Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Live-blogging the election tonight. Lott & Overby in runoff. .

Note: 4 Hinds boxes won't be counted until in the morning. 16 Rankin boxes still out. Rankin will count tonight. See bottom of post for more details.

This is the election night thread. I don't expect any results to start appearing until after 8:00. This will be fun.

1st Rankin box.
Thad 503
CM: 407
Carey: 7

However, AP is showing w/2 precincts:
 Thad: 57/27%
Chris: 153/71%
Carey: 5/2%

6 precincts in: 
Thad:  220/40%
Chris: 319/58%
Carey: 13/2%

16 precincts (1%):
Thad: 483/54%
Chris: 400/45%
Carey: 13/1%

23 precincts (1%):
Thad: 806/54%
Chris: 665/45%
Carey: 16/1%

3 precincts (7%):
Ford: 57/43%
Overby: 28/21%
Lott: 47/35%

Thad: 59/43%
Chris: 78/57%
Carey: 0

30 precincts (2%):
Thad: 1,378/54%
Chris: 1,131/45%
Carey: 26/1%

Sun-Herald just tweeted that votes in Hancock County were learning towards Thad. Hattiesburg Post tweets: With 2 precincts in Forrest Co. Cochran leads McDaniel 110-47. Thomas Carey has one vote.

54 Precincts (3%):
Thad: 2,663/51%
Chris: 2,472/48%
Carey: 66/1%

I predicted on radio last Wednesday Thad would win by 10 points. I thought the race started shifting Friday. Today I predicted Thad would win by 3 but Chris could win. 


11 precincts (26%):
Ford: 80/40%
Lott: 74/38%
Overby: 44/22%

Thad: 92/45%
Chris: 111/54%
Carey: 1/.50%

McDaniel doing well in Madison County will be huge if it holds up.

62 Precincts (3%):
Thad: 3,105/52%
Chris: 2,768/42%
Carey: 70/1%

From Twitter:  Lee County 11 of 38 precincts Cochran 773 McDaniel 766
Henry Barbour just tweeted:  Cochran 385 mcdan 77 Results from hinds 9 belhaven
 From Christina Steube:12.9% of precincts reporting in Jackson County. Senate: Cochran- 54%, McDaniel - 43%  KF: Jackson County should be a strong point for Thad. 

97 Precincts (5%):
Thad: 5,214/52%
Chris: 4,582/48%
Carey: 181/2%

Henry: Early Reports on DeSoto good for McDaniel. He needs that

18 precincts (43%)
Ford: 181/33%
Lott: 224/39%
Overby: 161/28%

Thad: 333/56%
Chris: 257/43%
Carey: 3/.5%

Thad supporters probably breathing a little easier.

155 Precincts (8%)
Thad: 8,584/53%
Chris: 7,242/45%
Carey: 258/2%

 David Breland: 8 of 35 precincts reporting. In Cochran leads McDaniel 609-500. Palazzo leads Taylor 563-49
Jeff Amy:  . has a narrow majority against with 11 percent of vote in. But no votes yet from Lamar or Jones counties.

Wow, stunned RT Taylor is leading 64/30 in Palazzo's home of Harrison. Very bad sign for incumbent.
Henry:  Thad needs to win essentially every rural county outside Pine Belt with about 52-56%

 21 Precincts (50%)
Ford: 563/26%
Lott: 773/36%
Overby: 800/37%

Thad: 1,249/57%
Chris: 943/43%
Carey: 14/.6%

Yes. We got Criminal Minds.

207 precincts (11%)
Thad: 10,922/53%
Chris: 9,509/46%
Carey: 351/2%

David Breland:  11 of 35 precincts reporting in for co. In Cochran leads McDaniel 855-639. Palazzo leads Taylor 721-719.
  13m It's clear that McDaniel's Katrina abandonment cost him dearly on the coast. (KF note: ya think?)
4m Half the precincts have been reported and only 3.65 percent of registered voters have cast a ballot. Waiting on some big boxes.
  35s But says "You get ready. We are about to send some shock waves."
  1m . reports that Gene Taylor has 60 percent of vote so far in Congress race, with 20 of 60 precincts reporting (KF note: won't bother me is Mrs. Palazzo loses this race.). 
6m Wait. 20 boxes now counted. Taylor 3,043 Palazzo 1,438. Cochran 2,656 McDaniel 1,855. That's from Harrison County only

377 Precincts (21%)
Thad: 21,872/50%
Chris: 21,516/49%
Carey: 714/2%

Its tight. Looooooooong way to go.

  8m Cochran's winning the three counties right on the Gulf but McDaniel winning two bordering ones.
  2m Cochran 49.6%, McDaniel 48.8% with 20.6% reporting in Miss. GOP Senate primary.
 David Breland: 15 of 35 reporting in . In McDaniel leads Cochran 1537-1353. Thomas Carey has 48 votes. Palazzo leads Taylor 1538-1161 OMAHA
Henry:  3m Alcon at 53/47. Ok for Thad
  11m Gene Taylor leading 4th District incumbent Steven Palazzo 51 to 44 percent with 43 of 359 precincts reporting.
  5m Only 1/3 of precincts from Harrison and Jackson counties on coast. Cochran leading with 55 percent. Would have thought more.
  6m Simpson- 12 out of 23 precincts. Thad 644. Chris 563. Thad need these rural counties.
  1m Gene Taylor has a narrow lead over Palazzo in Stone County, reports Margaret Baker via Twitter. Check hashtag for more details.
  5m Palazzo 48.5%, Taylor 45.6% with 24.8% reporting in Miss 4th District GOP House primary.

28 Precincts (67%)
Ford: 966/28%
Lott: 1,236/38.5%
Overby: 1,140/33%

Thad: 1966/55%
Chris: 1,560/44%
Carey: 24/.68%

Looks like Lott and Overby in runoff. Ford needs some help.

  now No votes in from Rankin County yet in McDaniel-Cochran race, but McDaniel is romping in DeSoto with 25 percent in.
Lauren Walk: 4,701 (63%) for , 2,303 (31%) for , 313 (4%) for in with 30/60 precincts reporting.
  2m 13 of 25 precincts in Hancock County: with 69.90% of the vote and with 24.60%

571 Precincts/31%
Thad 35,972/49%
Chris: 36,083/49%
Carey: 1,187/2%

29s 26% of precincts reporting in critical DeSoto County. stomping there. Exceedingly close statewide.
Henry:  4 precincts in rankin and Thad's winning by 80. About a 1000 votes
Dave Wasserman:  Taylor & Palazzo separated by just 88 votes out of 26k in . At this point, a runoff looks very possible.
David Breland:  21/35 precincts in in Co in Rep primary McDaniel leads Cochran 2085-1884. 4th CD Palazzo leads Taylor 2085-1625
Sam Hall:  We now have some DeSoto results. 25 percent reporting. McDaniel 62.3 percent. Cochran 36.2 percent.


31 Precinct/64%
Ford: 1,662/24%
Lott: 2,766/40%
Overby: 2,472/36%

Thad: 4,244/60%
Chris: 2,894/40%
Carey: 41/.06%


 Carey 20/1.22
Thad: 858/52.38
Chris: 757/46.21

7% in:
Thad: 1,545
Chris: 1,398

791 Precincts (41%)
Thad: 54,174/51%
Chris: 50,169/47%
Corey: 1,780/2%

No shocker at Corey.  Many people said they wanted to vote but were disgusted by the two campaigns.

Palazzo: 15,841/47%
Taylor:  15,574/46%

Henry:  Harrison. Strong for Thad. 6386. 4588. For Thad. It's a must
Dustin Barnes:  The mood is turning to celebratory here in Hattiesburg, but I'm not sure they've seen the latest numbers. Still beyond close
  3m With 46% of precincts reporting, has 3,522-vote lead over . That's 50.7% for Cochran. Too close to call now.
WLOX:   40 of 60 boxes counted in Harrison County. Taylor leads 7163-3718. Cochran up 6386-4588. Numbers much closer around the state
Sam Hall:  More DeSoto numbers. 46 percent reporting. McDaniel leads 62.2 to 36.4 percent. Not going the way Cochran camp expected.
Dustin Barnes:  McDaniel 52% in Attala: 71% in Jasper. Smith County hasn't been called yet. My mistake


19 Precincts (86%, 3 left)
Ford: 2,487/25%
Lott: 3,894/40%
Overby: 3,319/34%

Thad: 6,065/60%
Chris: 4,002/39%
Carey: 65/.64%


Thad: 1,820/50.32%
Chris: 1,747/48.30%
Carey: 44/1.22%

909 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 50%
Thad: 63,813/50%
Chris:  60,839/48%
Carey:  2,194/2%

21 Precincts (96% 1 left)
Ford: 3,134/24%
Lott: 5,386/42%
Overby: 4,318/34%

Thad: 8,192/61%
Chris: 5,148/38%
Carey: 78/.6%

If Thad wins, he owes a big thanks to Madison County. Period.

1075 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 59%
Thad:  82,073/51%
Chris:  76,669/47%
Carey:  2,828/2%

 207 of 359 Precincts Reporting - 58%
Taylor:  23,834/47%
Palazzo:  23,328/46%

Thad starting to open a lead. roughly 5,400 votes now. 

11,254 (60%) for and 6,342 (34%) for in with 50/60 precincts reporting
Henry:  Lowndes. Thad 3081. McDaniel 2104. Outperforming and needed
 Sun-Herald: 93% of precincts reporting in Jackson County. Senate: Cochran- 46%, McDaniel- 50%. Congress: Taylor-46 %, Palazzo-47 %
David Breland:  32 of 35 precincts reporting in . Rep primary McDaniel leads Cochran 4792-3937. 4thCD Palazzo leads Taylor 4894-3363
Dark Horse:  Both MS04 and close enough that establishment are panicking a bit.
Henry:  Delta outperforming and making up for underperforming in Pearl River


100% in.
Lott: 5,720/40%
Overby: 5,058/35%
Ford: 3,430/24%


29/31 Precincts:
Thad: 7,052
Chris: 7,671

This is huge.

 1218 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 66%
Thad:  95,502/50%
Chris:  91,193/48%
Carey:  3,200/2%

251 of 359 Precincts Reporting - 70%
Palazzo:  32,302/47%
Taylor:  32,188/47%

David Breland:  All precincts reporting in co. In Rep. primary McDaniel leads Cochran 5047-4104. In 4thCD Palazzo leads Taylor 5140-3514
Sun-Herald:  takes Hancock County by storm with 65.17 percent of the vote there.
MadCoJournal:  in all, 17,595 machine ballots were cast, 21.56% of registered voters. Of that, 14,841 were Republican votes
Margaret Baker:  1,174 for and 2,157 for in George County with all 22 precincts reporting
 9:06 p.m. halfway through Desoto County count -- considered one of the battleground counties -- and McDaniel is leading with 62 percent.
 Hometown pulling through! RT: Lincoln. Final. Thad 2223. McDaniel 1848. Good for Thad
Desoto County Reform:  38 of 39 Precincts in and Chris 63.03%!!!!!

 1266 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 69%
Thad:  99,549/50%
Chris:  94,314/48%
Carey:  3,314/2%

 255 of 359 Precincts Reporting - 71%
Palazzo:  33,078/47%
Taylor:  32,489/46%


Carey 118/1.06
Thad 5,502/49.30
Chris 5,520/49.46
1316 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 72%
Thad:  102,845/50%
Chris: 98,441/48% 
Carey: 3,410/2% 
266 of 359 Precincts Reporting - 74%
Palazzo:  34,394/48%
Taylor:  32,995/46%
Sam Hall:  McDaniel maintaining strong lead in DeSoto County. 62.4 to 36.3 percent with 85 percent reporting.
EWP:  With 75% of precincts reporting statewide,   at 50.3% over . Still too close to call.
Sam Hall: Lauderdale County results with 73 percent reporting. Cochran up 50.9 to 48.3 percent. Much closer than I thought
 Jackson County Thad. 7052. Mcdaniel 7671.  Hancock final Thad. 3453. Mcdaniel 3111   Both from Coast.
1407 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 77%
Chris: 113,416/50% 
Thad: 111,457/49%
Carey: 3,638/2%
Thad: 6,343
Chris: 6,401
1457 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 80%
Thad:  114,661/49%
Chris: 118,020/50%
Carey:  3,697/2%
McDaniel with a 3,500 vote lead with 20% to go. Wow.  Damn. Just damn (That was for you, S-GOP)
If someone had told me McDaniel would win Desoto by that margin and he would be ahead in Rankin, I would not have believed it. Thank you Uncle Miltie.  People are getting tired of you.
 1487 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 81%
Chris: 121,294/50%
Thad: 117,262/48%
Carey:  3,779/2%
 303 of 359 Precincts Reporting - 84%
Palazzo: 43,220/50% 
Taylor:  36,945/43%
Rats. A T-P runoff would have been fun. 
Pender:  Total GOP turnout was about 252,000, mediocre 
Hall:  Warren County starting to come in. 32 percent reporting and it's a dead heat with McDaniel up by 8 votes
Stuebe: 100% of precincts reporting in Jackson County. Senate: Cochran- 47%, McDaniel- 49%. Congress: Taylor-48%, Palazzo-45% (KF note: McDaniel carried Jackson? Wow. )
Hall: Pontotoc, Benton, Warren still out. Lauderdale closer than expected but trending toward Cochran. Closer than I earlier though

1547 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 84%
Chris: 127,93/50%
Thad: 123,399/48%
Carey: 4,028/2%

1558 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 85%
Chris: 129,277/50%
Thad: 124,125/48%
Carey: 4,075/2%

1587 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 87%
Chris: 132,206/50%
Thad: 128,106/48%
Carey: 4,291/2%

1593 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 87%
Chris: 132,844/50%
Thad: 128,796/48%
Carey: 4,317/2%

4,048 difference. Billy Mounger right behind Bert.

1595 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 87%
Chris: 133,133/50%
Thad: 129,119/48%
Carey: 4,322/2%

1605 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 88%
Chris: 133,334/50%
Thad: 129,511/48%
Carey: 4,326/2%

1625 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 89%
Chris: 136,004/50%
Thad: 132,300/49%
Carey: 4,392/2%

1674 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 91%
Chris: 139,090/50%
Thad: 136,064/49%
Carey: 4,477/2%

1678 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 92%
Chris: 139,446/50%
Thad: 136,579/49%
Carey: 4,481/2%

1683 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 92%
Chris: 139,680/50%
Thad: 136,848/49%
Carey: 4,485/2%

1694 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 92%
Chris: 141,244/50%
Thad: 138,110/49%
Carey: 4,548/2%

1705 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 93%
Chris: 141,356/50%
Thad: 138,271/49%
Carey: 4,548/2%

1706 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 93%
Chris: 141,366/50%
Thad: 138,280/49%
Carey: 4,549/2%

1732 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 95%

Chris McDaniel (R) 143,762/49%
Thad Cochran (R) 142,407/49%
Thomas Carey (R) 4,582/2%

1739 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 95%
Chris: 144,068/49%
Thad: 142,772/49%
Carey: 4,587/2%

16 boxes are out in Rankin.

1748 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 95%
Chris: 144,477/49%
Thad: 143,071/49%
Carey: 4,593/2%

4 Hinds County boxes won't be counted until in the morning. Clinton 2, Learned, Precinct 56 (Fire Station on Livingston Road), Chapel Hill.

Chris: 144,851/49%
Thad: 143,495/49%
Carey: 4,605/2%

1762 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 96%
Chris: 146,048/49%
Thad: 144,775/49%
Carey: 4,62/2%

1768 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 97%
Chris: 146,913/49%
Thad: 145,424/49%
Carey: 4,643/2%

1775 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 97%
Chris: 147,451/49%
Thad: 146,071/49%
Carey: 4,655/2%

1794 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 98%
Chris: 149,347/50%
Thad: 146,835/49%
Carey: 4,700/2%


16 boxes out. Castlewoods, Castlewoods West, Liberty Baptist, Reservoir East, Northshore, Oakdale are some of those outstanding. Big boxes.
Carey: 4,700/2%

1795 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 98%

Chris: 149,444/50%
Thad: 146,916/49%
Carey: 4,701 2%

1803 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 98%
Chris:  150,660/50%
Thad:  148,179/49%
Carey:  4,726/2%

1823 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 99%
Chris:  151,842/50%
Thad:  149,714/49%
Carey:  4,749/2%


Anonymous said...

Thad is in trouble if he cannot win Rankin County. Maybe the box was in Puckett

Anonymous said...

keep em coming, kf. this is quicker than another site i've got up.

Anonymous said...

Interesting? Yes. Fun? Only if you're a democrat.

Anonymous said...

The point spread on this deal is Thad -5.5%.

Just me said...

Belhaven had the highest Republican vote I have ever seen at 5 and a low Democratic. Hear Ocean Springs came out hard in the Republican Primary

Anonymous said...

They all love adulterers in Belhaven.

Anonymous said...

newt gingrich would have been a belhaven god then...

Anonymous said...

um, I wonder who Kay Webber voted for?

Anonymous said...

Belhaven ... swinger capital of MS? Woulda guessed Fondren.

Anonymous said...

All this adultery talk has me wondering: Is Sojourner going to remain on McDaniel's "staff" if he wins?

Anonymous said...

571 of 1,832 precincts reporting (31.2%)
Chris McDaniel
Thad Cochran
Thomas Carey

Anonymous said...

I just saw 45% reporting Thad was ahead by 3%, (not 5.5) but 3% is not too bad. This thing may go down to the wire.

Anonymous said...

I'm on page one!


Anonymous said...

WLBT is reporting 49% Thad is up by 3%.

Anonymous said...

Oh the differences at the two campaign headquarters. The rich and snooty compared to the Bar B Que crowd

Anonymous said...

I was thinking how the hell does Thad not win Jackson County, but perhaps Moss Point is voting for McDaniel? #easierforChilders

Anonymous said...

Not seeing McD overcoming this deficit. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Please don't give us 3 more weeks of this....

Anonymous said...

McDaniel won by 10,000 votes in Jones County! WTF!

Anonymous said...

WOW What a race

Anonymous said...

All those Federal dollars leaving MissIssippi never
to come back. Sure hope the everybody realizes the
we are moving to the back of the line.

Anonymous said...

9:44 - these are mouth- breathers who think Billy Joe Landrum is an excellent judge.

Anonymous said...

If the choice is a McDaniel win or there more weeks for a runoff, sign me up for the runoff.

stilettoGOP said...

YESSSSSS! I gotta "Damn".

Anonymous said...

Thad moves home to Madison now.

Anonymous said...

Jones may prove me wrong!

Pappy Odaniel said...

Time for Henry Barbour to go all Karl Rove and start tweeting that Thad's path to victory is in Iuka...

Anonymous said...

C. McDaniel 49.8% 136,648

T. Cochran (i) 48.6% 133,198

T. Carey 1.6% 4,418

89.4% reporting

Anonymous said...

Please excuse me for asking this. To move to the November ballot is a majority if votes needed or at least 50 percent of total cast? What triggers a runoff between Thad and Chris?

Anonymous said...

9:44, How has BJL stayed one step ahead of the handcuffs all these years?

Anonymous said...

10:17- if no majority today, there will be a runoff between top 2.

Anonymous said...

Time to start considering the Democratic candidate.

Anonymous said...

Precinct #1706 had 20 votes? Oh brother.

Anonymous said...

Thad just sent someone to Walgreens for another case of Depends.

Anonymous said...

10:31 - what constitutes a majority? 51% plus winning by more than 5%? I honestly don't know.

Anonymous said...

The power of kingfish! Had this site never brought attention to the third candidate that nobody heard of, less people would have voted for him and we would not have to endure more weeks of this!

Anonymous said...

@10:53, it's 50% + 1 vote. Or, in this case, if #1 has more votes than #s 2 & 3 combined.

Anonymous said...

@10:53: "Majority" is 50 percent plus one vote.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess we'd better get ready for a lot more unemployed right-wing activists who have co-opted a movement that was once a good idea to descend on our fair state for the next three weeks.

Anonymous said...

Winner has to get 50% plus 1.

With 95.4% in

McDaniel 49.4% 144,851
Cochran 49.0% 143,495
Carey 1.6% 4,605

Anonymous said...

When will they call the race? Before the 4 boxes are counted or after? Are all of Rankin county votes in?

Anonymous said...

Chris to the Devil: But you said I would win on election day!
Devil: Your contract says you would get the most votes. That's what you asked for. You're getting that.
I'll keep your room warm for you down here...get it? WARM?!?

Anonymous said...

KF, are you hearing any thoughts on who absentee ballots are likely to favor?

Anonymous said...

So Harper speaks for Cochran. Handlers afraid to let the senator speak, or was he already in bed?

Anonymous said...

With 96% in, Cochran is leading in 50 Counties, McDaniel 30 and 2 have not reported. McDaniel won the 3 Pine Belt Counties of Jones, Forrest and Lamar with roughly 22k-10k votes, getting 85% of the vote in his home county of Jones and, 58% in Lamar and 54% in Forrest.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Taylor's Coast voters got Thad into a runoff and McDaniel's Jones County voters kept Palazzo out of one.

Anonymous said...

Did Rankin County take pointers from Hattiesburg on how to count ballots?

someoneinnorthms said...

Absentee ballots should be counted tonight, if Mississippi law is followed. Affidavit ballots will most likely be reviewed tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe they sent Harper out to speak for Cochran. That looks so, so bad, and they have to know that. How bad is Cochran's condition really if they have to do this on election night?

Anonymous said...

The turnout for this primary is pretty close to the 2011 state primary. 289,000 voted in that primary, thus far 301,000 today. In 2011, roughly 32,000 voted in Rankin so far, about 16,500 with those 16 boxes out. A big driver of the 2011 turnout was Rankin County residents Bryant and Reeves on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying absentee ballots are already in the numbers reported tonight, or they will be counted separately tonight?

Anonymous said...

C. McDaniel 49.6% 149,444

T. Cochran (i) 48.8% 146,916

T. Carey 1.6% 4,701

98% in

Jeremy Malone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
someoneinnorthms said...

According to state law, and assuming it was actually counted, the totals announced tonight include absentee ballits. They are NOT to be counted separately. Affidavit ballots must be examined separately though.

Anonymous said...

What are affidavit ballots used for? Should there be many of them statewide, i.e., enough to get someone to 50%+1 give the number of ballots cast?

Jeremy Malone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

To Queen without anything. How can the State of Mississippi DECLINE when we are LAST IN EVERYTHING NOW. If he were a football coach and the team was last in your conference every year for 41 years, would you continue to keep him. Huuumm!

Anonymous said...

Queen: Why wait ninety days. Move YO pudgy ass now! And take the other Queen, Tom Head, with you. Bye now...

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe they sent Harper out to speak for Cochran.

It has been a campaign of proxies all along. They won't let him leave on his own terms. They'll prop him up if necessary to make him look viable. The notion that he can physically serve another 6 years is shattered. If the Repubs could get away with letting Thad call it in with grunts and slurred speech like Doug Anderson they'd do that too. Pathetic what they've put him through in order to not allow the election be for an open seat. The incumbent club has torn this state apart.

Anonymous said...

Dear Queen,

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Anonymous said...

6:00a.....EXACTLY! and i am as disappointed in Gregg Harper just as much as Thad...will never vote for either again

Jeremy Malone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pawn To Your Queen said...

Queenie threatening to leave Mississippi is about as relevant as Bill Maher threatening to leave the U.S. Why not a hunger strike or sitting on the capitol steps until it freezes? Pull your finger out of a bucket of water and that's the difference either would make.

Anonymous said...

Thad's campaign has been the political equivalent of "Weekend at Bernies". They have propped him up and pushed him through for their own reasons. A man who does not or can not take to the podium on election night to speak to his supporters needs to not be a consideration. Hell, just send Greg Harper if Thad pulls it out. Really kinda sad that he was not allowed to retire on his own. The Cochran camp better be glad CM stumbled so many times and had real dumb people running his show or we would not be talking runoff.

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah. That means I will get the R-O-N-N-Y L-O-..TT robocall at least one more time!

Anonymous said...

This Queenie oddball sure tries extra hard to be funny. Some folks will write or say anything to get attention. I only wish she wouldn't include her photo with her posts.
Queenie is obviously extremely overweight with high blood pressure. Not a pleasant sight to see someone do that to themselves. Get a grip, Queenie! Were you there to smell Senator Byrd's urine or did you just read that somewhere and think that would be cool to write about someday?
Just think, when you get to Georgia you can start calling yourself Queenie, the peach queen without a country and/or anyone who gives a hoot)!
Bye Bye, now!

Jeremy Malone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Don't you just love anonymous bullies ... said the anonymous bully.

Anonymous said...

McQueenie wrote: "Apparently the tea party has never met Hailey Barbour. He doesn't do loosing. Just wait the other shoe will drop in the nursing home scandal. We will see who's laughing on the 25th"

Haley(not Hailey)doesn't do LOOSING? Lost me there. Did you mean losing? Not very educated are you, McQueenie.
Would that be a LOOSED urine soaked shoe DROPPING in the nursing home? Haley must have done some LOOSING on someone's shoe.
Be sure to give us your "inside" info on the laughing before it starts. You are a trip! Take one!

Anonymous said...

What does Billy Joe Landrum have to do with all of this?

Anonymous said...

Ronny Lott, Thanks for proving Madison County can be bought for the low low price of selling your soul to the devil and engaging in disgusting smear tactics.

Anonymous said...

Tune in on June 25th when Ronny Lott enters the Madison County Courthouse with a key.

Anonymous said...

Tune in Tuesday June 10th when Madison County Tea Party announces they are not endorsing David Overby because of his record of recommending tax increases!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS