Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chris Mcdaniel needs your help (Updated)

The Chris McDaniel campaign issued this call to arms last night:


Thank you for all your help. You've done some amazing things.

On June 3rd we won the popular vote. On June 24th we won the Republican primary election.

As you might have heard, we're not quite done. We are in the process of trying to ensure a fair and accurate election took place on Tuesday.
And we need your help.

To get involved, just email and we’ll get back in touch with you quickly.
To make this happen as quicklyas possible, we need to know
  1. NAME
Our team will then direct you on what you can do to help us in this battle to ensure the integrity of our election process here in Mississippi.
After you email us at, someone from the campaign will plug you in and arm you with the tools you need to be successful in helping this important endeavor.
Thank you so much for your strong support. This battle is too important to walk away from. Let’s push forward.

or in other words:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that

Anonymous said...

So he wants any random people who contact him to have access to our voting records?
The sanctity of the voting " booth" is nothing to him?
If there is to be some examination it needs to be unbiased. And, if there is no entity trustworthy as the TPs seem to believe, then it's got to be one of Cochran's people for every one of McDaniel's people.

I did NOT like the scene on TV of Barbara Dunn being overwhelmed by McDaniel's mob!

And, I don't trust the McDaniel's people not to tamper with the books!

Imagine the havoc if they were to show up with Sharpie's and start marking through names!

Delbert and the Election Commission needs to step up and take some control!

Anonymous said...

6:59 What are you so afraid of that causes you to make such rude comments?
Maybe that the voter fraud might get the election overturned?
Why is Delbert telling the circuit clerks to violate the law by refusing to show the voter roll books?
Why is Phil demanding that the election be certified before the 10 day challenge period is over?
Why is Joe claiming that the irregularities that McDaniel uncovered are just errors?
These questions need to be answered or the Mississippi Republican party will be weakened to the point that it will once again become an insignificant joke. I can remember when a Republican could not get elected to anything in Mississippi and I would hate to see that happen again.
Wake up, Haley and Phil, et al.
The ball is in your court!

Anonymous said...

I think we need to have Mary Hawkins and Dale Danks to review all the votes. They surely will be honest and honorable. They reputation precedes them.

Anonymous said...

I did not vote for McDaniel. I now wish I have voted for him. The Cochran campaign funded ads claiming McDaniel has Ku Klux Klan ties. You can listen to the actual ads on a link in the article.

Slimeball Henry Barbour admitted the Cochran campaign funded the group that produced the ads but he didn't know the content would be this despicable. Lois Lerner's tales are easier to believe than that.
I plan to vote Democrat before I vote for another RINO. Travis Childers? Sign me up. I want a vote that I can feel ethical about.
I am still no McDaniel fan, but the Cochran group is repugnant.

Avery Wiseman said...

It's fascinating to watch this pathological narcissist play to the fears of paranoid conspiracy theorists and, at the same time, the narrative that egomaniacs with nationwide audiences want to tell. Tom Wolfe could write a helluva novel about this as a snapshot of our modern-day politics.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem @7:22 AM..Delbert won't step "and take control".

Anonymous said...

This looks like a last gasp. My feeling is he is losing steam since the national talk shows have turn their attention elsewhere. My prediction is by Wednesday he issues a release saying he won but the election was rigged. Because the fraud is so deep he has decided to stop looking and just go on a talk show pity party your. He will never concede and never stop pouting.

Won't a well run campaign issued that press release at noon on Wednesday?

Anonymous said...

I love how these RWNJs talk out of both sides of their mouths. They spew vitriol for "RINOs" in so many of their posts, but run on the Republican ticket. Why not be honest & run as independents?

Anonymous said...

I love how these RWNJs talk out of both sides of their mouths. They spew vitriol for "RINOs" in so many of their posts, but run on the Republican ticket. Why not be honest & run as independents?

Anonymous said...

Will these/this idiots just go away.

Anonymous said...

McDaniel was just on Fox and friends stating that stated Democratic official stated that they were asked to engage in election fraud by GOP in Hinds county. Names already published in article at Brietbart. Why is that not news to media here? Why would the GOP want to suppress evidence of election fraud and why would any decent person want them to.? Are the Democrats tea bagging conspiracy theorists, too?

Anonymous said...

Take control of what8:07? A bunch of crybaby, classless sore losers throwing a temper tantrum because they can't have their way? Single minded narcisist, throw the baby out with the bath water creeps? Control what. You TP's need to control your male Sarah Palin so he will cease making a fool of himself.

Anonymous said...

I guess McInnis is lying saying Perry and Connie Cochran asked him to help them cheat in Hinds County? He is aDemocrat, not a McDaniel supporter. Keep having angry, name calling tantrums. The truth is coming out.

Anonymous said...

I think crazy is the word for these MsDaniel Jihadist. I am sure they stay up at night to look for black helicopters but I voted for Thad mainly becauseI belive McDaniels and his core group of followers are nut jobs. He is nothing more than a well dressed Dixiecrat who wants to drag Mississippi into the bunker with his supporters.

Anonymous said...

ja wohl, mein Fuhrer

Anonymous said...

Do they really think the election is going to get overturned and McDaniel is going to become a senator? If the fix was, in fact, "in", which it wasn't, then why wouldn't the fix still be in now? Why do they possibly think they would have any chance against the machine they are fighting?

Anonymous said...

Of course Ricky Cole is saying that Cochran coordinated with him. He has two purposes; first to harm the Republican Party and secondly to hurt voter I.D. Before this is over, the Democrat Party will allege that these issue were a result of voter i.d., although there is no evidence of it. This is their goal, to show that voter id is racist and McDaniel is playing right into their hands.

Anonymous said...

What about the Democrats who voted for HIM figuring he would be an easier mark for Childers? Haven't heard him lamenting about that.

Anonymous said...

June 28, 2014 at 8:37 AM = felt a wonderful rush of self-importance

Anonymous said...

Well stated @ June 28, 2014 at 8:37 AM

Delbert's letter is merely to RUN OUT the CLOCK and dub (certify) Cochran the winner even though he lost the race! Chris is racing against time to find voter fraud. From June 04th, Chris has only 10 days at MOST to concede or proceed with legal action. So who is Delbert fooling? Not the MS Republican Grass Roots!

I'll so far as to state on record Chris won the June 03 Primary and the June 24th Run-off. They (MS GOP Establishment) are peeved that he has the courage to check behind them, verifying the votes. Power to him for it. It's his right.

Expose all the GOP crooks, cronies and corruption, McDaniel, I say!

These two races have much dirt to be uncovered. I see even Delbert is now fearing the repercussions from the shenanigans, thanks to this letter! No wonder Charles Johnson tweeted what he tweeted! I get it due to the race for the 10 day certification and so does KF!

Nothing like some SUNLIGHT to shed truth on the stealing of the two races from McDaniel. However, they (MSGOPe) want to run the clock out so Thad can be certified declaring him the legal winner while Mississippi is the loser once again!

By the way, to prove me wrong that Chris didn't win both elections, let's have a Bush-Gore 2000 style counting of the VOTES and ABSENTEES. McDaniel will be proven the winner, I guarantee you! Betcha not a single MS GOP establishment politician would dare go there! That sunlight would be disinfectant on all their corruption and the roaches would scatter!

Any MSGOP establishment politicians willing to speak out to get this ball rolling to prove me wrong??

*Crickets* ?

Anonymous said...

Narcissist and sore loser. Heil Chris.

Anonymous said...

You would think after a man he used for political gain shot himself, he'd shut up and take his family to some beach for a week or two. But no, he is sucked in by greed. If not shut up for a few weeks, tone it down for a day or two out of respect. Chris McDaniel is only worried about himself.

Anonymous said...

How many elections have been turned over electing a U S Senator, Representive, Governor, President, damn dog catcher can you name? 0. This ain't going anywhere and one thing I am learning as a conservative who believed in some parts of the Tea Party . You people are nuts and I will never give another dime to that cause . McDaniel is a spoiled losing candidate. Who says someone cannot vote to keep someone from being elected? I heard on June 3 in Desoto County Dems were voting for McDaniel to help Childers. Grow up, he lost.

Anonymous said...

The guy can't stand that his 15 minutes is up. Anything to extend. What a Putz!

Kingfish said...

Claude McGinnis? Lying? Surely you jest.

As for Delbert, he has not done anything but spell out the law. Show one statute, case, or AG opinion that disputes his email.

Anonymous said...

Who would hire McDaniel as their attorney now ?

Anonymous said...

The State Executive party of the GOP will certify election results early next week.

I have a thought for y'all, put the same energy into defeating democrats. You will have better results.

Anonymous said...

9:28am must have been in Whitfield during the Bush-Gore race. The Florida recount wasn't completed. Harris certified the vote for Bush. The Florida Supreme Court said " recount" but Supreme Court ruled " no recount" and Gore didn't get on TV and whine but rather let the legal process go on and then concede with grace.

See? This is why so many people think the Tea Party either crazy or stupid and certainly have no doubt you are sore losers.
You just don't get the facts right. You believe only what you want to believe and accept information from biased sources and even if it's shown that your sources lied to you, you don't believe it and change the subject .
And, to wind things up, you challenge others to prove a negative. It's up to YOU to prove that the election was not fairly held within the laws of the state. It's like asking me to prove there's no life on other planets! I can only cite there's no current EVIDENCE to prove it!

And, again, during this age of cell phones with video and photo capability, where's the evidence? You can't photograph any poll worker not doing their job correctly?

Oh, you have rational people in the Tea Party like Bill. They are silent now for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is an effort to do 2 things:

1) soldify an email data base;

2) have contact info from the most heated loons out there.

If he gets 200k plus emails, then he can better judge how to behave. Plus, he can call om zealots to not only give money but to show up at any hearing on any challenge and raise hell.

He is amassing an army and seeing how strong it is so he can play his next move.

The fact that he is using Mitch Tyner as a conduit should tell everyone something. Mitch Tyner is a plaintiffs lawyer on the coast (and now in Jackson) who made millions off asbestos. He is the epitome of the nasty POS lawyer which militated tort reform.

You right wing nut jobs better figure out exactly who Chris is dancing with...I bet you'd have a stroke if you knew what this is really about.

Anonymous said...

10:15 am The TPs already " know" Roger Wicker is a part of the "vast conspiracy" of getting registered voters to vote to defeat their boy.


Anonymous said...

I would DEFINITELY hire McDaniel just because of how you all are behaving... oops... I mean misbehaving.

By the way... Madison Police Dept, Mary and Dale Danks destroyed a man's reputation when the man had the legal right to be innocent until proven guilty. ($250Grand, Danks? Geez!) Blood is on their hands and hope Cochran doesn't sleep at night either for his side isn't innocent in this either.

Oh, and those of you who blame McDaniel for Mark's death, you are entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't make you right for the facts prove otherwise.

@Poster at 9:28 AM You make a good point that Delbert is trying to run out the clock because his letter does state the Circuit Clerk's office has legal right to not address people's requests for the voter rolls for up to 7 to 10 days. So from June 24th (NOT June 04th) there is only 10 days at max to certify the election and that is when Cochran would be the Republican winner. However, since this means certification on July 04th... I am not sure if it would mean July 03rd or 07th for the certification. They actually have legal right to certify Cochran any time between now and then.

McDaniel ought to go ahead and bring in the lawyers. People deserve a fair election.

To another poster who said Delbert was only quoting the laws.. YEAH... Right! He was doing that... Nothing like telling Circuit Clerks to run out the clock, eh?


@Robin Mayfield and family, please accept my sincerest condolences. I pray for all of you.

Anonymous said...

It has become evident that the tea party and Chris McDaniel no longer care about winning the war but have become so self absorbed and believing their own statements that they have rendered themselves to look like fools. There were many of my friends that were for McDaniel until the question was posed to the candidates "would you support the winner?". When Cochran said immediately he would and McDaniel said he would think about it , they changed their vote. It clearly showed that McDaniel was not ready for the job. The number is 51. We must get 51 republican senators to beat Harry Reid. McDaniel is now relegated to history in the Republican party and he should be. It is all about him and no longer about getting rid of Obamacare and all the other horrors of this administration.

Anonymous said...

Voltaire — 'Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.'

Anonymous said...

Bring in the Lawyers? McDaniel is a Lawyer a very good Trial Lawyer.
Let's see !

Anonymous said...

12:05, No statement is more true when applied to McDaniel and friends. This election has been bizarre with one misdeed after another from those people. Please, McDaniel, end the madness and Just. Go. Home.

Anonymous said...

My Democrat friends love this website. The dopes here marginalize 185,000 Republicans by calling them nuts, Nazis, and telling them to go away and leave the party and become Independent third party. Of course the Cochran campaign funds radio ads equating the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan.

Great. Try to win a major election in Mississippi with 185,000 fewer votes. Hello Democratic sweep!

Anonymous said...

And, on the other hand, calling blacks "liberal Democrats" as code, rushing white folks to the polls to "observe them" and calling 51% or more RINOs and "liberals" while proclaiming oneself the "TRUE" or "pure" conservative seems not to be a winning strategy either. Try to win a major election in Mississippi with 185,000 votes. Go to a third party. Burn your own house down. Cut your nose off to spite your face. That'll show us "liberals" who are veterans, NRA Life members, hunters, etc. Crazier than the other guy is not a winning plan.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a dog in this fight. But the establishment GOP folks do not impress me with their constant name calling. They should try offering a cogent argument instead of slinging mud. Despite my disagreements with them I don't see the Tea Party people using much name calling in this thread.

Anonymous said...

1:45 You noticed that, too?

Anonymous said...

1:45/2:05 -- You are probably correct -- when the whistle blows at Whitfield, someone edits their posting. Probably a filter on the internet there.

Anonymous said...

1:45 and 2:05 -- This is from a McDaniel supporter on another thread..........does this count as name calling, slinging mud, and profanity --- also what about that cogent argument question???????


gimme a fucking break, Thad won cause he is seen by the black community as a patsy for BHO, and it was the black democrat crossover vote that pushed him to victory in places like Hinds county. To make primaries fair, one should have to register as a republican or democrat and only be allowed to vote in one's respective primary. I guess this is racist to all you Fondren St. James liberals. Pray on it assholes.

Anonymous said...

those who are commenting on the vocabulary of the less intelligent. you are right I do notice Cochran sceneusing curse words and name calling. but it only reflects the intelligence. Republican or Democrat I want a fair race. and votes being miscounted is not fair. these are the the types of people that cheat on test to get ahead. and when they grow up they cheat on bigger things. but just read your Bible there is such evil that exist in politics and even if evil overcomes in this race, it will be defeated in the end.

Anonymous said...

Running for the US Senate is Big Boy politics. It is time for CM to put his Big Boy pants on and accept his defeat.

Anonymous said...

There us an oatmeal bowl at Whitfield with McDaniel's name on it!

Anonymous said...

I think the poster was saying on average there is much more ugliness from Cochran supporters, which seems true. He was not saying you can't find a profane McDaniel supporter.

Anonymous said...

CM campaign reports 190+ illegal cross over votes in a precinct that that only had 20+ Democratic votes in the primary. Volunteers must also be able to mentally suspend the laws of logic and mathematics.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely neuteral in this fight but would like to remind everyone that the reason we went to open primaries was to allow voting for Dems in local elections and Reps in national elections at a time when most local candidates ran as Dems.

Anonymous said...

I can recite etiquette books but " polite" urging of McDs supporters to check their facts and stop making wild conspiratorial accusations didn't work.

I am neutral as well and frankly, I can't see that Cochran supporters win on rudeness.

With no evidence ,they are accusing an entire group of unethical behavior.

And, if I say McDaniel campaign lied about Cochran voting for the stimulus , it's only because that's a fact.

And, if you believe a lie and repeat it, then there's no violation of etiquette in pointing out the error.

Anonymous said...

"CM campaign reports 190+ illegal cross over votes in a precinct that that only had 20+ Democratic votes in the primary. Volunteers must also be able to mentally suspend the laws of logic and mathematics."

Your grasp of logic is as tenuous as your understanding of third-grade arithmetic. First, let's assume there were "190" "illegal cross over votes" in your claim, since I can't quantitate "190+" votes. Similarly, let's assume there were 20 Democratic voters in the primary.

Remember, these are YOUR numbers according to this claim.

Now, we've heard dozens of times recently that it is only illegal to vote in one party's runoff IF you have voted in the other party's primary.

According to YOUR numbers there were a maximum of TWENTY Democrats in that precinct voting in the primary.

Therefore, the other 170 voters in the runoff did NOT vote in the Democratic primary, and therefore are legally allowed to vote in the Rupub runoff.

It is clear from many comments reported in the news and on this blog that many African-Americans were frightened of the prospect of having McDaniel voting for them in the US Senate, and came out in large numbers (at least 170 compared to the original 20) and exercised their legal right to vote their conscience. I am sure some of this was spurred by the TP publically announced efforts to "monitor" predominantly black precincts for "irregularities", about as dumb a move as I could imagine in a state with Mississippi's history, especially given the scrutiny the process was receiving as Voter ID was being implemented for the first time.

These numbers from YOUR campaign destroy your own argument.

Anonymous said...

The Cochran campaign wins on negativity? You have got to be kidding me! Even their campaign signs took a jab at the other side ("retire Cochran"). I almost wondered whether they could go two sentences without talking about Thad's age or saying the word RINO (still laboring under the delusion that only a conservative can have legitimate thoughts, how childish). Plus, someone putting a promise not to get along with anyone who is not ted cruz is not exactly a posterchild for congeniality. And don't even get me started on that hissy fit one might call a concession speech (but only if they were out of their mind).

No, calling McDaniel's campaign more polite than Thad's is like saying Vermont is more conservative than Mississippi. It exceeds the scope of merely untrue and wades into the territory of pure bullshit.

Anonymous said...

In Madison County....I can tell you this! When my family voted
(7 of us - total of 3 precincts), and each of us voted at different times of the day, there were no blacks inside the voting precincts. That means 7 trips at different times. BUT.... at the runoff? There were blacks everywhere -- at all three. When I walked out, there were groups standing outside on phones asking when others were going to get there to vote. Now why would they care so much to vote in the runoff but didn't give a crap about the first one? The reason I noticed this is because it's unusual to see blacks in Madison County at a Republican Runoff. And don't make this into a racist statement please! It's not, it's just unusual at a Repub. runoff.

Anonymous said...

Headline should have said "Chris McDaniel needs help." No shit. Redneck acting zealot douchebag.

Anonymous said...

837 - scary person....Talks about crybabies a lot in blogs. He's a strange little person. Napoleon Syndrome maybe?.....

Anonymous said...

7:06. It's not 1862. Black people can vote. We have open primaries in this State. It's legal. Get over it.

By the way, your comment displays your concern about black people voting in a statewide election in a state where black people make up almost 40% of the population. It was racist, and merely saying that it's not means nothing.

Anonymous said...

Go CHRIS - the MAN with balls! Any man or woman that would challenge Thad Cochran, (the "respected-senior" in DC as DC refers to him), stand up for what's right and fair, challenge the votes that were (in human error as Mr. PP put it).... Man, I want someone like this fighting for us! He's not afraid of anything! Do you folks want someone that is respected by DC or respected by the voter? Do you want a man that caters to DC or someone that cares about us? Do you someone that caters to the rich and his buddies like we have now? The only difference between a DEM and REP is that the DEM gives to the folks that don't work (and I'm not talking about the ones that REALLY need it) and the REP gives to his rich buddies and ensures that grant funding is funneled into the right pockets! The ones I see using EBT cards are driving away in their Escalades. I am sick and tired of my deductions rising and observing this type of behavior around me! Wake up folks! What is wrong with you? The only way to move is to the TP and that's the way Republicans used to be - but oh how the Republican party has changed - it is so sad.

Anonymous said...

I am a lifelong blue dog Democrat and will be voting for Childers come Nov. If Thad wins so be it but I couldn't in good conscious vote for McDaniel even though I thought he may be an easier mark. He and his ilk scare the crap out of me!

Anonymous said...

I am not expecting Chris to win out of this challenge but I do expect TC campaign staff to come clean. How do they live with themselves? That's what's wrong with society is so easy for people to lie - I see it everyday at work. Folks lie to cover their butts, they lie to cover others' butts, ....all this corruption....then your job is threatened if their boat is rocked..... when will it stop? It's not like the old days when a handshake and a verbal commitment meant something between two people. Lying and cheating have always existed .....but these times? It's almost everyone you meet - get anything in writing? almost impossible! Try calling the Cochran office and getting a return call - impossible. Call Cochran office in DC to inquire and the young frat boys will BS their way through the conversation to appease you and never answer your question. Many of them are not versed on the subject matter and push us aside like we don't matter and they are too busy to talk to us. The arrogance of these young frat boys that work for Cochran and the way they treat senior citizens with such disrespect. I am an old Cochran supporter but never, never again! You old seniors out there do not realize the financial trouble we are in. You do not realize how much of our hard earned money is being given away to high income individuals and companies that are sucking every fed dollar they can out of our pockets. Take the time to follow the money from the committees, fed grant awarding, state agency(ies), then to the nonprofit businesses or contractors (for rural housing or other federally awarded programs)that apply for this funding. And your SS was not going away under Chris McDaniel - that was a scare tactic as ONE person can not make this happen. Through my observation, we have an old man that was convinced to stay in the race, a young team that needs a job and sees a future and income for themselves, and a few powerful men that are using them for their own gain. So in my opinion, the only ones commenting so negatively about those of us that changed our vote from TC to CM (in which it is our right to vote as I have earned my way) are the ones that are either gaining from TCs funding or work for his campaign/staff. That's all an old senior citizen has to say.....

Anonymous said...

725....I knew some particular folks were going to misread the statement. I am NOT racist as I AM a minority. The statement was factual and stating a fact of what WAS heard and seen. There's a difference of ASSuming something and stating a FACT. I have voted here for over 60 years - how long have you lived here - or are you a transplant or very young that you don't know the voting environment in this county? You ASSumed and Perceived and your perception is your reality and that's ok --- but is was not correct. You know what they say about someone that ASSumes? Being that you so quickly ASSumed this conclusion tells me that you are a COCHRAN supporter. But that's ok, I have always been a Cochran supporter until this year. But you need to be more patient at your judgments as they are wrong.....calm down--you'll keep your job and/or your benefits. --- Wise and Well

Anonymous said...

Those Cochran boys just can't stand for someone to state FACTS - just stick to smoking mirrors and they'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, just listen to JT and GALLO (ran by ---well you know who) and you'll get the facts....hahahahahahahahahahaha.. We all know who runs that media....

Anonymous said...

8:26 -- I can tell you're a McDaniel's SMOKE AND MIRRORS not SMOKING MIRRORS!

What is the educational level of those McD supporters?

Anonymous said...

Well, I have a jD, my dad has a JD , my stepmother has a masters and we all voted for McDaniel. My friends that support him all possess at least BA or BS. I know that isn't the answer you wanted.

Anonymous said...

8:24. I see what you did there. Use all caps to imply that I'm an ass. How juvenile.

What's most ironic about your statement about my "ASSumptions" is your "ASSumption" that I am a "COCHRAN" supporter (you had a 50/50 chance of getting that one correct, so don't be impressed with yourself) and your assumption that I'm either young or a transplant (sssoooooo relevant).

I stand by what I said earlier. As a life-long Mississippian, I am proud that all demographics of our population participated in choosing who would inevitably represent this state. Our state has been divided (and in many ways, continues to be divided) for far too long, and the animosity that arises out of that division is a major factor in our poverty level. I am thrilled that there was high black voter turnout in a republican election because it serves as a signal of white and black people coming closer together in a state where for too long, that had not been the case.

Suspicion on the basis of race is . . . You guessed it . . . Racist. You saying otherwise does not change it, and there is such a thing as a black person that has racist attitudes towards other black people. You may be older (you said you've been voting for 60 years, so that's not an "ASSumption") but you have some growing up to do.

Anonymous said...

The three counties in the state with the highest percentage of college educated residents are Madison, Oktibbeha and Lafayette in that order. Cochran carried all three by 20 plus points. Pretty evident on average, the more educated, the likelier you were to vote for Thad.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:54 PM...You went off the deep end in understanding...

Anonymous said...
CM campaign reports 190+ illegal cross over votes in a precinct that that only had 20+ Democratic votes in the primary. Volunteers must also be able to mentally suspend the laws of logic and mathematics.

June 28, 2014 at 4:09 PM

If (I said "if") there were 190 illegal crossovers, why would the trained person on June 24th classify the 190 voters as crossovers when only 20 Dems had voted in the primary? Was the trained person really trained to do his or her job properly? Any form of irregularities disenfranchises the voters. However, we shall see. Be patient and stop Assuming that you know all and that we McDaniel supporters are stupid, or dumb or whatever... Take a deep breath and chill.

Anonymous said...

844 mba and democrat......but just lovin' watching you all duke it out. By the way a monkey can push a button to vote. you seem "very intelligent" what would you say the average education is for Democrats? Just interested in what you have to say since Cochran supporters are so adamant about the education level of McDaniel supporters and seem to be very interested in sharing the love for black support at the run off. it's interesting to me that Cochran supporters are so interested in the blacks during the time of the runoff. and will you share your love in the future or was this just a short term love affair?

Anonymous said...

so media posted. Perry did get $60,000 consulting fee from pac? Hhhmm. disgusting- conflict of interest? yes I would say so. but I guess everyone has to make a living..

Anonymous said...

yeah.. pete perry $60,000 this isn't good news for any party.

Anonymous said...

9:20--- I just sat on a jury and your "jD" (spelling, spelling, spelling -- proofread) doesn't mean as much to me, as it might to you. I saw one set of stellar attorneys, the other almost ran out the door when they heard and ambulance go by. I agree with an analysis of education and counties carried by Thad. Also, in support of that.....McDaniel has a law there you go!

Advanced degrees -- without going into it, we have plenty in our house (POST B.S./B.A. and M.S./M.A.) and in totality have 12 between 6 people --- we voted for Thad.

Anonymous said...

Not all McDaniel supporters are racist, but ALL racists are McDaniel supporters. The bigots finally have a hole to run into (again).

Anonymous said...

On the other side of the equation, Jones and Pearl River's percentage of college educated residents are half the US average (Madison is double as a frame of reference) and well below the state average. We know how they voted.

Anonymous said...

Odd, isn't it?
One can point out all day that crossover voting is legal and that comparing Democratic primary votes with the increase of votes in any precinct in the run-off makes it impossible for McDaniel to win.
One can point to the campaign lies told by McDaniel like on Cochran's voting record or that it's just not nice to video a woman in bed without her permission ( even if she were capable of giving it)for any reason.

Thus,it seems to the impartial to rob the McDaniel campaign of the moral high ground they are attempting to claim.

Most bizarre of all is the claim that a psychologically healthy adult can be " driven to suicide". Did Mandela commit suicide or McCain while in a Vietcong prison? Or how about any number of those falsely accused who have been released based on DNA evidence?

And what about the successful people with everything who commit suicide like Ernest Hemingway or Freddie Prinze?

It is that you are making emotional arguments that are unsupported by the facts that leads to the people questioning your rationality or how well you have educated yourself.

You are not helping your cause or candidate and he is not helping himself with the chosen tactics and arguments.

Anonymous said...

QUOTE from

"We know there are errors that happened that day, and the poll workers out there corrected it," Perry said. "And they're just trying to make up numbers to make it look a lot better than it is."

Perry pointed to one instance where a precinct that supposedly included 192 votes from people who had voted in the June 3 Democratic primary, but according to the certified election results, only 37 people had voted in the Democratic primary on June 3 for that precinct.

"Instead of crying fraud or illegality or corruption – rhetoric that is designated to inflame passions – it would be helpful if those making wild accusations would consider other possibilities," Perry added


Awwww... There goes Pete Perry yapping his flapper as though his way is the ONLY way to interpret the 192 votes vs the 37 vote mayhem!

Perry, it reeks of FRAUD! Stop blaming clerical errors! I bet McDaniel actually WON the June 03rd primary! Hinds Co was so slooooow to finish tallying the votes and now I see what happened!

I betcha 192 voted on June 03rd in the Democratic Primary! Wasn't a clerical error at all! This sounds like a set up to push the votes to Cochran in that precint on June 24th.

Shame shame shame!

Betcha McDaniel won fairly on June 03rd! Pete Perry, was anyone from McDaniel's side there that night with you in Hinds County Court House watching as the votes were certified... June 03rd?

Is this why you did NOT return Janice Lane's phone call to you around 12:20 AM that early Wednesday morning of June 04th when she expressed concern for the 100% vote tally which had not been fully counted in Hinds Co? Was the fix in that night of June 03rd so that the precinct tallies could be adjusted for a run-off on June 24th??

Something is mighty fishy and I smell it, Pete Perry. You have been found out by me. Damn! I should be helping run elections because I KNOW FRAUD WHEN I SEE AND HEAR AND READ IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

857 you said it a "machine"- a powerful machine and that's scary.

Anonymous said...

844. No I meant smoke AND mirrors- stated intentionally.

Anonymous said...

10:39. Yet another TP Whiney ass loser boo hoo. Your bozo lost. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

922 "young" and "transplant" statements are relevant because those that are new to this county are not physically here to observe it over a long period of time. So do not guess at something that I know as a fact as well as old time other Madison County folks. so wipe that green off behind your ears and don't be so sensitive to be truth. the fact is a fact and a lie is a lie. now or you going to say I am a racist because you disagree or because you cannot disprove me?

Kingfish said...

"Bennie Thompson..... Bennie Thompson..... Folks, Rankin County Republicans are trying to choose our Mayor...."

Anonymous said...

Can we get a study on the use of exclamation points and capitalized letters by McDaniel supporters vs. their use by Cochran's? Could we then cross-check the results with the levels of education? That would be great.

Anonymous said...

Sam Hall of Clarion-Ledger has reported Pete Perry is arrested for DUI.


@ 10:39

Rankin County also did NOT finish counting the votes on June 03rd, 2014. It was quite strange! I am now baffled too.

Do you think there was a coordinated effort to hold McDaniel under 50% votes? I have never heard why both counties didn't finish the vote counting jobs on Tuesday night of June 03rd. How hard is that simple job? It really seemed very unusual and strange they stopped counting the votes in both counties.

Also, the Mississippi GoP establishment has a stronghold in Hinds and Rankin Counties. The GoP Establishment was and is in tank for Cochran.

Tyrant Josef Stalin reportedly said in 1923, “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

Kingfish said...

You're lying. Rankin had a computer problem and then got it straightened out. I know because I was on the phone with people at the courthouse while it happened. They DID get the votes counted and out in the wee hours of the night. Check my post that night and you will see it as it happened.

It was late but they did not leave until they got it done.

Anonymous said...

827 That's not true! Kenny Stokes does not support McDaniels and he is a racist. Ha--gotcha! You are one of those "always" and "never" folks aren't ya? Please don't generalize your opinion for all.

Anonymous said...

KF, I posted @ June 29, 2014 at 12:04 PM. You have called me a liar? SHAME ON YOU for acting like an obnoxious ass!

You deserve my thrashing! Last time I checked, Rankin was NOT fully accounted for in it's reporting and that was late Tuesday night of June 03rd!

Why couldn't you have said I am incorrect and here is proof of Rankin County's count and the time Tuesday night?

I know I stayed up and waited and waited and waited!

This race has shown your true colors too! SHAME!

Anonymous said...

On June 24 McDaniel was defeated in the Republican primary runoff. Cochran will now face Travis Childers in November.

Anonymous said...

June 03 McDaniel won the primary and was cheated out of it.

He should sue!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS