Saturday, July 9, 2016

Open thread about Dallas, BR, and Minn.

It's been a deadly week in America and I'm sure many of you are still absorbing what took place this week.  Consider this thread to be your chance to vent.  Feel free to posts links to relevant stories.  Read your comment if it is not approved and I'm sure you will see what was wrong with it.  No racist comments, no personal insults.

It was surreal watching Dallas unfold Thursday night as one cop after another was shot and then died.  This took place after videos of police shootings in Baton Rouge and St. Anthony went viral.  I think the St. Anthony police officer panicked and lost control of himself.  The video shows the killing of Castile but also generates questions.  Why is the police officer pulling his gun on a stop for a busted tail light?  Was there an officer on the driver's side of the car? If not, why not or better what, why was the police officer not on the driver's side? The Sterling case was very disturbing.  Yes, Sterling was a hoodlum.  He was a convicted child molester.  He was arrested more than a few times. However, the constitution didn't create exceptions for hoodlums.  It protects those at both the top and bottom of the totem pole. 

Thankfully we have this wonderful invention called the courtroom. The facts are going to come out and we are going to find out what happened in these two homicides.  They are homicides.  The only question is whether they were justifiable and make no mistake,  convicting these cops of murder or manslaughter doesn't bother me at all if any of these cops did indeed commit those crimes.   None of them are above the law. 

Meanwhile expect the activists and politicians on both sides try to take advantage of these tragedies.  It's sickening at times but it's what they do.  Then there was Matt Drudge and his headline Thursday night:

Nothing like pouring gasoline on the fire, eh, Matt?  Don't get too smug criticizing Drudge.  Protestors were screaming "F*** the Police" in Atlanta while cops were dying in Dallas.  Protestors were taunting the Dallas police at a nearby 7-11 AFTER the cops were shot and killed.  Classy.

Say a prayer for everyone if you go to church tomorrow.  This country needs it. 

Note (6:00 PM) WLBT just reported that the Dallas shooter learned his tactics at a self-defense school.   I had questioned where he learned his combat skills.  He was an Army reservist but he served in a combat engineer unit.  That means in basic training he spent less than two weeks on a rifle and virtually none in AIT.  He probably spent close to half of his BRM training on dry-fire drills.  Anyone remember the washers? The point is, non-infantry troops learn very little combat and patrol tactics in basic or MOS training.  


Anonymous said...

If the US wanted to have an honest discussion regarding what has transpired last week, we need to discuss race relations. Unfortunately neither the democrats or the republicans will want to put politics aside long enough to do this.

My $0.02: cops target blacks. Blacks are targeted because they break the law. They break the law because they are poor and don't have a moral influence to tell them right from wrong. If we want to stop crime we can: ban democrats from buying guns or drop the broken programs that put us in the mess we are in today.

White people need to understand that blacks are disadvantaged. Sure, they can get all bootstrappy and pull themselves out of the slums, but the deck is marked against them and they have to work 10 times as hard to get to the starting line.

Cops need to learn that every black male isn't going to try to kill them. Black males need to learn how not to resist arrest. White people need to know that being black in America sux.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi State University had a "community circle" yesterday from 1-3. Problem is, they waited until the last minute to advertise it, so only the Black Lives Matter people would attend. Posted it on their webpage 2 hours before the event so the organizers could say they invited everyone. Good to see my tax dollars and kids tuition dollars paying for this nonsense. I'm told they planned it before the Dallas shootings. I know I'll remember this when they call asking for donations.

Anonymous said...

White people need to understand that blacks are disadvantaged.

More disadvantaged than the hordes of illegal alien Hispanics streaming over our southern border?

Anonymous said...

This is not a real issue. The FACTS do not back up the talking point that cops discriminate against blacks. Read this book:
This is an issue adopted by democrats to stir up voters and to take the focus off what a miserable job they have done the past seven years. Not only that but the POTUS has been a the very core of advancing this lie.
It is not a real issue, but it has real and lasting consequences. The major consequence is that many people believe this lie about cops (even tho there are not facts to support the lie) so they mistreat cops. The cops back off, or quit their jobs altogether. As a society we must have policemen, but individual people do not have to work as policemen. In the future crime rates will be higher (they already are), the quality of people who are policemen will be lower and the costs of hiring them will be higher as a result of these protests and killings.
If you want a real issue that would actually help lets have a discussion about births to unwed mothers. They have gone from less than 1% in 1940 to more than 40% today. Today 70% of black babies have mothers who are not married. Children of unwed mothers are much more likely to grow up to be criminals. That is a discussion worth having. This black lives matter is going to help no one. And the discrimination they want us to believe is happening, will actually start happening because the quality of people working a policemen is going to decrease.

Anonymous said...

Many of the police shootings of black males seems to involve young, new police officers but not many of the older, veteran ones. Society needs to look at the minimum training requirements to be a police officer. If you put someone in a patrol car with a gun with only a few weeks or few months of training it is predictable there will be tragedies. Maybe we should require 6 months of training or 1 year of training as a minimum. We do that for many other licensed professions. Better trained officers would take a lot of money and people do not want to pay taxes to do it.

A police officer should pull a gun only as a last resort. Tasers, sprays, various things are all in hand that could be used and an officer could pull back and wait for more backup if necessary. Once the gun is pulled by an officer there is no way to descalate the situation. Some of these cases turn out to be clearly criminal by the officer, some are not criminal but are negligent enough for a lawsuit, and in some cases they are justified.

The fact that many of these cases are for traffic violation stops seems really odd. Some jurisdictions make their budget off of traffic tickets and there may be some officers that are looking for trouble as well.

Anonymous said...

The fact that many of these cases are for traffic violation stops ...


Anonymous said...

6:02. Yes. Because illegal Mexicans aren't profiled like blacks are. When you walk In a diimly lit parking lot in Jackson, are you more likely to fear the illegals? Or more likely to fear a small gaggle of black men watching your every move?

Add that Obama and democrats keep the blacks in a state of agitation, combined with poor lifestyle choices, you see why race relations are worse now than in the past 30 years.

Anonymous said...

What about Tupelo?

someoneinnorthms said...

I've noticed (in both my practice and in my personal experience) that the police "us vs. them" mentality is slowly expanding to include poor whites as well as blacks. The only way this situation will ever get better is for more whites to be affected personally by it. More whites need to suffer illegal arrests. More whites need to die or suffer serious injuries inflicted by police officers. It will only get better when white people understand what black people have been going through for the last three or four decades.

There is a WAR going on. It is called the WAR on drugs. It transformed about 20 years ago into the war on blacks. It continues its transformation into a war on poor whites. So, really, why are we surprised when police shoot people with very little evidence that they need shooting? Why are we surprised when people shoot back? Or first?

The Founders put together a really good system. But exigencies have eaten the Fourth Amendment. The public has been taught to disdain the Sixth Amendment and distrust the Fifth. Is it really a surprise that police feel like they can anything they want?

My prediction: no charges will be brought in Louisiana or Minnesota. Police will continue to entrench themselves against the enemy they have created. And nothing will happen about it until some rich white politician's kid gets his head blown off by a trigger-happy police officer. I pray I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

What about Jackson? A black female officer shot a black male this week after he threw a beer bottle at her.
Crickets from the MSM & BLM about this.
By the way, I'm glad she defended herself or she could have been severely injured or killed. Attack a cop and expect to be met with deadly force. Attack me or my family and expect to be met with deadly force.

Anonymous said...

6:02. Yes. Because illegal Mexicans aren't profiled like blacks are. When you walk In a diimly lit parking lot in Jackson, are you more likely to fear the illegals?

I forgot. Jackson is ground zero for all our nation's ills.

Anonymous said...

There you have it, @7:04 PM says #MoreWhitesMustDIE. I'm sure Donner can quietly get right on board that death train.

Anonymous said...

Where is the dialogue around the task force the current administration appointed and their subsequent recommendations in response to the Ferguson shooting? The Dallas Police Department embraced their recommendations to the fullest extent versus any other department. They are now the primary target in history. No one is talking about this.

I believe, while the Federal Government had best intentions in mind, we cannot allow lone cowards to screw things up.

The Dallas Police Depqrtment continues to demonstrate high character in the face of incredible circumstances.

I heard an editorial today that spoke of "some" people do wrong. Until the public discourse focuses on our community as a nation and not lone actors who dominate deeper vitriol and hate, we will not achieve what makes America Great; our ability to compassionately live together, respectful of our rights to be whoever you want to be, and willing to stand up when something is wrong.

I pray. I pray more for this Nation now than I ever have. No one person through any action should ever impinge on our pursuits of freedom and our pursuit of happiness.

Anonymous said...

I got one thing to say.........

Anonymous said...

I believe, while the Federal Government had best intentions in mind, ...


Paul Mitchell said...

The facts surrounding both Baton Rouge and Minnesota will show that both are more of the Trayvon and Michael Brown nonsense. I bet you a dollar to a day old donut.

Anonymous said...

You said say a prayer IF you go to church tomorrow. Most of the folks in church tomorrow will be quoting Fox News or Huffington Post and won't worry a damn bit about praying. The folks that stay home due to hypocrisy but still pray will be the ones praying earnestly. If I read another PR piece about a politicians thoughts and prayers followed by a political jab, I don't know what I'll do. Step one, don't be part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why the killing in Tupelo has not hit the national issues? It will.

Years from now we will still be having this discussion. How will the families of the dead police react years from now when they see a group of blacks? The young manager of Rasing Canes that was stabbed to death by a group of blacks robbing the restaurant had a family. Her family and friends will be scarred for life. Last week there were several murders of blacks by blacks. How will the friends and family of those killed in Jackson be reacting next year or 10 years from today.

Like a pebble thrown into a pond, our society's indifference to murder will be rippling for a long, long time.
Scary. The future looks like a place from a horror movie.

Anonymous said...

The videos were clear. Excessive force and two dead people who happened to be black.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:04. Thank you. You are correct.

-White guy

Anonymous said...

952. You are part of the problem. You heard the media headline of police brutality and watched the video with you mind made up. The Baton Rouge video link, the second one that came out, shows the officer struggling with the suspect's right arm. You have to actually watch it objectively and more than once. The Minnesota video is after the fact and we have know idea what happened before. The whole black Lives Matter thing is a bunch of racist separatists, with ideology very much like the KKK. The are not interested in equality but supremacy. Their mentality is exactly what MLK, Medgar Evers and other true civil rights leaders fought against. The whole argument that blacks don't have the same opportunity is over played. You have to make the right choices.

Anonymous said...

7:04, you are wrong already. But keep on blaming someone or something else. That way it never gets fixed. Common solution that has worked extremely well so far

Kingfish said...

Cersai has no clue what is coming across the sea to hit her.

Anonymous said...

All of black youth idolize gangster rappers who ride around with guns and drugs.

That's the desired persona.

Police have to react to these types...hoodies and hands in pockets....shifty behavior just to be cool. It's why hoodies and hats are not allowed in banks.

Keep acting like thugs, be seen as thugs, be treated like thugs.

There is a reason Catholic nuns are not often seen on TV in handcuffs...they aren't out stealing ATMs.

This is not higher math...just inconvenient truisms.

Anonymous said...

6:03 pm I appreciate that you try to get what you hope will be reliable information. Unfortunately, those whose create misinformation are far better financed than ever before and yes, even write books.
A brief search will shows that the book you read is called into question by various sources credibility.
It is difficult to find unbiased sources with no ulterior agenda.
To make matters worse, there has been a concerted effort make us distrust government and academia. And, of course, it is patently obvious that most news sources are biased and television news is about ratings and entertainment. No more is news " who ,what, where, or when".
Dallas is a particular example of how instant news from Podunk becoming viral negatively and in this case tragically affects a police department that , by all accounts, has become one of the best in the country.
Some of us, including our politicians, still don't " get" that inflammatory rhetoric, can incite the mentally ill to violence. And few of us seem to bother to understand the danger in the popularity of political " pundits" and self- proclaimed religious leaders have a confirmed history of mental illness and/or drug addiction or in some cases, both. The mentally ill, even on medication, do not have normal thought patterns and drug use permanently alters our body chemistry.
We can't face that in politics, the idea is to appeal to our emotions and seldom these days, are our best emotions in play. Instead, stirring fear and anger and prejudice are the objectives.
If you cannot step back and try to be objective and try to see events in a larger context, you are part of the problem. And the problem is that we are ripping the idea of a Nation based on the common objectives of equality before the law and freedom of thought to shreds.

Anonymous said...

Here's a crazy idea: Why don't we try objective facts instead of a bunch of anecdotes and opinions?

The objective fact, according to a 2015 Harvard study citing FBI homicide stats, is that when white people are stopped by police, they are just as likely to be shot as black people.

Of course, black people are stopped by police much more frequently, which might suggest racism in stops, but not in use of force. Except that black are convicted --by multiracial juries-- at rates that far exceed their percentage of the population, which suggests that in general, police are stopping the right people.

If you can't reconcile your position and/or emotions with these facts, just admit that you don't really want a discussion. You want a fight.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Cersai, KF, but I don't understand the relevance of where or how the Dallas shooter got his training.

What is relevant to me is that by all accounts, the shooter's behavior was troubling to his neighbors for quite some time prior to this incident.

I was actually rather heartened just before this horrible tragedy to see that the protests everywhere had been peaceful and racially diverse.

It gave me hope that perhaps finally, the decent, sensible people in this country were coming together.

I am appalled that the troublemakers have found the comparatively few crazies in those protests and painted thousands with the actions of very few.

Only another crazy person or troublemaker would either attempt to excuse violence,vandalism and the use of pejoratives or imagine those bad behaviors would further any cause. Yet, if a policeman is bad or a protester is bad, partisans paint those idiots as poster children for conservatives or liberals. How idiotic can you be to fall for that?

By the way, I was stopped for speeding as a young teenage girl and the " officer" offered to not write the ticket in exchange for sexual favors. This was 51 years ago. I told him to write the ticket and told him who my father was and assured him we would both be reporting his outrageous behavior to the Chief of Police, who had the good sense to believe us since he knew us, the next morning. I didn't get the ticket but I did tell my father and that was one bad guy in an otherwise fine department who was gone the next day. The Chief wrote the ticket at Daddy's insistence and discovered I wasn't the first, just the last. And, yes, the ticket came out of my allowance for a long time.
So, I learned early, what apparently some of have not... that there are rotten apples in every barrel. And, I did then and now appreciate that not every girl who was stopped by this guy was lucky enough to have a father like mine. I learned also that standing up and taking the time and trouble to make the system work is part of being a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

I am black. When stopped by the police I don't resist nor do I put my hands anywhere but the steering wheel. What fool would go into his pocket to retrieve anything with a gun pointed at their chest. I know how to get home safely!! Some like getting their ass beat or have a death wish. The tape doesn't show the entire stop!!! Law Enforcement Personnel are human and they also want to go home safe. Don't call them and they won't come. We as Black people need to educate ourselves and our children and most of all stop killing their own race. PROTEST THAT!

Anonymous said...

You know what's not being talked about as much now that all this has happened? Hillary Clinton....

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to point out that a BLM protestor more or less threatened Kim Wade on the radio Friday.

Anonymous said...

To the layperson at 7;43PM yesterday: if the reality you live in continues to live by the belief 1860 is a better time to live, your time has passed. Wake up. The problems of today while rooted in the past, involve a number of variables, including the Federal Government. Your comment demonstrates your shallow thinking and that you probably skimmed my comment uuntil you could sensationalize like the media. Tool!

Anonymous said...

The fact that a white policeman is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than a black male is to be killed by a white policeman may be part of the overall problem that gets very little attention.

Anonymous said...

Blacks killed by whites: 2%
Blacks killed by police: 1%
Whites killed by police: 3%
Whites killed by whites: 16%
Whites killed by blacks: 81%
Blacks killed by blacks: 97%

2015 stats for USA, correct?

Anonymous said...

Nothing good will come out of this. I am 70 years old and I grew up in the 1960's when race relations were horrendous. I never thought we would be "back to the 60's" again. The deep animus and the level of mistrust between the races is now at rock bottom. Add in the vast numbers of illegal immigrants and you have a toxic mixture that can only result in tragedy. The USA has become a Balkanized country. Factor in the amount of guns we have, the availability of any kind of drugs, the paralyzingly fear that some parents in Chicago, Detroit, SouthCentral LA have when their kids walk out the door, the craven soulless politicians, and you have volatile mixture that is only going to get worse. I am off my soapbox with this........when you turn on your television and see something akin to newsreel footage of IWO JIMA and it is Ferguson, Detroit, or Dallas, we have made a wrong turn somewhere. We have a serious task ahead of us if this country is going to survive. I am not optimistic.

Anonymous said...

It is very hard for me to understand. When some black person is threatened by another black person who do they call?
When their house is shot full of holes by some drive by who do they call?
When their brother, father, mother, son or daughter decides to kill a family member who do they call?
Is there ever a video of a black person robbing, stealing, or killing another black person?
Black lives matter is just another excuse to march, burn, and steal.

Anonymous said...

There is one common thread in almost all questionable "police shootings of blacks".

The black's did NOT do as instructed by the police. More often than not, they run.

The black's would not shut their f____g mouths and listen.

Cops are not riding around randomly picking blacks to shoot. If they were, we would know it.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people writing and talking about the issues raised by these recent cop on black encounters seem to live in a world of blind make-believe. They see "big changes' in race relations and policies of some party or another as responsible for all these "new" problems.
What they all seem to ignore is the real elephant in the room.
CAMERAS, CAMERAS, and more CAMERAS. There were far more violent encounters between white cops and black people in the past, any honest
older black person will tell you that, but they weren't on camera so for all intents to white America, they never happened. Now, cameras are everywhere and there will be too many documented encounters for the police to explain and sweep under the rug. Turn off the cameras and you could forget about Black Lives Matter, police brutality or all the rest, but if they stay around, police policy and training will change. There will be too many lawsuits and payouts too maintain the status quo. Count on it!

Anonymous said...

2:46, but those cameras seem to work only on whites killing blacks. For some reason there is never a camera around when a black kills another black. Strange isn't it?

Anonymous said...

@2;46 - unfortunately, those cameras show only the side of the story to person holding it WANTS to show. Example: The BR video that showed the cop shooting the guy who, from THAT angle, appeared to be face down and harmless. Thank goodness for HONESTY that there was ANOTHER camera that showed quite a different story. And, in MN, we have ONLY a video by an extremely narcissistic and STONED woman that shows the man AFTER he was shot. There is nothing to show what might have caused the cop to shoot. And then there are the LIES! Like: 'he was only selling counterfeit cds' or 'we were only stopped because of a broken tail-light'. Furthermore, there may have been violent encounters between white cops and black in the past. And, maybe, just MAYBE, if everybody had been equipped with a video camera back then, we might have discovered that those encounters, too, we not quite as "unprovoked" as it was claimed. I'm not denying that black people in general may be "afraid" of white cops. But being afraid is not a good reason to disobey direct order, run, fight, curse, etc. In fact, good common sense should tell you to do just the opposite. Furthermore, white people are not immune to fear. I can guarantee you, I'm more afraid to stop for gas inside the city limits of Jackson than any non-criminal black person anywhere is afraid of being stopped by a white cop. I can't even IMAGINE how a white cop must feel when his duty calls for him to confront some drugged up, gun-toting beligerant black man who is surrounded by 1/2 dozen other trash-talking thugs with raps sheets as long as your arm. Blacks want to justify the fighting, running, etc on the basis of "fear of white cops" but they totally ignore the fact that white cops actually have MORE to fear from blacks than the other way around.

Anonymous said...

JJ commenters continue to sing the praises of fascism. Question authority & be shot for your insolence!

... My only semi-original thought on the Dallas atrocity is that the guy was so obviously a Lone Shooter Nutjob that it's very difficult for anyone other than Drudge or the NY Post to push the "race war!!!!" line. Given how many assault rifles are in this country, it's pretty great about human nature that we don't have such massacres every week.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:38 That is the nature of the beast. CBS, NBC, Fox, ABC, CNN, and the joker across the street with the cell phone all do the same thing. Duh. They all show you what they want you to see. But you still see it. But if you even have the brass to say that black people did not have anything to fear from police in the past, then you are right, forget it. It's hopeless. Even a video from start to finish wouldn't convince you anyway. Every case is not the same and all Black people aren't guilty. The videos will keep coming and the idiots will keep saying that all the situations are the same...Black thug brought it on himself. But people aren't all stupid. At some point they'll think...that could have been me and I ain't no thug. Sooner or later...Just keep the videos coming.

Anonymous said...

9:52. You're right. Because they made the wrong choices, they were shot dead. How could I not SEE that?

Anonymous said...

5:14 meant for 1:44. The second video also shows the officer removing the weapon from the dead guys POCKET. Terrible situations in all three instances. We've got to do better as human beings in how we treat one another.

Anonymous said...

Given how many assault rifles are in this country, ...

Sorry, assault rifles are battlefield rifles which can fire automatically.

Anonymous said...

Who has repeatedly jumped to errant conclusions, and fomented this?

Kingfish said...

All right, someone is trying to be cute by posting comments under names that include Donna Ladd's street or address. Don't bother doing it again because I'm not approving it. We've had our um, disagreements over the years but this site isn't going to approve including her actual personal info in comments. Period. A couple of such comments have slipped through in the past due to my ignorance. They are going to get zapped when I find them.

Anonymous said...

11:43. no those aren't the numbers. 14.7 percent of murders of white people are committed by blacks. 82 percent by other whites. you are quoting an internet meme and not doing research.

Its true that a lot of black people are killed by police. How many of those are justified? The very small number of innocent blacks being killed PALES in comparison to the number of innocent blacks being shot by other black people. BLM doesn't do their research either--they should focus on the rampant violence of black males rather than the actions of the police.

"news outlets" are businesses--their content is to sell not educate. anger and fear drive ratings--truth not so much...

Anonymous said...

Where do you buy those cell phones that only take a video of whites involved with blacks? What happens when a person attempts to use one to show a black killing another black? This is much more common but something happens to the phone. For some reason, even when a black is killing your family member, the phones fail to work.

Anonymous said...

Black lives matter. Too. Also. As well. Black lives matter is no more exclusionary than is say a 5K walk/run which raises money for breast cancer, but not testicular cancer. All lives matter. Duh. But not all lives are treated the same.

You all sit on here day after day calling black people thugs, feral animals and what not. Do you know any black people? Do you think this of the black people with whom you work? Who go to school with your kids? Is this the love of God y'all profess? Y'all are, for the most part, some miserable ass people.

Black folks cried at Columbine. We raised money during 911. We light candles when some crazy white boy shoots up a movie theater or a church. When we are killed - unjustly - by officers of the law, the white community by and large responds with deafening silence. We do not condemn all white folks when these foolish shootings occur. Yet, let a black person commit a crime and the "mentally disturbed, lone wolf" language ceases. The labeling of all, or most blacks begins. Ridiculous.

Are there black criminals? Sure. 90% of blacks are shot by blacks. Just like 85% of whites are shot by whites. There is no such thing as black on black crime just like there's no such thing as white on white crime. And you all cannot, rather you should not, pretend like you don't understand that concept.

This just saddens my heart. It is so disheartening. Those officers in Dallas and elsewhere didn't deserve to be gunned down like dogs in the street. Nor did Alton. Of Philando. Or Tamir. Or. Or. Or. Don't ignore one set of killings and then gnash and wail over another. Either it's all wrong or it's all right. Can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and all the hoopla is another reminder that every new technology brings it's own new demands. People regardless of race or status have a hard time adjusting to it. Cell phone cameras. In this case the police are still adjusting to constant scrutiny. Young inexperienced Black people are "shocked" at seeing all the instances of police brutality or unequal treatment captured on somebody's cell phone. The T.V. networks and social media now have hundreds of provocative footage to broadcast whether it's been edited or not. In the meantime people are shocked. That's the bad news. the good news is that We'll get over it and we'll adjust because the camera is here to stay.

Wow said...

This comment below deserves to be re-posted. It is perhaps of someone born into privilege, perhaps something old, who was still taught to value the meaning of hard work, and most importantly, that with that privilege came a sense of responsibility to make the system and society better than what we found it.

We need people like this at the top, just like we need level minded people in the trenches enacting change in the right way. I hope there exists still a silent majority of both.

Too often today, we have those at the top putting their energies into ideological battles of no consequence to our society whether that be R or D ideology. And those on the trenches trying to make their point known through violence.


You are right about Cersai, KF, but I don't understand the relevance of where or how the Dallas shooter got his training.

What is relevant to me is that by all accounts, the shooter's behavior was troubling to his neighbors for quite some time prior to this incident.

I was actually rather heartened just before this horrible tragedy to see that the protests everywhere had been peaceful and racially diverse.

It gave me hope that perhaps finally, the decent, sensible people in this country were coming together.

I am appalled that the troublemakers have found the comparatively few crazies in those protests and painted thousands with the actions of very few.

Only another crazy person or troublemaker would either attempt to excuse violence,vandalism and the use of pejoratives or imagine those bad behaviors would further any cause. Yet, if a policeman is bad or a protester is bad, partisans paint those idiots as poster children for conservatives or liberals. How idiotic can you be to fall for that?

By the way, I was stopped for speeding as a young teenage girl and the " officer" offered to not write the ticket in exchange for sexual favors. This was 51 years ago. I told him to write the ticket and told him who my father was and assured him we would both be reporting his outrageous behavior to the Chief of Police, who had the good sense to believe us since he knew us, the next morning. I didn't get the ticket but I did tell my father and that was one bad guy in an otherwise fine department who was gone the next day. The Chief wrote the ticket at Daddy's insistence and discovered I wasn't the first, just the last. And, yes, the ticket came out of my allowance for a long time.
So, I learned early, what apparently some of have not... that there are rotten apples in every barrel. And, I did then and now appreciate that not every girl who was stopped by this guy was lucky enough to have a father like mine. I learned also that standing up and taking the time and trouble to make the system work is part of being a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

A rant by an Old Curmudgeon:
What seems to have gotten lost in the Dallas coverage was that 4 people were shot in Bristol, TN hours before Dallas to include a white police officer. A women who just happened to be driving by was killed. At about the same time or little later than Dallas was happening an Atlanta area police officer was being shot at. In Valdosta a deputy was shot multiple times on Saturday morning in an ambush. And then on Saturday a police officer was shot in a St. Louis suburb in an ambush when he was called to a residence for the purpose of shooting him. On Sunday it appears a BLM member broke in a St. Louis police officers home and tried to kill him. All of these shootings/attacks conducted by black males that were angry about Baton Rouge and Minnesota.

So in summary:
TN - 4 people shot (one who was a police officer) and one civilian killed - shooter a black male.
GA - 2 police officers shot at - one hit - shooter a black male.
MO - 2 police officers attacked - one shot - shooter a black male.
MN - 20 police officers injured - combination of black and white protestors
TX - 5 white police officers dead, 8 more shot. 1 civilian shot - shooter a black male.

So who is the aggressor? I guess all the attacks are made by "demented" people as the Divider In Chief stated in his constantly entertaining remarks that never cease to be racially divisive.
And of course MN has a real jewel in their Governor who immediately blames "white people" for the shooting. Turns out the police officer is a Hispanic. And no one has actual footage of what happened before the shooting. Only after. Baton Rouge has two cops struggling with a guy who has a gun but you cannot see if he got his hand on his gun or one belonging to the officers. When you start fighting with a cop and you have a gun it should be no shock if you get shot. Especially when you have an entire community chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon". And that has been going on for more than a year.

In Chicago the black community never bats an eye when 5-10 are killed each week (2000+ shot/wounded in 2016 to date) in their neighborhood but if a white cop does anything he is immediately condemned without trial by the President, and every other strap hanger out there.

Maybe the Northern Ireland approach is best - build a wall between communities and only allow Black Officers in black communities and White Officers in white communities. Nothing else has worked. Maybe accepting the obvious (that 150 years of animus on both sides) is not going to be overcome with happy thoughts and words. It did not work in the Balkans. It has not worked in Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Philippines, Korea, Zimbabwe, etc., etc.

Got a better idea? Lets hear it.

Anonymous said...

12:58, that is not PC. We all know being PC is much more important the keeping people alive. The simple way of stopping the violence would to do like one side has wanted to do for a long time. Make all people equal. No minorities. All people are judged the same. Make hate crimes work both ways. Stop all riots before they get started. File criminal charges to anyone blocking any street or highway.

The govt. came up with a very good weapon several years ago. It will immediately stop all riots. It will not kill anyone but will make them leave the area in a hurry. The microwave gun. One gun can cover a large area. Turn it on and people in front of it will suddenly begin to get warmer. It has been tested and is a safe form of dispersing crowds.

Anonymous said...

12:58pm....the democrats will never ever ever allow any peace in this situation. They have way too much to lose if race relations are good.

Anonymous said...

No one wants to fix the problem.
What would the race whores do for a living?
How else would the politicians turn people away from the criminal things they do?
We don't have anyone in the U.S. that wants to stop the racial problems. Not the president who used the racial problems to get elected twice. Not the democrat hopeful that wants to be the next president, as long as she can stay out of jail.
Not the mayors of several cities who would jump at the chance of having their city burned to the ground, instead of falling to the ground in disrepair. Not even the people causing most of the racial problems as they would have to find another way make a living rather than guilting bleeding hearts.

E said...

5:32 "blacks are disadvantaged" OF MY IS THAT A JOKE? There are so many, many, many programs available for "the minority" (blacks). You can lead a horse to water....
"If the US wanted to have an honest discussion regarding what has transpired last week, we need to discuss race relations." statements like this PISS me off beyond words. What do you want to discuss? The talk is always the same what can you give me/ what can you do for me? There is no "race relations" problem. The problem solely rest in the black community cleaning up its act.
6:03 has it dead on.
7:04 YOU apparently are one of many that cannot be confused by thew facts. MORE WHITE PEOPLE ARE SHOT BY POLICE. Also the facts show that of the black shooting the shot person was engaging in behavior that lead to his own death. Facts are a bitch.
You are the problem telling blacks that is ok it is understandable why you are out there causing mayhem. You should be ashamed.
10:17 The problems today ARE NOT rooted in the past. They are rooted in the present trying to cash in on the past. Slavery has been gone for some time and the "racial divide" is far far worse today than 1970, 80, 90's. A couple of generations have been raised/ thought that they are entitled and if you scream racist you get your way. History is meant to learn from NOT wallow in. Slavery was legal-not right but legal in that time learn and move on. The young people today do not have a clue what that time was like yet because it is convenient to getting their way the young BLM and others cling to the teaching that the white man is out to get them.
The problems today are rooted in laziness, something for nothing attitude, I am owed whatever I dang well want, etc.. You ask most of those BLM people and they can not tell you one thing about true history.
9:41 I know many black people have a number that I consider friends. The blacks I know have many of the same feeling and thoughts I have. I hate that the good honest blacks are lumped in with all blacks. We are human. When night after night after night the news is completely inundated with crime after crime committed by black males then of course naturally whites and many blacks are fearful of black men. If the goal was to truly change this then the behavior has to change. "Black leadership" must get into these black communities to work on changing the moral compass of these kids.
White people can not go into these neighborhoods because we get run out with screams of not understanding, racist, on & on & on. I have talked to a number of blacks that tell me the same --whites can not do it. Until the good hard working blacks get tired enough to take a stand against being called uncle tom, sell out, white want a be, etc. to make changes NOTHING will change. It really is quiet humorous that a well spoken educated black man is called a white want a be by the majority of his black peeps: prime example Clarence Thomas.
This will not change what would Jesse Jackson, Louis Fairacon(do not know how he spells his name), Stoke, Bennies' of the world do. Their power lies in much of the black population believing they can not do any better as long as the white man is around.

Anonymous said...

Meth heads matter, I mean they are someone's son, daughter, dad, friend. Not sure who is to blame?

Anonymous said...

Please do not blame the meth heads for their problems. Don't you know it isn't PC. Same for the piss poor educated blacks. It isn't PC to ask them to get an education. It t is the fault of others, never their own fault. Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS