Friday, June 3, 2016

Who ya gonna trust, the voters or the elites?

Peggy Noonan analyzed the current state of affairs in another Wall Street Journal column several weeks ago.  It set off conservatives such as National Review's Jonah Goldberg but it made some very good points.  The conservative cocktail circuit has never been so unhappy.  She wrote:

What is needed among Republicans in Washington now is patience, soberness of thought, and a kind of heroic fairness. Reflection and humility wouldn’t hurt either.

One of our two great parties is either shattering or reconstituting itself. It is not united and has not been since the George W. Bush era. As the pollster Kellyanne Conway noted this week, if it were, there wouldn’t have been 17 candidates for president, and Donald Trump wouldn’t be the presumptive nominee.

The optimistic thought is that it is reconstituting itself. The past year the base of the party has been kicking away from its elected and established leaders in Washington and, simultaneously, broadening itself, with new members coming in. That suggests a certain dynamism: Maybe something’s busy being born, not busy dying. We’ll see.

But almost every conservative and Republican in Washington—in politics, think tanks and journalism—backed a candidate other than Mr. Trump. Every one of those candidates lost, and Mr. Trump won. After November, think tanks and journals will begin holding symposia in which smart people explain How We Lost The Base.

Mr. Trump’s victory was an endorsement of Mr. Trump but also a rebuke to professional Republicans in Washington. It was a rebuke to comprehensive immigration plans that somehow, mysteriously, are never quite intended to stop illegal immigration; a rebuke to the kind of thinking that goes, “I know, we’ll pass laws that leave Americans without work, which means they’ll be deprived of the financial and spiritual benefits of honest labor, then we’ll cut their entitlements, because if we don’t our country will go broke.” The voters backed Mr. Trump’s stands on these issues and more.

A political question for November: Does Mr. Trump pick up more Democrats than he loses Republicans? Is that how he plans to win? Does he draw in enough new or non-Republican voters to make up for the millions of Republican voters he will surely lose?

In an act of determined denial, Washington Republicans and conservatives continue to see and describe Mr. Trump’s nomination as the triumph of a celebrity in a culture that worships celebrity, the victory of a vulgarian in a vulgar age, the living excrescence of our shallow values and lowered standards. Also, he’s tapped into the public’s rage.

He is all of those things. But he is more, and Washington is determined to ignore the more. He understood, either intuitively or after study, that the Republican base was changing or open to change, and would expand if the party changed some policies. He declared those policies changed. And he won.

As to the matter of rage, it’s more like disrespect for those who’ve been calling the shots. If you know Trump people in real life as opposed to through social media, if they are your friends and family members, you understand that “rage” doesn’t do them justice. They dislike the Republican Party, which they believe has consistently betrayed them, but Trump people in person are just about the only cheerful people in politics this year. They actually have hope—the system needs a hard electric shock, he’s just the man to do it, and if it doesn’t work they’ll fire him. They’re having a good time. Here I throw in a moment I had in Manhattan Thursday afternoon. I was standing on a corner on York Avenue in the 60s when a cab screeched across two lanes to stop in front of me. “I am voting for Trump!” the driver yelled through an open window. “You want to know why? He is neither right or left!” He then laughed and sped on. Not all Trump supporters are quiet about it.

But back to the new Republicans—the Democrats and independents who’ve voted for Mr. Trump. As usual with the Republican Party, these new friends were not cheerily invited in—who would ever think of that?—but crashed the party with the guy with the yellow hair. A lot of Washington Republicans seem to have spent the past week wondering what they always wonder: How much should we snub them? How uncomfortable should we make them? Should we not talk to them or just not give them a drink? Way to do outreach, fellas.

It is good that Paul Ryan snapped out of his smug-seeming “I’m just not ready” approach of last week, and met and talked with Mr. Trump this week. When a sitting Republican speaker of the House is cool on or considering rejecting that party’s presumptive presidential nominee, more is needed than “I’m not there yet.”

He has every right not to endorse Mr. Trump, but if he doesn’t, both Mr. Trump and his supporters deserved more. You have to explain at length and with moral and intellectual seriousness and depth in exactly what ways he’s not worthy of your support, and you have to do it in a way that summons a response that is equally thoughtful and temperate.

Not much is known about the meeting at this point. Mr. Ryan told the press afterward that he was “encouraged” by their talk, but still declined to endorse.

In a joint statement issued soon after, Messrs. Ryan and Trump said: “It’s critical that Republicans unite around our shared principles, advance a conservative agenda, and do all we can to win this fall.” They said they were “honest about our few differences” but “there are also many important areas of common ground.” There was a nod to “many millions of new voters,” who showed up for the Republican primaries, “far more than ever before in the Republican Party’s history.”

All of which strikes me as a Trump win. Mr. Ryan referred to his conservatism and suggested Mr. Trump holds political principles.

Mr. Trump should want to bring the party together. He makes sounds that he doesn’t need to, but he does and must know it or he wouldn’t have met with GOP leaders in the first place. A party fracturing all around him will only spread unease, increase tension, and intensify sourness. He needs at least a semblance of calm so he doesn’t look every day like Thor, God of Thunder and Battle.

Those who oppose Mr. Trump should do it seriously and with respect for his supporters. If he is not conservative, make your case and explain what conservatism is. No one at this point needs your snotty potshots or your supposedly withering one-liners. I confess I have lost patience with many of those declaring they cannot in good conscience support him, not because reasons of conscience are not crucial—they are, and if they apply they should be declared. But some making these declarations managed in good conscience, indeed with the highest degree of self-regard, to back the immigration proposals of George W. Bush that contributed so much to the crisis that produced Mr. Trump. They invented Sarah Palin. They managed to support the global attitudes and structures that left the working class jobless. They dreamed up the Iraq war.

Sometimes I think their consciences are really not so delicate.

As for the political consultants who insult Mr. Trump so vigorously, they are the ones who did most to invent him. What do they ever do in good conscience?

Kingfish note: Want to see more gnashing of teeth? Redstate compared Rush to.... Marshall Petain. Read  Eating their own. 

One last question.  The Republicans made a big deal out of making Trump agree to not run as a third-party candidate if he lost.  Remember that controversy last year? Trump made his pilgrimage to the RNC and kissed the ring on bended knee although he didn't wait in the snow for three days.  He won the nomination.  Now many conservatives and Republicans are talking about running a third party candidate. Um.... didn't they make a deal? Did they have their fingers crossed behind their backs as they made the deal or did the deal only work if Trump lost but not if he won?  


Anonymous said...

I'm a lifelong conservative, and I've voted for every GOP presidential nominee since 1984.

No way I'll vote for this petty fascist with his legions of neo-Nazi followers.

Anonymous said...

Trump is an arrogant dick. I'll vote for the flamer Libertarian, Gary Johnson. Yes it's a wasted vote.

Anonymous said...

I have voted republican a long time and had to hold my nose and vote for Dole, McCain. Now, the elites are going to lose power so they do everything to beat Trump to the point of wanting the pathological liar Hillary to win. Trump has , as the article stated , taped into the frustrations of the people the Republicans snubbed. We elected people to stop the Obama administration and they did nothing. So you have Trump to turn Washington upside down. IT is so bad there that Thad Cochran voted to give HUD the authority to force low income housing into neighborhoods that were higher income neighborhoods for diversity. This is the stuff that the people of America do not want. The all powerful US Government run by bureaucrats forcing citizens to comply with some social engineering regulation. Welcome to "1984".

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first two commenters, but also with what the author said. It stings, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are refusing to listen to people. Not surprising, the democrats do the same thing. For some reason the elite of both parties think they have the right to choose who we elect and we should do like all children, listen to their elders.
It was decided long ago that this would be an election between another Clinton and another Bush. People are getting tired of a ruling class that knows nothing of the life of the normal voter and cares even less.
The people are tired of getting screwed by both parties. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. Just remember what happened the last time the people got tired of being slaves to the ruling party.

Anonymous said...

Noonan has been "on" with her analysis over the past few months. I don't support Trump because I like the guy; I support Trump because I recognize that the "system" is primarily benefiting the professional political class in DC (regardless of party), while secondarily benefiting the entitlement class and the .1% for whom none of this really matters.

The current "system" has largely broken the America that our parents and grandparents knew. Government is more invasive in our lives than it's ever been, and more people are reliant on it than ever before. Yet the "professional" Republicans and Democrats win either way.

With Clinton or any of the fallen Republicans in the field, the system surely perpetuates itself. It may with Trump, too, but it also may not. I'm voting for uncertainty.

Anonymous said...

I'll be voting for Gary Johnson as well. I don't see how reasonable people can stomach such an obnoxious gasbag who clear has psychological issues in one DJ Trump. If you can't spot a fraud like Trump, then you can't be helped.

Anonymous said...

Noonan has been "on" with her analysis over the past few months. I don't support Trump because I like the guy; I support Trump because I recognize that the "system" is primarily benefiting the professional political class in DC (regardless of party), while secondarily benefiting the entitlement class and the .1% for whom none of this really matters.

The current "system" has largely broken the America that our parents and grandparents knew. Government is more invasive in our lives than it's ever been, and more people are reliant on it than ever before. Yet the "professional" Republicans and Democrats win either way.

With Clinton or any of the fallen Republicans in the field, the system surely perpetuates itself. It may with Trump, too, but it also may not. I'm voting for uncertainty -- it's the only chance we have to disrupt the status quo.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Noonan's column today is pretty good too.

Anonymous said...

I've held my nose in the voting booth (terminal) for the last two presidential elections because the GOP establishment has put forward such weak candidates (McCain and Romney). I'm sure they are fine people, and have checked all the right boxes to become "establishment" Republicans, but they have forsaken conservatives too many times. The problem with politics is that there are too many politicians involved in it. For me, bring on the non-politician.

My grandfather voted Republican until the day he died. Ever since then he's voted Democrat.

Anonymous said...

330+ million people and we get to choose between an incompetent, rudderless, conniving globalist and a terrifying, unhinged whack job. Quite unbelievable.

Elitist Conservative said...

Speaking of "clear has psychological issues", y'all need to read "The Mind of Trump" article in The Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

RINO sock puppet Gold! Cha-Ching!!!

Anonymous said...

Politico's "trumpology - a masters class" is also a fascinating longread.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for the only small government candidate, Gary Johnson. This election marks the disruption of the two party system. Going forward we will not operate politically in the conservative or liberal framework, but Libertarian vs Authoritarian. Big central government vs. individual freedom. I will stick with Jeffersonian ideals and not vote fascist or socialist in this election. What Donald Trump is doing to awaken the Alt Right and the new age white supremacists is concerning and Crooked Hilary is a Manchurian candidate. Gary Johnson is the only limited government choice.

Anonymous said...

Look at what the democrats and republican have done to our country. Does anyone really think the U.S. will ever pay cent on the money we borrowed? We can't even pay the interest on it. How does it feel to vote for people who will steal from your grandchildren?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really think the U.S. will ever pay cent on the money we borrowed?

Somehow, some way, we're going to pay. Can we find the strength to pay the debt in a way to save our nation as we know it or will we descend into chaos and bloodletting of a default? Those that live in high density population environments are going to be the most screwed.

Anonymous said...

I have voted for Republicans and Democrats over the years. I will be voting for Hillary. Her speech yesterday on foreign policy in California was one of her best. My second choice is Gary Johnson. There are no circumstances ever under which I would ever vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

I am amused when I hear people say I am a "lifelong" conservative. That must mean you were for:

1. Closing our factories and putting millions out of work for the last 22 years.

2. Told the lie that "high" tech and new industries would take the place of all the lost jobs to China, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico and on and on. News flash...the US is not full of geniuses that all need to go to college, and then stare at a computer screen all day at work surfing the web. We do need some folks that can actually do something. Ask the average college graduate if they can change out a car battery. You will be shocked. They have no idea what the battery even looks like.

3. Supported the "Bush I and II new world order" that really meant the US taxpayer pays to police the world, rebuild every stone age country that either attacks us or defies us, and hands out foreign aid like candy at Halloween.

4. Supported the US Chamber of Commerce in pushing to allow illegals in by the millions so they could replace US taxpayers who did not want to work for wages so low they could not pay the bills each month.

5. Bought in to the constant Republican Establishment mantra of lowering taxes. The man or woman without a job could give a damn about lowering taxes because the aren't paying taxes! They need a job so they can pay taxes. They need industry in the US, not closing and going to Mexico! Lowering taxes on industry and convincing business to come to the US should have been the focus. The republicans have held the purse strings since 2010...and did NOTHING!

Pat Buchanan was saying ALL of this in 1992 and 1996. I don't think Pat Buchanan was a flaming liberal! He worked for Nixon, Ford and Reagan. He has addressed the complete collapse of those who call themselves "conservatives" in three books; The Death of the West, State of Emergency, and Suicide of Superpower.

The neocon, globalist Republican Establishment hijacked the term "conservative". They have left NOTHING to conserve!

Yes I am voting for Trump. Yes, he may be ego maniac, but he is a hell of lot better than anything the Democrats are offering - Globalist Crook or a Communist. If he is so crazy how did he beat 16 other knuckleheads? And he says what so many of us have been waiting 24 years to hear! The nastier it gets the better. Andrew Jackson would love it.

Anonymous said...

10:29, 10:45, 11:47, and 6:04 - appears you guys at the JFP editorial board are having a slow day.

Anonymous said...

Please stop the troll @6:04 KF.

Anonymous said...

I can't bring myself to telling my grandkids I voted for Trump, so it looks like I'll be voting for Hillary despite having not voted for a Democrat on the national level for decades. On nearly every issue she blows him out of the water. If you care about the economy and have investments you care about, electing a buffoon with 4 bankruptcies (America will be his 5th) defies all logic. I haven't seen racial hatred like we have today since desegregation. Suggesting a federal judge isn't fit to hear his fraud case because "He's a Mexican" is taking us down a road I thought we were headed the other way on. If your faith informs how you vote, I don't see how you can support Trump instead of the woman who is a United Methodist. You're not going to find any Jeremiah Wright's in her church history either. Maybe you found some scripture in "two Corinthians" as Trump calls it that lets you justify voting for him, but I can't.

Gary WHO? said...

"I'll be voting for Gary Johnson as well. I don't see how reasonable people can stomach such an obnoxious gasbag who clear has psychological issues in one DJ Trump. If you can't spot a fraud like Trump, then you can't be helped."

Actually you have it wrong. You and the two others posting multiple times up there are the ones who can't be helped if you trudge down to the polls and vote for somebody 90% of the country never heard of. But, you also voted for an unknown truck-driver for governor a few months back. So, there's that.

Government in this country, from one end to the other, top to bottom, side to side, needs to be turned upside down and shook hard in a paper sack. Trump promises to do that. We know what the other candidate will do. And Johnson isn't even in the conversation.

If you can't spot a non-issue loser like Johnson, you can't be helped.

Anonymous said...

Funniest shit I've read in a while, 11:14. I've seen what a Clinton WH looks like and I remember the deaths that a Clinton-led foreign policy created just a few short years ago. My faith and my politics won't be mixing again on a national level.

I'm with the other guys. When given a choice between a known bad outcome and uncertainty, I'm going with uncertainty.

All. Day. Long.

And it isn't even a hard decision.

Anonymous said...

6:31pm and 7:04 am see trolls and JFP employees every time someone disagrees with their repetitive jibes.
You're delusional! There are more than a few people who not only disagree with you but find you to be intellectually bereft!

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting this election out. Both of these candidates will be a disaster, so I don't see a point in voting for either of them.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 6:22 -

You pretty much hit all the Trumptard buzz words. Except hating Jews.

You crave the lash of an authoritarian who's spent even less time thinking about policy than you have.

You don't deserve your freedom if you place your faith in a guy who:

-- wants to "loosen up libel laws" so as to punish his enemies more easily;

-- says he'll get Supreme Court nominees who will "look into Hillary's email situation;"

-- claims a judge born in Indiana has a "conflict of interest" because "he's Mexican;"

-- went from wanting to jail women who have abortions to saying Roe v Wade must be preserved, in 48 hours.

He says and does all these things and more; you don't care.

Because you're an easily led fool, and he stokes your resentment.

Anonymous said...

I can't find fault with the column .
I agree with those who are disgusted with politicians who care more about winning than the best interest of our Nation.
Good Lord, if a Republican or Democrat actually came up with a workable solution for any problem, the opposing party would be against it for fear it would give the other side an edge.
That said, I cannot vote to put the lives of our boys in uniform or the nuclear football in the hands of someone who is as easily angered and offended as Trump. I can't vote for a hothead that either can't remember or changes what his position on anything is from one minute to the next and doesn't seem able to even consider any counsel but relies on his feeling of the moment.
I did not like Hillary Clinton when she was a Goldwater Girl or was in Arkansas or in Washington,D.C. But, for all her flaws, she is not as likely to act rashly. She has some knowledge of how governments and the military function, both domestically and internationally and hasn't had hissy fits every time someone calls her out on a mistake or failure.
And, frankly, what is it about Putin's and Kim Jung Il's endorsements of Trump that his supporters don't understand? Yes, they like him and he likes them because they see themselves!

Anonymous said...

7:33 - you are right that we don't care what he says, not one bit. There is a rancor in our hearts you little understand. We want the rigged game you support busted up. Always remember liberal, the disdain goes both ways. And for the first time we have a candidate saying what we have been thinking for years! Without 24 years of Obama, Bush, Clinton, and 4 years of Bush the older there would be no Trump. Trump is the whirlwind sown by 28 years of Globalism instead of giving a damn about the working stiff.
Call us all the names you like (Trumptards, racist, xenophobes, haters, fools, etc., etc.) - they have no effect any longer...none.
TRUMP 2016

Anonymous said...

It appears to me the author of the article basically concluded "Neo-Cons, Bible Thumpers, Pro-Lifers" kidnapped and held the party hostage while denying the base access - Middle Class America, Independents and even some Democrats. I love when I see the word RINO - how f-ing degrading to label a member of the party with that moniker. I guess it's no different than referring to you as Right Wing NUTBAG.

That would not be nice, so I will leave you with this thought, WE (Middle Class Moderates are the Majority) -- Get Used to It and Make America Great Again!

Anonymous said...

June 4, 2016 at 7:13 AM = Ain't foolin' nobody.

Anonymous said...

Remember folks, Peggy voted for Obama in 2008. She is a little late to reality. I guess a blinding flash of the obvious hit her.

Anonymous said...

Have people forgotten the last time a Clinton was in office? Remember when they left they stole everything they could out of the white house. Would anyone actually vote for a known thief? The qualities of Jackson must be nation wide. All of you little stokes line up and protect the criminals. You honest people please try something else. We don't need another politician in office.

Anonymous said...

I remember the Clinton years. And other than the constant screeching by Republicans, life was pretty damn good overall. Stop watching so much Fox.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Hillary Lying Clinton.

Anonymous said...

8:26 --

7:33 here. I'm not a liberal. I've worked for conservative candidates for 30 years.

No, you don't care that your foolish cult leader has said all those painfully ignorant things. To you they make perfect sense. Trump's the man who will smite your enemies & lash out at all those "others" who have "rigged the game" against you.

You know, Hitler found it easy to get morons wound up, too.

You're a fool not worthy of American freedoms. Try reading a book.

Anonymous said...

Trump may not be the answer. We have tried the life long politicians for a long time. What has it got us? The U.S. has dropped from the leading country. Our debt has grown every year. Our rights are vanishing. Our life expectancy has started dropping. Our manufacturing has gone over seas. We are at war with many countries and even arming our own enemies.
What else can happen? What can Trump do that the life long politicians haven't done? We know what they will do. Maybe it is time to take a chance.

Anonymous said...

7:33/12:08 - you are probably a JFP staff writer or Hillary campaign worker. You have never worked for anyone but yourself. Typical liberal lies - you and Hillary are perfect for each other. I wondered how long it would take you to pull out the Hitler accusation crap. So predictable "Comrade".

Anonymous said...

@2:09 - what can Trump do? Perhaps make things drastically worse!! If we're going that route, let's just have a lottery drawing for Prez. Put all people 21-80 in a big hat. Maybe it is time to take a chance.

Anonymous said...

I hate Conservatives. I hate Liberals. I hate The Republican Party. I hate the Democratic Party. And I am hardly alone. Pretty-much everybody I know has BEEN sick of both the Left Wing and the Right Wing, and both 'parties', for my entire adult life. Donald Trump cuts through the sick, evil IDEOLOGY destroying America, and deals in REALITY.

Trump, if by some miracle he is elected, will be the first President since Eisenhower, who is not a WHORE for the 'interests' bent upon destroying America and the American People.

Anonymous said...

Most laughable comment of the day. "Trump deals in REALITY'!! Really, 3:04 - get your head out of your ass. The one thing that can be said with absolute definity is that Trump has not dealt with REALITY at any time in this campaign season.

Second most laughable comment is that Trump will not be a whore for the 'interests'. He has been and will be whenever those 'interests' are his. Remember when he explained why he had contributed to various candidates over the years/decades? His answer was that he wanted access to them and expected to get what he asked (demanded) from them.

I realize that you cannot see clearly because your head is placed so deep up your ass. But thank you for giving us all such a good laugh for the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

50-60% of the comments above are written by the same 2 or 3 people.

Anonymous said...

@5:35 is the same guy who keeps barking about the JFP.

Anonymous said...

I did not particularly care for Trump's comment about his Judge. Could not understand what prompted him to lash out at the Judge, until I realized he was talking about "La Raza", an organization of Hispanic Legals. This organization has donated a great deal of money to the Clinton Campaign. The Judge should recuse himself.

Trump is outspoken, opinionated, and candid. I am not upset with the idea of having a President who will take names and kick ass. When I think of "establishment" Republicans, I think of our former Senator Lott. Nothing like running for office then resigning and becoming a lobbist. Just not honorable to me.

Gary Johnson was Republican until he got on the weed bandwagon. Spoke at the Republlican gathering I attended. Considered himself the King of Vetos while Governor of New Mexico. Not really stable to me, but I'll have to admit he is an original, just not my kind of original.

Anonymous said...

4:26, has anyone ever told you that you are a PSYCHOPATH?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight.
Trump supporters who are justifiably disgusted with the way our system of government has been corrupted believe a man who participated in corrupting the system ( and politicians) by buying influence is the answer?
And, you are arguing that "kicking ass and taking names" will work on foreign leaders and Congress just like it would work on a playground or for a CEO who can hire and fire people?
Do you understand what a President can and cannot do? Do you not understand that some world leaders have more power within their governments than an American President?
Do you respond well and cooperate with those who insult you and threaten you? Are you people who cave in to bullies and trust those who lie to you ?
Do you trust those who aren't consistent and tell you something different every time you think you know what they believe or will do?
Are you likely to cooperate with someone who has sued you and refused to honor his contracts with you?
Pray tell me what workable map of success works for Trump?

Anonymous said...

2:32 --

More of your Trumptard logic: because I oppose him, I must be a commie who works at the JFP. You people are freaking retards.

Because I oppose a man who was a registered Democrat in 2012, I'm a liberal. Trump was a self-described liberal who supported gun bans.

You don't care. Because Trump is gonna get even with all the brown people and Jews who have rigged the game.


You should have been an abortion.

Anonymous said...

I love dolts like 8:12am...I am sure he feels that Trump and the people in his movement are rude, low class, uneducated rubes. Yet, he portrays the exact same low class characteristics that he claims to loathe.

Trump is here because the average, middle class, working man is sick of this shit. And no, you rich pricks are not middle class. Try having both spouses work 50 hours a week to bring home maybe $80k to $100k a year. Now try raising a family of 5 on that while trying to provide some sort of "good" life for your family. Those people don't give a shit anymore. They are sick of watching those above get richer and richer off of corrupt, rigged practices and those below get fat off of their hard earned dollars, while running around committing all sorts of immoral acts, deemed normal. And they are right for being pissed. The last 30 years has been a constantly waged battle against the true middle class, the people who have to make the hard decisions in life.

I just hope it doesn't ultimately end in bloodshed. History says that is where we are headed. Y'all better let a little pressure out of the pot before it explodes. Trump is a hope that the pressure will ease. I am afraid it will just delay the inevitable.

Anonymous said...

9:18, you are right. The people are tired of bought and paid for politicians. It should be easy to understand when a person gives millions of $ to get a certain person elected they expect to get their moneys worth. Trump has bought politicians. He knows the price for each politician. For some reason people think just because their favorite politician takes money from the very rich they are not going to repay it. Why do you think people buy politicians to begin with.

Take a good look at your politician. See if they have ever had a real job. See if they have spent all of their life on the govt. dole.
Check what your politician was worth before becoming a politician and compare it to what they are worth today. Some have become rich on a salary that is not that much. Have you ever given any thought to why that is?

Anonymous said...

I just hope it doesn't ultimately end in bloodshed. History says that is where we are headed. Y'all better let a little pressure out of the pot before it explodes. Trump is a hope that the pressure will ease. I am afraid it will just delay the inevitable.

Civil war is inevitable. Unchecked debt growth, a totally unrestrained invasion of illegal aliens, an establishment political class desperate to retain power, a consumption economy that is out-of-gas, attacks on freedom of speech and freedom of thought ... all the elements are aligning.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H Christ you Trumptards are insane. Bloodshed? What are you in the Fighting Keyboardist 101st?

Keep believing a billionaire who exploited the system for his own gain is going to actually fight for the middle class working stiff. And the tooth fairy will bring you all some factory jobs. That is rich.

Anonymous said...

9:18 --

Yep. Times are tough. What we need is a new type of leader. One who'll change libel laws to more easily attack his critics. A man who assures us his generals will commit war crimes at his bidding.

We need someone to fix blame where it belongs: on those dirty Mexicans and Jews.

Fuck the Constitution. You've never read it, and your cult leader shits on it every day.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who mentioned bloodshed and I am no Trump fan. I am just telling you what is happening...based on my own experiences, history, and human nature. It is idiots like you who make it inevitable (12:42pm). You overact and jump into the deep end with assumptions and insults. You are no different than those you attack. You don't listen to anyone and think you know it all. The middle class has been politely trying to tell people like you (the RINO's) to listen. They (you) have not. Their pain has increased and their way of life has decreased. It is uncomfortable now, but quickly headed to financial ruin for many if there is not a drastic change. Trump speaks to these people. He could be saying anything as long as it is a different course than what we have been on. You (and the political class) have not and will not listen. Eventually the masses will make you. And the masses aren't the ones we have watched make a mockery of civil society in their riots over the last few years. They are vocal, but a minuscule lot of hooligans compared to the average, normal working man and his families. The hubris it takes to think we are beyond mass violence as a country (or species) would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. We are not their yet, but the events we are seeing are good portents of the ever increasing danger.

Anonymous said...

Madame Defarge says,

12:08, 8:12,12:42, 1:01 - Charles Dickens...Tale of Two Cities lays it out pretty well. You would do well well to "read a book" as you like to say in your profanity laced rants above.

Just sitting here knitting.

Anonymous said...

9:18, there is no such thing as war crimes. That is something thought up by the life long politicians so they can continue selling arms to both sides. If it is a war nothing is illegal. You either kill or get killed. Anything less should be called playing instead of war.
Trump wants to keep out the people who do not come to the U.S. the legal way. Color, nationality has nothing to do with it. Come in legally or stay out. That is not so hard to understand unless you are one of those special people who does not have to work for a living.
Could you show where in the constitution it says the U.S. is supposed to support and protect the rest of the world?

Anonymous said...

9:18, there is no such thing as war crimes.

Intentionally killing non-combatants (e.g., family members of a terrorist) is most certainly illegal, whether your cult leader says otherwise or not.

Trump wants to keep out the people who do not come to the U.S. the legal way.

I'm against illegal immigration too, Cletus. I also see a problem with this would-be petty tyrant accusing an Indiana-born Federal judge of a conflict of interest for being "Mexican." It's crap that would happen in a banana republic.

Could you show where in the constitution it says the U.S. is supposed to support and protect the rest of the world?

You mean the part where it says treaties (like the one we signed to join NATO) have the force of law? Yes, I'll be glad to, since you've never bothered to read or study that document.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 (treaty power), in conjunction with Article VI, Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause.)

I encourage you to read these clauses....heck, read the whole Constitution.

hahahahahahahahaha! Just kidding. No way a Trumptard -- like his cult leader -- would ever bother to do such a thing; then you'd know what a fascist* your cult leader truly is.

You'd believe the guy if he told you he was Jesus Christ.

*"Fascism:" a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." -- Merriam-Webster

Anonymous said...

4:51, that is why we are involved in wars with so many different countries. Wars were not meant to have rules. People have war mixed up with games. If they would separate war from games we would not be in so many different countries fighting. In war you kill every enemy you possibly can, man, woman, or child. If you are not able and willing to do that you may as well play checkers. There isn't very much money in checkers. Politicians have to keep us involved in wars so the people who put them in office can make millions$ selling arms to both sides. If there wasn't so much money to be made by having a war there wouldn't be one. To make a war last the politicians, who have never fought or even served, have to make rules to make sure it isn't over quickly.
If you are a grown person and still do not know that you need to learn to read.
If you were educated you would have learned there isn't any such thing as Jesus Christ. Do you believe in Santa Claus and the easter bunny? How about the tooth fairy?

Anonymous said...

You may have just posted the most incoherent comment ever. Let's review.

You asked me this -- and it was a stupid, irrelevant question to begin with:

Could you show where in the constitution it says the U.S. is supposed to support and protect the rest of the world?

I responded thusly:

You mean the part where it says treaties (like the one we signed to join NATO) have the force of law? Yes, I'll be glad to, since you've never bothered to read or study that document.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 (treaty power), in conjunction with Article VI, Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause.)

You came back with this:

4:51, that is why we are involved in wars with so many different countries. Wars were not meant to have rules. People have war mixed up with games. If they would separate war from games we would not be in so many different countries fighting. In war you kill every enemy you possibly can, man, woman, or child. If you are not able and willing to do that you may as well play checkers.

I mean, what are you even trying to say? You're just...dumb. Like all the Trumptards. Remember when your Dear Leader said "I love the poorly educated?"

He meant you. You just string words together that make no sense. You ask stupid questions, get reasonable, factual responses, then type a bunch of retarded goo.

Say it: "I've never read the Constitution, because I've never given a shit about it or how government works. I'm just mad. And poorly educated."

Say it: "I don't understand what fascism is, even though you gave me the definition. I don't understand words, or abstract concepts, and can't be bothered to try."

Anonymous said...

7:35, how far did you get in school before they kicked you out for being older than the teacher? Probably around the 3rd-4th grade they try to teach you that fairy tales are not true. Do you remember that or were you taking your drivers license test?
Please tell us a little more about the tooth fairy.

Anonymous said...

I voluntarily stopped "schooling" after I got my law degree.

Say it: "I've never read the Constitution and never will. Because I'm a barely-functional retard."

You'll feel better.

Anonymous said...

11:04, news flash, the world is not flat. The world is not just 10,000 years old. Read a book.

Anonymous said...

11:04, news flash, the world is not flat. The world is not just 10,000 years old. Read a book.

Constitution's been a thing since 1787. Ever read it, Trumptard?

PhD, Rhodes Scholar said...

So... The poster (the little guy who stopped "schooling" after he got his law degree) at 12:08, 8:12, 12:42, 1:01:, 4:51 (+ more) says:

"I'm not a liberal. I worked 30 yrs for conservatives" ??
"you're a fool not worthy"
"you people"
"freaking retards"
"you should have had an abortion"
"Jesus H. Christ"
"F#*K" - - "$h*t"

Really... this little guy has a problem with Trump?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, dumbass. I have a problem with him and any moron who would vote for a fascist.

Like the other retard who's never read the Constitution and keeps changing the subject.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet little kid. Did you get that law degree in the 3rd or 4th grade? What color Crayola was it written in?

Anonymous said...

You've never read the Constitution. You don't care what it means. You don't know or care what this country was founded on or stands for. You know nothing of the rule of law. You have assertively avoided any engagement on the actual policies and issues.

Because you're in the cult of personality.

When challenged on policy/law/Constitutional issues, your retort is to say I (a) didn't make it out of grade school; (b) am a liberal; and/or (c) believe in fairy tales like the Judeo-Christian God.

I guess you've got know, you're RIGHT.

Anonymous said...

I'm holding my nose, voting for Trump and loading up on ammo for my AR nd Glock. Hillary was bought and paid for a long time ago. I'm so damn old it can't have much effect on me but what we as a country have become scares the hell out of me for my children and grandchildren .

Anonymous said...

Think about this:

In a week when the STATE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR GENERAL issued a scathing report against Hillary, Donald Trump decided to unilaterally attack a Federal judge on ethnic grounds.

This is the person you white trash retards have nominated.....because you're angry. I was a Chris McDaniel guy. If Noel Fritch had been thrown in a lake last March, Chris would be in the Senate now. I really believe that. I hate the GOP establishment and everything it stands for, like Thad Cochran, and the real Senator, Kay Webber Cochran.

But sweet Lord, Trump is the death of the Republican party. It didn't have to be that way.

We're gonna lose the Senate bad. We may lose the House. Reluctant surrogates are chiding him now. I think we're dead. Maybe we had it coming.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to think about 10:58 as your comment is only the same, and latest, regurgitation of what has been regurgitated here before. If all that you predict will be lost is lost it won't be the result of "white trash retards".

Anonymous said...

"...death of the Republican party."

And you think that's accidental?

You should've been hollering less and observing more throughout this runoff and you'd know voters care less for the Republican party you've worked for 30 years.

Anonymous said...

There isn't any difference in a republican and a democrat politician. I can understand how a child might not notice this but find it hard to believe an adult would not have learned this just by watching them in action.
This year the citizens have shown they have had enough of the same things over and over. Trump may not be the answer but we know for sure Hillary isn't. We only have two choices. We can vote for the life long politician and get the same thing we have had shoved down our throats for many years or try something new. What could Trump possibly do that the politicians have not already done to the U.S. We would rather have the unknown rather than what we have had for so long.

Anonymous said...

Trump is more qualified for office than the Kenyan was in 2008.

Anonymous said...

Trump is more qualified than the Kenyan is today.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS