The mother of a murder victim was shouted down by a Hinds County Public Defender and his crew last week at a Project Eject forum. U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst has held forums around Jackson to discuss Project Eject. Stacey Kirschten, the mother of murdered Chelise Kirschten tried to Attorney Adofo Minka and his crew of crazies repeatedly shouted her down. They weren't interested in a discussion but sought to bring their brand of mob rule to Broadmeadow United Methodist Church. No sympathy or respect was shown to the grieving mother or her loss, all that mattered was shutting her down. Unfortunately, viewers only got to see a few seconds of what took place on WJTV that night.
JJ obtained the complete video of the meeting so readers can see the raw, unedited footage of what happened and posted it below. The "fun" starts at 14:10.
Ms. Kirschten said: "I was in disbelief that they could be that rude and belligerent as well as disrespectful to everyone else in that meeting. They didn't come to talk but to commandeer and disrupt the meeting. They didn't come to talk." Her daughter was murdered a year ago on Fortification Street.
Here are some more of Mr. Minka's comments on Facebook this week.
*We don’t give a damn about this system because it never gave a damn about us. We don’t care about their meetings, decorum or status quo. If the people and their interests are not given the proper respect and deference we’ll turn everything on its head.Mr. Minka is a Hinds County Public Defender. The Public Defender's office represents one defendant in the case, Liddarious Dixon. Thus a Hinds County Public Defender is harassing the mother of a murder victim in public while his office represents the defendant.
* After listening to Mrs. Hamer, my mind went to the conversations that I’ve had with my own grandmother. My family were sharecroppers (a sanitized way to say slaves) in Hernando, MS in Desoto County. My grandmother still remembers how they never saw any money from their labor. She told me about how they had to flee Mississippi to avoid further economic exploitation and degradation. If these white liberals and neoliberal condo kneegrows think I am about to forget that, they can forget about it. They can call me outside agitator and rabble rouser all they want, I have some business to attend to with the state of Mississippi and I intend to handle it.
*Some white people are so racially bigoted that their racial bigotry has made them delusional. They think that African people should maintain a level of decorum and humble deference while they hang nooses around our necks. Y’all are crazy as bat💩. I don’t have any respect or deference to white victim hood or white authority. They both have caused millions of African people to be killed for nothing.
African people are gunned down everyday in this country. Incarcerated people all over this country are striking against prison enslavement, torture and wide spread inhumane conditions and human rights abuses. Eleven people have been killed in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections in August alone with no answers or explanation. And some of you think I should have time to cry🐊 tears for a white woman who gets up in a public meeting and refers to Black men as boys. GTFOMF. If y’all don’t have any tears for African people suffering under racial bigotry and oppression, you are hypocrites. Now go blog that.
(KF note: No problem. I will. Apparently you are too damn stupid to realize that a woman who is in her 50's was referring to guys that were 19, 20, and 21 at the time of the murder as "boys". Older people refer to teens as boys and girls all the time. Of course, when you are determined to see racism in everything, you probably will. He probably thinks Eight-ball is a racist game.)
*The white liberal do gooder is still as dangerous as they ever were because they are grossly misinformed, ignorant and still believe that the notion that white people should rule over others is valid even when they don’t openly express such racist nonsense.
Some comrades and I were at a disgusting meeting where the federal government were rolling out a plan to criminalize and expel Black poor people from Jackson, MS. And, as any decent person who has revolutionary potential or aspirations, we oppose such a violently racist and barbaric program. As soon as the meeting was over, white liberals started coming up to me talking about my approach and how things can be changed from “within”. In short order, I repudiated the nonsense and let said persons know that I did not intend to be silent and allow these little quiet bourgeoise meetings go forward without any outspoken resistance.
The white liberal by and large still expect Black people to suffer “peacefully” while white racist exact all manner of violence against the Black masses. To have such an expectation of the Black masses and working classes period is evil. It is complicity with evil. It shows that white liberals still place a premium on “civility” and “decorum” while the poor Black masses have barbarity heaped on our heads under the ruse of law, order and eradication of crime. Basically, lies.
These white liberals think they are slick. They approach me because many times I have on the bourgeoise uniform of a shirt and tie. They rationalize in their silly heads that some how I will be “responsible” and “cool headed” because I am wearing the uniform of these unjust and racially bigoted courts. They are right. I am responsible, cool headed and rational enough to know that the only thing white folks and others in power understand is power and stiff resistance to their racist, elitist, sexist and utter bullshit. I’m equipped and prepared to speak their language, not some “peaceful” and “understanding” language that they trick too many negro lawyers into going along with. They want to talk about peace and civility while practicing the barbarity of ripping apart families and caging human beings. Don’t talk that civility talk to me while acting like a fuckin cave dweller and using racially coded and overtly racist language . As Malcolm taught, I pay attention to a person’s deeds and their conscious behavior.
There can be NO compromise with this system or ANYBODY working on behalf of its backward administration of injustice regardless of the color of the skin. I started off talking about white liberals, but Black liberals, capitalists, politicians, police and other aspirants to an oppressive class can and will get it too. Don’t mistake the fact that I am a lawyer with my class interests. I have embraced the process of class suicide. That is an ongoing process and I intend to hold the line and walk this thing out completely. Underneath all of the lawyer appearance lies one who aspires to be a revolutionary guerrilla and fighter who is adamant about standing with and advancing the COLLECTIVE interests of the popular masses in general and the poor Black masses in particular.
Post traumatic slave syndrome? That's a new one for me.
Learn this one neat trick that allows a city to have a population but no tax base...
Is anyone surprised by this savagery?
Thanks, Holder. Thanks, Ayers. Thanks, Jarrett. Thanks, Obama.
Come on all of you proud Jacksonians and defend this debacle. Tick tock the clock is ticking down to a State takeover. There is no other answer.
State needs to withhold every nickel coming to Jackson and Hinds County until that guy is removed.
your tax dollars at work-
These neoliberal reactionary forces are allowed to skate because many on the so-called “Black left” allow it. Many of the same Black “radical” forces who have national and international prominence and who staunchly supported Chokwe Antar Lumumba campaign for mayor have now become mum. Their silence while Lumumba and his cronies court capital and give cover to killer cops who terrorize Black people is treasonous. They need to be held to account just as Lumumba does.
Antar has been corrupted by the establishment black Democrats who now own him. The puppetmaster who has turned Adofo Minka and the others loose to disrupt cause mayhem is Akuno.
Thanks Donna Ladd.
I see that the last meeting was held on August 28th. Did Adofo & his racist buddies attend that meeting too? I can’t believe he is allowed to be a public defender.
I disagree with all of this, and I do not support anyone named in this story, but let's be clear:
Your headline is misleading and ridiculous.
"Public Defender to Murder Victim's Mother: GTFOMF!!!"
You then highlight Minka's words in red and assume he is talking to any one specific person. He literally writes, "some of you think.."
Call him whatever names you want to call him. Call him unprofessional. Say he's yelling for no reason. But the second you twist his words, you lose credibility.
I don't understand how a self-proclaimed journalist doesn't see that.
I think the path forward is to let Minka and his ilk have their way - let violent criminals live on their block, let them practice their own "restorative justice," and see how long it takes them to change their (feeble) minds.
So I think I've figured out the argument here: "Give me all your stuff, and I won't have to kill you for it."
I don't understand 11:42 why you continually complain about the editorial decisions made at JJ when nobody forces you to read anything published here.
She said boys during the forum. He was referring to her with that statement on FB.
That is how I interpret it. Apparently you interpret it differently.
The statement "blog that" was a direct reference to my and my post Saturday.
"I’m equipped and prepared to speak their language, not some “peaceful” and “understanding” language that they trick too many negro lawyers into going along with."
Well he's right, and he's been reprimanded by the Mississippi Supreme Court once for it.
I love that, after Minka shows his ass, the candy-ass Us Attorney, instead og having Minka removed, extends him the courtesy of giving him a mic.
This has become the SOP of the left in this country. They are incapable of participating in civil discourse, so they gather a few allies and shout down anyone who dares to speak.
We see it when Ben Shapiro or Milo Yiannopoulos speak on college campuses or when political candidates address supporters.
Add to that this absurd notion that "black people cannot be racist" (yes, there are people who actually claim that) and suddenly they have cover to say some of the most absurd, vile, racist things and engage in behavior that is unbecoming even to uncivilized rabble, and they are given a pass by a segment of society.
When you sanction lawlessness, you get chaos. This is chaos.
When I helped put together a debate for the Ward 1 City Council race a few years ago, I arranged for a deputy to be there. Someone acted a fool, which no one did, he or she was going out the door, no ifs, ands, or buts.
"Underneath all of the lawyer appearance...". Boring diatribe that does, however, tie in (pun intended) to one of the best lawyer jokes I can remember -- "Why do lawyers wear neckties?"
I was at the Greater Jackson Arts Council meeting last week where they hosted Piper Kerman and some federal judges to discuss criminal justice reform. This is the ragtag group that disrupted the meeting, shouted down the speakers, and passed out flyers about prison strikes.
Sounds like Minka's throwing his hat into the ring to be the next Hinds County DA.
This guy is the worst hire ever and an even worse rep for Jackson than LuMumba (sorry if i misspelled his last name). I wouldn't want him to be my defender, neighbor, employee, friend. I wouldn't even want to be driving in the next lane on Lakeland with this dude. What judge would ever take this dude seriously? What are his closing arguments like? I can never even imagine him saying "your honor" or "with all due respect."
Heard through grapevine that Joseph Jordan was specifically brought to town to agitate.
In Mississippi, the age of majority is 21. So, two of the three guys she was referring to are literally "boys" in the eyes of the law, or "infants," as the statutes refer to them.
They truly believe they will prevail in the coming hostilities. Amazing.
I would like to personally invite Mr. Adoofus to a little "cookout" in Antioch, just on the eastern side of Rankin County where he can come entertain us with his silly rhetoric. Looking forward to seeing you there, little buddy!
What a joke. the greater Rankin and Madison County Chamber's approve of this video. Property values are moving up.
Same diatribe as Maxine Waters and the rest of the "woke" crowd. No one takes these people seriously except the other race baiters. I bet the Kaz and his ilk think, talk, and act just like him when there is not a camera on them.
Call and complain about this nonsense.
Hinds County Public Defender: (601) 948-2683
Mississippi Bar: (601) 948-4471
Thanks, Soros.
This is just beyond sad. Why cant people meet and discuss things waiting for their turn to speak.
I want to thank this well spoken man for his commentary. His enlightened thoughts do nothing but increase the value of my land in a county slightly to the north. He opens his mouth, and I make money. I know he didn't think that one through with he spectacular oratory. Wishing him and his colleagues only the best of luck with their endeavors. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that?
They take themselves seriously. In their minds the ridiculousness they spew makes all the sense in the world. They are indoctrinated from the time they are born with these ideas of victimization and hatred for the other races. You can't change their minds with any rational line of thought. They are victims, they are not responsible for themselves, it's always somebody else at fault so they should be given a pass. If not for all the other people keeping me down I would be great. This mind set will not change, ever. If you're told something your whole life, you feel like you have betrayed your people if you think differently. Quite sad actually.
@ 4:23
"Sad" is not the right emotion for this discussion.
How dare a white woman mourn the loss of her daughter in front of him and his homies.
He has a chip on his shoulder the size of the Grand Canyon. In his short sighted view, all of the world's ills are caused by whites, which is bullshit.
Fuck him. The world owes him nothing and I hope he receives it in abundance.
in 25 words or less , someone please define 'restorative justice'.
First, Mike Hust and the rest of the people in attendance are F’ing COWARDS. Sissies. They sat there and allowed this? He is less than a man to sit back and let these thugs take over this meeting.
Second, why is Donna Ladd continuing to allow this racist asshole write for her “paper”. She is nothing than a hack with an agenda.
I will never spend another dime in Jackson. They HATE white people and speak about it freely.
4:24 wrote:
"They take themselves seriously. In their minds the ridiculousness they spew makes all the sense in the world. They are indoctrinated from the time they are born with these ideas of victimization and hatred for the other races. You can't change their minds with any rational line of thought. They are victims, they are not responsible for themselves, it's always somebody else at fault so they should be given a pass. If not for all the other people keeping me down I would be great. This mind set will not change, ever. If you're told something your whole life, you feel like you have betrayed your people if you think differently. Quite sad actually."
OK, now this weird, but I'll get to that shortly. I agree with the above, but it is also a reasonably accurate description of many white people in circa 1950-1970 Mississippi and a dead-on description of poor white people of the same time period, the obvious difference being that wealthy and even financially-comfortable whites didn't feel they were being kept down by black people. I was born in 1968, so I never knew actual, legally-mandated segregation, but every adult I knew from my earliest childhood memory did and the above sounds exactly like what the poor white trash claimed.
Now, here is the weird part. At first glance, most sensible people would say that the poor whites were racist and wrong for thinking in such a fashion, and on certain levels, they were. But if society is going to allow another race, and especially its poor, to become favored, be it through affirmative action, allowed speech (you can say "cracker" or "whitey," but only if you are black, the "n-word," etc.) or any other preferential status or treatment, you get the same (racist) result. To be sure, being black in Mississippi is no "golden ticket" but until PEOPLE - not RACES - learn that each person is largely responsible for and must shoulder most of the burden of their own conditions, things will never get better. You cannot make up for the past by fucking up the future. All that happens is the what was "the future" becomes the (fucked-up) present...see Jackson as QED.
Easy as pie, 5:52PM, and I can do it in two words:
"Restorative justice" = "racist bullshit"
Assuming my other post gets approved, as I said in it, society cannot fix the past by fucking up the future. All it can do is allow those who suffered the injustice of state-sponsored racism to be free of it and have the same opportunity, as well as the same burdens and responsibilities, as any other citizen, i.e., "equal" should mean _EQUAL_, both in the rights and the responsibilities. State-sponsored racism has been gone for about 50 years. The US has elected a "black" (well, half-black, half-white) POTUS, black millionaires are common enough to warrant no real notice by anyone, and for the most part, most black people are free from general institutional racism (not completely, but mostly). What has not been stopped is individual "racism," be it white against black, black against white, or blue against red because it is more a function of what is commonly called "unbringing" and the idea that "like kinds should be with like kinds" and fear of the different rather than true "racism." And until most people get past that, I'd suggest that allowing change to continue to organically occur is the best, even if imperfect, solution.
Everyone is scared and mad right? This is the same feeling that black people get when they see a white guy waving a rebel flag.
I have Jackson. It make me sick that I live here.
Bless Mike Hurst's heart. Live and learn. So many familiar Jxn crazies that always show up to these things who think their opinions are so wonderful. If you could have a meeting with them maybe something would be done.
That crew of Malcolm X, Free the Land, Post Slavery Syndrome folks take it to the next level of crazy.
Please try to understand. Minka and this bunch of hecklers can only be empowered by an over-reaction to their antics. They are hoping that someone white will be so scared or angered by their obvious absurdity that they will commit some act of violence or make a "racist statement" in retaliation which they can use in the Black community to gain support. These idiots are shunned by the Black community which they want to lead, so they fish for any opportunity to gain that community's support, even if it comes because of White retaliation to their rowdiness. The best thing anyone can do, Black or White, is to give them all the attention they deserve. None.
6:55, I was born on 1968, too. I agree with you, very counterproductive approach that these idiots have taken. They’d rather have vengeance than success. Restorative justice, seems to mean “we suffered, so now you will suffer”. Only problem is, we weren’t alive and neither were they. I predict a Pyrrhic victory for these haters and a front row seat to watching them run the remaining white people out of Jackson within 10 years, for the rest of us. Until all races can put race aside, come together as good, albeit flawed, people who want to see peace, not division, Jackson will continue to decline. Heck, I know more black, middle class people getting out because of crime than I do white ones. It’s not about racism, it’s about ignorance and hatred not being good for anyone, long term. Didn’t work for the white racists who wanted the status quo in the 60s and it won’t work for the black racists who want revenge. What did Dr. King say? Learn to live together as brothers, or perish as fools? Well, these guys are those fools.
Just whites? Read what they say about "condo "kneegros"
Minka's a pussy. If one dude not affiliated with his bullshit sat beside him during this debacle, he would have got up and left. I have been in court with him. He ain't shit if you press him. If JJ would post when the next meeting occurs, I will personally go sit beside him.
I’m just trying to figure out what he means by “condo kneegroes”. Is there some stigma associated with living in condos that I am unaware of? Does that make one a race traitor? Is it the communal ownership that’s a problem or the location? What if said condo is subleased? What if it used to be an apartment?
8:03 PM wrote: "Everyone is scared and mad right? This is the same feeling that black people get when they see a white guy waving a rebel flag."
Well, no, not everyone because I'm neither scared of or mad at Minka or his rabble, nor am I mad at or scared of "a white guy waving a rebel flag." I am white, but I don't see why a black person should be scared of or mad at a confused, ill-informed white loudmouth anymore than I should be mad at or scared of a confused, ill-informed black one. My point being is why should color matter when it comes to such folks? Yes, on extremely rare occasions, one of these overt, in-your-face types does actually take action, but it is the quietly steaming lunatic that is usually the danger (and even those are statistically rare) insofar as "racist" actions. These types are like farts in church: if you are close enough, maybe a whiff of odor but it'll dissipate in seconds, leaving nothing more than a memory, merely amusing on a base level. To allow these types of loudmouths to be a (or even worse, the) representation of their respective races is a serious mistake. Fortunately, sensible people of all skin tones view these types, of whatever skin tone, as they deserve to be viewed.
@ August 30, 2018 at 10:59 AM
Post traumatic slave syndrome? That's a new one for me.
Oh its very real, it's just not going to be discussed or taken very seriously on a conservative blog such as this.
But you take a particular group of people treat them less than human, constantly question their level of intelligence, make fun of their looks, skin color, hair texture, their vernacular? You will have a marginalized group of people that will have severe health and mental issues. Not saying that all members of that group will be affected by the negative treatment, but its clear to see why to some living in this society, it can be traumatic for them at times.
Of course, some are going to say that life is hard and these people need to get over themselves. But its not as easy to overcome the trauma, as it sounds.
These men could have and should have been more empathetic towards the mother and her situation, because at the end of the day we are all human. Empathy is something we all need to practice more, regardless of our ethnic makeup.
Oh its very real, it's just not going to be discussed or taken very seriously on a conservative blog such as this.
But, but, but YOU just discussed it. Damn that is a huge chip on your shoulder.
6:45am wrote in response to someone asking about "Post traumatic slave syndrome:"
"But you take a particular group of people treat them less than human, constantly question their level of intelligence, make fun of their looks, skin color, hair texture, their vernacular?"
Sounds like basic training, or from what my daughter tells me, sorority rush. Slavery in the US ended about 125 years ago and I seriously doubt any of those that would claim to have "PTSS" have ever met anyone who knew a slave, much less met someone who was a slave themselves. It makes one look silly when the thing one claims to have caused _them_ trauma ended 75-100 years prior to their own birth. Why not just call it was it really is: just another silly manifestation of snowflake syndrome. People aren't questioning your intelligence because of your skin color, people are questioning it because you spout nonsense about things like "post traumatic slave syndrome."
So, my question is: considering US society today, who exactly is engaging in all of this trauma-inducing activity?
9:38 am You are right that these people have bizarre behavior and thought patterns.
I would suggest to you, however, that their white, right opposites are just as bizarre.
Mental illness and stupidity are sadly, not listed to one race or religion.
I don't assume all white people are like the guy who was just arrested for threats to the Boston Globe or that all African Americans are like Minka.
This is what happens when political propaganda on both sides is used to infame. Not all the people who read or hear the rhetoric are rational. And, 15% of our population has a mental illness. Add to that that 50% are below average intelligence and of those, 30% aren't educable.
But, they can be emotional and behave badly.
If "snowflake syndrome" is ever actually seen as a psychiatric illness, it won't just be seen as a problem in one party or one group but in EVERY group of humans!
If you believe the crazy talk on the left or the right, YOU need to have yourself evaluated.
9:38 here (I also posted at 11:49PM, 8-30), in response to 9:55:
Absolutely. From what I can tell, about 70-80% of the US population is "in the middle" and about 20-30% is distributed to the whole circle of the fringe. I suspect, but cannot prove, that like other people's toddlers, their primary reason for existence is to generally annoy and occasionally amuse the rest of us. Look, I understand; if you aren't a liberal at 20, you have no heart and soul and if you aren't a conservative at 40, you have no brains, but as I've said before, it's pretty fucking easy to be a revolutionary when someone else is covering the bills. For those of you with late-teen to slightly-post-collegiate kids, you know what I mean: all the ills of the world can be at least temporarily cured by dear old dad...well, his wallet, anyway. Who would have guessed that for a mere $150.00 at Chez LaFooFoo, you could get styled AND help bring about world peace?
@ August 31, 2018 at 9:38 AM
6:45 AM here.
Just because slavery no longer exists, we still deal with the remnants from it.
Blacks and Whites in Mississippi have trust issues because of the institution of slavery, because of Jim Crow laws and color codes. It is deep seeded in our politics and our talking points.
Heck, I will be so bold to say that its PSST for white people too, because discussing race and racial issues, it touches on raw emotions. It makes some people so uncomfortable to discuss it, that lets you know how deep the problem is and why its traumatic.
Empathy is key to moving on
11:39 BS
Just because slavery no longer exists, we still deal with the remnants from it. Blacks and Whites in Mississippi have trust issues because of the institution of slavery, because of Jim Crow laws and color codes. It is deep seeded in our politics and our talking points.
Heck, I will be so bold to say that its PSST for white people too, because discussing race and racial issues, it touches on raw emotions. It makes some people so uncomfortable to discuss it, that lets you know how deep the problem is and why its traumatic.
Empathy is key to moving on. HA! Not going to happen..... Thanks Oxford!
Well Lumumba, Jody& Banks will all get their Day in FEDERAL COURT with a seated jury selected fairly in a process according to rules that all of us must live by. Just pray for all of the jury and court staff if a plea deal is not requested prior to trial date. Thank you KF for keeping us posted As the story turns in Jackson!
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