Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mugged by reality?

A well-known liberal in town posted this message on Facebook today:

Next I'm getting a gun. And the next mofo who decides that they are going to take something that doesn't belong to them but they are entitled to it because I wasn't using it at the time, I'm gonna shot their ass. Literally. So that each time they go take a shit they will think of me and my stuff that they felt compelled to take

Welcome to the cause. Better late than never. Think I'm going to find a fugu fish in case the bullets need to be dipped.


Anonymous said...

What is a fugu fish? Please post in English.

Anonymous said...

Not many liberals, particularly in the South, are against gun ownership. I own a .357 and a shotgun.

What I'm against is the ownership of military-grade weapons. I can defend my home and my family with my two guns; I don't need an AR-15 unless I'm planning to go murder a few dozen people.

Anyway, best wishes to the unnamed liberal, and I hope he never has to use that gun ... but if he does, then I hope he aims well, with hollow-point rounds.

Anonymous said...

not necessarily well known. unless you count... well... you know.

it was my post and you will notice that I don't necessarily want to KILL anyone, just make them think long and hard about their transgression. everytime they poop. yep. that is the good liberal in me. I didn't want them dead, just to think about their crime(s)

Anonymous said...

What I'm against is the ownership of military-grade weapons.

Tell us Anderson what qualifies.

Pugnacious said...

I don't need an AR-15 unless I'm planning to go murder a few dozen people.

The M-16 is the weapon of choice of the "settlers"(sic) in Judea and Samarah. Or was it Soddom and Gomorroh?

For self protection, buy a Taurus Judge 410 ga./45 cal.acp revolver.

Anonymous said...

Friends don't let friends buy Taurus. Especially that abomination of a revolver.

Mark Geoffriau said...

Holy smokes, I hope no one is buying the Judge for personal or home protection.

Pugnacious said...

“I could never divide myself from any man upon the difference of an opinion, or be angry with his judgment for not agreeing with me in that, from which perhaps in a few days I should dissent myself: I have no genius to disputes in religion, and have often thought it wisdom to decline them…...~Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici

Thanks, Anderson, for the quote above. Checkout Ben V. Cohen:Architect of the New Deal

Anonymous said...

" I don't necessarily want to KILL anyone, just make them think long and hard about their transgression."

Then I would suggest reading some selected gospel passages to them, or maybe from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Don't shoot somebody you ain't meanin' to kill.

Pugnacious said...

The Taurus Judge pistol round is .45 Long Colt, not the .45 ACP.

Anonymous said...

What a crock of shit, I have a AR15, 12 gauge, 40 cal glock, 25 cal bitch pistol and 2 22 cal pistols. If you rob me, I aim to kill you. I will not wound you, I will kill you. Which means I have to worry about half the youth of jackastan. Reason I carry a weapon everyday. And when I kill one of these thief's again, I don't want to hear the mother tell everyone what great son this bitch was! Trash in, trash out!! Two to the chest and one to the forehead.

Anonymous said...

thusbloggedanerson, are you stupid? Want to make them think long and hard about their transgressions! You would have to shoot and kill that fool for them to reflect, but then that is the reason there worthless ass was shot and killed in the first place. Take that gospel and stuff it where you wipe your happy side! Your a damn fool and they will kill you and anyone dumb enough to be around you. Since I have retired I don't have to rescue dumb asses like you in 3rd world countries anymore.

Anonymous said...

thusbloggedanerson isn't the one who wrote that, I am. thanks for your wise words. you are most kind and generous in your advice. hope 2014 is great for you and yours.

Anonymous said...


The 2 weapons you own are "military grade weapons". Unless you own a double-barreled shotgun, shotguns and handguns are "military grade."

As for your ignorance of the .223-based AR15, it is a safer "home defense" weapon than that shotgun of yours. High velocity, low mass rounds travel less through common walls of buildings and there are rounds designed for home defense that actually fragment upon impact. It's ergonomics are much more home friendly as well.

To the liberal who wants to use a deadly weapon to make a criminal "think about their crime": It is a deadly weapon, using it in such situations for anything other than defending yourself or others is a crime itself. Defending yourself with a "deadly weapon" means your intention is to cause death to stop the threat to you or yours. Any other intention to wound, or scare is a crime.

Anonymous said...

oh! and by the way, the thiefs were white, from rankin county - trolling jackson for their thiefworks. have a nice night, God bless and sweet dreams

Pugnacious said...

I don't want to hear the mother tell everyone what great son this bitch was! Trash in, trash out!! Two to the chest and one to the forehead.

And your first phone call would be to Tom Fortner, I suspect? Sabrinder Pannu just did the double tap to the chest.

Anonymous said...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Fugu (But Weren't Really THAT Interested, Or You Would Have Asked Already)

Center Mass said...

To the goofy little liberal who keeps popping in and claims to have penned the original entry: How would wounding a perp cause him to think about you every time he takes a shit? Are you intending to shoot him in the ass?

Are you sure you don't want to just bitch slap him and scream 'take that'? Then there would be no blood to spoil your day when you head out to Starbucks with the laptop.

Pugnacious said...

The Castle Doctrine does not apply to killing an unarmed person for petty criminal activity such as chicken-stealing or running from the liquor store with an unpaid-for-suitcase of beer;unless you are able to hire Tom Fortner to twist the language and the intent of the law to fit your situation.

In the past year,I have been a victim of scrap metal property losses amounting to over $7500. The sheriff deputies don't even respond to 911 calls involving property theft, because they know that the local JP won't prosecute in this county with a large black voting bloc. A local black political activist, and former employee of Lowndes county, Howard Smart, was caught "red-handed" by a local landowner stealing over $40,000 of his scrap metal. He has yet to face a jury. Still, it's not justification for killing this scoundrel. If Mr. Smart had been "smoking weed" when caught, the landowner would probably have a better chance for justice in the Lowndes County court system.

Justin said...

slow news day?

Anonymous said...

The plural of thief is "thieves" not :thiefs".
" There" is a location and " their" is a possessive pronoun.
" Your" is also a possessive pronoun while 'you're" is the contraction for " you are".
I don't know of anyone who has a problem with someone defending their person or others from a threat to life.
If you want to kill someone who is stealing property, then you assume whatever earthly and eternal consequences that follow.

You also assume the risk of collateral damage to other people and property.

What I don't understand, is your rage when you are secure in the moment and the rage toward those who decide to take protective measures other than the one you have chosen.

If you are constantly vigilant, you may be suffering from PTSD and should seek help as it will cause problems far riskier than someone stealing "stuff" from you.

As for me, my home is secure. I don't go out carrying other than a cell, car keys and debit card ( which I can cancel quickly). My cell is secured and replaceable. My car is insured and replaceable. If someone has the drop on me and their finger on the trigger, I'm not so fanciful as to imagine I'd survive that situation uninjured. I see my greater risk in life as a auto or home accident or a medical mistake. That's simply based on mathematical probabilities.

Why you don't think I have a right to approach whatever risks I face differently in a free country is what concerns me most.

I am concerned whenever someone who lives in a state of fear and rage and has no respect for others carries a deadly weapon. Whether that person is a criminal or a citizen who lacks the temperament and judgment to carry a deadly weapon is of little difference to me. I see both as unstable. Both feel they are a law unto themselves as well and lack respect.

It's a shame someone was mugged. It's a shame whenever bad things happen be it a crime or sickness or accidents or the consequences of any bad decisions. There are bad people in the world. Life is , unfortunately, not risk free. Try to be happy you aren't living in Syria or Somalia and focus on your blessings. And, do try not to be gleeful when bad things happen to those with whom you simply disagree on politics. It's unbecoming.

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, why all the nay-saying on the Taurus Judge? Not a current gun owner, but have had it frequently recommended.

Anonymous said...

I am against any registered democrat from owning a firearm. 90% of violent crime in this country is conmitted by democrats. Democrats are the one group who advocate the most against law bidding citizens from owning guns therefore, they should not be allowed to possess one. Remember, guns don't kill people, democrats do. I don't care if a libtard/ democrat finally came to their senses because he was robbed. They created the crime culture now let them live with it.

Anonymous said...

This war vet and Mississippi Liberal (which makes me middle-of-the-road nationally) has an AR-15 and is EAGERLY awaiting his .300 AAC BLACKOUT upper coming in the mail. Maybe I can kill a few more deer before the season ends.

Don't dog the AR-15. It's the Thompson Contender of the semi-autos. You can use it for just about anything (although I'm still waiting to see a duck/turkey hunting upper). High-capacity magazines are what make a weapon a non-sporting weapon. Although my 30 round mags seem to feed a lot better than my ten round mags, but that might just be the manufacturer....

Anonymous said...

Pugnacious; You're wrong! The castle law does not demand that a perpetrator be armed or that he be involved in other than 'petty criminal activity'.

To be protected under this law one need not ascertain with absolute certainty that a perp is armed or that he intends to steal a certain amount of property.

You might want to study up on this, particularly the parts protecting a citizen when he or she has a fear of being in imminent danger himself or feels the same about others on his property or other places where the law applies.

Anonymous said...

The weapon of choice, whether its a handgun or a shotgun or even a military style AR-15 should be the weapon that you are most familiar with. I have shot thousands of rounds bird hunting - doves and I should be able to handle it the best in a stressful situation. Loaded with some size of buckshot, I should be well protected. For the ex-military guy who has similar or more experience with a assault type gun, I am sure he knows it backwards and frontwards. If you are comfortable with a handgun, then I guess thats the best, The only advantage that I can see regarding a handgun is concealment and portability. I sure wouldnt want to be facing a bad guy with a pistol. ( I also think the Taurus Judge is a bad choice, but to each his own. )
Protecting your home is a legitimate objective, but it goes beyond just being armed.
Alarm system, dog(s), reasonable locks. I doubt anybody could plan on being armed 100% of the time ready for instant defense, so I dont even try. I hate the idea of a loaded weapon easily accessable where young children could find it. I would rather run the small risk of being killed myself than take any chance of my grandchildren accidentally hurting themselves.

My home defense strategy is having my unloaded shotgun in my closet, with easy access ( 1minute ) and shells stored separately in a drawer which is in the same area. I think most likely scenario that I can plan for will give me plenty of time to get to my gun. Some suspicious activity will alert me and give me time to get to it. I dont think anyone can plan for being woken up by a bad guy who has a gun.

Hope I never need to use it, but this strategy makes me comfortable.

Anonymous said...

@9:04, most who hate revolvers like the Taurus Judge do so because it is not a gun they grew up shooting or currently own. However, there are those who criticize the Judge specifically due to workmanship issues. I have heard of - though have not personally seen - the cylinder and barrel being slightly out of alignment on some Judges, and heard of at least one instance where the cylinder actually came loose. Can't say whether it actually happened, though.

I have a Smith & Wesson Governor which is the same concept, but has an extra round in the cylinder (6 instead of 5) and it also shoots .45 ACP in addition to 45 Colt Long and 2.5 inch .410 shells. I like it a lot. It is fun to shoot and I'd feel comfortable firing six rounds of 000 buckshot at an assailant. In full disclosure, I also have a Five-seveN that is despised by legions of .357 or .38-carrying "manly men," none of whom have volunteered to be shot with it.

To satisfy you large caliber snobs that my scrotal hirsuteness is sufficient, I do carry a .45 Springfield XDM from time to time. Good? Good.

Bottom line, people many fear calibers and designs that are new. Shoot and carry something you can be accurate with. If you aren't accurate, it doesn't matter what you shoot.

As for @6:52's desire to make the "mofo" stealing from him "think long and hard about their transgression," perhaps you're better suited for ordering time outs than you are for a firearm. Just something to consider.

Anonymous said...

Remember, guns don't kill people, democrats do.

Laughed so hard I spilled my coffee....

Anonymous said...

Taurus, as a brand, is rather iffy straight out of the box. Their customer service is a joke. And that particular model is the epitome of a gimmick. It seems to have become the home defense weapon choice for people who don't know anything about firearms.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is- If your ass gets killed with a gun it doesn't matter if it is a shotgun, pistol or so called "military" weapon. You are dead! As for "military" styled weapons, just because it looks like a M-16 the AR-15 is not a military weapon. I saw a Volkswagen that had a body on it to make it look like a Lotus. But it sure wasn't one, ha-ha!

Pugnacious said...

You might want to study up on this, particularly the parts protecting a citizen when he or she has a fear of being in imminent danger himself or feels the same about others on his property or other places where the law applies...

I'll take your advice to "study up on the subject," but as I recall the "perp" in the Pannu theft was well known to the owners of the business owners and had stolen beer from the store on a previous occasion. I also recall that the thief ran from the establishment property with the beer and was sitting in a car when Pannu "double tapped" the "perp" to the chest as he sat in his car.
A polling of black jurors after the trial indicated that they wanted to "send a message."

Anonymous said...

The Judge makes for a poor home defense weapon. The spread pattern is too wide. If the fellow in the cross hairs is standing behind someone you love, you probably shouldn't pull the trigger.

Mark Geoffriau said...

9:59, people aren't critical of the Judge because they fear new designs, they are critical because it's pretty poor as self defense or home defense weapon.

Here's a good summary of why the Judge would be WAAAAYYY down my list of options for home defense:

Anonymous said...

9:04 here. Thanks for the insight.

Pugnacious said...

A Case Study of things going horribly wrong when pulling a gun on a drug-crazed patron in a bar.

I cannot recall whether the defense strategy involved the Castle Doctrine.

Pugnacious said...

To be protected under this law one need not ascertain with absolute certainty that a perp is armed or that he intends to steal a certain amount of property.

Pannu was not running through the streets behind the suitcase-beer thief because his(Pannu) life was threatened, but because he was trying to recover stolen property, and in his uncontrolable rage he put two bullets into the thief's chest.

Castle Doctrine does not apply.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:23 oh! and by the way, the thief's were white, from Rankin county

I live in Rankin County and most nights Have a Wallet and the keys in my vehicle.....I am blessed to live Here and deep down you want to move and you know it.

Anonymous said...

To answer the previous poster's question about the Taurus Judge there are several things wrong with it that make it a poor choice for a home defense weapon. The short barrel results in much lower velocity, and thus muzzle energy, than a traditional .410 shotgun. The result of this is that most sizes of buckshot and all sizes of birdshot do not penetrate enough to incapacitate or even seriously wound someone. Using the .45 Long Colt ammunition is more than adequate for self defense, but the gun only holds 5 rounds. It also has no provision for mounting a light so you can identify your target. The one's I have shot seemed well made and great for a hiking or tacklebox gun but just didn't have the attributes people desire in a handgun primarily for self defense.

Anonymous said...

2:07 very good info. Anyone considering a JudgeTaurus ought to read what you wrote and really think about what they want in a home defense weapon.

I think too many people think that buying a weapon provides for self defense but as I said earlier , home defense is a real issue done correctly and anyone considering preotecting themselves and loved ones with a weapon should take the time to become familiar with its capabilities ,as well as limits and become adequately trained to use.

People who do not become familiar are , (in my opinion) introducing much more danger into their home than protection.

Anonymous said...

'The 2 weapons you own are "military grade weapons". Unless you own a double-barreled shotgun, shotguns and handguns are "military grade."'

Whatever. I hope the next country we go to war with issues the Winchester Model 12 as its soldiers' standard weapon.

Anonymous said...


Whatever. The Model 12 was used by United States Armed Forces alongside the AR15 counterpart, M16, in the Vietnam War.

So, to understand your disconcerted feelings about "military grade" weapons: your feel-good definition would be based on "soldiers' standard weapon."

If that's the case, then the .50BMG based sniper rifles, Accuracy International .338 Lapua, the Ma Deuce, SAW, M60, etc would all be OK for you since they are not "soldiers' standard weapon(s)".

Or maybe you are just to used to "moving the goal posts" and figure being called out on your flippant use of terms requires some renegotiating.

Anonymous said...

Once again Anderson sprints away from the can of worms he opened. Answer up Anderson, what in your mind is military-grade weapons? We all know you talk game but tuck tail and run when your own words come back to haunt.

The Libertarian said...

I didn't read a provision in the Bill of Rights that prevents citizens from owning military grade small arms.

Anonymous said...

Pugnacious seems obsessed with cases totally unrelated to 'Castle'. Whoever claimed the doctrine would protect one who chased a beer theif and shot him to recover a case of beer?

Your initial suggestion was that one would not be protected in cases of 'petty theft' or when a perp might be actually unarmed. That is incorrect.

Of course we can always find a situation where a particular defense won't hold up, such as the one you keep harping on.

Anonymous said...

Will all you experts agree with me that ,,, of all the personal defense weapons available , that the handgun is by far the most difficult to be accurate.

I think the people with the least experience in handling and operating firearms mistakenly think that the handgun is the best choice.

Anonymous said...

Handguns are difficult to shoot because of the short sight radius (distance between the front sight and the rear sight). Although it isn't for everyone the AR15 and similar guns are near ideal for home defense. The .223 round gets its energy from speed instead of mass so it does not penetrate walls as much as a handgun round or even a shotgun with buckshot when fired indoors, especially when loaded with non-fmj ammo intended for personal defense. Always remember that all guns and calibers capable of incapacitating a human being will go through drywall easily so there is no effective self defense weapon that does not pose a risk to others if the round misses or passes through the intended target. A short barreled AR15 with a sound suppressor and light makes an ideal home defense gun, but you are talking about $1000 minimum in the gun plus $400 in federal tax stamps for the short barrel and silencer. That is the cost before sights and a light, which is a must on a home defense weapon. Most people won't or can't spend that much. I tend to recommend a basic semiautomatic handgun with a light to most people because it doesn't require much manipulation under stress and will fit most budgets. There is nothing inherently wrong with a 12 gauge shotgun, they just tend to be long and unwieldy and only a few have a light mounting point available from the factory.

As always, the loaded .22 in the hand is better than the unloaded AR15 in the closet or safe, so have an access plan for a home defense weapon that involves safety as well as ease and speed of access.

Anonymous said...

No, the handgun is NOT, "by far the most difficult to be accurate."

A handgun is a tool used in personal defense situations where a longer tool (rifle, shotgun) are not ideal. If someone has broken into your home, your alarm is going off and you do not know where the person is and you have family to protect, clearing the house with a long gun can be disadvantageous in many situations.

If, in your reality, such situations seem scripted and you think you can just adapt or have time to get to your closet and load your unloaded shotgun, you should consider some personal training from different personal defense "experts".

Those that say a Taurus Judge is not an ideal defense weapon are just as bad as those that suggest keeping an unloaded shotgun in the closet is the way to go. Personal defense is about situational awareness and options. Tying yourself to a single weapon or type of defense is HOPING, not defending. You are hoping an encounter will be scripted.

Those wanting to play the odds on an encounter, odds are that you will never have to employ a weapon as a tool for personal defense. The issue is whether you are comfortable with you or your family becoming a statistic based on odds or you want to have a willful and logical chance at defense should you meet with the wrong side of a statistic.

Speaking of statistics, personal defense encounters statistically happen within feet, so a handgun is certainly a viable and logical choice for personal defense.

Anonymous said...

Gun NUTS are a scream. And boy are gun nuts alive here.

Anonymous said...

Gun NUTS are a scream. And boy are gun nuts alive here.

True....but we are cuddly and good dancers.

Anonymous said...

Jan. 2 @ 12:25, are you dumb, forgetful, or just lazy? Pretty stupid to leave your keys and wallet in a vehicle overnight, regardless of where you live.

Anonymous said...

And 1:58 and the other interns find comfort in hoping the constabulary will arrive sometime in the next 40 hours.

Anonymous said...

Home security is more than having a loaded pistol in a drwaer beside your bed . You could be in the shower, getting out of your car, out in your backyard. Home invasion while you are asleep is one 'script' . Having
reasonable access to a weapon is a basic need, being familiar with that weapon is essential.

Most likely there will be a reasonable oportunity to arm yourself and get yourself prepared. Instant intrusion or assault will be very diffficult to anticipate.

Anonymous said...

I keep several shotguns at the ready. But, they're not 'military grade' since all three are sawed off.

Any of you who sit there with one hand in a bag of popcorn and the other on your genitals are fools of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

Lots of comments are good in this blog,however there are some misconceptions. I have taught shooting and have competed in national competitive shooting contest. I own many guns. Pistols, AR 15s , shotguns and rifles. The Taurus Judge that I have shot (both with the 45 and the 410 shells) worked very well and is a good bedside weapon loaded with the right cartridges, if that is the only weapon you can have. Most people (including me) cannot accurately fire a pistol in the dark and only someone that practices a lot can hit with one in daylight. I use a laser on mine which gives you a better chance. The AR 15 will penetrate a wall unless you are using a frangible round but that will also carry a distance if it goes through a window. The last thing you want to do is hit a person in your home or next door with a rifle round. A shotgun using slugs or buckshot will also go through a wall and have the same problem as a rifle. The best in home defense weapon is a shotgun ( doesn't matter what gauge) with a short barrel loaded with #4 goose shot. At close range ( all most all confrontations take place in less than 20 feet) the # 4 goose shot is deadly and will not go through the wall. This makes it safe for other people in the home and neighbors. I have shot expert with every weapon in the military and I keep a simi automatic shotgun in my bedroom loaded with the # 4 goose shot. I do not have to expose myself to an intruder to fire effectively.

Pugnacious said...

@5:54 A.M

Whoever claimed the doctrine would protect one who chased a beer theif(sic) and shot him to recover a case of beer?

I duuno, you tell me. Either he took chase to recover the beer; or, in a fit of rage and revenge, he took chase to punish him for taking stealing his beer. Apparently the identity of the thief was know to Panunu. At that point, dial 911. But an armed Panunu took chase to confront the thief and when he confronted him, shot him in the chest. Fortner's closing argument to the jurors was that Panunu feared for his life when he saw Hawthorne's hand move. Mississippi-style Texas justice. Not having read the trial transcripts, I won't discuss the matter any further.


It's 5:44 By The Way said...

@ Pugnacious

I duuno (sic), you tell me. Either he took chase to recover the beer; or, in a fit of rage and revenge, he took chase to punish him for taking stealing (taking stealing sic)his beer. Apparently the identity of the thief was know(sic) to Panunu.

Again, why bring up a situation totally unrelated to Castle in a discussion of Castle? Which brings us back to my question to you: Whoever claimed Castle would protect this guy to begin with? But,you duuno(sic). You only bring up unrelated points. You don't explain their relevance.

Pugnacious said...

I dunno, but you seem to have won this one. And since Fortner did not employ "Castle Doctrine" as a defense,instead convincing the jury that Pannu's foot chase through the street-- and in the end shooting the thief twice in the chest after confronting him with the beer stolen from his Taj Mahal--constituted "justifiable homicide" and sent a message to future beer-stealing criminals. The grand jury, too, must have determined that "Castle Doctrine" did not apply, going for the charge of murder, instead.

I step aside.

Anonymous said...

"Castle" was never invoked. Not sure why you keep rattling on about it. Your 'step aside' is noted. But, since you seem well connected to the Fish, can you explain what a fugu fish is?

Pugnacious said...

I suspect that the reason I keep rattling along is because the Castle Doctrine will probably be raised by the defense--provided the case comes to trial--involving an incident that occurred last year in downtown H'Burg at Bennie's Bom-Boom Room. The incident involved alcohol and a heated argument ensued between two locals from Columbia(Miss) and the serviceman. Race was not a factor, as all involved were white. The two locals left the club to return to their vehicle, followed by the serviceman in hot pursuit. The H'Burg-American gave few details, but the serviceman was stabbed to death and died at the scene. The two men called 911 and remained by their vehicle. A friend of the victim served with him in Afghanistan, but revealed that his friend had a "big mouth."

Courts Uphold Castle Doctrine In North Mississippi... ordering a new trial.

Pugnacious said...

can you explain what a fugu fish is?

What does fugu fish have to do with the issue at hand...Castle Doctrine?

Anonymous said...

Fugu fish was mentioned at the conclusion of the article that you might not have read. It must have some relevance since it was mentioned. Castle was not.

Pugnacious said...

I read the article. The Urban Dictionary has several definitons for "fugu."

I suspect the point of dipping the bullet tips in fugu toxin is to track the perp if he is wounded and flees the scene. Much like bow hunters use poison on their arrow tips in order to track wounded prey, usually deer. There are reports and videos that show bow hunters going after Africa's wildlife, including primates. Sick bastards!.

Kingfish said...

From Russia with Love

Pugnacious said...

I was already in deep clinical depression after watching the New Years Twilight Zone Marathon, then I came across the Outdoor Channel while channel surfing over to TVLand to uplift my spirits.

There are other videos of Bubba targeting lion prey.

Pugnacious said...

Even Mississippi's own Toxey Haas(Mossy Oak) has gotten into promoting bow hunting safaris in Africa. No evidence yet that he is going after primates, too. The Bubbarinas are into it, too!

Pugnacious said...

I found this Ct. of Appeals case involving Castle Doctrine at JanesBlog, but it is confusing to one like myself with no legal background. I read the content. The Ct. of Appeals judges seem to have sided with the defendant and concluded that the trial court erred in denying the expert witnesses and in not giving juror instructions on the Castle Doctrine. The appeals court then remanded it back to the trial courts for a new trial. So why would the case go to the Miss. Supreme Court?

Btw, KF, Jackson Jambalaya is listed on Jane's Blogroll.

Pugnacious said...

From Jane's Law Blog..

Pugnacious said...

mea culpa

I was reading the minority dissenting opinion of the Ms. Ct. of Appeals decision. The majority of the Ms. Court of Appeals did affirm/ruled in favor of the trial court.

That explains why the MS State Supreme Court REVERSED the MS Court of appeals and ordered a retrial.

I guess I've been robotripping from taking all this head cold Robitussin.

Pugnacious said...

In reading the findings of the MSSC in granting Eboni White a new trial, I cannot but think back to the case of Mary Sue Shield of Lowndes county who was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the juke-joint(club Elite) dance-floor fight on New Years Eve 2003, between her and a drunken "perp" who had assaulted her when she refused to dance with him. Larry Martin, the perp, swung at MaySue and the fight ensued with MaySue's brother joining in. The only weapons in thye fight were fists and a broken barstool. Larry Martin died of a heart attack on the dancefloor. Shields was charged with first degree murder and found guilty. Judge Jim Kitchens sentenced her to life without parole. Dr. Haynes claimed that the fight induced the fatal heart attack because Martin suffered from heart diseases.

For the past few years around the anniversary of her being charged with murder, Ms. Shields submits a Letter To the Editor of Lowndes county's Columbus Packet, pleading for help in getting a new trial. Her latest letter claims new exculpatory witness testimony.

Mary Sue Shields vs State of Mississippi .

Jane said...

Lowndes County has some major problems. Only Lowndes could have produced this case - see Yarbrough.

Anonymous said...

Puggy: Hunters have never used poison-tipped arrows in order to be able to track injured animals. They use them in order to kill animals.

And what the hell is wrong with whuppin' a woman who won't accept a reasonable invitation to dance? Where do you get this stuff?

Pugnacious said...

Puggy: Hunters have never used poison-tipped arrows in order to be able to track injured animals. They use them in order to kill animals.

That is true. There was a time when my brother was into bow hunting. Using the poison-tipped arrows allows a hunter to track the wounded animal with the assurance that the animal won't get too far away as the poison takes effect. A deer, bullet-shot by firearms, can travel miles before succumbing to the wounds. I should have worded it differently. In a case some twenty-years ago, an airman based at Columbus Air Foirce Base died from being shot with a poison arrow during a deer hunt.

As for the rejected solicitation for a dance at Club Elite, I suspect Martin's drunken conditioned may have played a factor?

Pugnacious said...

And what the hell is wrong with whuppin' a woman who won't accept a reasonable invitation to dance?~

Johnny Redden~

Of all gin joints in all of the towns in all of the world, I find you here. I thought you packed your bags and fled to South America?

Pugnacious said...

Another muging by the Lowndes county court system occurred in The Case of the Heritage Academy Music Teacher Rubbing A Student Through His Pants.

Julian Mingo was hired as the voice instructor and choral drector at Heritage Academy High School. A fifteen-year old student, who was the son of a local law enforcement officer, was taking private voice lessons from Mr. Mingo, and after a period of over six months, the student went to the principal claiming he was molested by Mingo. The court records give no details as to what the "molestation" involved, other than the instructor using "weird technique" that involved placing his hand on the students instruction technique commonly used in voice projection. The law officers started the ball rolling from that point. After the jury found Mingo guilty of "molestation," Judge kitchens sentenced Mingo to serve three consecutive ten year terms. Kitchens refused to allow the testimony of an expert witness on the diaphram-technique used in voice instruction. Kitchen's cited Judge Hilburn's judicial precedent in the Beckwith's trial, claiming the Mingo defense delayed the introduction of the expert witness to "gain a tactical advantage." I'm think the "bent of mind" of both these judges.

..Though no direct evidence was presented that Mingo touched the victim specifically to satisfy his lustful desires, this Court has held that such recognition may arise from the circumstances of the encounter itself. Ladnier v. State, 878 So.2d 926, 930 (Miss.2004) (citing Bradford v. State, 736 So.2d 464, 466 (Miss.Ct.App.1999)).

(The "ecounter itself" was voice instruction.)

Mingo vs State of Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

15 out of the last 19, or 79% of the last 19 posts have been by Pugnacious. She is either JJ's secretary, lives with him or has pictures of him.

Anonymous said...

A student's diaphram is inside his pants? Pugnacious has totally lost it. Or has she simply found a place to display this bent of idiocy?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS