Looks like Unclaimed Freight is still trashing Jackson every weekend. Residents of Northeast Jackson are unfortunately becoming used to the site of advertising pornography that takes place every Saturday as the Pearl business drops a bunch of garish bright red & yellow signs with a speed that would do any political campaign proud. Floyd could take lessons from these guys. Needless to say, these Pearl rednecks don't do the same thing in Flowood as they seem to have respect for the mainly white town. Unclaimed Freight is engaging in some advertising racism as it trashes a city that is majority black while refusing to do so in towns that are majority white.
These signs are seen all over Northeast Jackson on weekends for the past month. We shouldn't complain too much as Unclaimed Freight dropped 20 or so on Lakeland Drive today when a few weeks ago it was 50. They are also found during the lasts month on Eastover Drive, Old Canton Road, Ridgewood Road, and Northside Drive. They rarely occur in singles but rather in herds. However, these signs seem to disappear on Monday..... when the Code Enforcement office is closed. Looks like Unclaimed Freight found a loophole. Trash the city with signs on weekends when code enforcement is away and no one can file a complaint. Nice.
They have to advertise where their market is. Good Thinking.
Advertising racism? How about madison pearl and Brandon have enough sense not to allow that kind of shit. Jackson welcomes trash.
I see a crapload of old political signs in Madison. Why don't jackson residents get off their lazy butts and put those signs in the trash? Too much work for you?
If the city does not like it then pass a sign ordinance and FINE them $100 per sign placed illegally. Additional income for the city whose residents from suffer from a business trashing its streets.
The signs are garish and appropriately criticized. However, the manner in which this blog post insults Pearl by making sure the readers know the advertising originates with "Pearl rednecks" is also objectionable. That type of elitism is one of the things that sours my impression of Jackson-area culture, and I say that as a Jackson resident. Criticize problematic business practices by all means, but leave off insulting whole communities. Our state has great potential, but that potential can only be realized if our communities and various cultures respect each other.
You can bet a lot of this company's business is already coming from NE Jackson, and they are getting even more by advertising there. The city of Jackson just allows this advertising on the side of their streets, and the city of Flowood would not.
You're better than this post, KF. You should be able to trash Unclaimed Freight without throwing the race card and using a bunch of unjustified condescension.
Previous posters seem to believe that people who shop at Maison Weiss and Whole Foods would be interested in going to Pearl to buy junk. Interesting. Get out much?
Unclaimed Freight is engaging in some advertising racism as it trashes a city that is majority black while refusing to do so in towns that are majority white.
Is Donna Ladd writing for JJ now? How about the fact that UF is advertising TO a majority black population? Maybe they want black patrons. This line is one of the most ignorant things I have seen originate from this site.
hah. a coonass calling others rednecks. wow.
the redneck cops in Flowood and Pearl would be all over them. JPD? not so much.
Is it actually the REAL Unclaimed Freight people who are putting out these signs -- like Mr. "Wear Your Coat, There's No Heat"?
I was under the impression that the whole thing was turned over to a liquidation company and that they are doing it. Probably an out-of-state company with no ties to or interest in the community.
Not saying it's an excuse or anything, those signs are awful.
"Rednecks from Pearl"? Playing the race card?
How about the considering the obvious that Flowood has highly competent police and JPD are not nearly up to snuff.
Why tread the edge with Flowood cops when you don't have to worry about JPD?
What is this world coming to? New readers don't know sarcasm if it bit them in their arse. There are plenty of other areas of the interwebs you can schlep your unwashed, unabashed 'ignance.
Do your community a favor and stop for a second and remove a sign or two. I grabbed two of these signs this afternoon. Then I thought about the legality and did a quick google. Not sure if this applys to MS, but if confronted I would definitely use the litter defense. If those signs all of a sudden disappear from Jackson before they can pick them up on Sunday night, they'll think twice about putting them up.
This is from the website www.causs.org
CAUSS is an informal group of citizens from around the country who want to improve their communities be reducing or eliminating street spam.
Q: Is taking down street spam legal? Are we breaking any laws?
A: Street spam is no different than the any other litter you see strewn along the streets. As a citizen of your community you have every right to pick up trash from the roadside, the right of way or on traffic signs or utility poles. Once the spammer nails that sign to the pole or sticks it in the ground it is classified as abandoned trash and can be removed by anyone who cares enough about the community to do so.
Advertising up and down Lakeland Drive between St. D and the Pearl River is not targeted towards blacks but towards all the Rankin Countians whites on their way home. Learn your geography folks.
Good post 8:04. I just did a quick 5 minute drive by and snagged 6 signs near Lakeland and Ridgewood.
Kangeroot weighs in, as he used to do every damned day, to remind us all he's been around the block with this site for a hundred years and everybody else is part of the lesser-unwashed. Bullshit. Nothing has been posted above that is not true, regardless of Kangeroot's condescension. Find your own damned self another site, Plebe.
I agree with 8:06. It's not like these are some advertisements for da best friiiiied chicken in da hood.
4:42- It must be difficult to be a lap kangaroo.
Really? "Advertising racism"? I thought better of you, but I guess it's easier to cry racism than discuss the lack of ordinance enforcement in Jackson. The "white towns" in Rankin county won't tolerate this crap - even on the weekend.
was channeling my inner Keith.
Unclaimed Freight may have been a play'a in the cheap ass furniture market for 15 minutes back in 1988.
J L jones and his lil' dawgy Puggy-Jay always kicked their ass.
4:42 sez: "New readers don't know sarcasm if it bit them in their arse. There are plenty of other areas of the interwebs you can schlep your unwashed, unabashed 'ignance."
Well, old readers know this is your standard reply when your Master steps in it.
You and a couple of other lap dogs are always on the ready to jump in and berate folks who write something negative about certain topics. You often use anonymous to cover yourselves, though you say you don't.
You appear to be over-the-hill immature adults who just can't let go of their high school years when you tried so hard to get attention by being "funny."
As a buddy of yours would say, "You are in serious need of psychiatric help."
Of course, when reading this you have to know I'm just kidding with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in. You do recognize humor when you see it, don't you?
Wear your coat. There will never be any heat.
Huh? I rarely comment these days, for good reason, and who is my master you are referring to?
And my comments stand. Unfortunately, some old dogs like to bark at comments aimed at those who need to learn to laugh a little more in life.
Good day.
Trash attracts trash. Don't like it? Introduce a year long study and have the city council argue about its merit. By that time, another business will be leaving. Costco won't build on a garbage dump, either. That's the best you can offer them, too.
Why would you want to build a Costco in an area that is set aside for recreation and is being developed as a museum district? Flowood can have all the traffic, congestion and their pitiful share of the sales tax money (most of which goes to the state)they want.
Nice try KF, but there is no longer an Unclaimed Freight in Pearl.
I love the tax revenue business brings to the Flowood/Reservoir and Madison areas. It keeps my property value high, taxes are a little lower, gives me great schools for my kids, keeps rental rates high, and keeps the trash from moving in. It's also nice to be able to sit outside, not worry about stray bullets or have to listen to loud music from passing cars. Anyone who responds negatively to this post must not understand that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN DESTINY. Unfortunately people will always judge others by who their friends are and how they speak.
all of this over some signs? Man, folks are really stretching hard to find something to offend them. Now where’d I leave my stepstool so I can stand over somebody else to make me feel *special*.
Why doesn't Kingfish get off his dead ass and call the owner of Unclaimed Freight (he lives in Yazoo) and request a comment or two?
PS: Kangaroo lost this round. (He doesn't post 'for good reason'. Maybe he's found another blog site with which to share his unfathomable wisdom.)
Mr. DD (2:50), throwing another one of your tantrums again?
Actually I went down to the city yesterday and spoke to the sign department in the Hood Building about getting them removed on the weekends and fined if possible.
If they didn't have the signs in Jackson, then someone would be crying racism over not having them. That act gets a little old after all these years. Spend some time explaining all of the crime and shootings that are becoming all too commonplace and destroying the tax base. Can you say "Detroit"?
"You and a couple of other lap dogs are always on the ready to jump in and berate folks who write something negative about certain topics. You often use anonymous to cover yourselves, though you say you don't."
So sayeth someone posting, strangely enough, anonymously.
To quote that renowned philosopher Chandler Bing: "Irony - not a fan?"
"Insight" is a psychiatric term that is also probably not in your vocabulary.
They are removed BECAUSE of litter awareness. Read your municipal code. The police obviously did.
I went and spoke to the city. Gentleman I spoke to said they had gotten a few complaints so some of you must have told them. Good job. Said they were sending a certified letter and that someone from the dept. was probably going to go out and talk to them. Looked clean last week. We will see if it holds true tomorrow.
We talking bout jackson
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