Sunday, September 27, 2015

Willie Huff's people know how to par-taaay

There are more photos:

Now if this vehicle belonged to the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, the employee would probably be safe as someone would say it wasn't fair to discipline him when everyone else does it. 

Sent from my BlackBerry Passport 


Anonymous said...

looks like somebody will be losing a job.....

Anonymous said...

Photo taken at Kangaroo Express, Hwy 6 & 15, Pontotoc, MS...right there on the way to Oooooooooooooooooooooole Miss football game. Just to be fair, same thing could and probably HAS happened enroute to MSU events. Questions floating up from inquiring minds:
(1) Was MDOT employee assigned to work this game? That would be "official use" of state vehicle (except for the suds).
(2) If "yes" to the above, is it permissible for family/friends to ride along? That pesky insurance liability thing in the event of accident and/or injury.
(3) What seemingly intelligent adult (old enough to purchase beer) would momentarily forget her/his intelligence long enough to be photo'd in a very public location stocking up on alcoholic beverages in a state-owned, plainly identified vehicle???
(4) IF this MDOT employee loses his/her job, "WAS IT WORTH IT????"

"Your tax dollars at work" rings sorta hollow in this scenario, doesn't it?

Complete absence of judgment...complete disregard for the damage to MDOT's image (yeah, I know...MDOT is not perfect, but it still has any number of dedicated employees who will suffer "collateral embarrassment" from this stupid act).

My...that was wordy. My apologies.

Bottoms Up said...

Who is Willie Huff and who are 'his people'? This makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

I think those goofy "Lets Go" elevator commercials the MDOT Commissioners did encourage loading up and going to the games.Does anybody go without an alcoholic beverage?

Anonymous said...

I learned from an IAB officer for the State of Mississippi that MDOT Enforcement is the most corrupt law Enforcement in the State of Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

still crazy to me why people ask questions when they can google by typing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Huff is over the enforcement arm of MDOT.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that would make this picture better would be taking it through a greasy screen with a bunch of trees in the way.

/apologies to My Cousin Vinny.

I can't tell anything about the picture other than it looks like two women with a case of corona, an ice chest, and a 4-door silver pickup truck that doesn't have any logo on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this is a simple misunderstanding. They were likely running a sophisticated undercover operation that regular taxpayin citizens aren't capable of understanding. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Anonymous said...

WJTV has article and more pictures.

Anonymous said...

KF. Do you have any scoop on the $18 million deficit that the State Board of Health has run up? Sounds like they are buying more than a few Coronas over there.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the state has to borrow two hundred million, to fix a FEW of its most dangerously dilapidated bridges...

(two hundred million doesn't go very far, when you're talking about bridges)

Anonymous said...

Willie Huff is a good man, but every organization has its share of dumbass people who feel entitled; make poor, and in this case illegal decisions. One solution for this is to PARK THE DAMN CARS...all of them! This would eliminate the possibility of this kind of crap happening. This person should be fired stupid can this person be?

Point of inquiry -- who drove the truck back, and did they consume any of that beer?

Anonymous said...

Investigate the photos, huh? How about just run the Fuelman transactions from that location on that day, the moron who is responsible for this truck probably bought fuel, match it with video surveillance, and BOOM! Smells like a fresh job vacancy!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. The woman standing in the rear door of the truck appears to be wearing green striped pants.

Avoiding The Scales ... said...

Will be interesting to see if the beer was on the same tab as the fuel. As an aside, lots of MDOT employees are making considerable overtime working football game detail on weekends. That's a significant expense. There was a whole caravan (twelve or more) of MDOT vehicles at the last USM game in Hattiesburg. All large SUVs. No pissy little trucks like this one.

Who Is Willie Huff said...

Hey dumbass at 8:21; I Googled 'who is Willie Huff' and this is what I got. Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish should file a public records request for the "Fuelman" bill for this vehicle. I use a Fuelman card for my business and you would be surprised what other than gas you can put on your Fuelman card.

Anonymous said...

Someone other than a state employee is not supposed to ride in state owned vehicles, although I'm sure there are some exceptions like being under arrest.
My guess is that the individual took the MDOT vehicle to get out of that long pesky walk or riding a shuttle bus in Oxford or get out of having to pay the high-dollar parking fee for on-campus parking. So that's an abuse of power.
I parked in the Oxford Mall parking lot and I don't recall seeing any law enforcement vehicles parked there so I'm betting the driver of this one was a little closer to the activities.
There are many reasons someone should be fired. Violating the law, embezzlement of state funds (the gas and vehicle being used for personal use), or how about just simply being the biggest dumbass you ever possibly be.

Anonymous said...

MDOT should institute a policy for its employees on duty to purchase Mississippi-brewed beer when available, and US-brewed beer otherwise. Lucky Town et al. should be incensed!

Anonymous said...

They bought an assorted mix of soft drinks,gatorade,juices,ect,and carried it out to the truck in an empty Corona box the clerk had not discarded yet.I see no actual Corona beer bottles in this picture. IF they had bought 4 cases of beer and no one saw them consume any alcohol,were they drinking or is this just an assumption.

Anonymous said...

8:32 I agree.

It wasn't until I saw the local news last night on TV that this made sense.

Anonymous said...

1. You can 't buy beer or any other non vehicle items with a state issued Fuelman Card. (Lets end the conspiracy theories now)

2. I've never seen an insurance policy that didn't allow others to ride in a vehicle. So calm down on the liability exposure. (Isn't the state self insured anyway?)

3. If they guy was working who cares who he gave a lift to, as long as he wasn't drinking himself.

That's the problem with these types of posts, only photos without any context or information. "Gotcha Journalism" Stick with the things that actually matter.

Anonymous said...

@9:23 - The State of MS DFA Fleet management policy is for no persons other than state employees on official business to ride in state owned vehicles.

I would love for the state to chip-in on my fuel costs to Oxford on game-day weekends.

Anonymous said...

@9:23, let me sort some things out for you, obviously you had a great weekend and are still recovering...

1. The mention of the Fuelman card was probably just to identify the person who is issued the state-owned vehicle (notice it was parked next to the fuel pump).

2. The state is self-insured, meaning that you, me and all of the taxpayers would have to pay on a claim made against this moron if he or she were to get into a collision.

3. Just for the record, you're good with a state employee carting his drunk friends around and asking you to pay the freight?

This is not "gotcha" journalism - this is an exercise in holding those whose salaries and activities we fund, and tacitly approve of, accountable. How about the next time I want to take a road trip, I'll call you, load up my friends in YOUR car, take YOUR credit card to pay for the fuel and MAYBE bring the car back to you in the same condition...


Anonymous said...

Note to the Gentle Reader who commented at 9:23 AM, September 28:

I posted to comment about insurance. My point was that MANY insurance carriers exercise the right to refuse benefits to injured vehicle occupants if those occupants were not officially authorized to ride and/or if those occupants did not have a necessary business reason for being in the vehicle.

Also, check the comment at 9:55 AM which clearly addresses your "I've never seen..." point of view.

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Why are cops "always" speeding. How often do they pass you while you are obeying the speed limit? I understand their speeding IF THEIR Flashing lights are on.

Anonymous said...

9:23 definitely uses his state vehicle for personal stuff. For those of us who work in private sector, there is no reason for that to happen. Ever. They clearly think that their public role provides personal perks...

Kingfish said...

Then there is our Homeland Security Director. He likes to move his daughter into Ole Miss using his state vehicle.

Anonymous said...

KF - yeah, but he's a trooper so by the rules established by DPS, everybody is doing it so it can't/won't be punished. I bet that's not all he likes to do in his purchased-with-federal-funds, state-owned "response" vehicle.

I bet he doesn't even have his own car - pathetic...

Anonymous said...

Call the state auditor. Wait.....did not he do the same thing?

Hang 'Em High said...

I think I'm remember correctly that some years back, before municipalities and state departments were required to mark their vehicles, there were photos taken of county vehicles parked at either Danny's or one of the other 'Ballroom Dance Studios'. It created a lot of attention, an investigation ensued and heads rolled.

Following that, I think I recall correctly, the legislature required marking such vehicles in a color that contrasted with the vehicle's paint job, either on the trunk or rocker panel, or doors, clearly and plainly visible to the public and others. Anyway, that's the law across this state now.

There's a reason these vehicles are marked and it's not for re-election purposes. It's to keep folks honest. And if they're NOT honest, we need to call their asses to task. Whether they're on vacation, at the local pubic club or attending a ball game.

Anonymous said...

Is this true?

There are no open container laws in Mississippi-- you can drink and drive so long as you are under the limit?

I've heard this. I want to know if it is true or not.

Anonymous said...

3:05 - what's your point? One could infer that you have no problem with the operator of a marked law enforcement vehicle having an open container of an alcoholic beverage as long as his/her BAC is under the legal limit?

What if they happen upon a situation where they are required, and/or expected to use force or assist another officer? I suppose it's my silly assumption that if you're driving the government vehicle, you're on the clock, and it follows that you're not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. Quit making excuses for idiotic, entitled behavior - as for the homeland security director, what would've happened if he would've wrecked the government car on his way to/from Ole Miss, or if it was broken in to, or...?

If you don't do stupid things, you'll never have to explain them.

Anonymous said...

@3:48 - I don't think anybody ever accused the current homeland security director of being anything but stupid, ever.

Anonymous said...

Why do they need to be at a ball game, and what are their duties, while they are there?

Anonymous said...

HB1015 died in March but would have moved the MDOT enforcement division into DPS. This would not have been a problem if that bill didnt die because you see DPS doesnt let women drive enforcement vehicles.

Anonymous said...

HB1015 would have made good sense - adding an additional 200 enforcement personnel would solve many coverage problems for MHP and at the same time eliminate redundant organizational hierarchy. But I suppose the troopers got their feelings hurt, so the taxpayers suffer...

MDOT should be more concerned with building roads and bridges and less concerned with what traverses them.

Hold My Beer... said...

3:05; Yes, there are open container laws in this state (for vehicles in motion). There's one on the Natchez Trace (a federal violation), there's one for state highways and interstates and each municipality has the option of having one.....most do. It's also illegal for commercial vehicles to have alcohol containers in them whether open or not, empty or not. What's your point in asking?

Anonymous said...

What is most concerning here is these ladies are really underdressed if they are heading to the grove.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S funny!

Hoo Nose said...

While I've seen a ton of MDOT vehicles rolling around before college ball games, I have never seen an MDOT employee on duty directing traffic or performing any official function. Perhaps they are sliding barricades around or hanging those 'do not enter' strings with red ribbons attached to them. Not sure. Again, I've never seen them other than driving around prior to the games.

Maybe they're cruising the tailgating venue. Who knows.

And speaking of ball games. After Southern Miss ball games, there are more blue lights than there are stopped-up commodes in the stadium. Yet not a damned one of the officers is assisting the movement of traffic. It takes forty minutes to an hour to get out of Hattiesburg, yet the flashing blues are blinding.

Anonymous said...

Bet yall a dollar or a cold beer that not one thing happens to the person this truck is assigned to.

Anonymous said...

It's illegal to even have a empty beer can or liquor bottle on an 18 wheeler. Yet THESE clowns are loading up the portable scale truck that pulls you over, makes you roll up on their scales, and dare not ask them to see the calibration/test report or they will slap the cuffs on you. Did it to me. Those F150's carry one officer and a set of scales and they call in a back up most of the time just for that reason. I wonder which one of those females were the actual employee or if their husband/boyfriend lets them go along for the ride. Boy, do we live in a screwed up, corrupt, backward ass place. State employees like these (if these women are actually stat employees) make the good ones look bad.

But I've got to say, those gals fill their jeans out right, don't they?

Anonymous said...

3:06 "employee"? In those green and white striped pants?!? Doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I dont see any green and white pants only jeans and a dress

Anonymous said...

top and bottom photos above - green and white horizontal striped pants on one woman. See your ophthalmologist.

Anonymous said...

Look at pics #4,5,6. Jeans with bling on back pockets. No stripes.

Anonymous said...

@KF and @3:48. Why does the Homeland Security Director get to take his family to all the Ole Miss ballgames, football and baseball in his DPS ride? Also why does the Director and some of his employees get sideline box seats at the ballgame. Maybe someone needs to check who provided those box seats to him and his family and also to some of his employees. Look on their Facebook page for proof. I believe all of this is against DPS policy and also against the law.

Anonymous said...

11:31 - Quid Pro Quo for sponsorship, or part of a sponsorship or ad program. Your homeland security dollars at work (or not). Mr. ego wants to look like a bigshot at his alma mater, what a loser...

Anonymous said...

@11:31 He takes his family to Ole Miss games because he buys season tickets, as well as pays for his spot in the Grove. He was also told to always be in his vehicle, because if an emergency happens he will be able to leave immediately.

Anonymous said...

@11:31 He takes his family to Ole Miss games because he buys season tickets, as well as pays for his spot in the Grove. He was also told to always be in his vehicle, because if an emergency happens he will be able to leave immediately.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS