Anger and hatred, particularly in the name of politics, are what the enemy wants. He wants to divide us. He’s not for anyone but himself, and those that follow him are fulfilling their own selfish desires through their own self-righteous judgments against everybody else. It’s human nature.
What are the questions?
Who is to blame? How can we stop this? What is the government going to do? Why can’t the “sides” work together? Why is anger, hatred, and vitriol raging so against everybody else?
If it were not bad enough that we are all sinners, it’s even worse because the enemy stokes evil, hatred, and division everywhere. Evil comes from the heart of the evil one and those who follow his lead. It has always been that way, and it will continue to be that way until God ends evil and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
Nevertheless, God has given instructions and spiritual power to those who trust Him to resist and overcome evil in the world until He removes evil completely from this earth. Until then, those who know God must follow Him and His Word to resist and overcome all the power of the evil one.
What are the answers?
“Who is to blame?” The evil one and those who follow him are to blame for all the evil we see. The boy who killed the school children and teachers was driven by evil. The same is true of others who have committed unimaginable carnage among many innocents among us. The killers could not resist the power urging them to kill.
“How can we stop this?” We have no shortage of ‘solutions’ for stopping mass shootings in America. If we lived in a democracy, half us us could vote to take away all guns from the other half, and we’d still have mass shootings regardless of which half had the guns. It’s not a gun problem. Boys are being attacked from early ages by many forces working to destroy their identities as boys and men. Worse still, too many men have forfeited their duties to raise boys into responsible young men who value the role of men in society as protectors of life and values.
“What is the government going to do?” Families and communities are responsible for identifying, modeling, and teaching values to our children. The government can't even agree on the definition of a man or a woman. The government has neither sense nor values.
“Why can’t the ‘sides’ work together?” The sides can work together inside local communities. Political sides on a national level cannot and will not work together because one side has to “win” and one side has to “lose.”
This takes us back to the foundational problem of the human race. “Why is anger, hatred, and vitriol raging so against everybody else?” Among a litany of other evil things, human nature is naturally inclined to enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, and factions.
But, God has given His followers the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against which there are no laws. God has given every community some of His followers to resist and overcome the power of evil. Let them, especially the men stand up and lead.
Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who lives in Starkville, MS. You may contact him at
BS. It is a gun problem.
BS. It is a gun problem.
captain obvious!
Must be nice to have someone to blame for all of the evils in the world. If it wasn't for the devil the world would be just one big happy garden.
The devil made me do it is a good excuse but it has been used too many times.
BS @9:10 it’s a people problem. Anger and hate seem to be the message every day from politicians that know a people divided are a people controlled! Add to the message that there are two different levels of justice in America and it grows like a virus. When people see the opposite side of political ideas as evil it’s as low as it can go before really bad things start happening. Why not hate the other side? Our government tells us too. President’s tell us others that disagree with our vision are murderers, racist and an enemy of the state. All while they do the very thing they claim the trash does using every vile tactic available. The results justify and and all means!
They attempt to overthrow the government all while accusing their enemies of their deeds. Then when their lies are discovered and millions of dollars are wasted on bullshit investigations justice seems to close its eyes to their crimes. People are thrown in jail for not talking to congress while the guilty laugh and plot their next plan to destroy more enemy!
@8:43 thought his post was so good, he said it twice.
There is no devil in the sense that man portrays it. There is no omnipresent evil deity, that moves on weak humans and causes despicable acts. No, there is only one source of sin, or evil if you will. That source is the human heart.
Jeremiah 17:9 GOD, speaking about the human heart, tells us this. Go read it for yourself. An inanimate object doesn't have the ability to commit an evil act. If you're looking for the source of evil, the bible tells you where.
I agree it's a people problem NOT a gun problem. If it was a gun problem how does Chicago have the toughest gun laws but one of the most violent cities in US? nobody crying about 50 dead in a weekend...mainstream media doesn't even mention it!
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