Monday, August 13, 2018

Idiot of the Day

The Mississippi Baptist Medical Center fired an employee after he called a Flowood donut shop employee the N word several times.  Unfortunately for the employee, the incident was recorded on video.  WJTV reported:

Meanwhile, the Minister of Outrage, Talcam X, saw an opportunity to justify his existence on Twitter.  The uncensored video is posted below.  


 So..... was losing the temper worth it?


John said...

Would Shaun King have started his tweet with "This is Muncie, Indiana" or "This is Spokane, Washington" if it had happened there? I doubt it.

The stigma of racism will always hang like a cloud over Mississippi because every culture needs a whipping boy.

Anonymous said...

I don’t uphold that at all and don’t use that word myself and agree that he should be punished but not fired. Flip the page, if she had called us a cracker then what would have happened. Nothing, because we would of been racist because that’s freedom of speech. All this black/white crap needs to stop. Blacks and whites are not help to the same standard in that sense. All someone has to do is threaten to sue and it will go away.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they would have fired this person for simply cursing the clerk over bad service. Other than the fact that society has made white people uttering the "N" word an almost capital offense, there really isn't any difference. We are gradually creating a list of words that you simply cannot say -- and it goes well beyond the consequence that goes with using profanity in polite society.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if Shaun King will repost Baptists statement on why this person was fired. will the truth be told about how most of MS feels in 2018?

Anonymous said...

Why are you people attacking Shaun King here? He didn't cause that racist white boy to show his ass at a donut shop.

Anonymous said...

The stigma of racism hangs over Mississippi because of people like this racist fool disguised as an educated medical employee! To blame the fellow who tweeted it for our long-earned reputation is ridiculous. Meanwhile, some folks routinely claim racism is in the past.

Wiseowl said...

This should be illegal termination. Man has the right to freedom of speech away from his employment.

Anonymous said...

It is very unfortunate that people like this man are emboldened to use such language in 2018. I wonder if it has anything to do with certain self described "Radio Strongman" who like to denigrate and use racially charged language on the radio every afternoon?

You know, the radio show that Kingfish himself likes to substitute for on occasion?

It couldn't be that. It's just a random idiot who doesn't know how to contain his racism.

Or it could be that we have a popular POTUS who allegedly uses that language.

Anonymous said...

9:50 let’s see how a hinds county jury feels about you theory.

Anonymous said...

What a total dumbass

Anonymous said...

9:48- white “boy”? You better watch your tone. Calling a black person that would become a national story.

Typical overreaction from the left.

By the way, Shaun King is white.

Anonymous said...

Bet he fits right in in Flowood

Anonymous said...

So the clerk gets to call people a bitch. Ok

Anonymous said...

What exactly can happen in a donut shop to lead to this type of confrontation? The place was empty.

Anonymous said...

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Mississippi is and always will be a racist state. You people talk like racism doesn't exist and this is full proof. Much more goes on that isn't recorded or exposed. Yes its 2018 but when you do the math 1960 wasnt that far away. This guy is 35 so he was raised that way. That's his character and a part of him. A racist
Now what about this flag

Anonymous said...

Just another douchebag with good ole “southern values” with a side order of teetering on postal. Now picture him being your nurse. Sounds fun, right?

You: “Nurse, I’m having a heart attack!”
Nurse: “Shut the f**k up, snowflake!”

HA probably hails him as a hero and will hire back in a month or so.

Anonymous said...

That’s going to be hard to get off his resume.

He might as well start doing something selling fake stucco

That stuff is far superior to the original stucco

Anonymous said...

Let's play spot the racist: 9:33, 9:41, 9:50, 10:05.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 AM

Kim knows who butters his bread. It isn't the taxpayers of the City of Jackson. It is the white males in Madison/Rankin/Hinds that keep him and that radio station paid. And he reinforces the stereotypes and makes them feel comfortable with their racism.

As long as that is the paying demographic he will say whatever he needs to say to keep the White men listening and money flowing into his pockets.

Anonymous said...

10:15, typical leftist reply. Someone disagrees and you call them a racist. You are laughable.

Anonymous said...

@10:14 lol
::in Jerry Clower voice::


Anonymous said...

"This should be illegal termination. Man has the right to freedom of speech away from his employment."

Nope. Try again.

Welcome to a pro-business, right to work state. That door swings both ways.

Freedom of speech applies to the government getting in the way of your freedom of expression. It has nothing to do with a private company firing an employee for bringing them bad press.

A business is almost always empowered to fire a bad actor.

I own a few businesses and I would have fired his ass on the spot. You don't get to berate and slur other humans and work for me.

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with this guy getting fired. He made his bed, he can go lie in it.

The employee who called him a son-of-a-bitch should also get fired. You can't talk to a customer that way.

If an employee can get fired for disrespecting blacks when he is on his personal time, then why can't NFL players get fired for disrespecting America when they are actually in uniform and on their employer's time?

Who Has Two Thumbs said...

If he had only dropped the "er" and rhymed it with playa or something, he'd not only have a hate crime but a plagiarism case on his hands.

Anonymous said...

"Donut queen" sounded like a typical "mad black woman".

What happened to cause this?

We'll never know, because the end result was a video of a white person using the "N" word which immediately excused "donut queens" behavior.

I'm going to follow Martin Luther King's dream: Judge based on the content of character, not color of skin".

There were 2 wrongs here, not just "Mr. Scrubs".

Anonymous said...

Kyle Thomas of Flowood, MS: Consider your Racist White Male Privilege CHECKED
Social Justice has been SERVED

I hope you didn't have a huge mortgage on a McMansion and a giant balloon car loan in a brand new Tahoe.

Because you no longer have a career in Radiology!

Anonymous said...

He got fired for being a stupid prick. I am sure that will be enough and that people will move on and not focus on this any longer.

Anonymous said...

10:28 I know, right? Racists verbally abusing food service workers is totally the same as athletes peacefully protesting at sporting events!

Anonymous said...

I started a “go fund me” for Kyles children.

They will suffer for his stupidity.

Go to and click on the link to “kyleskidswonteatcausekylehadtobestupid”

You can also leave household goods at the Palmya Good Will and what he needs are lots and lots of white sheets.

Lastly please give your “thoughts and prayers” to Kyle as he goes to church with his fellow man and worships Jesus all the while he acts like the anti Jesus.


Anonymous said...

@10:41 AM
I disagree. This needs to follow him for the rest of his life and people need to make sure that this racist never works in medicine again. He cant just pack up and move to another state and have the opportinity to get even on another person of color.

Maybe he can get a job working as a garbage man. But he can't be allowed to make decisions about the health of an individual EVER AGAIN!

golferinmississippi said...

I stop there for my children a few times a month. This woman is never nice, always is short and borderline rude, I chalk it up to the fact they open so early and I assume she's tired.

That said, whatever escalated to the point she decided to break out the camera, nothing warrants his unacceptable behavior. He's to suffer the consequences of his actions.

The younger teenage boy that works there is ALWAYS smiling and above and beyond friendly. Even when I went in a few weeks ago and the air was out. He smiled and said, "it's not too bad!" It felt like 90 degrees in there.

Anonymous said...

It's now 2018 and we've reached the point where a white man in Mississippi can get fired from his job for saying "nigger" on his own time. Congratulations everyone! Have we now achieved the goal and can we move on to non-racial issues? If not, when will that be?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for providing the name. Now I know where to send my donations.

Anonymous said...

10:28. Yeah- when someone yells at a donut shop worker with a profanity laden racist rant she should just say “yes massa” and get the donut..

Anonymous said...

Wiseowl is very weak on employment law. Sad!

Anonymous said...

The so-called "n-word" should be used niggardly. However, using that word does not in itself make one a racist, a word that is thrown around too liberally.

A better description could be bigot, or prejudiced person.

Besides it's only a word, as blacks use it 1,000s of times daily, and it is memorialized in 100s in rap music.

If a black person calls me a cracker, why isn't that person called a racist? Think about it!

Blacks will never be equal until they accept equal responsibility in society, and this will never happen as long as the pols pander to this issue.

Anonymous said...

Wow way to step up Mississippi other parts of the country were taking away our lead in racist remarks. What was he thinking what is scary is I always thought this was a generational thing but this guy is young. He could have said he wasnt talking to her just singing his favorite rap song. This is just so stupid and sad

Anonymous said...

Good post 10:28 AM.
You suck 10:43.
Dak Prescott is my hero. The armed forces are my hero. My grandfather was killed on the island of Okwania in WW2. My dad lost a leg in Vietnam in 1970.
You really suck 10:43.

Anonymous said...

Here's one definition of racism: "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities . . . "

We might as well thrown in "politicpartysism," "neighborhood-you-live-inism," "type-of-employmentism," etc.

Personally, I believe people have a right to hold racist beliefs, just like they have a right to believe the Earth is flat. That said, nobody has the right to take their own ideas out on others.

Anonymous said...

What choice did they have but to fire him? Would you want this guy representing your company?
Making stupid choices has always had consequences, but in the age where anything can be caught on video even encounters like this can have serious consequences. If you are a total moron, it is imperative that you do your best to hide it when you are in public.

Anonymous said...

He started it, but she was just as bad with her language.

Anonymous said...

Racism exist in every state and every color. We just happen to be particularly blessed with it here in MS. We even have a flag that says so.

Theca Jones of the Roguish Gent Podcast said...

Talcum X? You must have someone writing these for your Kingfish. You don't participate in Twitter like that.

Anonymous said...

Please God, let this insufferable fool be a Colonel Black Bear Ackbar Square Head Landshart Alien Monster Fan.

Anonymous said...

I'm over the top nice to people who touch my food!

Anonymous said...

The use of the “n” word reveals ignorance and a rascist state of mind. If you condone or try to justify it, you are just as bad. Blaming the African American or defending the customer in this video reminds me of Donald Trump’s statement that there were “fine people” on both sides of the violence in Charlottesville last year.

Anonymous said...

I mean, what can possibly happen at a donut shop that makes you that irritable?

I would like the know the whole story though. What got him irate, and what is that he’s picking up off the floor? Not condoning actions but you don’t get that mad “just because”. Something had to happen before that we’re not seeing. And at a donut shop. I’m surprised there wasn’t already a law enforcement presence. Maybe the police like donut shops and hang out there because without them, things get apparently get out of hand quick.

Anonymous said...

I think people should show Donut Palace who has the power in Flowood by no longer patronizing their establishments.

Anonymous said...

11:26 how was she "just as bad with her language"? He used racial slurs. She did not.

Anonymous said...

She called his mother a bitch (son of a bitch)just before he called her the name. Not saying he should have called her that but she should be fired also.

Anonymous said...

Lesson if you don't like your service go to another donut provider. Don't go down this road. Can we just pass a law if you say this word you will be shot apparently this is the worst travesty in the world. As soon as we get rid of this word the world will be perfect. Right

Anonymous said...

You suck 11:14. I can't believe you support cops shooting black people unprovoked. You are anti-American. Go back to Russia you commie.

Anonymous said...

Man watching this makes me want a donut

Anonymous said...

i’m from flowood. this is funny that people are upset by this. what was the precluding conversation so we understand the context? i can throw insults at anyone. i don’t understand how we can discrimate words but not discriminate people. what’s the difference? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Another great example of a Rankin county Christian. This piece of trash and those that defend him are the reason our state continues to carry the stigma of racism.

Anonymous said...

I bet this racist white boy wouldn't have the nerve to repeat that to a black man. He had to bully a black woman. This is why racists will always be on the wrong side of history.

Kingfish said...

So if an employee goes ghetto on you, that doesn't mean you go racist redneck on him or her. You talk to the manager either there or another time. You don't win arguing with an idiot or losing your temper. Incoming in 3...2...1....

Anonymous said...

So, did he get the donuts?

Anonymous said...

I work for the Baptist hospital. It isn't unusual for my supervisor to use the same word. In our department we are forced to hire a black person with no experience or knowledge of the job he is supposed to do. You will find when people are forced to do the work of another person there are hard feelings. Especially when the person not doing the work was hired just for his color.
People will treat blacks equal to the way they treat whites when affirmative action does not force businesses to hire a person just because they are black.

Anonymous said...

It's Rankin County, what do you expect? These folks think displaying a broken tiolet in your front yard is art.

Kingfish said...

Shaun King is a race-baiter, pure and simple and I damn sure don't consider him to be black. The rise of social media has also given rise to race baiters. Unfortunately, he has a national platform. I could surf the internet and find all kinds of stories by whites committing acts of violence against blacks, or blacks against whites, or police against unarmed blacks or whites, and stir it all up if I wanted to do so. I put him right there with Nancy Grace, a fraud. He has had to backtrack a few times as well.

Anonymous said...

As a white male, I’m appalled at this guys behavior. Should he be tracked down and fired? Perhaps yes, but people can change. Take a second and google his name. It’s now out there forever! Should his life now be ruined? Should his children’s? Take another second and think about. Yes, as he should have before opening his and uttering the N word.

Anonymous said...

The N word is power that has been taken from the racists. You can't ever say it and you better teach your children to never say it.

Now you should know forever that you can never ever say it without losing your livelihoods. Respect and Justice that had been denied for so long is returning to those who have been denied.

Anonymous said...

He was in uniform, so fire him.

Anonymous said...

Thomas will easily find another job because demand in the medical field far exceeds supply. He might have to move but he'll find work.

Anonymous said...

The news report named the culprit as "Kyle Thomas". Unfortunately there is a dude on Facebook locally named Kyle Thomas who has been reamed, steamed and dry cleaned on social media. He made a long post explaining that he is not he person in the video. Different Kyle Thomas. Poor guy. Keyboard warriors tend to shoot first and never ask questions.

Kingfish said...

Of course, if he was a convicted felon, then many of the same people screaming to make him homeless for life would be screaming to give him another chance.

Anonymous said...

@10.43 Let me say where it is similar to the NFL players issue. The NFL players are protesting "at work." Admittedly they are doing so peacefully. However, when punishment for doing so has been discussed, the players have stated emphatically that punishment by their employer for protesting would be a violation of their free speech. And they have called their employers (Jerry Jones of the Cowboys for example) plantation owners for mentioning such. This guy at the donut shop is proof that an employer can punish you for conduct they deem inappropriate or damaging to their business (Baptist Hospital terminated his employment). And it was not a violation of this guy's free speech.

Anonymous said...


No way, racists are scum as low as murderers and pedophiles. They need to be locked up for life or removed from society completely. They do far too much damage to society and leave scars that take multiple generations to heal.

Anonymous said...

@10:25 AM, this is an "at will" labor issue, not a "right to work" issue.

At will - the employee may quit anytime, and the employer may ask the employee to leave anytime, without cause.

Right to work - you can't be forced to join a union to be hired.

Anonymous said...

KF, you don’t think that a professional should be held to a higher standard than a homeless guy who likely has mental health issues? You are one hypocritical sick bastard. If this was a liberal making a fool, you’d be blaming Jackson leadership and calling the culture btoken. Instead we get a “both sides are to blame.” Pathetic

Anonymous said...

I in no way condone his behavior. I find it to be reprehensible. However, I can't help but wonder if an African America employee using the same choice of words would have been fired. I hope so, but I have my doubts.

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't think firing the guy was the proper response doesn't mean you think calling someone that is acceptable. And it certainly doesn't make you a racist. We have a lot of socially unacceptable behavior that shouldn't result in firing someone. Sure it's stupid and unhinged to call someone that. It's also rude and unkind. But, somehow, we have made uttering that one word about as bad as stealing. And that just shouldn't be the case. It's socially unacceptable behavior and really nothing more. If this guy had called her every name in the book other than that one word, the hospital wouldn't have fired him. We will let a thief or a murderer be a talking head on TV. But, we sure won't let someone who has said that word be a talking head on TV.

Anonymous said...

AGAIN,we ignoring the fact that she cursed him also???????? It's kind of hard for some people to control what comes out of their mouth after they have been called a SON OF A BITCH. SHE IS JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since when should it be okay for a server to curse customers??????

She should be fired also!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I pray that my career is never held up to my weakest moment.

He didn't just lose his job - his career is over. A simple Google of his name from now until eternity will have future would be employers nervous. Its like that guy who yelled at the Chick fil A girl. He went from a $250k CFO job to food stamps.

cholly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I find the term ‘racist’ to be very offensive. The preferred term is ‘realist’.

Cornholio said...

It's amazing all the reactionary comments on here.

A complete video of the entire encounter would be nice.

Kyle _might_ be deserving of official reprimand. This was something done off-site from work.

The donut woman deserves to be terminated. She engaged in many unacceptable behaviors on-site and on the clock.

If Donut Palace does not step up to the plate, they should be boycotted at this and any other locations common to the owner.

If Kyle is unemployable now, who do you think will end up paying for his food, kids to college, etc?

Racism is just another form of stupidity. If we get rid of all the racists and stupid people, MS (nor other states also) will be vacant of employable people.

These folks (and worse) serve you everyday at places like Baptist, Donut Palace, and so on. Racism does not automatically disqualify one from being a competent worker.

The bigger thing here is that racism, while deplorable, is NOT illegal for a private citizen. Think about that. Guy got fired for something deplorable and unpopular (I note this because it used to be more common and acceptable).

How long before people get fired for buying donuts? They are unhealthy. How long before they are deplorable and unpopular? Watch out, the ground is shifting underneath everyone's feet.

Anonymous said...

3:26 PM, except there have been multiple examples of employees being fired due racist language or otherwise offensive conduct. Rosanne Barr was fired for racist tweets, James Gunn was fired for rape jokes, etc. So I'm not sure how this guy is suddenly "proof" that employers can terminate employees for inappropriate conduct when that has always been the case. "Free speech" doesn't mean that you can say any repugnant thing you want without consequences. The First Amendment just prohibits action by the government to limit free speech.

Anonymous said...

4:01 Oh please. If racial slurs are the kind of thing that comes out of your mouth at any time, then you are a racist. Period.

Anonymous said...

What caused the guy initially to say “shut the f@#$ up?”

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that there are over 70 plus posts on this and less than half agree he should be fired. Tells me the average age of a JJ posters is about 80. Same folks holding out for re-segregating Ole Miss.

Anonymous said...

It’d be easier to make this lady mad using 1000s of other words.

Lazy, poor, ugly, ignorant.....tons of evil words.

He cut her to the bone.....and he knew it.

It’s a good thing she isn’t Jewish.....too soon?

Anonymous said...

4:47 please read and comprehend. I did not say he wasn't racist. I said she is just as guilty as he is. She should be fired also. She called him a son of a bitch. Since when is that okay?

Anonymous said...

Why is this an either/or situation for many posters? It's a both/and..

#1-Why did the customer get inflamed in the first place? Bad service? That's his reason for beginning to use profanity and racist slurs?
#2-Why did the worker feel the need to respond in kind? It does not excuse his behavior, but she joined right in. (Remember how the Chick-fil-A girl responded kindly to a tirade??)

We all need to treat each other with a lot more kindness--like we would want to be treated ourselves. We tend to blame someone else, or blame something happening on someone else starting it, or just say 'well so and so does the same thing.'

In this case, both need to be terminated from their respective positions. I would assume that the customer may have to undergo some racial sensitivity training to get hired anywhere-even with demand for his skills. Health professionals will not hire someone who obviously has contempt for the color of people's skin...and patients=money. The donut woman will likely remain at her job until enough people boycott the business--and then support it if she's let go.

Anonymous said...

Many of the responses here are why there is a movement to simply silence those who have never been victims of racism. You simply cannot be part of the debate because you are so ignorant

You really need to be silent if:

You've never had to decide between putting food on the table or reporting racism at work
You've never been denied lodging or other services due to racism
You've never been set up to take the fall for people embezzling because you are a PoC
You've never been denied equal justice under the law due to racism
You have ever been told you should consider something more suitable to "you people"
And importantly, if your parents or grandparents suffered any of this generational racism.

How can any of you who have benefitted from generations of institutional racism even begin to comprehend the long lasting affects it has caused on society?

Worse many of you try to deny it and say everyone has been equal since the 1970's.

Just be silent, you are as bad as holocaust deniers.

Anonymous said...

Since I do not know what donut place this happened I will have to boycott all donut places. With employees like that I do not want to happen into such a donut shop. Why gamble on loosing my job just because of a piss poor employee?

Anonymous said...

Donut Palace is obviously not worth the risk. #careerkiller

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - is that a "thin blue line" sticker on his tag???

Anonymous said...

Look...let’s jusr be honest here for a minute. SOMETHING happened before this little sniper of video begins. What was it? And this guy wasn’t telling the female clerk to shut the f up. He was directed by his statement to someone else. Who? And Why? It is simply not logical to believe this guy just walked into the donut shop and, completely unprovoked, began to “berate” employees. They HAD to have done something or said something to him to cause his anger. Furthermore, anybody who lives in the Jackson metro area knows full well that we don’t have to say or do ANYTHNG more than request service to get a full dose of “attitude” from some of our areas FINEST “customer service” employees. If you stand waiting 20 morning minutes or more for your fast-food chicken take out order, don’t you DARE ask what’s taking so long. Likewise, don’t even THINK about taking you “hold the mayo & onion burger back to the counter when it’s delivered fully dressed. They’ll claim that you never asked them to hold the mayo & onion and (loudly) call you a “damned lie) if you challenged them. My guess is this guy stopped for donuts on his way home and because of extreme fatigue after 14 hours of saving lives, forgot these cardinal rules. He should NOT have been fired unless that donut lady can PROVE that his actions were totally unprovoked, especially when all the evidence we see here shoes that SHE called him a bitch BEFORE he called her “the N word”. (Why is it that we can speak, write or type Every word known to man EXCEPT “the N word”???

Anonymous said...

Just saw on the news that everyone involved has been terminated from their jobs and it all was over cream filled donuts. I find it hard to believe that someone would blow up over a donut place not having cream filled donuts. There has got to way more to it that not having cream filled donuts. Why blow up at someone? Order some chocolate covered or a frickin apple tart or something, pay up and leave.

Maybe he was going to have a full day of asshole xrays ahead of him and she was a smart ass.....maybe she was dealing with some family issues and he was as asshole to her......there's two sides to this. We're only seeing hers and he may have been baited in to the whole thing. We'll never know

Anonymous said...

She called him a name. He called her a name. He gets fired. Nothing happens to her/ White privilege much? No. Affirmative action? Yes.

Anonymous said...

4:47 So, all those rappers calling each other the n word are racists?

Anonymous said...

Y'all have ingested the PC kool-aid. There is a big difference between "racist," "bigot," and "prejudiced."

Why do y'all insist on using "racist?" Group thought? Political correctness? Go along to get along?

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2018 at 12:54 PM—

It’s very simple. Work for someone else or start your own hospital. Absent 1 or 2... stfu and work with whom your told.

Anonymous said...

Fire the birch or and everyone should never patronize that place again.

Everyone is a racist said...

She was just as guilty

Anonymous said...

The man is berated by 2 people in front of others and is almost out of the place before he uttered the word Shit. People have done worse over less. Much ado about nothin’.

Anonymous said...

6:16: which news source reported that information?

Anonymous said...

This poor white guy must have listened to too much Rap Crap and/or Hip Hop while growing up. Probably a millennial too ignorant to know he’s been played. Leftist teach you all to use that word so they themselves can then use it against you.

Leftist keep the N word alive so they will have something to wail about while Jackson, Chicago and other leftist run cities turn into fatherless crime infested hell holes. In one of Obama’s “organized communities” in Chicago on August 6th, in less than 7 hours, 41 people were shot with 5 fatalities and two days ago, again in Chicago, 20 people were shot in a just a few hours, but forget that, someone just said the N word! The N word ruckus is all designed to keep the spotlight off of, for example, the terrible failures of Leftist run cities.

Take far left loon Quentin Tarantino, a leftist so evil that he expressed his opinion in 2003 while on the Howard Stern Show that the 13 year old girl plowed with booze and pills then raped and sodomized by 43 year old Roman Polanski, “wanted to have it (sex).” Ole Quentin is in love with that N word. Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, none of which are historical movies (hence the word fiction) but they are all loaded with the N word; and ole Quentin loves the N word so much that he actually played a part in Pulp Fiction where he got to use it over and over and over. He’s a white man using the N word, but hey, he’s a leftist, so it’s ok, right? These movies, Hip Hop, Rap Crap, etc. make the N word common place and normal in today’s society, all compliments of leftist.

White people, conservative, libertarians, all need to wake up! You’re being played! If you’re too young to remember it, so much progress had been made with race relations in America until the Obama campaign had to initiate it’s “get those who have never voted before” campaign of division going in 2008. During his re-election campaign in 2012 ole O even sent his VP Joe Biden out to tell black folk “they (white people) are going to put y’all back in chains” if Mitt Romney was elected.

Look at the leftist within the NFL (National Felons League). Instead of pumping some of those 10’s of millions they get for playing a game back into their own communities, they kneel during the Anthem “in protest.” Man that’s a big sacrifice and takes a lot of effort doesn’t it?

Leftist are trying their hearts out to provoke another mentally ill psycho like Timothy McVeigh or Dylann Roof into some sort or overreaction. Leftist are pissed off as hell that evangelicals for example, have finally awaked to the fact that the turd with the least stink is far better than eating their own and chopping off their noses to spite their faces; and this is driving Leftist absolutely insane.

It is time to wake up and stop playing into the hands of the Saul Alinsky leftist game! Keep your cool and don’t provoke, then be prepared to defend!

Anonymous said...

Quit blowing this out of proportion. The dude can always get a job as an editor at the New York Times.

Anonymous said...

12:18, should Donald Trump get fired for calling NFL players "sons-of-bitches"?

When I get bad service, I smile, leave, and never come back. I've had it on both sides. I've had bad service, and I have also worked in food service where some people are just jerks. She definitely deserved to get fired as she did. I am African American, and I NEVER use the N-word. That is a word that was used by a race of people to degrade and dehumanize my elderly parents. It is 2018, and we are still judging each other by the color of our skin. What a waste of time!

Anonymous said...

From what I’ve read the guy returned to apologize. I would like to hear if this was before or after he was trending on social media. If it was before, I say cut him some slack.

Fair is fair said...

Just making sure I understand the rules. So a black rapper can use the n word all day long in a hit song. But a white man says it and gets fired?

WWII Buff said...

Where the hell is the 'island of Okwania'?

Being Real said...

Of course an employer, in this scenario, has every right to terminate employment. But, I'm wondering if anything on his scrubs identified his employer or if he was in a place of business very near his place of employment that might readily identify (and thus offend or reflect poorly on) his employer.

I see 'valued customers' in Wal Mart regularly, in scrubs, who are not even employed. Next, we discuss pajamas.

In closing: I don't see this as any death knell for his future employment prospects. Employers are rather forgiving when people own up to their mistakes. All he needs to say is: "I lost it. Made a comment that was uncalled for. Lost my temper because of a bad experience and called someone the N word. Had no reflection on my job or my profession. The place was empty and I was wrong."

Anonymous said...

Since Kingfish has allowed the man to be identified, how about telling us where this place of business is so we can decide whether to patronize it.

Plain ol' Catfish said...

A couple of things on this subject

1st - the only reason why this video went viral was because it happened in Mississippi a state that still has the confederate emblem in the canton of the state flag. So when a whole entire state embraces a symbol that is STRONGLY associated with white supremacy and racist hate groups like the KKK, and Aryan Nation, the rest of the country is going to say - "Oh my god, they are so racist in Mississippi!" when a white man in Ranking County has a temper tantrum over not receiving his donuts fast enough!? If we change the got'damn flag it goes from being a statewide identity crisis to an isolated incident!? But good ol' Feel and Tater Maximus wants to hold on to days of yore and keep'em some Jim Crow memorabilia around representing Mississippi.

2nd - Mississippi is a right to work state, plus this guy signed for an employee manual when he became employed with Baptist Medical. He put himself at risk by displaying poor character. Baptist was well within their rights per their policies to terminate this man, he was definitely made aware of these policies during his orientation.

3rd - if you don't like the employees comments at the damn donut shop - inform the owner and hell, just don't shop their anymore. Two wrongs do not make a right

4th - just change the god forsaken flag. It's really not that hard. It's a terrible marketing tool for this states image. Its like for once I want to see the leadership in this state get a got'damn spine and do the right freaking thing! Let those who want to fly the current flag - let's do so on their own property. It's a relatively easy fix. Just takes some damn courage. Change the flag, change the narrative and perception of Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is this ~

donuts are bad for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree I plan to avoid that donut shop. Heck I don't need to be eating donuts anyway. But life is short don't go to the stressful situaitons if you don't have to. I would love to know what happened right before she started recording

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day all that went on in that video was unpleasant talk. no more no less. and look at the number of comments and attention this is getting. this gets more attention that a double capitol muder , complete with blazing guns and fleeing felons.

Anonymous said...

6:18 AM, with any respect due, if you truly believe “the only reason why this video went viral” is due to the state flag, you are likely either extremely naïve, or the true definition of a fool. If you’re a leftist, you could also be just outright lying, since many, including Bill Clinton, certainly know better.

While leftist do not keep the state flag common place as in the case with the N word, its just something else to create a ruckus over in order to distract from the 1960’s great society domestic program extreme failures that have devastated many, many folk within African American communities. Fatherless gang infested cities with daily deaths, many of which are innocent children, have become the norm, so leftist have to manufacture new crises in order to distract.

Take it from someone who grew up in a county during a time with real life or death racism, this state flag and N word crap ain’t nothing compared to the true racism within Mississippi’s past.

Why are we now again talking about the Emmett Till lynching in 1955, 63 years afterwards, while the soulless killers have been dead for years (decades I believe) and prosecution is no longer possible? Because that attitude no longer exists within the minds of the absolute vast majority of Mississippians and this type of racism no longer happens except in extremely rare circumstances by mentally ill psycho’s like Dylann Roof, that do not end up going free, but are instead vigorously prosecuted. So, Leftist have to keep digging the past up! And guess what? If you fools that believe otherwise would actually do some research and think for yourselves instead of like sheep, just gobbling up whatever crock of horse shit your favorite politician, propagandist posing as a journalist, leftist professor (many of which have never done anything in the entire lives other than go to school), etc., you would find that many Mississippians in the 1960’s didn’t agree with that type of racism even back then! Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia regarding the racist Till killers:

Eventually, Milam and Bryant relocated to Texas, but their infamy followed them; they continued to generate extreme animosity from locals. After several years, they returned to Mississippi. Such was the animosity toward the murderers that in 1961, while in Texas, when Bryant recognized the license plate of a Tallahatchie County resident, he called out a greeting and identified himself. The resident, upon hearing the name, drove away without speaking to Bryant.

Regarding the state flag, it HAD become a symbol of the new south; a south that had gone through school integration, bussing, etc. Southern Rock bands displayed the flag at concerts as a way of saying “we’re form the south and proud of it!” Hell, Lynyrd Skynyrd even displayed the rebel flag at a concert in Oakland CA in the mid 1970’s! Try that today. Lead singer Ronnie Van Zant (dead since 1977) was quoted as saying (Alabama Governor George) Wallace and I have very little in common," Van Zant himself said, "I don't like what he says about colored people;” and this was 40+ years ago!

So, you snowflakes that love to have something to cry about keep talking about the N word that your leftist pals keeps common place within todays American society, and keep talking about a damned flag that commits no crimes at all, but remember this: you are a part of the problem; and some of the blood at least of every dead kid within the inner cities is on your hands…because either through pure ignorance and laziness due to a willingness to repeat anything you are told, or worse yet, pure propaganda because you know better, you choose to keep us divided over silliness instead of addressing America’s real problems that could be saving the lives of children!

Anonymous said...

5:41. So, if I have never been a victim of racism, I should shut up. Not so much into free speech, eh? What if I said, "If you don't pay as much taxes as me, you should shut up." Or, "If you aren't as smart as me, you should shut up." Or, "If you aren't white, you should shut up." Nobody should have to shut up unless their speech harms others. That attitude is exactly what has initiated a list of words we may never say, under threat of gross societal penalty. Steal from someone? We are to be understanding of the person's background. But, utter that one word and people on this thread literally want to lock up someone for that. The left, once the champions of free speech and individual liberty, have turned to "do and say what I say you can or shut up."

Anonymous said...

Ask any cop in flowood, every black person instantly pulls out their phone and makes a recording trying to make everything a race incident. It is part of the new black lexicon, to video edit snip-its that make the white guy look like an asshole. I would bet that the black lady behind the counter gave the guy a total ration of finger waving, neck gyrating attitude about his order before be blew up. Fuck the donut hole, I hope they go broke and that stupid bitch is out of a job.

Anonymous said...

Kyle will probably end up being President one day soon. Using that word definitely didn’t stop tRump from getting there. Anybody got Putin’s number to give to Kyle to help him get elected?

Lauren said...

"Yall clear mofos know how to act up early in the morning but you had the right one today"..."yall clear people are getting beside yourselves with the rudemness"

These are just a couple of posts from HER facebook. FYI "clear" people are white people. That man was a racist in public and is reaping what he sowed (as he should). She is a racist behind the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I don't complain anymore at a place of business. I just write a Yelp review.
I do for both good and bad service. If I feel that I was discriminated against
I will clearly state it.

Plain ol' Catfish said...

@ August 14, 2018 at 8:11 AM

with any respect due, if you truly believe “the only reason why this video went viral” is due to the state flag, you are likely either extremely naïve, or the true definition of a fool................................. Take it from someone who grew up in a county during a time with real life or death racism, this state flag and N word crap ain’t nothing compared to the true racism within Mississippi’s past........................................... Regarding the state flag, it HAD become a symbol of the new south; a south that had gone through school integration, bussing, etc. Southern Rock bands displayed the flag at concerts as a way of saying “we’re form the south and proud of it!”............................ So, you snowflakes that love to have something to cry about keep talking about the N word that your leftist pals keeps common place within todays American society, and keep talking about a damned flag that commits no crimes at all, but remember this: you are a part of the problem; and some of the blood at least of every dead kid within the inner cities is on your hands…because either through pure ignorance and laziness due to a willingness to repeat anything you are told, or worse yet, pure propaganda because you know better, you choose to keep us divided over silliness instead of addressing America’s real problems that could be saving the lives of children!"

Now that was a mouthful? Started of with "any respect due" and then rolled into a crescendo of inults after insults - "leftist" "snowflakes" "fool"

Now I could have worded the term better when I said "only" - but I do find it funny how you to place them on me for the current conditions of the black community? All based on my single comment from this morning. But back to the Mississippi flag. You said it HAD become a symbol of the new south? How can an old symbol take on a new identity, when its tied to the old identity?

You say "keep talking about a damned flag that commits no crimes at all" - but I'm the snowflake? Why are you so scared to change it? You're the fragile one, you're the snowflake because you are afraid of change.

For someone that grew up during "real racism" you still seem to be on the side of the racist. Keep waving your confederate flag, it makes it easier to identify who you are and what you stand for anyway.

Anonymous said...

Catfish, once again, shows his ignorance. This incident and this firing have zero to do with a 'right to work state'. Right To Work applies to union shops where an employee can NOT be required to join a union.

And as to Catfish making this comment; "...a symbol that is STRONGLY associated with white supremacy and racist hate groups like the KKK, and Aryan Nation..." So, you blame that ignorance on the flag itself or on those who see it as heritage? Because bad actors have co-opted and bastardized a symbol, you want the symbol banned? Does your selective ire not apply to the Christian Cross and the U.S. Flag - both of which have been used by the groups you mention?

Anonymous said...

I also dislike donut workers

Anonymous said...

8:37 AM

It is protocol in Flowood to be highly suspicious of AA people. As a result AA people get pulled over in Flowood much more than white people. In the south we know where people live and we know where people "should be" and where they "should not be." Its sort of good police work to know your territory.

It is also a general proposition that AA commit most of the AA folks get looked at very sternly. That is a rule of thumb...if its not a fact on paper...its a fact here in the south and in Flowood especially.

Times are changing. Theses "truisms" are not exactly as true and are not as helpful as it used to be only a few years ago. Don't get me wrong....there are very few black people in the ritzy neighborhoods and if there are....those folks do not drive Maseratis….generally.

Police are now these muscling hulks of steroid filled people....all angry at the world....and they get paid so little that the only real fun they have is the power trip they get from being a cop, being on roids, and having lots of guns to play with and a siren.

I watched this for the last 15 years....I rode with them...I listened to them.....most mean well and would die for another in a heart beat. But they like to be menacing.....its an ego thing.

Don't believe me? Go watch for yourself.

Plain ol' Catfish said...

@ August 14, 2018 at 10:04 AM

Catfish, once again, shows his ignorance. This incident and this firing have zero to do with a 'right to work state'. Right To Work applies to union shops where an employee can NOT be required to join a union.

Oh quite contrary mon frere! You forgot about the little wrinkle called due process. By being a right to work state, the man is not owed due process for being terminated, unless Baptist Health has something stating otherwise in their policy. Try again bubba!

And as to Catfish making this comment; "...a symbol that is STRONGLY associated with white supremacy and racist hate groups like the KKK, and Aryan Nation..." So, you blame that ignorance on the flag itself or on those who see it as heritage? Because bad actors have co-opted and bastardized a symbol, you want the symbol banned? Does your selective ire not apply to the Christian Cross and the U.S. Flag - both of which have been used by the groups you mention?

Bad actors? Yeah because there are good racists and bad racists, right? Heritage not hate? When there are plenty of documents showing where Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America and Alexander Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederate States of America, hace called the "negro" inferior beings to the white man and were placed to serve the white man.

The Christian Cross is not an official government symbol of Mississippi. In regards to the US Flag, black people have served under that banner in the following ways:

US President
Secretary of State
Attorney General
a couple of Senators
hundreds of US Representatives
Generals in the Military
Admirals in its Navy
a couple of Governor's
a couple of State Attorney Generals
a couple of Secretary of State's
There is documented evidence and proof that Blacks have served in leadership positions and in various venues of public office under the US Flag

At what time has any black person served in an elected position in the Confederate States of America? At what time did a black person serve in a leadership position for the Confederate States of America?

There is not a comparison between what blacks have accomplished under the US banner and the Confederate States of America. That is the difference between "bad actors" carrying the US Flag and the Confederate flag. The Confederate banner is exclusively for white supremacists and like-minded people.

Anonymous said...

mississippi is an "AT WILL" employment state. outside of a few narrow exceptions under federal employment law, an employer can fire and employee for any reason , dont need a reason.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Kenneth Stokes posted on JJ. 10:32 sure sounds like Kenneth.

Anonymous said...

Racist 2018 definition: "One who by observation and evidence speaks or prints the truth about other races"

Anonymous said...

Where is the complete video...something is occuring prior to this exchange...the clip starts in the middle

Anonymous said...

You make no sense, Catfish. There is no such thing as 'Due Process' (in Mississippi) unless you are a member of a collective bargaining group or are employed via a written contract requiring due process or are an employee of some organization that clearly offers that protection in an employee handbook.

Your diatribe about blacks not serving in elective positions in the Confederacy makes no sense and has nothing to do with the discussion. Admit don't know jack shit about employment law yet you pretended to.

Kyril said...

Can't say that I blame him. The arrogant black attitude gets old after a while. Probably had to deal with some loud, know it all, racist black family at work and when this sista was her average rude self he snapped.

dilligaf said...

Catfish and all the rest of the flag haters should move up North. They love you up there.

Anonymous said...

125 comments so far. 125 reasons for young people to get out of this state as fast as they can. This state is hopeless. It will never change.

Plain ol' Catfish said...

August 14, 2018 at 5:04 PM

Your diatribe about blacks not serving in elective positions in the Confederacy makes no sense and has nothing to do with the discussion. Admit don't know jack shit about employment law yet you pretended to.

The "diatribe" was related to another posters comments about the new south and "bad actors" misappropriating the confederate emblem. You just chose to ignore the other comments relating to the debate and it was clearly a follow-up comment from another post. You were just to lazy in the brain to read the comments to see what lead to that point.

So why don't you admit that!?

Anonymous said...

Old folks would be leaving too. The only reason they don't is because their pension and social security aren't taxed.

Anonymous said...

@2:03 PM

Spot on. The truth hurts because it should.

@5:05 PM

So true. The sista obviously baited him and removed the video evidence with selective editing.

Anonymous said...

8:11 AM Catfish, in a hypothetical world I would be very much obliged to offer you leftist snowflakes the opportunity for a new flag. Hell, I would even throw in banning the AR15. In order for my doing so though, you would have to agree not to find a new distraction to cry about, or find a new gun to blame, which of course, you will never do.

You leftist are like Chiwawa’s; you come out of the womb pissed off and yacking. So, banning the flag, AR15’s, or anything else for that matter will not stop you from doing what you were born to do, yak.

Speaking of gun control, I have to admit feeling like a 5 year old on Christmas morning while watching Chicago leftist eat one of their own; and none other that Obama’s former Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel at that. The poor fellow can’t win for losing. If they enforce law and order up there, the Kenneth Stokes types will accuse them of police brutality, but since they are holding back, the shooting and killing is out of control and there are calls for Rahm’s resignation.

My favorite part is reading where Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and African American Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson "sought to place much of the blame for the weekend carnage — and for the still-high rate of violent crime — on factors other than the police department or the city government, citing too many guns in circulation, the failure of courts and judges to convict and hold accountable those caught with illegal guns, and the need for better parenting." “We need everyone, especially our judicial partners, to start making repeat gun offenders feel consequences for their actions,” Mr. Johnson said, adding: “We need everyone to come to the table with less talk, but more action.”

You see, just more typical leftist horse shit. You snowflakes wail and gnash your teeth for more gun control but your leftist judges won’t even enforce the gun laws already in place, i. e. won’t convict and hold accountable those caught with illegal guns and won’t make repeat gun offenders feel consequences for their actions!

So Catfish, you leftist snowflakes keep wailing about the N word, the flag and anything else you can think of to take the spotlight of the extreme failures within these leftist run cities; and while kids continue to die, their blood is on your hands.

To lovers of freedom, i. e. non-leftist snowflakes, don’t take the bait! When Chokwe gives his “we want to be the most radical city in America” speech, and says by radical he means “doing whatever is necessary,” he’s trying to provoke an overreaction. There is nothing leftist would love more than another mentally ill psycho Timothy McVeigh or Dylann Roof incident.

Just be prepared.

Reeling In (and throwing back) A Mud-Cat said...

Catfish washes ashore long enough to opine: "The "diatribe" was related to another posters comments about the new south and "bad actors" misappropriating the confederate emblem. You just chose to ignore the other comments relating to the debate and it was clearly a follow-up comment from another post. You were just to lazy in the brain to read the comments to see what lead to that point. So why don't you admit that!?"

I didn't need to mention other comments or admit anything since I'm the one who mentioned Confederate symbols and their bastardization by bad actors. This thread is about the termination of an employee - not about The Confederacy or its symbols or the 'new south', whatever that is.

When the nutty remark was made about the state flag and it's incorporation of the Confederate Naval Jack, a rebuttal to that was quite necessary. Then, however, you wanted that to be the focus of the thread.

Here's a quote of your comment from one of your posts. Your posts always contain mention of your race-based anger and hatred. It's either the total focus of your post or a vital part of each of your posts: "Keep waving your confederate flag, it makes it easier to identify who you are and what you stand for anyway."

Please find somewhere else to display your repetitive racist remarks.

Plain ol' Catfish said...

@ August 15, 2018 at 12:03 PM

This thread is about the termination of an employee - not about The Confederacy or its symbols or the 'new south', whatever that is.

When the nutty remark was made about the state flag and it's incorporation of the Confederate Naval Jack, a rebuttal to that was quite necessary. Then, however, you wanted that to be the focus of the thread.

I have an odd feeling we've crossed paths before?

Anywho, the topic was about a white fella getting fired for calling a black person a n*gger. However, many people elaborated on the incident. I chose to elaborate on why the incident became viral and made the news

This is a free site and Kingfish allows people to comment, if you don't like what I am saying, why don't you leave!?

Anonymous said...

read her Facebook posts; she calls white people clear people; she be hatin on the clear people bish; her words all the way back to April; complaining about her job and how SHE may be a little rude but so; again her words; she got fired too--she threatened to throw something at a customer!

Anonymous said...

Bottom Feeding Catfish Sez: "This is a free site and Kingfish allows people to comment, if you don't like what I am saying, why don't you leave!?"

It's not a matter of my leaving. If you'll check back through all the posts you'll find nobody supporting your nutty racism and a handful calling you out, including me, multiple times. I have no intention of 'leaving'. I'll just hang around if for no other reason than to point out your racism and ignorance. Perhaps you should change your handle. That would throw people off for about a week.

Anonymous said...

This employee at the Donut Palace is the usual employee at most stores in this area. The guy went to far in his words after being provoked. The hospital should make him do some community service or some anger management but not fire him. If he was at the hospital, yes, fire him. Just like the Donut Palace employee should be fired.
If you go to those kind of businesses you should expect that kind of service here. The Jackson metropolitan area has the worst workforce that I have ever been around. While traveling and working out of town in Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida, I stopped at many curb stores, fast food chains, hotels and restaurants. Overall, almost all were courteous and appreciated your business. Not in this area. The clerks, waiters and just about all service people are the ruedest employees you will ever see. I feel like they're doing me a favor for me to pay them money for they're service. So now I buy online, self service gas with debit card, go to local owner restaurants. The only way for comsumers to get better service in this area is to stop giving the businesses your money.
I believe Donut Palace just closed in Ridgeland.
Go to Chick Fila and see how a business should be run.

Anonymous said...

Some cracker jackass shows his ass for the public to see in front of a passively racist anti-white black woman, only to be raked over the coals by the guy who is a living re-enactment of the movie "Soul Man".

I've got one word for all of this, "exceptional".

Plain ol' Catfish said...

August 15, 2018 at 6:10 PM

It's not a matter of my leaving. If you'll check back through all the posts you'll find nobody supporting your nutty racism and a handful calling you out, including me, multiple times. I have no intention of 'leaving'. I'll just hang around if for no other reason than to point out your racism and ignorance. Perhaps you should change your handle. That would throw people off for about a week.

Typical trolling response. There was nothing racist, or ignorant about my comments. I can give a rats tail whether anyone agrees with my position on the topic.

We can all always handle it like some adults if my comments have you feeling a little fragile

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS