Sunday, July 6, 2014

Letter to the editor

A Mr. Steve Crampton submitted this letter to JJ for publication.  Subject: Senate election and Mark Mayfield.

Dear Editor:

Mayor Mary-Hawkins Butler of Madison and Senator Thad Cochran are said to be old friends. She stood proudly behind him at his victory party on June 24, 2014. Three days later, three Madison police officers trespassed at the home of deceased attorney Mark Mayfield, perhaps to make sure he was really dead after committing suicide.

The Mayfield case raises several profound and disturbing questions about the politicization of our criminal justice system. First, he was overcharged. The Madison DA/city prosecutor charged him with a trumped up felony crime of “conspiracy” simply for allegedly telling blogger Clayton Kelly how to get into St. Catherine's Village nursing home to take a photo of Rose Cochran. But as any first-year law student can tell you, a conspiracy cannot rise to the level of a felony if the underlying charge isn't a felony. And that is the case here: however uncivil and reprehensible Mr. Kelly’s actions may have been (and they were reprehensible), in the criminal realm they amounted at most to a simple misdemeanor.

Second, there were suspicious delays in the arrest and prosecution of the alleged crime. Why did the Butler Snow law firm -- which just happens to employ Haley Barbour and serve as counsel to the Cochran Campaign -- sit on the knowledge of this horrible crime for three weeks and then call the City of Madison instead of the United States Attorney, who has jurisdiction over all crimes committed in regards to a member of Congress’ family? Surely it wasn’t because the timing of the release of the information closer to the June 3 primary would be better for the campaign, was it? After all, such a serious crime had been committed, and by such dangerous people! An unauthorized photograph had been taken, for goodness’ sake!

Could it be that Butler Snow preferred Mayor Mary’s Police Department, which acted with warp speed in apprehending these trouble makers? In fact, the Madison police made sure to send multiple patrol cars down to Mayfield's office, with a squad of uniformed officers fully armed. Good thinking! We certainly wouldn’t want upstanding community man Mayfield getting lost behind all his contract and loan documents and sneaking out a back door in his office! A dangerous criminal like him was surely a flight risk!

Third, Mayfield’s bail was astronomical in relation to his alleged crime – a clear violation of his Eighth Amendment right against excessive bail. Mayor Mary's city judge set Mayfield’s bail at $250,000, for the “crime” of conspiring to take a picture! Mind you, Mayfield had no prior criminal record, was a prominent local attorney and a universally well-respected man. Yet Mayor Mary's city judge treated this political enemy as if he was a mafia chief bent on fleeing the jurisdiction in order to commit terrorist acts. By way of comparison, Hinds County Republican Chairman Pete Perry, who has been accused of outlandish and possibly criminal activities in support of the Cochran Campaign, was arrested for DUI on June 28. Did he have to post tens of thousands of dollars in bail? Wasn’t his crime a serious one, endangering the lives of other drivers (and pedestrians)? Surely (but at least he didn’t take any photographs!). Yet he was released on his own recognizance, meaning he didn’t have to post a dime in bail. Hmmm. . .

This is no longer a nation under law; it is a police state. The Mayfield case reeks of abuse of power. It appears to have been a concerted effort by back room whiskey-drinking power brokers to quell political speech. Now, Mayfield will be forever silent, lying in a soon-to-be-forgotten grave, the victim of a brutal grab for power at all costs.

The Madison police department and Mayor Mary’s brigade look a lot like a group of British redcoats from colonial America. Have we really changed over the years?

Happy Independence Day, Mississippi.

Steve Crampton


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing this. it needs to be said, often. the political, legal and justice situation is actually much much worse....

Anonymous said...

On the mark, but for one error: The Madison County DA's office didn't "file" any charges. Mary and the Madison PD did. Her appointed judge bound it over to the grand jury. The DA's office has no choice but to present the case to the grand jury.

And the felony charges will be dismissed. Bank on that.

Anonymous said...

Excellent letter. Right on point. There was absolutely no reason that Dale Danks set his appearance bond at $250,000. CROOKED POLITICS DROVE THIS FINE GENTLEMAN TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE.
How can any person that had a part in this conspiracy sleep at night. From Haley Barbour on down to Dale Danks.

Anonymous said...

Li'l Stevie,

Thanks for fine effort of sore loser whining, long-winded bluster and weak-tea sarcasm.

Mommy understands. You lost, you're butt-hutt, and your little feefees are hurt.

Mommy's proud that after pouting for over a month now, you've finally gained the nerve to overcome your helplessness and finally speak up.

Now uncross your damn arms and stop holding your breath, son. It's past time to start acting like a big boy, so shut the hell up & go play outside until dinner. Mommy's so tired of your incessant whining already, that she's drinking, er, having to take her medicine before 12 oclock noon.

So go on, now. Git!



GrungyGriftyGimp said...

The TeaBaggers slept that one off early, but still woke up with that same chip on their shoulder.

Y'all are bitching just to hear one another at this point. Get over it and get a life, each of you!

Anonymous said...

No one in Madison has ever bitched when it's a black kid over charged for a small property crime or drug crime, but when a white attorney is arguably over charged, all hell breaks loose. Fact of the matter is that Madison routinely over charges and sets bonds at amounts that many view as unconstitutional. Many are just selectively having a problem with that here.

Anonymous said...

I thought "teabag" (teabaggers, teabagging, et al) was an act performed by homosexual men. Please advise how this term applies to this conversation,Grungy Grifty Gimp.

Anonymous said...

So, it's not just that we are in "a police state" but "much,much worse.". No. We are not. This dramaticdrivel is right from Black Helicopter Land. Depression and a gun killed that man. After he destroyed his career over a redneck radio show host. It is horrible, but suicide always is. Stop the paranoid conspiracy you are living in. A poor dying old lady, a gracious woman, was the target of your hate and anger, Tea Party folks. An officer in two Tea Party groups , despite being a lawyer, was involved. Lie after lie is told. "A SWAT Team" arrested him! The Mayor did this! Stop lying, spreading gossip, and stop blaming black folks, rich folks, city folks, other conservatives, your family members who voted otherwise. Chris McDaniel didn't kill Mayfield. But he caused all this insanity due to his ego, and continues to do so. Blame him.

Anonymous said...

If Mayfield never participates in the conspiracy to photo Mrs. Cochran he is still alive today.

Anonymous said...

Charges filed by the police are routinely changed in the grand jury. An auto theft becomes a receiving stolen goods case, a grand larceny turns into a house burglary, etc.

It is very possible that this could have been turned into a house burglary and Mayfield could have been indicted for conspiracy to commit house burglary, as well acting as an accessory before the fact an indicted for the principal offense. All they have to prove is that Kelly "broke and entered" (opening the door to her room counts as a "breaking") with the intent to commit a specific crime. What the "crime" is would be the problem.

I feel bad for the Mayfield family and its awful that he took his own life but please spare me the "he didn't really deserve to be prosecuted" statements. He knew what he was getting involved in, I mean when you are going break into or conspire to break into an elderly woman's nursing home to take a picture of her and think "Gee this isn't going cause me any problems."

Anonymous said...

Tea Bagging is not limited to the homosexual crowd. It's a sexual act requiring only the nut sack of a gentleman and certain participation by another humanoid.

Anonymous said...

It is ironic that the tea partiers who want to "avenge" Mark's death are the same ones who threw him under the bus and deserted him to fend for himself a little over a month ago when his involvement came out. Back then (a whole 6-weeks ago) they (including Chris McDaniel himself) couldn't distant themselves from Mark fast enough but NOW he's become a martyr for the Tea Party movement.

Unknown said...

Make no mistake. Anyone who casts a vote for Thad Cochran in November is as guilty for the death of Mark Mayfield as Mary Hawkins, Dale Danks, Haley Barbour, and Thad Cochran! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!

Anonymous said...

Madison P.D.,Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler,Vicki Currie,Robert Sanders Gene "M.E." Waldrup,Dale Danks,Robert Sanders,Thad Cochran and many that he employs,and others,will surely be seen as suspicious,untrustworthy,dis-honest people from now on.Butler's days as Queen Mary Mayor are numbered.I do hope a full investigation by an independent entity will happen soon on this whole mess.11:28 A.M. must be one of the above mentioned people or certainly a higher-up in their FOOD-CHAIN.

Kingfish said...

None of you commenting on either side have seen any evidence, seen the actual case. You have no idea what the police have. Yet you are all experts.

Question: How many of you last year were saying we should wait to hear all the evidence in the Trayvon Martin case?

Anyone who casts a vote for Thad Cochran in November is as guilty for the death of Mark Mayfield

Jackie, if you really believe that statement, you are nuts. F'n nuts.

Anonymous said...

Suicide is a terrible act - more terrible for the ones left behind! How do I know? I am the widow of a suicide victim! If you have not been there you can not imagine!! However, in this case, I am so very tired of hearing Thad and his campaign being blamed for Mark Mayfield's suicide! Thad and his campaign (supporters) did not start this bag of dirty tricks! The campaign was going fine until first of all - McDaniel supporters gain illegal entrance to an assisted living facility where Thad's wife was residing and take pictures - enter Mayfield and several others! Would you be upset if it were your wife, mother, sister, etc. - damn right you would be upset! Then three of McDaniel's supporters were found in the Hinds County Courthouse in the middle of the night/early morning after the first primary by themselves - WHY??? Move forward approximately two weeks to run-off election - Thad defeats McDaniel by roughly 7,000 votes. McDaniel is mad and wants to bring suite against everybody he can imagine! Somebody explain to me why any of this is Thad's fault??????

Anonymous said...

Steve Whoever from Tupelo, your frustration & anger are palpable, as the reality of the campaign loss is setting in. But your whining & sarcasm are unneccessary, and will be met with rolled eyes and disgust, not empathy, from most Mississippi voters, and it's your own fault.

Your sarcasm does not merit a serious response to the matter you seem to be grinding on regarding Mayfield and his treatment, which I agree was heavy-handed. Mature persons, of which the Tea Party is lacking in abundance, can better make their case in a public forum in a more persuasive, dignified manner than you chose to do. But considering the TP's arduous effort over the past month to embarrass all Mississippians, your disrespectful, passive-aggressive sarcastic screech is about par for the course. Kicking and screaming in the floor might've worked for some as 4-yr olds to get Momma to buy them some animal crackers in the store, but it's unappealing behavior as adults.

If ever there was an election lost due to incompetence, buffoonery, and a not-ready-for-prime-time candidate, you TP knuckleheads pissed this one away, and now all you (and your other political activism neophytes) can do is rage about all of the peripheral issues that had so little to do with the actual nuts & bolts of the campaign process.

It should've been simple. Had McDaniel just simply run a hard, clean campaign and taken the high road with a real platform so we'd known what HE stood for instead of only what he opposed, I'd have supported him 100%, because believe it or not, many of us conservative Democrats and non-TP Republicans actually support some of the TP's stated ideals. But acting as adults was above the performance bar for Chris McDaniel and his cult of the faithful sheep

Life and politics will go on in Mississippi, pretty much the same as it's been for a long time, and stupidity and selfish, immature behavior will eventually be forgiven.

But we will long remember this extended temper tantrum which has exposed so many character flaws and its associated behaviors in our neighbors. Y'all have not only exacerbated the existing problems, but your ludicrous scorched-earth campaign has become THE problem for a party for which you TPers supposedly wanted to represent.

Don't worry, however, as you'll have the "establishment media" to blame during future elections for reminding younger voters and newcomers to our state about the toxicity of the TP to the political landscape. At least you will all be able to wail and gnash your teeth in unison, although many of you will be "gumming it" due to age and the proliferation of meth in the Free State of Jones, including yourself, Steve Whatever in Tupelo, should you choose to relocate to the Greater Ellisville Metropolitan Area to support your candidate.

Like the great majority of this state, I am too embarrassed for words because of the notoriety your candidate and his obese, obnoxious, redneck supporters have wrangled lately, but in retrospect, I am breathing a sigh of relief from the humiliation McDaniel's election would have forced on our state, had he not been exposed as to who he is with his lack of character. Luckily, we avoided this disaster, Mississippi, thank the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Steve guy who is a lawyer for the American Family Association?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I feel most were over-charged as well. However, I get ticked when I read, "What's the crime? Taking a picture?"- I'm sorry, even if there is no legal precedent for this kind of thing, this was a sick act and there is something wrong with anyone that thinks this was worth doing.

I'm tired of people talking about Cochran maybe using it to his advantage. You have no clue why nothing was done until 3 weeks later, but everything that happens always seems to be Cochran's fault or him using it to his political advantage. This is one of the grossest things I've ever seen in politics- those that KNEW of this should be ashamed.

If Mayfield DID know his intent and told him how to get into the nursing home- he knew better. He sounds far too intelligent and too good of a person to give that away knowing what the guy was going to do. I only hope he had no clue, but I don't see why you tell someone how to get into what is supposed to be a gated community- I have family there, and I personally don't like knowing how much they pay and then someone just gets in like that.

I feel terrible for his death and am praying for his family- but the blogger is right. None of you know anything, and putting this on anyone's head right now without knowledge is disgusting.

This election has truly brought out the worst in a lot of people. I'm ready for it to be over.

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM

I just posted, but I like what you said so much better. Thank you for putting into words my thoughts on all of this.

I'm a younger voter and thought I aligned with the Tea Party ideals until this election. It's great in theory and it's what I wish would happen, but the actions behind the words are so terrible I'm not sure I can even open my mind to it anymore. I was definitely looking for someone other than Thad... unfortunately, McDaniel was a weak and very flawed candidate, and this has shown through especially during this run-off in how he's handled it. I don't like it, and it definitely detracts from the allure of the Tea Party. The junk on Twitter is ridiculous, and the lies spewed over and over and seeing people blindly taking it as fact is like reading Atlas Shrugged and watching Jim Taggart and Wesley Mouch try to lead the world. Just scary.

I don't know what the solution is, but it's not burning the party down like has been hypothesized, or "getting back at each other". It's sad when you can't discuss this junk with people rationally because it gets too tense.

I just wanted to know what McDaniel was going to do- really, that was it. If he'd have said that, I probably would have sided with him. Instead, he only attacked Thad and made the mistake of saying he didn't want to accept federal funding for education when that's obviously not do-able; I'm sorry, that made me question his competence, and it swung Thad's way. It also made me feel like he had nothing to offer; when people focus on others' instead of themselves, they're doing themselves a disservice. Point blank, he lost a winnable campaign by not just sticking to the issues. And honestly, with the other things that ""just kept on happening"- he's probably lost my vote for life. Nothing personal, it's just not for me.

What we need to do is find strong candidates and invest in them. I'm tired of feeling like I have to pick the lesser of two evils. Its just sad to me that we send the message that we can't do any better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, suburbs... Everyone embraces the over-enforcement of law until (allegedly) it comes back to bite.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Republicans all claim to be conservative and believe in term limits, yet when given the chance to vote, return fat-bloated worthless old incumbents to office every time. Madison police, Mayor Mary, small time nobody's with a couple of cute little gas stations in a cow field in a hick town and county. Go away all of you and jump!!!

Anonymous said...

There are some very good comments here, but none have answered how an attorney of this stature would or could become involved in this mess.

A flunkee is encouraged to commit an unlawful act but is not sure how to do it. So he seeks the advise of an attorney. And, in turn, the attorney responds with a well laid plan. This sounds more like a script from Saturday Night Live than believable actions of an actual event. Besides, at this point, wouldn't attorney / client privilege be a factor?
OR, the attorney just makes an "off the cuff" remark "just go during visiting hours".

This election should serve to show just how dirty politics can be. This is why people do not want to run for office, too many "full rectal examinations" during the process.

Oh yeah, about Mark's high bond, remind us Kingfish, how much was Butler's bond when he was caught taking old people's money in the land grab deal?

Anonymous said...

there is no doubt that the vulnerable adult aspect is a crime with the monetary element being the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor. I personally think it, stand alone, is a misdemeanor.

but someone above correctly points out that this may be a burglary of a dwelling felony. it is a crime to break and enter [manipulating any apparatus to gain entry is breaking and entering] with the intent to commit a crime, any crime misdemeanor or felony, within the dwelling. I've said several times that is what will come out of the grand jury with no material count involving the vulnerable adult abuse.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the kooks NEVER admit anybody did anything wrong. How are the people breaking into an invalids room considered the victims? I don't care if the arrest was over done, nobody is denying they did something wrong. They did! Do that to my mom or wife and I won't need madison pd. I'll kill you myself! Quit diverting the focus on the degree of appropriateness of the arrest. What about the degree of the actions once in the room? Did they stage the pic? Did they prop her up? Did they all cop a feel? Did they take an extra peek under the sheet? That's why their actions are so disgusting. Once that line is crossed, the helpless victim can't speak out for herself what they actually did. I can just hear those redneck goons now laughing at her while she lays helpless in the bed while they do who know what. Mayfield killed himself because of overwhelming guilt from assisting a horrible crime. He was a good guy that exercised bad judgement. Quit making him into a martyr.

Anonymous said...

2:05p....haley, that you???

Buckwheat said...

I think this business of blaming someone or a group of people for a suicide is bizarre and ignorant, except for only in a small minority of cases. Being charged with a crime is not a sufficient reason to commit suicide. Losing your business is not a sufficient reason to commit suicide. Life is too precious.

That being said, may he rest in peace; thoughts and prayers to his family.

Anonymous said...

How much was Crampton shaken down by you to print this hit piece?

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that people still think Mayfield killed himself over the arrest. Some one needs to put their thinking cap on. Think people!!!!

Long live Tony Clifton! said...

I'm starting to think that this Jackie Johnson is not an actual person, but some Andy Kaufman-esqe created character. I really hope so, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem, you failed to instruct some folks to remove the dunce hat first, then replace it with a thinking cap, or in the case of Gomer, a bucket placed over the head will work, and it gives an excellent tone while they hum.

Anonymous said...

For 2:42...Crampton is indeed chief counsel for the American Family Association Counsel for Law and Policy.

Anonymous said...

Someone riled ole Kingfish up. Now he advocates everybody just chilling and let the investigation (or not) roll out. Like he advocated a year long investigation of the girl's suicide in the woods in Madison. I look for the Fish to soon say he's had enough and no more comments about Mayfield or Mary will be allowed since it insults his sensibilities.

Anonymous said...

Where are the pics? Has anyone seen them?

Anonymous said...

No Tea Party member here, but I saw plenty from McDaniel to support and enough from the career politician to oppose. Then again, I pay closer attention to politics than the average bear. Hope the challenge is successful - doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results is insanity.

Anonymous said...

Does Crampton live in St. Louis and Tupelo or communute or?

Anonymous said...

The loss of Mr. Mayfields life is tragic and lamentable by any standard. His family will never be the same, and though I never met him, it certainly sounds as if the world was a better place with him in it.

With regards to fault, in any suicide, it lies with the person who pulls the trigger. Reputation, money, shame, or other idols are not more important than your life. Mental illness distorts this reality and logic loses.

For those who try and exploit this persons death for political gain... You are truly despicable and should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Amazed at all ill informed willing to talk trash about the dead because they do not have to print their names. Mark Mayfield was a wonderful person and a good friend. Everything he did related to the tea party was accompanied by the phrase "let me review the statues and make sure we follow the letter of the Law" which is why so many feel he was a pawn in a political game of chess. The fact that so many of you seem willing to accept abuse of power as long as it is your candidate doing the abusing. On the same day that Mark Mayfield's office was stormed and his bail set at 250k, in a county down the road was arrested and his bond set at 50K.. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anyone short of a person facing murder charges who's bond is set that high. There is a different justice system for the Political Elite and the rest of the country.
The very people calling the tea party disparaging names today could be the unexpected pawn in a future election to suit the agenda of some politician getting called out for having an affair. NO one ever talks about the fact that the Cochran camp knew about the pics and the blogger's actions for weeks and only brought charges when it suited their political agenda. Talk about sleazy? If the concern was REALLY about Mrs. Cochran, action would have been taken immediately.
A man who would use his wife as a political commodity, hire Democrat political operatives to paint his own party as racist, would say nothing while his surrogates hire the same Democrat Operatives to run ads, do robo calls and send out fliers also painting his party racist is capable of anything. Mississippi, stop acting as political pawns for Cochran and Barbour. If you care about this state, the GOP or future generations, you will Demand accountability in your elections.

Anonymous said...

You "thought", 12:14? It's okay if you spend your time thinking about man-on-man sex, but being a teabagger on the receiving end can be a woman, also, and since there are a heck of a lot more women in this country than there are gay men, them it's most likely by a large factor that more women have been on the receiving end than gay men. Ask your wife how that works since you don't know, and odds are almost 100% that she'll either shock you and tell you the truth, or lie to you, one or the other.

By the way, the first Tea Party Idiots went around with teabags stapled to their hats, just a-dangling, and "They referred to THEMSELVES" as "TeaBaggers" until someone must've googled in on their favorite porn site and saw a previous use of the phrase.

I personally don't care what those (and not to exclude you, if you're one of those so afficted) dimwits call themselves, and neither do I care what type of consensual sex acts they engage in with their sexual partner, same-sex or opposite.

Please don't resort to gay-bashing because it pisses you off to be either stupid or called what your TeaBagger founders thought was a clever turn of a phrase. Personally, I'm not gay but those who are whom I know and employ aren't stupid enough to walk around with tea bags stapled to a hat they're wearing while carrying a sign with a pic of POTUS defaced eith a mustache and Hitler's face superimposed, all with the obligatory misspelled words on their sign.

Kingfish said...

Check the bonds Danks gave to the cypress lake thugs the week before.

Anonymous said...

@4:54. I know. It makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what... you idiots that have the nerve to say,"But they wuz juss takin her pitcher with our little camry..."

We pay for a nurse around the clock with our aunt four days and 5 nights every week, so someone can be there 24/7 with her. Bring your camera on over, day or night. PLEASE. If I'm not there, our concealed carry nurse (when she's not inside the house) has explicit instructions to shoot anybody that gains entry without her greeting them and inviting them inside. If I am there myself, the intruder, camera or no camera, I will personally beat the shit out of that person or persons until the police arrive, and the police will be informed that it's not a homicide, so not a real emergency. If they identify themselves as a Teabagger Campaign staffer, I would be very tempted to blow their effin knee off, and then chase them down to the police station. Do you fools actually believe that it's okay to help some other idiot intrude into an elderly person's private residence? If so, do you realize how SICK in the head you really are? Every one of you is either the sorriest bunch of no-good SOBs I've ever heard of, or you're all the biggest bunch of lying cowardly SOBs I've ever heard of. Either way, you need your asses beat again and again like your daddy should've done before you turned out so goddam sorry.

Every one of you punks that think nothing of that needs some lessons in being a man. U each make me puke.

Anonymous said...

nuff said

Anonymous said...

That Mr.Crampton and others of you are trying to politicize this tragedy is sickening.

You are not doing the Mayfield family any favors either. The sooner they can come to grips with the fact that Mr. Mayfield made a very tragic choice and not look to blame themselves or others, the sooner they can begin to heal.

If you care about this family, you will cease and desist.

As one person pointed out, Mr. Mayfield understood the legalities and so understood any risks if he was involved.

If he did nothing wrong and broke no law, he should have had confidence in his innocence. He clearly did not make this awful decision in the midst of a trial that wasn't going his way.

The bond amount was not a burden on Mr. Mayfield. A bond is not punishment. It is to guarantee appear in court and Mr. Mayfield would only have to come up with $25000. The money would be returned if he appeared. I don't know if Madison would have accepted property or a lien on property.

Whether the amount was excessive or not, it's not a factor in this suicide. That's absurd.

That the Madison police would be trespassing when the victim is someone under bond to appear is equally absurd. It's their job...not a pleasant part of their job, but their job to be sure he wasn't murdered.

And, frankly, that Mr. Mayfield chose to kill himself in the family home rather than his office or someplace his car away from the home, is an indication of a very troubled mind.

Some of you have lost all human compassion and your perspective.

You do your cause no favor.

Anonymous said...

These people who pass off the crime to Mrs. Cochran as unimportant are just sick. One of the lawyers had the audacity to say Mayfield's friend's crime wasn't as serious as dealing drugs. Crazy. Stupid.

Something is wrong with you people.

No sense of decency.

It is frightening to know you people live in the same state with me.

I will never...I promise....ever vote for a candidate supported by the Tea Party KKK. Never. Simply never.

And, based on the way he's acted since the election, we should praise God that classless lawyer from Ellisville didn't get any further than he did. He would be an embarrassment in the U.S. Senate.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate and terrible that Mr. Mayfield lost his life, whatever the reason.
There are a lot of folks on here who are obviously Thad and Haley supporters and that is your right if that is the way you feel is the proper way to go.
In my opinion the recruiting of blacks and Democrats to steal an election was at best a reprehensible and cowardly act and I believe that it will signal the demise of the MSGOP, which I have been supporting with monetary contributions for many years, but will not do so again.. That will truly be a tragedy and plays into Obama and Harry Reid's hands.
Many of you under the veil of posting anonymously are carelessly flinging the term "TeaBagger" around in reference to Tea Party members. I find this very offensive and totally uncalled for. You don't know me nor do I know you, however, if you make the mistake of calling me that in my presence, I will be more than glad to feed you your teeth.

Anonymous said...

Please, no more posts about Mark Mayfield, Kingfish. If there is any further news regarding him, I'm sure the CL will cover it, and people can post comments there. I bet we wouldn't see most of these comments if people had to post under their real names.

Sweet Tea Please said...

I'm trying to figure out the point attempted in 8:19's post. Is he reading to us from a porn dictionary? Is he apologizing to himself for being homosexual? Is he pandering to what he considers the 'gay community'? Is he shilling for Nestle? Is he coveting his neighbor's wife? Is he daydreaming about a sexual practice that passed him by? Or is he just pretending to be nuts (pun intended)?

Anonymous said...

More poutrage from the AFA creeps. Your guy lost and is fighting a losing battle with an election challenge lacking proof.

And some of you need to stop with the "what duhs teabagger mean?" posts. It's a pet name for the tea party folk and it's been around since 2009. Would you prefer "teahadists?" Probably more apt, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me how giving directions to an 85 year old invalid's home, is different from giving directions to a room in a nursing home. Neither should be a crime.

Anonymous said...

7:26 am Don't give directions to the home of you theorectical invalid or tell that person where the invalid's bedroom is in that home if you know they plan to enter uninvited and commit a crime when they get there.

Look at it this way. If someone tell another there's a window in your house that if he can access it, he can enter your house, go into your bedroom and take you photo in bed for the purpose of publishing it, wouldn't you hold that person as responsible? After all, he couldn't have gotten in without knowing about the window.

St Catherine's is a residential facility and people pay to be there just as you pay rent or a mortgage to be in YOUR residence.

Do you really want it to be ok for anyone to enter your dwelling without permission and don't you see that trespassing on property is different from entering your residence?!

Anonymous said...

Those of you who criticize Sen. Cochran for appealing to Democrats have no understanding of history. Sen. Cochran's career is based on appealing to Democrats. He was elected to the House of Representatives and, later, to the Senate by cross over voters who were and are DEMOCRATS. If he hadn't appealed to Democrats, he would never have been elected in the first place.

Clearly you people who criticize Cochran for outflanking your goofball in the final days of the election aren't concerned about party. You're just racists.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Crampton, with what little due respect you have coming after writing your editorial piece, Mark Mayfield and his know conspirators didn't just "take a little picture." As any first year law student can tell you (just quoting you...) Mr. Mayfield and his known conspirators broke several laws, including endangering a vulnerable adult. He conspired with Clayton Kelley to have Mr. Kelly break a whole bunch of laws, such as criminal trespassing. But thank you for your input. Very insightful look into the mind of an individual who has no understanding of the law. And you can bet that if this picture-taking-scenario happened to your mother, the police would have done the exact same thing. It just wouldn't have made the front page.

Anonymous said...

I can speak to this from experience. I, too, have been accused of a crime, much more serious, bail, in the newspaper, the works. I, too, lost my business and even had to file bankruptcy. According to everyone that knew him, he had loving friends, family, spouse and children. I, too, had all those things. I'm still here. It never occured to me to take my life, EVER. There was something going on with the poor man that obviously nobody knew about. Let him rest and stop blaming people.

Anonymous said...

It's the Yankees. They've been conspiring against us for 150 years and they've succeeded in making us the fattest, poorest, sickest, least educated and most conservative state in the country, while they sit in their liberal sinkholes and keep all the money and good jobs to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Where's the criminal trespass when the facility is open day and night to anybody who has the entry code, anybody who wants to file an application and anybody who has enough sense to press a buzzer?

You wannabe attorneys need to work a double shift at Cock of the Walk and stay off this blog site.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sending your letter, Mr. Crampton.

Anonymous said...

"It's the Yankees. They've been conspiring against us for 150 years and they've succeeded in making us the fattest, poorest, sickest, least educated and most conservative state in the country, while they sit in their liberal sinkholes and keep all the money and good jobs to themselves. "

Actually, thanks in particular to Thad Cochran, they've been sending boatloads of their money to Mississippians.

Anonymous said...

"Where's the criminal trespass when the facility is open day and night to anybody who has the entry code, anybody who wants to file an application and anybody who has enough sense to press a buzzer?"

Only residents (and those they choose to share it with) have access to the entry code. Do you have any idea what a "hospice" is? It's NOT your front yard, open to the neighbors.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS