Thursday, April 11, 2019

Mississippi's Finest

Meet one of our Mississippi Troopers, fresh out of Trooper school.  Be careful when driving.  She's looking to give you a ticket. 


Anonymous said...

Neither cute or attractive by any stretch of the imagination.

B. J. for A Bear said...

Could there be a truck driver behind a weigh station in her future?

Anonymous said...

I’d hit it.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:15am - She said she FELT cute. We can feel however we choose to feel. Ever your big fat country buffet ass is entitled to FEEL cute, regardless of whether you actually are or not.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:15 am - She said she FELT cute. We can feel however we choose to feel. Even your big fat country buffet ass is entitled to FEEL cute, regardless of whether you actually are or not.

Anonymous said...

wow, this is great evidence for anyone who gets a ticket from her. talk about totally losing any credibility.

what kind of man would be attracted to this mangy ferret?

Anonymous said...

Troopers are taking and posting selfies now? How professional.

Anonymous said...

"onlyifyoubeg" I'd have to say the environment at MHP hasn't changed much.

At least she doesn't have muscles bulging out of her forehead.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of using law enforcement officers to generate revenue, but don't have a problem with this post. It's clearly a play on the instagram trope "Felt cute, might delete later." That's it.

Anonymous said...

No backseat cage and the seatbelts are wrong for a Charger so I guess she was just riding around dressed in full uniform in a personal vehicle taking selfies.

Anonymous said...

"mangy ferret"? Is that really warranted? JJ's commenters are the worst.

Anonymous said...

How many of you a$$holes that are downing this lady have completed Trooper School? Well, she has! Come back and make you snide remarks after you have done so.

Kingfish said...

She might have completed it but she didn't start it as everyone else did.

Anonymous said...

Cool, I never seen a lady Trooper before. She can give me a ticket any day. I'm a bad boy! Hey King what do you mean she didn't start it like everyone did?

Anonymous said...

I went through a regular police academy and I swear on my life that they let females graduate that should have failed on pt and firearms. I mean, they did fail but they didn't. The rest of what I know and could say about this here situation, I won't.

Anonymous said...

Ironic the discussion during lecture was that of officers being discredited. If she has affected any arrest of issued any citation they should be immediately dismissed. This is insane that MHP has allowed such attitudes to be displayed for the World to see. What a disgrace MHP AND ITS LEADERS. Or should I say lack of leadership. Who are you! The ACLU will be all over this.

Anonymous said...

That particular trooper gets away with anything and everything. Her direct supervisors were told by Fisher and his flunkee, Chris Gillard that she would be successful no matter what . The worst thing about that is, she knows it. She doesn’t answer to anyone at all and this is just more proof of that. There have been several troopers disciplined over social media policy violations. Most of them were not nearly this “in your face.” Nothing will be done about this. She will have another post on social media in her uniform, saying stupid things by the end of the day. That’s what happens when you are untouchable. And what Kingfish is referring to is the fact that the “8 minute mile” that an applicant has to pass to get in trooper school was changed to a “9 minute mile”, because she couldn’t pass it like all the other applicants did. MHP is a joke these days and this is all the proof you need. Marshall Fisher is too busy trying to remove DPS from the Employee Appeals Board rather than monitoring what his people are doing. When I was growing up MHP stood for something. There was a huge amount of respect when a trooper showed up, because they would command it. Now, I will refer you to the picture above. She needs to get off social media and start training herself how to survive out there, especially since this post was made on the clock. What an injustice this is to the citizens of this state.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!!! She should be transferred to a far end of the state. This shit seems to be the norm for mhp these days. They’re running off fine troopers and welcoming morons like this little girl. Mhp will be JPD in a matter of months. There’s a lot of folks that do that job to actually serve the public and not flaunt a uniform on social media so they can feel cute.

Anonymous said...

Seems everyone in the room has missed the message this clearly sends. To the countless men and women in law enforcement that are assaulted, injured, or Sadly killed in the line of duty. Mam. You disgrace them. You must not know personally anyone or the family of anyone that has lost a loved one serving and protected their community. Well Trooper I do and perhaps the family I know is that of a fallen Trooper. A MS TROOPER at that. Sad that you see what you are sworn to do, is only done when you follow a hashtag feeling cute so you will go enforce the law. The family I know would gladly sit down with you and inform you of your real duty. Your job is to protect us. Daily when you start your shift. Feeling cute or not is not the problem of a Mississippi resident that is commuting to and from work. A real job that we have to be accounted for regardless if we are having a bad hair day or not. Mam you have lost touch of what your job is. It’s for the brave heart that stand in for the weak and the scared. That’s the gap your to fill. This gap presents itself whether or not your feeling cute or not. Is it fair to the ones injured in car crashes over the past 24 hours that perhaps had you been feeling cute could have been out there to rid the roadway of the impaired driver that caused such accident. Instead tucked safely away inside the comfort of your home until it’s time to end your shift. I’m sure you fill entitled to everything but I can say that. I’m a female and I will be contacting our elected and appointed officials of your senseless judgment on rather should you do your job or not. MHP you have lost all the respect you once held.

Anonymous said...

This is from an internet meme called "Felt cute" or "feeling cute". Many of the posters are cops or firemen of everyday working folks. This trooper didn't just decide to do a "felt cute" tweet out of the blue.

Check the "Bored Panda" app. It featured 30 "feeling cute" posts yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Time for the MHP to lose the hat.

Anonymous said...

CHP Trooper Licon lost his life last week April 6th while on a traffic stop a reckless driver veered off the roadway and fatally struck Trooper Licon. I wonder was his mindset that he was feeling himself that day so he decided to protect and serve the people of the state of CA. now you have disgraced us all. I too wear a badge Trooper and your foolish comment that apparently your agency condones has made it to the state of CA. Way to go Trooper and way to go to your agency and leaders. Is this some game to you that endured training to become some self centered, egotistical, gun carrier. For the men and women that have paved the way you sure seem to lack the frame of mind to be where you are. Your agency will be bombarded with the families of the men and women that have paid the ultimate sacrifice while others like yourself see serving your state is a joke and chance at freelance photography.

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t matter what the post is from, a meme or whatever! The post doesn’t need to be on there from uniform. Also, her user name is, “onlyifubeg.” What the hell does that mean? Is she saying she’ll give up sexual favors if someone begs her or is she saying she will dismiss or overlook possible citations if someone begs her? Either way, it reflects on the department. It’s bad press for DPS.

Anonymous said...

Hello 1:58 I actually work for the same agency. We have a very strict policy. We aren’t allowed to follow other professionals in public safety jobs or titles especially in uniform and conduct ourselves in the same manner. No sir/mam this is a total lack of respect for others out here on the road and yes I’m anonymous because Fisher will Fire anyone that crosses him but not her. She boast openly of their personal relationship. Lead Fisher and Col or go home. Enough is enough. A real red leg.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your insight on this, 1:33. Damn good comments.

Anonymous said...

“Only if you beg?” Such a sad and pathetic post. These troopers that their life on the line every day to protect the citizens of this great state. As the wife of one of those troopers, I am highly disappointed.

These troopers give blood, sweat, and tears to their agency every day. Too many have even given their life. Being a trooper is a calling. It’s definitely not done for the money. It’s definitely not done for the recognition. They do it because they are called by a higher power to protect and serve. It has nothing to do with “feeling cute”.

There have been many great female troopers out there that are being disgraced by what this one has chosen to do. It is not her first post like this, nor will it be her last. It is hard enough to be respected as a female officer. Many women before her have given their all to forge a path for the few females that are called to this career, only to be set back by one who obviously has no respect for herself or anyone else within this agency. She laughs in the faces of those that attempt to discipline her for her own safety because she knows that she is protected by her family friend, former Commissioner of Public Safety, David Huggins. It’s a sad day for MHP and their leadership. What a disgrace...

Anonymous said...

1:58 Are the post your referencing 30 Ms State Troopers with a twitter name. Only if you beg! Are the other professionals more classy. Give me a break. This Trooper has clearly defined what her photo intentions are. That’s clearly failed leadership. This is not the first time MHP has made headlines due to lack of leadership at the top.

Anonymous said...

Felt cute, feeling cute blah blah blah....... This might be the biggest joke yet to come from MHP!!!! Sweetheart if you truly earned that badge the way everyone else did that wears it or has worn it in the past, you wouldn’t have to get your praise from your social media audience when you “felt cute” This is a disgrace to those who have earned the honor to wear this badge. This goes so much deeper than this “felt cute” post. But way to go Fisher! I hope you like the new face of MHP. You really picked a great one

Anonymous said...

Felt cute, feeling cute blah blah blah....... This might be the biggest joke yet to come from MHP!!!! Sweetheart if you truly earned that badge the way everyone else did that wears it or has worn it in the past, you wouldn’t have to get your praise from your social media audience when you “felt cute” This is a disgrace to those who have earned the honor to wear this badge. This goes so much deeper than this “felt cute” post. But way to go Fisher! I hope you like the new face of MHP. You really picked a great one

Anonymous said...

Nothing like having a woman do a man's job.....

Anonymous said...

2:29 2:57 well said. Yes. I’m also a Trooper that just so happen to know the Trooper very well. But as the previous post she speaks openly about her relationship with Retired Commissioner David Huggins and the quote family ties with her husband. She eats meals on his trip to Jackson and waste no time bragging about it to any and everyone that will listen. She loves to undermine authority. Isn’t this a perfect example. They support her and would rid me and anyone else that would speak against her actions. She is their friend and this interferes greatly with leadership and a forgotten word fraternization. She changed the qualifications for the 1 mi run time. She told her classmates that she would change Cadet School. She says and does what she wants. A fellow trooper in her dist even said that she made the statement that she gets what she wants. Always. Well seems she is correct but we are so glad that the people of this state are beginning to take notice of the double standards we live under. She will promote quickly as this administration is leaving this agency in complete ruins. Thanks Col you are feared greatly because you and Fisher will fire anyone that stands in the way. Another red leg breaking silence.

PittPanther said...

You would think one of your followers would actually go to Instagram (not Twitter) and look at her posts before commenting our us ignorance.

She says her uniform pic does not violate mhp policy, she says she reviewed the policy before posting.

She has a clothing brand called B.E.G. Not sure what it's for but it's not sexual in nature, so relax.

You all sound like a bunch of useless, crabby, old men.

Anonymous said...

Obviously most of you commenters on here have nothing to do, hate cops and are just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

When your “look at me” post takes a wrong turn!

Anonymous said...

4:25 most of these comments are police and where do you get the name Cops. That’s street talk for men and women of law enforcement. Now that you are awake read all post before you defend such pathetic actions. It’s MHP SIR/mam once the revered law enforcement agency of the state. Get out of your office at headquarters and ignore what Fisher has planted in your mind or don’t speak on anything that you have no idea about.

Anonymous said...

Pittpanther check your word usage in your first paragraph. Before name calling please sir. Your sentence seems useless rather than calling other bloggers useless. Please prof read your post sir. I’m too a Trooper and you have no idea what your talking about. The agency is crabby not the bloggers. You fulfill your daily vocation and let us Troopers call out whom we like.

Anonymous said...

@4:23, please get back to work. You don’t need to defend yourself here. Go post some more selfies with silly comments. You broke policy. I have read the policy, because I too am a Roadman. MHP’s Social Media Policy clearly states; General Order 12.21.06, page 4, Sub section B. “Prohibited Content and Speech”, #2. “Professional Identity-related Content” states:

For safety and security reasons, DPS personnel are cautioned not to disclose their employment with this department nor shall they post information pertaining to any other member of the department without their permission. As such, department personnel are cautioned not to do the following:

a. Display department logos, uniforms or similar identifying items on personal web pages.

b. Post personal photographs or provide similar means of personal recognition that may cause them to be identified as a state trooper or employee of this department.

So I mean, yeah you violated policy. Clearly violated it.

And @4:25, no one has bashed cops, in fact most of us posting here are law enforcement. A lot of us are her co-workers. We’re fed up with the huge double standards set by the administration. We can’t say a word about it in public, because Fisher will fire your ass off. He’s proven that already. We are all scared to death of losing our jobs. If he will fire one of the most outstanding State Troopers the state of MS has ever seen, then he won’t hesitate to fire the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

It’s good to see a cop with a sense of humor and watch a bunch of social media Nazi’s lose their last brain cell over it. LOL

Anonymous said...

5:16 MIDOL: For Cramps. Stop by Walgreens and get a case.

Anonymous said...

4:25 would you like to now defend your self or maybe Pittpanther there is the GO it’s not all lies see for yourself. Marshall Fisher will Fire anyone that deflects his ideas or rejects his chosen one. My former federal colleague. What a shame Marshall you never led anything until on paper Ms gave you a chance. You have been on a path of destruction in everything you have done. It’s it time ole friend.

Anonymous said...

When you read the comments here it is not hard to understand why 80% of educated young people are leaving this state. There is nothing wrong with what she posted. She is cute and nothing wrong with saying it.

Anonymous said...

Man, yall are getting all bent out of shape about a selfie.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone sees the pain and fear of a Trooper. Constant fear of termination is on the forefront of our minds. Do bare minimum and go home. We are frightened by the administration because they have fired literally the two best troopers we had. MS citizens have no idea of our leaders. Please poll our districts. You all will see. The hatred we have for admin.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.


Anonymous said...

5:35 selfie ummm! You have missed it too. Silence

Anonymous said...

Fisher won’t do a thing to her. Slap on the wrist if that. I almost feel sorry for Colonel Gillard. He always seemed like a good man to me, until he went along with the firings of 5 or 6 great troopers. Fisher doesn’t care about Gillard or this organization. He’s not from it. He’s an outsider who is determined to ruin MHP. The corruption among the administration is absolutely terrible. Hasn’t gotten better at all, because Fisher doesn’t address that. He goes after hard workers that just so happen to stand up for themselves and what’s right. We were always told in patrol school to “do what’s right.” That’s all we heard. Now if you do what’s right and it bucks Fisher in the slightest bit, he will go on a witch hunt until he finds something his attorneys can morph into a policy violation and he fires you. It happened to one of my best friends not too long ago. He’s dirty as hell and will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who has gone against him. This trooper that made the ridiculous post is known for doing stuff like this. She throws it in everyone’s face that she gets what she wants and it’s obvious, because she does exactly what she wants. Fisher wouldn’t think for a second of running her off. She’s his girl and she openly tells people that. The men in troop C can’t stand her, because she doesn’t pull her weight or adhere to the same standards as the rest of us. She won’t leave the city limits, doesn’t work, passes off wrecks and refuses to do what she’s told by supervisors, because she simply doesn’t have to listen to them. I hope like hell I never have to depend on her to save my life one day. She would either run from it or be somewhere posting selfies on duty. It’s also a known fact that she will be in Governor’s Security when this next class gets out. They changed the rule of having to be on for 5 years before putting in for special assignments just for her. Pathetic leadership......pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Female favoritism in law enforcement jobs from the feds to the locals has existed for decades. There is nothing new about standards being compromised to accommodate females.
Both law enforcement & the judiciary have shamefully used traffic citations for revenue purposes far to long & is wrong & needs to addressed.
She says she wants to go write some tickets. There is one thing for sure. She will not write another law enforcement person a citation. Law enforcement personnel behave as if laws do not apply to them. They demonstrate little respect for the law & turn a blind eye to their colleagues’ violations.
There is also nothing new about the administration stiff arming “red legs”.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi law enforcement is a freaking joke!

Anonymous said...

All you prior employees who got fired or butt hurt and quit these comments are very easy to figure out! You want to say something leave a name and don’t be Anonymous and sneaky like you were with others wives. You know who you are!

Anonymous said...

At 7:41And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate............ shake it off, shake it off

Anonymous said...

Wait wait. 7:41. Who are you Mr. Anonymous yourself. Are you some paid spokesman for DPS or the legal team that follows Fisher everywhere he goes. Your one of the two. Wait. Left one out. Some yes man for MHP. MOST OF THESE POST ARE CURRENT TROOPERS and we are talking amongst ourselves. We know who you are. Do you know us. Troopers know more than you think we know about headquarters. We are just smart enough to not reveal our names and allow Fisher to trump charges on us. He’s gone in a few months. Then we will tell our names. So for now. Paid spokesman. Speak fellow. Who are you sir or mam!

Anonymous said...

I dunno about all that but what’s up with those braces?

Anonymous said...

7:41 you have been asked to reveal who you are. Since you mentioning something so far off topic. It’s obvious we work the same place. Speak up. Identify yourself. It’s more of us than you. Troopers area sick of double standards and witch hunts from headquarters. So don’t speak out of turn 7:41. Your mad. This has been a long time coming for the 5th floor and their complete lack of respect for a complete lack of leadership ability. Chris. You should be ashamed. Can you name one thing that you have accomplished on your merit not by what one can write on paper about you. Ask him 7:41 and make it sound good with fancy legal terms and post it. Fools NO ONE!

Anonymous said...

A trooper posts a selfie and suburban dads soil their khakis with online rage. Next.

Anonymous said...

Do people not understand what is happening in this comment thread? The selfie is not all that egregious. It is, however, representative of the “I can do whatever I want” mentality of this......trooper. Reading these comments as if they are a reaction to this one IG post shows your own lack of insight.

Be safe.

Anonymous said...

A woman gets a job she does not deserve due to standards being lowered so she can get it anyway…

Cronyism is alive and well within the Mississippi Highway Patrol…

And a “hey please look at me” millennial wants to be a social media star…

Created all of this uproar???

What the hell will you all do when full-fledged leftism comes to Mississippi and like San Francisco you’re dogging heroin addicts and stepping over human shit???

Oh but wait! Phil Bryant is a Republican and Tate is on the way!

Kingfish said...

Didn't know about the handbook. What got my attention was a cop saying he or she felt like writing tickets. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Who is this “most outstanding State Troopers the state of MS has ever seen” that admin has gotten rid of that’s gotten everyone so upset?

Anonymous said...

What the hell will you all do when full-fledged leftism comes to Mississippi and like San Francisco you’re dogging heroin addicts and stepping over human shit???

What I will do is come find you.

Anonymous said...

(1.) That's why you need vote for Bill Waller Jr who will get rid of Phil Bryant cronies!

(2.) Wait till she stop a 300 pounder red neck drunk who attacks her like a raging bull. Won't be so cute then.

(3.) After close inspection of the photo her upper arms look a little plump. Is that just lens curvature?

Anonymous said...

10:45AM: If u think that governor candidate is the answer to MS’s problems, u r grossly mistaken. He is more the problem. His family & he have lived off the government &/or government influence/contacts all their lives, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Anonymous said...

You were absolutely right. The governor has put the entire state in a death spiral and of course he knows it. Look at all of his department appointees this topic however is concerning DPS. Marshall Fisher at the top is a complete joke. You want to talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing well he is the guy. I know him all too well. He reads the same speech at all of his engagement and he stands on a big Public Safety platform. To the ones that know him know that it’s a joke he is political and an evil man. He has the ones that he adores and he will protect at all cost. To Mississippi taxpayers he has what he has always wanted. That being a team of attorneys to follow him around. This way he feels important and people wonder who he is. From Texas Louisiana Kentucky law-enforcement career he is the blunt of all jokes MHP to all of you. You have a few more months of more turmoil and corruption within your agency. For as long as Fisher presides over your agency he will continue to tear it apart that’s what he does everything he touches he ruins.

Anonymous said...

According to the POLICY and reading all post is seems she feels as if she is able to do as she pleases. That’s easy for anyone to see. Now if you are on the inside and work with her then her activity is smeared in your face daily. Seems the Troopers have a legitimate complaint and this has started a fire storm. The Troopers were waiting on any topic to make headlines so they could lash out and that’s what is being done. I’m a civilian and I can read between the lines. Troopers appear to be fed up with many issues concerning MHP. this being one of many after reading the post. I can see that DMV is a disaster and becoming worse. We are treated as unwanted guest and the experience is so horrible but yet nothing is done. Marshall Fisher if this is one of your entities as the Commissioner of Public Safety well sir guess what you have entitled and enabled those employees to act in the most hateful manner as well. Not to mention it’s a train wreck and the most dreaded place to ever have to be. So most of what I read it seems you are a major problem.

Anonymous said...

I’m a law enforcement officer and have been for almost 2 decades. With countless friends including current and retired from MHP I can honestly say this is common talk amongst them. There has been a rapid decline in the respect that agencies across the state have for MHP. Troopers can’t talk more than 5 minutes before something negative comes from their mouths concerning their job or the administration. It’s not always been that way. It was seen as the elite law enforcement agency for our state but not today. They have lowered their standards so to the point they take rejects from agencies that wouldn’t give these people second looks. I know this for a fact. Sad but true because not ever one just because they want to wear the badge should have the right to. Careful. You will quickly become JPD.

Anonymous said...

As one who has had close personal ties to the most prestigious law enforcement academy in the world, I have personally witnessed the decline in standards. This has permeated into the various academies because the administrations r fearful of affirmative action/equal rights(whatever those terms mean) lawsuits. As some noted, learned scholars have said, America is going to hell. The Lord has thankfully given us a temporary reprieve with President Trump with his “make America great again” campaign. But just look at the hateful opposition. If the “Deep State”had had the power in the military as they had in the FBI, America would have had a kue.
MHP just get in line with all the instructions in America held in high esteem. And, so many Americans r so sick, they can not see it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you King Fish for exposing another substandard officer. What an insult to the women who were required to meet the standards to become a trooper. Marsha Fisher should be ashamed to allow such insulting behavior to represent MHP. Some great men and women have fought to achieve the once coveted title of MHP trooper. I guess the Governor and Marsha have agreed to disassemble the pride that once was evident in the actions of the troopers as they put their lives on the line to protect and serve. I fear that the new norm has been to dumb down and allow substandard individuals to wear the coveted uniform of the once great MHP.

Anonymous said...

One second. There is something to all this. I’m not a blogger just a reader of all news. National and State. So never do post but I’ve seen her billboard advertising along side the major roads here. From south to the north. So yes there must be truth to it. She is the poster child so maybe this was all MHP idea anyway. A way to show all MS travelers that this is your new guardian of the highway. A joke no that’s not it. A disgrace to us all yes. Marshall Fisher if this is your new image to us all it’s just not the looks of your evil eyes. You really are. A symbol of a state long gone.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure what’s wrong with her post? Cops are humans and are allowed to have fun and joke. Mississippi will continue to operate in the dark ages as long as something as innocent as a post on social media entices such ignorance and hate

Anonymous said...

The policy was posted. Read it. Red Leg

Anonymous said...

9:04 get back in bed and look at your IG. If you think by allowing Ms Troopers to act in such a worldly way by following # and trending post then you have missed it sweetie. By allowing such will not bring Ms from the dark. Two weeks ago named the worst hygiene state in the nation. Your state ranks top of the polls in every worse tittle our there. By allowing a trooper to act cute and feeling cute. Read all the post. She is described in every post as an entitled do nothing anyway. Is that fair to you and your tax dollar! Sleep tight while other agencies protect you and your property.

Anonymous said...

This photograph has nothing to do with falling officers, it has everything to do with dignity and integrity of
Who and Where we come from as individuals... “ remember the old saying from your parents “ saying when you go out of this house you represent “US” meaning mom and dad, so this Female Trooper represented “ The Mississippi State Highway Patrol” when she decided to step out of her dignity and integrity to take a damaging unprofessional picture of herself. “ the best lesson is a taught lesson”!

Anonymous said...

Smile Chris and Marshall MHP is becoming what y’all agree to make it. A dump. We are leaving enforcement by the numbers to get away from your regime. Red leg

Anonymous said...

@6:14, you’re right. That’s her on the billboard. They put her on there before she was even released from the Field Training program. She’s also on a recruiting picture that is absolutely ridiculous. It’s very amusing to me how they use her image for everything “MHP” and “State Trooper” when in reality she can’t even do the job of a real Trooper at all. I’m a Trooper and I will tell you outright that she doesn’t do SHIT on the road. The billboard is especially hilarious, because she’s NEVER locked up a drunk by herself or anything else. She’s scared to death to get even a mile away from the city limits. We are State Troopers. We work the rural highways of this state. Not the city streets of Brandon. That’s not our job. Of course she does what she wants, because Fisher won’t let anyone touch her. In fact, nothing happened to her for doing this. She will get away with murder the rest of her career and will soon out rank guys that have been on 20 years before her. MHP needs some guidance from some real leaders. The 5th floor has ruined what we had. Everyone is scared to death to do anything at all. Hopefully come January everything will change.

Anonymous said...

To my fellow brother of the thin Blue Line. You have not seen the end of what destruction Marshall can cause. He left DOC in complete shambles. It will take years to dig out from. You have 8 more months of him. He is a snake. Don’t line up with him and you will be standing in an unemployment line someplace. Wait patiently till the storm passes.

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years ago we actually wanted Fisher at DPS. Thought he would do a great job. Boy were we wrong!!! He has ruined it! I had enough of it and recently retired. I couldn’t stomach another day with an evil Commissioner and a bitch for a chief. Good luck after retirement, Gillard! You will catch your fair share of shit from the roadmen that are still left out there. All I can say is you and your family better slow your asses down!! To the good guys left on the patrol...hang in there. They will be gone soon. Redleg!!

Anonymous said...

Why did the term”Finest” ever portray a law enforcement person? We’ve seen regularly on television the past year America’s top cops lying to Congress & the American public. These guys tried to help over throw America; the Finest? And as usual, they r law enforcement which means they r above the law. And, on a local note, we see the same behavior every day we drive on our roads. These “law enforcement people” demonstrating no respect for the law as they drive around as they please. How many times have u been on 55 or 20 & get ur doors blown off by a city or county cop from the opposite end of the state, miles from their jurisdiction.
State troopers swear to uphold & protect our laws, but yet they do not abide by our laws themselves. Don’t get between a cop & “the coffee shop”, the “free” coffee shop. Of all the hundreds or even thousands of traffic citations a trooper has issued, I wonder what percent was issued to other law enforcement personnel. It is a lawless fraternity that looks after each other.
It appears that some of the posters on this board have become so spoiled with their unbridled authority they don’t know how to respond to someone they can not bully.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion she can be fashionable and stay with the trends of social media. The hard look need to be at the ranks above her. My curiosity is elevated now to who is in charge. Wow the comments about the boss. Wow!!

Anonymous said...

What we haavvvvve heah is. total. disarray.

(imagine Fisher's PERS checks)

Anonymous said...

She didn’t hasn’t earn the right to even wear that uniform. She is so privileged that she can’t even do her job. They send her assistant to patrol one lousy county while her coworkers are suck manning 4 by themselves. They will leave the other female out patrolling alone. That’s double standard. Fish and Gilliard has made a mockery out of MHP. This lady is not qualified to even wear this uniform. She hasn’t earn the right. She only get a DUI person when her husband helps. I know several new troopers who graduated with her get several a monthly. You wan to know why? Because they love their job and want to make the highways safe. This lady is an accident waiting to happen. Yeah. The new thing is she boy her boobs done and don’t want write tickets because they are still hurts. Sounds like we have a little Barbie in the making. Fisher needs to step down after this. He and Gilliard is doing the state of Mississippi a very u just judicial system by allowing this Barbie doll to do what she wants. You owe the state of Mississippi profession state trooper who loves doing their jobs.


Anonymous said...

Does people know how that place operates?? Is this all true?!

Anonymous said...

Thank the fakes in positions of power.

Anonymous said...

@4:49, Yes!!! That’s absolutely true and that’s exactly how MHP operates. The current administration has ruined it. The only thing that may save it is if the new governor brings in a good administration.

Anonymous said...

MHP is a joke... just look at how they are acting on here. The only way to fix MHP is to clean out from the top down and stop the expensive, worthless, stupid trooper school and allow already certified officers, the real police, to join. This good ole boys club is way out of date. They get to do what they want because they hold the secrets of the legislature and governors office, FACT! Happen to know the lady in the picture. She and her family have always been nice to me and mine. I don’t really see anything wrong about what she did, how is this really any different from the videos agencies made a while back. MHP troopers, get off the steroids and get over yourselves

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you went to patrol school and didnt make it...

Anonymous said...

1212 that’s original. Must have taught you that in “patrol school”.. can’t expect much.. low vocabulary

Frank Hamer said...

I see from another post that MHP is taking applications for Cadet Class 64. Feeling cute today...might apply

Anonymous said...

Same issue with Rankin County SO

Anonymous said...

I’m wondering how long Fisher and Gillard will be able to keep the latest promotions test cheating under wraps??

Anonymous said...

Poll the districts and see for yourselves MS how bad the Patrol has gotten. RED LEG

Anonymous said...

12:12 definitely went to patrol school and tapped out. I can tell a wanna be from a mile away. You should put in for this next school. They’re letting anyone in and everyone graduate these days. May be a perfect time to re apply. You may not have earned it, but at least you will look the part!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Williams (feeling cute) Trooper. You got our butts chewed out all over the state for your social media post. It became our fault so the blame wouldn’t be on you. Chewing our Butts this week in district meetings for your actions. Your down there and it made it way all the up here! A shame it’s this way. Complete shameful. Sick of it

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS