Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Mardis Pleads Guilty (Updated)

 Todd Mardis plead guilty to aggravated domestic violence just now in Rankin County Circuit Court.  

Todd Mardis pleads guilty, flanked by attorney

 Flowood police arrested Mardis for aggravated domestic violence on October 7, 2022 after he allegedly beat his wife on October 4. Mrs. Mardis suffered a lacerated liver, fractured wrist, fractured cheekbone, fractured ankle, two broken ribs,  strangulation marks, widespread bruising, and patches of hair torn completely from her scalp.  A home security camera showed him dragging an unconscious Kim Mardis by her hair across the driveway and through the flower beds into the home. He did not take her to the hospital that night but instead flew to Tampa with another woman the next morning. He was arrested at the Jackson airport when he returned.  

The District Attorney as well as law enforcement sources said it was the worst domestic violence case they had ever seen. 

Rankin County Court Judge David Morrow set his bond at $750,000  and issued a no-contact order between Todd Mardis and his wife. Judge Morrow revoked the his bond in April after Mardis violated the no-contact order.  A Madison County deputy testified he saw the couple dining together at a Flora restaurant.  Recorded phone calls at the Rankin County jail showed Mardis passing messages to his wife through their daughter.  

Todd's attorney, John Collette filed motions to suppress various videos as well as a motion to change venue on October 13.  The lawyer claimed this website created so much publicity about the case that it damaged his ability to have a fair trial in Rankin County. 

Circut Judge Steve Ratcliff held a hearing this afternoon on the various motions. The prosecution and defense took turns trying to wring every bit of testimony they could out of the witnesses.  The hearing plodded along for  2 1/2 hours until the lawyers huddled together at the bench. The Court had not ruled on any of the motions when the conference began. 

Judge Ratcliff conferred with the lawyers for quite some time before leaving the courtroom for over a half hour.  Collette and his client went to a private room to discuss their options.  Judge Ratcliff returned to the bench at 5:15.  


The witnesses, even those still sequestered, entered the courtroom as well.  Something was afoot. Without a word, Jason Todd Mardis and John Collette went to the podium and stood before Judge Ratcliff.  What was a hearing to set the terms of the battlefield next week suddenly turned into a silent but quick surrender as Mardis told the Court he wished to plead guilty to the charge of aggravated domestic violence.

Assistant District Attorney Mary Jane Lemon explained the elements of the crime and what took place that night of rage of October 4, 2022.   Judge Ratcliff asked the defendant if he understood the consequences of his decision.  Mardis said "yes." 

 Judge Ratcliff said he will sentence Mardis at the next term.  The next term begins in January.  Mardis faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.  However, the crime is of the "50%" variety.  Thus the most time he will serve in prison is probably ten years. 

As his family watched, Todd Mardis walked away as a deputy took him back to jail.   

Mardis enters the courtroom. 

Flowood Police Officer Conner Brennan testifies

Mardis & Collette associate watch proceedings.

Collette argues his case before Judge Ratcliff.

Lawyers huddle at bench

Mardis leaves courtroom

Mardis goes back to jail.


Anonymous said...

I smell a sweet heart deal. Probation, anger management, court costs.

Anonymous said...

In the face of overwhelming evidence, this is a typical plea.

What will the window-peepers on this blog do now for intertainment?

Anonymous said...

He must have lost the motions to suppress the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Mardis is a bigger man than any of your limp dick cucks. He made a mistake and his wife, his family, and his God, have all forgiven him. He will pay his debts and remain a successful multimillionaire while most of you are worth less than a million.

You did the right thing Chief.

Anonymous said...

@5:53 You're a bigger loser than Mardis is himself. Time will tell when he beats her again & trust me he will. A snake may shed his skin but he's still a snake.

Anonymous said...

Is aggravated domestic violence a felony?

Anonymous said...

@5:43 PM - We will struggle along carrying the spelling police torch. "intertainment." Hint: Entertainment

Anonymous said...

So he was charged with aggravated domestic violence? And that’s what he pled to? 3 1/2 hours? Collette read the room and knew it wasn’t going well and he took what he could get. Where he will try to earn his money will be at the sentencing phase where he puts on all the character witnesses in support of his client.

Anonymous said...


A mistake is forgetting to pay your light bill, leaving the light on in the bathroom, running out of gas, etc.

Beating the shit out of your wife is a felony.

Big difference.

Anonymous said...

I see at 5:53 pm one of Todd's trolls is back. How pathetic ! Made a mistake. Not the first, won't be the last, he almost killed his wife, left her for dead so he could go out of town and party for 3 days with a "friend" and he is the bigger man ? IF he was the bigger man, he should have plead guilty when he first go arrested, apologized to his wife, family and friends for what he did, asked for forgiveness and took the sentence like a real man. Instead, he said it was her fault, not his, placed blamed elsewhere, denied it, made her lie, and never manned up. Now that he finally does plea guilty, as the evidence is overwhelming, and you are proud of him ? Also being a millionaire does not exempt your behavior either.. You need help just like him. Good luck with that Chief.

Anonymous said...

Any plea deal has to include that Todd be forever disallowed from using steroids or related substances. Mandatory unannounced blood tests.

Anonymous said...

@5:53pm. For F&$k’s sake. Todd is not a multimillionaire and never has been. He’s a narcissist that has guys like you kissing his ring. You’re the cuck. He’s going to serve hard time and Kim is going to move on down the road.

Anonymous said...

If you knew his dad and his family you would have mercy and not spend so much time hating something that doesn’t involve you. Spend this time at a soup kitchen or other charity work that gives back to society. Let’s see what you choose to do. Or how much time you spend hating on my comment. Or just go back and watch the housewives of…. Whatever county And get entertainment from the same thing you pretend to disdain.

Anonymous said...

5:53. Thanks for making the rest of us feel like wimps! When did you stop beating your wife?

Anonymous said...

5:53 Chief
Did the lady that flew with him the next day forgive him as well! This man has way too many skeletons in his closet not to plea! Ole jail cell made him think a little!

Anonymous said...

@5:53 You must be the official Todd Mardis boot licker. I guess you condone beating a woman senseless and broken that had to spend multiple days in the hospital ? I know he's a multimillionaire but what will he be after he serves time ? A felon !!!

Anonymous said...

Penalty for Domestic Violence in Mississippi
If convicted of aggravated domestic violence, the individual will be imprisoned in the custody of the Department for Corrections for a minimum of two (2) years and a maximum of twenty (20) years. He will get 10!!

Anonymous said...

If he’s pleading this late in the game then it’s an open plea, and Ratcliff isn’t bound to any plea agreement. DA can suggest a sentence, but he’s not bound by anything.

Anonymous said...

Todd got back to his cell! Todd himself!

Anonymous said...

Funny how Todd still triggers the beta cucks 🤣
Here’s the ultimate burn: Todd lives rent free in your minds but he will never even think about you absolute nobodies.

Anonymous said...

Who now is responsible for Collettes legal fees? His client is incarcerated for the foreseeable future. Will he collect and from whom?

Anonymous said...

Only head Todd got into was his wife’s with his fist! Hopefully his wife will recover mentally and physically!
Maybe you can be his cell mate one day! Stay on the Roids!

Anonymous said...

@6:25,, you may know, her family and friends, but you don't really know them. That is why you're posting anonymously. You wouldn't dare say that bullshit, out loud to them. I 100% guarantee you that. As for Todd's family, as the old say goes, "You can't chose your family."

Anonymous said...

Mardis may have to sell his newly purchased land, near Kearny Park. It’s crappy land, but nonetheless in Madison County.

Anonymous said...

Will Todd stay in rankin county jail or will he go to the Delta?

Anonymous said...

@7:37 Colette charges up front. No pay later. I know this first hand.

Anonymous said...

Living up to his name sake.

John “Bleed them and plead them” Colette

Anonymous said...

To 8:04, just stop that garbage.

Lots of us (including me) grew up with garbage families. Somehow most of us have overcome it without making 99% of the people we’ve ever encountered hate us, punching out randoms, running fraudulent scam businesses for a living, or nearly beating our wives to death.

Have heard the same thing as a justification of Paul Lacoste stealing seven figures in welfare funds “because of how he grew up.”

Guess it’s a not just a ghetto thing to blame your felonies on having a sub-par daddy, it’s a Prep thing, too!

Anonymous said...

Todd will get anger management counseling, marriage counseling, time served, community service, and some type of halfway house or county jail (and at most) for two years. His wife and children, all grown successful folks, will forgive him and ask the judge for leniency. In this situation, that sentence is about. He's over 50 and has no record as a habitual offender, she is not some 20-year-old girl, she is a successful businesswoman and if she wants to forgive him, that's her choice. As far as we know he has no other criminal record of any kind.

Anonymous said...

If Todd Mardis was "somebody" he wouldn't have done this. This would have never happened.

Anonymous said...

Flew the white flag of "I am f^cked"?

Anonymous said...

I honestly don’t see how lawyers that take cases like this can sleep at night. I guess people will do anything for money.

Anonymous said...

I may never have as much money as this dirt bag but I will die knowing that I never laid a hand on my wife. And I rest my head on my own pillow next to my wife every night not giving two sh!ts about this loser.

Mrs. Eastover said...

Rankin country trash...

Tacky Tacky Tacky...

Jose Canseco said...

5:53, you may want to try a lower dose of your steroids.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that "Chief's" comments are very similar to comments of his close family friend, TH. TH's name was suppressed from court documents but is a known fact that he and his beautiful wife ate with Todd & Kim the nifht of the incident.
So sad that Kim has forgiven Todd. I imagine she will remain with him until the end. His narcissistic self has drilled into her that, and she made him do it. If she hadn't acted the way she did, he wouldn't have done it!

Anonymous said...

You TM defenders sound like you miss sniffing his jock strap. I suggest you go pay him a conjugal visit.

Anonymous said...

You TM defenders sound like you miss sniffing his jock strap. I suggest you go pay him a conjugal visit.

Anonymous said...

(Paul Lacoste stealing seven figures in welfare funds “because of how he grew up.”)

Well 8:24, I don't recall any charges against Lacoste for beating up his wife, and lacerating her liver.

Anonymous said...

No steroids, no tanning bed, no hair color….he is adjusting to a new lifestyle he ask for! His family will be fine and realize life goes on. KM is a beautiful lady hopefully she will look in the mirror one day and know she can do better! For his kids, learn from your fathers choices. May God Bless the Mardis family and Todd!

Anonymous said...

This trial was going south faster than goose shit. Witnesses were so bad for the defense that the judge had to halt proceedings to basically say WTF? (That’s legal jargon for your witness isn’t helping you)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your interest in Capital Preservation Services. We are currently overhauling our website and look forward to being back online soon.

Anonymous said...

Any time he gets he can lift weights on the yard to his heart's content.

He can build muscle the old fashioned way, EARN IT!

Anonymous said...

Somebody has to say it:

Anybody who uses the term "beta cuck" is a complete tool.

Anonymous said...

"I smell a sweet heart deal. Probation, anger management, court costs."

I see you don't know Judge Ratcliff very well.

Anonymous said...

Will he be eligible for the prison cosmetology school

Kingfish said...

Yup. His brother was somewhat belligerent on the stand. JC wasn't able to really do anything with the the two Flowood cops.

Anonymous said...

King were there other witnesses besides family! Was TH at the hearing? From what I understand he has nothing but his family that he has brainwashed supporting him? Did he wife take the stand or his kids??

JC was fighting a losing battle!!!

Kingfish said...

Just the cops and brother testified. Kids and wife were on deck as was shivers. All sequestered.

Anonymous said...

Ole Todd looks a bit deflated, literally and figuratively, in those courtroom photos. I guess that's from being off the roids for most of the year. I don't know the dude, nor do I care to. Looks like he has been humbled by his own actions. Hopefully, he will serve at least 10 years, and if he does, most of us will all but forgotten his sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

The Romans had the Coliseum and this is all we get?

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true Betamax

Anonymous said...

A very sad affair. Glad that TM plead guilty. Hope he does maximum time but realistically probably 10 years. The saddest part is that KM & TM have taught their daughters that it is okay for a man to abuse them and the son, that it is okay to abuse women. The hope is that they can have a free nonviolent life now. So disappointed in TH-thought he was a better man than that.

Anonymous said...

Such a pathetic little man. Bury him under the jail. Hopefully his kids learned what a joke he is and reject everything he stood for and don’t end up in jail themselves. The wife seems like a lost cause, probably had to kill a lot of brain cells to put up with that monster day in and day out, it doesn’t seem like there’s much left of her. Big win for the women of our state, there some less potential threat to them for a few years.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Mardis almost looks like a normal human being after a few months without access to tanning beds, hair gel, and testosterone/steroids. Either way, an abuser of women.

Anonymous said...

8:23 looks defeated

Todd looks scared and stressed. Doesn’t look like the same person. He has gone from a person that did whatever he wanted and whenever he wanted to anyone he wanted. He will be in a system now that doesn’t give a shit what he wants and be told what to do! His family is more relieved than ever, the Mardis home is no longer a concentration camp! Roles are reversed! Kim take your family and enjoy your life!

Anonymous said...

@5:53 pm, I'm sure you are a big, tough man. Do you beat your wife often? You can just answer yes or no.

Anonymous said...

I hope I am wrong, but I predict he is out in no time, back at home with his adoring, clueless wife and running another shady business that his cuck-gym-fan-boys will invest every dime they have to impress their lord and savior TM.

Its hard for us sane people to understand it but he is a modern day Jim Jones to his wife and steroid pals.

And they will gladly drink the Kool Aid for life.

Anonymous said...

Todd has done his time, let him out! There is no victim here other than himself. He must live with what he did and he will hurt for the rest of his life.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to help?

This entire event is unfortunate, and I pray daily for healing for all those involved.

November 9th, the Country Club of Jackson will host the 43rd annual Squat and Gobble event. For more than 15 years, all of the proceeds from this event have gone to the domestic violence shelters in Hines and Rankin County, as well as the Tower, which helps victims of human trafficking. Please help some good come from all of this.

You can visit www.friendsforacause.net for details and tickets.

Thank You Kingfish and Thanks to all the legislators who passed the bill that allowed this case to move forward without the support of the victim. Trauma Bonding, Stockholm syndrome, or whatever you want to call it, is a slow and difficult recovery process.

Anonymous said...

It appears he still has access to his hair dye. I thought this was forbidden while incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

I understand the emotions that go along with the fact that he nearly beat his wife to death. But, there is a bigger picture here. This guy has been running around beating people up his whole life. At 30 years old, 40 years old, and 50 years old, somehow it was important to him to be a person who extracts his will and wrath by physical violence. To anyone who has spent more than a couple of years knowing the guy, that he beat up his wife is no shocker. What is shocking is that the people in his life somehow justified his behavior and gave him a pass. This guy is a danger to society. And he needs to be removed therefrom for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

9:40 he has served his time…

Do you have a daughter or sister? If this was done to them please let us know what the sentence should be! If it was my daughter or sister I would be the one in jail and TM would definitely be forgotten!

Anonymous said...

Dandy Don could recap this one just like he did for us all on
Monday Night Football for so many years -

Turn Out The Light The Party’s Over

RIP Don Meredith

Anonymous said...

@9:24 I don't think you'll find TH out there making excuses for Mardis. It is a massive leap from morally questionable behavior between consenting adults at a dinner to beating a woman nearly to death. From Kingfish's previous post, TH clearly helped the police the next day in gathering information. Again, huge leap from a couple of bro's having fun that went too far at the dinner to an almost murder. If TH is out there making excuses for this beating, I apologize, but that's not the TH I know.

Anonymous said...

He will have to serve some time - the amount of time is the question. He will get credit for the time he has been in jail, but he will have to serve. The injuries were too serious for the Judge not to sentence him to actually serve time.

Remember, this is Rankin County and NOT Hinds County.

Anonymous said...

What are all of you white knight wannabes so concerned about HIS WIFE who clearly wants him back home?

Anonymous said...

People, he's not getting close to 10 years. Two years at most in a county jail and/or halfway house. You guys are letting your hatred of an unlikeable, arrogant jerk cloud your judgement and are not considering the facts/circumstances in this case. This is a terrible, violent crime, but folks have served less time for manslaughter. In addition to the assault the Judge has to consider this:

1. Wife (victim) has been married to him over 25 years and doesn't want him prosecuted
2. Family will ask for leniency
3. TM is over 50 and no history of criminal charges
4. TM is a productive tax/payer member of society
5. Absolutely no indication anything like this has happening before
6. Sloppy police work

Two years, probation, counseling and community service is appropriate in this case.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW TH….. so he and Mardis exchanged nude pictures of their wives at the dinner table…. Then KM ran her foot up her husband’s best friend’s leg…. Then TM got mad ????? This whole ordeal is sickening. Meanwhile we all show up at the big church on Sundays and put on our worship face. All of these involved have ruined their lives…. Their reputation is gone…. Wow …. No one will EVER look at them the same… that goes for TH and his wife

Anonymous said...

@9:57 AM just curious-TM and TH both have married daughters. If their son-in-law exchanged nude photos of their daughter with a male friend, would "a couple of bro's having fun that went too far at the dinner" also apply? I agree with @8:46 AM "So disappointed in TH-thought he was a better man than that"
On the flip side, no one that has had interactions with TM thought he was better than he is.

I pray TM does not end up killing KM whenever he is released.

Anonymous said...

Don't know TM personally but I tend to see 11:30's point.
If the wife does not want him prosecuted, then so be it.

I don't want to pay to house the jackass. I don't think he poses a specific threat to the general public. Just the idiots that choose to be in his life.

They are adults. Let them choose. Let him serve a couple of years then let his wife die at his hands if she wants to. None of my business.

Anonymous said...

This situation came with a c-hair of involving the coroner and you people are discussing 2 years or 10, probation or half-way and moaning about 'the family wants him home'.

Anonymous said...


The delta boy is going back to the delta. He will be picking green okra in the fields! 10 years.

Kingfish said...

This is some of the cross of the brother from my notes. Not edited or cleaned up so you'll have to figure it out. Scott Rogillo handled the cross.

Did you have any reasons to disbelieve the allegations? No. You wanted to cooperate with the police. No. ...

You didn’t care if the police got the video or not? Is that a question? I don’t know how to answer that. It doesn’t matter what I care or what I thought. Objection. Overruled. Did you care or not whether the police got the video? Yeah. Did you want them to have the video? I don’t know how to answer that. I was there for my nephew. I don’t remember my mindset of whether I wanted them to have the video or not.

Morgan sat rigidly as his eyes bored in on Rogillo during the cross examination. His tone was defiant, almost belligerent.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 11:30 AM, your judgement is shit. The judge, also, needs to consider that this low life bastard not only beat the mother of his children, the way he did, but left town with another woman. Thus, proving he had callous disregard for her well-being after the beating.

If this judge has the same as shit decision as you, he should be run out of town on a rail. For he has failed, as a judge, to consider the well-being of the wife.

This bastard needs to sit, to see who, and what, he is, while giving the mother, and her children, time to recover from the trauma of this bastards' terrorism.

The depth of ignorance required to think that this is the first time he has assaulted this woman, is deeper than the Mariana trench.

Anonymous said...

It's past time for him to to start turning his life around!

Kingfish said...

So if he does the same thing to a stranger, he gets 8-10 years. Definitely longer than what you suggested for him. But if it’s a wife and she “forgives” him, never mind he has control of everything, then he should get off the hook. Husband privilege?

Anonymous said...

"So if he does the same thing to a stranger, he gets 8-10 years. Definitely longer than what you suggested for him. But if it’s a wife and she “forgives” him, never mind he has control of everything, then he should get off the hook. Husband privilege?

October 25, 2023 at 1:13 PM"

He didn't get charged with attempted murder. If two adults get in a fight and one is severely injured, but not close to death or in a coma, etc., and the victim goes to the DA and says, "I forgive him and I don't want charges pressed," I'm assuming the judge/DA would take that into consideration and would not impose an 8-10 year sentence. Especially it the perpetrator was in his 50s with no criminal history. Two years is probably right in this case.

Anonymous said...

October 24, 2023 at 5:36 PM May want to get that smeller checked. The prosecutors didn't make a deal on this. Sentencing is up to the judge.

Anonymous said...

#1, had the wife or anyone else fatally shot him during the attack, I imagine it would have been ruled justifiable.

#2, $10k is a JOKE.

Anonymous said...


No person has a history of breaking law until they are caught the first time
Video has made this case or DA would not have much to prosecute with
Sloppy police work? Anyone ever questioned why an off duty deputy was eating at same restaurant and recognized TM? Setup?
Wife plays footsie with guy you sent a nudie and you beat her ass? I know she is just waiting for you to get out and all will be ok as she is true to your vows
2yrs=730 nights in a cell
5 yrs=1825 with Bubba

Someone tells you when to get up, when you can shower, when to eat and the list goes on.

Toddie boy is screwed

Anonymous said...


Is the sentencing open to the public, if so can you share the date? The court room needs to be packed to hold the judge and the guilty accountable!

Anonymous said...

Morgan sat rigidly as his eyes bored in on Rogillo during the cross examination. His tone was defiant, almost belligerent.

The Mardis family intimidation? Well that shit is over with! Morgan how many daughters do you have….they will me married one day!!

Anonymous said...

King- what did his brother testify towards/for?

Kingfish said...

Defense witness on motion to throw out home security camera video.

Shivers was a prosecution witness. Logan contacted him, told him about what happened. Shivers friend of parents. Well, any thought of home cooking disappeared because when Shivers got to the hospital and learned what happened, he soon called Flowood PD. Flowood PD sent detective to hospital and another one to house. In other words, law enforcement did its job when notified nearly two days later.

Anonymous said...

Judge Ratliff is an elected official.

I don't think he wants to irritate his female voter base by letting a wife beater off the hook.

My bet is 10 years with 5 suspended plus time served, or something close. He'll play his cards right in prison and DOC will let him out in 2-3 years with probation for another 5 years.

I'd give him 20 with 5 suspended and the Todd Martis problem would not be in my courtroom ever again.

Anonymous said...

He was out of town with a lawyer he hired based on her looks at the local gym. There is more to this story.

Anonymous said...

OJ Simpson?

Anonymous said...

With the crap that Shivers has been thru it’s nice to know he didn’t let Mardis’s friendship interfere with his police work!

Todd wasnt so arrogant and stayed home instead of leaving with a female friend for a few days this might have been swept under the rug. Hence why he needs to serve a lot of time.

Anonymous said...

"My bet is 10 years with 5 suspended plus time served, or something close. He'll play his cards right in prison and DOC will let him out in 2-3 years with probation for another 5 years."

This is my guess, except I don't think his two years will be in the big house.

Anonymous said...

" In other words, law enforcement did its job when notified nearly two days later. "

This is the first time I have heard this detail. Why did it take two days? As an ER/ICU physician I have treated patients admitted under similar circumstances and the police were involved immediately.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anyone else disliked more than the Mardis guy. He needs to write a book on the down side of being the most disliked man in his home county.

Anonymous said...

Mardis goes to War - Kingfish

I fought the law and the law won - Mardis

Kingfish great reporting throughout this case for a cause that needs attention, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!

Anonymous said...

If two friends were in a car accident due to reckless driving with the passenger dying and the family of the victim forgave the driver and asked the Judge for leniency, the judge would consider that. Similar situation here. The wishes of victims (or their families) are often taken into account.

Kingfish said...

Uh huh. I can just imagine what some would be saying if a black dude about 20 beat up a white woman that badly. Yall would be yapping about culcha, thugs, and throwing the book at him.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 1:27 PM, are you the same poster as at October 25, 2023 at 11:30 AM, if not, you have a shit opinion, also.

Anonymous said...

The judge sentences him to a DOC facility, he will learn how to carry an ass whipping. That's a guarantee.

Anonymous said...

You are comparing bricks to bananas!

His family is scared of him, they have no other choice!!

Anonymous said...

It appears Todd's luck has run out. As for all involved I hate it for Kim and her family. Don't know Todd's family so can't speak on them but I am sure the parents are disappointed in all this. As for (TH) and (MH) they should be ashamed this went that far and became public as the public will even look at them with shame. Sad for all involved


Anonymous said...

I hope this is the end of Mardis' tax reduction scheme promotion business.

Anonymous said...

He won't be able to stay out of trouble in prison. He'll pick a fight with someone who will fight back and won't know how to handle the constant ass beatings. Might help him learn some human emotions, but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

My earlier comment this morning didn’t somehow get posted although I was not inflammatory in any way. Is this going to end up like the Clarke person in Waynesboro a few years ago who had his mommas maid bringing him 3 meals a day to the jail in Wayne County? He beat that woman near death then escaped to Destin…you know…30A ( I just had to add that y’all). Will his family be able to send him food and any other needs? Bernie didn’t get that and he didn’t kill anyone or attempt to kill anyone.

Kingfish said...

Well, Hall is no longer Commish. It didn't help the victim's cousin was a Senate Committee Chairman who got the Corrections Chair to raise hell with Hall. Pulled him out of the Wayne County jail and stuck him back in MDOC facility.

He was sentenced under the pre HB 585 law, which allowed parole for 25% served. It is now 50% for that crime.

Anonymous said...

I admit I am not a big fan of this place, but will applaud Kingfish in his criticism of this guy. Likely, alot of regulars are friends or associates of this criminal, but Kingfish is calling him out. Good on you, Sir.

Anonymous said...

@5:36. You could get 3 meals a day from a Michelin restaurant and you are still in prison. I’d eat bread and water for the rest of my life if I did not have to work with Bubba at night. Todd is scared.

Anonymous said...

He’ll be like the guy in Shawshank Prison. Teaching the guards how to not pay taxes and doing their personal bookkeeping. For a couple of beers here and there. Does the Sheriff need a silent book keeper?

Anonymous said...

KF at 4:07(1): You are absolutely correct.

That is exactly what the vast majority of us are doing regarding this guy. But instead of street culture, we're calling out a woman-beating thug from the steroid/alcohol/sleazy-business/pretend-rich/arrogant-dick culture.

I say vast majority because those commenting in support of him seem to be either a troll (the "cucK" guy) or 1-22 highly-motivated individual(s), most likely his mother and brother.

Anonymous said...

This is a shocking crime but perhaps more shocking are the comments from the sympathizers and defenders.

There were comments defending the woman Todd ran off with while his wife was abandoned and fighting to survive at home. I'm sure she didn't know that, but she does proudly proclaim herself as the 'outside counsel' for Todd's shady company that clearly NEEDS defense counsel. She. Chose. Him.

Other comments defend "TH" who is apparently Todd's best friend. TH is a person who willingly associates with a man that shows nude photos of his wife in a public setting. In fact, he doesn't just 'associate' with such a person... he proclaims him "BEST" friend!

Choices have consequences, so choose wisely.

I hope Todd serves hard time (in EVERY sense), and when he gets out, I hope he finds a woman who knows how to handle a rabid dog... and a human who acts like one.

I'm a woman, and I vote. I'll be watching to see how the judge handles this sentencing.

Anonymous said...


" Broken bones, torn-out hair, and a lacerated liver are just some of the savagery Mardis allegedly unleashed upon his wife the night of October 4. Justice may indeed be served one day but it won't erase the horror that will forever scar her long after the wounds heal. "


"Sergeant Messer testified Mardis and his wife met another couple for dinner at McLain's Lodge on the evening of October 4. An argument that began at the restaurant ended in violence at the Mardis home in Lineage Lake of Lakeland in Flowood. Security video showed Mardis punching his wife in the stomach before throwing the unconscious woman on the ground "like she was a rag doll." He allegedly proceeded to slap her several times and dragged her across the pavement by her hair.

Collette objected to the testimony, arguing it had nothing to do with a motion to deny bond. Miles replied an accounting of what took place that night showed the defendant is a danger to the community, thus grounds for denying bond. Judge Morrow denied the objection.

The Flowood detective stated her injuries were:

1. Fractured right ankle

2. Fractured left cheekbone

3. Lacerated liver

4. Broken ribs (#10 and #11)

5. Strangulation marks on her neck

6. Missing hair on her head

7. Extensive bruising on her left arm and stomach.

The victim was hospitalized at St. Domic Hospital but her injuries required her to be transferred to UMMC. Mardis flew the next morning to Tampa on his private jet on a business trip. His attorney, John Colette, said the trip was already planned.

A Rankin County deputy received information about the alleged assault and notified Flowood police on October 6. Detective Messer interviewed the victim at the hospital. Flowood police arrested Mardis at 2 PM October 7 at the Jackson International Airport when he returned from Tampa.

Waiving his rights, the defendant said he hit his wife with an open hand but did not recall how she got from the vehicle to the house. However, the detective said police obtained video from three security cameras showing the assault.

Anonymous said...

Where are the comments of her proclaiming to be outside counsel?

Anonymous said...

Kingfish posted (in part): "...when Shivers got to the hospital and learned what happened, he soon called Flowood PD. Flowood PD sent detective to hospital and another one to house. In other words, law enforcement did its job when notified nearly two days later."

I agree with the physician at 3:31. It's standard procedure for the authorities to be notified in this circumstance. I can think of no reason that the hospital would have assumed they did not need to notify the PD.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's covered somewhere in the volumes of reports and comments on the blog, but I would like to know the name of the medical facility who first treated this woman and felt it not necessary to notify the police.

Ambulance personnel, triage personnel, intake personnel, nurses, doctors, assistants, infection control personnel, people filling out forms...the list goes on.

Anonymous said...

Wife making up stories
Family on the witness stand

Non of this really mattered. Bottom line is Todd wasn’t smart enough to know what he was up against. He has survived with a shady business, intimidation and money! It didn’t take him long in the court room to figure out this is big boy stuff, major league not Tball. The prosecution had their shit together, he made his last mistake and it’s going to cost him! The stress of a shady business, a marriage of swapping partners, affairs and steroids all came to ahead last year and he almost killed his wife! Would his kids still be on his side and supporting him? Doubtful, but the promising thing is the sun is shining today and life goes on with heartaches and questions. One thing for sure time will heal!

Anonymous said...

Over 100 comments from jealous nobodies.
Todd is going to be back in Palm Beach for NYE and all of you will be lucky to have Little Cesar’s and some domestic beer for New Years.

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2023 at 8:54 AM, by NYE, Toddy boy will have learned the only place he was a badass, was when he was beating on his wife, and in his mind. Those guys in those DOC lockups are going to give him money free lessons.

Anonymous said...

He showed his stupidity when he went to Flora in Madison county right after a court order forbid his leaving Rankin county. It would be my bet that his beaten up wife either talked him into leaving Rankin county for dinner, or reported it to Madison county authorities and had him arrested.

Anonymous said...

8:54 it’s comical now. Third rate troll.

Kingfish said...

He couldn't leave the state. Standard bond condition. The jail calls were the other reason bond was revoked.

Anonymous said...

Attn 9:43 Are you saying that this stupid ape of a man had know idea that the jail phones were monitored?

Anonymous said...

@8:54 are you his toy boy? Have a great time on NYE!!!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the penitentiary did field trips to Palm Beach!!!!

I’m not sure they even celebrate holidays.

Anonymous said...

Agree 9:17 The troll bait is exceptionally weak but people still bite.

Anonymous said...

Neither crime is acceptable. With that said, would y’all be less inflamed if Todd put a pistol in Kim’s mouth, dry fired, then fired a round through her face? All after stringing her up, assaulting her with dildos attached to a pellet gun, death threats and water boarded with milk?

Sentencing recommendations for the Goon Squad:
Elward - 15yrs
Dedmon- 10yrs
McAlpin - 8yrs
Hartfield - 5yrs
Updyke - 5yrs

Aggravated assault is what Elward pleaded to….which is essentially the same as Todd’s conviction. Curious if Todd received the same plea recommendation? Had to be pretty bad for Todd to plead open and let the judge decide his fate. I’m not considering the fed case bc Todd was not charged federally. Taking the 2 convictions sxs seems like if you trying to kill someone and not serve a lot of time in prison, you ought to become a rankin deputy.

Anonymous said...

Guys, Tampa is not Palm Beach. Biloxi is not Palm Beach. Destin is not Palm Beach. Mardis was smalltime, and his coastal ambit was confined to the Redneck Riviera. Palm Beach types eat minnow-sized monsters like him, for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

12:59, what makes you think anyone here supports the Goons getting less punishment than Todd?

I must have missed those comments.

I don't know what influence the average citizen has over either outcome or sentencing?

Anonymous said...

These comments are gold. I also am enjoying the "Mardis fanboi/troll" posts, tho it is hard to tell whether some of them are trolling or not . . . because, after all, anyone who would be friends with Mardis would have to be somewhere in the same neighborhood of the MASSIVE LOSER that Mardis is. Takes one to know one, right? Fellow aging steroid bros, inject each other's bare buttocks (maybe a manly slap here and there), paint book black on each other's beards, compare low-level tax evasion schemes that the IRS has yet to completely stamp out, maybe stroke the rubber ballsacks handing from the back of each others' pickup trucks (all with negative $55k-ish equity, but who's counting?).

There are many of them around. Bye, Mardis, I never knew ye, and thank God for that! I am interested to hear how the other inmates react to your presence in jail. Having beaten a woman nearly to death is not likely to earn you any respect in there.

Kingfish said...

But you have to include the federal side of it for the Goons. That was all worked out before hand, a package deal.

Anonymous said...

@3:26 Sounds like a hick who has never flown in a Gulfstream G6

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, thank you for your continuing coverage of this train wreck. As a previous victim of Todd’s threats and crazy round rage, I followed this case closely. Wouldn’t mind sitting in the courtroom at sentencing!

Anonymous said...

Todd will get what 99% of the people on this wants and he deserves! His wife and kids are good people, you won’t find more respectful, hard working young adults. They will stay strong as a family and see brighter days. I personally wish them the best as they recover emotionally, mentally and physically!

Anonymous said...

So we shouldn’t expect more than 20yrs from the Feds?

Anonymous said...

I’m kind of tired of hearing about the Mardises. Can we move on? They aren’t really worth much and contribute nothing. Next story.

Anonymous said...

He paid a fortune for his lawyer, then pled guilty. Any attorney 15 minutes after swearing into the bar could do this.

Anonymous said...

@ October 26, 2023 at 6:32 PM

Any dickhead can charter a jet. And, it's usually when they're in a hurry to get somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I’m kind of tired of hearing about the Mardises. Can we move on? They aren’t really worth much and contribute nothing. Next story.

Move along and stop clicking on this then.

I won't miss the report on his sentencing.

He needs a trip to Parchman imo.

Anonymous said...

That's right, 8:58. Any baby lawyer, or even a guy with Google, could have done this, IF they could see the future and know how it was all going to play out, had omniscient powers and knew all the evidence, and read the judge's mind to know how he was going to rule on the motions to exclude evidence from the trial.

Anonymous said...

8:58, If you ever get in legal trouble, just save your money and plead guilty.

Anonymous said...

Will Todd get to speak at his sentencing hearing? Is it open to the public?

Anonymous said...

October 30, 2023 at 7:21 AM, do you suppose he will beg for mercy?

Anonymous said...

Beg, plead and cry for mercy to the judge and his family! I hope he has it in him to do so!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the judge kicked the can down the road, but at least Todd still has a bed and gets 3 square meals a day. However, the steroids may be an other question.

Kingfish said...

Not really. What he did is standard. Plea caught everyone by surprise. Defense needs a chance to make its case. Victims and interested people need time to send in comments to judge.

Anonymous said...

Those 4 walls gives you a lot of time to think!! The gym mirror really tells you how you look on the outside, time will tell if Todd is strong mentally and emotionally!

Anonymous said...

I worked for him, he’s a controlling, lying pos. He controlled Kim, and every move every one made in the office, and if he couldn’t
control you, then you were fired. He is manipulated, lying, and thought he was God’s gift to women. I feel sorry for his kids as they are sweet and don’t deserve such a screwed up family.

Anonymous said...

His wife forgave him immediately. The reason he violated his bond was because SHE wanted to see him, so SHE went to him and they went out to eat. Someone saw them and felt like it was their business and turned him in. Kim will not leave him and the kids don’t want him in jail. The same people that are screaming for his head are the same people that will turn on her when she doesn’t divorce him. Not your problem, not your marriage, and not your business. I hope they focus on Christ, their family, and work through this.

Anonymous said...


Your post might be the one and only Todd Mardis…..
1) Kim, I know you want to see me so the hell with court order let’s see each other
2) Family, thank you for forgiving I will continue to support you financially because if you didn’t support me I wouldn’t give you shit
3) Family we will stay together and I will decide if I need to serve time for almost killing my wife and your mother

Anonymous said...

9:08 She couldn’t have forgiven him immediately….he left for 2 days after the beating!

Anonymous said...

Attn 11:40 Nov. 1 “I will continue to support you….”. You are assuming he still (?) retains some of his money, and continues to make additional money. Those are to pretty rosy assumptions. If you know the answers, please print them. Curious minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Mardis got ran out of his deer camp! Got a nice check! He has some assets with other properties!

Anonymous said...

There’s definitely a defender in the comments. At the end of the day, he screwed up, the family is screwed up, he’s probably still narcissistic. But whatever happens happens.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS