Monday, June 26, 2023

The Day Ms. Coney Took on the Laurelwood HOA

 A Laurelwood resident sued the Laurelwood Homeowners Association and the President of its Board of Directors, Emary Walker in Rankin County Chancery Court after the HOA refused to give her copies of the minutes, financial statements, and other HOS documents.  

Jennifer Coney and her husband have lived in Rankin County's Laurelwood subdivision for 15 years. They were good little HOA members as they paid their dues on time every time. However, something got Ms. Coney's attention so she decided to go a'snooping: 

 8. After learning of certain actions by LWHOA leadership that caused her concern, consistent with her right as a paying member of LWHOA, Mrs. Coney recently submitted written requests to LWHOA leadership for specific records pertaining to the management of LWHOA funds. A true and correct copy of Mrs. Coney's last request, dated on March 24, 2022, is attached.

It is no surprise HOA members are a little more trigger happy after the Ridgeway Lane debacle. The request (p.7 in the documents posted below) asked for: 

* All Board meeting meetings, resolutions, and votes between 2017 and 2022

* Copy of all written correspondence sent/received between Board members and employees, contractors, and vendors regarding HOA business. 

* List of all bank and/or credit accounts from 2017 to 2022

* Copies of HOA's tax returns from 2017 to 2022

* Copies of HOA's audited financial statements from 2017 to 2022

* List of all vendors from 2017 to 2022

* Copy of all insurance claims against HOA property from 2017 to 2022

The plaintiff asked the HOA to produce the records by April 4, 2022.  

April 4 came and went with Ms. Coney only receiving an "incomplete copy of the by-laws."  Fed up, Ms. Coney retained attorney Sarah Lindsey Hammons of Taggart, Rimes, & Wiggins and sued the Laurelwood HOA in Rankin County Chancery Court for the records.  

The petition charges Ms. Walker  and the HOA with violating the HOA by-laws by withholding the records at issue.  

The defendants responded a month later with a motion to dismiss and a motion for sanctions.  It claimed the petition "contains insufficient specific facts nor state why the alleged violations qualified for a lawsuit.  They argued refusing to allow a review of the records was not grounds for a lawsuit.  In other words, the HOA said the petitioner was out of luck if the HOA decided to violate its own by-laws and keep the records from her.   Walker and her Laurelwood Norns asked Chancellor John Mclaurin to sanction Ms. Coney.  Attorney Thomas Bellinder represented the defendants.  

Judge McLaurin ordered the respondents on July 26, 2022 to produce the records within thirty days with the exception of the request for written correspondence.  

Ms. Emary and the HOA apparently did not comply with the order because Ms. Coney moved for contempt on October 3, claiming the respondents refused to produce: 

* The names and addresses of all HOA Board members

* List of all bank and credit accounts for the HOA

* List of all electronic payments and receipts from Mr. Walker's personal Venmo account for HOA expenses collected from January 2019 to December 2020. 

* A list of all vendors with their contact information. 

* Copies of all bids for construction projects

* Copies of all insurance polices.  

* Incomplete copies of HOA tax returns

* Incomplete copies of HOA's financial statement. 

Chancellor McLaurin set a trial for May 30.  However, the trial never took place because the parties settled the case.  The Chancellor dismissed the case on April 3. 

Kingfish note: One might think the Ridgeway Lane scandal might have gotten the point across to other HOA boards but such apparently was not the case.  Ms. Coney did the right thing.  If you're a member of an HOA, you have a right to look at those minutes, know who your board members are, and see the financial statements.  Sunlight is the best disinfectant, even for HOA Boards.  


Anonymous said...

I've lived in my last HOA community/neighborhood. It's nothing but a bunch of BS!!!

Anonymous said...

We had a bad problem in Madison with Natchez Trace Village HOA. They also used the HOA funds to sue members. Wonder how much of the HOA funds were used to fight this. Sad thing is no one will be liable to pay it back either.

Anonymous said...

My HOA has recently become Stazi property police, demanding contradictory and even poor practices for turf maintenance. Remind your HOA that St. Augustine should be cut 3-1/2" to 4" high, not 2"; and cuttings should be mulched to form an insulating thatch to protect the root zone from heat, freeze, walking compression, many insects and from most weeds.

Further, St Augustine should often not be cut during a drought.

Anonymous said...

so did she uncover anything?

Anonymous said...

Watch this nighmare segment from LWTJO

Anonymous said...

An HOA refusing to provide copies of minutes, etc. to a member? That makes no sense. I have been involved with a few HOAs and have never heard of an HOA refusing to provide a member with its information.

Anonymous said...

Why anyone would serve, uncompensated on any board, is beyond me. Some folks you'll never please and people are getting crazier and crazier and more litigious over small things. Our small neighborhood has a very good board and our fees are only $500/year. I don't know how they are able to pay the bills of landscaping, pool, clubhouse, electricity and insurance, at only $500/house, but there is one idiot raising holy heck. What's probably going to happen is they will turn over management to a company and our HOA fees will double or triple.

Anonymous said...

No HOA funds were used in the pursuit of this lawsuit. All funds were provided privately. The settlement was reached by our HOA liability insurance carrier, State Farm. Also, the issues with our HOA are NOT resolved, by far. There are two legal issues at play a civil and criminal investigation. A police report filed with the Flowood Police Department on February 14, 2023, citing 8 different potential issues. The managment company, Bellinder Law Firm, submitted their police report on February 15, 2023, with the Rankin County Sheriff's Office. Again, no HOA dues were used to sue the HOA.

Anonymous said...

The below is straight from Ms. Coney today:

HOA Wars, Season #2 is in production! Release date has not been revealed just yet, but major players are bailing like the wind and we may see the return of one of the OG cast members! To date, banning of members on the “unofficial” FB group page, many jumping ship, and a surprise reveal regarding who stays and who goes! And a board member trying to physically assault a homeowner, on video?! A potential kidnapping plot, and where did all that money go?! 💁 Stay tuned, as HOA Wars 2.0 is bound to leave you gasping!!!!!!
Spoiler alert….you will never guess who actually dumped HOA documents all over 2 board member’s front yards, to be rained on, after being subpoenaed!

Jeannie C. Riley said...

I see what you did there.

Anonymous said...

No one wants a HOA until the neighbors build a shop in the backyard. It will and does affect your property values.

Anonymous said...

The attorney for the HOA seeking sanctions: RANK

Anonymous said...

All this bullshit and nothing from THE Kingfish regarding the outcome, complaints, resolution or disposition.

But, hey, typical.

Anonymous said...

If Jennifer wanted to work with the board instead of constantly harassing and bullying them as well as many other HOA members, maybe people would be more inclined to support her. As it is she is rude and disrespectful to even non board members and feels the need to make EVERYTHING an argument or fight.

Anonymous said...

After apparently finding some financial mismanagement from the previous HOA president, Ms. Coney SHOULD be the hero of Laurelwood. Except she isn't. She has attacked the entire board as if they are all guilty, even though none of them had search warrants to knock down the previous president's home and search for records. In fact, it was one of the board members that found the missing records inside the previous president's home and turned them immediately over to the court. Ms. Coney constantly attacks the current board (who are good people trying to do right by their neighbors), attacks other neighbors, and sees conspiracies and monsters everywhere. While most of the neighborhood is grateful that the mismanagement has come to light, she has continuously posted half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies on social media and the entire neighborhood is exhausted.

Anonymous said...

Witness the HOA death throes of relevancy. Around that 20 year mark, these cookie cutter burb subdivisions start the downward spiral in the direction of property devaluation, reduced ownership and more rental/transience. Eventually the HOA peters out. Let it die.

Anonymous said...

I see good and bad in the concept of HOA.

The bad usually stems from nutjobs on the board.

But I would be grateful to have one to address my neighbor and his growing pit bull kennel type business that he seems to be running at his home.

Anonymous said...

Building a structure that matches the aesthetics owners home to store outdoor equipment and other things that could become an eyesore is certainly better than a potable building or a kit building from Lowe's or Home Depot.

Anonymous said...

If nothing to hide no problem except if paper, the cost of duplicating.

Anonymous said...

Eventually the HOA peters out. Let it die.

All the many HOAs once in operation within Jackson were allowed to peter out and die. And now you have total shit. Let Jackson die.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Ms Conwy got addicted to the taste of good samaritanism.
Nancy Drew spotted a crime, probably received some praise and attention and now is manufacturing problems to chase that same high.

Or the HOA is robbing the residents.

One or the other.

Anonymous said...

Excellent observation. Prefab storage buildings are hideous, must be intentionally so. "Sheds" can be simpler, better looking and more functional for sometimes half the price, especially if one can do the project themselves, with quality building materials not from a "kit".

Anonymous said...

The worst part is when the HOA hires a third party company to manage the HOA. You literally pay them thousands of dollars so that they can manage the people "elected" to volunteer on the board so that "they" who wanted to be elected to oversee the HOA don't have to actually do any work. I used to live in a neighborhood with 1 entryway with flowerbeds and a sign. Thats it. $750 annual HOA dues with 80 ish houses. They hired Homeland to manage it for $10,000(their minimum at the time) a year and homeland literally bills everything back to the HOA. That's raking in $60,000 a year for a neighborhood that doesn't have but a small amount of landscaping, some insurance, a little electrical bill, and a whopping $10,000 management fee. And the thing is, the people who don't give a damn what the HOA thinks, never have anything done to them. It's the people who let their grass get out of hand, or park a boat in the driveway a little too long that otherwise are great clean people that they mess with.

Anonymous said...

Re: "She has attacked the entire board as if they are all guilty, even though none of them had search warrants to knock down the previous president's home and search for records."

The other Board members had a duty to pursue the records and ensure the financial health of our organization. The other Board members were supposed to be there to hold each other accountable. If EVEN ONE of the other Board members had stood up to the previous president and demanded accountability, then there would never have been any need for the court to be involved. They could have voted Walker out of office and gotten the finances under control. They could have initiated the court action. Instead, they rallied behind the former president and maligned Coney at every turn. They stood by while Walker hired an attorney with HOA funds to block the records request. Several of them even appeared for court to proclaim their collective innocence. Consequently, they ALL failed in their duty to represent the members of the HOA. Have any of them accepted responsibility for their actions or innaction? Nope. While some of them did resign, the rest actively solicited proxy votes to make certain that could vote in who they wanted at the March election. They are ALL guilty. They are ALL responsible. They should ALL go. And take that sham of a management company with them.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Coney NEVER attacked anyone. In fact, she needs to be congratulated for taking down one of the most corrupt HOAs in the state!! Her efforts are helping people all over find and prosecute corrupt HOAs statewide! She is confident, strong, resourceful, diligent, and steadfast. Without her, our community would still be in the dark. Mrs. Coney has confronted some of the most horrible board members who not only attacked her personally but also vandalized her home, sent harassing text messages, and even made false remarks about her to the local police department. These board members should be ashamed of themselves and their management company needs to be fired and their attorney suspended from practicing law. Look this guy up, Thomas Bellinder, 1 star reviews everywhere!!!!

And then what said...

I feel like I just watched a movie and someone changed the channel right at the end. So what did she uncover?

Anonymous said...

1:42, if you want all of that information, hire a lawyer at $300+/hour or do your own research.

Anonymous said...

Damn … good for her!

Just a suggestion:
look up the previous legal filing in Panther Creek neighborhood , Madison County. Judge Brewer handled the matter.
Previous shenanigans of duly elected board members. No accountability until they were noticed for Legal action.
Attny Mike MacGinnis should be ashamed.
Any HOA board allowing any billable toke to that attny needs to be replaced asap.

Anonymous said...

Someone who pays dues to an HOA has the right to inspect records and not have those requests for records ignored by the HOA board. Why would a board not turn over records if, in fact, there is nothing to hide. I wouldn't trust anything represented by at least one of the attorneys listed in this case. He's a clown and has been since high school.

Anonymous said...

HOAs now only exist to keep property “marketable” until the developer leaves. That’s it. After they leave, you’re left paying Karen and Kevin to tell you what to do with your property. Municipalities love them because they get to collect taxes from the subdivisions and let the HOAs handle all the BS for them. The HOAs then collect more “taxes” in the form of assessments every year. They were originally created to keep out the “undesirables,” and I suppose some of them still do to an extent (those with exorbitant dues), but they’re nothing more than another layer of “government” to deal with. The party in power at our state level, if they were truly the “party of small government” would outlaw them. But it’s an easy way to control those around you so that ain’t gonna happen.

Until people refuse to buy in all these shitty cookie cutter neighborhood developments, they aren’t going anywhere. Best read up on the covenants and bylaws you didn’t know you agreed to when you “bought” your house to be sure your flowers are one of the approved colors.

Anonymous said...

Never attacked anyone? Really? You must be talking about someone totally different than everyone else. When she was allowed in the "offical" HOA page she was constantly bullying or attacking someone. And not just board members, anyone that even slightly disagreed with her views. We have all watched as would turn anything into an argument and talk down to anyone.

Anonymous said...

"I feel like I just watched a movie and someone changed the channel right at the end. So what did she uncover?"
June 26, 2023 at 5:46 PM

Agreed! All I got out of this, is that now I'm hearing Billy Ray Cyrus singing 'Harper Valley PTA'.

Anonymous said...

Regardless if a homeowner “harasses “ a board they still have the obligation to that member. HOAs boards have very little idea what they are required to do and some become little tyrants.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that there was an HOA mutiny in Laurelwood a few years back. It got heated until a new board took over. If she has lived there this long, this may be retribution from the past board still fighting the current board…. HOA are there Ian little fiefdom’s for any power hungry personality type…. Lord Farkwad to the podium….

Anonymous said...

In other news, I grilled burgers on my bge tonight.

Anonymous said...

Work around segregation laws? You have my attention. Tell me more.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I'm up past midnight reading this shit word for word. It's enough to make my petunia droop.

What you people need is to get laid - but keep it in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

First World Problems.

Anonymous said...

@655, I didn’t see her comments. But, merely disagreeing with someone or calling out someone when they are wrong is not an attack, insult, or bullying. The discussion and even healthy and spirited debate is no longer encouraged or tolerated. Opposite views must seemingly be shut down at all costs. It is becoming more prevalent for the initial aggressor to claim they are a victim when they are called out. As KF said, sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Anonymous said...

@11:09pm - I’m glad your asking the right questions. The link above will tell you all you need to know.

Anonymous said...

There’s a lot of negativity about HOAs here, probably from people who resent paying dues and having to abide by HOA rules. However, a good HOA that enforces covenants and uses HOA money prudently to maintain common areas is a must to maintain property values.

Anonymous said...

This narrative makes Coney seem like a hero… The story is definitely half baked and only from one POV. She’s not the good HOA member as painted to be in this story. She definitely divided the neighborhood, and I’ve never seen anything like the trail of wrath she’s made. To some in the neighborhood, she comes across like a terrorist, bully, conspiracy theorist, ready to sue anyone at any moment for anything. She tells half truths, and she makes up her own conclusions which aren’t fully informed. She harasses neighbors online… openly admits to driving by their homes, taking photos of their children, vehicles, etc. and keeping tabs on them. From an outside perspective, it is scary to know she’s doing these things; and the fact she is open about it reveals she doesn’t understand it is pretty much stalking. She falsely accuses others publicly ruining their reputation and making that person have to defend themself; and even when they prove their innocence, the damage has already been done by the false accusations. She might have been right about 1 thing/person, but that was because of a tip provided by an HOA board member (so that person did do something to speak up knowing Coney is annoyingly vocal). Regardless, It’s exhausting to deal with her as she’s not rational at most times. “Karen” is not a word to describe her because it’s not a strong enough word to encompass this lady’s obsessive wrath. No, she’s in her own category- “Jennifer”.

But a smaller percentage of people support her and also attack others acting like her little army. It’s sad when police have to be there at the open HOA meetings because of how much she riled up and caused division in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Bellinder formerly with Dennis Sweet firm.

Anonymous said...

To all the boomers and power tripping Karens that think otherwise, HOAs don’t “protect property values.” Many times they reduce property values over time with lower home sale prices vs non-HOA properties (because the smarter younger generations are starting to figure out the scam). Not to mention all the dues/assessments paid over time (lowering your potential ROI when you eventually sell).

Not only that, you may have the fortune of moving in to a badly managed HOA without even knowing it, and may be hit with special assessments and annual assessment increases to cover for poor management.

As 6:26pm said, HOAs are formed for the sole benefit of the developer. To control all of the lots in the subdivision until they’re sold. That’s it. They should automatically be dissolved or reverted to a shared “maintenance organization” with sole responsibility of collection assessments for the upkeep/maintenance of any shared amenities. All the other controlling BS goes away.

Myth that HOAs Protect Property Values

Anonymous said...

@9:25 AM I agree. The word gets out in social media about subdivisions that have an HOA that is draconian. The realtors know which ones fit this category and steer people away from them. The sales prices then drop.

Also, if you google some of the text of your covenants you will see that they are cut/paste off the internet.

Anonymous said...

This HOA is by far not unique in this regard, but they have some real shit stirrers in that neighborhood. The facebook group issue (admins banning/not approving some owners, etc.) is some petty high school nonsense.

Kingfish said...

Painting her a hero? She could be the most evil person in the world. However, she still has the right as a member to look at the minutes and financial statements. She went to court, the Judge agreed and ordered the HOA to produce the records. A contempt motion was filed but the case settled. That's the story. I'm sure there is much more going on in this deal but that is what was reported just as JJ reported on the Board tyranny in Natchez Trace and the embezzlement of HOA funds in the Ridgeway Lane scandal.

Anonymous said...

@8:23am provides another fine example example of why HOAs are bad. One “member” thinks they have the right to stalk and harass neighbors under the guise of “helping the HOA.” If there were no HOA, then you wouldn’t have to worry about this hag running around doing this dumb crap. If she does, kindly let her know she’s trespassed on your property, and if she steps foot on it, harasses you in any way (including pics from the street), law enforcement will be called. After a few rounds of that, the crazy old bat will either stop or move. Not to say you can’t do that in an HOA, but it makes it much more cut and dry when she has absolutely no reason to do any of that nonsense.

Anonymous said...

@7:21am - Get your head out of the sand and educate yourself.

Read the posts from 6:55am and 9:25am today, including the links.

“Protecting property values” is BS.

Anonymous said...

"HOAs now only exist to keep property “marketable” until the developer leaves. That’s it."

WRONG! That's the function of covenants, not the HOA.

There are probably more subdivisions that DO have covenants but DON'T have HOAs.

Covenants protect the developer. HOAs may or may not serve the developer's interests and, in fact, may not even exist in order for covenants to be enforced.

Anonymous said...

I live in an area with a HOA. Biggest mistake I have ever made. I wasn't told it was a HOA before buying. The first I knew of it was when a man knocked on my door and said he wanted some money. I told him to get a job and get off of my property. They next sent a letter telling me it was a HOA. I looked for the people who sold me the property but they had left Ms. as soon as the check cleared. I have since learned that it is very common to withhold the information about the HOA. I tried paying my dues but soon got tired of people running to the HOA to complain that I didn't ask permission to make the decisions about my property. A few years back the council decided they were too busy to do what was asked of them to do while on the council. They decided to hire someone else to do the job. The people decided not to pay there dues if they were used to do the job the counsel was supposed to do. Then the news broke about the man scamming the HOAs out of their money. The council decided they would do their job instead of paying for someone else to do it. They told the property owners if they would start paying dues again they would forget about the dues they had not paid. Except for me. I still had to pay the back dues. For some reason I didn't really like that solution. I never paid another cent to the HOA. I will get a letter every time they elect a new president telling me I owe back dues. I remind them of the agreement made. I will agree to start paying dues as long as I get the same deal as other property owners. They still refuse and I still do not pay dues.

Anonymous said...

We recently relocated to another town. We laid down a want list with our realtor.

We also laid down a demand list. First among the demands was that we will not be seeing properties that are in an HOA. We are now in a subdivision community of some 70 houses ranging from $375 to 600,000. Everybody we have spoken to had the same demand.

Most of us here have lived previously within an HOA. Never again.

Anonymous said...

10:35, this is 7:21. HOAs are like Boards of Supervisors, legislatures, PTAs, and any other group - they are only as good as the people serving on them. Ours functions great and is very transparent. If you dissolved the HOA in a typical neighborhood, how would the common areas such as the neighborhood entrance landscaping, signage, be paid for and maintained once the developer bows out?

Anonymous said...

@8:32 Your saying a board member provided the tip to this “bully” and that’s the only reason they’ve revealed the fraud? Really? What BS! Sounds like this Coney lady was just sick of the power trippin HOA like everyone else and peeled a layer back to reveal a much bigger problem. HOA’s are all screwed up. Mine has a president that pays himself and his son to do the “landscaping” and doesn’t have any type of landscaping business. We never get any transparency on money received and spent. There’s 2 kinds of people - normal people trying to work and raise family’s and then there’s HOA board members. Y’all know em soon as you see em.

Anonymous said...

@10:59am - You obviously didn’t read the posts that were recommended.

And yeah, you’re right. Some of them are run decently. But every HOA is one person away from being a terrible HOA.

Anonymous said...

The Coney's are two things that you don't see often. They are correct in their assumptions and did the right thing by working hard to bring this to Laurelwood's attention. Innormal circumstances, you'd want to pat them on the back and be thankful for the work they put into it.

The problem is the agressive, abusive mannor in which they address anyone and everyone. Rather than allowing the facts to speak, they are abusive to anyone who was duped by the few members of the board who did the wrong doing.

After a recent open election for new HOA board memebers to replace the corrupt ones, foul play and vote rigging was called by the Coneys. This is odd considering The Coney's had their own person present for the vote tabulating.

So, it's odd. Normaly you appreicate this action...period. But considering the confrontive way the Coney's act, you aren't given the chance to appreicate them and give them the credit they deserve. And yes, they were blocked on the neighborhood FB page becuase of this name calling, taunting and belittleing of everyone. Not just the ones who truly derseve it. And I do full heartedly hope that Ms. Emory is sued and has to pay back all fund stolen.

Anonymous said...

"The worst part is when the HOA hires a third party company to manage the HOA. You literally pay them thousands of dollars so that they can manage the people "elected" to volunteer on the board so that "they" who wanted to be elected to oversee the HOA don't have to actually do any work."

I'm afraid this is about to happen to my small neighborhood. The volunteer board does a great job and the dues are only $500/year. On resident has made it his mission to cause discord and blame the board for all type of malfeasance, including not investing crimes (that the RCSD has already investigating).

I'm concerned he sees himself as a vigilante and will keep on until the board says, "enough" and hires a third party to manage everything which will likely double or triple our fees.

Anonymous said...

I’m happy with the HOA in our small neighborhood. The dues are reasonable and pay for our attractive gated entrance, and landscaping of the common areas. Decoration for Christmas, etc. The covenants are enforced but not in a draconian manner. Our board is voluntary and it’s difficult to get new residents to serve on the board. There are very few residents who don’t keep there property as are there very few who park on the sidewalk, let there grass grow over the curb, seem to be unable to park without running over their lawn. The very few that gripe never seem able to volunteer to be a member of the board.

Prove Me Wrong... said...

Common areas in any subdivision are often the excuse for embracing an HOA. If developers didn't design common areas in with their covenants, there would be no need for an HOA.

An HOA does NOT maintain or improve your property value. Quite the opposite.

Once the developer completes 90% of the development he gives not one shit about the covenants or an HOA. It's not unusual to see bankruptcy or default at that point and let the bank worry about it - The developer is in Destin.

But, back to officers and committee members: Too often they are the girls who never made cheerleader, the boys who either rode the bench or never tried out and those boys and girls who tattled constantly to the principal and that favorite teacher.

Anonymous said...

It’s good until it ain’t. Let the wrong Karen move in and let the residents get complacent/apathetic.

Anonymous said...

I belonged to one neighborhood HOA back in the 80s, in Greenville. We had a pool, common ground, sidewalks and entrance signage.

We didn't pay anybody a dime to take care of those things. We did it on a volunteer basis with an annual list of whose turn it was to do what by date.

Dues did rent a pump to pump the pool every spring and the city allowed us to hook up to the fire hydrant and the fire department even loaned us the hose to fill the pool.

We had an annual list of who would cut the entrance grass for each weekend of the growing season and the same with the grass areas at the clubhouse and around the pool.

We had zero Karens.

Anonymous said...

@6:18pm - Because there was no power structure (covenants) in place to enable the Karens. Just responsible people doing the needful.

Anonymous said...

8:16 - I'm 6:18. Yes, we had covenants. Without covenants, an HOA has nothing to police. We did have an architectural committee, grounds and maintenance committee and a clubhouse/pool oversight committee, but, you're right in that we were all responsible and did our duty to take turns tending to stuff, had annual meetings, elected officers and such. As I recall everybody (both parents) worked so there were no Karens looking out the kitchen window all day long. lol

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that the (vast majority of) events of this article happened over a year ago. Laurelwood has a new board that is doing its best to move the neighborhood forward. Ms. Coney, in what seems like a desperate attempt to feel relevant, keeps bringing up problems of the past while trying to turn them into new ones.

Anonymous said...

Our HOA used to have a swimming pool and a stable where you could go on a horse ride. Now the pool is filled and a basketball court was set up that no one went to. The stable was closed. The lake is used by those who live lake side for a septic tank. We call them the lake flushers. Our HOA rates still went up.

Anonymous said...

The Laurelwood HOA continues to have mounting problems. First, they still have not released the bylaw mandate CPA report to its members. Secondly, the management company has failed to resolve the missing funds issue. Thirdly, Bellinder has failed to abide by his contract and state law by refusing to allow members to photocopy financial documents. Their response is that “members are requesting as such in bad faith.” Bellinder was also cited an ethics violation by the Mississippi Bar. The new board has once again started banning members from a community FB they claim is not an official Laurelwood page. This has happened as recently as this month. LWHOA bylaws stipulate that members have the right of privilege in any areas in which the HOA owns or manages. So, they ban members, then go out and post negative comments about the member knowing that member has no way of presenting all the facts. This is the same BS Walker and the previous board pulled. However, 3 of the Walker board members are still on this current board. So, you connect the dots, bad mouthing members, banning members to isolate them from the community, ignoring financial document requests, what exactly has changed?

Anonymous said...

“It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job” - Douglas Adams

This applies double to HOA directors who solicit proxy votes for, theoretically, unpaid HOA board positions. If they want it that badly, then they definitely want something beyond just serving their neighborhood. You should definitely be concerned what it is that they’re really after.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the Managment Company did the correct thing and turned over their findings to the authorities. It also appears that the authorities are conducting an investigation. These types of things take time. It sounds like Ms. Coney wants things done her way and on her selected time frame. With regard to banning this particular member from the neighborhood fb page, I think that speaks for itself! There are rules to abide by and warnings given before removed from a neighborhood page. Ms. Coney must feel like that the only rules she needs to go by are the ones she makes up herself. "you do you, boo"

Anonymous said...

6/28 @11:23 gets bonus points for using a quote with ipso facto!!!

HOAs suck!

Anonymous said...

Why did Bellinder file his report with the Rankin County S.O. and not Flowood P.D.?! “members of the board were in tight with the police department and he did not think Flowood would properly investigate the complaint. He said RSO would forward the complaint and it would then get traction.” Is the FPD “friends” of Walker and her clan?! Maybe, somebody needs to look into that!

Anonymous said...

This all reminds of Louisiana’s Edwin Edwards’ campaign slogan: “Vote for the crook
, it’s important,”

Anonymous said...

Should anyone care enough to see the true colors of Coney, hop on next door! She is berating and “gaslighting” not just only her neighbors in laurelwood but she has moved on to doing the same to people in other neighborhoods who don’t agree with her. Pure madness!

Ignorance Abounds said...

@3:16 - No municipal or county police agency has any authority whatsoever to enforce covenants or investigate complaints from HOA members or its Board.

The only redress available to any member or the Board is in a court of law.

Anonymous said...

"We had a bad problem in Madison with Natchez Trace Village HOA. They also used the HOA funds to sue members."

@12:34 - Regardless of whether the HOA Board is a good one or a bad one, their ultimate course of action is court action which either means a lawsuit or a lien on the property.

That's really the only way any HOA has to reach its goal of adherence to covenants. What other means of enforcement do you think they have?

Anonymous said...

False news! Coney is actually advocating for Foxbay Subdivision residents. In fact, Mrs. Coney just fleshed out corruption in their HOA which should be aired on the news, possibly WAPT, WJTV tonight. Meeting is being held at 6:00 p.m. tonight. Mrs. Coney is helping people advocate for their property. This girl is my hero!! Cannot wait for her podcast to hit Spotify! This lady is hitting the ground running and I am excited to see how many HOA’s go down.

Anonymous said...

I have a question why would a management company go against a member of the HOA that is paying their dues?! Seems like Laurelwood is creating a “us” and “them” mentality which creates so much discord. I mean, Mrs. Coney pays dues that go to their fees, why would they be so horrible to her?! I am glad she shed light on who they actually are. I have been asking around about this community and this management company. Looks like Thomas Bellinder has been fired from several HOAs for various issues. But, why would put his license on the line to represent a clearly guilty HOA and Emary Walker, individually? Is that not a conflict of interest? I hope he never tries to manage our HOA, man would be out quick!

Anonymous said...

Did I miss the news story? I looked for it.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:22 pm: The same question could be asked why is Bellinder (or possibly his little minion) commenting so much in this thread. I've counted at least 5 comments I would bet my next paycheck came straight from Bellinder. Makes one wonder how much of a vested interest he has in silencing Mrs. Coney.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know facts about what went down in Laurelwood? Besides the obvious, records were asked to be seen, (Bellinder Managment Co.) provided what information they had to Ms. Coney and the authorities, and there is an ongoing investigation to the mishandling of money. I feel rather certain that Ms. Coney (anonymous) is only providing her warped scenario of the situation. Sounds more like a woman scorned due to not being elected to the HOA board and realizing she has become irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:35 pm - You are exactly correct. The current board, aided by previous board members, has been working with investigators. Nobody in Laurelwood listens to her anymore and now she has moved her antics to NextDoor, where she has now attacked the Flowood PD with ridiculous allegations, not to mention non board members in the Laurelwood subdivision, and residents of other neighborhoods as well.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Coney has been a vital part of the Laurelwood Community. I think Bellinder is out and Coney for the win!

Anonymous said...

Someone should do same to Lake Caroline HOA. That HOA used to be horribly mismanaged!

Anonymous said...

Laurelwood HOA is still in breach of bylaws. City of Flowood Police Department claims they cannot do a proper investigation because they "cannot afford a forensic auditor?" What police department does not have the funds to investigate a criminal, financial, crime?! Where does all their funding go? Maybe someone should look into this police department a little further, seems like Walker, the former HOA president, and alleged check forger of Laurelwood, may be handing out little favors!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS