Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bill Billingsley speaks up for Chris McDaniel

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Anonymous said...

Associative Federal Spending for Mississippi When I can Get it Through and it Sounds Good Disorder --- Here's how well Mr. McDaniel's has worked legislatively:

Also -- there is a little thing called APPROPRIATIONS and it weighs heavily in the process that you have broadly stated in our Civic Lesson for Today. Care to educate us on how that works?

Anonymous said...

Associative Federal Spending for Mississippi When I can Get it Through and it Sounds Good Disorder --- Here's how well Mr. McDaniel's has worked legislatively:

Also -- there is a little thing called APPROPRIATIONS and it weighs heavily in the process that you have broadly stated in our Civic Lesson for Today. Care to educate us on how that works?

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't see how anyone could vote for McDaniel after reading the Neshoba Democrat's analysis of his legislative career. The term Lightweight is too kind.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I'm not sure about this. Those TEA folks are kind of scary. For instance, we all know that they broke through a locked courthouse door.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014 9:20 AM EDT

DA: Employee let tea party members into courthouse

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - A Mississippi prosecutor says a county employee let three tea party members into the Hinds County Courthouse after everyone went home election night.

A staffer for state Sen. Chris McDaniel's U.S. Senate campaign and two other McDaniel supporters were locked inside the county courthouse the night of the June 3 primary election night.

Scott Brewster, Janis Lane and Rob Chambers were found inside the courthouse. They reportedly entered sometime shortly after 2 a.m. and, after realizing they were locked in, called for help.

District Attorney Robert Smith would not identify the employee involved.

Smith says he is not looking to file criminal charges, only to resolve security issues at the courthouse.

Smith says his investigation is almost complete.

Oh, never mind. Anyway, we know they are crazy about taking pictures of Mrs. Cochran.
Like here

And here: (There are 2 photos of Cochran. Scroll down about 2/3's and then to about 4/5's)

And here:

And here: (Scroll about 40% down.)

At least all those look like shots of a happy couple. But that woman is not stuck by herself in a nursing home. Confusing.

They're bad I tell you. You should be supporting the guy whose strategy is to appeal to Democrats. Because that's going to work out great for Republicans in the general election.

I'm talking about Haley Barbour's buddy (that is, when Haley isn't in New York shilling for amnesty for illegal aliens like he was Monday). The guy whose big dollar support comes from Michael Bloomberg, Sean Parker (the liberal cocaine addict in the "Social Network"), and a slew of lobbyists from the Northeast.

Bill. Stop being an idealist. You're thinking this thing through too much.

Anonymous said...

Billingsley is dreaming. How's McDaniel going to reduce spending when the lions share of spending is Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Interest on the Debt? McDaniel is going to end Obamacare? A one man band isn't going to accomplish that, as Billingsley clearly states. Nothing will ever change until ALL Americans are committed to weaning themselves from the public dole. Farmers, old people, students, food stamp recipients, sick people, road builders, EVERYONE. Everyone uses federal dollars, most everyone hates debt but no one wants their ox gored. McDaniel, with absolutely no clout and even less accomplishments, is the wrong guy to represent this state.

Anonymous said...

All smoke and mirrors. If elected he would be appointed to some insignificant committee without any power. Sen. Cochran's rank effects virtually all economics in Ms.: banking, sba, small business, housing,agriculture,ultimately touches everybody's well-being. TP's need to wake-up and stop bull shiting the naïve.

Anonymous said...

FACT: You posted the same link thing 3 consecutive times. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Wow. And the author of that article calls himself a "journalist".

Anonymous said...

Pretty condescending for a....retired insurance/real estate sales or something? Big Mark Mayfield buddy though. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

If I watch the video, does that mean I'm allowed to opt out of the robocalls?

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled.

The Mississippi Commissioner of Higher Education wasn't. In fact he is "deeply concerned" about the negative impact a McDaniel victory would have on education in this state.!/newsDetail/25788329

Neither were Ole Miss, Southern Miss, or MSU.

Your clip seemed very rehearsed. I know that you believe in your candidate, and that's nice and all, but you obviously don't have much expertise on this subject, so you would be doing is a favor by not making videos to spread what someone from McDaniel's staff wrote out for you to read to us.

McDaniel's plan is so shaky that it seems to be based on a freshmen economics lecture he thinks he remembers. Honestly, nothing positive would come to Mississippi from it.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO the Cochran groupies say McDaniel won't get anything done:

A one man band isn't going to accomplish that

he would be appointed to some insignificant committee without any power

and yet they are all scared to death ... really pretend to be ... that McDaniel is going to single handedly cut education funding to the tune of $800 million.

Key flailing fellas.

Anonymous said...

2:40 -- He will not get anything completed for Mississippi -- he'll be insignificant and all his promises of cutting will never happen. Can't weld that deficit knife, if you're Junior member of the Sub Committee on Juvenile Delinquency.

He'll just be another talking head, taking up as much time as they'll give him in DC and on the airwaves. All McDanielites seem to think that DC will be as enamored of Chris, as he is of himself.... and you all are of him.

We all go back to the Neshoba Article -- can you defend the list of (NON) Accomplishments listed?

You gave us a poor candidate --- should have chosen better, and maybe your message would have resonated.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bill! I will definitely VOTE for McDaniel! Why waste another vote on worn out TCochran? He can't even hold a debate with McDaniel. If he can't do that, he sure as heck doesn't need to be in Congress!

Again, thanks and GOOooo... McDaniel!!

Anonymous said...

Therefore he won't be able to cut the Dept of Education and Mississippi won't lose $800 million in funding.

Thanks for agreeing to take that scare tactic off of Cochran's FUD list.

Anonymous said...

You gave us a poor candidate --- should have chosen better, and maybe your message would have resonated.

Yep.....totally agree. Poor, poor, poor.....not a serious choice. This guy is a cartoon character.

bill said...

2:29, the campaign hasn't written anything for me, but you're right when you suggest the videos are rehearsed. You try looking into a camera and keeping your train of thought going for two minutes. My wife is a skillful editor or I'd look worse than I already do, at least in some eyes. Rest assured, though, these videos are being done independent of the campaign. Don't watch them if you think I don't know anything about the subject matter.

All of you who suggest that Chris McDaniel won't be able to do anything by himself get credit for watching the video. He won't be able to stop excessive spending nor keep up the cronyism all by himself. He'll be one vote either way, though, and if others like him are elected then they'll eventually be able to get us on the right track. One at a time...

Anonymous said...

Well Bill,
You do have a good point in your last paragraph above but let me steal a line from the old Mobsters in the back room of the courthouse in Good Fellas: "Why take a chance?"

Anonymous said...

Bill -- we respect the fact that you are a good "soldier" and believe in your candidate.

Problem is, you're asking the poorest state in the Union to take a chest wound and bleed out, while we make a point to the nation. The other 49 states could care less. Coalescing people in the US with such differing cultural and economic values is almost impossible, and in some states, the TP will never have an influence, so winning things "one at a time" is a moot point. States like NY and CA will their liberal ideology, will never be swayed.

Until the TP has a NATIONAL solution, then coming to states like ours, who can ill afford the lack of representation in DC, is not a good selling technique.

What are they going to show in 6 years -- the MS success story of less jobs, poorer people and no representation or influence?

Anonymous said...

Cheers to Bill's wife for a job well done!

Toejangle said...

Bill is right-------The tea party will grow in popularity as these incumbents are slowly removed from the federal teat one at a time----Go Bill and go Chris

bill said...

4:16, very good point. It's a tough task and the Republicans - not the TEA Party - need a better national solution. However, I'll steal a line from my friend Cliff Brown and take a shot at what we can expect in six years. If McDaniel wins we'll have a Senator with six years seniority. If Cochran wins, we'll have a Senator with four or five years seniority. Mississippi will survive either way.

Anonymous said...

Apparently it has escaped 4:16's attention that we are already LAST in everything. All of Cochran's so-called influence has not lifted us off the BOTTOM of anything. Has made his friends wealthy, though. Time for a change. This will give Cochran plenty of time to spend with his wife, though.

Pappy Odaniel said...

I'm not a McDaniel fan but seems like Thad's campaign boils down to "Thad gone get us dat money...remember dat Katrina loot, he gonna back it up and do it again" . Where is the conservative movement? Thad voted for EVERY Obama judicial appointee, he voted to raise the debt ceiling every chance he had, he voted for cloture to pass funding for Obamacare over and over and over again, he says Obamacare is VERY important legislation, he pushed for Medicare Part D and NO Child Left Behind and the George Bush spending spree that exploded the debt and lost the Senate and House for the Republicans in 2006, not to mention he is a serial philanderer...are these our values? Their not mine, I'll roll the dice with Chris and if he doesn't hold firm we can fire him in 6 years too.

Anonymous said...

Bill -- you are correct, we will survive. Chris however, has indicated he will only serve 12 years if elected. That puts us back in the back of the bus again, in 12 years. With Senator Cochran, we do know we have 41 years of service and seniority, and that he has committed to a full term.

4:52 -- There is no way of knowing where we would have been without our legislative representation over the past 40 years. We do however, know Mr. McDaniel's legislative prowess, based on his outstanding performance in the MS legislature........might want to read that Neshoba Article. It's painful but factual. Let's debate facts, and not involve personal slurs --- tell all of us what facts in the Neshoba article are in error....PLEASE!!

Pappy Odaniel said...

Mr Appropriations wizard, riddle me this, will Greg Harper retain Thad's committee seats when he takes the reigns in 2 years...nope. And if we elect Chris McDaniel he will have 2 more years seniority than a Harper appointment. So how does the influence pedd'kng work then?

Anonymous said...

If you look here and on bills facebook page you realize he is one of those guys who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. He is a wealthly guy who has money to spread to canidates and kingfish so he can get his message out but I still do not know who is is. He says her is retired. Retired from what. Is he a lawyer who hit it big in the Mississippi Jackpot Justice game?

Anonymous said...

Pap -- Riddle answered -- Thad serves his term.

Anonymous said...

What Pappy said. Suddenly the Republicans sound just like the Democrats. Keep those dollars flowing! Anyone who has encountered Thad lately knows there is no possibility he will complete another term unless one of his keepers rolls him around and votes for him. He was ready to go home and they should have let him. He would have retained his dignity that way.

Anonymous said...

Cochran campaign imploding.

Anonymous said...

6:12 -- You wish.

Anonymous said...

@5:36 PM says:

Thad's campaign boils down to "Thad gone get us dat money...remember dat Katrina loot, he gonna back it up and do it again."

Where is the conservative movement? Thad voted for EVERY Obama judicial appointee, he voted to raise the debt ceiling every chance he had, he voted for cloture to pass funding for ObamaCare over and over and over again, he says ObamaCare is VERY important legislation, he pushed for Medicare Part D and NO Child Left Behind and the George Bush spending spree that exploded the debt and lost the Senate and House for the Republicans in 2006, not to mention he is a serial philanderer...

Are these our values? They're not mine. I'll roll the dice with Chris and if he doesn't hold firm we can fire him in 6 years too.


Anonymous said...

If Thad had been doing this moths prior to the election McDaniels wouldn't have stood a chance. Unfortunitely he had inept campaign staff and it showed. He is doing what he should do and that is be positive and tell what he has and will do for Mississippi. The tea party has been exposed for what it is and for that I am glad. Tea Party folks like Bill think they are smarter than everyone else and we just need to shut up and listen. Obama was a state senator who did very little prior to being elected except bash the status quo.

Anonymous said...

to 4:16 and others: I have never understood why you MS people think you should get the lions share of the pie for such a piss-ant state. As someone pointed out above, you've been getting WAY more than your share for many years and what do you have to show for it? Not a damn thing except more whining about 'oh woe is me, everyone craps on poor MS, y'all should help us'. Screw you.

Anonymous said...

@4:16 PM says:

Bill -- .... the problem is, you're asking the poorest state in the Union to take a chest wound and bleed out, while we make a point to the nation. The other 49 states could care less. Coalescing people in the US with such differing cultural and economic values is almost impossible, and in some states, the TP will never have an influence, so winning things "one at a time" is a moot point. States like NY and CA will their liberal ideology, will never be swayed.

Until the TP has a NATIONAL solution, then coming to states like ours, who can ill afford the lack of representation in DC, is not a good selling technique.

Nope. Not true. Your reasoning contains a major flaw. Just a handful of elections can dramatically affect the voting of a majority of members in Congress. For instance, two weeks ago, passing amnesty in the US House was a done deal. Today, after one obscure guy with a bad last name wins a congressional primary in Virginia, everyone (except Haley Barbour) agrees that amnesty is dead, dead, and dead.

If McDaniel wins, watch what happens to Wicker. He will go so far right so fast it will give you whiplash. Gregg Harper knows he's going to get a credible challenger next go round. Watch him become Mr. Tea Party. And Phil Bryant will never again support another RINO. And all that is just in Mississippi.

Mitch McConnell will think twice before he goes balls-to-the-wall against a Republican in a primary again. Even if he secretly wants to, there will be Republican senators in the caucus (including McDaniel) who won't let it happen. Indeed, I strongly suspect the Republican National Senatorial Committee will re-instate its rule to never oppose any Republican. That in and of itself will make the transition conservatives want smoother and quicker.

Meanwhile, will Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and others be even more emboldened? You betcha. Every senator running for re-election will want those guys to come to their state and talk to their Tea Party constituents. Cruz, Lee, Paul and others now have something to trade.

Of course, a McDaniel victory in Mississippi will also affect Democrats - especially those from southern states. They're going to be running scared for awhile. That means, they will suddenly decide ObamaCare was not such a good idea and will oppose anything that smells like it.

A McDaniel victory will mean a whole lot of conservative stuff happening at least until the next election. Chris McDaniel won't just be one of 100. He will be the unheard-of-guy who toppled someone just like them. That will cause lots of change now.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the 25th!
This is madness.
Does anyone know if they have a ' do not poll' call list?
I really want to be on it if there is such a thing.
Whoever gets the senate seat needs to introduce THAT BILL because I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

Promise me a 'do not poll' call list and I will vote for you!
Screw the issues that really are non issues...this polling madness effects me directly every night!

Anonymous said...

MS statistics

I am not trying to discredit the state with all these negative statistics about Mississippi, only the people who have caused this. I love living here, but it could be so much better for our children and their children. If our political leaders aren’t going to correct these last place Mississippi statistics, we probably need to change our political leaders. Rankings are 1 through 50, with 50 being the worst:
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product - Rank 50th, Personal income per capita - Rank 50th, Persons below poverty level - Rank 50th, Population on food stamps - Rank 50th, Youth unemployment – Rank 50th, Teachers’ salary - Rank 49th, Educational attainment – Rank 49th, School spending – Rank 46th, Unemployment - Rank 45th, Overall health - Rank 50th, Doctors per capita - Rank 50th, STDs - Rank 49th, Teen Birth - Rank 50th, Prison inmates – Rank 49th.
If you think these statistics are not true it’s because you have your head in the sand and have not researched them.

P.S. – Mississippi has the most corrupt public officials in the nation. This is a short article that best explains where the federal money given to Mississippi is spent. It is well worth reading:
The researchers studied more than 25,000 convictions of public officials for violation of federal corruption laws between 1976 and 2008 as well as patterns in state spending. According to the report, “states with higher levels of corruption are likely to favor construction, salaries, borrowing, correction, and police protection at the expense of social sectors such as education, health and hospitals.

Anonymous said...

7:38 -- For a guy who couldn't get WWII veterans free car tags, I'm impressed with how he's going to change the free world, take over Washington, DC (never mind those pesky 99 other Senators), cure cancer, etc. etc. WOW --- I'm just stunned.

Is Narcissistic a term you TP people know?

Anonymous said...

9:12 -- I'm thinking the National TP came here, because they knew their money would be well spent, and they could buy the election. Makes sense now. Wasn't working in those other states, but we were ripe for the picking!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if they have a ' do not poll' call list?

There are few restrictions on political calls in MS. The list you seek would have to come from legislation at the state level.

And besides, according to the Cochran cultists McDaniel won't be able to get anything done in DC because he won't have seniority. Except, of course, immediately destroy the Dept of Education and cut off $800m in funding to Mississippi days after being sworn in.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was either the National TP buying the election or Haley Barbour buying it. Might have been ripe for the picking but hopefully this type Mississippi won't get played for Haley's chump.

Earl Bost said...

2:29; Who is Mississippi's Commissioner of Higher Education? Or did you mean the Federal Commissioner of Higher Education. If you did mean that, who is it? Never heard of that job. Turn your dunce cap around.

Anonymous said...

Here's someone who never authored any bills or spoke out for cutting spending in the state senate, but totally gonna do it as a US senator. Then again, MS-1 has a rep whose claim to fame was getting coffee for Haley and Phil.

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2014 at 6:00 PM --- asks valid a question! Who is Bill Billingsley? And how did he make his $$$ --- was it from nursing homes or the home health industry? Did he spend the better part of his career enjoying the bounty of our state and federal Government $$$ and doing it so well he 'retired' early?

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2014 at 5:38 PM There is no way of knowing where we would have been without our legislative representation over the past 40 years.

You just proved my point. After 40 years of Cochran we know EXACTLY where the state is. On the BOTTOM of everything.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the TP gang is borrowing a page from the Bennie and Kenny playbook and will be dishing out some free BBQ at the red caboose in Madison today. If Chris will throw in a backpack with some school supplies, he's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

8:21 -- So that's Cochran's fault?

You TP people like to tout personal responsibility. He can only help us have opportunities, he cannot go out individually and implement success for each of us. How we utilize those opportunities as a state is up to us. You're laying everything wrong with MS at his feet. To quote a TP standard line -- PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. How many times have you taught a child to read, volunteered your time at a GED center, etc. etc. Easy to be an arm chair "Senator" in the privacy of your home touting change change change but what have YOU done personally to help people change their lives?

Let me point out one tiny issue -- if you carve out the Delta test scores, health related issues, etc........we'd have different statistics, and I"m sure we'd see ourselves in the mid 20s related to state rankings.

Under the McDaniel's plan -- take no prisoners, "NO COMPROMISE" (QUOTE), I fear those in the Delta will suffer dramatically. As MS, they are as much a part of our state family, as any other part of the state, and to know they'll suffer, because of his NO COMPROMISE approach, is sad, and will ultimately set us back further.

Also -- what none of you want to discuss is that your candidate has done nothing for Mississippi as a State Senator -- NOTHING!

If he couldn't make anything happen here in Mississippi (e.g. cutting our budget, ensuring PERS was a priority, etc.) with the exception of car tags and commendations (Neshoba article was enlightening), what makes you or anyone else think he can do ANYTHING up there.

He'll be out of his league, and known as the poor rube from MS who fulfills all the stereotypes associated with our state.

Anonymous said...

8:41 -- HEY MAN --- I thought the McDaniel's campaign was based on "NO FREE LUNCH"!!!

Shows he's waffling already on all his promises....trying to move to the middle!!!

is that considered buying votes?

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is, we can't lay everything that's wrong with MS at Cochran's feet, but, you can attribute everything that is right with MS to him. That's total BS.
You are also saying that his non-representation of the Delta really isn't his fault. You're admitting that he only looks out for certain groups of Mississippians. Damn those pesky Deltans.
Time for Thad to go home. We can't stand much more of his help. It's killing us.

bill said...

My company provided valuable service to sick people, and the insurance companies covering those people paid us like they do every other health care provider. The main insurance company for our business was Medicare, but we never got a cent we didn't earn. In fact, we were the first industry on the list when it came time for cuts because we didn't have the strong lobbying that the doctors and hospitals had. To suggest that my company owes its success to the federal government is ridiculous. My company owes its success to providing a valuable service that the federal government purchased.

Anonymous said...

10:10 -- didn't answer this little nugget:

If he couldn't make anything happen here in Mississippi (e.g. cutting our budget, ensuring PERS was a priority, etc.) with the exception of car tags and commendations (Neshoba article was enlightening), what makes you or anyone else think he can do ANYTHING up there.

Anonymous said...

He'll be out of his league, and known as the poor rube from MS who fulfills all the stereotypes associated with our state.

But sure as hell the poor rube will rub two pennies together when he gets to the Senate then blow up the Dept of Education and cut Mississippi off from $800 million with a wave of his hand.

Run for you lives Cochran supporters. Here comes the powerless powerful Super Rube!

Anonymous said...

11:17 -- Based on his STATE legislative capabilities in the Mississippi Legislature (Neshoba Democrat article which was excellent) -- we have nothing to fear.

Hard to distance yourself (McDaniel) from that record of his.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:38 said...

If McDaniel wins, watch what happens to Wicker. He will go so far right so fast it will give you whiplash. Gregg Harper knows he's going to get a credible challenger next go round. Watch him become Mr. Tea Party. And Phil Bryant will never again support another RINO. And all that is just in Mississippi.

LOVE IT. So true!

They are already in full scale panic mode.

The Cochran cronies bring to mind a litter of puppies. All frantically squealing and scrambling, trying to stay on the teat.

Anonymous said...

1:13 -- I think panic mode means bringing in Chuck Woolery of the "Love Connection", "Dating Game", "Wheel of Fortune" (before Pat Sajak ousted him in a down and dirty election I'm sure) television history (GRAVITAS THERE!!!).

I'm wondering if will be signing up voters/potential dating partners outside the Hobby Lobby this weekend, and Josh Duggar will be hawking used cars?

Sarah Palin might be able to see Horn Island from there, who knows????

Panic mode -- nope, but I do think we're seeing the 3 ring circus that makes up the McDaniel base out in force, based on those around him.

Maybe he can get free car tags for somebody down there or at least a commendation for the group.

Anonymous said...

to June 19, 2014 at 8:12 AM--

Doesn't matter how he made his $$$ - he mighta sold beans, bullets & bombs. Or, maybe he was one of those pesky little nursing home owners who pecked the eyeballs outta old folks. Point is, he's 'seen the light'. It's possible for anyone... even you.

Anonymous said...

Seen the latest commercial for Cochran? Well this little bit of info just made me puke a little.

"In 2012, on his last day in office, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour pardoned Scott Favre—clearing his record entirely. Now Brett Favre is endorsing Cochran at the last minute in the runoff campaign while Barbour's political machine works overtime to help Cochran win." Breitbart has the info.

Come on, KF, let the comments come thru.

Anonymous said...

June 19, 2014 at 1:13 PM = [Applause, applause]

One domino falls at a time.

Anonymous said...

I was really surprised to see that comments were allowed on the Phil Bryant ad for Cochran being a veteran.
Then, I really WASN'T surprised to see that the few comments made were removed and no more comments allowed.
Nothing to see here. No comments to be allowed here. Move along.

Anonymous said...

2:05 -- Are you a fan of Love Connection too? (Applause Applause). Maybe we can share a ride down to Hobby Lobby to see him this weekend.

1:56 -- We all rush to the Breitbart site for fair and balanced news. WOW -- they are ALWAYS impartial and show both sides of the argument.

Anonymous said...

I bet Travis Childers is just giddy. The Republicans are destroying themselves and the victor will undoubtedly lose many votes in November. Some voters will stay home rather than vote for the other guy and some will be mad enough to vote for Childers or perhaps even believe he is the better candidate. He could actually have a chance now.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Cochran lost the primary. Came in behind McDaniel. Yet, somehow, it's McDaniel that is ruining the Repub Party.

Anonymous said...

2:45 -- Fratricide -- INCOMING!

McDaniel et. al. could care less. For them, it's all out war, with no survivors -- if they cannot get what they want, they'll destroy the MS GOP in the process.

Senator Childers -- Welcome to Congress!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I had a pencil-thin mustache,
then I could solve some mysteries too.

Anonymous said...

The republican party contains liberals (RINO) and conservatives. All the hooha about its demise is crap. Another part of the Cochran-must-win so I can get my payback scream. Political parties go through this when there is a large gap between what the DC folks want and what the people want. Get over it.

Cochran asked the liberals to cross over and support him. Hey dems, vote for me. The very folks he says he doesn't support because he's so 'conservative'.

Not returning Cochran/Barbour to DC. No thank you.

Anonymous said...

3:46 -- Don't think your guy made the 50% cut either, so he didn't "WIN" the primary! If he had, we wouldn't be in a runoff.

Also, remember, if you win the runoff, you're going to have to then win the general election, and since 50% of the Republican party do not respect, like, or have confidence in your man, how are you going to co-opt that group into voting for him? Do the math -- all Childers has to do is take 1 in 4 voters from the Republican column into the Democrat, add them to his 40% he already has, and he wins with 55% of the vote. You all have so alienated 1/2 of the MS Republicans, you are going to assure a loss for yourselves in November.

You might win the battle on June 24th, but lose the war. Ever thought of that??? What's your plan then?

Can we say Tempest in a Teapot. Much ado about nothing.

Anonymous said...

... if they cannot get what they want, they'll destroy the MS GOP in the process.

Nope. That is the Barbour mantra. Could have been a straight up primary with 3-5 candidates for an open seat.

If Childers win the blame falls squarely on Haley Barbour. SQUARELY.

Anonymous said...

June 19, 2014 at 4:21 PM = spare us the stupidity of your one-sided double-edged sword

Anonymous said...

Same thing can be said for your guy.
Actually more people don't like, respect, or have confidence in your guy. How do you intend to co-opt THAT group into voting for yours?
Cochran has so alienated the voters of MS that MORE of them voted for McDaniel than voted for Cochran. If Cochran was the gentleman that ya'll tried to convince people that he was, he would have bowed out. Instead, look were we are.
Do you really think that all will fall into line behind Cochran? Are do you think all the Democrats that ya'll are paying to vote for Cochran will continue to support him?

Anonymous said...

If recruiting Democratic votes and taking money from Bloomberg, among other things isn't damaging the party then I don't know what you would call it.

Kingfish said...

To the person threatening me in comments. Take your threats and forcibly place them in your gluteus maximus. No one coerces me through threats. No one. No comments about this comment will be approved.

Palladin's Pockmarks said...

Who has a pencil-thin mustache?

Anonymous said...

try switching hands, you are gonna hurt yourself!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Bill, put the camera down and don't do that again. Somewhere up the chain someone said something about your facebook. I get you wanting to be out there but fellow, just enjoy from the sideline from now on.

We all know what has happened here. The brain trust at the Cochran campaign (Kirk, Austin, Josh, Q, and yes you Henry) blew a wonderful man's career. Mind you, it will ultimately be judged Thad's fault but you guys did it. Even if Thad pulls this out, you guys need to go get jobs with CSpire selling phones in one of those neat stores they have.

Also, if Mc D wins, hello Senator Childers

Anonymous said...

If recruiting Democratic votes and taking money from Bloomberg, among other things isn't damaging the party then I don't know what you would call it.

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner!

Anonymous said...

I had hoped someone would identify 'The Commissioner of Higher Education'. Guess not.

Who has a pencil-thin mustache?

Are all Cackrun cultists using the same talking points?

Calling Out Supertalk Chump Management said...

I wonder if I was the only one listening to JT's show today when the unpaid commercial for Thad was played?

One of those teaser ads for Gallo's show that plays a brief snippet from a previous show, trying to get you interested enough to tune in 'tomorrow'.

BUT, this one featured a guy who said he used to belong to the Tea Party but didn't any longer and went on to quote a guy in Kansas who bemoaned the loss of Dole and his seniority and warned Mississippi that they didn't want to give up Cochran.

Nothing but a free ad for Cochran and the station management knows it. Shameless. Chicken-shit media chumps. Typical Supertalk.

Anonymous said...

8:15 -- Sounds like sour grapes on your part, and good advice from the TP guy and the Kansan.

You all are not short of endorsements: Josh Duggar (anybody need a used car), Sarah Palin (no explanation necessary), Love Connection Woolery, Ron Paul (ran twice and lost twice for President), Rick Santorum (ran once and lost for Presidential nominee), Laura Ingraham (Attacks Mississippi as a backward place that still thinks the Civil War is ongoing), Mark Levin (some good ideas, but only if you can overcome his shrillness, and his obnoxious attitude toward any caller who does not agree with him), Jenny Beth Martin and the National Tea Party (hmmm -- can we say out of stay millions influenced the primary 2:1 -- but the group espouses GRASS ROOTS EFFORTS --LOL LOL LOL), Club for Growth, For America, Senate Conservatives Fund....only problem is that none of them are Mississippians.

Can you actually add any Mississippi endorsements to that list.

Anonymous said...

Oops - Add Citizens United (of the 12 point poll that "favored" McDaniel to win) to that long list of OUTSIDE OF MISSISSIPPI Supporters to the tune of $111,000.00 (HMMM -- think that poll had any bias???)

Anonymous said...

The SuperGOPnet lives and dies by the establishment Republicans spending taxpayer money in advertising for soley name recognition purposes. All those departments don't run those ads to impart information. NO. The objective of the ad is to place the officeholder's name into the minds and consciousness of the listeners.

Best thing you can do is not listen to them AND, if you do, call them out here @ JJ or call JJRadio (50k Watt Blow Torch WJNT-AM) on Wednesday mornings (8-9 AM).

Gallo can't handle KF's independence. Gallo is the very whiny Donna Ladd equivalent of the Mississippi GOP.

Anonymous said...

Can you actually add any Mississippi endorsements to that list.

Amnesty loving US Chamber of Commerce?

GUN CONTROL whack job Michael Bloomberg?


Oh shit, those are Mississippians.

Anonymous said...

New Chism poll has McDaniel at 50, Cochran at 44 with 6 percent undecided. Is Chism biased as well? Thad was leading last week so perhaps not.

Anonymous said...

9:11 -- Chism may be correct -- what I have a problem with, is touting a poll as unbiased from a polling group that gave you $111,000+, and attempting to say it is FACT.

Only time will tell which poll is correct, and the final one on the 24th is the most important one.

9:00 -- you named 3 Out of State groups supporting Cochran versus the 11 Out of State groups I listed for McDaniel.

Per my request, can you name any In State groups supporting McDaniel (beyond his 9 friends in the MS Legislature and the sheriff of Seminary).

Anonymous said...

June 19, 2014 at 9:43 PM = another messenger shot

Anonymous said...

@9:11 (or someone else ). Please provide the link and details for the "new" Chisholm Strategies poll. Thank you.

Kingfish said...

I'm also not approving comments that are attempting to ascertain Mr. Billingsley's background.

He made valid points in his video. Worth debating and discussing regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

However, that is not good enough for some of you. You seem to think you have the right to start digging into the personal history of every person who submits something to this website for publication. You also think you have the right to post it here at will. Not happening. What matters is what they had to say. Debate their positions all you want. However, the little P.I. work that you expect to post is not going to get posted. People like you are the ones who ruin political debate in this country. You gripe about the smack down nature of cable news shows and then attempt to do even worse. Time to say enough.

Anonymous said...

An in state group supporting McDaniel? How about the big group of Mississippi voters who voted for him on June 4.

Anonymous said...

11:15 p.m. -- Balanced almost EQUALLY by the big group of in-state voters who supported Cochran.

That's why we're in a RUNOFF!!

Now -- any other groups?

Anonymous said...

That's my point, the voters are the only group that really matters. There are so many groups, endorsements, PACs, etc. at this point, I think they count for very little in terms of affecting a person's vote.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Mr. Billingsley. I concur wholeheartedly.

It's no surprise that some would rather sling mud. Mud slinging is so much easier than arguing with the truth.

Anonymous said...

6/18@2:29 and 4:16

2:29 >> Great Job Bill!

4:16 >>> You said it! We are the poorest state in the union and why not change from what we had to something NEW? We sure can't go any deeper or maybe we can. But why waste the vote for someone that can't get it up (the MS Ratings, i.e.) in the last 40? Many continue to rant about the economic state MS is currently in and yet they push the TC vote??? Doesn't make much sense - nooooo...not much sense at all! Those folks must be the few "benefitting" in some way through TCs funding and are threatened by CM reducing their big ole' fat wallets???? Ohhh..... let's see how many bloggers get on the defense 'bout this one. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I bet TC is praying for another hurricane -- that will save him and his cronies! Yes another hurricane before next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

6/19@9:43 "Per my request, can you name any In State groups supporting McDaniel (beyond his 9 friends in the MS Legislature and the sheriff of Seminary)."

Yep, 153,638 of them. You guys keep forgetting it's not the 9 friends that will get in into's US!!!!!!!!!!!

Pugnacious said...

Let it be a Hurricane Rose.

Anonymous said...

And here I've been under the impression that Kingfish was the only one who spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to ascertain the background and ID of posters.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS