Check out the city's new animal shelter.
This video was shot at Fire Station #15 on Clinton Boulevard. Who says the administration hates animals?
A website of news, commentary, culture, & jackassery in the Jackson, Mississippi area.
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Poor kitty. :(
Jackson's next crisis will be a rabies epidemic
Que the jealous, uncultured suburbanites who don't have ceiling coons at their fire stations!
Past time for the State to dissolve Jackson and take over the city as a state level district. Legislators read JJ. How much farther will they allow this municipal dereliction to go?
Rocky? Is that you?
I thought it was going to be City Hall, but that would be the zoo.
What hasn’t Jackson run into the ground? Fire stations, Thalia Mara, libraries, almost there with the airport, the Zoo…
Remove all the State jobs please!
What would Marcel Ledbetter do ?
The phrase “third world country” is over used but….it’s gettin close.
The current one is a kill shelter.
I never knew the Jackson fire dept. was so busy that they don’t have time to straighten this blinds on the door.
Definition of a loser: a person who finds a way to minimize/criticize a positive development for others.
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