A Canton Alderman said State Senator Kenny Wayne Jones, the Bad Boyz himself, should resign from the Senate in this letter sent to State Auditor Stacey Pickering:
August 22, 2014
State Auditor Stacey Pickering
501North West Street
Jackson, MS 39205
Dear State Auditor Pickering:
I respectfully request that you recoup any and all funds the State of Mississippi has paid to the former
Senator Kenneth Wayne Jones. Former Senator, Kenneth Wayne Jones, accepted a position in the
Executive Branch of the City of Canton's Government. According to well-established law from the time that deceased Governor Bill Allain sued to remove 1egislators from executive branch commissions and boards, one cannot serve in two (2) branches of government (KF note: Unless you are David Jordan.)
The 1890 Constitution of the State of Mississippi states in Section 2. "No person or collection of persons, being one or belonging to one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others. The acceptance of an office in either of said departments shall, of itself, and at once, vacate any and all offices held by the person so, accepting in either of the other departments." Former Senator Kenneth Wayne Jones accepted a position as Commissioner of the Canton Municipal Utilities Commission. The Canton Municipal Utilities Commission is in the Executive Branch of Government.
For the foregoing reasons, any monies paid by the State of Mississippi who by operation of the law
vacated the former position when he accepted an Executive Branch position should be returned to the
State Treasury. The taxpayers of Senate District 21and of the State of Mississippi deserve better.
Eric Gilkey
Alderman Ward 6
Kingfish note: Wonder why he didn't ask for an AG opinion, as his right. Kenny Wayne posted this response on Facebook:
Kingfish, the AG can issue an opinion to the alderman about his own office, but not about some other official's office.
Bad Boy Kenny Wayne Jones must have a brain freeze. One he has permanently had . He challenged Alderman Gilkey to be doused with ice but his brain or the lack thereof, must have been permanently frozen. Frozen to the point that he did not take his oath of office seriously. It says you will read or have read to you the State Constitution. Apparently, he did neither. The state constitution clearly says you cannot serve in two (2) branches of government. He maintains that he was an alderman for two (2) years while serving in the senate. Well, hey, bad boy, both of those are the legislative branch of government. The new trough you are feeding from, CMU,is in the Executive Branch. You are up there supposedly making laws and you apparently never read the constitution. Tea Party your Governor supposed to be able to read too. The Constitution says you automatically vacate the former position when you take a position in another branch. Hey Governor Tea Party Phil are you going to call a special election or be a part of the establishment Republican Party who views Bad Boy KennyWayne as insignificant; therefore, he can do no harm. View him right up there with George Flaggs.
Kenny Wayne Jones has been a joke every since he defeated Joseph Thomas. At least Joseph Thomas held a real job, a former banker. Kenny Wayne have you held a job other than being an alderman, senator and now
commissioner for CMU. Oh, I forgot about your being in the National Guard. But you announced on the Senate floor that you were able to get discharged from that because you had a mental condition. Was it that brain freeze?
I do declare. Thank you Alderman Gilkey for doing your due diligence! Who appointed Mr.Kenny Wayne Jones into office? Was it his good friend Mr.Arnel Bolden? Excuse me, Mayor that is....I understand Mr.Mayor is still green, but he should have known. Mr.Mayor should not so be concerned about his fashion style but being more ethical when appointing such a crucial role! How sad that one of his Aldermans recognized so clearly it was not government policy! Should not have never happened. For Mr. Kenny Wayne Jones, Senator that is. Retire, your out dated.
Wrong, 11:40. The AG's office can issue an opinion statement to any official regarding any question axed of the AG. Nobody asks the AG for opinions that obviously will negatively impact the person axing the question. Someone else usually does it.
Go to the dunce stool, please.
Kingfish I challenge you to look up the Allain case and post it. Educate your readers. The case clearly says you vacate one position when you take a position in another branch of government. You have been relentless in getting to the truth on Dickey Scruggs, you would published the entire proceedings. You did the same thing with that Langston attorney. I know it is the dog days of summer, but your readers expect you to research and put the truth out. That is why I read you every day. Google Alexander vs. State
I didn't cover Scruggs or Langston. That was Folo and Y'all Politics. NMC left Folo to create his own blog.
I've wanted to get a copy of that case. Its buried in storage and will take a while to get out as it is so old. Glad Allain carried that fight.
Kingfish you don't have to dig anything out. You heard of Google. Wonderful invention that will take yo us directly to the case. Try it and educate your readers. Allen et at vs State by and through Allain
Just google Allen v. Allain
Alexander vs Allain. Google it
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