Saturday, August 25, 2018


One of the more disgusting scenes ever seen in Jackson took place  a few nights ago at the Project Eject town hall forum.  U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst has held the forums across Jackson to get citizen input on the Justice Department's latest crime-fighting project.  Unfortunately, representatives of the thug element in Jackson showed up at the the forum.  Stacey Kirschten, the mother of murdered Chelsie Kirschten, attempted to speak.  The word "attempted" is used for a reason.  Watch what took place.

The nutjob with the wild hair dressed in a suit who keeps yelling at her is none other than Hinds County Public Defender Adofo Minka. Apparently Michelle Purvis approves of her lawyers going out in public and attacking the mothers of murder victims who have active cases in Hinds County. 

 Ms. Kirschten said: "I was in disbelief that they could be that rude and belligerent as well as disrespectful to everyone else in that meeting.  They didn't come to talk but to commandeer and disrupt the meeting.  They didn't come to talk."

Meanwhile, in the interests of providing equal time, here is what our fine young barrister had to say on Facebook:

The white liberal do gooder is still as dangerous as they ever were because they are grossly misinformed, ignorant and still believe that the notion that white people should rule over others is valid even when they don’t openly express such racist nonsense.

Some comrades and I were at a disgusting meeting where the federal government were rolling out a plan to criminalize and expel Black poor people from Jackson, MS. And, as any decent person who has revolutionary potential or aspirations, we oppose such a violently racist and barbaric program. As soon as the meeting was over, white liberals started coming up to me talking about my approach and how things can be changed from “within”. In short order, I repudiated the nonsense and let said persons know that I did not intend to be silent and allow these little quiet bourgeoise meetings go forward without any outspoken resistance.

The white liberal by and large still expect Black people to suffer “peacefully” while white racist exact all manner of violence against the Black masses. To have such an expectation of the Black masses and working classes period is evil. It is complicity with evil. It shows that white liberals still place a premium on “civility” and “decorum” while the poor Black masses have barbarity heaped on our heads under the ruse of law, order and eradication of crime. Basically, lies.

These white liberals think they are slick. They approach me because many times I have on the bourgeoise uniform of a shirt and tie. They rationalize in their silly heads that some how I will be “responsible” and “cool headed” because I am wearing the uniform of these unjust and racially bigoted courts. They are right. I am responsible, cool headed and rational enough to know that the only thing white folks and others in power understand is power and stiff resistance to their racist, elitist, sexist and utter bullshit. I’m equipped and prepared to speak their language, not some “peaceful” and “understanding” language that they trick too many negro lawyers into going along with. They want to talk about peace and civility while practicing the barbarity of ripping apart families and caging human beings. Don’t talk that civility talk to me while acting like a fuckin cave dweller and using racially coded and overtly racist language . As Malcolm taught, I pay attention to a person’s deeds and their conscious behavior.

There can be NO compromise with this system or ANYBODY working on behalf of its backward administration of injustice regardless of the color of the skin. I started off talking about white liberals, but Black liberals, capitalists, politicians, police and other aspirants to an oppressive class can and will get it too. Don’t mistake the fact that I am a lawyer with my class interests. I have embraced the process of class suicide. That is an ongoing process and I intend to hold the line and walk this thing out completely. Underneath all of the lawyer appearance lies one who aspires to be a revolutionary guerrilla and fighter who is adamant about standing with and advancing the COLLECTIVE interests of the popular masses in general and the poor Black masses in particular.


Anonymous said...

Completely shocking. Restorative justice? Give me a fing break. The next two meetings on this are going to get ugly if those "people" show up again.

Anonymous said...

Jackson. Where criminals are now the victims of unfair treatment.

Shame shame shame said...

I would rather pet a pit bull who is foaming at the mouth than be in the same room with those animals.

Anonymous said...

if he has that level of contempt for white liberals, just think what he says (in private) about most white people...this is probably baby talk in comparison

Anonymous said...

Jacksonians going to Jacksonian. I left Belhaven becuase of the mental midget junta in power and anybody dumb enough to stay can accept the consequences. Lindsay and Foote just twiddle their thumbs and rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. Hopefully Preister will move to Rankin County where his work will be rewarded instead of cast aside in favor of poor people life choices at the municipal level.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone watches this. When (not if) you become a crime victim in Jackson, this is the kind of human garbage that will be working to keep your perpetrator out of jail on the off chance that the D.A. happens to pursue charges. Every time you cross the county line into Hinds County, you're subjecting yourself to this criminal justice system. What in Jackson could possibly be worth that risk?

Anonymous said...

Adofo Minka's post reads like The Manifesto of the Nation of Jackson. I feel for the folks who don't buy into that garbage, but still have to live there. Those who do buy in will surely inherit the wind.

Anonymous said...

In our society, the supposed objects of hate are the chief purveyors of hate.

Anonymous said...

KF, please post the time, date and location of the next meeting. I want to be there. tia

Anonymous said...

Why is US Attorney Hurst holding these meetings? Instead of serving as s platform to promote his program, it has served as a chance for these self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” to get on the news. Hurst needs to be on the news when he is discussing specific prosecutions and/or arrest. I would bet a dime to a doughnut hole that those radicals are or will soon be under FBI surveillance.

Please post the locations of these upcoming shooting matches.

Anonymous said...

If Ms. Purvis has any integrity, this nutjob will be fired immediately.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really feel for the Mother. Now, we really know how a lot of blacks feel about white people. The less successful you are the more you hate white people. White people are always the excuse for some blacks failure. I would love to know how these black thugs all tatooed up support themselves? Adofo Minka has the only job she can get as a attorney. Can you see Morgan & Morgan or Richard Schwarts hiring her. NOT!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if those gentlemen would feel the same if a young black girl's mom was standing up and speaking about the her daughter's killer who was white? No wonder Jxn has been named the 6th most dangerous city on the country. Jxn and Chicago urban killing zones have many similarities. But most of all, excuses & blame are flying all over BOTH places instead of looking in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

If Ms. Purvis has any integrity....


Anonymous said...

(Guy's a trusted barrister?) ..."These white liberals think they are slick. They approach me because many times I have on the bourgeoise uniform of a shirt and tie."

Same M.O. the muslim extremists used to be accepted as "normal" ...all the while planning and plotting their crimes against humanity.

Anonymous said...

It’s like he thinks he can change things without the help of white people. Look around you buddy, you’re not getting anywhere until we all work together. This is not what working together looks like. Until something changes in Jackson, these “bourgeois liberal white” people will continue moving out in droves. Thus taking the “bourgeois liberal white” tax dollar elsewhere, and further plunging Jackson into the depths of poverty. It certainly seems like this “element” of folks wanting “change” want nothing to do with white people, just like they claim white people want nothing to do with them. One day they’ll wake up and realize Jackson isn’t ever going to recover and bounce back, there will be no opportunities for the youth growing up in Jackson, the schools will continue to be deplorable, thus continuing the cycle of poverty and incarceration...without the help of white people. Working together is the only answer, it’s a tale as old as time. Racism works both ways, and he’s on one side screaming so loudly about it that he can’t even hear reason.

Anonymous said...

Hurst just needs to start pushing for prosecution of those which JPD arrest. No meetings are needed. That will be a start. Until those arrested are punished, nothing else will matter. Once that starts, then let's talk about how to change the system for the better. Until then, just more political posturing where nothing will get done, other than giving people the opportunity to tag even more people as racist. That seems to be the power play these days.

Anonymous said...

Someone call JPD at the next meeting and have him arrested for disturbing the peace. Let him hang out with his "people" in the Hinds County Jail.

Anonymous said...

Idiot. As a public defender he is just as much a part of the system as anyone.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Ms Bar would say about his facebook post. It sounds like a threat against the judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this kind of idiocy and raciist hatred, I want to cry. I finally found the school where all three of my children are happy and getting a great education. It is located in Jackson, unfortunately. How I wish JA had moved before it’s expansion. Great school, great teachers, top notch facilities, horrible location. I have the creeping realization that only my oldest will get to finish there. I’ll be forced to choose a school that can’t compete with JA, but that is in a safer location. I realize that my concerns are insignificant, compared to the larger tidal wave of murders, violent criminals running unchecked and crumbling roads that are perpetuated and encouraged by this kill whitey mentality. I personally don’t care how black Jackson is, but I do care how dangerous it is. This is the sort of thing that proves that it will only get worse. What does the city or its citizens’ safety and well-being matter? Sticking it to whitey is far more important. Next!!!

Anonymous said...

Adofo Minka>>>>Michelle Purvis>>>>TOMIE GREEN.


Anonymous said...

So...I was there and I was one of the white people who spoke to him afterwards. I simply told him that if you would listen and engage, you would have heard the majority of the room agrees with you. The takeaway from the meeting is going to be YOUR outrageousness, not the outrageous policy. The policy is outrageous. It’s important to note that it was a white majority crowd but there were a large percentage of black folks in the room too.

His behavior was embarrassing and inexcusable. And yep, he should not be employed in a governmental agency.

This distracts from the Fed’s policies. They won’t reduce crime, won’t help Jackson, or address poverty in any meaningful way. And, they will target minorities disproportionately. In fact, the policies harm not help in basically any statistical measure you could choose.

From 2016 to 2017, Jackson crime decreased by 15%. This was prior to Hurst’s policies. From the implementation of Hurst’s policies, Jackson crime has decreased by 2.9%. Since implementation, murders are up by 60% and property crime is up by around 5%. The decrease is solely from rapes and assaults. Newsflash...Hurst doesn’t have jurisdiction over many violent crimes, particularly those mentioned.

BUT, I was never given the opportunity to raise this because of this fight. Thanks, Adofo, for taking a legitimate criminal justice issue that faces our nation and city, and managing to turn it PURELY into a race issue.

We used to have criminal justice policies that were designed to deliberately discriminate based on race. We now have policies that unintentionally discriminate base on race. But we are still living in the shell of our deliberate discrimination. This is difficult for average white Joe to understand. Screaming about race at a poor lady(whatever her color) whose daughter was a victim of the drug war, won’t help us work together. Or educate anyone.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the video would not play but reading the post sends a shiver up my spine. I knew it was bad but not this bad. We are using public funds to hire individuals who proclaim that they are revolutionaries and that the white man is their enemy. What law school produced this individual?

Anonymous said...

Working together? Is that like "Better Together"? Jackson's gone and it ain't never gonna get back to its former glory, if it ever had any. Not with this type of pansy-ass effort.

11:33 is right. The U.S. attorney shouldn't be seeking "input" on fighting violent crime -- he ought to be putting violent criminal's heads (yes I know -- white, black, male, female, all of them) on pikes at various locations throughout his district and holding a BBQ whenever he spikes a new one in the ground.

Wanna "discuss" or "reason" with the bad guys? Someone famous once said "you cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth...". Let's start hunting them before they can do any more damage to the good folks (yes I know -- white, black, male, female, all of them). Open carry, properly managed, might help...

Anonymous said...

I see a racist here. He's the guy who describes everyone in terms of race and loves to use the word bourgeois even though he cannot spell it properly (sounds like someone has been listening to those "improve yo vocabulary" lessons on his iPod).

This is a man who displays utter hatred for white people, yet he will maintain his position at HC because the people running the show are all about "getting even with whitey" and this is exactly the kind of guy they want in a position of power.

It will never get any better...not in my lifetime.

Burke said...

If I recall "The Communist Manifesto" correctly, Marx had special contempt for what he called "Utopian Socialists," whom he credited with having some some valid criticisms of the standing order, but who were not willing to engage in violent revolution. I take it that "white liberals" could be pinned with that label.

He and his "comrades" bear watching closely, but who will do it? And how is it he has a job working for the county? Is he the model citizen of what the Mayor terms "the most radical city in the United States"?

Jackson doesn't have many white racists left. Shouldn't this revolution be happening in adjoining counties? I suggest that Mr. Minka may lack the intestinal fortitude to start shouting where it might have some relevance.

Anonymous said...

If you're reading through the posts and finally got down to this one, you just wasted a lot of time reading. This is the only one that matters:


Anonymous said...

Yep, folks seem shocked at HIS outburst when, in fact, there's a large segment that shares the same mentality - all sorts of "public servants"... They tell you by their attitude and actions. (Inactions?)

Anonymous said...

11:33 said: " I would bet a dime to a doughnut hole that those radicals are or will soon be under FBI surveillance."

If Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, or Hillary get elected President these guys will be hired by the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Adofo Minka Is a racist asshole. He hates white people. How is it acceptable that he has a government job?

I will pray tonight that he gets cancer.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mr. Minka is also a staff writer for the Jackson Free Press... had been wondering what kind of people were involved there (this is about what I’d expected).

Anonymous said...

Jackson has simply joined an ever growing group of places that aren't fit for decent people of any color to live. As these places become more lawless and uncivilized they become more solidly Democratic strongholds so nothing can/will be done to straighten this out. Democratic law enforcement, prosecutors and judges will NEVER EVER fix this. We in the decent areas surrounding this human sewer just have to stay personally vigilant and elect officials that place the most emphasis on law and order.....OR move farther away.

Anonymous said...

Mike Hurst federal govt funded campaign rallies.....

What a joke.

Get back in your office and work.

Quit spending my money trying to up your profile.

Kingfish said...

Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

JA should have moved when it could. Kane Ditto talked them into staying.Jackson is past being gone.

Unknown said...

Comrades are communist? Right

Anonymous said...

4:42 pm

You are right!

Let’s all move to pelahatchie where this doesn’t happen.....


Anonymous said...

@ 5:58

Pelahatchie ? Hmmm...had my sights a little higher than that. You sound like you may be a proud Jacksonian. Lookin down your nose at Pelahatchie and such.

Anonymous said...

Phil made it through but the next Gov is gonna have to take this disaster over . Bank on it.

Anonymous said...

@4:55pm Agreed. Mike Hurst is starting to sound like the wannabe social worker in the AG's office. Hey Hurst, stop trying to make peace with this element. You care more about their welfare than they do, so just do your job and prosecute to the full extent of the law. Giving the "public" a stage is recipe for disaster, so please, just keep the criminals behind bars and you will become VERY popular.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Bar?.....crickets?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Minka, have you a plan? Once you and your cadre of followers topple the bourgeois
class what comes next? Will you allow the proletariat to govern and supply city services such as a working water system and street maintenance? Will you allow the lumpen proletariat to have a seat at the table? Or perhaps just let them (lumpen proletariat)run the government.

Anonymous said...

Psychotic loser, this “human being” is. This little idiot is doing this, mainly, to try to make a name or “establish” himself. When all is said and done, he will be yet another failed lawyer. Be it 30 years, 20, 10, 5, 3, 1, or less.

Eyes On The Prize.. said...

12:41 - Turn your cap around. His goal is to be mayor. There is money to be had in a mayoral office in Mississippi.

Captain Fred Sanford said...

"Justice" for thee, but not for me. These folks want a bifurcated justice system where black and brown offenders are coddled with restorative justice, and white offenders have the book thrown at them.

Anonymous said...

He's just another Carlos Moore wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Minka, you have become just like those you hate.

Your anger,fear and paranoia have led you to adopt the same tactics used by white supremist groups and to share their racism.

You incite each other to be the worst of humanity .

You both either lack the imagination to see the historic consequence should either of you succeed which is enslavement and/or genocide or else you do and are that evil.

Nor are your powers of observation strong enough so that you can see that every race and every religion and every group has " bad apples". And, you, like the white supremist groups can find a bad apples and claim that describes every apple.

You have chosen, like more than a few whites who comment, to be a " bad apple" and hope to spoil the barrel of humanity.

What most of you actually are , are extremely insecure and unhappy people who need to blame others for your perceived failures to achieve that which you think is earned without effort.

Neither you nor your counterparts not noticed that you have more in common with the worst of the race you hate than you do with those of your race who have achieved. You want someone to blame for your unhappiness.

Here's a hint. Happiness is, in the end, a gift you give yourself and no one else can make you " feel" bad or angry. Mature adults can control their feelings in all but moments of severe trauma and choose their reactions.

If you weren't given the tools to do that for yourself, get help. And, take it no matter what race the person is who offers it to you.

Anonymous said...

How many hate crimes do we see committed against Blacks today? They are rare. Whites seldom commit crimes against Blacks. The Clarion Ledger and the national press would have us believe that the KKK is still hanging Blacks on a daily basis. The Klan is essentially dead, and that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Good grief! I agree with 3:40 PM. Keep your powder dry, war is coming.

Anonymous said...

dont expect the ms state bar to take any action against this clown.

Anonymous said...

the thug in the black tank top will tell you that under the "system" he can get a job and become a productive citizen. but hes obviously got enough money to make him a frequent flier at the tattoo parlors. nose rings and nose piercings also cost. if hes so broke why doesn't he use a chicken bone?

Anonymous said...

hurst is a federal prosecutor . federal court criminal jurisdiction around here usually involves white collar crime and political corruption such as lamar adams and chris epps. federal courts rarely get involved in street crime. thats left to state courts. some one tell me, is hurst about to interject his entire office into the street crime problem in jackson? if not , what is the purpose of these meetings?

Anonymous said...

I could have written this post earlier, but I wanted to see the reactions of numerous other apparently White viewers to Minka's statements. Throughout the history of this country Black people were expected to accept the good intentions of the vast majority of White Americans and make distinctions between them and the vehement racists who lynched, harassed, bought and sold Black people like unwanted animals. Somehow through the grace of God, Black people did this, fought for this country, had patience, voted for White candidates, and mostly judged White people individually on their merits. But, it seems that when a handful (or an individual) pocket of radical Black resistance makes a vocal statement, not even taking any real overt action, suddenly it is time to run for the hills, or get your guns, "cause Jackson is gonna explode". What you hear from Minka is one voice of extreme reaction to historic racism. He has no real constituency, white or black, so he is very frustrated. He is frustrated with the black community because he is ignored by Black people. But he can sure count on the White community like these bloggers to make him feel like he is leading a mass movement. He now knows he has a forum.

Anonymous said...

I for one appreciate Hurst at least trying to do something about the crime problem in Jackson despite those on here criticizing him for injecting his federal position into a local problem

Any of you complaining about the millions of federal dollars coming into Jackson in public safety grants? Paying for police, or judicial operations? Anybody regretting the federal intervention into a failed judicial system last decade? Or the one two decades ago? Or the failed system of the 60s?

We have a failed judicial and police system in this county today. If Hurst's efforts can bring some sanity into it I'm all in favor and supportive of his trying. And when one observes the attitude of the idiot who makes an asset of himself -with the obvious support of his brothers - and the comments from our public 'servant' who is part of the broken system, you better be thankful there are at least a few Hursts around trying to save our city and state.

Kingfish said...

This post wasn't made because he opposed what the US Attorney is doing. IF he had just stood up, gotten recognized, and then spoken his peace, then ok. That's what America is about.

However, he didn't do that. He and his little mob came there with the intent to disrupt the meeting. They repeatedly shouted down a woman whose daughter was MURDERED a year ago. No fucking respect. They were out in force to intimidate and shut up anyone who disagreed with them. Period.

As for Blacks and history, blacks got their freedom with the help of a lot of dead white people. Their freedom was bought with a price of blood paid by those dead white solders in the 1860's. In the 1950's and 60's, it was paid by dead blacks and whites. Or did you forget that part?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about black people fighting for this country and also defending the cou try and making contributions. You claim a white majority and blacks voting for white candidates. What about whites electing Obama to the white house 2 times. This country is 11-12 percent black. The black population is in decline number wise more and more each day. Point is this. Stop using race as a justification. Blacks are better off in this cou try that any other nation on The planet.

Anonymous said...

KF. Who did Blacks get their freedom from? Martians? Nobody forgot those who fought. But freedom was not a gift. Bondage was a huge debt that HAS to be paid.

Minka's mob wanted to disrupt, but they wanted something else more. A free forum in front of white people. They know that talking to Black people has availed them nothing. At least they can scare some White people.

Anonymous said...


Should we today continue to view the Japanese treatment of our captured as a huge debt that "HAS" to be paid? Isn't there a point where wiser people have learned from their mistakes?

Anonymous said...

If Hurst truly used his federal authority to lean on and convict a boatload of white collar criminals, he might just make a bigger difference.....example? The education systems is one big pyramid scheme, and a large part of it is a school to prison or welfare pipeline. But lots of people are making fat salaries. Hope Hurst doesn't end up like Pickering and Hood and just giving up because he's too scared to take on the real corruption in Mississippi leadership.

Anonymous said...

Who knew that racist lawyers are cheerfully paid by taxpayers to spew racist BS at public meetings. His "employer" surely must be a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Look at all those white people sitting there with their hands in their laps, not saying a word to defend this lady.

This is the same THUG “”LAWYER” that works is for
Donna Ladd.

I guess Donna is OK with this.


There is no wonder why Jackson is a shit hole.

Burke said...

It's ironic how many of you, in your violent extremism, reinforce Mr. Minka's view of social reality.

Just two words for all involved: anger management. Mr. Minka and those sons of anarchy with him are outliers, but as I said before they bear watching.

Anonymous said...

Putting people in jail will not bring your daughter back But it might keep them from killing somebody else.

Anonymous said...

10;27 here...... im still patiently waiting for an answer to my question.

Anonymous said...

10:27, you are mistaken. Feds have potential jurisdiction over a number of crimes including carjackings, business burglaries, firearm, and drug crimes.

Anonymous said...

"Their freedom was bought with a price of blood paid by those dead white solders in the 1860's."

Kingfish: I assume you also think 'Lincoln Freed The Slaves'. Congress eliminated slavery in this country, not dead white soldiers in the 1860s. Lincoln did nothing to free any slaves. In fact he often said he did not intend nor possess the ability to free any slaves. Won't get into that now but can provide you with at least fifteen Lincoln quotes to that effect.

By the way, Kingfish, most of those 'dead white soldiers' were merely standing up to protect themselves, their families and their land.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time taking anyone who comes to a public forum dressed like these goons seriously. Ridiculous looking.

Anonymous said...

to 9:46pm, but you still haven't answered my question. is hurst going to involve his office in prosecuting street crime in jackson or continue with his group therapy sessions? BTW, im not mistaken about anything. ive been an attorney for the past 30 years and i know where federal jurisdiction begins and ends.

Anonymous said...

to 10:27pm.......message to mr wannabe lawyer........there is no such thing as 'potential jurisdiction'. a court either has it or it doesn't . dont quit your day job.

Anonymous said...

7:38, I used that term only because concurrent jurisdiction is misleading in a practical sense. You don't routinely see the feds prosecute local street crimes even thought they can prosecute a few of them. I'm well aware it's not a legal term. Ha!

And 7:35, on direction from Sessions, Hurst is SPECIFICALLY targeting carjackings, business robbery(is actually the term in his powerpoint), firearms violations, and drug crimes. This directly from Hurst's mouth and powerpoint.

Anonymous said...

I say this with the utmost of deference to the mother who lost her child... unfortunately, we as a society will never fix the crime problem until we fix the political and societal infrastructure problems in this country. We have schools that are underfunded, teachers that are underpaid, children without books and school superintendents making six figure government salaries. In the 1960's, Jackson had a 95% graduation rate from high school. Today, it runs in the 57% range. We have blended classrooms where a child with 70 IQ is placed in a seat next to child with a 150 IQ and the lesson plan teaches right down the middle so we lose both children in the sea of mediocrity. Bright students who challenge the system are shipped to alternative school where the drop out critical mass is the 8th grade. We have teenage parents with no skills or education raising children in abject poverty but we are supposed to talk about abstinence. We have law enforcement officers waging war on African American young men that through social media we are seeing that the attacks are unwarranted and criminal. And all you want to do is prosecute people... for what? Why don't you step down off the podium for one day and go talk to the people who are victims of our government. Perhaps then you will realize that it is our government, not our body public that has failed. If you really want to stop or reduce crime, solve the problem with education, opportunity, and equality.

Anonymous said...

Minka was held in contempt for similar disgusting race-baiting behavior in court and David McCarty defended Minka on appeal. Minka lost and had to pay for the jury in the mistrial which he caused but voters should think about that in the upcoming election. I hear that McCarty is trying hard to pose as a conservative due to the dynamics of the Court of Appeals district, but his record of representing folks like Minka say otherwise. I think Weill has McCarty beat easily, but lots of people may not know about McCarty's client base, which is chock full of Minka and his criminal clients.

Anonymous said...

2:07 Good stuff. Sounds real good and always has. Doesn't amount to squat. If it doesn't boil down to personal responsibility, taught in the home by PARENTS not some "community" or government school, you're just pissin' in the wind. All the ills you mention have arrived on our doorstep because some of us have settled for the notion that the government can guide human behavior, and respect is always owed not earned. Your stuff sounds good. Won't change a damn thing.

Anonymous said...

Folks like 2:07 see government as the problem AND government run by those like 2:07 as the solution. They want control and don't want to bother achieving it at the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

2:07, the notion that "society" bears the blame for crime is an old fallacy that won't go away. Crime rates were very low during the depression, when societal safety nets were far less widespread and education wasn't standardized nationally. Also, Appalachia, which "society" has certainly failed in terms of education, has a violent crime rate that is only half the national average.

A more thoughtful analysis aims the blame at problems in the home, specifically fatherlessness. That's not "society's" fault, it's a moral failing of individuals.

Anonymous said...

7:25 do you have any idea how sexist your comment is... as I read it, women are incapable of raising responsible adults from childhood and require a man in the home to tell women how to get it right...

Anonymous said...

7:25 I agree with all you say except that IT IS indeed society's fault because society tolerates things now that it once didn't. But the mere mention of being intolerant (of anything) screams RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, etc... and that's why we've become the pansies we are.

Anonymous said...

8/27/2018 7:35 a.m., thirty year lawyer - maybe you should go to federal court and see that Hurst's office is prosecuting street level crimes

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS