It appears our Attorney General is having a fund-raiser for the cool kids. JJ would love to tell you where it is but we don't know where it will take place. See for yourself.
Don't get too comfortable, Republicans. JJ has an equal time post going up tonight or tomorrow.
Party in the back!
Kingfish, Love to see a list of his campaign contributions. KF. please work yur magic.
drain the swamp along with Hood.
Impressive host list.
We take pride in Purfectshun(and ripping off the insurance companies).
@10:05, it’s going to be pretty tough considering the republicans just passed a bill to keep donations anonymous.
Well, this is interesting. This invite has some carryover to the various "brain-drain" debates in several threads.
1. Kandace "Kandi" Walker and Roshan Patel are both Mississippi kids (25-ish) who, unless I am mistaken, left Mississippi for greener pastures in DC. Yet, here they are helping Hood tilt at windmills...unless...this little $1000/$2500 fete is in DC.
2. $1000/$2500 to come be a Democratic Christian SJW with Jimmy and his posse. Yeah, I'm sure both black and white working-class folks all over the state will be raising the cash to go to this shindig. Just how many idiots are out there that would piss away $2500 on the off chance that a) Hood will manage to win and b) that Hood will spend even a few minutes of the evening chitchatting with you? This is a badly calculated scheme to separate the nouveau riche wannabes from their cash by offering them a chance to "be a part of something big!"
3. Jim Hood, at least as the AG, has _FRIENDS_? Bullshit. He has employees and "friends," i.e., those who think there is something in it for them if they support him, but no _FRIENDS_.
1028, donations to campaigns are not kept anonymous. The bill you are referring to covers donations to charitable organizations.
1005, it does not take any magic. KF, and anybody else that cares, will be able to get a list of the donors to Hood on May 10th when the campaign finance reports a%e due. At least, the contributions that Hood actually reports ( history shows that Hood's reporting has been questionable over the years, so take his reports with a grain of salt).
11:19 you are full of bullshit -the bill protects identity of donors to nonprofits that seek to influence elections indirectly by running advertisements, sending out mailers, etc. It allows a donor to help a candidate or cause without anyone knowing. These so called nonprofits do not make donations directly to the campaign (which would be public), instead they hide behind the name of the organization.
Members Only.
Friends of Jim Hood=Plaintiffs' attorneys who made millions shaking down corporations with Hood?
I guess he's caught so much (justified) grief over his satellite office in Houston MS that he doesn't want anyone to know what he's got in D.C.
Correct @11:58. Hood's donors will benefit from the anonymity. They don't want black Democrats who control the Mississippi Democrat Party to know who, exactly, is behind the vicious attacks on black Democrat Robert Shuler Smith.
11:19, If you believe that then I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
If I were interested in researching this, I'd look to see what connections Saikat Chakrabarti, Alexandra Rojas, Corbin Trent (all three heavily involved in Ocasio-Cortez' campaign and office) and any other of the "New Democrat" kiddos have with Walker, Patel and any other DC/Mississippi youngsters working on Hood's campaign (or Dem campaigns around the US).
These kids run the gamut from well-educated to "self-educated", but almost all are just like Ocasio-Cortez: not an ounce of common sense, mommy and daddy treated them to a grade-inflated education, and they came out dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to the realistic, practical and subtle, i.e., the real world and real life. Look at AOC's total, utter and abject mess over the Amazon HQ2 pullout as well as her assorted weekly fuck-ups. These kids are the design and planning crew for most of her nonsense. Their hearts seem to be in the right place, but common sense seems to elude them and until they get a little rap with the ol' cluebat, things are likely going to be very interesting. And to top it all off, they have managed to convince a bunch of aging just-missed-Woodstock hippie wannabes to support them in their, um, "cause."
Anyway, if this bunch of earnest young pseudo-socialist whiners are now mixed up with Hood, the governor's race will get interesting, fast. One thing I will say about these kids, they do understand how to stir up a tempest. Unfortunately, that is all they know how to do: stir and break, not soothe and fix. I'm going to guess that these kids would just about swoon if they could get a Dem, even a white one, elected governor of MS. It won't end well. For anyone.
This development may help explain why Smith got in the race, to get some of the guilty white liberal money that is apparently going to get spread around in MS, but come from other areas. Areas where good, sturdy hard-working folks are found and from which a heroic colorblind proletariat can be formed. As long as they can each cut a check for at least a grand for the governor's race in a state they don't even want to fly over much less visit. Real hotbeds of true socialism in its purist form. You know, places like Georgetown and Foggy Bottom/McLean, and then, it's on to Tribeca, SanFranJose and Malibu.
Get your free-range paleopopcorn ready, viewers. This might just be amusing as all getout: a Jheri-curled redneck buffoon AG who makes Joe Biden look like a silver-tongued devil versus a black DA/moron whose permanent expression looks like he was just told the FBI has 47 warrants for his arrest and he is the only one that is surprised in the least, and both of them looking high and low for Barbra and Hanoi Jane for a tit to suckle, aided and abetted by a squad of wet-behind-the-ears Che-litos/litas with OPCC ("other peoples' credit cards").
3:52 I sure hope you are getting paid for your propaganda. If not, please take up a hobby. You spending way to much time on the internet.
3:52, responding to 5:27 - I'll bet you a Host-level to Jimmy's little soirée that you spent more time reading it and coming up with your withering and insightful rebuttal than I spent writing it. Oh, if you were able to take my bet, I'd be putting your $2500 in my pocket, not Jimmy's.
I would urge anyone interested in statewide politics to do some due diligence on Chakrabarti. For those that don't know the name, which I suspect would be many JJ readers, he is the financial "brains" behind AOC's defeat of Crowley, who is/was a fairly high-powered House Dem often touted as a possible replacement for Pelosi as a Dem House leader. Chakrabarti is now AOC's right-hand comrade. He be wrong and naive about a lot of things, but he isn't stupid and he will likely be involved in more turmoil before he either gets a little life under his belt or gets busted. Apparently, Crowley and his people knew Chakrabarti and the AOC campaign had engineered some, er, interesting financial moves in her campaign but unwisely chose not to bring it forth, afraid that beating up on a bunch of then-unknown kids would make him look weak. Oops.
I suspect, but do not know, that there are at least some ties, direct or indirect, between the AOC folks and Walker and/or Patel. A large subcurrent of DC is run by a bunch of young staffers who are mostly true believers (with a healthy dose of self-interest and -righteousness) on one side or the other. It isn't some "vast conspiracy," either right- or left-wing as these kids are just part of the new crop swept in with new Congress members, but simply ignoring any of them is not a smart move as Crowley, his people, and his supporters learned a little too late.
The origin of Conway's campaign funding will ultimately be his "Achilles Heel" .... IF totally exposed.
9:55am wrote, "The origin of Conway's campaign funding will ultimately be his "Achilles Heel" .... IF totally exposed."
If you mean with voters, nope. If you mean that his financial braintrust gets their tits in the wringer and it impacts his campaign finances, maybe.
As to the voters, Hood entire funding could be personal checks hand-delivered to Houston from George Soros, the Clintons and the Obamas and it wouldn't matter. Those who support him for whatever reason would still support him for those same reasons: he's a Dem, he is a "Christian," he is a "friend" of whatever trial lawyers, etc., etc., etc. Similarly, those who truly oppose him, again for whatever reason, aren't going to support him LESS because it isn't possible for them to do so.
Hood's ONLY hope is to get all of the black vote, most of the white Dem vote (and "liberal" funding/support would enhance his standing with both groups) and convert just enough anti-MSGOP independents and the few no-so-MSGOP conservatives/Republicans with whom he stands even a slight chance, i.e., the final is between Hood and Tate. Campaign finance won't matter to them, either, in a Jimmy vs the Tater cage match because if they are holding their nose to vote for him, the only thing the source of his financing would do is make them pinch a little harder.
About the only way campaign finances would matter _with voters who would vote for him_ is if the bulk of his funding came from the KKK. It doesn't because they ain't got it to give, so that is pretty much that.
With RSS and other black candidates in the race, Hood's black vote ceiling in the primary will be < 30%.
RSS is not in the race to win it. He has enough street smarts to know he isn't going to be the governor of Mississippi regardless of what might happen between now and the election. I'm skeptical that he got in just to shit on Hood although I am sure that he loves that he can do so regardless of how this plays out. I suspect that he was promised something(s) that he believes will be mostly delivered to get in. What he was promised and who did the promising remain to be discovered (and neither may ever be discovered) but I'd guess that careful observation between now and the primary will at least provide some clues (and some red herrings). If I had to made a WAG now, I'd guess that Hood wins the primary and loses the election, subject to several revisions as things play out.
Waiting to hear Kingfish's report of the response to the Tate Reeves fundraiser soiree last evening.
421 Tate Reeves'soiree was not a fundraiser. Simple campaign event. Good crowd. Good speech. No money collected - you should have come yourself and not have to depend on KF report.
Tate should have one at the Millsaps KA House.
Just have the before NFLX and chill generation there.
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