Saturday, June 14, 2014

Bill Billingsley speaks on Chris McDaniel

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Anonymous said...

Oh boy -- Disassociative Party Disorder (DPD) -- let's distance Chris from the Tea Party to ensure that we mainstream him before election day. Good media blitz. McDaniel Media Brigade -- check out the Sun Herald for details. They're working overtime this weekend.

Psych Manual said...

Or, 3:34, on the other hand, with a severe case of Cochran-relevance-Scramble-Syndrome (soon to be classified as a disorder).

And when you vote, don't forget that Thad led the tough, bare-knuckled battle a decade ago to provide government money to Katrina victims - sorta like the government has done every time in history there's been any sort of major disaster.

Kingfish said...

What people are forgetting is that Blanco made Congress and Bush so mad with her pie in the sky request for aid that Mississippi was screwed until Haley and Thad went to work.

It's an election. Both guys have done good things. We don't have to trash everything they have ever done.

Anonymous said...

3:44 here -- as the beneficiary of the Thad/Haley Katrina work -- I've always appreciated the help of our legislative group.

3:58 --until you've been in that position, I would suggest you not discuss it since you have no basis of understanding of exactly what happened in South Mississippi, as the waters rose in No Flood Zones, insurance wouldn't pay, mortgage holders wanted their monthly payments, and assets were destroyed. Easy to make broad statements about Senator Cochran and Haley Barbour, but they offered us a hand up when we were flat on our backs. I think Katrina is not a subject you want to discuss, based on Mr. McDaniel's gaffe, earlier in the year. Let's choose another policy item from the McDaniel plan that you can educate us on.

Correct Kingfish -- well said.

Anonymous said...

Time for Thad to retire. Time for younger blood.

Anonymous said...

Easy to make broad statements about Senator Cochran and Haley Barbour, but they offered us a hand up when we were flat on our backs.

Actually it was the taxpayers of America who offered the hand up versus the false Gods you worship.

bill said...

3:34, not trying to distance Chris from the TP at all. I'm sure he appreciates all the support he's getting from them and the rest of his voters. I'm just trying to illustrate that the rest of his voters make up a pretty sizable majority.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Thad, because a McDaniel supporter pushed my doorbell too hard and broke it and I set my political criteria upon a $3 replacement part from Lowe's.

Damn tea party doorbell burner outers! How can we expect them to serve the people when they can't not break a doorbell!! This is an important issue, dangit!

McDaniel hates doorbells, so don't vote for him !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bill -- I appreciate your efforts and I respect your right to publish your opinions.

What I don't appreciate is the huge amount of outside influence this election is getting. When 5 Million PLUS Dollars of outside money influences an election, and it becomes NASTY based on people from 49 other states, injecting themselves into our Mississippi election. I get angry.

When the McDaniel campaign has outside McDaniel Media Brigade people from out of state, injecting their "positive" likes and affirmation of Mr. McDaniel, on OUR Newspaper sites, then I get angry.

What should have happened is an internal exchange of ideas within our state, where we could have CIVILLY held a discourse and decided what we, as Mississippians felt was our best direction. There are good ideas on both sides.

This option was taken away from us by the National Tea Party who decided they were going to make a grand last stand here in our state, and people from FL, OH, NY or elsewhere, were going to take control of the Mississippi electorate.

It should have never gone this far, and we can thank all those people from outside our state, who have now ripped the Republican party in the state of Mississippi asunder. They'll be gone (with or without the Cochran scalp remains to be seen), and we'll be welcoming Senator Childers into the Senatorial office.

Anonymous said...

Good description of The Tea Party...anybody who just got out of Whitfield can claim the brand and apparently does!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate your message Bill. Never been to a tea party anything in my life but I know the path our country is on is completely unsustainable.

Anonymous said...

thank you bill for saying all that!

however, it wasn't necessary. pretty obvious that the cochran handlers are desperately trying to smear chris mcdaniel by any means using anything, even saul alinsky's tactics, including "12th rule of power tactics", and specifically by trying to make supporters go on the defensive about anything, everything in the hopes that they can stop this train...demand that they show themselves and let the candidates have a public debate, fair and unbiased. what's so wrong with that?

mr. fish, my opinion as far as thad and haley's being the heroes of katrina goes, is that bush was going to help mississippi anyway because it was primarily republican and look at where some of that "help" went and who it was that got caught defrauding the govt, i.e. haley's niece who was a longtime repub operative about whom it was known that "since the Reagan administration, when Mrs. Barbour worked as a White House volunteer as a college student, she has been active in the Republican Party." guess how she got that white house job?

follow the money, whole lotta overseas clients of a certain lawfirm/lobby group really want thad re-elected badly so their paid lobbyist doesn't lose his influence...i'm sure mexico would like him to stay also so they can continue to send cartel criminals here for the free ride--thanks a lot haley!

and remember that haley separated that katrina relief money and it all didn't go where it was supposed to, he took half and earmarked it for his own "economic development" agenda. the sooner barbour influence-peddling is gone from this state the better...and what he did talking this old man who wanted to retire in to running such a vicious campaign is the worst insult to mississippi of all!

let's just keep spreading the good word about chris and come june 24 the lobbyists will realize that money and signs aren't votes! they only hurt themselves with these vicious barbour-tactics.

and that other ole miss cheerleader trent "you wanna be a federal judge?" lott needs to butt out; he's already embarrassed mississippians enough with his obstruction of justice scandal involving scruggs-peters-delaughter. not to mention his earlier stupid remark at strom thurmond's birthday party...can't mississippi do better than these ole miss cheerleader apparatchiks?

Anonymous said...

5:47 -- where you from -- NY or VA?

Anonymous said...

That's cute, 5:14. Bloomberg called and said hai.

bill said...

5:14, check your numbers. Millions in out of state money has been spent on both campaigns, including the $850,000 or so that was raised by Senator Cochran's colleagues in the Senate the other night without a single one of them coming to the state. You can't decry some outside money without decrying it all.

Anonymous said...

Bill -- who started it? Cochran was outspent by outside money in the primary 2:1 at a minimum. No choice but to fight fire with fire.

ABC News -- June 4th -- the day after the election:

"Already, outside groups have poured more than $8.4 million into the race, a staggering sum for Mississippi campaigns, with McDaniel enjoying a 2-to-1 tilt in his favor."

Bottom line - outsiders are heavily involved in our election process, and were on June 3rd.

Anonymous said...

6:02p....typical ad hominem misdirection...from my involement in mississippi busines and politics, i have seen things I wish i hadn't and I believe that Chris McDaniel is finally our state's chance to have some real representation.

me, 39211 for 60 years...where are you from, yazoo city?

Anonymous said...

Hey, my name is bill. I have access to a camera (unfortunately). Here is my main pitch for McDaniel: the majority of our voters weren't OFFICIAL Tea Party members (if you happen to interpret Tea Party membership in the MOST narrow way possible). Based on that (and your hatred of immigrants, of course) you should vote for McDaniel. No other reason, but hey, what other reason would you need? In other news, the majority of Obama's support didn't officially belong to the Tea Party either. One thing these two politicians have in common are supporters that blindly and recklessly demand change at the expense of the nation's well being.

Anonymous said...

What I don't appreciate is the huge amount of outside influence this election is getting.

At this point let's agree that you are seriously impaired.

What should have happened is an internal exchange of ideas within our state, where we could have CIVILLY held a discourse and decided what we, as Mississippians felt was our best direction.

You want a civil discourse but you don't waste a second to question the campaign plan to sequester Cochran. Can't have a civil discourse when one candidate is playing hide-and-seek.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line - outsiders are heavily involved in our election process, and were on June 3rd.

Funny, well, not really, how you fail to mentioned the quarter-million $$$ Bloomberg outside money Hail Mary arrived before June 3rd. That is okay. Forget about it. Doesn't fit your narrative.

Anonymous said...

Bill, a yes or no question- an attempt (such as yours) to suggest that McDaniel isn't the Tea Party candidate is completely dishonest: yes or no.

I say, a resounding yes, such attempts are completely dishonest!! It's about as true as Palin's statement that she could see Russia from her house in Alaska!

Anonymous said...

7:14 - Well -- seems to me that $250k is a long way from $5M in outside funding. Would you like to discuss Club for Growth? For America? The National Tea Party --- MILLIONS have come in from those groups. MILLIONS! My narrative is quite clear -- you had a 2:1 advantage with LOTS of outside help going into June 3rd and to deny it is disingenuous.

Why, pray tell, did no one in STATE government endorse your candidate......EVERYONE out of state did......hmmm, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, National Tea Party, Josh Duggar, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Senate Conservatives we see a trend here? Out of state and lots of them. Give me some MAJOR support you've received in state in the way of Newspapers or Elected Officials. They reflect Mississippi much more clearly than all those listed above. Beyond his "conservative group" in the MS Senate -- let me know someone else in a STATE position who supported him. I don't think the sheriff in Seminary counts.

bill said...

6:32, does it really matter who started it? Do you honestly believe there was a point in the fundraising for the Cochran campaign where a conscious decision was made to reluctantly accept out of state money because the opposition was doing it? Please. He started it ended as a valid excuse when you were about nine. Both campaigns have been only too happy to accept out of state money since the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Thad recently made the statement that right now he is flat broke, and does not want to leave office that way.

Anonymous said...

Well hell, what's wrong with outside money? Every election in Mississippi (except for some local elections) has outside money. Every serious candidate that has ever run for statewide office has outside money. Every serious candidate for a congressional seat has outside money. Outside money is about the only thing that can give a challenger a chance is a lot of cases.

Anonymous said...

6:32 -- so your argument Bill is that it was fine for McDaniel to accept the money which was pouring in from outside, pre-June 3rd, but Cochran should have been the bigger person and bowed out?

I think it does matter. I also believe you are a smart man, and if we were discussing this in a non-public forum would find it as distasteful as I do.

There is nothing democratic about this election -- the outside monetary influences are huge and a great deal is at stake here. Sadly, the MS Republican Party and the state will ultimately be the losers.

In an effort to make a point -- we destroyed the Party. Somewhere Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are toasting each other.

Common ground would have solved this problem.

Avery Wiseman said...

It's not that I really want Thad to be my Senator. It's that I really DON'T want McDaniel to be my Senator. I can't imagine having him embarrass, err, represent our fair state for 6 years. I wish the tea party had given me a reasonable option, but it didn't. (To be fair, though, it didn't really pick McDaniel as much as he anointed himself their candidate.)

I guess that makes me RINO to a lot of y'all. A pro-life, pro-gun, traditional marriage, anti-amnesty, low tax, strong military, states' rights RINO. Oh well. I suppose I'll survive somehow.

P.S. - I'll also vote for Childers if my choices are him or McDaniel and control of the Senate isn't in play.

Anonymous said...

Except, 7:35, Palin never said that.

Snopes is your friend.

Anonymous said...

6:02p...still waiting for your response

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, The fact is our beloved Mississippi is LAST in almost everything. Why in the world would anybody want to keep on electing anybody when we are the laughing stock of the nation. TIME FOR A CHANGE.

Psych Manual said...

@4:43...3:58 here again; I know you're ridin' the bandwagon, but I don't need your preachy attitude about 'south mississippi' following Katrina. I owned property and a dwelling there myself and now it's gone. Both you and Kingfish (comes lately now to support the antique candidate) are dead wrong in your recollection that THAD went to bat and saved the day.

Haley Barbour, in concert with Bush and other Republicans "Hitched Up Their Britches" and muscled Katrina relief. However, don't forget that all democrats supported gigantic relief for Louisiana anyway and there was no way to carve Mississippi out of that equation. The point, in this debate, however, is Cochran still holding onto that as his last accomplishment. I think he's been taking a salary ever since.

While Haley was back and forth to D.C. from his governor's office, Thad raised his hand and said "ME TOO". Sorta like Wicker and Harper showing up three weeks ago to 'tour' storm damage in Rankin County. A totally wasted trip but they can later say, "We were there for the hard fight when it mattered".

Again, this is not about Katrina. It's about Cochran's camp of inept puppeteers having nothing to run up the flag pole that he's done in the past decade.

Note to Wiseman: 'Control of the senate' IS in play.

Claire Underwood said...

What should have happened is an internal exchange of ideas within our state, where we could have CIVILLY held a discourse and decided what we, as Mississippians felt was our best direction. There are good ideas on both sides.

This option was taken away from us by the National Tea Party who decided they were going to make a grand last stand here in our state, and people from FL, OH, NY or elsewhere, were going to take control of the Mississippi electorate.

... Pretty hard to have a civil discourse when your candidate is literally running from the media, interviewers, and a debate! Poor old guy didn't even know that Cantor had been unseated.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see that 'Hail Mary Hawkins' has run Cochran up Madison's flagpole. But, she's as wishy washy as a Kenmore Dishwasher. She strongly supported John Bell Aisle Three Crosby in his first run for supervisor. Then she turned against him.

She was a supporter of Dick Hall, then not, now is again.

She supported Tim Elvis years ago, but wants him dead now.

Why she supports Cochran is anyone's guess but it was cute to see her lined up with Crosby and Magee and others raising their hands for the king of pork and the reclusive candidate.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hawkins was all for Bell cleaning up the broken pickle jar on aisle three before she was against it.

Anonymous said...

Have y'all noticed that you are posting under a paid advertisement that allows you to comment? Seems to me this is allowing you to "civil discourse" all you want. Now, try posting under an advertisement for the other guy. Let me know when that works out.

Anonymous said...

I wish the tea party had given me a reasonable option, but it didn't.

Thanks for you blatant demonstration of ignorance Avery. Does Haley tie your shoes and Phil wipe your behind?

bill said...

Okay, a couple of things. First, at no point did I say that Chris was not the TEA Party candidate. Of course he is. All I said is that he's not ONLY the TEA Party candidate. There are a lot of others who want to see him in there.

Second, I didn't say taking outside money was bad for either candidate. I simply said that you can't cuss it for one if you don't cuss it for both, because both have taken millions from people who couldn't find Mississippi with a map and a compass. So what? People who have a stake in what happens to this country are interested in this race and probably many others. I have given money to candidates from other states because I want to see good people elected to office, and I'm sure lots of people on both sides of this race feel the same.

Anonymous said...

This option was taken away from us by the National Tea Party who decided they were going to make a grand last stand here in our state, ...

The National Tea Party took away the opportunity for Mississippi Republicans to have a primary for an open seat?

Go bury your head in the ground Claire. You find more actual information there than from wherever you are drawing your opinions today.

bill said...

7:35, I may not have answered your question. Is an attempt to suggest that McDaniel is not the TEA Party candidate dishonest? Of course it is. He's clearly the TEA Party candidate and has said it many times. Is that what I said in the video? A resounding no. Again, McDaniel is the TEA Party candidate. He's also the candidate for lots of other people who don't identify with the TEA Party. Clear?

Anonymous said...

You cannot fund a MS Congressional race without out of state money. This fuss on either side about outside money is boring.

Anonymous said...

Someone must have slipped Thad Cochran some geritol and Metamucil lately. The courtly gentleman has started throwing some rhetorical punches at Chris McDaniel.

Cochran calls McDaniel an “extremist” and “dangerous.” Mind you, Cochran has previously admitted he only knows about the tea party from what he reads in the paper. Perhaps Cochran is only reading the Democrat friendly Clarion-Ledger. Actually, considering he does not even live in Mississippi, it’d have to be the Washington Post.

What is most striking, however, is that the tea party wants someone who will go to Washington, stand up for conservatives, and join them in the fight against Barack Obama. Thad Cochran has not done that. Instead, here, he is using harsher words for his conservative opponent than for Barack Obama.

If Cochran had ever shown as much vigor against this administration, he wouldn’t be about to get his butt kicked by Mississippi's conservatives. At least he will soon have more time to read the paper and figure out who the tea party is what is going on in America.

Anonymous said...

Claire -- maybe we could have a debate, if your candidate gave us his plan. Kind of difficult to debate, when you have no clue what the candidate stands for, beyond God, Country, Slash the Debt, Apple Pie, Babies.......... nothing of substance out there to gauge him on, and since he's been in the State Senate 2 terms (barely). There's nothing for him to "defend", except that he was a trial lawyer, and was against tort reform before he was for it.....thanks to "education" from Club for Growth, and can speak Spanish really well "mamacita".

Nasty little thing -- those Wall Street Journal Articles:

"Mr. McDaniel is also a trial lawyer who has resisted tort reform, though his backers at the Club for Growth say he's been educated and is now better on the issue."

I guess it's easy to attack the incumbent, if you've not done anything as the challenger.

Avery Wiseman said...

Note to Psych Manual: Control of the Senate MAY be in play depending on Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska and North Carolina. I won't vote for McDaniel in order to get us to 49, 50, or 52. There are many more like me, and a lot of us are check-writers in these races. You may very well win the battle on June 24, but will you carry hat pride when you lose the war?
Akin. Murdock. Angle. O'Donnell. Now McDaniel?

Anonymous said...

Psych Manual -- you indicate you "owned property" and "lost a dwelling there" -- you did not indicate you actually LIVED there (e.g. swam in the sewer water that came in first through the toilets, baths, kitchen sinks, etc., lived in your driveway, watched looters come down your street). Was this your primary or vacation property? Kind of changes things based on your answer. Preachy -- I prefer to call it first hand experience.

Now on to other issues -- the internet is a nasty little thing:

Disputes most of your facts since it was written in December, 2005, and basically states that Cochran held the Defense Appropriations Bill hostage so Katrina funding would get to the Coast asap.

VERY INTERESTING READ that occurs contemporaneously with the actual funding process.

Anonymous said...

Psych Manual -- one other thing -- do these count since they have been in the last 6 months?

"Cochran was among the four principal negotiators who hammered out the Agricultural Act of 2014 (HR.2642) that gained final congressional approval Tuesday in a 68-32 Senate vote that sends the measure to President Obama to be signed into law. The 2014 farm bill is the first major reform of policies for agriculture, conservation, nutrition assistance and agricultural research programs since 2008."

or this one?

"The law includes provisions championed by Cochran and Wicker during Senate consideration and passage of the legislation in May 2013, including hurricane and storm damage risk reduction, as well as harbor maintenance reforms."

Now what major legislation has Mr. McDaniel gotten through in the State Senate in the last 6 months?

Anonymous said...

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! WHY WHY IS "I DID INDECENT THINGS TO FARM ANIMALS not a head lie with any one?? I don't get it! Would be if CM or his volunteers had. The man said it!!! and we are ignoring this fact!! He said it!!! Creepy!!! Bill, you are right and decent, argue your point's well. Thank's so much. Just when you own the media, well, you own it, but people are waking up.

Anonymous said...

As 3:34 stated it appears the McDaniel Media Brigade has been given their marching orders regarding making positive comments on Sun Herald articles. I assume this is being coordinated by the same individual who suggested that McDaniel supporters go to Thad's Facebook page and comment on every single article. Many of the comments have been so hateful and vitriolic there is no way I would vote for McDaniel should he win the primary. One woman stated she wished Thad would crawl in a hole and die. Turning a lot of people off and it definitely looks coordinated.

Psych Manual said...

Don't fault me for Thad's handlers not boasting about his accomplishments in the current decade. All we see is Katrina and 'Mississippi is Worth Fighting For'.

And to the Harpie who keeps moaning about swimming in sewers and competing with snakes and gators for food during Katrina....Read My Lips...This ain't about Katrina's destruction (which Haley dealt with). It's about an inept campaign choreography.

What is Thad waiting on to take credit for the eighteen county Delta's upward mobility over the past five decades? Wait! There hasn't been any. Thad's been absent.

"Oh yeah? Oh Yeah? Well, OK, so Thad's done nothing but draw a check. Show me what the other guy has done." RED FLAG! FALLACY!

The 6:00 a.m. news is now on. I see Cochran's boys saying he's responsible for 'shipbuilding'. Hell, for four decades we were told Trent was responsible for shipbuilding. Now Thad is. Time to retire the octogenarian to his rubber duckie and bathtub flotilla.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I get why the McDaniel handlers want tip keep him as far away from the media and interviews as possible. WLBT just aired a brief interview it conducted on Pearl yesterday. Obviously trying to say that Thad was not doing enough regarding Federal education $$$. MCDaniel actually saiid that the if you abolished the Fed dept off Eduxation the dollars would still be there and Mississippi isn't getting enough. He said the department spends 110 Billion per year and of you divide by 50 we should be getting over 2 billion per year. Insinuating that a state like South Dakota should have the same funding as Texas. What a completely idiotic statement. That alone should disqualify him. Mississippi has 480,000 K12 students, Tecas has 4.8 million. They are hoping they can keep him as far away from the media as possible and he can stumble across the finish line. This guy isn't smart enough to represent Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I am getting anti-Cochran ads streaming at the bottom of even cute animal videos posted on Facebook.

It's the " Cochran exempted himself from Obamacare" in red with an unflattering photo.

I find it insulting as it assumes I'm too stupid to know how Congress works or what health care benefits they enjoy.

If McDaniel is elected, he too will be exempt or else have no coverage at all!

Our elections have gone to hell in a hand basket.

I am not going to vote for anyone because somebody else is supporting them. I don't care who Lott or Palin support. I care about the issues. But, I will say it's more than obvious that Lott is smarter than Palin.

I do know Cochran's record. I do know McDaniel's record.

I can't see that McDaniel has done anything for the state of MS or our Nation other than complain .

I do know McDaniel hasn't served in the military and Cochran did.

While supporters of both candidates have been less than admirable, videoing an ill woman and showing up in a courthouse at 2am where ballots and lying about the Madison DA " exonerating" the campaign is not on the same level with tearing up yard signs.

KF is right about Katrina. If our Senators and Congressman hadn't worked with our Governor, we'd have gotten no federal help. It may be taxpayer money but they control who gets it.

It bothers me greatly that McDaniel indicated at one point that he will pander to those silly folks who actually believe that in a disaster, those affected are at fault for where they chose to live and could replace a highway with the same ease they could replace barns centuries ago.

The out of state money totals should disturb everyone. I'd be more impressed if they offered it to improve our schools and roads or donated it to children whose father's died serving our country in the name of their candidate.
They want to buy access and influence and are willing create ill feelings among those in our State to do it.

And, the Koch brothers are far more disturbing to me than Bloomberg. The Koch brothers don't go away after the election .Bloomberg does. His issues are national. Check out what is happening in NC and GA. The Koch boys are carpetbaggers.

I expect McDaniel will win. He may be well intentioned and believe he can remain independent of the Kochs' but he'll learn differently.


KaptKangaroo said...

Great job Bill! I can appreciate someone who puts their money where their mouth is and stands up to critique with their integrity firmly in place.

As to the comments, I'm beginning to think it is not the party, it is not Washington, or Politicians who are the primary disfunction in politics; it is the cumulative IQ of the electorate that gets what it deserves.

noel said...

If you like your doorbell, you can keep your doorbell.

Seriously though, I'm voting against every "establishment" republican I can. If McDaniel doesn't do enough to stop obama, the democrats and the progressive republicans, I'll vote against him next time. I've really had enough of these folks.

Anonymous said...

They way Bill is driving comment volume -- which means +readers and +ad revenue -- seems to me Kingfish that you should ask him to provide regular video commentary for JJ on a gratis basis.

Anonymous said...

I am going to hold my nose and vote for Cochran but only because I couldn't vote for McDaniel under any curcumstances. If he wins I will vote for Childers, which would be the the first time I've ever voted for a Democrat outside of local elections.

Anonymous said...

So I watched the video and what I caught from it was that the tea party is a loose group of people and he doesn't know who most of them are or how many there are but for the most part they are a little off. He believes in some of their values but doesn't associate with them.

Anonymous said...

Bill Billingsley is a extremely smart man and is exactly right about who Chris McDaniel's voters are. Most are Republican's who believe that the Republican Party is going to far to the left. The truth is that the MS. Conservative PAC has pissed off 155,000 of real conservative Republicans (with their extremely negative advertising) and now have to resort to pandering to Democrats to attempt to get their candidate elected. Wonder why their new push cards never mention that ol' Thad is a Republican? Push cards boasts Cochran provided millions in federal funds for JSU, ASU, MVSU, Tougaloo and Rust. Cochran didn't provide millions the YOU the taxpayers did. Cochran did not fund 20 free clinics in OUR neighbourhoods across the state and help create the Jackson Medical Mall. What? No mention of Obamacare on card? Mississippi's African American won't fall for that. Now you want to pander to them at the eleventh hour?

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha. The Tea Party gets the blame for Washington lobbyists not doing a good job getting a 76 year old candidate re-elected.

LCB said...

I believe some of what they believe, don't associate with them as a group or identify as a member. I will be voting for McDaniel.

Anonymous said...

No one discounts what Thad did for Mississippians after Hurricane Katrina, but after all, THAT WAS HIS JOB, wasn’t it? As a Mississippi Senator, he would have been expected to ask for federal relief for his constituents and to use whatever clout he had to get relief to Mississippi as soon as possible. That is what elected officials are supposed to do. If he hadn’t asked for federal relief do you think it would have been likely he would get re-elected? What has Thad done for Mississippians the remainder of his 42 years in office—voted for increases in the US debt and for Obamacare? All I know is TODAY our country is on the brink of becoming a NON-COUNTRY because of AMNESTY FOR MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. If re-elected, THAD WILL VOTE FOR AMNESTY AND OPEN BORDERS because Haley Barbour and the GOPe want it. Thad no longer represents conservative Mississippians. Thad represents lobbyists, CEOs, US Chamber of Commerce, Bankers and Progressives, etc. who want to eliminate a sovereign United States of America to form the North American Union—NO BORDERS from Canada to South America. THAD WILL VOTE FOR AMNESTY AND OPEN BORDERS.

bill said...

9:15, you got close on part of it. No one really knows how many active TEA Party members there are because there is no real party-like organization - just groups of like minded people who get together. You're way off, though, to think I believe that "for the most part they are a little off" and it's not accurate to say I don't associate myself with them. There are some extremists who take things too far from time to time, but that's not really a news flash. Extremists have been involved in political movements forever. Most of the TEA Party activists that I know are nice if a little strident in their beliefs, and they work hard to get their candidates elected. I have never refused to associate with them - some of them are very good friends - I have just chosen to not get actively involved in their movement. I already have plenty to do. That doesn't keep me from sharing their beliefs, which was the point of the video - to try to make people understand that thousands of Mississippians share the beliefs of conservatism without adopting the TEA Party label.

Anonymous said...

Well, lookee thar! At 7:37 ol' Kangaroo posted a "atta boy" to Bill.
Considering how often Kangaroo hops around giving a pat on the back under one name, here he comes posting under many other names slamming the same poster he just patted.
Often you'll see him use "Anonymous" just for kicks.
I guess he likes to stir the pot on this blog just to keep things lively- so he thinks.
Kangaroo is too full of himself. He needs to pull is head out of his pouch.

Anonymous said...

Your message was quite clear, Bill. However, there are those who choose to hear what they want to hear, read what they want to read when they feel their position is threatened by someone who speaks honestly and in a manner they can't readily attack.
But, you already know this and still conduct your attackers in a civil manner. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Tina Fey Saturday Night Live not Palin

Pappy Odaniel said...

So Thad's big claim to fame is he got us Katrina money...hooray for parking decks in Starkville and the Port of Gulfport. The latter has really paid off hasn't it? Was Thad also privy to using HUD funding to dump into the port, which, wow what a great "investment" on behalf of the taxpayers. Ten years later and it doesn't have a single pre-Katrina tenant and is still a total fiasco with no end in sight. And for homeowners, let's face it, those funds were an insurance company bailout to end the whole wind driven rain debate.

Anonymous said...

3:49 -- Pappy, you can say what you will -- but I can guarantee you it would not be a good discussion to have in Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson counties where you need votes. However, be our fact, we welcome that discussion on the Coast. Let's hear Chris tell everyone that he wouldn't have supported that help when it was needed. OOPS -- he already said that didn't he?

bill said...

No he didn't, 4:26. He said he would have had supported Katrina relief but would have tried to keep the money headed where it was needed. Could the coast have used the $55 million that was sent to Nevada to secure Harry Reid's support on the Katrina relief bill? That's what McDaniel said he won't support - Congressional bribery that sent that money to Nevada instead of keeping it on the coast where it was needed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cochran is physically and mentally unable to do the job as he once did. If Barbour and Lott wanted to find another patsy to do their lobby-bidding they should have quietly brokered that deal as they typically do. Lott is a complete snake-oil salesman. Get real about Katrina. The money for recovery was inevitable. I'm sad that McDaniel is the best we can do…wish we could have someone other than a lawyer/State rep to run. We need a citizen who understands business and is willing to slash the debt and who put up with all of the arm-chair nicklebacks on this forum.

Anonymous said...

He also said, "it would be a hard vote to cast"

Anonymous said...

Congress has been a debacle for the last few years.I will not continue to support someone who is essentially part off the reason we are in the quagmire that we find ourselves now.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a serious character issue with Cochran....who in the hell oes "INDECENT things to little in mal's"?!?!? and hen thinks o little of tht behavior as to tll a reporter!?!?!

instead of the misdirection about how many tea parties there may be, whether Trent "you-wanna-be-a-federal-judge?" Lott wears a wig, whether the bears will win in Omaha, etc, WHY HAS THE MEDIA GONE SILENT ON THAT VERY IMPORTANT CHARACTER ISSUE? serial killers usually start by tormenting animals as kids, so where is the media watchdog? They are giving Cochran the same free pass that Obama and Hillary get...the only guy in congress getting one thing one is trey gowdy!!!!

I want somebody in congress who will demand answers and hold these crooks accountable...and for damn sure it's not that ole miss cheerleader that I have voted for for the last 42 years, or his handler and his band of "useful idiots"....

Anonymous said...

5:40 -- I'm in agreement with you. Bill, it's kind of like the tort reform thing,

"Mr. McDaniel is also a trial lawyer who has resisted tort reform, though his backers at the Club for Growth say he's been educated and is now better on the issue." -- straight from the Wall Street Journal.

He was against it before he was for it............

Anonymous said...

I appreciate all that Thad has done for Mississippi, but I'm not voting for him this time.

Thad is not physically nor mentally up to the challenge of another 6 years in the Senate. He knows that and his 'handlers' know that. Thad is being used and that saddens and, at the same time, angers me greatly because it also means that those 'handlers' are attempting to pull a ruse over the voters of Mississippi.

A vote for Thad is actually a vote for whomever Haley, Phil, and the rest of that crew decide to put in Thad's -no, MISSISSIPPI'S - senatorial seat.

Anonymous said...

What is the basis for the statement McDaniel resisted tort reform? I assume there was something he voted against in the state legislature? Does anyone know what this is about?

Anonymous said...

That the Koch brothers heavily finance the Tea Party bothers me.
The family history with support of Nazism and Fascism in 1938 and heading up the Birchers is a concern.
People's political views tend to be usually determined by where and by whom they were raised.
Add that the tactics they finance rely on misinformation and The Big Lie, some of you ought to be concerned.

Anonymous said...

I see the Cochran campaign has a "mamacita" add out finally. Looks like web only so far, but it does have 4000 views in 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

I can promise you that the Koch family does not presently finance the tea party. I can't speak to the past. But, that applies to this year and last year.

Anonymous said...

I worked with David and Charles Koch in the mid-1980s. They were excellent employers and always behaved dignified and respectable. I also admired and continue to admire their brand of political activism. Their goal is to get government out of the free-market, not to curry favor and special consideration for their own sizable personal interests.

In any event, it seems a stretch to find fault with Chris McDaniel because of the politics of David and Charles Koch's grandparents as does @9:39 PM. Of course, if I'm wrong, we can always re-examine Thad's childhood experiences doing "indecent things with animals."

KaptKangaroo said...

Sorry to sip point, but I've only posted under my moniker. I'm sure the Tea Party is to blame for that or Thad or McDaniels. Bill is a fine person and I thought his insight was spot on; his engagement is obviously real, unlike your paranoid response.

Anonymous said...

10:21 pm They are still funding the Tea Party and Tea Party candidates . They do this through the multi-layered political organizations, foundations, think tanks and fund raising operations.

Anonymous said...

4:43 p.m. Anybody alive when Camille hit will tell you that you should have known it will happen again. Also, what you are missing is that Katrina was an exception to your conservative thinking because it happened to YOU. Do you think Katrina was anymore destructive to the people who had their houses destroyed by tornadoes, wild fires, 9/11, Rita, Camille, earthquakes, etc., etc. People who want small government cannot have exceptions because everything is an exception if it happens to YOU. The conservatives will never be taken seriously as long as they talk about cutting every government program EXCEPT the ones they get, i.e., flood insurance, bank bailouts, farmers subsidiaries, social security, or medicare. If the conservatives every want to run this country again start by cutting YOUR programs and lead by example.

Anonymous said...

10:27 am You can't know them all that well if you don't know it's their father not their grandfather who supported the Nazis and Fascism.
The four boys were very close to their father.
I'd hope, given their political activities they publicly disavow their father's creation of The John Birch Society and Nazism/Fascism particularly some of the positions taken by the former.
If their aim is indeed to take over a political party , we might ought to know more about them, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

8:06 and all "Kochers" -- Thanks for taking the heat off of me and the Democrats. I really like it when you all commit fratricide in the name of principal.

George Soros

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Cult of Haley is up early today.

Anonymous said...

To really understand the mindset of the Cochran worshipers, please read "The Mind of The South" by W. J. Cash. Written in 1941, this book explains why crackers worship their masters.

Anonymous said...

Did not watch. Also closed the blinds on Saturday when the guy in the Crocodile Dundee hat came prowling the neighborhood passing out McDaniel literature.

Anonymous said...

7:50 -- Thank you for your words of wisdom from........Missouri or elsewhere.

What you are asking, is that Mississippi, lead by example.......are you naive enough to think you can really take over California and change their focus, or New York, or Connecticut, or New Jersey. If so, you've not traveled very much.

Lead by example.....hmm, seems like the same tax revenue will be paid in by all if McDaniel is elected, we'll just be sending ours elsewhere. Taxes will still be paid....and McDaniel will still be attempting to find his way to the bathroom on Capitol Hill, much less have Senior Senators returning his calls and working with him.

Tell me EXACTLY what Cruz, Paul and Lee have done NATIONALLY with regard to change or legislation, and also for their states.

In addition, there are, after all 99 other men up there in the Senate, and they will be putting their constituents above Mississippi. Do you think Feinstein is going to see the light and jump out there to relinquish funding from California and hand it to Mississippi because we lead so well by example. What you are not seeing long term is the TP, will fade away because they'll be sending up candidates that do nothing because they have no power, and we all know......politics is a grassroots effort.

People not working in 6 years, will not be a McDaniel fan. Kind of like Obama --- great on the hype, but at the end of the day, Bush has the nostalgia and respect.

Poorest state leads the way in cuts........that works well for the TP agenda, but doesn't bode well for the man who welds at Ingalls.

Halt the rhetoric -- until you're ready to secede, we're in the United States of America, and as such have to abide by the rules of the union. May not like them, but I think your guy doesn't have the horsepower, much less gravitas to protect Mississippi, and he will have to play by the rules when he arrives up there (if he arrives up there).

Anonymous said...

Who is bill? and why should someone care what he thinks. Can someone give me some idea of who he is.

Anonymous said...

He is a man who knows what is best for you. Now have a cup of tea and go vote for everyone's best friend Chris.

Anonymous said...

7:50 -- seems as if the "LEAD BY EXAMPLE" thing is starting --- 3000 potential job cuts on the LPD28 (Ingalls Shipbuilding). No fear mongering ---- FACT!!!

Seems the Senate Appropriations committee that Thad sits on and could LEAD, has decided after the Cantor debacle, they will slowly started carving out Mississippi funding on REAL projects where REAL THINGS are being built, based on seeing Mississippi as vulnerable and with no representation if Senator Cochran is not elected. This is a fact -- check it out. Happened last week.

Cuts cuts cuts -- and we're leading by example!!!! How great is this!!! Those 3000 guys at Ingalls are your point people -- Mississippi LEADS THE WAY!! Where we're going, has yet to be decided.

BTW -- Alabama says thank you -- they don't need any change, except for their Senator to become the head of the Senate Appropriations Committee and THEIR shipyard to GROW GROW GROW!

Anonymous said...

After Katrina, the Bush Administration and Republican House were simply going to fund FEMA and let FEMA's regular programs handle it even after it was obvious that FEMA was dysfunctional and Katrina was far beyond the scope of the Stafford Act. No precedents, they said. They did not want to help homeowners who did not have flood insurance, they did not want to waive the local matching funds requirements for rebuilding public infrastructure even for towns with no tax base left. Nothing was going to be rebuilt at that rate.

Taylor drafted the proposal and built support for assisting homeowners, Cochran put it in the Senate appropriations bill as grants to the states, and Barbour got the White House to agree to it.

And who helped get the matching funds waived for the cities and counties? Nancy Pelosi, that's who. She visited three times and Taylor took her to the mayors and supervisors every time and all those Republicans who despise her so much begged her to help remove the match and as soon as Democrats took the House in the 2007, Pelosi forced Bush to accept it in the supplemental appropriations bill.

Anonymous said...

"Who is bill? and why should someone care what he thinks. Can someone give me some idea of who he is. "

Search the archives here for "Billingsley" to see the hundreds of thoughtful comments he has posted here over the years. He's giving his opinion, politely and respectfully (as he always does) even though he's wrong on this issue.

Look his comments up yourself - don't be lazy now.

Anonymous said..., where is the outrage over thad cochran and his self-proclaimed DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, i.e. his confession that he "grew up doing INDECENT THINGS TO LITTLE ANIMALS"?

this reminds me of early reports of luke windham...

Anonymous said...

11:43 ,,, bills comments tell nothing about who he is. Maybe what he thinks but not who he is. He obviously supports Chris, does he work for him? again it's an honest question but why should I care.

Anonymous said...

Chris like a lot of men like big TA TAS

A Friend Of Robert said...

Thad might be senile now, and he might not be aware of the Tea Party or Eric Cantor's defeat at the hands of Dave Brat, but when he was fully aware of his surroundings when he helped pass TARP and he helped usher in nearly four straight decades of budget busting, deficit exploding spending in Washington, D.C.

Republicans such as Thad Cochran made Barack Obama possible, because if you'll spend it like water as a Republican, you can't object when a liberal left wing extremist goes on a spending spree.

Anonymous said...

1:35 PM, Bill's video tells JJ readers infinitely more about who he is and what he thinks than your anonymous dropping.

but why should I care.

EXACTLY. Why should anyone care about your anonymous comment.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading, as we all have, JJ's postings, and all the comments. Thank you Kingfish for your reporting. It certainly beats the television stations and newspapers.

Two things to think about:

1) Thad Cochran has been in the U.S. Senate for 41 years. Mississippi has been last on every kind of list for the nation there is for all that time. According to Einstein, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

2) Now everyone says "but you must vote for Cochran" because he's going to be the next Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator Cochran, with all due respect, is too old at this point in time. It is apparent to anyone who has a television or radio and can see and hear him. Senator Cochran may become Chairman of the Appropriations Committee but it WON'T be him making the decisions. It will be his handlers. We all know it.

Remember, you're not allowed to complain if you don't vote.

Anonymous said...

To all -- Guess we ought to just put out to pasture, anyone over the age of 62 based on the McDaniel mantra that Senator Cochran is too old......use to be we valued people with life experience and institutional knowledge......but now with MTV and Honey Boo Boo -- all everyone wants is glitz, glamor, and glib talk. (Think Chris of the chocker necklaces and gel bracelets mentioned in a Washington Post article).

Hmmm -- I remember a man (Ronald Reagan) who said the following:

"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience,"

Senior Citizens -- hope he allows you to keep your Social Security......or will it be cut too. Maybe only those people in Mississippi will see the cuts, since we're supposed to lead the way and be an example to the nation. Where's Mama Melanie June????

Anonymous said...

It's not true that Mississippi is worse off compared to the rest of the Nation as we were when Thad took office.

Really , people, you have a responsibility as citizens to make sure of the facts.

Anonymous said...

If you look closely 2:52 PM to his latest TV spots many of the pics of Thad Cochran are from years ago to hide his advanced aging.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:19 I still know very little about bill even though I have looked. I did find He gave McDaniels $1500 since Feb. Also Gave Max Baucus(D) $1000.00 in 2007 so that tells me more about what he believes.

Lipstick On An Old Fart said...

Assuming Thad is still vibrant and capable of serving, why then do his current commercials show action shots and still shots of him that are at least ten years old? How many answers can there be to this simple question?

1) What he has to say in those old shots is important and he hasn't said anything important since back then.

2) Why portray him as he actually IS today when you can get away with pretending he's still lucid, pretend he can complete sentences and you can hoodwink the low information crowd into believing he is aware of current issues.

Are there any other possibilities for attempting to show him as youthful and vibrant?

Anonymous said...

What's this crap about Cochran becoming Appropriations Chair? He's held that position before, years ago; however, how could anybody in their right mind think he is about to assume that role again.

Even if the Republicans later dominate the Senate, Cochran would never again hold that role. And he'll be long gone (resigned) before the passage of a year and a half if you get tricked into reelecting him.

Anonymous said...

Thad Cochran is awesome. Thanks to the very important farm bills he's shepherded (about 83% of which is funding for food stamps), we now have nearly a quarter of Mississippi's population dependent on food stamps. That's a staggering one out of every four people!

Yeah! What a swell leader. Thanks Thad.

Anonymous said...

8:07 -- might want to read the 4:51 post.

Anonymous said...

A big part of Wal-Mart's expansion into groceries is based on capturing the food stamp customers and then taking their cash. Why else would anyone go into groceries in poor and dying little towns all over the South? Half of the grocery stores in small towns in Mississippi would go out of business without food stamps. The poultry industry and many other food processors are heavily invested in food stamps. Food stamps are a subsidy for farmers and food manufacturers and grocery stores disguised as a poverty program. Follow the money. Poor people have no clout in Washington. The businesses who end up with the money do.

Anonymous said...

5:45 Technically what you say may be true We were dead last in every category that counts when he went to D.C. 41 years ago, ad we still are today. So, yes - you're correct - we haven't gotten any worse compared to other states, but that only because it's impossible to get any lower.

But if you're going to try to blame that on Thad you might as well be honest and blame the Delta (which is why the whole state is stuck on the bottom of education, wealth, health indices, etc) on Bennie T. Same story there.

When everyone with brains and ambition realizes you can achieve a lot more elsewhere, and many of them leave the state, what are you left with? Can't blame Thad for that.

Anonymous said...

8:59 The Food Stamp program was originally designed to provide stability to farmers, to keep them from going bankrupt in bad years and closing down their farms, which would have disrupted the food supply in later years if their land was no longer in production.

The rebranding as a poverty program, or hunger prevention program, came much later for political reasons and led in large part to our obesity epidemic among the poorest citizens. Walmart et al are just following the rules and trying to make a profit under the current system. They didn't design the system.

If it was really a health promotion/hunger prevention program, the government would just warehouse large amounts of healthy staples and give them out, cutting out the grocers as well as the processed crap covered by SNAP. Why should my kids' college money get diverted via taxes into providing Coke, Ding-Dongs and Pudding Pops for some little fat kids whose parents can't/won't provide for them? Remember - if you want more of something, subsidize it!

Pappy Odaniel said...

@4:51... I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment, however , how many 70 yr olds are openly gallivantin around the world with their mistress posing as their spouse while said spouse is suffering alone in a nursing home.

Anonymous said...

Cochran garnered national and permanent attention with his “Animal” comments. These comments alone severely diminish his chances of becoming the next chairman of the apportions committee. Regardless of his age and ability to serve out the term, pork, Kay Weber, Bloomberg’s generous support, Haley Barbour, the fascinating recent outcomes of the WalkerGate scandal (still pending with chatty Scott), DC/roommate residency issues, Clueless Cantor comments, paid off GOP County chairmen, the enormous insult to donating thad supporters election night party by not showing up and /or even speaking at the failed primary victory party, etc.

Thanks for your service. Let’s be honest, the Senate race has been pretty embarrassing for Mississippi. Thank’s again, haley! Pardon me, I meant (future) Senator Barbour. Mississippian’s are not smart enough to elect their US Senators. Mississippi’s US Senators (both) will be handpicked by the Barbour establishment. Not good…

Wish I had a dollar for every former pre-primary Cochran supporter. You’d be amazed.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the report on the courthouse incident will be released soon. Per the news this morning , Bug Eyes and the other two weeelet in by a county employee. The constable said it wasn't him, but he did suggest the McDaniel camp send folks to observe and monitor Pete Perrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Kaptin Kanguroo:

(1) What is 'sip point'? (2) The candidate's name is McDaniel, not McDaniels.
(3) whose 'paranoid response' are you referencing?
(4) Obviously you've never posted as anon and you've never told a lie either.

Elmer Condist said...

While listing Thad's accomplishments and stating McDaniel has none, above, several comparisons were omitted. Here's a few:

Thad has been a college cheerleader and McDaniels has not.

Thad has toured the globe with his strumpet-spouse and McDaniel has not.

Thad defrauds the voters and the IRS by 'renting' an 'apartment' at his strumpet's address where the city record shows no apartment exists. McDaniel has not.

Thad uses twelve year old photos in his current ads. McDaniel does not.

Thad is totally out of touch with Mississippi. McDaniel is not.

More Later.........

Anonymous said...

6:54 - I AM REALLY IMPRESSED. This all makes me want to vote on McDaniel(S). Wow -- he is a guy that inspires me. Why list his accomplishments, when you can just give us the same personal attacks on Senator Cochran.

What EXACTLY did McDaniel(S) accomplish as a State Senator? Please give us 5 (FIVE) Legislative accomplishments he completed during his term(s) in the legislature.

People vote on a person based on what he can this case, I have heard a lot of God, Apple Pie, Babies, Cut the Budget, etc. What has HE ACCOMPLISHED?

Anonymous said...

It's McDaniels, not McDonald's
These rhymes are Darryl's, the burgers are RONALD'S

Anonymous said...

The establishment Republicans do not want to discuss Cochran's 'arrangement' with Kay Webber because it undermines the narrative they spin to Christians and Evangelicals to gain their votes.

Anonymous said...

8:16 -- nope -- it's just not relevant. Give us the FIRE, not just all the smoke you have created.

Again, the request -- what are the McDaniel accomplishments in the Mississippi State Legislature?

No smoke -- facts!

Anonymous said...

Even without speculating about the nature of the Cochran/Webber relationship, there are other aspects of that situation that just look sketchy. For example, Webber purchased her $1,000,000 home on a $72,00 salary by having a Cochran donor listed as a co-owner. The mortgage was obtained through a bank where the donor's husband (also a Cochran donor) sat on the board, and then a year later the donor's interest in the home was transferred to Webber for free. All very Ann Copland-esque.’s-chris-mcdaniel-who-cares

Anonymous said...

8:49 --- More smoke. Where's the fire? What was "illegal" about the transaction?

Also -- where are the "McDaniel Accomplishments"?

What I"m finding is that no one on the McDaniel side can name his accomplishments, his plan, and repeat innuendoes regarding Senator Cochran's personal life......but cannot give us FACTS on anything from accomplishments, to plans, to the innuendoes.

Anonymous said...

"address where the city record shows no apartment exists. "

This is called an illegal sublet, well-known in 49 states that have large cities where more people want to live than can be accompanied within their limited finances. You should get out more.

Anonymous said...

Nope, completely relevant. That is why Kay Webber isn't on the campaign trail. Thad says she's indispensable for communications with his DC office and staff. That is why she, per Thad, is always at his elbow. But suddenly, because the truth about their illicit relationship will alienate the Mississippi voters Cochran needs to dupe, Kay is nowhere to be seen. Completely relevant. COMPLETELY.

Kingfish said...

Nice discussion here. Amazing. Bill makes a video, is nice, respectful, and talks about why he is supporting his candidate in a good way. Wow. People respond and the comments are for the most part, made in the same manner or are pretty good even when disagreeing.

Too bad we can't see more of it out of the campaigns and their um, "allies".

Anonymous said...

So, you are stating Webber and Cochran are breaking the law by having an illegal sublet?

Anonymous said...

10:20 -- wonder why DC has not prosecuted her if illegality is actually involved.

9:37 -- again, smoke and innuendoes -- relevancy is only applicable if there are facts to back up your accusations.

Where's the illegality and more importantly where are McDaniel's accomplishments in the MS legislature? You keep wanting to redirect this away from your candidate --- give us something we can latch on to that shows us he's a man of substance. His "plan" or some legislative accomplishments would be HELPFUL.

FACTS FACTS FACTS! No innuendoes or rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why she has not gone and registered an apartment at this address since this problem was first discovered nearly two months ago? Either there is an apartment that has not been registered and the law has been broken, or there is no apartment that requires registration. It is really as simple as that.

As to a prosecution, I'm sure that is coming from Childer's DC friends if Cochran makes it out of the primary. You are foolish if you do not see this coming.

Anonymous said...

7:40 AM - (Atheist/Abortionist?)

So you're really not into God, Apple Pie, Babies and Cuttin' the Budget, huh? Perhaps you could get more mileage by beating your drum over on the JFP blog... Over here you're gonna find that most folks backing either candidate subscribe to those things.

Anonymous said...

7:40 -- I go to church regularly and rely on my family for God, Babies, and Apple Pie -- I do not need it from you. "Cuttin the Budget" -- well, that's a political opinion which we can discuss. You might find that I'm more to the right of you than you think -- but what I am not is a supporter of a man who has no accomplishments or a plan.

Now -- REDIRECT -- McDaniel Plan and Accomplishments........we're waiting. I think most folks on this blog want FACTS not rhetoric or innuendoes. Attack me all you want -- still doesn't shift the discussion from FACTUAL MCDANIEL PLAN AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Anonymous said...

Speak up Kingfish. You earlier posted something from the city of D.C. referencing the fact that the government there had clearly reported the 'apartment' issue is illegal or at least that there is clear contradiction of what she and Cackrun report is factual and that if she did had a 'room to let' she would be required to have it permitted, but does not do so. Clearly, Thad's Shackin' and he's a Sugar Daddy.

Cackrun is not running against MacDaniuls. He's running agin' his-self! And he's hoping he can outrun the smoke afore the fire burns off his britches.

Anonymous said...


According to Free Republic and other media outlets, Thad Cochran's biggest supporter, Haley Barbour, is again revealing what matters most to him. Here's a hint. It's not Mississippi (or even Thad Cochran). It's Barbour's lobbying business.

Reports of illegal immigrants flooding across America's southern border are everywhere on the television. Just days ago pro-amnesty Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated. And now, with only one week before Senator Cochran's runoff with amnesty opponent Chris McDaniel, Barbour is in New York promoting amnesty for illegal immigrants. Here is an excerpt about Barbour's push:

On Monday, despite House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) shocking primary loss last week that was viewed as a referendum against amnesty legislation, former Mississippi Governor and lobbyist Haley Barbour said the House could still pass amnesty legislation this year.

"I don't think Eric's loss should have anything to do with it," Barbour said at the New York Meeting before pushing for a bill that would give a pathway to citizenship to "everybody who's here illegally" so long as they confess they are in America illegally, pay fines and back taxes, and are put on probation.

The full article is at:

Anonymous said...

I think there are a great many folks reading this blog 12:03 who would applaud your harpy departure.

Anonymous said...

12:46 - I'm sure you would -- but it doesn't take away from the burning questions that you seem to never answer - What's the McDaniel plan and what are his accomplishments?

Why always the personal attacks, and never a discussion of factual political platforms and differences?

Anonymous said...

11:53..."Wonder why she has not gone and registered an apartment at this address since this problem was first discovered nearly two months ago? Either there is an apartment that has not been registered and the law has been broken, or there is no apartment that requires registration. It is really as simple as that."

actually at this point i would bet that kay, thad and all the operatives are being represented by haley barbour's captive lawfirm is amazing what has happened to that lawfirm in so short a period of time--take the time to check out who all is in there now, the tail is wagging the dog

Anonymous said...

TO ALL: I will now stop asking about Mr. McDaniel's accomplishments. The Neshoba Democrat did an excellent FACTUAL, QUANTIFIABLE analysis and (SPOILER ALERT) it ain't pretty:

Now -- what's his PLAN for DC since we now know what he did for Mississippi?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS