The Weather Channel just can't seem to get it right.....
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When one is so busy peddling one's bullshit man-made global warming agenda, one has little time for accuracy in anything else, including what state one's reporter is located in at any given moment. I'm shocked global warming channel had time to interview a sitting governor while they were frantically scouring the f*cking southeast looking for one anemometer ... just ONE .... ANYWHERE ..... PLLLLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE ... that registered sustained a wind speed of 75 so they could refer to Barry as a hurricane. Their bullshit agenda is so transparent it's laughable. Hurricane, my ass.
In my opinion Louisiana can have Vicksburg...
No such thing as journalism any more. Just a rush to get clicks and views.
Kingfish and Drudge are the only true journalists left. I think Kingfish should start wearing suspenders to fit his persona.
Yes, global warming is real (duh) and the earth is not flat (double duh).
On the actual subject, I see no reason why Vicksburg should not expand west. It will be like Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri, but hopefully not like West Memphis.
One day, far in the future, our nation will find Mississippi. We may be full of people who would still rather secede, but that will pass. (Dream on.)
Burke has also seen a Sasquatch and thinks it was real too.
Global warming may truly exist. The climate has always changed. The question is this... is it mad made or caused global warming. Ever heard of the ice age. The climate has always changed. No shocker there.
Call me a dumb blondie, what is KF taking exception of? The midsouth or the 6 foot storm surge?
11:17. Amen Brother. If you don’t believe it ask a Dinosaur
I think Kingfish is pointing out the "Vicksburg, LA" heading.
Close family friend, career biologist for Federales, says Delta backwater flooding will prove out to be unbelivable ecological disaster.
Burke also believes in the tooth fairy, and wants AOC to be president for life.
It's OK. The day before, the weather channel had "Arabi, MS" as one of the locations they were reporting from.
The Weather Channel has been at best a joke for the last decade or more.
Typical of "news" outlets that are addicted to hysteria, they are gullible for any "change" and mold it to suit their purpose.
You must bow to them in order to remain safe BS, like CNN is their stock in trade.
What did happen to the huge tidal surge? It just didn't exist.
No one would argue that the climate changes; the intellectually fatal assumption is that it is 1) due to mankind and 2) that we can do something about it. The farthest fearmongers just make the price higher and unaffordable. If we just spend ENOUGH, JUST RELINQUISH OUR FREEDOMS TO THOSE LEADERS, we will be spared and led into the promised land. It is truly a religion.
WE get at least weekly noticies about the sea level increase, and how florida and noo yawk will be submerged. Children!! The sea level is still changing at the samerate it has since the end of the little ice age, thousands of years ago; and this change is about 2mm/century.
Gullibility, Maltheusian or not, is rarely rewarded. And the public forgets those idiotic, hysterical, and wrong predictions all too soon.
Goebbles said if you tell people a lie often enough, they will come to believe it. Think about this when even ostensibly sensible people talk and include "global warming" as a factor. Be skeptic of those who want to control you.
A good alternative to this load of bull is
It is a pay for service but if you scroll down you will find (free) daily and weekend briefings.
I may have mistakenly attributed sea level rise to 2mm per century; my mistake if I did; it is more like 2mm per year.
I stopped watching The Weather Channel years ago.
Perhaps Vicksburg should secede. God knows this State is going down the toilet.
The official National Weather Service reporting station for Vicksburg is in Delta, Louisiana. Maybe that's what caused the confusion.
On Saturday night, Weather Channel commissar Jim Cantori told New Orleans area viewers, and I quote: "Friends, you don't know how lucky you are." Really Jim? Local folks have lived with the ebb and flow of potential disasters for a long time, and I don't think you needed to fly down from Connecticut to add your 2 cents. I think they know the score.
The mental midgets acting like they're in Bagel Boss anytime anyone ever makes an error regarding Mississippi. I saw an error involving Springfield Mo and Springdale Ar recently. To no one's surprise, there was not an uprising that followed.
Why do some people get so defensive at the mere mention of the phenomenon called "global warming". If you have ever met anyone from Alaska or listened to John Glenn you know that something is happening with climate, very fast. Maybe Glenn was lying when he observed the big difference in the earth from his first space flight to his second, or maybe the people in Alaska have been brainwashed into believing the glaciers and tundra are melting...faster. But maybe not, why are we so offended by people who are concerned about it. We still have our cars, our airplanes, our air conditioners, and all the rest, so what are we protecting? If the facts and science are on your side, why worry?
Barry was a curveball the experts just couldn't hit. Shook 'em up and made 'em look kinda stupid. God had a big laugh.
Right on, 1:36, but you're being too nice about it. It's a pity that we have to wade through a bunch of illiterate bullshit to get to some common sense, but your comment was worth it.
Good stroke invoking John Glenn on this day of all days.
This discussion is getting crazy. How about we calmly discuss a non-contraversial subject, like abortion or maybe evolution?
Popcorn! More popcorn!
If we are referencing John Glenn in our attempts to dissect weather related phenomena, we have slid into the shit-outa-luck zone. John Glenn was always as irrelevant as John McCain.
These 60 year old white guys sure are a sensitive bunch. For all the crap they talk about millennials, you would think they wouldn’t be so and bratty.
I guess we ought to give these people a pass for not knowing which state they were in. On the Gallo show Monday, Phul Brant was interviewed. Seems he has spent weeks on end in a heliochopper checking out algae bloom at Biloxi, the national guard on the Texas border and spillways south of the Delta.
He went on and on about his busy and involved schedule ranging from dolphins on the coast to illegals in Texas to backwater in the Delta. At one point he sort of stumbled and forgot which day he had been where. He then said working long days seven days a week without sleep one tends to forget which day they were where.
I reckon Vicksburg can be in Louisiana given the real hectic schedules all these people keep.
"In my opinion Louisiana can have Vicksburg..."
Well hursh my mouth! Vicksburg is a damned fine city, George Flaggs is a great mayor and Carter Jewelers still has a rain sale every time it thunders. You jess go head on and enjoy living in the Orange-Cone-Burg of Florence.
You know what's wrong with Mississippi? Everyone seems to have an inferiority complex. Let anyone outside the state say some derogatory, mispronounce a name, confuse Ole Miss with MSU, fail to acknowledge an accomplishment and there are those that are ready to make a federal case out of it and turn it into some subversive plot. Hell, the guy made a mistake. Get over it and quit wearing your feelings on your sleeve.
The real question in this story is wtf is Philbilly doing running around the state trying to be a meteorologist, trying to be an expert in emergency response, & trying to get on tv? Philbilly, you are a lame duck do nothing gov. Our state was last place when you took over and continues to be last place. Education continues to suck. Under your “leadership” or really lack there of, the state saw the biggest corruption scandal in the history of our state with the Dept Of Corrections! Under your leadership our state has sucked. Please crawl back under the rock you came from. You’re a sexist, racist, homophobic Neanderthal. Good riddance.
Most of us in Vicksburg would rather live in Louisiana.
9:20 - That's not true and it was a stupid statement. You just had to post something, so why not something stupid. Right?
You could have just posted "fire hydrants make me want to piss".
What's with these idiots still buying the 1980's republican anti-science propoganda. Even the oil companies now admit global warming and it's cause. It's been known for decades and yet the morons here gloat in their ignorance. Congratulation dumbasses!
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