Saturday, April 25, 2020

Chokwe Suspends Open-Carry Law (Updated)

Update: New video uploaded to Youtube. 

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba made the following proclamation on Youtube.

Kingfish note: So concerned about crime? Then why is the judge HE appointed letting an accused killer out of jail on a $100,000 bond? This is not the first time his judges have turned murder suspects loose on low bonds.

Want to get serious about murder, Mayor? Why don't you either fire your judges or tell them to get serious about murder.  


Anonymous said...

Didn't know you could fire judges.
Which ones are appointed that can be fired?
Any of them hear felony cases?

Anonymous said...

This is the correct time to be discussing gun control. Do you really want to leave yourself unprotected while politicians and the rest of the wealthy have the means to protect their self?

Anonymous said...

The longer the lock down goes, the more desperate people will become. Look at who wants to leave you defenseless as we move towards a more dangerous time.

Kingfish said...

Yarber fired June.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good..means nothing. In many, many, neighborhoods in Jackson, shooting guns is a daily even hourly activity. They shoot for fun, they shoot for signals, they shoot to get attention and they shoot because there is no penalty for doing so. The police do not care and the municipal judges might give you a light fine IF you are caught AND someone presses charges. In other municipalities around Jackson you will go to jail and serve time if you shoot a gun for no reason. The municipal judges see to it. Not in Jackson. So if I can shoot for fun I will definitely shoot when angry, or when just pissed off, or just to "get my respect" or...

Anonymous said...

It is probably because he afraid of armed protesters. Also, I seen people on bicycles wearing sidearms on Terry, Macdowell, and Cooper Rd. Usually older people who just want to protect theyselves

Anonymous said...

Let me see open carry is the only thing keeping the police from stopping, arresting and confiscating "illegal weapons"? Did I miss hear that?

Anonymous said...

Chokwe... your a complete idiot... Jackson resident here. I live a few doors down from you. I can't wait to see you go!

Anonymous said...

Hey doesn't want armed white redneck protestors. This guarantees JPD can arrest oathkeepers and three percenters. And I assure you that no suburbanites want to spend the night scared, unarmed, and locked up in Raymond. He just put the kibosh on any alt-right shenanigans

Anonymous said...

1:15 Municipal Court Judges are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council and serve until removed. They are directly answerable to the mayor who can remove them if not following his agenda.

Anonymous said...

How many of those arrested for shooting someone had an open carry permit? Maybe an automatic life sentence if the victim that is shot lives and an automatic death penalty if he/she dies would at least get rid of the vermin.

Anonymous said...

I heard Choke once limpwristed a Colt 1911 in .45ACP years ago. The pistol hit the dirt and he looked like a damn sissy and he ain't never liked guns since.

Anonymous said...

Is this the government overreach that we were warned about that might arise from COVID19 crisis

Anonymous said...

Ain't no permit for constitutional open carry. It is a right, not a privilege. Perhaps you meant a concealed carry permit?

Anonymous said...

The same mayor who was wanting our medical community to send medical supplies to China during the start of the "virus". He is a wannabe leader failing at every turn!

Prefer Hilton Inns said...

Here goes Lumumba operating again on his national agenda campaign, trying to use his mentors in the Democratic Party's theory to never let a crisis go to waste. Claiming that the problem is the police not being able to deal with the problem because some law abiding citizens are following the law, but his Judges and the District Attorney aren't worried about punishing the criminals.

And - claiming authority he does not have in doing so. I'm no lawyer and I didn't even sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, but the code he is claiming that gives him the authority is pretty broad: "issue such orders as necessary for the protection of life and property".

If in fact he did have that authority, he ought to try issuing orders to judges to keep killers in jail. But, he doesn't have that authority. I know he pretended to be a lawyer in his earlier life, but evidently was not quite as learned as he claims.

Before he can get to the section he cites as authority because he has declared a 'civil emergency': 45-17-7(e), he should first read through the opening, 45-17-1 which provides the definition (as is common in many codes, first a definition, then the authority).

§ 45-17-1. Imposition of curfews during civil emergencies; definitions.
(a) “Civil emergency” is defined as:
(1) A riot or unlawful assembly characterized by any use of force or violence disturbing the public peace, or any threat to use such force and violence, if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by two (2) or more persons acting together and without authority of law.
(2) Any natural disaster or man-made calamity, including but not limited to flood, conflagration, cyclone, tornado, earthquake or explosion within the geographic limits of a municipality resulting in the death or injury of persons, or the destruction of property to such an extent that extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
(3) The destruction of property, or the death or injury of persons brought about by the deliberate acts of one (1) or more persons acting either alone or in concert with others when such acts are a threat to the peace of the general public or any segment thereof.

Nowhere in this definition does it refer to a pandemic, an epidemic, or a health situation.

Now, if the Mayor wants to declare a separate "Civil Emergency" under the definition 45-17-1(3), which has existed in his city for quite some time, then he might be able to make his case. But of course he doesn't want to do that, because he would have to admit that the problem isn't the Open Carry Law (which he opposes) but is actually the inability of his administration to properly manage the city, including the protection of its citizens and their property.

Anonymous said...

He is using the senseless killings over the past few weeks to push this all while saying it disproportionately affects black and brown communities, yes that is somewhat truthful, but it’s black and brown on black and brown crimes, and I’ll give you $100 for every one of them that obeys this gibberish. Also, I want to know what he keeps talking about these “illegal weapons”. That picture he showed were all legal firearms. He’s a posturing idiot who wants to get his name in the national progressive spotlight. I can assure you when I am in the city of Jackson I will have a firearm me and I can assure you the 2nd amendment supersedes an empty suit mayor’s meritless executive order, but I’m not out playing wild Wild West like the people he is speaking of have been doing long before the covid-19 situation. He’s trying to be like that lady in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

How can city law trump state law? Is it legal for mayor to do this?

Baby Chok is a fucking moron libtard said...

This is blatantly illegal. Neither he, nor the city council, can make laws or resolutions controlling firearms.

Felons/thugs don't open carry, moron!

Anonymous said...

I honestly thought he said:

" Star Date, 45.7 - 17. "

Anonymous said...

So, the killers are only shooting into houses because of open carry? The executive order will compel them to NOW be law abiding citizens? What an idiot!!! Where is Stamps with his camera grabbing suggestions to increase police presence to run college students out of a declining neighborhood. Perhaps he could suggest increased police presence in high crime areas....just a thought.

Anonymous said...

The honorable Mayor is pandering to the national radical "leadership".

Although using their crisis playbook as he was taught to do, I'm willing to bet Rahm Emanuel still has never heard of Antar.

Anonymous said...

It's not legal. It will get over turned.

Anonymous said...

@2:13. No. State pre-emption laws are in place for this exact reason. Baby Chokwe is flexing power and brains he doesn’t have.

Anonymous said...

He just couldn’t stand it any longer and had to grab the spotlight by stepping in a steaming pile of controversy. I thought he was doing pretty good up until now, as Hinds Co. infection rates have been running just below its proportion to the state population (I’m not talking about supplies-related issues here).

When and if Mayor Lumumba ever begins to treat the crime of felon in possession of a firearm as the felony that it is, I might begin to take him seriously when he talks about reducing violence in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

@2:37 PM
Doesn't matter if they know Antard personally, they know that the International University in the USSR was called Patrice Lumumba University, founded in 1960. And it was the USSR training ground for future domestic communist revolutionaries, crypto-communist politicians, and spies. So the name "Lumumba" alone invokes the idea of Global Communist Revolution among those in the know.

Anonymous said...

If only gun owning MLK knew that he would work so hard just to have a black man suspend a civil right.

Anonymous said...

I was working near a Jackson youth recently loudly playing his choice of music that he rapped along with and he knew every word. The teen’s Mom was in earshot with even younger children and did not seem to have a problem with it. The stories the artist told were mostly about how Nigga gonna die, can’t believe my friend got killed, women referred to as bitches and Hoes, and how it’s everybody else’s fault. Mayor, you may want to start with an executive order that makes the city’s youth get an education from somewhere else other than the usual entertainment industry of choice. The problem is cultural and until you fix that you will not make any difference.

I’m sure the real reason Chok is taking this step is to get the publicity he is about to get. The left will love him for it and think he is very progressive.

Anyone from law enforcement have a fact-check on his statement that open carry stops LEO’s from finding illegal firearms. I find this hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the famous image of Malcolm X peering out his living room window with an M1 Carbine and two high capacity box magazines taped together.

baby's first step off the democrat plantation is the epiphany that the NRA is the nation's oldest civil rights organization.

Anonymous said...

Executive infringement upon a constitutional right. If anyone bothers to file suit, Lamumbalot will be slapped like a biatch

Anonymous said...

@ 2:49 PM,

I did not know that, but it's not surprising.
Great history lesson ! Thanks.

BTW, it's been my experience if one refers to him or his late father by their real surname, "Taliaferro" . . . all of his "camp" seems to become instantly discombobulated.

Anonymous said...

As a white citizen, I have no qualms with a black citizen or any other citizen owning a firearm as long as the right is equal among us all. Illegal aliens and convicted felons should be executed for illegally possessing a firearm.

God made humans.

John Moses Browning made us equal.

Anonymous said...

This guy is dumb on so many levels. What’s worse is that he will get voted for AGAIN!!

Antard Ladumba said...

What an idiot. Guns are not the problem. Thugs running freely and culture is the root cause. So how many crimes have been averted with the cameras, credible messager and conflict resolution? ZERO! Thugs don't have life values.

Anonymous said...

He cites Mississippi Code section "45-7-17-7(e)," which does not exist. If it did, it would be about county patrol officers, not city government. Further, the state preemption law prohibits this. The other Nazis, the ones in Germany, did this. We objected. We object here, too.

Anonymous said...

3:23 PM Here. I just want to direct a comment to 2:49 that Patrice Lumumba himself was not a communist. He was more akin to an African George Washington vs. the Kingdom of Belgium. He asked the USA for help, but we declined. So he turned to the USSR. Sort of like when Ho Chi Minh asked for USA help against the French, and we declined him as well. The USSR was willing to fund anti-colonial revolution, but it was a deal with the devil many were willing to take at the time.

The USA is run by an elite 1% who don't really give a fuck about races be they whites, blacks, asians, indios, or anyone else as long as the 1% elites get their military weapons and precious metals.

Anonymous said...

Good idea mayor ludumba... disarm low income black single moms in poor neighborhoods while criminals retain there guns... meanwhile the whites live in rich houses and enclaves with security guards and gates. Yeah smart move!!! Why don't you come on my property about 4 houses down Mr mayor. If chokwe only thought what the taxpayers and educated population thought of him.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think the people who killed the kids open carried their guns?
Hell, their guns were stolen to begin with.
All this does is makes it easier for the thugs to rob and kill citizens.

Anonymous said...

@4:22 is exactly right. Try to go to a commodities exchange(COMEX) and buy gold or silver. Right now every democrat and republican, every Antar Lumumba and Tate Reeves is converting their paper money savings into gold and silver bullion because they know we are less than 60 days away from some serious economic hardship. When the dust settles they can convert precious metal to whatever foreign currency replaces the US dollar as the global reserve currency. Go research for yourself. The price doesn't match demand. Every exchange is sold out at ANY price! They are controlling access to PMs. This happened before. The government eventually intervened and confiscated the precious metals.

Anonymous said...

Well 4:42, so what ?

It's a system that has worked well for the 1% and the rest of us for many years.

I doubt you have ever visited another Country.
Fly down to Jamaica for about a week.

Then leave the "all inclusive resort" for a day or two. . . and travel the back roads.

The poorest of the poor . . . in the Mississippi Delta. . . live like kings as compared to the majority of Jamaicans .

However, Jamaicans also live likes kings, when compared to poor souls in Communist Venezuela .

Anonymous said...

Baby Chok's video has been removed from YouTube "by the uploader," i.e. his staff.

So, did the AG call him and tell him "no way, Jose?"

He has to be the most stupid attorney in MS. MS statutes specifically prohibit local government from creating any firearms legislation/executive orders.

fed up in Jackson said...

suspending his EO to immediately release the name of any officer involved in a shooting is the only thing he need to do urgently. Once that is done, maybe we can have police officers again. When children are dying in their homes, and our local press is not peppering him every moment of every day, and we have a police force under 200 more than likely, and it would appear we no longer have patrols, and no more than 2 officers on duty in a certain precinct.....we have stepped beyond apathy.

Anonymous said...

Notice the video has been taken down.

Anonymous said...

Why do y'all think you are being punished by this? Half of y'all don't live in Jackson and the ones that do don't live anywhere near where this stuff is happening. No one is taking your guns.

Anonymous said...


Nah, that's not what happened at all. We're reuploading it now. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Anonymous said...

"Notice the video has been taken down."

Why is anyone surprised by that ?

The West Capitol Street Embassy of the ( People's Communist Democratic Co-OP of Kush )
does not have the power or resources to plant a few tomato plants on a vacant lot in South Jackson, much less protect this Mayor from his attempt to violate the Second Amendment.

Anonymous said...

I do live in the city of Jackson and I do have 4 guns. I duck hunt deer hunt etc... if love to see him come into my house and attempt to take them. Im in NE Jackson come on.

Anonymous said...

I think the point of the post @2:49 was that, of all the names Chockwe Lumumba, Sr., could have chosen in 1969, he chose THAT name. The comments at 4:22 and 4:59 miss that point entirely with their rather presumptuous lectures.

For more info on Lumumba, Sr., see below:

For more information on the organization Lumumba Sr. joined shortly before legally changing his last name to Lumumba, see below:

Anonymous said...

It’s cute that he thinks he has the authority to do this.

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal about open carry? Isn’t concealed carry a better strategy for the good guys? And the bad guys?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing the number of people on this media who call the mayor dumb and stupid but can see the genius in our president. This mayor like the prez, the governor, their senator, representatives and the rest is a political animal seeking to advance HIMself knowing the weakness of his constituency. So far he is successful doing what HE set out to do. Are you? His statements which some call dumb may advance him on the national scene, which is his ultimate
goal. How dumb is that?

Anonymous said...

Than you @ 6:46 !

You have provided two very scholarly resources.

Wikipedia is almost as informative as Facebook and instagram.

Anonymous said...

Paging Governor Tate Reeves...please PUBLICALLY shoot this down (pun intended). What’s the point of the constitution if local piss-ant mayors can make their own executive orders that defy the Second Amendment?

Anonymous said...

WWJH do ?

( What would Jim Hood Do ) ?

Free water in the old Apple Ridge parking lot ?
Reloading supplies within a vacant lot at HWY 80 and Ellis Avenue ?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is full of absolute crap. My musings are is he that stupid to believe what he is saying and has no idea what the law says or is he trying to dupe the people of Jackson. Either way the people of Jackson need and deserve better representation than this guy. The people should be insulted.

Anonymous said...

7:07, If any of the information in those two Wikipedia citations are incorrect, please feel free to point it out and correct it, rather than trying to completely dismiss the source of the information you don't like. You're as bad as the neocons who dismiss the New York Times, or even the Wall Street Journal, as "fake news" when they don't like the coverage.

The fact that you equate these two heavily-sourced, footnoted, and referenced Wikipedia pages with Facebook and Instagram tells me all I need to know about your integrity and credibility.


Anonymous said...

The reupload is nauseating. Chuck and his puppet chief have done more harm to the Jackson police department and their ability to do their job than the open carry statute can ever hope to cause. This is language straight out of the Brady campaigns handbook. If you really cared about the chilren you’d lock up violent felons instead encouraging a system that releases them on their own recognizance to offend again. But the ignorant constituents of Jackson eat this shit up.

Kingfish said...

He knows what he is doing. The conservatives will take the bait and elevate him in the progressive movement.

Anonymous said...

7:59 No more insulted than you should be when the Attorney General sues China or all the other futile lawsuits and filibusters the State of Mississippi has foisted over the years to satisfy "the people of Mississippi". Insulted in the state of Mississippi? Really?

Anonymous said...

"The fact that you equate these two heavily-sourced, footnoted, and referenced Wikipedia pages with Facebook and Instagram tells me all I need to know about your integrity and credibility."

I'm sorry 7:59.

( I didn't mean to cause any emotional harm to you or any reader of this blog ) .

You are correct,
I did forget to include twitter in such scholarly resources.

But back on topic, the Lil' Mayor did delete his video.

Would you have any insider information about why the Mayor would delete such a well orchestrated video presentation ?

Mikey207 said...

How fucking stupid can one person be???: Please tell me how many of these children were killed by legal gun owners? Why don't you bastards put the thugs in jail and keep them there so they can't hurt anyone else? Liberal mental disorders just fuckin piss me off.

Anonymous said...

Hello 8:21. As stupid as it may seem the AG is doing something that is legal. The mayor is doing something that is illegal. That's the first thing that pops up at me that separates the two. Need we go on?

Anonymous said...

Neat move Mayor, to show your code section (45-17-7) and declare this under your Civil Emergency declaration. Now go back and find where your cited code section (45-17-7e) fits within a Civil Emergency declaration. You haven't issued an EO for a Civil Emergency that fits under 45-17-1, yet you claim this infringement on the state law is allowed because of the COVID-19.

Try again. Third time might be the charm, but I doubt it. Call in your attorney to check your authority before you jump in again if you really really mean this.

But since you are only doing this to try to get your mug on MSNBC in the morning, you can wait and get slapped down just as soon as you try to enforce this bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, are you an idiot??????? This man is trying to force his new world order on the good citizens of Jackson. Chuck, please just give just one example of open conceal causing a death of a child or the death of anyway. I will wait. Illegal guns in the hands of thugs cause deaths. Drive by shootings are caused by who? Not those with legal conceal licenses. You wanting thugs to hug it out before a situation escalates to gun deaths are another fairy land plan of yours. Your attacks on anyone with an enhanced conceal is a dog whistle for blaming the white man on all the violence on the streets of your city.

ludawg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

There are very, very few illegal guns. What there is is people who cannot legally possess a weapon like a convicted felon, and given Jackson's penchant for catch and release I'm betting most of the hood rats are not convicted felons. All the little dictator is trying to do is make criminals out of law abiding citizens simply for exercising a right guaranteed under both the Federal and State Constitutions. Unless he can somehow tie the exercise of that right to contributing to the COVID emergency order then his order is completely illegal. Maybe, just maybe, if there was a severe shortage of food and there was rioting in the streets he could have some basis for this order, but as it is he is overreaching significantly as crime is actually down substantially during the COVID lockdown.

The problem is who wants to be the one to get arrested and have to hire an attorney to fight the charges? He is ruling by fear, not by law. Hopefully someone will file a preemptive suit against him so he can get his ass slapped silly and see the city pay a large chunk of the plaintiff's attorney fees.

Anonymous said...

Chokwe is just like Carlos the clown... both are equally talented when it comes to practicing law and people take them equally as serious... it's too funny.

Albert Schweitzer said...

This is all entertaining; begin with the name change from Edwin Talliaferro, which sounds Italian, to Lumumba,
Who was a murderous dictator of the Congo; to creation of an illegal law and the iimplied creation of power.

He fits in well with the new progressive democraps and hopefully they will use
This to elevate him and remove this poseur from Jackson to a level where
The electorate will be less gullible and he will fall like a rock.

A couple of things stand out. First, I have lived in Jackson for a long time and have
Yet to see anyone but A LEO openly carrying a firearm. And second, the mayor AND
The city council have created a very undesirable place to live. The judges are a pathetic,
Nasty joke. The roads are an embarrassment, as is the water supply.
We should thank the Lord the city has nothing to do with electricity and gas.

Now to the point of wondering how difficult it could be for Jackson east of State street
To become East Jackson and seceded into Niknar?

It’s no more of a dream than Jokeway’s dream of Controlling firearms.

Anonymous said...

8:26 - Can I assume you're the typical debater who falls back on "Oh, boy, I don't trust that site" or link. When someone can't debate issues they will sooner or later fall back on just what you've done, even though the link/source is heavily referenced and footnoted. You need to grow beyond that, really.

Anonymous said...

I'm as conservative as the next man, but if there is one thing that makes me sick it's the piss-ants who attack another man for the name he was given. Or even the name he may choose if it's not obscene or silly. Lumumba is a proud name from a man who fought against overwhelming forces that sought to exploit and oppress his people. His alliance with the Soviets was no worse than our embrace of Stalin in World War II. We have embraced lots of "leaders' much worse. Antar was named by his father and mother and has no reason to be criticized for having that name. If there was one attack on Mr. Obama that made me ashamed it was those idiots who called him Muslim or traitorous simply because of his given name. Stick to the issues, piss-ants.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that niknar would welcome east Jackson eastover Sheffield LOHO etc. The huge number of weath and families are huge. Many own businesses in flowood alreasy... look how many doctors drive from CC OF Jackson and eastover fondren area to work in flowood... not to mention a huge majority of Jackson prep kids that live in Jackson. I know my 3 kids do as do most neighbors kids.

Anonymous said...

He's not very smart at all.

Anonymous said...

Dear @8:17 AM,

Thanks but NO Thanks! Jackson can keep ALL of Jackson. If people East of State Street want to be in Rankin County then they must move here, not be annexed.

Niknar First

P.S. You are dead on with your other points.

Kingfish said...

Truth is, there are very few reasons for open carry in most cases.

1. Openly carrying a weapon in public merely tells a bad guy who to take out first. Thug comes in store and sees you with that nice Glock on the hip, who gets it first? He has the element of surprise. Remember, eyeballs are just as important as caliber.

2. Wearing that nice .45 or Glock doesn't scare the thugs. They don't see a gun. They see $500 on your hip in plain view for stealing. Hard to draw and shoot when someone is holding a gun sideways point at you a foot away.

3. I still favor open carry laws because a woman going jogging for example, should be able to pack one without having to go through the whole permit process.

4. The Mayor wants a fight on this one. It elevates him in left wing circles and gets him good press.

Anonymous said...

He needs to fix the shitty problem on Prosperity Street first.

Anonymous said...

As I recall Mississippi doesn't require a permit for concealed carry. I believe the only stipulation is your weapon has to be in a holster of some sort and not just stuffed in a pocket. I'm sure that's to prevent negligent discharge.

Thank you for your post! We see precisely eye-to-eye on open carry. I've never seen a use for it in a public setting and think it's exceptionally dangerous and irresponsible.

A hand gun beats a sharp stick any day of the week but it's not the most ideal weapon to defend yourself with. The element of surprise is key and with open carry that's lost.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for him, LuMumba does not have the authority to suspend 2nd Amendment rights and attempt to overthrow state and federal law.

Anonymous said...

"One City, One Aim, One Destiny". That's kind of counter intuitive to what Baby Chok wants when it comes to gun contol, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lumamba Derangement Syndrome seems to have infected the majority around here. Good luck in your recovery.

Anonymous said...

Are any other mayors holding press conferences concerning C-19 other than Jacktown, V’burg and Greenville? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

People who feel the need to walk around in public with a loaded firearm are sick and need help.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely feel the need to carry a loaded firearm in Jackson, as its murder rate is comparable to the 20th most dangerous city in the world, as has been repeatedly documented in comments to prior posts. I may be sick, and I definitely need help, but that does not change the fact that Jackson is a dangerous place. No amount of hot air can change that fact. I can either accept it, or I can live in delusion.

Kingfish said...

Phil Fisher has had several press conferences or town halls.

Anonymous said...

Ding Ding Kingfish. You are completely right about open carry. A lot of people get their knowledge of guns from movies, and it just doesn't work like that. You aren't gonna whip around and shoot someone if they have a gun to your back, you're just gonna get shot and be mad.

Sho Nuff said...

People who don't take precautions, and protect themselves, are sick and in need of help.

Anonymous said...

Read his order carefully.

It also bans concealed carry

Anonymous said...

@ 9:17

LOL If you're a conservative, I'm posting from the space station.

Anonymous said...

This guy is more embarrassing than than the pot holes in Jackson. More passive than the Madison County School Superintendent. and more broken than the public works employees who work on the flooding on HWY 80 in Pearl. God help us until Chucky and the Gov want to be who we ALL held our noses and voted for are re[laced with some level of competence.

Anonymous said...

Jackson is a joke, and the idiot mayor is just another pointless, stupid fool in charge of the other fools. All on welfare, all unemployed and all completely out of touch. You have a cess pool ghetto riddled with crime and gangs, and your solution is to stop law abiding citizens from having guns. Jackson deserves you, Mumumba,, you are a fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

4:50 Spoken like a true piss-ant...from outer space

Anonymous said...

April 26, 2020 at 6:49 PM Ya' got that right. Just about sums it up. The Executive Order from Baby Chock reminds me of this interchange between Moe and Curley:

Moe (to Curly) - what are you doing?

Curly - I'm tryin' to think but nothin' happens.

The Three Stooges, "Calling All Curs," 1939.

Anonymous said...

90 comments on something that is meaningless. I’ve never once seen people open carrying in Jackson other than law enforcement. And all you JJ regulars claim you never venture into Jackson.

You guys took the bait. You are making Lumumba look like an advocate and a leader to the group who disagrees with you. And a lot of jackson disagrees with you. Shrewd politics by Antar.

Anonymous said...

Jackson isn't all welfare and poor people. Jackson lost the middle class. It's now made up of rich and poor. Rich are woodland hills people that look down on you for not being as sophisticated and you not having 3 kids at st Andrews or a house on the beach or in Oxford. Also made up of rich people in eastover Meadowbrook area with paid security and 24 hour guard at gate and those families that have a pebble beach house and a house on Martha vineyard with full staffing and hold fundraisers for bush Romney and rubio for 10k at there houses in NE Jackson. Some of the wealthiest people in Mississippi live in that area of NE Jackson. But yes alot of the city is poor. You just had to get it accurate and you were off by alot.

Anonymous said..., since when is the second amendment meaningless???? standing by for your learned reply.

Anonymous said...

And for his next trick the Mayor will suspend the law of gravity.

Please float responsibly.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think open carry is a bad idea - why would you want to telegraph your capability to everyone? If I'm faced with a situation where I have defend myself or another citizen, I'd like the force I use to be a surprise to my adversary. I carry concealed every day and I'm a retired federal agent - doesn't make me any better or worse than a highly trained civilian - but I've been trained when to engage and when to simply walk away.

Open carry just to make a statement is a recipe for disaster.

And, if you intend to carry, please study the law to avoid any issues and make sure you get some legal protection - even if you are justified in using your firearm, a baseless charge by a politically motivated DA can drain your bank account and ruin your life.

Anonymous said...

Where is this proclamation? It's not on the city website, I'd like to read it.

Anonymous said...

@7:34 - now that would be AWESOME and perhaps the only constructive thing this mayor will have done!

Anonymous said...


You stole my thunder. I could sign my name to your post (after editing out the part about being a retired federal agent). I have LEO family members. Every one of them says if they respond to an emergency situation the one carrying open will be the first target. Same with dumb crooks. To me open carry is as dumb as hanging a sign around your neck saying "I have $10,000 in my pocket. Come & get it." But, the bottom line is if someone wants to open carry the Mississippi Constitution allows it and Mayor Choke cannot prohibit it.

Anonymous said...

Open carry is like walking around with your pants unzipped. "Look at me"!

I don't know the answer to keeping guns in the hands of responsible citizens and getting them out of the hands of criminals and hot heads.
But I'll tell you, I don't want those FREAKS who drove around the Mansion, screaming and honking their horns about THEIR rights to give and get Coronavirus having access to carry any kind of weapon. What about everyone else' rights to peace? They are insane!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS