Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Water Manager Wants to Base Water Bills on Home Assessments

Maybe Lenin was right about capitalists and ropes. Jackson Water Manager Ted Henefin hasn't backed off his idea to base water bills on property assessments.  Mr. Henefin promoted the idea again at a private forum Sunday organized by Jeff Good.  Some of the businessmen present (not all) supported Mr. Henefin's suggestion.  WLBT reported: 

 An idea floated by Jackson’s new water manager could mean no more bills based on faulty meter readings.

But it also could mean paying more for water depending on how much the tax assessor says your home is worth.

At a private meeting Sunday, Jackson Interim Third-Party Manager Ted Henifin shared details of what he called “property value-based billing,,” which would base a customers’ water bills on the assessed value of their home.

However, he says he’s open to other ideas and says more questions have to be answered before any plan can be implemented.

“I like to tell people that I worked for a man who always said he reserved the right to be smarter tomorrow,” Henifin said. “And that’s because you take in information from other people.”

Currently, customers are assessed a flat $3.81 for every 748 gallons of water used. The Jackson City Council approved the rate increases in December 2021.

Henifin argues that the current rate structure places a greater burden on lower-income families, a weight that could be lifted under a property-value driven program.... Rest of article.

The email posted below was sent to the favored few: 

Many of you have heard about Interim Third Party Manager Ted Henifin’s plan for a change in Jackson’s rate structure for water.  Due to pressing issues with water delivery over the past few weeks, few details have been available.

However, Ted is required to present a rate structure plan as part of the larger, long term financial plan to the City, EPA and the Department of Justice by January 27 - so there is little time for public outreach and consensus-building.  While there are plans for community engagement during February, the plan will be made public prior to that opportunity; a timeline which can lead to miscommunication and incorrect assumptions.

Jeff Good is inviting you to an informal briefing by Ted on Sunday, January 8, 6 p.m. at The Cedars, 4145 Old Canton Road.  The briefing will be primarily about the proposed rate structure.

This is a critical juncture for our city and it is important that you, our city’s opinion leaders, are informed about this important step in fixing our water system.  Your questions and input are important to the process.

The list of invitees included Northside Sun publisher Wyatt Emmerich, WLBT management (but no reporters) and Othor Cain as a game of favorites was played with the media.  

From each according to his means........



Obviously said...

This is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Karl Marx would be proud of this Mass. socialist. He and Chowke have probably become BFFs.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

Anonymous said...

So Henifin is wanting residents to pay based on how much their home is worth, not how much water their home is actually using?

Has he bought a home in Jackson or is he just renting while trying to figure this mess out?

Jackson will become the next renters haven! Free water for everyone!!

Anonymous said...

So lets see, you have a 2 acre garden that you water ever other day and a $50,000 home and you pay less than a small business that has 1 bathroom and a sink? Great idea!!

Anonymous said...

What does he plan for non-paying users, raping the paying users.

Anonymous said...

Screw Good and his divisive BS. Emmerich sure as hell doesn't represent anyone.

Anonymous said...

I thank the Lord everyday that I don't live in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

gasoline next

Anonymous said...

Wel well well…Jeff Good thinks that’s a good idea and promotes it??? That liberal dunce just lost a family of customers here if true!

Anonymous said...

How about I go to one of the car dealerships and demand to buy a new car buy the same rules. I would like to be able to do that soon. I am already looking at a couple of trucks I would like to buy. Sorry, my house is not the greatest. It would look much better with a new pickup setting out in the front.

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't noticed Jackson's mayor has already touted the city as the most radical city in the country. To the ultra liberal establishment this means it is the perfect guinea pig for social experimentation they hesitate to try in more prosperous locales. Jackson will get some outside money to do stuff only the desperate or crazy would tolerate. But it will get some money. The problem is, it will never be enough.

Anonymous said...

This may be unconstitutional.

Inquiring minds said...

What was Carpetbagger Ted promised by Taliaferro jr to advance the Kush agenda?

Anonymous said...

He said the he is open to other ideas. I've done extension research and given hundreds of hours of thought to this perplexing and complicated problem. My proposal is somewhat unconventional and "out of the box," but I would suggest BILLING PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY USE.

Anonymous said...

If you will closely check the rules of the various state/federal funding sources received by the city for water system improvements, I suspect you may find that such a scheme is not allowed.

Anonymous said...

Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples money.

Anonymous said...

This is bullshit. If they implement it, I hope an avalanche of lawsuits hit.

Jeff G or any other restaurant folks---you for this? Kiss my money and support good bye. No exceptions.

Utilities, whether water, gas, electricity, are based upon usage. Period. Using that method is fair and unbiased. Is it hard sometimes? Yes! Sometimes the house is colder or hotter than I want it. But that's the price.

Man, I'm pissed.

Fix the Pipes and Fill the Potholes said...

FYI - My water charge is $3.85/ccf and I cannot fathom why my sewer rate is $5.36/ccf. Can someone explain why the untreated water sent back costs 40% more that the treated water we used at the tap?

Anonymous said...

at the end of the news cast, i heard income; not property value;

Anonymous said...

Thank you Eastover and JCC for funding the water department after the Fed money has evaporated!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that this carpetbagger's idea is unconstitutional, both federal and state.

Anonymous said...

Everything that a poorer person pays for takes disproportionate portion of his income compared to someone who has more income. Does that mean a poorer person should automatically pay less for all goods and services than someone who has more? Will that person have to pay less per gallon of gas at the pump, or pay less for a Big Mac at McD’s or a plate of lasagna at Bravo? He’s paying a larger percentage of his income for sales taxes. Does he get a lower sales tax rate, too?

Will the water czar ask Entergy and Atmos to charge for electricity and gas usage bases on assessed values as well?

Anonymous said...

They literally just installed new meters in my neighborhood....do those not work??

Anonymous said...

Little time for outreach and consensus building? Aw, well, hell, then, Jeff, y’all do what y’all think is best and just send me a bill. I’m proud to bend over and do my part.

Anonymous said...

Go to WaterMatters.org. (a real organization for Woke Florida Water)

Yes, not only is BLM the role model for LuMumbler, but Woke Water.

WM is OK (Water Matters). BLM Good. WM (Waste Management) Bad.

Got it, Colonizers???

Simply Confused said...

How did any of you read this and conclude that Jeff Good or anyone else invited to this meeting were in favor of this ridiculous idea? I don't know what any of their stances on this idea are, but I would presume they want to get the details straight from the horses mouth so that they can disseminate accurate information to the public.

Anonymous said...

10:41 nails it. The Mississippi Supreme Court has already opined on such creative billing of Jackson’s water/sewer in the early 1980’s when Jackson sought to reduce bills for the elderly. Alternatively, imagine this billing approach making its way to the U S Supreme Court with its six solid conservatives. Is there any place in American where property value billing occurs? Neither Supreme Court is gonna let f’ed Jackson set the precedent.

Lumumba gets to say to his followers that he tried, and had a white man try it - all while he continues to grift and pontificate.

10:22 a, its $400k/yr and perks. Carpetbaggers are the same 150 years later.

KF, they don’t want you in the room because you actually ask uncomfortable questions.

Anonymous said...

Since all the leadership continues to tout clean water as a "basic human right", but now want to use income to discriminate for that right, let's see what other rights we can divvy up based on income. How about must have property above a certain value to vote, or pay a surcharge?

Anonymous said...

Is that assessed value Before of AFter the mortgage balance

Anonymous said...

Your real estate property taxes are based upon the value of your house, your income tax is bases upon your earnings.

Why should't things like groceries, utilities,gasoline and healhcare be priced upon your economic status- according to your needs and abilities?

Anonymous said...

Henifin-communism-a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Anonymous said...

@10:33 Sewer treatment generally is more expensive than water treatment. It is that way in most all water/sewer systems.

I don't like this idea of using property values. Mr. Henifin, or anyone else in his role, needs to fix the problem, not create an additional problem. This is a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

I live in a very nice Madison subdivision. We want to thank the Jackson mayor for raising the value of our properties by encouraging those who can afford to leave Jackson to consider moving to the city of Madison.

Anonymous said...

And tax exempt properties will not get billed. Churches, schools, government, etc etc. Empty office buildings will pay for no water usage. This is BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

If this is how they’re going to bill water then are the affluent areas going to be prioritized by service and repairs? NE Jackson etc… let me guess we won’t be

Anonymous said...

If marxist water system bills property owners based on assessed value, slum lords with ten $50,000 rental homes would pay the higher rate for $500,000 and then raise rents?

Equal treatment under the law would be impossible hence unconstitutional.

Wyatt Emerich has devolved into a bolshevik in his dotage. He and others imply that metering water, like the rest of the country, is not in Jackson's skillset, so billing all the same rate must give way to commie water.

Why are meters and standard water system performance too difficult for $400K Henifin?

Anonymous said...

A scaled fee system is going in Detroit that is income based.

Anonymous said...

Have you people not heard of a moving van?

Anonymous said...

Read wlbt.com article.

Anonymous said...

I would ask for a legitimate reassessment of my property value. There is no way it is even close to actual value, especially since Lumumba took office. Property values in Jackson since he was installed, I mean elected, have plummeted.

I've got a vacant lot in a gated subdivision in the 'burbs that is increasing in value by the day. It can be had, but it is going to cost. Be we do have running water and everyone out here is treated equally.

Anonymous said...

The "Devil" would be in the details.
IF the water was billed to the owner of the property and not to the renter suffering from high bills due to water leaks or not having water at all, I'm willing to entertain that idea.
It'd also apply to commercial building owners instead of those leasing and suffering the ill effects of poor maintenance.

I would remind those who seem not to know what communism is or isn't, that we pay taxes based on the notion that those who benefit the most from Capitalism benefit the most.As it is, the rich are NOT paying the percentage of their income or earnings that the lowest taxpayer is paying.
Donald Trump paid nothing when you paid the minimum. He didn't contribution his Presidential salary. He did not scrimp on anything. Yet he used medical services, government employees, etc. to serve his needs.

Some of you just can't fathom that you are supporting fascist or autocratic notions of privilege which, like communism,reward the rulers and the key people supporting their positions of power. You imagine YOU will be among those rewarded. You may briefly get crumbs. That won't secure a future.

You are also assuming that those living in rentals are not working. You actually don't get that the folks digging the ditches needed to find the water leaks are probably living in some of the neighborhoods without water.
We ALL benefit from reliable infrastructure...especially the essential services of water, electricity and safe means of travel.
Like the bean counters that plague us, you would lose dollars to save pennies by ignoring your " operating environment" or past or current dependency on anyone but yourselves to function.ALL you know is you don't like rules or anyone telling you can't do whatever the hell you want all the time.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter if y'all like this or even if it is unconstitutional.

Woke agendas override all common sense these days and court of public opinion wont allow the wealthy residents to disagree with the plan.

So I would strongly recommend the residents don't take comfort in the fact that this seems impossibly wrong to do to them.

We can no longer expect common sense or even legal principal to prevail. The majority wants this garbage and the few us with our marbles are screwed.

Anonymous said...

The mayor has stated on numerous occasions that water is a "basic human right".

So why then, mayor, should rights be more expensive for some than for others?

Anonymous said...

Fair point 10:55am. I will await Jeff's very public rebuke of this.

Because, you know...surely he will want to clarify his position and not be afraid to stand up to this sh*t show of clown leaders, right?

Surely he wont quietly hide and hope others face the public backlash that immediately proceeds anyone that stands up to Chuck, right?

See also: Tate Reeves

Anonymous said...

Mayor Narcissist doesn't give a shit about consensus building, we know that. Now we see that the local narcissist restaurateur also doesn't care.

Time for honest Jacksonians to cancel their patronage of Jeff Good's businesses.

Anonymous said...

Property values in Madison and Rankin Counties continue to climb, while Jackson and a Hinds continue to plummet. I have no idea why.

Anonymous said...

I've done a lot of dumb things in my life.
But moving out of Jackson 10 years ago will always be something I am proud of.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of how the bill is calculated, how is it collected. One big problem now is that so many people are not paying their water bisss at all. Many rental households fall into this group and there is no penalty under this current city administration.

Anonymous said...

12:05 is clueless. Same old leftist argument about taxes. No the low income pay less percentage of their income than the large earners. The Bottom 50% pay no taxes at all. I advise that they go look at the taxes paid by each group.
Second topic. It is simple , get rid of the current crappy meters and start over. Charge for use. If Jackson wants more of the earners to leave ,keep hitting them with taxes and this equity idea of water cost tied to the value of the homes.
I am one that saw this start in Jackson several years ago. The taxes, crime, incompetence at city hall and racism by the mayor and the city council. I sold my businesses and home and got out!

Anonymous said...

@ "Can someone explain why the untreated water sent back costs 40% more that the treated water we used at the tap?"

Because it costs MUCH more to handle sewage than it does to handle fresh water. The pipes have to be bigger due to the solids. Pumping costs more because of the solids. A lot of the sewer system is gravity operated, but that runs the pipes deeper and then there's more pumping to get it back up to ground level. Treatment is MUCH more involved because of the pollutants in the water. Extreme variations in flow volume due to stormwater and groundwater intrusion must be handled. Meanwhile, fresh water requires only minimal treatment to make it safe and potable, and is mechanically easier to handle with smaller pipes and cheaper pumps. The only real cost disadvantage in fresh water cost is due to the necessity to keep the system pressurized all the time.

Anonymous said...

How much social experimentation is too much? How much fiscal manipulation will American people tolerate? The California far-left money wants to know. Outside California itself, Jackson Mississippi becomes the place to answer some of these questions. Jackson has been selected. This is the mayor's big accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Lifelong Jackson resident here.
Do this and I'm finally selling and moving out of Jackson.
Stick a fork in it.
This is the final straw I'm afraid.
Godspeed city of Jackson if you proceed with this.

Anonymous said...

IF water is a basic human right, why isn't not living in fear of a stray bullet one?

Anonymous said...

Will not pass legal scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

If I recall this Hefflin guy has mostly sewage/wastewater experience (no smart remarks please)

Mostly utilities don't meter sewage....just use simple arithmetic to calculate based on water use.

He is just playing to what he knows, nothing complicated. Just do it no matter the results

Anonymous said...

"Why should't things like groceries, utilities,gasoline and healhcare be priced upon your economic status- according to your needs and abilities?"

Karl Marx could not said it any more clearly. /s

Anonymous said...

Devil in the details @12:05

If Chokwe didn't pause the water bills for a certain segment of people in Jackson for several years while others kept paying or paying inflated or estimated bills, we'd be in a hell of a lot better situation than we are right now. The fact remains, this has nothing to do with whatever "ism" you choose while you talk "at" people and pretend you are more intelligent than them. The fact is gross negligence by an inept administration that would like nothing more than to "tax the rich" while he jet sets around the country and lives in and amongst the same people he despises all while pushing his agenda, tells the truly educated people in the room what is really happening here.

Anonymous said...

What if any provisions would be made for senior citizens on fixed income who are trying to age in place in what may be considered higher value property? If this moves forward would there be considerations for senior citizen property owners who are on fixed income?

Anonymous said...

IF this billing arrangement actually happens, I will be selling my house, even if it's at a loss, and moving. This kind of radicalism doesn't give me confidence in Ted setting up the system for long term success.

Anonymous said...

12:05 PM
Your rant is...incoherent. Have you ever actually rented or been a landlord? I've been a renter twice. Renters pay water bills. In fact the only part the landlord is responsible for is the housing structure and attached amenities (heating/cooling, washer/dryer if provided).

The only time a renter may not pay a direct water bill is if it is tied in with the rent check.

Anonymous said...

At the rate people are being murdered (the highest rate of any city of130,000 or more) there will soon be no need for any water at all.

Anonymous said...

12:22 PM
That is a problem of enforcement and political ideology.

On another note the specter of perverse incentives will give everyone the incentive to either move or let their house deteriorate. There will literally be no incentive to do any renovations in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea because I live alone. Why should I pay more than a large family?

Anonymous said...

“Henifin hopes that the bills would amount to no more than 2% of their income.” Ok so my water bill would jump from around $80 to $2000 a month. Another form of extreme progressive tax wherein makers pay for stuff for takers. Go F yourself, commies. Man I’m glad I don’t live there.

Anonymous said...

What about all the state government buildings & offices in Jackson? Kingfish has proven they all pay water bills - when they are billed, of course. But those properties are exempt from property taxes - they're not subject to property assessments & therefore don't have a property value & couldn't be billed for water under this scheme - which would result in a big loss of revenue to fund the city's water system.

Ben Allen said...

Upwards of 40% of Jackson's properties are TAX EXEMPT. They pay no property taxes. Will all the government offices, churches, educational facilities, etc get free water? Accessed buildings with no tenants will get huge water bills with no water used? This guy is a very disappointing addition and if this gets any traction, BET on a huge lawsuit. I see clearly why our child Mayor hired this guy. I find it hard to believe that Jeff, Wyatt and Charles Waterloo actually bought into this idiocy. I will have to hear it from them.

This is simply a huge, lazy way to "solve" a billing problem created by complete incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the public service commission have to approve this scheme? Seems like they would chime in before too much effort is wasted on this.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap - just read the WLBT article. They installed the new meters incorrectly too. How does this City continue to let contractors screw it over, over and over?

Anonymous said...

OK! I’m glad this is anonymous. I consider myself a conservative but don’t consider the water billing plan that radical. It would take a well thought out schedule to be implemented and fair. If I rent who is responsible for the bill me or the property owner? Would the type of commercial property be a factor? Should there be a cap on the maximum billing? Many many details for it to be equitable. It’s not totally different than my over 65 property tax being lower. And yes I do believe that everyone deserves clean water.

Anonymous said...

Get out of the City of Jackson- while you can!

Kingfish said...

How do we know they were improperly installed? Because he said so?

Funny how no one said anything about meters being improperly installed, including Ms. Hillman, until he swooped into town and started talking about equity billing.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood the "fixed income" argument.
I am 55 years old, live alone and have one job.

That is a fixed income.

When do I get to scream about my limitations?

Anonymous said...

I would love to see what a Marshal Ramsey cartoon Jacksistan water meter would look like???....

Anonymous said...

Meters in my neighborhood were improperly installed, the city knew they were, all my neighbors bills are now over 1000.00 and all they tell you is to call some number to make payment arrangements to pay down these fraudulent bills

Anonymous said...

This will be the end of NE Jackson as we knew it. Property values will further crash. Everyone knows this.
Jeff Good,
we will need a CLEAR explanation of your opinion on the proposed water billing suggestion to be based on property values. If you are supporting this Marxist plan, my family and many others who have supported your fine restaurants for years, will be done dining in your establishments. We need a statement from you Sir. Now.

JG said...

Saddened to be flogged here by KF in his intro and by many in their comments. Funny how an attempt at engaging a broad base of thought leaders in our community... the ones which I live and work and carve out a capitalist existence ... is maligned.

For all those on this site who don't live in our city, work in our city, or own assets to pursue the free enterprise dream of private business, profit and growth in our city, I find it ironic that you complain about us; those of us actively fighting in the arena (like Teddy Roosevelt famously mused) bloodying ourselves and TRYING to work towards better solutions.

The intent of our meeting KF speaks of was to convene a group of people who have shown deep investment in the city, and to learn, engage and debate the new water manager. And most in attendance did indeed DEBATE and PUSH BACK.. it as not at ALL a love fest. What we did is called consensus building. That is called democracy. That is called political engagement. And there will be countless more of these meetings.. I know of another in town tonight for another group. One I plan to attend again, because I have been deeply damaged by the dysfunction of the system, and I must see change and results or else my capitalist enterprise may well crumble.

By court order, Ted Henefin has 100% power over the water system. Our goal as citizens under this mandate is to engage and help guide a soft landing. To NOT engage would be wrong. TO ENGAGE is the American way.

That is something which should be commended in a forum like this... not lambasted. Nor have threats of boycotting a business... particularly one which has been under the ungodly severe levels of duress that mine have been.

Take a walk in my shoes before you decide who I am. Please. That is the Christian thing to do.

Anonymous said...

@12:27 Or you could just dump sewage into the Pearl River. Wait a second...

Incidentally, Jackson's sewage treatment is managed by a third-part operator which adds to the cost.

Anonymous said...

@2:13 On the nose:

"This is simply a huge, lazy way to "solve" a billing problem created by complete incompetence."

I hope some community leaders will hold a town hall where opponents to this lunacy will be given a voice.

Kingfish said...

Flogged you? HOW??????

Here is what I wrote with your name:

Mr. Henefin promoted the idea again at a private meeting Sunday that was organized by Jeff Good.

I then posted the email.

That is a flogging? Please.

Anonymous said...

1:58 is right. This is incentivizing people to let homes fall into disrepair.

Anonymous said...

Lumumba is finally going to destroy this city with his buddy, Henifin. I am retired and in my 60's. My home is finally paid for. If I move, I would have to pay at least $40,000 for a home that is a lot smaller than mine. I love my house and it took me years to get it the way I want it.
I hate this city. There is no good reason at all to love anything in this city anymore, save for a few good people that live in it.
I don't know why anyone would want to have a business here.
I am sorry to rant, but I have had it. My only hope is to win the lotter and move out of here. There is nothing to look forward to here. We are at the top of the nation in crime and no one seems to give a damn. The only bright spot is the Capitol police. I hope they can expand and take over more of Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Job well done on the reply/explanation (not that it was necessary except for some of these keyboard badasses). Let's make sure we the business people in Jackson don't get screwed here (again), thanks for leading the charge. Keep up the good fight! For those of you outside the city, come see us and support us, we keep the fight out of your neighborhood and we have some good things to offer too, it ain't all bad I promise!

Kingfish said...

All he did was organize a private community forum. Read the WLBT story. Other businessmen are the ones who started backing the idea. Haven't seen any evidence where Mr. Good did.

Anonymous said...

You're missing some key information. The part that "sold" people on this idea has apparently not been reported. The bills would be capped at no more than $150 or $200 for even the most valuable property accounts. The cap would apply to everyone. Henefin ran the model with those limits and found it would generate enough revenue to manage the system. Nonpayment cutoffs would be reinstated. It would be constitutional. Socialism is a terrible form of government but in this situation, where our billing/metering system was destroyed by the local con artists in the siemens project, treating water like other government services funded with property taxes could be less painful than a massive rate hike where only the wealthy end up paying anyway. Chicago has done something similar, non-metered water billing based on type of structure.

Anonymous said...

How do we know they were improperly installed? Because he said so?

Funny how no one said anything about meters being improperly installed, including Ms. Hillman, until he swooped into town and started talking about equity billing.

The timing is so convenient.

Anonymous said...

Why not go back to the old meters? I don't think there is any way to install them incorrectly. There is an inlet and an outlet. You got a 50% chance of getting it right which is much better than what we have now.

From what I can see this all started when someone decided it would save money if they wouldn't have to pay meter readers who were pocketing money from the customers. Regular meters are pretty cheap considering what we have already paid for the new ones that do not work. Crooked water meter readers can be replaced cheaper than all of the new meters.

Equity in All Things said...

Hello Kingfish. I agree with the man's plan. I also think the cost of car tags should be based on a review of the automobile, the number of dents, rust spots, the length of windshield running cracks and the value of rims. I don't care if the auto is last year's model...the condition of the car should be a basis for taxation. It's called paying your fair share.

It would also be a good idea for department stores in Ridgeland and Flowood to charge for suits, dresses and underwear based on income, if any. In that regard, customers should be required to produce either last year's tax return or documentation of disability or EBT receipt.

Anonymous said...

@ "Wouldn't the public service commission have to approve this scheme? Seems like they would chime in before too much effort is wasted on this."

Generally, no. See Mississippi Code 21-27-29. [Municipal Utility] Rates not to be supervised by state; no franchise required.

Anonymous said...

JG, 10:32 AM here.

I am a Christian. Which means I follow His teachings, not man's.

1 person, in 1 home, having cared for my dying mother the last 5+ years. You, with all kindness, are not the only person who has hardships. Do I understand frustration? Yes, I do, as do thousands of others.

This billing idea is wrong. If any business person supports it, I will not support that business. That's my choice. If you don't support it, no problem.

Many many people who have lived here for 40+ 50+ 60+ years may live on their social security and own their homes after years and years of paying on it. They do not deserve to be punished for working so hard to have their home by paying for water that they simply did not use. The system should be based upon usage.

If the powers that be would actually get the meter readings, bill all water accounts according to those readings, then maybe they could have a better picture of the current situation.

Anonymous said...

"Water Manager wants".....to get sued, if he thinks he can set up billing amounts based on value of customer's real estate or income. WTH. Free the Land and Free the Water; just give everyone free water and move on- Right Sista?

Anonymous said...

What precisely is the argument against usage-based billing?

Anonymous said...

One thing missing in Mr. Henefin's report listing the problem of too much water being used for a city of this size is the long-standing problem of straight piping in lieu of metering water. If I remember correctly, one of the Mayor's original excuses was all the dang straight-pipers. Well, no one in the water department was fired and no one was arrested. The topic just went down the memory hole.

Anonymous said...

So, how does an average Joe fight this BS? I am tired of my taxes going to the bad roads, crime that is the highest in the nation, horrible schools and now they want even more money for water, after they already went up. I am fine that it went up recently, but I am NOT fine with paying more, especially since I live alone and don't use much water.
We are throwing money at a failing city. How do we stop this?

Anonymous said...

Check out WLBT's report. Wyatt said his bill jumped from $91 to $267 in a matter of a few months and he didn't have any leaks! Look at the bills they flashed on camera. Usage went from 6.65 CCF to 23.786! Someone has a leak. As a matter of fact the $267 bill shows the prior month of only $119. Hope he's found the leak by now or he can just wait for flat rate billing and no one will care about the leak!

Fix the Pipes and Fill the Potholes said...

@JG Granted you have more at stake than most of us but this is bullshit and you know it. Maybe you are a little too invested to serve as an independent community liaison. Why they won't extend the deadline in spite of the water service disruption over the holidays? Maybe this is being pushed down from the Biden EPA and DOJ as quid pro quo for $800M??? If Ted has 100% power over the water system he needs to focus on fixing the billing/collection system - every other utility seems to manage.

Many of you have heard about Interim Third Party Manager Ted Henifin’s plan for a change in Jackson’s rate structure for water. Due to pressing issues with water delivery over the past few weeks, few details have been available.

However, Ted is required to present a rate structure plan as part of the larger, long term financial plan to the City, EPA and the Department of Justice by January 27 - so there is little time for public outreach and consensus-building.

Anonymous said...

3:14...Nice pep talk. If I 'come and support you', can I sit at the bar and order Merle's favorite drink - CC Water-Back? You do know what that means, right?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply Jeff. We do support you and your restaurants. We do want you to be successful and blessed.
I did not get a clear understanding of wether or not you support the idea of water billing being based on property values?

Anonymous said...

Y’all this is kind of hilarious. I don’t support using home values to determine what I pay for water, but this is not much different than how we do car tags and road maintenance . If you drive a valuable car, your personal property tax (car tag) is more expensive than my personal property tax on my old clunker. It has no relation to usage of the roads. It is merely tied to how valuable the car is.

Efforts have been made to tie taxes for road and bridge maintenance to usage (gas tax) rather than valuation (car tags) but every time it comes up, conservative officials howl like they walked in on their mom and their cousin.

All you conservative boomers need to decide what side of the fence you at on when it comes to tax policy and what accountants call the matching principle. If you are against this water proposal, you should be for increasing the gas tax to cover ALL road and bridge maintenance. It’s ridiculous to use property taxes for roads and bridges.

Anonymous said...

What is the issue with simply charging people for what they use? Fixing the billing system. If we change to this system, why don't we start requiring another "must have"....gasoline....to be priced by your income tax statement. The more you make, the more you pay? Everyone gets a nifty card used for the charge pumps with what they pay based on this. Same at McDonalds and all fast food restaurants.

This entire idea is so stupid I cannot believe we are even discussing it.

Anonymous said...

Ted says it’s a hollow argument that conservation wouldn’t be affected by income or home assessment billing. Save 30 MGD on City side of meter and lose a comparable amount on the homeowner side. Sounds like a wash to me!!!

Anonymous said...

We hear you. It is heart breaking and infuriating.
The only way for the common man to fight back is to simply just ….
The D- Marxists are in control now. There is no representation for you.
It won’t get better.
Property values will continue to drop ( even lower)
I’m mad at myself that I did not see this earlier.
It is Unbelievable.
Crime, water, sewer, failing schools, roads, crime, crime…
Time to put a sign in the yard and hope someone will buy at a discount price.

Anonymous said...

10:55 - good point.

BUT, Jeff Good has been in at least minimum support of this thought process - taxing based on 'ability to pay", i.e real estate taxes, since Henifin has been suggesting it..

THe others - they were invited by Jeff; no body has provided anything to show that they were supportive of it.

BUT, the media, nor the public, was invited to this 'briefing' - when it is clear that Jeff put it together. Whether the folks invited supported it or not is to be seen.

The question is - how were these select groups decided by Jeff and the TPA, Henifin?

Henifin's claims over the past several weeks have been proven to be false - the meters don't work (he has admitted that this statement by him had no basis and the new set of meters, at a several million dollar cost to the city was false.) The billing department is out of whack - a true statement, but he hires a call center manager to run what should be a computer database expert's responsibility (does he want it to fail to justify his radical new concept).

This is nothing but the Biden (hate to try to bring in national politics here, but that is all it is) policy of equity and disproportionalty infrastructure funding - not with the placement of the funding but with the payment for the funding. Let's change the entire concept of utility service, be it water, sewer, gas, electricity, cell service, gasoline, whatever - if you can't pay for it (easily) you don't have to pay for it. Regardless of other programs designed to pay for the service for you (low income - water, electricity, gas, whatever) - to hell with that

Plenty of other low income cities exist in Mississippi - and without a tax base to assist them like Jackson has at its disposal - how long will it be before they all say, only those residents with a high property tax have to pay for their water (and of course, following right behind is -- sewer). And before long, only the middle class will be paying for all water - because according to Comrade Henifin, the top layer will be capped, kinda like they are nowdays for social security charges.

Sorry Jackson - this is the straw that broke the camel's back - I'm outta here. Realize someone from inner city Jackson can purchase my Belhaven home, but it won't be long before that tax assessment will be reduced substantially therefore giving Mr. Henifin less revenue to run the water system. But, that's ok - he's outta here once a new administration enters Washington DC

Anonymous said...

I realize this would be a quick and easy way to generate revenue; however, I don't think it is wise to give gainfully employed people any more reasons to move out of the city. Those of us in Madison and Rankin Counties need you guys to hold the line, the more of you who leave, the less folks the criminals in Jxn have to prey on, meaning more crime spillover.

Anonymous said...

This is about the dumbest damn idea I have ever heard of. How about just billing for what you use?

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me, since you have the privilege of being better than me, as you so often remind me, I think you should pay the better man’s share,

anonymous said...

Pay for the Water you use! Fire incompetent employees - no pension.... run like a business .... this is a no brainer!!!

Anonymous said...

Our new "third party administrator" Mr. Henifin, has no interest in correcting the billing system. It appears in fact he intends to drop the billing system into the depths of the Barnett Resivoir by claiming (falsely) that (1) the meters don't work, something that he has said publically numerous times but in private conversations hsa acknowledged that it was an incorrect statement; (2) hiring a Human Resources manager from a cell phone call center to be the Manager of the Billing System - something that needs the expertise of a computer software expertise, not a bank teller manager. Both so that he can claim the system doesn't work AND CAN"T WORK, despite his best (two months) efforts. This would allow him to bring to Jackson the FIRST OF ITS KIND system of billing for the entire United States of America (something that was sold to former Mayor Harvey Johnson with the first of its kind membrane water treatment system - something we have come to know how well that 'leading the nation' concept worked) - charging by what you should be able to pay based on your real estate taxes rather than your useage.

Doesn't matter if you are an 80 year old couple, living in nice lifestyle in a 5000 square feet house but with only using one bathroom and having meals brought to you - verses a family of six in a 1600 square foot house where baths are regular and cooking an everyday activity. But the 5000 square foot house will pay the maximum and the family of six pay literally nothing - because why??? EQUITY INFRASTRUCTURE. That is the mantra of the current administration, which this 'appointed' administrator is down here to implement.

EVERYWHERE else in the country,, utilities are based on useage. Or at least, an equal payment. NOWHERE else in the country has this social experiement been allowed to exist. BUT, the collabaration of our Radical New City Mayor, working with the Biden EPA - they think they have found a way to implement this idiotic system on those of us fools that still live within the city limits of Jackson.

And now - the frog in the simmering pot (out of the boiling pot, so therefore he thinks all is good) - Jeff Good, joins in their chorus. Sorry Jeff, can't support you any more. I was glad to be at Broad Street once you got water again and tried to help by ordering a plate of eggs with the good grits - BUT NEVER MORE.

You want to support this idiotic scheme - help yourself. But I am not supporting this scoliastic scheme that you seem to have joined into, so until you disassociate yourself, I'll take my money (little as it is) elsewhere. While I make plans to take my residence out of Jackson - finally - after five decades. If the answer to getting regular utility service is to pay for everybody elses utility service, my vote (by my feet) will say NO.

I really love my NE Jackson home. I like the convenience. BUT, if Jackson is going to dive this deep into the cesspool of radicalism - I'm finally out. Can't get regular water? Do get unwanted sewer? Carjackings day in an out? Crime unimpeded? And now - I'm to pay for (just as I have been for years, because they didn't pay) other's water, based on some assignment made unrelated to my single family lifestyle in my NE Jackson property) water!!!

Move over Simpson County - or Copiah - or Washington. (No, not going to Madison or Rankin, but I'm outta Jackson.)

And - BTW - thank you Jeff. Its been nice knowing you as a friend even knowing your prolivicaties. But this one went too far!

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years back when the courts ruled that, in the case of volunteer firemen, a municipality can NOT grant them free water and that they must be billed based on the usage formula in place.

Many utilities across the state had, forever, not charged volunteer firemen for their residential water usage, just a 'thank you for your service to the community'. That was the legal ruling, although a slap in the face to all those volunteer public servants.

Anonymous said...

If this madness is allowed to go into effect, one outcome will be landlords (and others) having no desire to improve their properties.

It's not a stretch to assume that one day, in the distant future, the city will own all the houses in the village. What form of government do you people think that will be?

Anonymous said...

The bullshit always comes from the top down. Left or right, “liberal” or “conservative,” Republican or Democrat, White or black, male or female, elected or bureaucrat, activist community organizer or pillar of the business community, it makes no difference, the bullshit always comes from the top.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the new, 400k guy is not capable of straightening out the bill for usage system already in place in Jackson?

Jackson Thought Leaders Are A Dime a Dozen said...

The new higher sewer fees are $5.36 per hundred cubic feet (CCF). How to they determine sewer CCF usage? By the amount of water used. Sewer CCF usage is indexed to METERED water CCF usage.

So does Comrade Henefin intend to flat rate sewer charges also? Because if he doesn't, he's still STUCK determining actual water usage each billing period. That means meters and data collection.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the new, 400k guy is not capable of straightening out the bill for usage system already in place in Jackson?


Over promise, under deliver.

Anonymous said...

How will the sewer billing be determined?

Anonymous said...

"So, how does an average Joe fight this BS? I am tired of my taxes going to the bad roads, crime that is the highest in the nation, horrible schools and now they want even more money for water, after they already went up. I am fine that it went up recently, but I am NOT fine with paying more, especially since I live alone and don't use much water.
We are throwing money at a failing city. How do we stop this"

Imo, we need to come together and throw our resources and support behind a Mayoral candidate that has both common sense/reasonable views and is electable. I'm thinking along the lines of John Horhn/George Flagg types of Democrats. Yes, I know Horhn lost the first time against Chokwe.

Anonymous said...

Was all this, the socialist billing, decided before Biden appropriated the money for this boondoggle?

Just passing through with a VW Microbus full of garbage said...

Imagine if you will, a fine dining or upscale restaurant that offers, no, not offers but "adds to the value" of the dining experience, free valet parking. They give you a buzzing coaster when they take your car/SUV/monster truck. Whatever it is that you drove up in, that info and current market value gets applied to your electronic coaster. Oh that coaster, it stays with you for the duration of your meal.

And the menu once you are inside and seated?
Everything is "Market Price".
C'mon boys, let's give it a go. I'll leave my Porsche at home for this one.

Anonymous said...

I'm just thinking of my friends in NE Jxn and Belhaven that taunted me when I moved to Rankin ten years ago and said I was making a mistake. Even as they came to our home last week to shower, they defended Chuckles and his new water crew.

Hope they keep that 'glass half full' attitude while they pay to fill cups all over the city.

Anonymous said...

Been looking over this one again.
Business owners have private meetings with new water czar regarding possible new billing for water. New billing involves a "cap".

Who would that benefit?

The business owners who are supporting it. That "cap" is a lot less than what they have been paying, based upon usage.

Makes me wonder...are those same business owners who support this the ones who think we "owe" them this? Afterall, they have had hard times and high bills. Some are barely making it. I wouldn't wish bad times on anyone, individual or business. But robbing Peter (the individual) to pay Paul (the business owner supporting this) is not right. Business owners make huge investments but it is of their own free will. Profits/losses are part of that. Its risky.

If I, as an individual, have to pay 5x my regular water bill, do you think I will have any money left to invest in your business? I believe you know the answer to that.

Sorry for long post, Kingfish. Just wanted to say what was on my mind. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You know what is sadder than a rich asshole getting upset for being charged more? A mouth breathing blue collar dipshit defending the rich asshole!

You can still be rich and not be an asshole. Stop complaining. You can afford it more easily than your ridiculous watches and other stupid shit you waste your money on.

Karl Marx said...

Henefin is from the People's Republik of Massachusetts; what did you expect? That's where Chowke's beloved Harvard is located. Right?

Anonymous said...

January 11, 2023 at 1:20 PM, said the poster from their mom's basement.

People, having never worked, don't know the real value of anything.

Anonymous said...

The solution is simple: implement a meter system that accurately measures water usage, and bill residents accordingly. However, Jackson administration's handling of the water crisis to date (including recent comments made by the expert 3rd party administrator) indicate execution of a simple, common sense approach is elusive and not desired. Yes, water is a basic necessity, and recognizing that reality, ALL should make that a priority line item in their respective budgets. Water billing should be fair to ALL. However, if I can afford and choose to purchase non essentials with my limited income, I can choose, and afford to pay my water bill, as long as it accurately assesses my water usage. People tend to pay for what they want, and ask for what they need. To promote a system that does not hold individuals responsible for the essential services they use (with appropriate allowances for those who are truly in need), is akin to a system of paternalistic benevolence on behalf of the " disadvantaged", and tends to perpetuate dependency that feeds a culture of poverty so pervasive in sections of the city.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Henifin is caught KF in his bullshit about the meters.

Anonymous said...

The only ‘fair’ system for water billing is by volume of water used. Everything else is political democrats BS socialism to let po folks pay nothing and working folks pay much.

Anonymous said...

And yet there is the State Caucus demanding the STATE give more $$ to the COJ for water, garbage or whatever problems the Mayor deems necessary as a RIGHT. Well the state citizens did not VOTE for the COJ Mayor. Right? You get what you want & pay for. The rest of the state has read what Biden has given the COJ! When will enough be enough. I suggest you get some spiritual counseling as it is NOT Our responsibility to make you Happy! You have a new man in town picked by the FEDs named Ted Henefin. Call him and thank him for his help. 1st suggestion is get RID of your Chokwe as we did not vote him in. We are sick of hearing this on National News without retractions when we know the Mayor lied blaming everyone else because he would rather be in Miami, Atlanta in strip clubs, smoking cigars than taking care of Jackson residents. Bottom line is there are not enough taxpayers left in Jackson no matter how you try to cover garbage or water.

Anonymous said...

How about the city of Jax water Dept start doing something as simple as collecting from EVERYONE who has a water meter?!?
If they had collected properly for past 6+ yrs they’d have more $ to make a lot of needed repairs don’t u think?!?

Anonymous said...

Over 40% of Jackson is property that is tax free. They get no property tax bill. Do they pay for water? Churches, schools, hospitals, etc.? I absolutely cannot believe I am reading this. This theory has so many holes in it that no "charming" SALESMAN can ever sell any logical person. Wyatt. Really? Does Ted have this billing system in his hometown? Can he furnish towns that do billing in this manner? You people have lost your collective minds. This "guru" was hired to address fixing the system's operational flaws...what he has morphed into is developing a shortcut to a billing fiasco created by total incompetence by a totally incompetent mayor and staff. This is a lazy fix. I cannot believe I am reading this.

Anonymous said...


Admittedly, this did make me rethink my position on the billing structure. Provided there truly is a reasonable min and max as discussed. Despite being a household of 1 with very little water use my bill is already around $60/month (including trash service) so while I’d likely see at least a slight increase under this structure, if it frees up more resources for the city to focus on collections and replacing the infrastructure to cut down on the constant line breaks etc. it would be worth it. The key in my opinion is whether he can really get everyone who is not currently paying to pay under the new structure and actually enforce cutoffs if not. Billing with property taxes is an interesting idea. No one wants to lose their house.

Anonymous said...

6:45 your optimism is adorable.

You think Chuck et al will use the freed up resources ($$$) on other problems plaguing Jxn, rather than waste the funds on more contracts to morons with no skills?

Is that you Socrates?

Anonymous said...

Jackson is just atlas shrugged on a local level. The productive are leaving the rent seekers and unproductive for better pastures. If it wasn't for the fact that Jackson is Mississippi's capital, I'd say let it rot in the excrement of it's own making. But the rot spreads. I read about the disaster of the water system, abandoned buildings, homeless, Farish street improvement district (whatever happened to the farish street improvements) all the money that was spread around to make jackson a better place by improving pieces and parts that you would not be caught in without body armor now. A mayor that chastises the non-jackson police that chase ne're do wells into the bowels of jackson. These chases are a vain attempt to slow down the ever spreading cancer of lawlessness. Used to enjoy going to jackson, living and dining there. Worked downtown, but when DGNB, skytel, Worldcom, andrew jackson Ins, all the former anchors of downtown either were bought out or went bankrupt it destroyed downtown. Surprised Trustmark is still there. Sorry, but the last couple of times I went to jackson, I could almost cry because of what I saw.

Anonymous said...

It’s time to think about moving the Capitol and hospitals.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS