - yes, even in the suburbs. Jackson does have more crime than the burbs, which shouldn't be a surprise because there are more people there. Enough for it to be a black city and still have more white people than any surrounding suburb. If you think you can escape crime by moving to the suburbs you are wrong. Just ask people from Clinton or Ridgeland. Stuff like this is even increasing in Brandon. I'm not saying that those places aren't good places to live, all I am saying is that Jackson is not the only place crime happens. It happens everywhere. Everyone needs to be vigilant in light of these reported crimes, not just the people in certain parts of Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Having been a madison resident for the past 5 years, we recently decided to move to Jackson. Does this crime bother me? Yes. Did we have a similar experience in our madison neighborhood? Yes.

We have loved living in Jackson. I have saved an hour of my day by not having to be in a car driving back and forth. That's more time to spend with my kids and wife.

I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't scared by the crime in Jackson. The reality is nowhere is safe. Yes madison is safer than Jackson but why do madisonites celebrate every crime that occurs in Jackson and then get on this site to go off on Jackson?

Do you see the development going in Jackson? The district at eastover, whole foods, area across from baptist, umc will be devolping more abd more....etc... This is making Jackson better and it will continue to get better. There is crime in New York and New Orleans, and every big and small city in between but you go to these places on vacation.

I do not think Jackson or madison is some utopian society where everything is perfect. Pros and cons for both. Make a decision where to live and support both.

Anonymous said...

Wow - the perception of crime is getting out of control!

DB - I admire your optimism and positive attitude but you are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic after the iceberg has been hit.

Anonymous said...

So, do we know whether an alarm system was in use at the time of the event? Surely, some neighbor or passerby can report whether they heard an alarm going off.

Anonymous said...

Whole Foods is a comin' to town.
Yeah, that's the solution 10:10.

BTW, has the boil water alert been lifted in Jackson yet ?

Anonymous said...

As a former resident of Jackson (now residing out of state) , I am appalled at the self-confratulatory attitude of those that moved to the suburbs and removed a substantial amount of the tax base in so doing. Don't cast stones at those who choose to invest in the capital city when you've given up.

Has the race of the perps been released? How does anyone know they're black? Or is it conjecture? Shameful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:32 who is also 10:19. Why do you stalk this site howling at the moon incessantly screaming at the top of your lungs your joy at what you perceive to be the death spiral of Jackson..
Dude you have done it for YEARS and we still love it here. Are you so lonely and desperate that you feel you must spend your life trying to talk us Jacksonites into not liking our city?

We could care less about the suburbs. You should get a hobby or something. Good God man get a life.

Anonymous said...

I live in Eastover. 4 million dollar homes going up RIGHT NOW. actually 2 million. I am sorry some of you suburb hacks feel you must spend your time dissing us. Ain't working. We love it here. Nicest neighborhood in the state, and we actually KNOW each other. How about you and your neighborhood. Do you know your neighbors?

Anonymous said...

11:20 I am 10:19, but I am not 10:32. Your psychic powers must be fading - maybe your tinfoil hat needs adjusting.

To clarify: I sincerely wish Jackson was not turning into another Detroit.

But it is.

Anonymous said...

I am from Eastover, live here, commented and you culled it. Why?

Anonymous said...

11:45 but I love it and the amenities we enjoy. See you at the strip mall.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Madison, and I live there now. I did at one point live in Belhaven. I am genuinely sad whenever I read about crime happening in the Metro area, no matter where it is. I don't understand people bashing each other for where they choose to live. Everyone is different, and has different reasons for why they live where they live. I choose to live in Madison because my extended family is here, I like my neighbors and my church. We enjoy raising our children here. I still shop and visit friends in Jackson, and for that reason I support all the new developments going up in Northeast Jackson and Fondren. Crime is terrible, no matter where it happens.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Madison, and I live there now. I did at one point live in Belhaven. I am genuinely sad whenever I read about crime happening in the Metro area, no matter where it is. I don't understand people bashing each other for where they choose to live. Everyone is different, and has different reasons for why they live where they live. I choose to live in Madison because my extended family is here, I like my neighbors and my church. We enjoy raising our children here. I still shop and visit friends in Jackson, and for that reason I support all the new developments going up in Northeast Jackson and Fondren. Crime is terrible, no matter where it happens.

Kingfish said...

The suspects are two black males.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Madison for over 30 years and have never had the desire to live in Jackson so that I could pay double the property taxes, double the car tag prices, and have access to inferior schools(unless I want to pay $14,000 per year for private school).All communities will always have supporters and detractors as well as pros and cons.
It is, however, very sad to see Jackson struggling with such dire issues.I'm afraid that is the most positive comment I can muster about Jackson.

mrholmes said...

Can we at least point out Mayoral-elect Chokwe Lumumba technically has not even been sworn in as the new Mayor yet?

Rather outlandish and absurd stretch to link this to him, whether you agree with him being elected or not.

- Matthew -

Anonymous said...

Then why comment at all 12:28. Seriously. Why are you commenting at all? What is the purpose of your comment? You are an empty soul. I hope you enjoy Madison as much as I enjoy my home, Mississippi's capital city.

Why are you commenting?

Anonymous said...

12:46, I don't think we have comment police on this website. If you want that, you should roll over to the JFP. They are all about that over there.

You can enjoy living in Eastover or wherever you live. The other commenter can enjoy living in Madison. So be it. As long as your life works for you, who cares, really?

Anonymous said...

I live in Pinebrook subdivision - next to Turtle Creek subdv (off of Hugh Ward - you would think it's Flowood, but is considered 'Brandon.' A stone's throw from 'Flowood's' Old Fannin Rd). Every other house in our neighborhood is for sale. It's like a sea of "For Sale" signs. They are breaking in, & stealing ALL of the appliances (I'm talking W/D, Dishwasher, refrig) out of the new homes, before they are even finished building them. It has lowered the property values by prob. a qtr.. It did get better for a little while - after they finally caught that Thibodeaux kid (his mother is a Flowood atty, btw).. Starting back up, though, it follows you everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I sure miss the Jackson that I (and my parents & grandparents) grew up in. At least we have the memories. Nothing stays the same. There's still a place for Jackson in my heart (and head) - always.

(Bloomberg for Mayor - Let him & Guiliani get in & clean house. They turned the seedy, crime-ridden NYC into just the opposite. They took/take NO crap & have huge, iron fists.)

I'm at least going to give Lumumba a chance, but why is he not talking more about CRIME??? If he's MENTIONED the word, I haven't heard it - which could be the case.

One day, one of these mayors should suck it up, and call up Guiliani or Bloomberg, & say "Please tell me how to turn this place around." Then heed the advice.

Anonymous said...

1:179....12:46 here. I am not being the blog police. I am truly wondering what type dark soul would prompt a comment like 12:28. I honestly want him to say WHY he would post comments meant to offend or hurt his neighbors in Jackson?

Why would he make what he hopes are hurtful comments. Why?

Anonymous said...

Some very trollish comments about Jackson on this post, which are posted for no reason other than to elicit a response. A reasonable person would not take the bait, and the comments should be ignored. But no, a lot of Jackson people find it necessary to insult others as they are crying about the mean people making bad comments about them. What hypocrites, you're like teenage girls fighting. Ignore it and move on .

Anonymous said...

I have checked the Clarion Ledger's website and facebook page since last night and there is still no mention of this incident (that I can find.) I am genuinely perplexed by this. WLBT, WAPT, WJTV, & Kingfish are all running the story but the largest newspaper in the state is not?

Anonymous said...

10:10: It's a shame Kingfish does not have a bullshit alertometer to sound off when people like you post. Your remark that you moved to Jackson and suffered the same sort of crime in Madison is pure bullshit. You've never, in fact, lived in Madison and you've never, in fact, owned a home. You're a renter, an intern, a child in an adult body and a liar.

Anonymous said...

3:44: this is 10:10. I'm not sure why you would respond like that. Everything I said is true. Since you are omnipotent lets bet 100 bucks or $100,000. If anything is untrue ill pay if everything is true you pay. We can place money with kingfish and he can verify.

10:32: ignorant response. The point is serious companies and dollars are being spent in Jackson on new development. And umc is not going anywhere. There are certain things in Jackson that will keep it from wasting away as so many of you think.

Crime is a problem. Pros and cons to both. Our family is enjoying jackson better.

Pugnacious said...

Not mentioned here is , to me, the bigger problem of metal scrap yards in this state knowingly buying stolen property and scrap metals. A recent case of such occurred in Hattiesburg involving the 100-year old scrap metals company knowlingly buying sawmill machinery that was stolen from a "Culpepper" whose business involved re-sawing heart-pine for flooring. The company sheared the saw blades and machine tools, trying to hide it from investigators. The case went to Federal court and the plantiff won the case.
Scrap dealers around the Golden Triangle in Northeast Mississippi knowling buy stolen scrap metals, including scrap from railroad property, while law enforcement and the local justice court judges refuse to get involved. I witnessed two black thieves loading scrap rail spikes and plates from KCS RR property onto their pickup. I approached them and got the vehicle tag number. I called 911 and reported the theft, giving my name and location. I waited over an hour and no deputy ever showed up. When I called 911 back, they said they reported it to LCSO and that was all they could no. I never heard from LCSO.

Anonymous said...

Just heard that cars were broken into while The Little Lighthouse school was hosting a fundraiser today.

Bold New City indeed.

Anonymous said...

8:19 AREN'T YOU HAPPY!!!!????

Anonymous said...

So in other words, 12:28, you couldn't afford it but those of us who can are not as smart as you?

Franklin said...

Every crime in a city of 175,000 people is not evidence of the apocalypse. In fact for the last 3 years property crime and violent crime has DECREASED.

"Jackson crime statistics report an overall downward trend in crime based on data from 11 years with violent crime decreasing and property crime decreasing. Based on this trend, the crime rate in Jackson for 2013 is expected to be lower than in 2010."

Anonymous said...

10:10 and 12:46 is the same idiot that was preaching Sheffield drive last week. I'm sorry you dumped a lot of money into a house in the ghetto. Just because you go around sayin how awesome northeast jackson is doesn't mean people believe you. eeryone knows all you do is you piss your wife's inheritance away. Dumbass.

Oh yeah, sticking your name on a few real estate signs here and there does NOT help them sell. Get over yourself, you aren't the big shot you try to make people think you are. You're just a dumbass with a rich daddy in law.


Anonymous said...

I live in one of the typical former pastures in Madison with no trees, where all the homes look alike, with the fake stucco. I would love to sell my house and move to Eastover, but I cannot afford to. I am puzzled why anyone would think that Eastover is not the best neighborhood in central MS...

Anonymous said...

I guess if the numbers are decreasing all is well then. Must be a big misunderstanding. Carry on and just ignore the random criminal stuff and abandoned buildings, its getting better...

BullshitOmeter said...

Why are people so mean?

Can't we just get along?

I moved from Madison to Jackson.

I love my Jackson home, so safe.

Madison has more crime than Jxn.

Why you people ugly to me?

Y'all just don't understand.

I love birds and flowers.

I once lived in a pasture.

Eastover is Heaven.

Not takin' no lie-detector test.

Anonymous said...

You can always spot the Democrats by the shallowness of their thoughts. Example: 'all big cities have lots od crime. Jackson is the biggest city in MS, therefore, its supposed to have lots of crime.'. The fact that Jackson's crime rate tops that of cities 4-times its size is completely lost. Little Rock Arkansas is bigger than Jackson, It has much LESS crime. Birmingham Alabama is several times larger than Jackson. Less crime. Atlanta GA metro area is ten times the size of Jackson. Much LESS crime. There is no excuse whatsoever for Jackson to be the arm pit of MS. But it IS. And the reason for that is because the citizens of Jackson, be they black, white or purple LET IT BE the arm pit of the state.

And whoever it was that tried to blame Jackson's demise on the people who left -PUHLEEZE!!! NOBODY has an obligation to continue paying taxes and/or otherwise funding a community that willfully allows so much criminal element to hide in plain site.

And, for the record, the problem in Jackson IS with the black race...NOT because blacks are inherently criminal types but because the black race is the ONLY ones with the ability to change the culture there. But they either can't see the forest for the trees or they just plain don't care. Either way, they'll get what they deserve. The city of Jackson has belongs to the black race. They either figure out how to make it thrive....and reap the rewards of that success or they'll continue to wallow in the cesspool that it has become (under their watch).

Anonymous said...

All areas have crime and I don't think we can argue that fact. However, it is a FACT that Jackson is worse that surrounding areas. There are many crimes that happen daily, but no one ever hears about them in order to protect the image of Eastover. The attitude towards the "burbs", as someone called them, it's ridiculous. I lived in Jackson before moving years ago and I also have many friends who are still live in the city. 7:31am-it's obvious that you close your eyes in certain areas of Jackson because there are numerous houses in a "stone's throw" of million dollar houses in Jackson, not to mention other horrible eyesores. Apartments? You really need to be careful driving with your eyes closed around Jackson. 11:23 am-You must not travel outside the city limits to see the multimillion dollar homes in the "burbs". Neighbors not knowing each other? Not sure how you can assume that. When there's a crime that happens in our neighborhoods, it's usually covered in the weekly papers or on the news without trying to cover it up. Eastover is beautiful and it's very convenient to schools, work & shopping. It's a shame that my friends living in the area have been forced to go beyond standard alarm systems by using video surveillance to help catch criminals. I've seen several videos posted on facebook showing crimes that were filmed & asking for any info. I do not bash the city, but I hear many NEJ residents making comments such as "Stankin Rankin" and others. They pass this same attitude on to their children and then they make fun of kids who do not live in the city. Instead of admitting that there is a problem in Jackson, they talk down about the "burbs" and teach their children that if you don't live in Jacskon-you're not cool. They do not tell their children that the majority of their friends who live outside the city could get more house for their money IF they wanted to move to Jackson. As far as the comment about strip malls, looks like many Jackson residents enjoy them by the number of Hinds County tags. I have friends who drive to the Flowood Kroger and also buy their gas on Lakeland because of the high number of crimes at the Kroger I-55 and gas stations in the area. Again, I'm not bashing Jackson. I enjoy visiting friends and shopping at some of the stores, but I admit that I'm not comfortable in certain areas. Why can't everyone show respect for each other? I can assure you that I'll be very vocal if my neighborhood and surrounding area has a rapid increase of crime and will not become defensive. We left Jackson when crimes increased around where we lived and if it happens here, we will move to a place where we feel safe. If you love living in Jackson, good for you, but downplaying issue of crime isn't going to make it go away.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Birmingham has more crime than Jackson, and the crime rate in Atlanta and Little Rock are similar to ours. Jackson has a crime problem - obviously. By the way, you're right that nobody has an obligation to stay, but when there is a problem in the community and you decide to take the easy way out, you can at least not cast Jackson in a bad light at every opportunity. It's called being a good citizen. Thanks for being one of the people that magnify Jacksons problems. It's exactly what the metro area needs.

Anonymous said...

My name be bullshitometer.

I no good at debate.

I have no original thoughts.

I disagree with others I call bullshit.

I don't read well.

I don't like birds and flowers.

I not a strong man so I call people out online.

My online girlfriend thinks I'm dreamy.

KaptKangaroo said...

In re: June 29, 2013 at 1:26 PM

I believe the neighborhood you are talking about is actually experiencing natural turnover bc real estate is again moving. Additionally if you take a closer look, a lot of these homes are rental homes that investors are dumping.

Do research before you assume facts that simoly are not true. Pinebrook has not had a new home go up in years. Someone did just build a monstrosity backing up to Hugh Ward, beyond that, it has been slow going.

Anonymous said...


are you stupid? stats speak for themselves. nice to blame public defenders for the high incarceration rate; if only they could afford good attorneys, they would get off.

in the 80's i was appointed to defend a teen who shot a woman he wasnt aiming at. he thought that he was therefore innocent... guess you think that too, ass-hat.
let me guess, you are a graphic designer? bag boy? house wife?

Anonymous said...

7:28, you write that Birmingham has "less" crime than Jackson and that Little Rock has "much less."

Little Rock's crime rate is 9.79%, Birmingham's 9.22%, and Jackson's 8.51%.

The data is all here.

Why such disregard for facts?

Anonymous said...

The Ben Allen lookalike at 8:38 accuses another of 'casting jackson in a bad light' and 'magnifying' the problem. Neither of those claims is true. Stating facts is nothing more or less than stating facts. If folks want to draw a 'bad light' inference from facts, they have that right. 'Magnifying' typically means having something appear larger than it really is. Obviously this is not the case either. Too many Jackson apologists spend their time wring their hands and begging others to join them in pretending it's all a perception.

And when that doesn't happen, we get the usual chorus of 'Why don't you move back and do something positive'. Because I'm no damned fool, that's why.

Anonymous said...

Loving that I'm either a Democrat or graphic designer or bag boy or housewife! ROFL

Look people, if you are going to compare crime statistics, the universal sample and the data fed in has to be comparable. You can't have two different data reporting methods and you have to consider demographics and economics in your universal samples.

Some of you just look for things to support your existing point of view.

Few of you have apparently actually lived in a city outside of Mississippi or known well people who live in the cities you choose to cite.

I would suggest to you, also, while watching too much television would certainly lead one to believe everything is worse in the world, that simply isn't necessarily true.

Most of you frankly, are worried about the wrong things. Your probability of being a crime victim in Jackson just isn't as high as your probability of being harmed in other ways that apparently cause you no concern.

I would also suggest to those who think negatively, that 35 years ago, all I heard from Mississippians every time I went to NYC was that they would never risk going to that dangerous city. Still I live and now many of you would love to go to NYC.

Things change. Thank goodness Bloomberg and Guiliani didn't abandon NYC. Those in Damien , CT may still enjoy the commute and not be upset they gave up their NYC apartment.

Try thinking beyond the next five minutes! Try not to blindly fall for the political partison scare tactics both parties use, nor take anyone's opinion for fact. Try thinking objectively and unemotionally.

Then, instead of being stymied by free floating anxiety about things you can't change and you can focus on where you can problem solve!

This break in and shooting was a tragedy. We should be cautious until those who are responsible are apprehended. Shit happens. Not all shit is significant in the larger scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the last several posters have either never seen, or ignored the FBI crime statistics over the past ten years and Jacktown's ranking among them.

As to 11:20's suggestion that we should give up thinking about things we can't change, I, for one, have not given up and I do think we can eventually change the hoodlum aspect of this city. Carry yo ass back to NYC 11:20 and take your sanctimonious, preachy bullshit attitude with you.

Anonymous said...

10:51, I am the "Ben Allen lookalike" that posted at 8:38. I don't really know how you can get huffy about what I said and then turn around and say that it is okay to state the facts. That was exactly what I was doing - stating the facts. It is a fact that the earlier poster was wrong when he said that Birmingham has less crime than Jackson. Birmingham has a higher crime rate than we do. It is also a fact that the earlier poster was incorrect when he said that Little Rock's and Atlanta's crime rates are much lower than Jackson's. The crime rates in those three cities are similar. It is also a fact that when someone puts out incorrect "facts" in order to make a point, that they are making a problem to be even more severe than it really is. Never denied Jackson's crime problem, the earlier poster was exaggerating it, so I corrected him/her. Sorry, just stating the facts.

By the way, no one is asking you to move back into Jackson. I would actually prefer that you move out of our metro. You did not move far enough. For example, maybe somewhere far away, like Boise.

Anonymous said...

+1 for @8:18.

Anonymous said...

3:12; Dress as an old woman with a large purse and head down to Smith Park tonight after 8:00. Then get back to us with YO PREACHY ASS! You and Ben are the problem.

Anonymous said...

@5:15. It's 3:12. I'm having trouble finding the part where I denied that Jackson has a crime problem. Can you help me out? I agree with other people that Jackson residents should stop talking trash about the suburbs, but people like you make it very difficult to not fall for that temptation.


-"preachy ass"

Franklin said...

7:28 am says: "And, for the record, the problem in Jackson IS with the black race"


Because Jackson is 80% black and --shockingly --has crime, it just stands to an ignorant doofus.

With a crime rate of 9% guess the rest of those blacks are just holding back, biding their time, probably cheering on the criminals --sheesh

Park and Rec Guy said...

Smith Park has had 42 events over the last two years. Not the first report of crime at any of the events. Sorry 5:15.

Anonymous said...

Sanctimonious and preachy also applies just as equally to those who preach doom and gloom for Jackson.

But, at least, I don't have to make up things like bogus crime stat claims.

The crime stats for Jackson are down over the last 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know when the moratorium on rapes will end by the press and JPD? That's when people are going to get really nervous.
Sex trafficking doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

" Smith Park has had 42 events over the last two years. Not the first report of crime at any of the events. "

Does that include when those "occupy Jack-town" idiots established a commune down there for a few months ?

Anonymous said...

Not all democrats in Jackson are criminals but all criminals in Jackson are democrats.

Anonymous said...

Just posted on MS News Now. According to the FBI, Jackson #8 most dangerous city in the US. EYHO 'burbs.

Anonymous said...

Just read it. According to the site producing the study, "racial tension" was mentioned as a leading source of the violence.. The overwhelming number of black on black crimes are racial tension. Good grief!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me why "the suburbs need the City of Jackson to survive" is a phrase that seems to have 9 lives? I mean, it's an awfully quaint saying and all, but i just can't figure out why so many people believe it to be true. Granted, I don't wish Jackson to die - I lived the first 35 years of my life there. However, when I moved to the dreaded suburbs - like so many other people and businesses have done - I rarely now have reason to go into Jackson.

That's why I ask the question: What is it Jackson has on which the suburbs must rely for their survival? I'm missing something, but I'm sure there are plenty of you on here who can - and will - enlighten me. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

4:54. You are so right! Of course Madison would be exactly the way it is now if Jackson were not there. Madison did it all by itself. Yep, that's it! You proved all of those Jackson residents wrong. Please explain to me how Madison would grow if it didn't have Jackson to leech off of?

Anonymous said...

@4:54 if you really dont get why the suburbs need jackson dont show how dumb you are by asking. better to stay quiet and have people wonder if you are stupid than to speak and remove all doubt.

jackson people are either young with no kids, are old and have been there a while, or have plenty of money to send their kids to private school. or a 4th category. nobody cares if you arent one of them.

Anonymous said...

A metro area needs people and an economic base. That was in the central city on Jackson. The metro area still has all that but it now outside the city of Jackson. So spell out why Jackson is so important?

Anonymous said...

jobs dufus. the public sector(govt, hospitals, education) isnt going anywhere. and they are in jackson. lots of those workers take their money back to live and spend in madison and rankin. everyone but you realizes that. econ2 (2 for second grade)

Anonymous said...

The burbs needs Jackson less with each passing day. Keep fooling yourself numbskull that the city is somehow indispensable. Detroit did the same. History repeats and idiots such as yourself will always be with us.

Anonymous said...

6:47: Do some minimal research and find out what percentage of the total jobs in the matro are jackson hospitals and jackson schools (of all sorts). You'll come up with about 08% of Metro area jobs (on a good day after massaging the statistics). And you think the rest of us need that suck hole to survive?

Anonymous said...

"Yay! We live right next to the #8 most dangerous city in America! Honey, let's sell our beautiful house in the suburbs and move downtown! I want to participate in all this that won Jackson the #8 spot! I need more crime in my life!"

Said no one, ever.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. Jackson needs its suburbs and the suburbs need Jackson. Its a metro area, and ideally, the communities that make up a suburb are supposed to work together to make the entire area a better place to live. However, in true Mississippi style, people here do the exact opposite and find ways to spite eachother. And you wonder why this is not Austin.

Jackson. You need to realize where half of your work force comes from. The demographics as it stands now have it so that this city would not be able to support the hospitals, the government jobs, the law firms, banks, etc. that we have without the amount of workers coming in from Madison County. Oh, and the suburbs have done way better at managing crime and building public schools that are worth going to. And before some doofus calls me out for being anti-Jackson, I live in Jackson, and I don't plan on going anywhere. Also, please realize that everyone from the suburb is not a racist, back-woods hick. That is true in Rankin County as well, because those jokes are old.

Suburbs. You need to realize that despite how badly some of these people apparently want it to be, Jackson is not a mini-Detroit. Some parts of Jackson are still very nice, and many of us love our city. I really don't care what you have to say about that. Also, a metro area requires somewhat of a common identity. Since Jackson has more than 150K people than any other city in the area, and since it is the geographic center of the area, it makes since that said identity should have something to do with Jackson.

Either way, I am sure that you will continue your bickering. It is, after all, what some of you do best.

Anonymous said...

The irony is thick with 9:08. THICK.

You people that think all of Madison and Rankin counties are "Suburbs" need to take some time and live in a REAL metropolitan area. Jackson it is not.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post 9:08. I agree with all your points.

Anonymous said...

All the pointing of blame.....WHAT ABOUT THE DOG?!!
I would stop at no measure until these miserable killers were caught! They SHOT THE FAMILY DOG!!! NO!!!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS