Sunday, July 23, 2023

Shooting by Barrington

A woman escaped with her life after a hoodlum shot at her by the Meadowbrook Road overpass at I-55 Friday evening.  Her mother posted on social media yesterday: 

Now I just got a call from my daughter, 7 o’clock in the evening, very, very light outside, at the corner of meadowbrook and 55. She was turning south, and some Ahole held an AR out the window and shot up her car! I’m trying to talk one of my kids into moving here-she doesn’t want to. I don’t blame her. Something Has to be done! like I said I don’t have the answers, but something has to be done!!!!!

yes, she was sitting still, to turn left onto I-55 south. She did hear and see what was coming, and ducked. Poor child, she’s been here since she was 9, SEVERAL years, and I guess she’s used to it. No, ma’am, she did not get injured, and yes, God was with her!!! 

Witnesses chimed in: 

This happened behind us and we called the police, after several attempts someone answered and we gave the tag and description of the car as it sped by us. It was ridiculous. Tag number WAF 1606 Silver Toyota Camry with a busted window on the passenger side rear door.

My wife and I were sitting at that intersection at that time waiting for the light to change. The shots were rapid and indeed very loud. Unfortunately we could not identify where the shots were coming from. Frightening to say the least.

The victim (daughter) posted on social media: 

For all the people wondering about the shooting with Char/ Meadowbrook bridge and I-55- the Meadowbrook car was me. I was the innocent girl on the bridge from Meadowbrook trying to get onto I 55 just to go pick up my boyfriend from work and had a guy go to cross the intersection with a AK-47 dang near, hanging out of his car window in my direction and shooting. 

I was in a rental car and he managed to hit one of my tires that I was unaware of until passersby’s told me. I had a really sweet couple that stopped and helped me in my moment of need to calm down and I would love to be able to locate them on here. They just don’t know how much I appreciate that they stopped and helped me. I don’t know why this guy was shooting for no reason or what he had done at char before. 

I was already confused afterwards from what had happened and what I was supposed to do considering it was a rental vehicle later on and realized after the police left that guy must’ve been hit in another area on the car because my brake fluid had all leaked out so I had to have someone follow me to get it safely to my mothers house to get it towed. 

I don’t know why it has gotten so violent in Jackson. I’ve been here for years. I moved here when I was 9 and I’m now 31 years old. Are used to not have to worry about where I was going in certain areas and felt safe for the most part but it’s getting a lot closer to home now even after I’ve moved from certain areas in Jackson to safer areas and still dealing with it. I was unable to go back to work last night, considering I was so shaken up. At least with the couple that did stop I was able to give them some of my mobile, dog grooming, business cards, they will definitely have to get a discount! Again, I don’t know what all is going on in this city, but it needs to be taken care of. I’m glad that I was in the car by myself so no one else was to be in danger, but it would be nice if we didn’t have to worry about that in the first place. I wish you all safe days today and forward.
WLBT reported:

A press release says that the three victims, two females and one male, told officers that they were being followed by a silver Hyundai Sonata when the man began shooting into their vehicle.

According to the release, a bullet struck a second vehicle on Meadowbrook Road. Fortunately, no one was injured.

The driver of the second vehicle must have been the victim in the social media posts.


Ben Allen and Sheriff Tyree Jones said...

Here is what happened: Update on shootout yesterday in "fashionable" Northeast Jackson…. I have a bit of an update if you’d like:

From what I am being told, all 3 incidents are related
There was a car full of criminals that was being chased and shot at/into by a car full of other criminals.

The car that was being chased drove to the Char parking lot

The bullets that hit the cars on Old Canton and then I-55 @ Meadowbrook were stray bullets from the 2 criminal cars chasing/shooting at each other.
Hope this makes sense. Convoluted to type out.

Tyree Jones
You’re right Ben. The shooting didn’t happen at Char, rather started at a nearby apartment complex on the west side of I-55. The ignorance spilled out onto the streets nearby.

Ask me how I know? Because I was turning into the parking lot to go eat dinner at Char and the car that was shot up was turning in next to me, nearly sideswiping my pickup truck. I saw bullet holes and I stopped.

They drove to the officer in the lot to alert her. I stopped as well. When I saw the victims that were in the vehicle that was shot into, I immediately knew that it was some complete foolery. I learned today that others suffered as well as a result of this senseless drama.

Anonymous said...

Othor Cain
Ben, your update is correct. I had an opportunity to speak with Jackson’s Chief of Police Joseph Wade, he gave me an update as well. I’d like to think because of our conversation today, this incident finally hit the news. Chief Wade said immediately he would investigate and get a news release out. He followed up; got the incident report and alerted the public. That’s leadership.
We’ve got to get a handle on this.

Ben Allem said...

Ben Allen
Tyree Jones Sheriff you deal with this stuff all the time. We are getting broadsided but used to it here in 39211 as it is relatively "new" and seems to be a creature of the last 5 years or so. I honestly don't know what a person can do other than leave. HB 1020 is being fought tooth and nail, but WHAT OPTIONS have the opposing parties brought to the table, led by an Ole Miss legal professor sympathizer....Cliff Johnson.... that lives in the sleepy, quaint town of Water Valley? What solid objectives are being proposed by the opposers other that whining?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Joseph Wade is a total joke.

Anonymous said...

So, now that everyone's been notified, what are they going to do? Seriously, WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO? The answer is: They're going to act incredulous, and nothing more after that will be done. Period. Hide and watch.

This is a cultural problem, one that understands nothing but force. Therefore, until the force of the law comes down on them, this will continue (and will get much worse from here.) That's because we've seen for the last 5-10 years, the people with the authority to change things don't see the problem. This is how they live, so if it's an everyday occurrence to them, what's the big deal?

If we continue to look the other way and blame this on education, poverty, etc., NOTHING is going to change. While we can't legislate morality, we CAN put REAL consequences on poor choices. Remember when we used to do that? In your whole life, do you ever remember this degree of lawlessness? Have you wondered why it's so different now than it was in the past? Finally, why are we now so accepting of it? It's because too many people are afraid to address these REAL problems!

Burke said...

Sounds like things started at the Hallmark Apartments.

So what did the guy tell the security officer at Char? Was he shooting back before that? Has he been arrested?

Anonymous said...

Jackson leadership needs come on out and say it: "JACKSON HAS A GANG VIOLENCE PROBLEM"

Anonymous said...

No wonder Red Lobster is closing.

Anonymous said...

I am glad I moved out of this cesspool a few years ago. There is no hope for Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Oh ok. Nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

" I don't know why it has gotten so violent in Jackson"

I know why but, nobody wants to hear it.

Anonymous said...

This was not at the Barrington…

Anonymous said...

And we have idiots fighting to stop HB 1020.
Each and every one of them need to be forced to live here and deal with the crime.

Don Drane said...

Holy Shit! The high sheriff refers to this as 'ignorance' and 'foolery'.

There's part of the problem, right there! Criminal conduct involving firearms and endangering innocent lives is NOT 'ignorance' and 'foolery'.

Seems to me the high sheriff is saying, "These boys just doin' what these boys do".

Fifty years ago, these 'boys' would be in a cell awaiting sentencing to 15 years at Parchman.

'Ignorance' and 'foolery' is a 15 year old boy busting a mailbox with a baseball bat or doing donuts in his girlfriend's front yard!

Don Drane said...

If I am to understand Othor Cain's post, he spoke with the police chief following this criminal activity and during that conversation, the chief told Cain he would investigate immediately.

And Cain calls that leadership?

What the hell is wrong with this picture?

Anonymous said...

This $hit would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Anonymous said...

If you live in Jackson or visit Jackson and are a victim of crime, you can’t say you were not warned. Feral animals running the streets as well as running the city. Leadership is complacent and they are part of the problem.

The black “leadership” of Jackson and blame racism for all their problems but nobody is buying it. It’s 100% due to bastard men running the streets with no discipline.

At this point, the State should be ashamed for even having ANYTHING to do with the City with Soul.

Anonymous said...

What’s going to be done other than a bunch of talking? Anything?

Anonymous said...

This is the reason we must oppose House bill 1020!

We have the leaders in Ben, Tyree, Otis, and the JPD Chief to handle this
'Foolery' and "senseless drama" and do not need any racist interference from House Bill 1020.

"I immediately knew that it was some complete foolery. I learned today that others suffered as well as a result of this senseless drama."

Step back and let the professionals and grown ups handle this HB1020!

Anonymous said...

The tolerance of crime by Jackson’s elected officials (and other Democrat controlled cities) is a tactic to run off and keep out voters that would vote Democrats out of office. Only poor fools can’t see that this is exactly how one party dominates a city for decades.

Like the linked Washington Times article correctly states: “States fail when politicians choose to increase power by increasing dysfunction.”

Tip O’Neill said...

What we need is a second helping of “Coco with the Popo” , that will fix this problem.

Anonymous said...

......and 5:43 makes 4:07's case.

Anonymous said...

ThanksBen Allen, you have always done all you can do to combat these issues. I might be time to move out, but that is a hard decision only you and your wife have to make.

Anonymous said...

6:02, the only solution to deal with this sort of vermin is to shoot back and don't miss.

Anonymous said...

I would suspect the victims in the first car that turned into Char were black as are the many other victims of violent crimes in this New Afrika “utopia” of the commie Mayor, yet those trying to do something about helping save the majority victims of violent crime are the racists?

Anonymous said...

Ben,you can do what I did. Put up a for sale sign and move to Madison. You probably will not believe the businesses (particularly medical professional people) that have done this.

Anonymous said...

6:12 you make no sense. What are you talkin' about? You fer it or agin it.....1020?

Anonymous said...

Come on guys. That's only like the 3rd time recently that incoming direct fire has been taken at these intersections, fka safe clean places to shop and dine. You know, just small arms fire.

It's not like the cartels have made it here. Oh, wait. The millions invading. Nevermind.

So, until we see .50 cal fire, rocket launchers, and 40mm grenades, let's not be too racist and think Jackson has a failed drug culture of anarchy. Geez.

While the Jackson murder rate may be higher than cartel country, the battle damage assessment on infrastructure is still slightly lower. Relax.

Anonymous said...

Attn 7:12 PM , I served in those “cartel” countries during those insurrections. I felt safer there than I would if I “still” lived in Jackson. I would be scared to let my dog or cat go out if we still lived in Jackson. It is a hard decision, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and sale your quickly depreciating homes.

Anonymous said...

I live in Madison city. I got a “running a stop sign” ticket last week!!! I have no idea if I did or did not come to a “complete” stop. I guess this is the price you have to pay to live in a Jackson suburb. Not to mention the rudeness and arrogance I had to accept while keeping my mouth closed.

Anonymous said...

Their murder rate in Jackson ms. Is about 3 times as high per capita as Chicago’s.

fed up in Jackson said...

as I sit at my home in Fondren and read this post and comments, I am listening to gunfire in the distance. idiots

Anonymous said...

9:10. Duh. Chicago is not 85% black.

Anonymous said...

Mama’s boys playing with big boy guns are going a meet a real warrior one day! The rate they are going it will be soon. Mayor you need to shut this shigity down, it ain’t going to be good optics for you and the bold new city.

Anonymous said...

He would have called it "tomfoolery," but he didn't want to offend anyone in the Lumumba administration.

Anonymous said...

Sadly lumumba and city leaders are more upset about the headline using word hoodlum than they are the girls that were victims

Anonymous said...

@6:12 - you're an idiot if you live in Jackson and don't want the help that HB1020 offers. At this point, you have a choice between more cops ( black and white cops), or more thugs - and you're choosing the thugs.

Anonymous said...

Rankin County is the best place to move. Too much crime in Madison because of these liberals moving in.

Anonymous said...

All of this because of weak knees.
Weak knees has plagued this fair city for 40 years, and getting worse.
However, a growth pill for weak knees has been developed and will soon be available. It will regrow knees. Just remember, Knee Grows.... Please.

Anonymous said...

If you are white and shoot these thugs don't hang around because the DA will prosecute you.

Anonymous said...

Get out NOW while you CAN!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry-no one was hit-just kids out having fun.

Anonymous said...

"No wonder Red Lobster is closing." Olive Garden is next, probably with Boot Barn soon to follow.

Anonymous said...

If you can get out of Jackson and don’t you are a fool.

Anonymous said...

8:00 It's what you call the broken window theory. It works.

Anonymous said...

What does the char thought leader think of this? Should we plan a thought meeting?

Anonymous said...

Had an out town vendor mention Char as an option to eat based off his own internet search.

I had to explain why we don't go there after dark anymore.
Suppose its now just "dont go there" period.

The media seem to be complicit and on board with Lamumbles extreme lack of transparency plan.

They should hire a white crime receiver so all the residents could suddenly care about it and voice their disgust with the lack of communication.

Anonymous said...

So, all you "real" men want to run to the suburbs? God forbid you should be seen working with and helping city officials
and which would help you make sure the corruption you think exists is exposed. Instead, you want to create a zone that protects politicians but does nothing to protect citizens, or "clean out" the worst crime areas. And, God forbid our legislature or State officials create a bill deal with and break up gangs similar laws that dealt with the mafia. God forbid our elected officials look at how other cities with help from the State dealt with the exact same problems facing Jackson.
HB 1020 does NOTHING for neighborhoods. You won't even give homeowners the power to deal with those who let their properties become hazards or businesses that abandon property.
Instead, you are supporting a STATE takeover rather than empowering local governing. And, worse, you are willing to sacrifice your Capitol city and all within it that is historical and irreplaceable to do it. And,you are willing to have a one party, one leader government and claim to be brave Patriots? You are cowards! And you can own all the guns you want but if you are unwilling to risk your skin to take on criminals or learn from history, you won't protect anything or anybody. You just become a Hitler/Stalin/Putin enabling thug at best. Stand your ground isn't your slogan!

Anonymous said...

@9:36am - Sorry, not “standing my ground” to put my family at risk of living in a third world city where we can be shot in broad daylight sitting at a stop light. My first priority is, and always will be, my family. Fix your broken culture and maybe we can talk. Until then, Jackson will become Detroit. It needs to fail for the adults can step in and take over.

Anonymous said...

Should we plan a thought meeting?

You won't be invited. The Thought Leader only invites his adoring sycophants and the fools who believe that Wyatt Emmerich is actually influential.

Anonymous said...

9:30am sounds good to me! Get with the leaders in the community and make this work. I’m all for solutions but in the meantime I will conceal carry and I will convert the the fool that attempts to harm me our my family while I’m passing thru Jackson Ms.

The leadership in Hinds County and Jackson must restore law and order. This lawlessness is looking like it’s planned because no city allows criminals to run rampant unless it’s on purpose/planned!

Now if the criminals are smarter than the local officials I got it!!

Anonymous said...

@9:36 am

Sorry, but the leaders in Jackson are too racist to even let what few white people are left help.

The people that followed Harvey Johnson sacrificed Jackson so they could run around with women, put friends in jobs they were not qualified for, ran off all good water department workers, gave contracts to friends, put race over safety when selecting a chief, borrow money on top of money, etc.

BTW: Are you saying if the Jews had stayed in Germany that would have stopped Hitler? That by leaving they are enabling? No wonder the Jackswon masses are so easily duped. No concept of history or facts.

Anonymous said...

With each passing day the apologia of Democrats, denialists, racial division pimps and the political miscreants who prop up the Lumumbas that innocent bystanders are not victimized by Jackson crime gets debunked and thrown upon the growing garbage heap of discredited spin.

In Jackson outside the boundaries of the CCID there is essentially no police force remaining. JPD is little more than a skeletal crew of officers (and a new talk-a-lot Chief) taking reports.

As documented on JJ repeatedly Lumumba has purposefully removed from Jacksonians the ability to review and consider crime statistics. The city's Dictator has forbidden you from knowing the truth about crime in Jackson. Think about that. He would hide the reporting of murders, all crime really, from Jackson's citizens if he had the power and thought he could get away it.

Jackson's implosion is happening quickly now. The downward trajectory is undeniable and picking up speed. The anxiety associated with preparing to sell your house and actually move is very high. It is uncomfortable to be forced out. It shouldn't be happening. Yes, the prospect of taking a loss is economically frightening.

But, please, don't wait and don't be fooled for even one minute longer. The time to act is now because the outright collapse of property values in 39211, Fondren and Belhaven is right around the corner and in some neighborhoods already happening.

The loss you may take getting the hell out of Jackson today is far smaller than the loss you are guaranteed to take from a distressed exit tomorrow.

While he loss of your life or the lives of your loved ones ... that loss is insurmountable.

Anonymous said...

9:36 "...And, worse, you are willing to sacrifice your Capitol city..."

Not my capital city anymore. (btw, it's capit-a-l, not o-l)

Anonymous said...

What's the Hinds County illegitimacy rate up to these days? 85%? Remember the church closings during the scamdemic while BLM rioters ran amok and with buildings burning in the background while the libard media referred to the "mostly peaceful protest"? Remember AOC telling shoplifters and looters to "take what you need"?

Anonymous said...

James, this is your site and you get to pick and choose what comments get posted. But it is because you allow some humor or questionable posts while passing on others is why you have to beg for support.

Anonymous said...

It's not only a disfunctional JPD, the JFD management is a joke. The chief and asst. chief don't even know their ISO fire rating nor how many hydrants that they have and how many are functional.

Note: it's hydrant, not fire hydrant. Saying "fire hydrant" is like saying "hot water heater."

Anonymous said...

@ 9:36 AM - "God forbid you should be seen working with and helping city officials."

Doing what, exactly? WTF are any of them doing to better the city? They don't need me to schedule more pressers and town halls, and to bloviate and play the blame game. The City of Soul doesn't want outside help -- unless it's in the form of $$$$$, so they can all get PAID!

Anonymous said...

I’m surprised Tyree wasn’t at Char at the time of the incident. As much as he’s there, you would think that was his office. That’s the only thing he’s been effective at besides posting pics for the attention of the ladies on Facebook everyday.

Cynical Sam said...

Y'all are missing the fact that another "cocoa with the popo," a "balloon release," a trip to the Paris Air Show, and a Chowke interview with CNN/MSNBC would fix all that ails Jackistan.

MisterJimmyAtTheChelseaDrugStore said...

1:14, the National Fire Protection Association uses both “fire hydrant” and “hydrant” in their codes. I agree with you on the redundancy in the term “hot water heater” but the descriptor “fire” is technically necessary to distinguish among the different type of hydrants such as yard hydrants serviced by 3/4 lines. I hate I had to stoop down to your level of anality, but there it is.

Anonymous said...

" 9:36 "...And, worse, you are willing to sacrifice your Capitol city..."

Not my capital city anymore. (btw, it's capit-a-l, not o-l)"
July 24, 2023 at 12:27 PM

My assumption is that 9:36 is either a volunteer or a paid "operative", attempting to post what his/her/"their" bosses had prepared for him/her/"them" to post on the Internet. Unfortunately (or, perhaps, fortunately) he/she/"they" did a terrible job, got the talking points garbled and scrambled, and didn't make much sense.

Oh, and to expand upon this excellent comment: "BTW: Are you saying if the Jews had stayed in Germany that would have stopped Hitler? That by leaving they are enabling? No wonder the Jackswon masses are so easily duped. No concept of history or facts."
July 24, 2023 at 11:03 AM

Plenty of Jews DID stay in Germany. So, we don't have to wonder whether they would have stopped Hitler. They couldn't. They didn't. They couldn't, any more than Jacksonians, today, would be capable of stopping the planned and deliberate destruction of their city - a destruction engineered, funded, and coordinated, by forces outside Mississippi. In 1930s Germany, potential victims of the Third Reich, failed to understand the new and different nature of the Surveilance State Totalitarianism which would eventually destroy them. There are parallels, which I'm sure you've noticed, between what happened, then, and what's happening, NOW.

Anonymous said...

I hate I had to stoop down to your level of anality, but there it is.

Yup, looks like you're all-in now.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! Racists calling out racists!
If one race is distrusting of the other and thinks they might despise them, it's guilt for the past and fear of retribution or you actually ARE a racist.
If the race that suffered past racism becomes racist,it's somewhat understandable but counterproductive and becoming what you despised.
Will you all please stop acting like two year olds?!
If you are NOT supportive of your State's largest city, and if you lack the social skills to be civil EVEN to those you don't like to work for mutual best interests, and if you are too stupid to understand that a caoital city is the symbol of State to others, then you ARE the problem.
Those of you who go to other places and run down Jackson is exactly WHY we have such hard time getting industry and visitors to our State. MOST civilized cultures don't "air their dirty laundry in public".
In the OTHER States, people take pride in their capital. They understand it's the impression of them others will see most and hear most about. And, that includes the bad impression of YOU for running your home State capital down to them! But,they will love how you make them feel better about their State!
And for the" I'm not a coward, I'm protecting my family" person, I call BS! A REAL man teaches his family how to take care of themselves. Your family should have " plans" for safety threats. What if the threat gets you before you can react? A real man explains to his loved ones how to avoid risks and how to recognize and react to threats. You are delusional if you think crime only happens in cities and not suburbs. I'm certain my grandchildren are better at protecting themselves than you are at even defending yourself if you rely only on your weapon when you are out and about.
Those of you who left, will be very sorry one day, just as are the people who left Atlanta, Richmond and Raleigh and other large urban areas like Houston and Baltimore for the suburbs.

Anonymous said...

1:26 pm If you have a solution to a problem, share it. But, first you'll have to know what tools and personnel and funds they have to implement that solution. It actually works. I've done it for problems I knew how to solve in government.
And, the other thing I know for certain, is that I get help with things I can't solve, by describing my problem and asking kindly for help. I don't get it with belligerence. And, that worked to get help for my neighborhoods over the years.
Problem identification is easy. It's also easy to vent,gripe,criticize and complain. Some may finally help just to get rid of you. But, if you want it solved faster, try being nice and complimentary and ask how you can help them solve the problem. Sometimes, they can tell you how to cut through red tape if they can't act immediately to help.
I'm afraid too many of you got used to " good ole boys" and " who do you know" getting things done for you. Welcome to modern times. And, politicians who don't care about their environs, just their pocketbooks.

Anonymous said...

Did 10:29 basically say that we are to blame for the current state of jackson because we "bad mouth" the city and thus stunted tourism?

Genuinely curious, did we also create the crime with our bad mouthing? And elect the judges that refuse to lock murderers up? And the racist leaders that hate white people?

And what exactly are your grandchildren defending themselves with that we should be envious of? I sure hope it's not semi automatic weapons in the Char parking lot.

I really don't know how you could tell a single mother to stay in a crime riddled city and suck it up because YOU think that is the only answer.

But you sound like someone who stayed to long and cannot afford to leave now and you are real bitter about it.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:29 AM - There are two angles to the racism references that I read into this blog topic: 1) Those opposing HB 1020 because of a claim that it's a white-based initiative to take control away from an 80% black city. Even though HB 1020 is by its inception, an effort to help the Capital City of Jackson; and, 2) Those claiming reverse discrimination because the leadership of the aforementioned Capital City insists on favoring minority contractors and suppliers based on skin color alone, with no regard for who could provide the best products or services. Those are two very real issues, but not what you were going after -- right?

Oh, and downtown Baltimore is still a war zone.

JPD Sucks said...

JPD is a joke. WLBT did a live story at the scene during the 5 PM news and there were still many shell casings on the ground/pavement. Great evidence collection at the scene of an attempted murder, jackwagons!!!

If only there were some donuts or maybe Church's chicken left there...

Anonymous said...

10:29, Actually, airing dirty laundry in public is exactly the way to deal with government malfeasance/misfeasance/corruption.

Coverups, denial, etc., may be the way in dysfunctional families, but it has no legitimate place in public office.

The fact is, Jackson has the highest per-capita homicide rate for the last two years. There is no way to polish that turd.

Jackson has been unable to provide basic city services, and a large percentage of its youth can't functionally read or write. Gang violence is spilling out into the streets on a regular basis.

Unless and until those facts are openly discussed and addressed by those who are responsible for addressing them, they will not get better.

Anonymous said...

We are now in a virtual state of war in Jackson. We have a decision to make before it is too late. Will the local community and the surrounding communities continue to stand by and essentially do nothing or demand a change in leadership and effective policing and responsible punishment in the judicial system. This should be at the forefront of every member of our communities. Everyone should realize that this could be your spouse, your child, your grandchild or your friend. Do not ask for whom the Bell tolls it tolls for thee.

Anonymous said...

How exactly should the "surrounding communities" convince Chuck and Bennie to "demand" these changes that you and I agree are needed 11:30am?

See also; HB1020

Because I think you are asking the wrong people to save you.

You should probably be rallying the citizens who actually live in Jackson over to your side before you recruit those of us with a brain.
Jackson is the drunk that still does not see blacking out behind the wheel as a problem.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS