JPD arrested Traunta Moore Saturday night for the murder of Courtney "Big Red" Butler on Fort Street late Saturday morning. JPD said the two men began arguing when Moore shot Butler. Moore was also charged with resisting arrest, various traffic offenses, simple assault, and disorderly conduct. Moore is still in custody at the Raymond Detention Center.
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Black on black murder is not worth much according to tommie green or june... much like planned parenthood. Black baby murdering mill... June is not very sharp as it is. I wouldn't expect anything less. If it weren't for the race card she would be a cashier a a dollar store.
Black lives seemingly don't matter in Jackson to black lives.
If I remember right that is not the lowest bond usually set for murder in Jackson.
A life just isn't worth much in Jackson.
Hardwick's also a former public defender and also currently practices criminal defense so its no surprise that she set a bond that low for murder. I bet you any other judge would've given him a bond at all.
With that first name he has been punished enough.
@ 9:15am
Black lives seemingly don't matter in Jackson to black lives.
You clearly do not understand what the black lives matter movement even means, when you make a condescending comment of that nature.
JPD arrested Traunta Moore Saturday night for the murder of Courtney "Big Red" Butler - in other words, Traunta Moore is being held accountable for killing Courtney Butler. He's not sitting at home on paid administrative leave while killing another person.
He was arrested and brought to justice, the justice system worked for Courtney Butler's family. Whether the bond is low or high, is irrelevant, because Traunta Moore was charged for murder. Period.
10:24, David French has been writing some good stuff on this issue in National Review online.
10:24 writes well but seems clueless to the difference between a murder charge (following evidence and investigation and witnesses) and taking someone off the job during an investigation being conducted by another agency. 10:24 is no doubt anxious to jump up and down in a BLM fit, throw the officers in jail, charge them all with murder before an investigation can be had. His one and only focus is Black Lives and White Cops. One group has supreme value - The other has none.
@ Kingfish
I just read French's article in the NR from December 22, 2016. Let me say this, French preaches seeking understanding, but he is clearly tone deaf when it comes to what is clearly pissing off people in the black community. He even ridicules whites for being supportive of black issues, saying that white progressives blindly join black causes out of guilt. Needless to say, he is thorough when he makes his points and I understand his position. However, I disagree with him that the ultimate goal of black lives matter is to end capitalism and real in communism and socialism.
Cops killing unarmed or licensed carrying Americans is not just a black lives matter issue, its all affecting white Americans too. A prime example was LaVoy Finicum and the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. That man was clearly murdered and the people that killed him got away with it.
All we want, is to see people held accountable for killing American citizens.
@ 11:12am - WTF are you even talking about? You are speculating? One group has supreme value - The other has none. - Where in the hell did I even say that? Challange what I said directy, speculation won't cut it in this debate.
and furthermore, I am not clueless about a damn thing. I just stated that there's a difference when a person is held accountable for killing another person, and when they are not.
Read his two over the last two weeks about this subject
Accidentally deleted this one.
@10:24 clearly does not understand how a higher bond for Moore would have sent Jackson's law-abiding black community an incredible statement of being valuable and worthy of protection in the eyes of the HindsCo justice system. Instead Hardwick only confirms their worst fears that they are stuck as next potential victim fodder by an inept cadre of black political leaders.
This was not one of those hate filled murders. It was just the standard, run of the mill murders so it's not as bad.
The issue is one of the emphasis placed on killing...any killing. The predominantly white community has made it clear to their elected officials, and more importantly it's judges, that violent crime must be dealt with harshly, their lives have value and anyone ANYONE who threatens that value must do so with the knowledge that they are in BIG trouble. The black community on the other hand, has sent no message at all to it's elected officials and judges who feel no pressure to impose harsh penalties (and bonds)on individuals except in high profile cases. High profile i.e. white on black or cop on black. In the meantime, ordinary black lives don't matter so much and black on black crime is taken for granted as a part of the landscape. Perps do their damage knowing that they aren't in sooo much trouble and they might buy their way out. Or maybe not. Lawyers get to make deals and the beat goes on. In the meantime the black community can vent it's anger at the cops every so often.
10:24, you are part of the problem!
@ 10:24
Black lives matter simply needs to travel to some racist countries and they will find U.S. is actually a great place to live and have freedoms others can't enjoy. Try going to Mexico a racist country that reports all blacks. Or Brazil even. Try Cuba... they have major atrocities against blacks especially C astro brothers. Black and white Americans simply don't understand racism... loom at middle East still using black slaves as are parts of Asia. Black lives matter in this country much more than in other ones. You can vote work drive get married own a house car go to school worship freely. Most places blacks don't have that freedom.
Uh...$100 thousand may not seem like much to me, but I'm not so arrogant as to imagine raising that much for the bail percentage is impossible for some.
I also get that several million dollars might not be enough bail for the very wealthy.
It is my understanding that the judge gets information about the financial resources of the accused before setting bail. If that isn't done in MS, it should be required.
And, for any murder, house arrest should be done at minimum both for the protection of society and the defendant.
When people react without knowing more, it does look like racism in that you've assumed the worst.
As a white person, I'm very disturbed about police deciding a death sentence for traffic infractions, misdemeanors and petty crime regardless of the person's pigmentation.
IF, we had always put justice before prejudice, OJ would still be in prison...payback is hell and some of you best remember and us, Caucasians have much atonement to do before we can expect people of color to trust that we will be fair and color blind.
apparently you bunch of constitutional law 'experts' are totally unaware of the 8th amendment , much less ever having read it. your lame comments show just how stupid you truley are. the 8th amendment , written by the founding fathers, allows for bond. i sure all you numb-nuts think you are a whole lot smarter than the likes of washington , madison, jefferson ,and adams. dont flatter yourselves. go back home to your momma.
I used to live in the same neighborhood as Ms. Hardwick. She was a pleasant neighbor, very polite. She moved when she got sick of the break-ins (by her own admission). You'd think she'd be more sensitive to crime victims after being repeatedly victimized herself.
It is my understanding that the judge gets information about the financial resources of the accused before setting bail. If that isn't done in MS, it should be required.
In other words, you don't know. Thanks for clearing that up.
Now here is how it really works all too often. Those bonds are worthless because the bail bondsman will make the bail and then put defendant on a so called installment plan. Thus he often doesn't even pay the ten percent and no one goes and checks if the installments are paid.
to KF @ 4:13PM yes bondsmen often allow installment plans, but the moment a defendant misses his payment the bondman picks him up, delivers him to the jail, surrenders him to the sheriff, and comes off the bond. and no, the bondsman does not refund any prior payments.
Let's face it. The amount of bond reflects the way the community regards the crime and the suspect. That regard is communicated to the judges one way or the other. Judges who don't get it won't be judges for long. Black on Black murder in Jackson is so routine the judges set bond without fear of community disapproval. Who cares?
Except too many don't pick up and deliver. The gangs get one that is friendly or get one of their peeps to get licensed or as in one case, the parent of a gang member.
"As a white person, I'm very disturbed about police deciding a death sentence for traffic infractions, misdemeanors and petty crime regardless of the person's pigmentation."
Sorry - I'm so dense. Once the police decide on a death sentence for a suspect, how can the now-deceased suspect post bail?
Hang I read that the gangs have their own bail bond companies? that takes real money
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