Former Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber caught a punk trying to break into his car. Mr. Yarber introduced our little hoodlum to some child-rearin' on the rear:
Update: The former Mayor provided the video to JJ.
JPD issued this statement today:
The Jackson Police Department is investigating a vehicle burglary that occurred this past Sunday in the 1600 block of Dorgan St. Officers responded to a call from the former Mayor of Jackson’s home, after learning that an individual was being detained by the former Mayor himself.On arrival, Officers were told that a suspicious vehicle was initially observed parked outside near the residence. Once the homeowner exited to investigate, he encountered an individual inside of his personal vehicle. He then confronted the unknown male and an altercation ensued. The former Mayor was able to subdue the individual until Police arrived.Police later identified the suspect as, 22-year-old, Juwuan M. Bibbs. Bibbs was arrested and later charged with Auto Burglary and Possession of Marijuana. A handgun was also recovered at the scene that was believed to have been on the suspect prior to the altercation.
Bibbs has since had his initial court appearance. He is still currently being held in the Hinds County Adult Detention Center on $20,000 bond.
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Juwan Bibbs, Age: 22 |
Paddling a grown man and taking the law into your own hands? Will the former mayor be charged with assault? Shouldn't the major have called JPD and waited 4 hours for JPD to show up?
Well, kid, you gonna be famous before this is over.
Spank you very much, Mayor Yarber.
So somebody explain to me how Ross Adams and WAPT can refer to a 22 year old man as a "boy" and a "kid"? Will he wind up doing time playing with the pencils on the Group W bench?
Tony is Batman.
Is Carlos Moore and Micheal Carr going to sue the former Mayor for negligently failing to have a trained security guard that would have prevented the former Mayor from approaching the individual and assaulting him.
You are assuming they knew his age at the time.
That is a fortunate kid/man that he got caught in the garage of a full grown man that decided to just give him a spankin. My scrawny white ass wouldn't have been so confident in my ability to subdue and I would have been banging lead all over the place.
Tony's best legacy might now be the phrase: "Going Yarber on his ass"
So Yarber now gives a **** about crime. Took long enough.
No question Carlos the Clown is trying to locate this young man to offer his services
"This is my house"
Yea, it is after the mortgage company gave it to you.
This is the best thing I have ever seen on JJ. Hell, I would vote for Yarber to be mayor again just based on the ass whipping he gave this 22 year old "kid".
Unfortunately, Mr. Yarber will now likely face assault charges and civil suits. The kid will claim he can no longer sit, has night sweats and has PTSD.
The kid should be very thankful that he was not shot and did not shoot anyone else. Something tells me he wont see it that way though.
"Video this" 2 words Yarber is going to regret. Go World Star
At 22 he's not a kid. No child abuse here -- just one grown man smacking down another who is trespassing and attempting to break in his car. Tony -- I had no respect for you -- but now have gained just a little!!
I would think Yarber now has himself a lawsuit and/or criminal charges he will not win. Neither law enforcement or citizens have any right to "paddle" someone and become the judge and jury. The video was really creepy.
The thug had a gun when he was caught. Not a damn thing wrong with what the former Mayor did. You embody everything wrong in our society today.
The mayor had a right to subdue him. He did not have any legal right to be the judge, jury, and inflict physical punishment in the manner the video shows.
Maybe they can get him to work at JPS as the Head of Discipline.
I would have voted for Yarber had this happened before the election.
Substitute a cracka for Yarber in this scenario , no doubt what the media and "justice" narrative would be. My bet is that Yarber gets away with retribution (and a bit of redemption?) unscathed. This is Jackson after all.
12:25 am If Yarber had been a "cracka" in the scenario, you would be calling him a hero and demanding he " get away"..." unscathed".
But, you aren't a racist, right?
I have a novel idea. Why don't you be FOR equal treatment of all citizens by law enforcement and equal justice for all citizens by the court system? That would work for those who defend themselves and their property and those who are accused of a crime.
That will require you to look objectively at the systems as they now function.
mr yarber is lucky he didn't get shot by the thug. and yes, he will be sued.
Hero don't have nothing to do with it. (Who though can argue that Yarber doesn't cut a heroic figure, calling in cameras while he paddles a filthy perp...?) You miss the point 8:11, the call is for equal Justice under the law, rather than double standards based on race and subjective notions of heroism. Guarantee if a white man videod himself paddling a black thug in Jackson Miss, the optics and narrative would change a bit. The white guy would be called a racist, charged and likely convicted of a crime.
I bet we wont see assault charges or anything of the like. This appears to be so staged to me. He just so happened to have a paddle laying around? And this kid wasn't giving his all to get away from him. I'm sorry but this screams PR Stunt.
I certainly don't see this as "staged". I believe it has been ruled that the Castle Doctrine extends to your car. Please correct me if I am wrong. I love the video. A man protecting his property and his family. He was surprised when he found someone in his car and knew there was another one around. Smart not to stay outside in the line of fire. Shocked and angry with a culprid in hand, and thinking he was a mis-directed youth, he decided to paddle him. Probaby asked for the video to prove he wasn't damaging the youth. He even sat him up to breath when the man asked to breathe. Even told him how to do it. I went to sleep last night laughing about this. Reminds me of early America and the stocks. Public humiliation and discomfort. Very American punishment by an outraged citizen. Grow up folks.
The Castle Doctrine only applies if you perceive that your life is in imminent danger. It does not apply to protecting property. You don't get the drag a perp into your house and proceed to beat and choke him because you catch him rumbling through your car. People who are in fear don't bring the perp into their house nor do you put your child in harms way by asking him to film it. I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing, but I sure as hell wouldn't have taped it and promoted it like some damn hero. He taped himself committing an assault and battery. We're all assuming that there was an actual theft attempt to begin with. Are we really going to take Tony's word for it? At least the City wont have to pick up the bill for this lapse in judgment.
He needs to stop showboating and clean up his garage. It looks like a grenade went off in there.
@11:13, show of hands of how many people have a paddle laying around rather than a bat, or pipe, or other "weapon". I can tell you if 99.9% of people saw someone breaking into their car, no matter the age, who's going to grab a paddle in the middle of the night...and just so happen allow their wife to come out too...and have someone film it? And if it isn't staged, then why is he sending the video into places knowing in this litigious world we live in, charges could be pressed against him, frivolous or not. I can tell you for a fact if I grabbed a weapon of any type to teach someone a lesson that's breaking into my property, I damn sure not going to tell someone to come video it, and double damn sure not going to willingly send it in to the media to publish it. Watch. It'll come out.
You realize he used to be a principal right?
Nov. 1, 3:11 PM, you must not have followed this very well. First of all, he didn't send the video "all over". His son, who was at first taping through a storm door into the garage. Later in the video, he moves out onto the steps or something higher than his father, posted the video. It went "viral" which means others saw it and re-posted. He hollered for his son to bring his paddle after he got into the garage. His wife was the first to see the two men. What PR do you think he is after? I believe he wanted the video to prove he wasn't hurting the (what he thought was a juvenal) young looking 22 year old.
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