Monday, January 25, 2016

Carjacking on Ridgewood

Update: Suspect also fingered in armed robbery at the Shell gas station on County Line Road this morning. 

A woman survived a carjacking, kidnapping, and shooting this morning on Lakeland Drive.  JPD sources told JJ that a woman was carjacked by Fondren Hills Apartments this morning.  A black male wearing a yellow hoodie carjacked the woman in her 2015 silver Toyota Camry.  His face was covered.  He made her drive to an ATM.  Something apparently agitated him so he shot the woman in the hip. It is not yet known how much, if any, money was obtained from the ATM.  She somehow got out of the car and made it to the McDonald's on Ridgewood where help was summoned.  She was transported to a hospital.  JPD is currently searching for the suspect and investigating the crime. 


Anonymous said...

Local news says that the carjacking happened at Fondren Hills. Is this the same crime or were the two carjackings this morning?

Anonymous said...

From NextDoor app:

We are looking for a 2015 Silver Camry Tag JBG 897 that was taken from the victim on Crane Ridge. We are looking for a black male suspect wearing a yellow hoodie. He had a bandana covering his face but was described as being very skinny and medium completion. The suspect also robbed a store on County Line Road with the carjacked vehicle. The victim was injured in this incident.

Everyone be on the look out. Call 911 immediately if you see this vehicle. We have increased patrol in the entire area.

District Commander James McGowan
Patrol Operations District Two
Jackson Police Department

Kingfish said...

Going by what I was told. Police got some bad info this morning and are trying to sort it all out. For example, they were told at one point it started at The Quarter Inn. That turned out to be false. I'm going to update this post throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

Can you spare us the trouble of reading garbage and just block all the "I TOLD YOU SO" Madison County posters?

This is an absolute tragedy. Until the leadership of the City (including those leaders who are not elected officials) start to give a damn, nothing will get better. There should be outrage over this, but instead complacency will likely prevail.

PittPanther said...

11:45am, why do you think people aren't outraged? Why do you think the leadership of Jackson doesn't give a damn?

What do you want to see from the city leadership that is not happening?

Anonymous said...


11:45. By remaining in Jackson you are endangering not only your life, but the lives of your loved ones as well. I TOLD YOU SO.

Anonymous said...

12:09, One reason people outside of Jackson do not feel the people in Jackson are outraged is they continually let this type of crimes happen.

The leadership have said over and over Jackson is a haven for criminals. Even going as far as threatening cops from other cities.
One thing the leadership of Jackson could do is stop releasing the criminals back on the street after they commit so many crimes.

Jackson will continue being a cesspool as long as the people keep electing the same people over and over. It will continue as long as the police dept is as crooked as those they are supposed to arrest.

Anonymous said...

You mean JPD is sitting on its hands because keennuff stokes said he will fire them if they do anything other than eat doughnuts and tell him how pretty his wife's hat is sitting on the bench.

Anonymous said...

Not 11:45 but . . .
Pitt Panther, if the residents of Jackson were outraged there would be public demands for resignations, protests in the street, and of course a fluffy drivel piece in the Jacktown Free Press.

Forgive me if not holding my breath makes me a flaming racist somehow.

Anonymous said...

The tag started with a "J", so I assume the victim was from Jackson county. These sort of incidents are why Jackson (the city) has a reputation around the state. When I lived in Jackson, I became numb to the frequency of these occurrences (and potholes). It wasn't until I left that I really saw how terrible thing truly are and remain.

Kingfish said...

JPD does its job. Our boys are out there day and night taking it to to the enemy and fighting the enemy . However, while they engage the enemy, they aren't supported by the judges and district attorney's office. The criminal justice system continuously lets them down and gives us a catch and release program.

The problem is no one says anything about the judges. No one says anything about Green or Kidd. Gowan is subdued since Green didn't get a real opponent to run against him. That leaves Weill, who has his flaws, but the only one really moving the docket and throwing out tough sentences on a regular basis. The hatred he gets from a certain crowd is at a fever pitch, however. The black community also overwhelmingly voted for the incumbent DA.

In other words, they get up on tv and wail and scream when someone they know gets shot or robbed, but then put right back into office the same people who made it possible.

In some ways it is just like the Arab world. You have leaders who want to do right and see what you see, but they are terrified of "the street". A "street" that has Bennie acting as an enforcer.

Anonymous said...

I think the woman was highjacked getting in her car at Fondren Hiils Apts which is on Lakeland Drive just north of UMMC. It uses the same driveway as the high rise building that houses UMMC Family Medicine and other doctor's offices.

Crown Vic said...

Stop posting for awhile, people. Give Condolooloo Green a chance to get in here and ask for the public to solve the crime. They pay her $45,000 a year to do that.

Am I the only one noticing the 'of late' suck-up by Kingfish to the JPD? A virtual 180 from this time last year when they could do nothing right. Twenty chiefs of PoPo in the past 16 years and they're finally doing the job?

Anonymous said...

KF @ are exactly correct IMO- keep preaching it friend , you are making a difference!!

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of guy that Stokes wants the Rankin cops to stop chasing.

Anonymous said...

We care, we're just out-voted. Many of you suburbanites got scared and moved out of Jackson, thus taking a bad situation and making it worse. Then, you believe you have some authority to lecture us on how we should deal with the problem? Geeziz.

PittPanther said...

As expected, none of the comments are getting to the root of anything.

One person blames Jacksonites for "letting" a crime happen, as if the criminals ask our permission before committing a crime.

Another wants to see protest marches and demands for resignations, but from who? Who isn't doing their job? JPD is doing their job well. JPS isn't, but we fire the leadership of JPS every few years, but nothing improves there. So please tell me who needs to resign?

KF, you're right about the DA, he's an idiot. But tell me how a different DA would have made any difference in today's crime. Or in the shooting spree last month? The DA is only involved AFTER some horrible crime is committed.

I'm still waiting for some bright solution that will reduce crimes before they happen. That you're all willing to pay for.

Kingfish said...

Actually you are dead wrong. The voters did flip the board in Hinds County. Doug died and Darrell beat out David Archie for the seat. Fisher had nominated him to be the interim appointment. Graham and Stokes voted against him. Greer replaced Fisher. The board flipped. THe crazy contracts for cronies such as Airwave and Malachi were stopped.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one noticing the 'of late' suck-up by Kingfish to the JPD?

You must be a greenhorn round these parts. That you don't know jack shit is a phrase that readily comes to mind.

Kingfish said...


we don't know who the perp is right now. When we do, we can look up his record.

Needless to say, too many of these crimes are committed by repeat offenders.

Too many are also committed by youth court alumni. We need to take a long look at youth court laws and see what needs to be changed. Court can only hold them for 90 days. Not good when it is a repeat carjacker or violent criminal. Judge's hands are tied. Then they get to 18, we don't know what their record is, and the real fun starts.

Anonymous said...

1:08, thank you!!! Exactly right.

PittPanther - if the DA and judges locked up these criminals and kept them there, this one probably wouldn't have been out to commit this crime. You think this was his first crime????

Kingfish said...

This is the kind of guy that Stokes wants the Rankin cops to stop chasing.

Wrong. Stokes has said repeatedly that the police should chase the violent criminals such as this guy.

Anonymous said...

1:08, How could moving out of Jackson make it any worse? Are you saying all of the good decent people moved out leaving the scum behind?

Sure the people outside of Jackson have authority to lecture the people who choose to remain in Jackson. The scum is coming out of Jackson preying on people in other cities then running back to Jackson where they are protected from the law.

Don't blame the people who had the good sense to leave Jackson when it turned into a ghetto. Put the blame on those who decided to stay in Jackson. They are the people who are standing by letting Jackson seek even deeper in the cesspool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crown Vic- you know not what you are talking about...JPD is doing a helluva lot better job than they have done in many years- JPD finally has a chief that is competent,responsible and wants to clean up the crime and it shows through out the force- as KF continues to report,its the judges and DA,not JPD that are broken.

Anonymous said...

1:08- How can the statement "Many of you suburbanites got scared and moved out of Jackson, thus taking a bad situation and making it worse," be true, as so many who are never wrong, tell a story that this suburbanite flight doesn't matter, as the majority of Jackson residents are lawful, hardworking folks. It just proves the city has a majority of criminals and those that defend or condone illegal activity for their personal gain. Thank you for loving Jackson. We will do all that is possible to keep you out of the suburbs.

Anonymous said...

1:21 - I'm not 1:08, but you're a complete fool if you think all the run-and-hiders who fled Jackson didn't make the situation worse. Anyone who says differently lacks common sense. If the mass fleeing didn't occur, Jackson would not be in the situation it's in now, financially and otherwise. If you're perfectly happy to where you've fled, then why do you and others spend so much time focusing on Jackson? I'll tell you why - it's because you know if Jackson fails, then the outlook for you and the other suburbanites is not so good. And that's because yes, the criminals of Jackson are coming out into other counties to prey on suburbanites. You made your own bed when you left and didn't stand and fight. Instead, you threw up your hands and walked away. A lot of good that did you. You see, you can't run and hide from Jackson. Jackson is here to stay. Everybody better hope Jackson can get a grip on these criminals, or we're all in trouble.

Anonymous said...

So, Vance was this shining yet unheralded star for the past twenty five years and nobody recognized his talent? He was on the bench and nobody saw him. Suddenly, this?....

It's not these high-visibility crimes getting solved that will make a difference in Jacktown. It's the thousands of others on the back streets, in the poor neighborhoods, at the seedy drive-throughs, at the bars on streets named for dead people, at the carwash and at the Indian store and at the gas pump.

And THOSE are where effective policing will make a difference. That is what has been ignored by the Po Po for decades and they are still afraid to address.

Anonymous said...

1:21 - I'm not going to 'blame you' if you are one that moved. But assuming you are, I am going to tell you to STFU about lecturing me if I decided to stay in Jackson. No you DON"T have any "authority" to lecture me or anybody else. You have the right to make your choice, but your "lecturing" means about as much as the other crap that comes out of your ahole - or whichever orifice you are spouting from.

I don't give a damn about your opinion about me or others that didn't follow the path you chose. Obviously you don't care about ours either. So there - we are equal. But you are the one that feels just great "lecturing" those that you feel don't have the same IQ as your mediocre one.

Frankly, I feel as absolutely safe in Jackson as I would in Ridgeland or Madison, based on where I live and work.

PittPanther said...

Complaints about "repeat offenders" look good, but what is the solution? Three strike laws? So you lock up someone for life when that third crime is a minor theft? That's what happens in other states that have tried three strikes. No great reduction in crime.

We need more than just knee jerk reactions. If solving crime was easy then every municipality would have solved it already.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, where can we send you a lead on a good story?

Anonymous said...

Can someone who decided to stay in Jackson answer a question?
Why did the good solid citizens decide to leave Jackson?
Didn't they choose to leave because of what Jackson was becoming?
Do you think anyone with common sense would stay in a city that was becoming a ghetto? Only those who enjoy living in a ghetto stayed. I hope you never decide to leave Jackson. That would mean another city was on it's way to becoming a ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, have to disagree, this is exactly the kind of guy that Clinton might catch doing a misdemeanor at Big Lots or running a stop sign and this is exactly why they should chase them down. There is a REASON they are running from a misdemeanor.

Anonymous said...

1:08 here. While I expected some rebuttal in the form of someone attempting to explain that a person who turns tail and runs still has standing to lecture those who remain on how they conduct their lives, I really didn't expect anyone to state that flight has not had a negative effect on Jackson. That's a hot take if there ever was one.

Anonymous said...

McDonald's on Ridgewood? Is this the Eastover McDonald's?

Anonymous said...

"The robber forced both of them into a corner and took money from the register, he said. He also took money from them. On his way out the door, the robber snatched some cigarettes and cigars, he said." So, how many times has this "gentle giant" snatched blunt material from a convenience store like Mike Brown? PS Store owner: Might want to change that store name from "On the Run."

Burke said...

Thank you, Kingfish, for your willingness to step up and call out the judges and the DA's office. Men like Chief Vance and Commander MacGowan are doing a great job with limited resources, but the judicial system fails them and us over and over. As an earlier poster said, we not only need the political leaders in Jackson to step up; we need what Stokes calls the "black leadership" to step up as well. I'm betting that Howard Ballou will be calling them out on the news, again, but otherwise I'm not optimistic. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Anonymous said...

What is with the immediate crucifixion on this site of JPD and Jackson in general? Crime happens, if you believe you live in a Utopia where criminals do not exist then you're delusional.

Anonymous said...

It takes a fool to stay in a place where every day you put yourself and your family in danger. That is unless you make your living doing things that are against the law. That is the only thing I can see that is keeping people in Jackson. They know they can sneak out and commit crimes then run back to Jackson. They know law enforcement in Jackson is the same as the crooks, just wearing a uniform.
Crime can be stopped. Crime cannot be stopped when those who are supposed to uphold the law are crooked themselves.
Ever asked yourself why crime is higher in Jackson than in other cities? There is a reason.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to bet the perp's name on Facebook begins with "GuttaLife"?

Anonymous said...

All you Madison people are funny. Start map questing some of these murders. They are a lot closer to you than you think. That apartment murder a few weeks ago was 6.3 miles from Eastover and 2.3 miles from Rennisaince.

Jacksonian by choice said...

@2:11. I have decided to stay in Jackson, after having moved here some 30+ years ago. Others can have their say as well if they are interested, but here's from one.....

"Why did the good solid citizens decide to leave Jackson?" To me, that's the beginning of what's wrong with your thinking. Taking it as you say it, there are no 'good solid citizens' still in Jackson - and that is just basically wrong.

There are many good solid citizens in Jackson today. Some of the folks that moved out of Jackson were also 'good solid citizens'. But that is not to say that everybody who left would fit this definition, or that who remains living in Jackson is anything less. But this attitude does seem to be pervasive among many of KF's commentors.

"Didn't they choose to leave because of what Jackson was becoming?" That's actually a second question and you started by asking that we answer A question. But overlooking that minor technicality - I would say in general no. People started moving to South Madison County originally for more 'country' living - larger lots, bigger houses, at the time cheaper costs. As time went on, the dynamics changed and it is no longer 'country living' until you get way out, and the costs have met and exceeded in many cases where they left. Probably a major driving force was what "jackson was becoming" - or had already become is probably more accurate - in the school system. My bet is that if polled that would be the #1 reason.

"Do you think anyone with common sense would stay in a city that was becoming a ghetto?" Sorry, but I think I have plenty of common sense - as do many of my neighbors. And where I live isn't 'becoming a ghetto'. Frankly, your questions become much more demeaning as they go thru them to think that only you and your neighbors are the ones that "have common sense".

Since your questions become redundant I will stop humoring you. Obviously you haven't been to all parts of Jackson because much of it is much better than the trailer park neighborhoods next to subdivisions in Rankin (thank the 'leadership' for all the good zoning ordinances) or the cookie-cutter stucco houses with the lawsuits attached for the construction materials in South Madison.

Thanks for playing - and don't bother to come down and enjoy the nice neighborhoods that do exist in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

4:29, I did live in Jackson. Many years ago. The neighborhood I live in was a nice place. Then crimes seem to become common. The neighborhood changed. There was a family who lived down the block from me. They built an 8' tall chain link fence around their house. Cops came by every few days telling them to remove the fence. Recently I drove through the old neighborhood. It looked like a ghetto. The local stores had closed. Yards were filled with junk cars. The streets were filled with pot holes. Houses were run down and vacant. Windows were broken out. Pit bulls were in just about every yard. Yards were overgrown.

The family with the chain link fence were still there. Fence was still up. They told me even the churches had to have fences and armed guards. Convenience stores shut and locked their doors and you had to buy what you wanted through small windows.

I am very glad I got out when I did. I now live in Rankin county and do not even lock my doors.

I Gotta Moat Around My Apartment said...

4:29....Post way too long. Nobody is going to read it. I got into the second paragraph. Almost. You should be exhausted. Go lock the front gate and check the security lights.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer funded strip malls hosting Mexican restaurants and vape stores galore, coupled with unbridled zoning and unjustified pretension. Yeah, the suburbs are great. I remember my olld suburban neighborhood. I drove by there recently and what was once a nice, wooded, rural neighborhood is now surrounded by mid-range, at best, commercial development (Beef Jerky Outlet!). Many houses are for sale and old friends are taking a loss just to get out. Say what you want about Jackson, but you aren't exactly living in the paradise you so vociferously tout.

Anonymous said...

What's going to happen when one of the victims pulls a pistol and shoots a criminal in self defense? Are the mommas, because there certainly aren't any dads, going to cry and fall down on the ground in front of the cameras pretending to really love that child? Les face it. It's a cultural problem. No one here wants to say it, but it needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

You people who obsess over Jackson are putting your families at risk. It really is as simple as that. I don't live in a utopia, you are correct. But there's never been a home break in in my neighborhood, and certainly not an attempted murder. Are there any 'nice' neighborhoods in Jackson where a resident or care giver hasn't been shot in the last three years? I hope your stubbornness doesn't come back to bite your family in the ass. As for me, I deal with suburbia, simply because I love my family enough to not needlessly endanger them.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, yeah... I know. You've stayed to fight the fight. You wouldn't pullout, would you? You kids/grandkids ARE in JPS, right? Of course, because you woldn't pull out because the other 98% did. Fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

The Eastover McDonalds. Everything else aside...that is funny.

Kingfish said...

Christmas in Eastover.....

Anonymous said...

4:28 It's more effective when making fun of others to use spellcheck in your own posts.

Anonymous said...

Bicker all you want... this is just a stone's throw from Rankin and Madison County. This crap is everybody's problem.

Pop Quiz... said...

Can you pick out the true statement here?

It's everybody's prollem.

Crime is everywhere equally.

All schools are bad.

Neighborhoods all have bad people.

All mommas love they chirrun.

Race has no place in this conversation.

All cops are doing a good job.

This list is bullshit.

You owe society a debt.

I have some black friends.

I have some white friends.

County and municipal borders are imaginary.

Anonymous said...

"Perception of crime"

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:10PM for pointing out how most of the same posters blaming the 'burb dwellers for leaving JXN, left JPS themselves for JA and Prep a good 20-30 years before geographical white-flight grew legs. As previous comments mentioned, a high % of people in Madison and Rankin counties chose to live there because of quality schools (perspective adjusted to account for MS's general eff'd upness, of course). Might want to strengthen the private school Kool-Aid, because there are many of us Jackson raised, JA/Prep graduates, who choose to raise our family in the 'burbs for a plethora of reasons.

Got Proof? Nope... said...

Kingfish denounced a prior post as 'wrong' and posts this statement himself:

"Wrong. Stokes has said repeatedly that the police should chase the violent criminals such as this guy."

Kingfish is the one who is wrong. Nobody can show that Stokes ever said such a thing. He never said the po po 'should chase' anybody. What he claimed over and over is that the out of town cops chase people who are guilty of a misdemeanor and endanger the lives of (yada yada).

Stokes never once said the cops should chase violent criminals (or anybody else for that matter). He did say once that 'Deze peepuls are not violent crimmuls or guilty of a felony'. That's a helluva long way from saying "...the police should chase violent criminals".

Anonymous said...

So, 6:18, what you are saying is that YOUR pretension IS justified. Hmmmphh.

Anonymous said...

8:12 - If you're soooooooo safe and happy in "the 'burbs," and your kids are so well-educated in a government-run public school (even if I did live in the 'burbs, I wouldn't send my kids to public school for "a plethora of reasons")...why are you on here reading about and commenting so fervently about Jackson every chance you get??? I thought moving to "the 'burbs" insulated you from every problem Jackson has??? Right?

On a side note, the "Eastover McDonald's" comment is truly hilarious. That's just good stuff.

Anonymous said...

If everyone hadn't run scared for the hills to Madison we wouldn't be in this position. That's just a fact.

Also, I'd rather live in Jackson with slightly more danger than in the ticky-tacky my neighbor's house looks just like mine treeless "neighborhoods" most of you call home.

Until people realize it is "our" problem not "Jackson's" problem, you will continue to get robbed, shot, etc. in Madison County. YOU ARE NOT SAFE.

Kingfish said...

Go watch the Sunday press conference video.

As for the so-called white flight, I guess the black flight didn't take place either. I mean, those figures from Clinton, Terry/Byram, and Ridgeland public schools must be pure fiction.

One thing I"ve noticed. You don't see the blacks who have left Jackson griping about the school systems or police in their new destinations.

Anonymous said...

8:29 sounds like a SNL skit.

Sorry, but it's your problem.

Anonymous said...



It is your problem, and NOT mine. Im not a government employee, therefore the City of Jackson doesn't support me. As illustrated in the crime mentioned above, the criminals know EXACTLY where that County Line is. And they don't cross it. But it's NOT my problem, because I have enough sense to protect my family (none of whom are allowed into Jackson). Go ahead and plan your retirement in the City of Jackson. I'm sure that's a very sound investment. Things are only getting better, right?

And people fleeing Jackson didn't hurt the City at all. At the rate the Cochran supporters reproduce, their population would have inevitably outgrown ours a long time ago.


Anonymous said...

Kingfish makes a good point. As the Black flight has occurred, crime rates have shot through the roof in Clinton (See the incident yesterday afternoon) and education has fallen through the floor in Ridgeland (rising crime rates are soon to follow).

Are we allowed to discuss the common denominator in all of this yet?

Anonymous said...

As is occurring in so many facets of life throughout the country, Jackson destroyed its middle class.

Personally, people like 8:27am are why I left and why I hope it burns (not really, but maybe just for the smug assholes like 8:27am). 8:27am has no comprehension that $40k a year for school for 3 kids is not even remotely realistic for most, hence the fleeing to the burbs. JPS isn't an option, so what would you have these people do?

As kingfish pointed out, it isn't just whites that are fleeing. It is/was the middle class. Only the rich and the poor can afford to live in Jackistan. Destroy the middle class and Jackson is what you get.

Anonymous said...

9:01 a.m. -- What incident in Clinton? I missed the news.

Anonymous said...

9:16, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I live in Jackson and send my kids to private school, for many, many reasons. I'm also not rich...I am middle class. We make choices to be able to afford the private schools, because we have priorities that no public school, no matter where it is located, could fulfill. I agree that if we still couldn't afford private school even after cutting back everywhere else, given our last option as public school, we would move to the suburbs. But we sure wouldn't be thrilled about it.

8:59 - As far as crime...actually, the criminals DO cross over the county lines...all the time. Have you not been reading the news? Why do you think Stokes made the comment about outside jurisdictions chasing criminals BACK into Jackson??? I will say it is a sad thing that I hope it's the Rankin or Madison County folks who apprehend and charge these criminals when they crossover...because it does seem the DA and judges do a much better job of putting them behind bars for a much longer time than the ones here in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

@8:27 - This is 8:12. Reading and commenting about Jackson every chance I get? For starters, aside from having "Jackson" in the name, this blog reports about all 3 counties in our metro. Secondly, I, like so many of us, do business within the city limits of Jackson, daily. Third, Jackson was my home for 30+ years. Then there's the many pro-Jackson commenters stated, Jackson is our state's capital city and this isn't just a Jackson problem. That said, it is confusing how half the posters who identify themselves as Jacksonians say "it's not just a Jackson problem", then equally as many ask why non-Jackson residents care to read or comment.

Anonymous said...

Try looking up how many carjackings there were in ,oh, Raleigh, NC or Montgomery, Ala or Richmond, Va or just pick about any place with a population of over 100000 and look at the number of car for,oh, the month of December, 2015.

Pick a month. Pick a city.

Really, folks, move to Utah and become a Mormon. It's your best hope!

Crime is bad. It is happening everywhere. Way to over-react!

Anonymous said...


Ridgeland is destroying its Middle Class as well. Just look at the school district. No middle class families are moving to Ridgeland, because they can't send their children to the public schools. The only thing keeping Ridgeland from looking exactly like Jackson is that it's in Madison County. That can only hold on for so long. Ridgeland is certainly the next Jackson. And it's happening quick.

Anonymous said...

Lots of folks angry that different people make different choices for different reasons. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately 9:16 is correct regarding JPS being the driving force behind middle class migration to the suburbs. As a Jackson resident on the tail end of sending 4 through private school, I very much appreciate that those who can't afford tuition, but are able to relocate, really have no other choice. Until some viable public education option is available I don't see the situation improving. Over the years I have sadly watched many friends who enjoyed living in Jackson decide that 13 years of tuition x # of children was just not an option. Perhaps if some really visionary and solid option was begun at the lower grades and then grown with the children, those young couples would choose to stay. I must admit I'm not terribly hopeful, though.

Anonymous said...

5:17, you should have read the rest. You would find out that I now don't even have to lock my doors. Having a very short attention span isn't helping you.

Anonymous said...

9:46 - That's exactly my point...this is a METRO problem...not just a Jackson problem. The question about non-Jackson residents commenting are directed toward the nature of the comments from the suburbanites. Why the anger towards those of who are still here, trying to make it better? What purpose does that serve? How does that help? Are you mad that we're still living in Jackson? It's pretty clear most of you don't want Jackson to get any better...which makes no sense whatsoever. I don't know the answers, but I know that when you moved, you gave up your vote. That's just a fact. Those of us in Jackson want better for the entire Metro area, or at least I do. I'm not blaming you for leaving, but I'm saying the fact is you took your vote to Madison, Rankin, or wherever you went.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Education: I believe there is a movement afoot in the Legislature to have the "money follow the child". This would be the most equitable situation I could imagine. Of course, safeguards would have to be in place regarding Home Schooling to keep this effort from becoming a source of inappropriate income in some cases.

Regarding JPD: I applaud them and do not object to there methods of communicating with the public. Am grateful to Kingfish for exposing some of the do-nothing Judiciary.

Regarding Leadership: How dare anyone to say that Councilman Kenneth I Stokes represents City Leadership. He represents Ward 3 and is a thorn in the side of everyone else.

Regarding Antipathy of Suburbanites: My only explanation is that they resent having to leave Jackson. The commute or something must irritate them. Otherwise they would leave well enough alone. To constantly tear down (or attempt to do so) shows a destructive nature. I steer clear of these types of people and enjoy those who seek solutions and try for edification.

Anonymous said...

10:01....9:16 here. The country is destroying its middle class, intentionally in many cases. Ridgeland may be next, and I do care about both it and Jackson. However, circumstances dictated that I move far away from both. I grew up in Jackson and Rankin. I lived in Jackson in my early adult years. Then I moved to Madison. Then I moved out of state. Point being, I know all the areas very well and care about the whole area. I will never understand the bickering among ourselves but it is what it is.

As for you 8:27, your follow up shows no more understanding of the situation than your original comment did. And don't worry, I have no feelings to hurt, especially from some dumb NEJ bitch on a message board. I just know your type and can't stand you. How much do you think the average family makes? Do you have any comprehension that national average income is about $50k? I wonder how much lower MS's is? Let's say a real middle class family (you are nothing of the sort) makes a combined income of $80k. Do you really think they can afford $40k on schools? Are you that fucking stupid?

Anonymous said...

9:59 ...just accept it.


Anonymous said...

clarification on the 11:13am post....the national average of COMBINED income is about $50k. Further $80k combined income wouldn't be the MS average. I was giving an example of a middle class family doing fairly well and showing that they can't afford Jackson.

Anonymous said...

10:54, you are very wrong. Stokes does not just represent his ward when he runs his mouth. He speaks for the entire city of Jackson. You will notice all of the people agree with him. Notice how they come running every time he calls a meeting. Notice how no one stands up to him.
People are mad and embarrassed that our capital city is run by such people as Stokes. If you want people to change their mind about Jackson do something to change it's leadership. Do something to stop the crimes. Do something to rebuild the water system. Do something to pave the streets.
We are mad as hell that Jackson is a ghetto and the capital city.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish...find out what's going on with those metro pharmacy FBI raids last week.......

Anonymous said...

12:53, what have you done to help Jackson? If you're so passionate, get down here, take an interest in your community, and stop whining online.

Anonymous said...

You people are missing the point. Who cares if you live in Jackson or Madison? A young woman was carjacked, assaulted and shot. Not one post inquired about her condition or even mentioned her.

Anonymous said...

10:05, I did my part to help Jackson. When I saw that I was wasting my time I moved. I refuse to live in a city where the police dept, all law enforcement, and all city leaders are more interested in lining their pockets than in running a city.
If you still live in Jackson you should be packing right now. If you are not packing you are part of the problem.
The people of Ms. are getting tired of our capital city being a sewer. We are tired of city officials who are the laughing stock, not only of the city but the entire world.
Where else can a person fall into a hole in the street and be in danger of drowning because it is so deep?

Anonymous said...

10:20, I feel sorry for whoever lives with your negative self, wherever it is that you moved. I'm not going to waste my time addressing all of your mis-placed opinions.
10:12, thank you - KF, how is the lady?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS