Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Costco conspiracy in Ridgeland?

A reader sent this email to JJ about the possibility of Costco building a store in Ridgeland. Some Ridgeland residents also think Mayor Gene McGee is hiding plans to bring Costco to :

On 7/29/15 at 2:00 PM, Mayor Gene McGee hosted a meeting at Ridgeland City Hall with approximately 100 very angry Ridgeland residents to hear their objections to locating a Costco store adjacent to the Natchez Trace Parkway between Highland Colony Parkway & I-55. This is a very historically scenic area. The Mayor gave a history of the zoning of the projected site. The board on 6/2/15 gave numerous variances to C-2 zoning enabling the site conducive to Costco. Mayor McGee denied that a Costco was considering this location & repeated it was only a rumor. The irate residents stuck to their information that the location was fact not rumor.

Residents pointed out that Highland Colony Parkway was only constructed with a 60,000 pound weight limit for trucks & that Costco reportedly confirmed that their stores are supplied with approximately 10-20 80,000 pound trucks daily, plus numerous other service trucks. Ridgeland has posted weight restrictions allowing no 80,000 pound trucks on HCP. The Mayor further stated that the roundabout would remain. Residents pointed out that that would be impossible due to the increased traffic flow.

It was not only the location of the Costco but all the tag along stores that a Costco would bring. Residents objected to I-55 exit 105c & the scenic surroundings becoming like the overly congested East County Line Road. Residents pointed out that this was a very upscale area not conducive to a big box discount store. A Costco would have a very negative impact on all of the merchants along HCP & The Renaissance Mall. The residents were in agreement that a Costco at a different location in Ridgeland may be good & that there were so many other locations around the city that would be far more advantageous to the city & Costco.

Residents were very upset that the Mayor showed more favoritism to a foreign corporation & nonresident developers than he demonstrated to the very electorate he is sworn to serve.

The Madison County Journal also reported on the meeting in the current edition of the newspaper:

Residents in upscale neighborhoods west of I-55 believe city officials are deceiving them about a proposed Renaissance Phase III, arguing there are plans to build a Costco on the Highland Colony Parkway, something most are against.

City Hall last week was filled with residents from neighborhoods such as Bridgewater, Dinsmor and Greenwood Plantation for an informational meeting since rumors of a Costco coming to town surfaced three weeks ago.

Despite city officials citing Parkway history and land-use ordinances, as well as saying no plans mentioning Costco specifically have materialized, residents remain convinced a Costco is being discussed.

The area in question involves both sides of the Parkway south of the Natchez Trace for a mile or more that belonged to the Evans brothers, convicted in 2011 in a mortgage fraud scheme that left banks owning multiple subdivided lots. (See story, page A1.)

"I'm not against (Mayor Gene McGee)," Bridgewater resident Cindy Shackelford said. "I'm against ruining this community and turning us into the next County Line Road."

Shackelford claims leaders have tailored a piece of land east of the Parkway specifically for Costco.

"I'm for Costco, but just not in that location," she said. "I also think it would hurt the businesses of the Renaissance we have now."

A Renaissance Phase III is planned along a section on the east side of the Parkway south of the Natchez Trace and that's where residents fear the Costco will locate.

In April, city officials had indicated that as the Lake Harbour extension to the Parkway is completed, a big box development is slated near Freedom Ridge Park east of I-55.

Shackelford said she wants Costco to come to Ridgeland to increase revenues for the city, but to find a different place.

"We'll start having crime, unbelievable traffic," she said. Shackelford said she and other have begun a letter writing campaign to Costco. Others began a petition and were sending it around on Election Day.

Instead of Costco, she said she wanted to see high-end retail or a Pottery Barn.

Concerns about traffic counts and trucks on the road were a major talking point last week. "If Costco does come and the truck count goes from 6-8 a day to 20 a day...(will Highland Colony Parkway) be able to handle that," John Lundy asked city officials. "What happens if it gets over that?"

Alan Hart, community development director, said Highland Colony Parkway carries 8,000 cars per day and is designed for a capacity of 44,000 cars.... Rest of article.


Holmes County Tags Galore said...

The lead in article says '...between Highland Colony and interstate 55'. That would be EAST of the parkway. Several other comments reflect 'WEST' of the parkway. It DOES make a difference since the roundabout would be seriously affected if the proposed development were WEST of the parkway. In either event, either Dick Hall lied the other day on Supertalk ("I Know Nothing") or he's sworn to secrecy and should not have called in to the Linda Allen Show.

Messick said...

Fast forward 15-20 years.

If built, will a Costco still be there? Or will a gigantic empty box with acres of unused asphalt grace that part of Ridgeland next to the Parkway?

Anonymous said...

Gene McGee sold out Ridgeland on the Butler Snow building, an eyesore that should never have been allowed. He will sell out again.

Anonymous said...

The land in question, immediately south of the Natchez Trace Parkway between I-55 and Highland Colony was, at some point in the past, zoned C-2 (part of it having been C-4). The Mayor is proud of the fact that he got rid of some "undesirables" in getting rid of the C-4 zoning in that area. What he DID NOT SAY is that on June 2 of this year, very quietly, the C-2 zoning, which does NOT allow gas pumps, was ALTERED to allow a large development to have gas pumps (Costco has gas pumps). But the Mayor contends that he doesn't know anything about Costco coming to that location!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather it be there than in Jackson.

I wonder if young Harvey has a comment?

Anonymous said...

But you'll never hear Ridgeland taxpayers complain about having one of the lowest millage rates in the metro and state.

Anonymous said...

7:48. Get a compass. You're lost.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, less than the distance spanned by one busted cap from a Glock 9 iron away sit the teaming hordes of government-made zombies. At least sales tax from a Costco would pay for a few police officers who can stand around looking at their watches waiting for their shift to end. Costco is not the end of the line, Ridgelandites. But you can see the end of the line from its parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Anything to reduce that damned Sam's Club trash magnet that was just opened in Madison.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bet, milleage rates are about to go up to pay for the infrastructure to handle COSTCO, which Ridgeland residents DON'T WANT!

Anonymous said...

The city has a long range land use plan; what does it say?

Anonymous said...

Yes. The city does have a long range plan and it shows something like this being at the south end of Highland Colony right off I-220.

Anonymous said...

Emperor Gene and the Alderminons appear to be miscalculating the peasants' anger over this one. They rolled the electorate on the half-empty Butler Snow building, but their asses will be mere voters after the next municipal elections if they try it again with Costco.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard a single Madison city or county resident say anything positive about Sam's moving north. Now Ridgeland residents are fighting their elected officials over COSTCO. Isn't this supposed to work differently? Why do we let mayors, county supervisors and developers impose their will on the citizens? We are the same citizens that voted for the politicians and we're expected to be customers of the developed businesses....our opinions should matter.

I'll answer my own question. It's the "if you build it, they will come" effect. These folks know the COSTCO parking lot will be just as full as the new Sam's has been since opening. All the whining and moaning about Sam's turning the Madison exit into County Line Rd, yet people can't stay away from there. Guess the mega sized Wal-Mart an 1/8 of a mile up the road didn't sell household items in quite large enough quantities for some people. Would hate for a family to have to stop at Kroger and Lowes...what a travesty two stops would be.

Anonymous said...

Emperor Gene and the Alderminons appear to be miscalculating the peasants' anger over this one. They rolled the electorate on the half-empty Butler Snow building, but their asses will be mere voters after the next municipal elections if they try it again with Costco.

Anonymous said...

Ridgeland would build a whorehouse if they thought it would bring in tax revenue. I'm a long time Ridgeland resident and am disgusted with the way the city leaders have sold out time and time again just to bring in revenue from apartments, auto parts stores, vaping stores, pawn shops and the previously mentioned Butler Snow building. They would not hesitate one second to allow Costco.

Anonymous said...

Most people, who by the way CONTINUE to re-elect Gene McGee and then complain about Gene McGee, forget that Gene McGee is in the money business. He never got out of the money business, even as mayor he remains in the money business.
I can point to a number of business that are located in Ridgeland (in areas where they shouldn't be) that are there ONLY because .......

Anonymous said...

If Costco is built it will be located on the North side of that church you can see from I-55 south between the Natchez Trace and 220.

Anonymous said...

What is it with the mayors of cities around here and their secretive, slavish attraction to Costco? There must be some SERIOUS money flowing under the tables. Yarber wants to get started on his "retirement fund" and McGee wants to finish his.

Anonymous said...

Who owns the land and who stands to benefit?

Anonymous said...

9:30 - the only way Costco makes sense is if it's off 220 as you suggest & there's some sort of reinforced "back road" for the supply trucks.

Also, are there any plans for the frontage road to continue south rather than stopping at Renaissance?

Anonymous said...

Gene McGee demonstrated his hapless leadership when it comes to real estate development with Harborwalk.

Anonymous said...

When is the mayor up for re election?

Anonymous said...

Tony Yarber just retweeted this: "We wouldn't have to raise property taxes if we had tax revenue coming in from the likes of a Costco etc."

On a related note, his twitter feed is um... interesting.

Anonymous said...

There's an empty building just a few miles from Ridgeland...AKA the old Sam's Club that would be perfect...perhaps those ghetto demographics are not what Costco has in mind...but appears no one wants them

Anonymous said...

2:41 Sam's has the same poison pill in their lease that all big boxes do now. A similar discount store like Sam's is prohibited from leasing that space. Do your homework.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:35 PM

And Costco tweeted, yeah we don't send employees into war zones.

@ 2:41 pm:

Why would Cost Co want to locate in the exact place from which another business, that offers pretty much the same service, just fled.

Anonymous said...

Tony Yarber: if we could tax more businesses out of Jackson, we wouldn't have to tax our residents out of Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Instead of opening a store in Jackson where taxes are high, infrastructure is terrible, and leadership is nonexistent, Costco is skipping the first step of the escape from Jackson game.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:41 Wal-Mart would sooner die than sell a building to Costco. Have you tried to find parking at the Sam's Club in the Kingdom of Madison? It's impossible. And that's how Wal-Mart likes it. All those bitching and moaning in bridgewater will be at the Costco grand opening for their great cheap wine. Maybe they will send their "housekeeper" instead of being seen in a "big box store." B!+ch please! You are first generation money.

Anonymous said...

The new Westin Hotel didn't get that memo, 3:23.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter where they locate. The Cochran supporters will find it, and ruin it. Just like everything else nice we used to have.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ridgeland,

The horse has been out of the barn for 30 years or so, ever since you let developers build all those apartments on Old Canton Road. A big box store won't effect the lovely ambience of those beautiful apartments.


Moved out of Ridgeland 7 years ago.

Anonymous said...

@3:08, Sam's Club didn't "flee" County Line Road ... They left because of foundation problems, & probably for a newer building.

County Line Road isn't ghetto, it's diverse. It's Whites, Blacks, Asians, & Hispanics really.

Anonymous said...

Ridgeland needs a Costco! The original purpose of Highland Colony parkway was to be a COMMERCIAL parkway, with businesses filling up every lot. The intention was never to be a private parkway for bikers and joggers. It has remained undeveloped so long that the residents have grown accustomed to it. Wise up Ridgeland!

Anonymous said...

@3:52 PM would have everyone believe the Westin is getting no spiffs, giveaways, breaks and kickbacks.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:52 PM

Right because the King Edward/ Hilton and the Jackson Marriot are booked solid.

Anonymous said...

I am one Madison resident that welcomes Sam's to our great city. As for Costco going in the old Sam's building, that will never happen unless the building is totally torn down. The building is in very bad structural condition.

Anonymous said...

Tony Yarber apparently has no knowledge how TIF bonds work. These type developments in many cases are more costly to the entity. The only ones that always win are the developers & their political donees. Which will be the case with this Costco location. Developers do not care about how they affect quality of life. Politicians get their money went they can. Developers will reap around 26M$ if Costco goes to this location. How much will go to elected officials??

Rich Sam's Junkie said...

4:20 Jackson resident here. I went to Sam's Pearl yesterday, and Sam's Madison today, to compare, as we lost our Jackson store and I need a new "home". Pearl is very, VERY nice.

Madison, IMHO, was breathtaking.

Holmes County Tags Galore said...

@8:36....7:48 here. No, I'm not lost and don't need a compass. Perhaps you need someone to read the posts to you. Kingfish's lead in says BETWEEN the parkway and the interstate. Maybe you need a field trip. Get out much?

Take The Grande Tour said...

Sorry, but the Parkway is NOT under-developed. The tall grass you see begins at the point you cross from Madison County into Hinds County. From that point, northward, development has continued to clip right along at a rapid pace. Figure it out. Pay attention.

Diversity in Customer Base said...

Currently circulating rumors would have us believe the 'secret Costco' is planned for the intersection of Highland Colony and Old Agency. I saw a WLBT camera girl standing beside a WLBT car, parked at the church sign south of the intersection at 10:00 this morning. AT THE CHURCH SIGN on the east side of the parkway, not at the roundabout. Just imagine how quickly traffic can get there from the hood, by taking the mostly vacant and dark parkway, north from Watkins and I-220. And after they shop(lift) Costco, they can cruise on into downtown Ridgeland and Madison (avoiding Fondren altogether).

Messick said...

For what it's worth, they have comeback sauce fixins for days at the Costco.

Anonymous said...

4:17. Like Sam's did in Madison? Can you spell TIF bonds?

Anonymous said...

Time for Gene McGee to hang it up.

Anonymous said...

Businesses are coming to town. No one can stop growth and development. Regardless if Costco builds or not, HC parkway will not be a place where people want to jog or bike in 5 years. Would you prefer a Costco or a dollar general?

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, but the Parkway is NOT under-developed. The tall grass you see begins at the point you cross from Madison County into Hinds County. From that point, northward, development has continued to clip right along at a rapid pace. Figure it out. Pay attention."

You are absolutely right. HCP is almost fully developed on the Madison County side. That is, except for the parcel of land under discussion above. And the parcel across HCP from that. And the parcel situated between Highland Home and the Paragon office park. And the parcel on the other side of the Paragon office park. And the parcel across HCP from that. And the parcel west of BCI...oh, and the two big tracts north of the Crescent office park and Highland Colony Baptist all the way to Lake Castle Road...and the parcel at the northwest corner of Lake Castle and Highland Colony...and the parcel across from Madison Central High School.

Pay attention

Steve said...

@4:13 You hit the nail square on the head. HCP was designed and built to be for commercial use.

Also... I'd wager me next paycheck that over %75 of the posters to this thread that have fussed about Sam's and the possibility of a Costco /drum roll/ WILL SHOP AT THEM!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Kingfish said...

You want us to protect your bodily fluids. Got it.

Anonymous said...

JPS = 7:47.

Anonymous said...

The people fussing about the possible location of a commercial development in the area remind me of people that build/buy a house in the flight path of an airport and then start fussing about the noise and wanting the airport to move. Sorry, but HCP has ALWAYS been designed as a commercial development, since long before the subdivisions in the area were built. Also, Highland Colony Parkway begins and ends in Madison County, so why the reference to it being fully developed on the "Madison County side?"

Anonymous said...

Who said McGee was looking to run for another term? He's ready to retire and what he is making off of this deal with Costco will most certainly help with his retirement fund. He's been making out like a bandit on "side deals" for years. Look for him to retire after this term and before the feds close in.

Anonymous said...

A city cannot discriminate against a business, isn't this correct? Couldn't Costco sue the pants off Ridgeland if they are zoned for the business and don't let them build?

Anonymous said...

The Property in question (sought of the Natchez Trace between Highland Colony and I-55 was NEVER intended to have a big box store. It was zoned C-2 and in June of this year, VERY QUIETLY, the C-2 zoning was ALTERED to include a gas station which has allowed Costco to be courted. The end of Highland Colony near I-220 was the part of Highland Colony to be developed with larger developments. Transport trucks, customers from all parts of the state, vendors, building maintenance, etc. would all be able to take I-220 and access a site around a lake easily.

Anonymous said...

Put up or shut up!

You are correct.

Anonymous said...

39211 got Wholefoods. Game over, suckers

Anonymous said...

Where does Mayor McGee live? No way in Windrush, Carleton Park, Canterbury, Dinsmor, Wrenfield, Greenwood Plantation or Bridgewater, because he's about to f!;k all of us who live and have invested our livelihood there in the a$$.

Black Spandex Ridin' Britches said...

5:59; Nobody said the Parkway is 'built out'. Pay attention. The comment was made that development has proceeded right along, and at a fast clip. Careful planning, proposal acceptance and strict adherence to development requirements have resulted in the billions of dollars you see in brick and mortar along this long stretch, inside Madison County. Would you prefer to see it all built out within a year or two? Pay attention. The undeveloped, grown up, stagnant stretch is inside Hinds County. Wonder why that is?

Anybody notice how quiet D.I.Young has been on the subject of Costco and the McGee-Strategy to move Ridgeland from apartments and pawn shops to square stores that attract who knows what? And D.I. has his own facebook page titled Madison County. His jabber-jaw was pretty active during the recent election cycle while he was promoting his favorites. Now, his page is silent. He owes his seat and his ass to Gene McGee. And he knows it.

Anonymous said...

@1:35 AM
"The undeveloped, grown up, stagnant stretch is inside Hinds County."
Please show me on a map where one inch of Highland Colony Parkway is inside Hinds County. HCP, in its entirety, is inside Madison County.

@12:24 AM
See the post @8:20 PM.

Anonymous said...

If Ridgeland wants a Costco so badly, why not propose the old Kroger at the corner of County Line and Old Canton? The space has gas pumps and a big parking lot. Costco could demolish the building if it didn't suit their needs. The location is on two very busy streets and a little creative traffic engineering could make it much easier to get in and out. No one else is going in there, so why not?

Anonymous said...

So Costco will bring trucks? How are the Renaissance stores & restaurants being supplied - by elves?

Anonymous said...

Some of you apparently think all businesses and commercial buildings are the same.

You do not seem to understand that for capitalism to work, competition must not be hampered by giving competitive advantage to some businesses over others!

If you located a strip club next to a Pottery Barn , the latter would lose business! An ice cream store would be good for Pottery Barn and vice versa!

A good plan puts together businesses that draw in customers that will be shared.

The hotel was added, no doubt , for the law firm's out of town clients and one hopes there are enough other businesses that attract those who will travel into Ridgeland on business or for shopping for the hotel to do better than break even.

The King Edward is doing well as there are events, government business, and enough law firms that do have people out of town that need a place to stay.

There is no Ridgeland " plan" that makes sense or can't be altered on a whim, apparently. Putting a law firm in a shopping center was always ridiculous. Professional buildings should be clustered and then have supporting businesses like restaurants and hair salons, dry cleaners, etc. nearby.

And, it's not good " planning" to fail to have buffer zones to protect residential tax bases either!

The idiot who mentioned the airport seemed to entirely miss that all airports are not the same either! None of those residents signed up for even commuter jet air traffic much less larger commercial jets! And, I would remind the airport idiot that homes under jet flight paths lose value and thus lose tax revenue for the city. A city should at least do the math! That was actually pretty easy to do the first time a Mississippi company with political clout that wasn't even based in Madison tried to expand the Madison airport!

A plan has zones for different types of development with a mind towards traffic and roads.

Every one seems to miss reading that when the road was built it wasn't built to sustain the weight of Costco trucks. That means the roads will very quickly become damaged! And, business will be hurt business will be hurt by constant road repair reducing access!

Please, people, do try to have some notion of what successful planning is and isn't. Study cities that have prospered and contrast them to those that have had problems. Try to do cost /benefit analysis or find someone who can!

And, last but certainly not least, is the problem of having commercial or government buildings so poorly built that either they cannot be used for intended purpose or reused! Which should speak to the point I've tried to make several times that good building practices matter if one gives a rat's ass about the future of a community!

Anonymous said...

The way traffic would flow to that location is not ideal today. However, once the Lake Harbor Road extension to HCP is complete, it will be much better. Additionally, if there was an exit from I-55 directly to the new extension, it would bypass the roundabout and congestion at the Ridgeland exit.

I understand the concern from the surrounding neighborhoods, but they must realize that any business could pop up on HCP. I'd be much happier with Costco than Sams Club.

As far Jackson, the courting didn't work. Even if you don't consider the crime element, why would Costco want to invest millions on a location where the infrastructure is poor, property taxes are higher, and sales tax is higher than surrounding communities?

Rankin never had a chance with its antiquated alcohol laws. Too bad they couldn't get them to build in a "resort" area where they could sell more than liquor by the glass.

Anonymous said...

HC is currently being upgraded to a more industrial strength road. They are completely digging it up and replacing it...that's what all the fuss with the traffic is about in front of Madison central.

Anonymous said...

I too thought part of HCP was in Hinds County. Maybe the fact that you would normally have to access the businesses by driving through the hood (that would be Jackson) is the reason there's so much vacant space on the south end. Everybody considers I-220 to be Jackson and everything within two miles of that corridor to be Jackson. Who has another suggestion? Development is heavy, heavy, heavy from The Highland Home north. Maybe the south end is not conducive to foundation work. That's it. Rudy did a study.

Anonymous said...

Ridgeland / Madison County goes all the way South to County Line Road / I220.

The property in question, like most of the Evans property, was owned by a bank last year and I don't know if the bank has since sold it to an individual. That would be an interesting inquiry, KF.

As a South HCP Commercial Property Owner, I would love to see this area developed, but I think a big-box store is a very poor way to position the development in this area.

Anonymous said...

No longer a rumor...


Anonymous said...

Typical McGee. His statement makes it sound like he just found out that the un-named developer was courting Costco. Zoning adjusted in early June. Gene didn't ask why? Hell, he probably started working on this as soon as Hoseman let it be known that the Smith-Wills site was offlimits. Ya'll have fun with him tonight. No need to be gentle.

Anonymous said...

Where is D.I. Smith on this? He is usually quite about this?!

pittpanther said...

Who's going to complain that actually has any influence? Ridgeland gets Costco, and it will be packed from day one. Once people see that Sams is nothing but Walmart with bigger packages, expect a corresponding dropoff in Sams memberships.

And this will ruin my bicycling route...

grammer/spelling nazi said...

Usually quite what, 1:13??

Did you mean QUIET? USUALLY QUIET, or quite what?

Anonymous said...

7:36- "Rankin never had a chance with its antiquated alcohol laws."
Have you ever heard the adage "Less is more?" Rankin County seems to be doing pretty well with its antiquated ways. Flowood only has 1 Walmart. Let Madison/Ridgeland enjoy their Warehouses, remember you can dress them up real pretty on the outside.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is investing in a large brick and mortar retail store/strip center in 2015, I've got some ocean front property to sell you. Look at all the empty store front in the Renaissance.

Anonymous said...

Somebody must know who the developer is.

Anonymous said...

Correction (dang auto-correct): D.I. Smith is UNUSUALLY quiet about this. He normally has an opinion on everything Madison County, and he lives around the corner from the proposed Costco site.

Anonymous said...

Corner Gene McGee, who lives in Wendover, like a caged rat and let him show his ass with the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

All of the hyper-sensitives in haute-Ridgleland (like the Pottery-barn-loving Ms. Shackleford from the article) need to separate two important elements of this matter and evaluate them both carefully: 1) the demographic impact of a potential Costco, and 2) the traffic and infrastructure impact.

As MS does not currently have a Costco, people here are not familiar with the banner. Much of the hysteria in the community right now (and expressed in some of the posts above) assume that a Costco will have a negative demographic impact as a Wal-Mart might potentially have. While it has a hokey-sounding name, Costco actually serves an affluent market segment (see: http://www.marketplace.org/topics/world/final-note/average-costco-customer-makes-six-figures or http://www.forbes.com/sites/lauraheller/2014/06/29/walmart-and-costco-are-not-the-same/). Costco (and Sam's, for that matter) heavily target small businesses for bulk supplies and food products. The demographics of a Costco actually looks a whole lot like the people that live in the better parts of Ridgeland. So, calm down.

As for the infrastructure/traffic issues, no doubt this could be a problem. If HCP was not built to handle the heavy tractor-trailers that will supply a Costco, then the city and/or county need to use some of the fresh tax dollars from this retailer to reinforce the roads. Perhaps the Lake Harbor interchange will help, but when is that supposed to be complete? I would assume that a commercial enterprise like Costco will want to move much more quickly than a civil project like that, which means the trucks have to get there somehow.

Anonymous said...

"The demographics of a Costco actually looks a whole lot like the people that live in the better parts of Ridgeland." Please elaborate on what a resident of these parts of Ridgeland "looks" like (as opposed to what demographic that can be set apart by their looks). Why should the right "looking" people make the difference between whether to calm down or complain?

Anonymous said...

How many of the high-brows in Ridgeland love to brag about shopping at the Galleria in Hoover, AL? In case they haven't noticed, there is a Costco on the grounds of the Galleria. The parking area around it is always neat. The building is well kept. Mary would be proud to have such a fine structure in Madison.

So what if Gene would neither confirm or deny the talks with Costco? Most projects such as this require confidentiality in the planning stages. Look back at Nissan, Toyota, Yokohama and others. Give it a rest!

Anonymous said...


He's trying to say that this will bring more black and Hispanic people to the area, and we moved here to get away from said people.

Anonymous said...

A big plus side to this is it will ruin peoples bicycle routes. Get off the damn roads.

Anonymous said...

All right, all right, 3.46PM, don't get in a twist. What I said is that the "DEMOGRAPHICS of a Costco actually looks a whole lot like..." I am not talking about the physical appearance of the people who shop a Costco or who live in Ridgeland. Read the articles in the post and pay attention to the context. I am talking about socio-economic factors here.


Anonymous said...

You good people keep re-electing Gene McGee and his cronies by a landslide and expect a different result after each election. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is one of the definitions of INSANITY. Leopards do not change their spots.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:46. Since you asked, how about shopping in pajama bottoms and slippers, rollers in the hair in preparation for a night of clubing, music vibrating from waiting cars, dirty diapers in the parking lot, and if your lucky enough, you can witness a parked vehicle with heavily tinted windows rocking back and forth. This has all been seen at Walmarts, Sams's, and will be seen at Costco. It's the people that it attracts. Higher end shopping areas don't have these problems on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! What kind of idiots are posting here??? I am talking about the two of you, 3.46 and 4.41.




My point is that a lot of people in Ridgeland who know nothing about Costco are up in arms because THEY think that it will bring in what THEY perceive to be an undesirable demographic. They should NOT be concerned about this aspect of the potential Costco, because Costco's customers do NOT fit that particular demographic.

Phew! I guess I need to post at a 3rd grade reading level on this blog from now on...

Anonymous said...

4:41 for Governor...hell PRESIDENT!

Me f'g too!! (There, I said it)

Anonymous said...

Don't insult the intelligence of third-graders, 5:05.

Anonymous said...

If indeed HCP is being upgraded for the trucks and there's been a " plan" all along, why wasn't it done right at the start????

And, as for Costco being for " high end" customers. The membership is $110...hardly and I do remember Sam's " membership fee" was supposed to ( and did) keep Sam's Club nice in the beginning.

There has been a " learning curve". Several people can go in together and get one card. They can all come shopping together as well, but just one checks out.

And, I hate to break the news to those of you excited about Costco, but people are shopping more and more online and saving the sales tax and getting free shipping.

Are banks still offering favorable interest rates and debt forgiveness to politicians and those in decision making positions in MS?

Anonymous said...

5:05: You are as naive as a 3rd grader and definitely not smarter than a 5th grader. In Mississippi, locals on the lower end of the pay scale will support Costco. The majority of higher incomes will only use the store for a purchase that will last a few months (bulk purchase). They have smaller families and will shop weekly for fresh food. An extra freezer only holds so much and frozen food does go bad. They are cautious how much they buy at one time and aren't forced to do shop only when the check comes in. Business purchases are different and done with purchase orders. So who do you think will frequent the store. Think hard now....or phone a friend.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure 4:42 is a lad ball.

Anonymous said...

I am not trying to argue that a Costco belongs on HCP just south of the Trace. There are many factors to consider in the matter. What I am arguing here is that most of the assumptions people are making about Costco are flat wrong. You have not done your research, and you don't know what you are talking about. Automatically equating Costco with Wal-Mart is misguided. Google "Costco demographics" yourself and read any one of dozens of article and data sources.

Any of the posters above: have you been to a Costco? Do you know what kind of merchandise a Costco sells? Do you know what the price point of that merchandise is?

A few facts about Costco customers from one of the sites:

Household income: 77% of customers >$50,000 annually
Median income: $91,800
Married status: 81%
Education: 83% have some college; 50% graduated college
Home ownership: 94% own a home
Business owners: 55% own a business
Investments: 77% have investments

5.56 - do those sound like "the lower end of the pay scale" to you?

4.59 - does that sound like the "rollers in hair, music vibrating" set?

Anonymous said...

Educate yourselves:



From The Daily Beast:

"One final thing that's worth pointing out is that Costco doesn't even make money selling the groceries and the six person hot-tubs. Their annual membership fee revenue exceeds their net profit--which is to say that the actual business of selling stuff is operating at a loss. They're charging you an annual fee to buy stuff at or near cost. That's a model that works really well with their basically affluent customer base, and not incidentally, a model that allows you to worry a bit less about your cost of sales. Sam's Club tries to do the same thing, but caters to a lower-income clientele and makes a lot less money despite having more stores."

Full article:




Anonymous said...

You have nailed it. Every time I am in Birmingham/Hoover I shop at the Costco at the Galleria. It is head and shoulders above any Sam's that I have ever visited. Also, other Costco stores that I have been in are the same. I would wager that 99% of the people that are comparing Costco to Sam's and Walmart have never set foot in a Costco store.

Weeds On South End said...

The marital status demographic of Costco customers is 81% married? Well, right there that tells me you can go ahead and shit can the whole rumor about them coming to the metro. The demographic in the metro is more like 37%.

Anonymous said...

Pottery barn!!!!! Hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

As it relates to Northpark & Renaissance. Chris Rock says, "There are two malls in every town. The one white people go to & the one white people use to go to." Chris' observations are always spot on.

Anonymous said...

"Spot on" is soooo nerdy.

Anonymous said...

Ridgeland or the precious roundabout wouldn't even Be a factor without Renaissance being built in the first place! There is a reason why developers are developers!!! I say let them do their job!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS