This post has been updated with a copy of the police report.
Some of Barbara Blackmon's constituents got arrested in Florida for mistreating a dog. The News Herald of Panama City, Florida reported two days ago:
Maurice Sanders, 30, and Keshanna Thompson, 30, both of Canton, have each been charged with aggravated animal cruelty, a felony, according to their arrest affidavits and were held on $10,000 bond after their first appearance in court Monday morning.
The witness who called the police posted this message on Facebook:
So we were pulling up in the mall parking lot today to meet Leeanna French and Charlie for lunch when Brian looked over and noticed a guy grabbing a puppy by the neck and throwing it in the trunk of his car, while him and his family just walked on into the mall!!! Us and a couple other people saw him doing this and he just stared right back at us! As soon as he walked off, the cops were called. PCPD showed up and did their job!!! They busted the window to the rental car (they were visiting from Mississippi) and had to pull down the backseat to get to the trunk. They then had to pull out a trunk full of luggage to even be able to reach the dog who was shoved into a kennel that was way too small for her!! By this time, the dog had been in the trunk for over 30 minutes. The cops went inside and arrested the couple who owned the dog, and they will be going to jail!! And the pup is on its way to animal control. People are seriously so ignorant.! Thankful that the puppy is okay though!!!
Here are some pictures she took. One can easily see that the crate was too small for the dog.
Here are the perps: Sanders and Thompson.
JJ obtained a copy of the police report. It is posted below.
Remember, this is what their State Senator said about animal cruelty.
Canton's finest.
She's gotta protect her dog fighting buddies in the Camden area. Between her and the pig-headed Farm Bureau Mississippi will never progress into a civilized society. Florida doesn't play. The penalty for aggrivated animal abuse is up to five years in jail and a $10,000 fine -- each. They are serious.
I can only hope they keep these scumbags behind bars for a long, long time. It’s unfortunate they can’t put Barbara In there with them!
Babs, what a piece of that the best that Canton can do.
Bravo, 11:26! Well stated!!!
Don't forget to credit Representative Bomgar....
Of course Barbara would point out that Florida would have no problem if the gentleman had grabbed some kid by the neck and tossed him into the trunk of his car and slammed it shut in the middle of the summer heat. Point it out Barbara!
That's just the way some animals treat other animals.
F Barbara Blackbitch.
What police report? That's no report. It's simply a log of the location and to whom assigned and the name and ID of the perps on a form. A report contains a narrative.
Selective radar allows calling someone a black bitch? Wow!
I realize not everyone that reads this blog believes in the hereafter, but I am convinced there is a special section in Hell reserved for people that abuse animals.
@ 3:58 PM
If you take the time to read past the first page there is indeed a lengthy narrative. Stop trying to cherry pick.
@11:26....What does Farm Bureau have to do with holding anything or anyone back?
@7:01, since you don’t get it, the connection between the level of ignorance in Mississippi and the attitude of Farm Bureau toward animals, including dogs, you don’t need to stress over anyone or anything being held back. Mississippi is the perfect locale for you. Carry on.
"@11:26....What does Farm Bureau have to do with holding anything or anyone back?"
They don't necessarily 'hold anything back', but they're a strong lobby against tougher penalties for animal abuse. For some reason they pretend to think that would carry over to farm animals.
At least they have a reason for their idiotic position. Bomgar has none.
7:01 p.m. -- The Farm Bureau has fought and blocked for years any animal abuse legislation. They spend thousands every year lobbying against any bill that pops up. Animal abuse in Mississippi is hardly a slap on the wrist.
10:21 - you must be vegan. You don't eat meat of any kind, wear any leather or use any products with animal by products.
If you want to witness animal cruelty take a tour of a cattle feed lot, take a stroll through a poultry house, processing plant or a guided tour through Bryan Foods plant up in West Point.
Why don't you move on out to the Left Coast with all the rest of the bleeding heart liberals. Mississippi doesn't need or want the likes of you.
Regardless of what Kingfish thinks, I'm an animal lover from way back, have saved at least ten dogs from starvation or a kill shelter, have picked them up on the highway after somebody ran over them and carried them to a vet to be put to sleep, like dogs more than I like people and will do anything I can to make one's life easier.
Can't understand how anybody can get pleasure from watching them devour and kill each other. Just makes no sense. Are these the same people who assign almost zero value to human life, the same clowns who shoot a semi-auto sideways, the same turds who grill on barrels in the front yard and advocate violence against law enforcement? Yep! You betcho Ass!
@6:46, since you seem to possess at least a rudimentary awareness of cruelty meted out to animals in this state, why don’t you make an effort to prevent or reduce it, rather than spitting at people who call it what it is?
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