Thursday, June 19, 2014

Senate update

Democrat pollster Brad Chism said his latest poll showed Chris McDaniel led Thad Cochran 50-44.   6% of the respondents were undecided. Mr. Chism stated on his website:

We have continued to track the GOP Senate Primary runoff. On June 17th and 18th we surveyed 1192 GOP

primary voters statewide. The MOE was +/- 2.85%. Our most recent survey confirms that McDaniel now holds a lead outside the margin of error....

Important Points to Remember
       1. While the surveys are consistent in showing McDaniel’s lead growing among voters from the
           June 3rd primary, our work does not measure for the potential growth in turnout.   

  • Cochran’s field efforts in the Delta, DeSoto County, Jackson County and other areas where he underperformed on June 3rd are much more extensive in the runoff.
  • The GOP establishment is “all in” with TV ads by Governor Bryant, former Senator Lott, and campaign appearances by Senator John McCain.
  • Cochran’s awkward appeal for Democrats to cross over is unlikely to produce huge results but with so few votes separating the candidates, all new votes are valuable.

    2. No survey can fully capture the extent of the backlash among rank and file Republicans to
    Cochran’s tactics in the runoff.
  • A 42 year incumbent GOP senator stumping for Democratic and union votes will certainly anger more conservative Republicans.
Cochran’s assemblage of plutocrats has not gone unnoticed by the populists among McDaniel’s base.

3. In a campaign defined by the bizarre, we don’t know what is in store over the next 72 hours.

1. These surveys include only landline phones.
2. These surveys have a three-part screen for participation. We surveyed only phone households with a voter participating in all three of the 2008, 2010 and 2012 GOP primaries. We asked each participant if
(s) he voted in the recent GOP Primary. We asked each participant if (s) he planned to vote in the runoff.
The sample is 95% Caucasian, 3% African American and 2% other ethnicity. The raw survey data over represents women and older voters.
4. Different assumptions about gender and age mix of the June 23rd turnout will alter these results. The candidate support totals noted above are made from a weighted sample that assumes turnout at 53% women; 36% ages 65 and older; ages 18 to 64 at 64%. These are the same assumptions as in previous surveys.
With younger voters, the sample sizes are smaller and the charts show more variation from one wave to the next.

Internals of poll

Then there is the Kroger Coffee Club. Yup, the Kroger Coffee Club was the scene of more national drama as the Wall Street Journal reported: 

–A quiet morning campaign event erupted into a shouting match Thursday morning when a Democratic voter crashed a coffee klatch by State Sen. Chris McDaniel and got into an angry confrontation the conservative who is challenging six term Sen. Thad Cochran.

“How, with no seniority and a promise simply not to get along with anyone, will you accomplish any of the things you want to accomplish?” shouted John Davis, a 77-year-old retired teacher who was shopping at Kroger’s grocery when he noticed Mr. McDaniel about to begin a meet and greet session with about a dozen local retirees.

“What have they accomplished lately by putting us in debt?” shot back Mr. McDaniel, who outpolled Mr. Cochran in the June 3 primary but is facing in a June 24 run off because he did not break 50%.

Mr. Davis, with finger-wagging emphasis, retorted, “What have they accomplished? They have accomplished airports. They have accomplished roads. They have accomplished schools.’’

It looked like it would get really ugly when Mr. McDaniel snapped, “Get your finger out of my face.”

 Rest of the story and video


Anonymous said...

Bill B:

Kudos for your welcoming hospitality this evening at the McDaniel rally.

If you are the Cochran text book example of a dangerous radical extremist then Mississippi is in good shape.

Best regards,

JJ Reader

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:44 P.M. -- I'm assuming you'll be racing to the Hobby Lobby to listen to Love Connection Chuck Woolery. Not yawn - but YUCK!

Anonymous said...

I must have had at least ten political polls phone my house in the past 15 days.
The question that McDaniel got at the Kroger is a good question and McDaniel should figure out how to answer it. I can think of two or three ways that I would answer, but I am not running. McDaniel should come up with one or two good answers and not run from this question.

Anonymous said...

My memaw loves Chuck Woolery from his "Wheel of Fortune" days. She and all her friends at the retirement home have absentee ballots. Just saying . . .

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davis would do well to notice the airlines fleeing the state's main airport, the horrible roads, and failing schools. Combined with Kemper Country and Kior I'm not sure I want a whole lot more Thad Cochran "accomplishment".

What happened in Virginia? said...

If I hear one more Republican trot out the line that we have to reelect Cochran simply because he's been there so long, I'm going to scream!

So, you feel the same about Bennie Thompson, right?

I used to be astounded that the people of Massachusetts would keep sending an out of touch drunken murderer like Ted Kennedy back to the Senate every 6 years. Now I see that here among people who should know better.

If you want me to vote for Cochran, you had better give me a damn better reason than his seniority and that the Democrat in Republican clothing John McCain is on his side.

Anonymous said...

12:43 -- Memaw might well be worried about her PUBLIC benefits like Social Security and Medicaid --Chris is a "cutter", or at least that's what he's been running on, so she and the girls and boys at the nursing home might be on the street. Absentee -- you might not even know where she is........just saying......

Anonymous said...

WARNING: UNPLUG YOUR LANDLINES or you will miss something on House of Cards!

Anonymous said...

607 Amen brother (or sister)

Anonymous said...

6:48 -- You're a good McDaniel supporter and keep posting this stuff on every Jambalaya blog we read. Bottom line -- let's pull the plug -- I'll be really interested in 6 years to hear you all make excuses for Chris.

More importantly, something you all need to wrap your mind around --- here's a basic fact -- we have 2 Senators and 4 Representatives -- about 3 million people in our state.

California has 38 million people, 53 Congressional representatives, 32 of whom are matter what you do, you'll never overcome statistics like this.......

......and in the mean time, the Titanic band plays on as Mississippi sinks slowly into the abyss and Chris gets us free car tags (NOT).

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davis is a much revered retired science teacher and he asked a legitimate question of a candidate in a grocery store BEFORE the candidate started his meet and greet.

No doubt Mr. Davis has noticed the new schools in Madison and Rankin, for example and repairs to schools after Katrina. He noticed the new highway improvements that were needed by Nissan. And, he , no doubt knows that the bridges in Biloxi are rebuilt and the coast is coming back . He also noticed Ingalls is still functioning and that we haven't lost our military bases in MS.

He no doubt knows his salary and his school were supplemented by federal funding even though it was a private school.

He knows Mississippi relies on federal dollars ...49% of the general revenue.

We are a poor state and some of you are apparently too proud and blind to face the economic impact if the federal dollars leave this state. And, you've never looked at the ripple effect that will have on every single business and profession in the state.

If you think it's bad now, just wait if Mr. McDaniel and the Tea Party succeeds in their aims.

Anonymous said...

I would think this campaign would mean the demise of telephone landlines in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

OOPS -- misspoke it is ACTUALLY 38 DEMOCRATS in California for the House of Reps. That leaves 14 Republicans.............

Anonymous said...

6:10 I am calling BS on your comment about social security. Chris McDaniel has not said one thing about cutting social security. Shame on you for being so desperate that you would attempt to use scare tactics to influence seniors.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Davis for asking what everyone else around the state wants to know. How is he going to do it? What's his plan? We know what committees Sen Cochran will serve on. I haven't seen one interview or visual of McDaniel that didn't look and sound scary and quite frankly creepy. Something is amiss with this guy. Mr Davis exposed it.

Anonymous said...

12:22 AM, I've been getting about 5 per day; either "polling" or telling me to vote for McDaniel. Not sure why some gal called yesterday from Georgia to tell me I needed to vote for him, but I'll be voting for Cochran, and if he doesn't win, Childers will get my vote, based on his qualifications and background.

Kingfish said...

Just curious. Does Thad Cochran have a plan?

Anonymous said...

6:48 You don't dispute the FACTS that we are last in almost everything. Time for a change. We can not get any worse than last with McDonald

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for being so desperate that you would attempt to use scare tactics to influence seniors.

Like sneaking into nursing homes to film residents sleeping in their beds.....

Who would be so low?

Pappy Odaniel said...

Kingfish, have you not followed this campaign, much less these posts...He gon make it rain! That's why he was at Empire Trucking the other day to get those trucks ready to haul home those high and wide stacks of cold, hard federal cash.

Anonymous said...

The public benefit of this Republican primary is that marginalized segments of the electorate are engaged. The tea party might frighten moderates and establishment types for its populism and associations with neo-confederates or radical right groups. Political health is better than apathy. Immigration, moral issues related to national debt, moral issues related to other social questions, federal-state relations, foreign wars, and employment have not being discussed but are cooking in the emotions of this primary. The political establishment of both parties are taking note of the social sources of this political upheaval in Va and Miss.

Anonymous said...

KF Thad Cochran isn't running on doing the impossible. He's running on his record.

McDaniel implies he won't be a part of the Senate health care. He suggests he'll get rid of Obamacare.

You know if he's elected he could change Obamacare perhaps ( I'd like to know WHAT changes he'd make) but he isn't going to make it go away.

And, you know that unless he plans to pay all his medical costs for his family and himself out of his own pocket ( and how will he do that on a Senate salary?), he'll be part of the same plan the Senate now enjoys.

He says he'll vote against spending. What spending? All federal spending?

We know what Thad has voted for and against.

Then he lied about Cochran voting for the stimulus.

I respect you and Bill and understand that either you believe McDaniel is just pandering and will be rational once he's in office or else you think desperate times calls for desperate measures and are willing to risk that the Tea Party crazies can actually be controlled.

While I agree totally with the need for fiscal responsibility, that is done by being FOR things like zero based budgeting and line item veto. It's not reform just to be against something.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Kingfish said...
"Just curious. Does Thad Cochran have a plan?"

I read that Cochran has been offered a retirement plan that goes into effect shortly after the election. Then, Gov Bryant will appoint Greg Harper to fill the remainder of Cochran's term- that is, if Cochran defeats McDaniel.
Do you think there is any truth to this rumor?

Anonymous said...

you will need to copy and paste this link because this forum does not recognize links.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Now I see why the campaign wants to keep the Senator offline.

Anonymous said...

Study ranks Mississippi last in building ‘new economy’

Thanks present leadership of Mississippi. Last...again...on another list.

Now who will you vote for?

Anonymous said...

Yes to prayer in school. No to Obamacare. Yep...that should do it.

Anonymous said...

7:46 -- well shame on you! This is no scare tactic -- Mr. McDaniel has been clear that he will CUT CUT CUT and that means across the board I would assume, since entitlements drive the budget. Only way tot have real change is to adjust those little items!!!

What you want is your cake and eat it too -- Seniors want to have Social Security but want to feel Patriotic by sitting around the Kroger and listening to McDaniel tell him how he's going to slash everything but things related to them -- seniors don't want their ox gored.

If you are truthful, you'll admit that Mr. McDaniel is either (1) going up there to change things and do dramatic cutting which will affect seniors either directly or indirectly, or (2) he's just spouting rhetoric to get elected.

Which is it?

Since he has no plan, he's put forth -- I think we're buying a pig in a poke if we send him up. At least with Cochran there is a record. You all like to attack it, but with McDaniel it's all smoke and mirrors. He did nothing in the MS Legislature and he'll do nothing at the Federal level.

All those stating we are "last" -- here's a little have industry come to our state, we have to offer them infrastructure, an educated workforce, and tax incentives. All 3 are directly related to GOVERNMENT FUNDING and take awhile to build!!! Haven't seen in recent history a state where business jumped in and built city infrastructures, had private colleges that educated a workforce, or delineated a plan of tax incentives............HAVE YOU ALL AS MCDANIEL SUPPORTERS?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE without the rhetoric, tell us WHAT McDaniel will do (CONCRETELY) if he goes to DC.

Anonymous said...

The public benefit of this Republican primary is that marginalized segments of the electorate are engaged. ... Political health is better than apathy.

Applause, applause.

Anonymous said...

Former Jackson City Councilman, RINO and Cochran supporter Ben Allen on WJNT-AM in Jackson this morning:

"McDaniel is going to win on Tuesday. It's over".

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Senate Run-off Poll Avg

McDaniel = 50.17%
Cochran = 44.5%

McDaniel +5.67%

Polls: Chism#1-3,StratNat,WPA,CU

Almost exactly the same as the results of Chism #3 and, for comparison, also outside Chism #3 MOE.

Six polls:

Cochran *ceiling* is 48% (Chism #1 & Chism #2).

McDaniel *floor* is 47% (Chism #2).

Anonymous said...

Please don't feed the harpy @ June 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM. Nothing you write will be able to satisfy this person.

Anonymous said...

Well, if Ben Allen predicted it, then it will surely come to pass.

Anonymous said...

I received yesterday several mailers supporting Thad Cochran. One said at the very top, "CONSERVATIVE LEADER THAD COCHRAN Delivers..... A Balanced Budget Amendment to cut wasteful spending"

The other one said at the very top, "THAD COCHRAN The Conservative Leader Mississippi Can Count On --- Cutting wasteful spending --- Passing a Balanced Budget Amendment"

So Cochran is a conservative who will finally get us a balanced budget amendment. Okay Thad, where's your plan? All your seniority hasn't gotten us that balanced budget amendment over your 40+ years in Washington including eight years with Ronald Reagan aggressively pushing for such an amendment. What's your plan to get one within the next term?

These mailers also say Cochran will "cut wasteful spending." Again, Thad, where's your plan? I'm not aware of your support for any spending cuts. What are you going to do differently in the next six years to cut spending?

Oh, and by the way, the Cochran advertisement to African Americans in the Mississippi Link (see ) says quite the opposite. It says Cochran is "Behind the latest farm bill that funds the SNAP program" The SNAP program is Food Stamps. President Obama is the Food Stamp President.
With 24% of Mississippian on Food Stamps (see, is Senator Cochran proud to be the Food Stamp Senator who has made Mississippi the Food Stamp State?

This ad also touts Cochran's funding of "more than 20 free clinics in our neighborhoods and helped create the Jackson Medical Mall." Funny how those "free" clinics aren't free for me.

The ad also says, "Provided more than $18 million in federal funds to [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] such as JSU, Tougaloo College, Alcorn State University, Mississippi Valley State University and Rust College." And don't forget this nugget: "Ranking U.S. Senator, providing influence and appropriations to Mississippi's economy"

Now, how does all of that square with Cochran claiming to be a "conservative, fiscally responsible" senator and why doesn't he mention that claim in the Link ad?

I need to know so that I can choose who to vote for on Tuesday -- Thad the Conservative; Thad the Pandering, Pork Barrel appropriator; or Chris McDaniel, the guy who will shrink the federal government and fight President Obama's agenda.

Anonymous said...

10:37 -- probably because you never offer anything.

Anonymous said...

Just curious 11:13, since you seem to know, how many of your personal $s have been spent on those 20 free clinics?

Anonymous said...

Another question for 11:13,

how will your guy "shrink the federal government", given the company he will have in D.C.? Also, I want to know what he is going to do to defeat President Obama's agenda, not just fight it and lose, making a fool of himself and our state in the process.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, June 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM! Bravo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:13 -- I concur with 11:48/11:52 -- you all are great on the attack of a RECORD -- but what you are NEVER able to do is provide a plan for your candidate -- just the same ole "Shrink the Federal Government" and "Defeat President Obama's Agenda".

I find it stunning that you all are following a man with no plan -- is it out of curiosity -- to see where he's going?

Anonymous said...

If Thad would debate he could expose Chris's lack of a plan. I can't imagine why he won't take that opportunity and prove Chris has no plan.

Anonymous said...

To all the folks saying McDaniel has no plan - if you go up there and have a detailed plan on how to cut this or that, by the time you actually get your plan passed the final result would look nothing like your original plan. What I am looking for is a general philosophy. It's fine to say yes or no on current issues that have already been defined, but for future changes specific details are a waste of time.
To the folks who keep bringing up Social Security - I don't know what McDaniel has said about it, but I now that it has been going broke for decades and Thad had done nothing to address the problem.

Anonymous said...

729 .....thank you for pointing out the bad shape we're in. That is the reason we need change! you have confirmed all the reasons we need to go the in the other direction and that is Chris McDaniel! keep going with your comments - more votes.

Anonymous said...

11:13- right on

Anonymous said...

920. Probably haley barbour not gregg

Anonymous said...

The only "record" thad has is his 78LP

Anonymous said...

What was Thad's plan June 20, 2014 at 12:10 PM and how is he re-jiggering it now to produce actual results?

You find it "stunning" that people are following McDaniel who, supposedly, has no plan.

I find it "stunning" that you and others want to keep following someone whose plan hasn't worked after 6 terms in office.

So please, enlighten us with your wisdom on what Thad's plan is for his 7th term and how it is going to work this time. So us what you've got.

Anonymous said...

Now McDaniel supporter and hometown Kluxer is giving interviews.
Thanks Mr. Ford, we needed another national reminder.
Couldn't you just not answer the phone?

Anonymous said...

Brad Chisholm makes an interesting observation at the bottom of page 2 of Chisholm Strategies’ most recent poll report. It’s at:

Chisholm says:

[I]n 1978 Thad Cochran won his senate seat because of Black voters. Charles Evers, brother of the Civil Rights martyr Medgar Evers, ran strongly as an independent, and prevented the Democratic nominee from a majority. Thirty six years later, Cochran forces hope Black voters will provide his margin of victory yet again. His campaign openly, if clumsily, courts African Americans in the runoff. We wonder if they are oblivious to the potential backlash that our state history’s would predict or just so desperate that they must risk the consequences.

Can anyone point to evidence of a backlash or is Cochran’s gambit to appeal to African Americans paying off?

Anonymous said...

Good point, 1:29. I think that Thad's black church activities will pay off to some degree and also have a good amount of backlash. I won't attempt to call this one.

Anonymous said...

Brad's [Chism not Chisholm] 3rd sentence is quite misleading. Black voters in '78 did not give Cochran a "margin of victory".

Charles Evers drained black voters from Maurice Dantin, the Democrat candidate, which allowed Thad to win without a majority.

That is completely different than what is happening right now and I'm surprised Brad wasn't more precise about the distinction.

Cochran's backers are desperate and don't give a damn about a backlash or any other consequence.

Anonymous said...

1:29 -- I"m assuming you do not see Stennis Space Center, Ingalls Shipping, Columbus AFB, Meridian NAS, R&D at every major university in the State, infrastructure developments which provide a basis for business development, Katrina Relief, Vicksburg US Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Insurance (related to FEMA and flood control infrastructure), Disaster Recovery, Camp Shelby, Gulfport Navy Seabees, Keesler AFB, Workforce Education Funding, Agribusiness Support for the Delta, etc. to be money well spent in Mississippi.

Let's just cut it -- and see what happens. We'll "hitch our britches up" and just spit and chew and tell each other how proud we are that we took on the rest of the world and BOY HOWDY look what we have to show for it...........NOTHING.

This is all I get when I google McDaniel and "ISSUES on POSITIONS" --

Basically says I'm holding my hand out -- give me money which is VERY IRONIC based on his cut and slash strategy.

Here is what I come up with when I google Thad Cochran and his position on issues:

STUNNED -- yes I am!

Anonymous said...

McDaniel's meth mouthed sign stealers are running rampant on the Coast stealing Cochran signs off of private property. And putting their signs on non approved public and private property. If there is desperation, I would say it's in who McDaniel surrounds himself with...weird security guys like the same bald headed dudes that confronted Mr. Davis, then the crackhead sign rats, and I won't even mention the White Supremacy crowd that most normal Mississippians got tired of 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The Cochran camp wants McDaniel to provide a plan showing how he will decrease the size and scope of the federal government. But McDaniel has already issued such a plan: Defund and then Repeal ObamaCare.

That’s not a bad plan. Actually, it’s a great plan. It will decrease federal expenditures by trillions over the next ten years and will also fulfill McDaniel’s promise to reduce taxes and make the federal government much less intrusive.

I’m amazed how out-of-touch my Cochran friends are. If all McDaniel does in his first six years is: 1) defund ObamaCare, 2) vigorously oppose all Democrat judicial and most secretary and assistant-secretary level appointments, and 3) avoid senile statements and affairs with schedulers, landlords and ”trusted advisers”, those of us supporting him will be satisfied. Then, if he turns out NOT to be the racist, fool you Cochran people say he is, that will be lagniappe. Besides, just that short list of three things will be a whole lot better than what Cochran, the “Food Stamp Senator”, has done for Mississippi lately.

There’s your plan.

For details on how repealing ObamaCare will shrink the federal government, go to:

Anonymous said...

I came across this Jackson Jambalaya item from 2012. Interesting!
"Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And now for my list

Y'all Politics recently published a list of "up and coming" Republicans. It included notables such as Phillip Gunn, Chris McDaniel, and Quentin Whitwell. It was a nice attempt at providing some pr for the GOP but well, I didn't think it was too particularly well-informed. I thought I would put my money where my mouth is and come up with my own list. These are not ranked so don't read too much into their position."
Check this link to read about the folks KF mentions.

Anonymous said...

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but June 20, 2014 at 3:16 PM you are saying that Thad's plan is basically, in a nutshell, more spending? Do I have that right?

Anonymous said...

3:22 -- Do you not have a television????

The Senate has voted 50 times, as of March 5, 2014, to repeal Obamacare. The Republicans do not have a majority so therefore, they cannot repeal it. Simple Math!

There is a slim chance Republicans can retake the Senate, but if by chance there are only 49 Republicans, Chris McDaniel will be in the same position Thad Cochran is in, voting to repeal it, and losing every time. He'll just be the JUNIOR Senator from Mississippi voting. You all tout him as the man who can repeal Obamacare. Hate to tell you - he cannot. Nor can Thad, nor can any other Republican until they have a majority. There is no guarantee of that in November.

Then we go to second Simple Math lesson -- Democrats have 40% of the vote in this state. Cochran people are so disillusioned with your candidate, that they will either (1) not vote for any candidate in the general election, or (2) vote Childers who will work to be MIDDLE of the road. Then you lose a seat again. Your side hates to hear this, but it's simple math -- all Childers has to do is bleed off 25% of Republicans, and he wins 55%-45%. You win the June 24th battle, but lose the November war.

Bottom line - how are you going to explain to the country, when we have Childers as our Senator, and there are only 49 Republican Senators, when could have had Cochran and 50. You went after a safe seat, instead of targeting Louisiana, Arkansas, etc.

Then you own it --- the Democrats in charge for another 2 years heading into 2016. It's the discussion no one seems to want to have, but we very well may be having in November. Hope you all are as involved and taking ownership then, as you are now.

Kingfish said...

What's wrong with the list?

Anonymous said...

3:40 -- Is that all that showed up for the BBQ with Santorum -- I thought HUNDREDS were there - possible THOUSANDS.

Anonymous said...

3:36 --- Nope JOB CREATION

Anonymous said...

Nah, Haley owns it. Should have let the players in the GOP fight it out for an open seat. Responsibility for a Childers win falls squarely on the hands pulling the levers inside the MSGOP.

Anonymous said...

See Iraq.
See what happens when instead of thinking of themselves as Iraqis, they think of themselves as Shiites or Sunni.
See what happens when we think of ourselves as liberals and conservatives and Democrats or Republicans instead of thinking of ourselves as Americans first.
See Iraq to see our future and DON'T vote for the man who tells you the opposition are to blame for all the woes of society!

Anonymous said...

3:40, I was at the rally in Madison and there were hundreds of oeople there. The picture is of the people that came forward when it was announced that they were taking a picture and "whoever wants to be in the picture, step over here". The people I saw that I knew were local attorneys and people I knew from church or my child's private school. I didn't see any meth heads. I saw a few people that due to advanced age and /or physical disability that you might enjoy making fun of. I bet you are a real looker.

Anonymous said...

Umm, that would be both of them, 5:29. Guess the prize goes to Travis Childers

Anonymous said...

thad apparently has a new campaign manager, trying fix kirk sims' mess....

Anonymous said...

Ok, I will admit I wrote the meth mouth message and I know the folks in the Little Red Caboose photo look like they have spent more time at Mama Hamils or at the Golden Corral than they have at a meth lab.....but they don't know Jack Squat about how the DC Appropriation Process works and how sad it will be if Sen Cochran is not our new head of Appropriations for the whole freaking United States of America. (That's my patriotic dig at Rev Chris McD from Jones County). The new Majority Whip in LA, Steve Scalise and Richard Shelby from Alabama most definitely know....and we are right in between them geographically for Cochran to bring home some serious bacon. Tea Baggers take off the White Sheets so you can see the Tea Leaves. Cochran is obviously what's best for Mississsippi.

Anonymous said...

4:27 is correct. They couldn't resist the chance to pick a mid term replacement for Thad. Should have let Thad retire and held an election. Perhaps a younger candidate with debating skills t could have sent McDaniel home. Blame squarely on the mainline GOP for trying to pull a fast one.

Anonymous said...

Tea Baggers take off the White Sheets so you can see the Tea Leaves.

You ain't nowhere big enough to handle a dip of my teabag chump.

Anonymous said...

You folks who keep talking about how much power Thad would have - Do you have no eyes? The man is too old to spend even five minutes speaking to his best supporters on election night. Do you honestly believe he will serve even a year?
And to the ones who think a democrat might beat McDaniel. Really? You actually think Mississippi would send someone to help Oboma? After we have watched the worst president in history? Not a chance.

Anonymous said...

6:58 do you look past MS? Have you looked at prices in the grocery store? What is happening in the Middle East? If it blows up where is the price of oil going? This is our congress and allowing the FED to QE to infinitive. Bringing home the bacon will be the last item on the agenda! Just hope we don't have someone kill us over our can of beans! 17 trillion sustainable? We may find out sooner than later if we loose the reserve currency .

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to understand why these poll numbers are not being published. I don't believe in a nationwide, media conspiracy, yet I find it odd that these numbers are published nowhere except here and various Facebook pages. Chism Strategies has them clearly posted on their website. Anyone have any ideas? There must be a reason.

Anonymous said...

9:04 because the MSM has already concluded from ample experience that Thad is toast.

Anonymous said...

6:05 -- Picture says a thousand words.

Also -- many of us have advanced degrees, children we've ALSO put through private schools, college, etc., maybe even relatives who have disabilities so don't sound so sanctimonious.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Kingfish said...

'What's wrong with the list?"

I see nothing wrong with your list. As a matter of fact, you were spot on. I just wanted to share your list with others, hoping to point out how closely you watch the political players.
Good job!

Anonymous said...

Geoff Pender said 300. Advanced degrees? So what?

Anonymous said...

"You ain't nowhere big enough to handle my tea bag chump" ? 7:36. Dude. Mississippi is a nice place to raise a family and enjoy Southern hospitality and culture. You, However are not a representative of what people see and want to associate with in our creative economy. No one wants to even see your Tea Bag except maybe the pig in a croaker sack fatass that might drunkenly let you grope her in the Wal Mart isle while she talks on her cell phone. Your Tea Bag wouldn't even fit in a Tea Spoon. Give it up Tea Billys! Cultural Classy Mississippians outnumber your Jersey Shore Like Losers. Quit Embarrassing Mississippi. We have had enough of you. Who is McKLANiel? Mr Davis asked pointed questions yesterday at the Kroger and ended up dealing with the bald headed creeps. Why does McKlaniel have more security than the governor? When you go to DC to help your community do you want to have clearance to talk to your Congressman by going through some SWAT Team reject on bad steroids that doesn't know the difference between Nissan, Toyota, GE, Agribusiness, NASA, INGALLS, KEESLER, and/or pit bulls and cock fighting. Come on Mississippi ! Step Up and Vote! Shut this loser down on Tuesday!

Banjo said...

Now comes Brett Favre. Sitting, bearded and grey, in an old four-wheeler wagon with a can of gasoline and an axe handle. All they forgot was the dueling banjo music.

Bullsheet Alarm said...

So, Cackrun is responsible for 'new schools in Madison and Rankin Counties'. Give me a frackin' break. That kind of bullshit politics might work in rural black churches, but not here on this blog site. (I hope)

Anonymous said...

People, you can't just repeal Obamacare and have NOTHING to take it's place!

Can't you imagine the chaos?

Are you all really that clueless about how government and the law works?

I know you didn't read it but countless regulations that had existed for decades for good reason were replaced including the role of the states.

There would be nothing save what the insurance companies decided would be fun.

Anonymous said...

Cue the Favre wiener text jokes! That did give me a chuckle, Banjo.

Anonymous said...

The idiots who passed Obamacare didn't read it, either. Remember?

Anonymous said...

"It's been an honor to represent Mississippi", says Cochrun in his new ad on this blogsite. I hope that's the opening remark for a concession speech. Wait, I forgot....Thadeus doesn't address his people or the public after an election.

Anonymous said...

June 21 at 9:34 am says, "People, you can't just repeal Obamacare and have NOTHING to take its place! Can't you imagine the chaos? Are you all really that clueless about how government and the law works?"

EXACTLY! The TEA people are delusional. Mitt Romney promised to give every state an ObamaCare waiver his first day of office if elected. It didn't make sense then and trying to simply defund ObamaCare now doesn't make sense either.

McDaniel is going to face the same defeat in the June 24 runoff that Romney faced in 2012. It's scary how similar those two dupes are.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS