Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba will talk about Jackson's water problems today.
Mr. Judin published another stellar piece in his series on Jackson's water system.
This should be a good one. Wonder if the EPA will come up.
A website of news, commentary, culture, & jackassery in the Jackson, Mississippi area.
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba will talk about Jackson's water problems today.
Mr. Judin published another stellar piece in his series on Jackson's water system.
This should be a good one. Wonder if the EPA will come up.
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And, that's all he'll do.
Here come the softball questions
Mr. Judin seems to lay most all of the blame on white flight and then the federal government's abandonment of the city. While those are certainly factors that have contributed, factors that likely got the ball rolling, that's not the whole story. There has been rampant mismanagement of the City as a whole, not just the water department, over the last several decades. It's not just on Mayor Lumumba. His predecessors and those voted to serve on the City Council over those decades deserve just as much blame as anyone.
Take the Siemens deal for instance. The City hired Siemens to install new water meters that would finally allow the City to actually collect payment for water usage. At that time, instead of blaming incompetent leadership and workforce, the City leaders blamed the equipment. However, the City didn't let Siemens install the new meters, they required that Siemens hire the City's "preferred" subs to do the install work. Then, the City tasked the same exact incompetent people who never bothered to send out any water bills in the first place with learning the new system. Wonder how that worked out? But, Siemens "settled", so the City leadership gets to tell the uninformed population that it was someone else's fault - just like they always do.
That's just a microcosm of the failures of the city leadership over the years. The motto is always, how can I use this to benefit myself and my friends instead of how can I benefit the City.
9:25 is today’s winner!
Put Stokes in this. Sell pay per view and help solve the problem. I would give $10 for a Stokes hat. Boo-Boo
I had no idea this MFP website even existed, but now I know where the real loonies hang out when they aren't on JFP. I'm sure this will be a challenging and deep-probing interview.
Let’s get the list of excuses ready. Which one will he choose?
1. Suburbs
2. Surrounding police forces chasing criminals back to Jackson
3. Gov Reeves
4. state government
5. Trump
6. federal govt
7. gun shows
8. previous mayors
9. administrative error
10. climate change
11. Perception of crime
I am confident that the media softball team will hold Chowke's feet to the fire. Yesssirrrrreeeee.
Question for extra credit: How many sentences did Baby Chowke utter that started with "but?"
I've read Nick Judin's articles on the water situation. He is clueless and he really doesn't want to know the truth. Because the truth doesn't fit his agenda. His article is so full of BS, half-truths, no-truths, lies, false blame, and stupidity that I struggled to make it through all 3 parts.
And I work in the water utility industry locally. We had water throughout the freeze.
10:48 AM
At first I thought the numbers was how many shots to take should the topic come up.
I think the Mississippi Free Press's website has been down most of the week. I guess the solar panels that power their computers are not generating enough electricity this week.
This is the same old trope that Donna Ladd always peddles. All problems eventually trace back to the white flight from Jackson in the 1970's and the Southern Strategy that Lee Atwater developed to help the Republican Party carry most of the Southern States in Presidential elections. Nevermind, the fact that Mr. Atwater has been dead for 30 years now. The JFP and MFP are incapable of objectively looking at any issue. They are a one trick pony.
I'm watching this discussion now. The only thing that I have learned is that Mayor Lumumba's preferred personal pronouns are he/him/his.
Using omission, Nick Judin misleads the uninformed, casual reader into concluding that all of Jackson's population losses are due to white flight. In other words, the race card.
To make this negative (and supposed) white flight effect appear large Judin/MFP further misleads by referencing indirectly, but without percentage specificity, to the overall population growth of the 'Jackson metropolitan area' but fails to reveal that the population estimate being used ('... to see the arrival of its 600,000th resident.') is for the Jackson MSA (metropolitan statistical area) which includes Copiah and Simpson counties.
Judin whiffed.
Young Judin fails to consider that the current attitude toward Jackson's water problems are formed by events which occurred after Ronald Regan's last day in office:
1. The crack boom of the late 80s and 90s, which saw unprecedented levels of crime, and spawned a gang culture that persists in Jackson to this day.
2. The "bill of goods" the people were sold in the form of the convention center, which made some people wealthy, and has been devouring resources ever since.
3. Two terms of Frank Melton.
4. The in-bred Seimen's deal, as discussed at 9:48 a.m.
5. Lumumba went national with his BS about the racist causes of Jackson's water crisis two months ago, only for KF to reveal the EPA order from a year ago, which Lumumba kept hidden until after the primary.
6. Three consecutive years of record numbers of per-capita homicides, coupled with the JPD "no chase" policy.
7. This list is by no means meant to be exhaustive.
The bottom line is that Jackson leadership has a hard-earned reputation for being dishonest, incapable, incompetent, negligent, and down-right crooked. That goes for elected and non-elected leadership. There is a well-deserved lack of trust, and reasonably expecting the benefit of the doubt is long-gone at this point.
"Any plan to expand the water utility’s customer base faces the same problem. 'We have Byram,' the public works director explained. 'We service water there, but there’s no other suburbs that I believe we could expand to. I think the only way that we could have that expansion would be to increase the population though housing.'”
Or, you could bill the customers you already have (like the state).
Melton only served one term, thank goodness.
The Mayor didn't withhold the order until after the primary.
I FOIA'ed MSDH and the city for the same thing. I do that some times, you know. MSDH got it back to me pretty quickly. The city got it back to me within 7 business days, more than acceptable. I'm the one who filed the request.
Now, the Mayor withheld notifying the Council or the public about it for a year until this website broke the story.
Sounds Like Nick and Little chok have decided clearly the problem is white people. If they stay they get in the way with their backwards and racist thinking if they leave they hurt the tax base. Okay
More extra credit.
How many times did Baby Chowke end a (rhetorical) statement with "right?"
That's an old left-wing/progressive ploy to get the sheeple/useful idiots to agree with you. This includes the lap dog "reporters." I think I saw him feed those same reporters some doggy treats at the end.
So if white flight was/is the problem, would they not cry foul if the white people started moving back in to Jackson, a process called gentrification?
The irony of the son of a Black separatist, blaming white flight for the city’s problems, is obviously lost on Mayor Lumumba.
Seriously. Think about it!
His Father advocated creating the Republic of New Africa in Mississippi by creating an African American ethnostate. While his son freely admits that they couldn’t maintain the infrastructure on their own because whites left with the tax base!
Donna Ladd knows nothing about water/sewer utilities. Nick Judin knows nothing about water/sewer utilities. And Mayor Lumumba knows nothing about water/sewer utilities. But they do all 3 share an agenda.
It's not about water/sewer. It never was about water/sewer. It's all about race and wanting free government money to spread around.
Nobody working for the city cares that folks didn't have water.
Well said at 12:38 and 1:42.
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