Sunday, May 10, 2009

Was Karen Irby in Florida?

Was Karen Irby in Florida? Apparently the plane owned by Stuart M. Irby, Sr. made a trip down to Destin, Florida today (where the Irby's own a home on the beach). The plane had a layover of only 90 minutes before it returned to Mississippi, with a scheduled landing at the Yazoo County Airport (It was diverted to Jackson). Anyone want to bet the Irby's were in Florida last week while there was an indictment waiting to be served against her. Better yet, does anyone remember Mac defending not arresting her as he told WAPT "Where is she going to go?"


Anonymous said...

You are amazing KF.

If then Chief McMillin, aka Sheriff Campaign Contribution, had done his job and arrested her, wouldn't there have been some terms for her release? Like she couldn't leave the state or country?

Autogyro said...

Avoiding service of process, huh? This doesn't bode well. But as the commenter above noted, there's nothing keeping her from leaving the jurisdiction.

Anonymous said...

Neither wind nor tide will change for me that which will bring my destiny.
I see the past and cry too late
For soon I will be shackled by my fate...

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me the 'vast Irby Fortune(tm)' can't afford a plane with *two* engines?


stilettoGOP said...

Then did she take her kids with her? If not, I would think if I was about to 'go away' for a while, I'd be spending every last second I could with my children. They would literally have to be pried from my arms before I was hauled off.

Anonymous said...

Man, they don't call you "Kingfish" for nothing, do they? You're on top of this Irby situation like flies on stink.

Kingfish said...

They did nothing wrong. Nothing on paper saying they can't leave town.

I'm just thinking of Mac saying she wouldn't go anywhere and the grand jury returned the indictment over a week ago.

Anonymous said...

WLBT reported tonight (Sun.) that the Irby's plane was diverted from the Yazoo Co. airport. Why were they flying to Yazoo Co. airport in the first place and not back to Jackson-Evers? What does this mean? Anyone? Where did they eventually land?

Kingfish said...

The flight plan listed Yazoo City as the airport. Don't know why but it was listed. It changed about 15 minutes before the scheduled landing in Yazoo City. I assume Jackson was the destination. There was some bad weather rolling in to Yazoo so it made sense to divert to Jackson.

Now does anyone think that they just flew the Irby plane down to Destin and back just for the hell of it?

Anonymous said...

Kingfish....I think I love you ;) No. They did not fly that plane down and back for the hell of it. Will we get to see her mugshot?

Anonymous said...

Karen Irby will not spend a day in jail. Bank it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:13pm ....How do you figure that she will not spend a day in jail? I am curious.

Anonymous said...

Well...I guess we'll know tomorrow if the plane flew her BACK from Florida or TO Florida where she could get to the nearest airport without anyone knowing who she is.

Pensacola to Miami to...

She hasn't been served so, like you said, Kingfish, she and her passport can go anywhere she wants. Those who want to help her get there can with impunity.

And, as you pointed out,however it goes,this makes Mac look rather foolish, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

If she's fled, does anyone think Hinds Co will spend it's limited resources to track her down and bring her back?

Kingfish said...

Karen Irby and Dog, the new power couple.

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope she doesn't go to Mexico. I don't think Mexico likes Dog.

Anonymous said...

you are on top kf...I'm more concerned of a double sui. two fragile hearts in love without a door, this time. There obviously was one incorporated on that night by her. I do hope they make it back. ????????????????????from Fl.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible criminal action could eventually be taken against MAC?

Anonymous said...

Not really.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What National Media outlet(s)? Names, please!

Anonymous said...

The national media loves stories about wayward socialites. If they discover the prototypical white southern sheriff giving preferential treatment to a major campaign contributor along the way then they'll be hollering 'Jackpot'!

Anonymous said...

Follow the money. Maybe that plane trip was just a way to get the money outside the country with help from an unknown person or persons. This exchange at the airport, which they did eventally go to, could have been easily been done. Several offshore banks have been the recepients of thousands of US depositers.

Kingfish said...

What national media is here?

stilettoGOP said...

My point in my comment last night was, did k irby take the kids along so could at least spend time with them or not? Guess as a mom that's the first thing you think about. Especially with it being mothers day wkend and all. No one is asking about the "kids" end of what's going on. But me.

Maybe I'm crazy.

Anonymous said...

Karen can go and do whatever she'd like. She can go to Europe or Florida or Mexico. She has not been arrested or served that I'm aware of. I can assure you that the Irby clan isn't aiding her in anyway at all by allowing her to use the company plane.
What $$$ can buy is freedom, and she's free until they arrest her, which may never happen.

Kingfish said...

You are correct and it has already been pointed out here: There was no restriction on her going anywhere.

However, when there has been an indictment floating against her for over a week, the Sheriff who is responsible for serving her has taken nearly $30,000 from them, and she is sitting on the beach, it doesn't look too good, especially for Mac.

Anonymous said...

so, the indictment was let out of the bag 3 days ago, hadn't yet been filed.... and somehow you theorize that McMillan should be seen in a bad light?

Anonymous said...

There you go again you damn anonymous bloggers exposing McMillin's barter system.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the DA, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Once the indictment is filed, is it then that she has 5 business days to turn herself in or does the 5 days start from last Friday, the 7th?

Anonymous said...

This is a horrible situation - for all involved. Yes, Karen Irby was wrong. She had poor judgment - to say the least, but she is the mother of 2 children!! If she wanted to spend one weekend away from the city of Jackson (and Scott Simmons knocking on the door) with her children before turning herself in, I think she is allowed that. Two children will grow up with no mother. Everyone is so quick to judge her. I am quite certain that she has been aware of the consequences since the accident happened. I am sure that Karen doesn't care how it looks at this point. I think she was entitled to a last weekend - for her children's sake - not hers!

Do we even know if Stuart and Karen were on that plane???? He has two grown children - and plenty of nieces and nephews, friends, etc. Who knows who might have been on that plane??

Anonymous said...

stilletto GOP, you are not alone in having the children on your mind. Using their photo, whoever is responsible besides CL, was reprehensible.
But, if you're out partying on a school night with a school aged child at home, driving while drinking and going over 100 mph to get home,calling the police for a domestic disturbance and keeping the children in that volatile situation are hardly the actions of a mother whose children are her first priority.

Unknown said...

Damn have a gift for investigative should consider writing a book on this case

stilettoGOP said...

OBVIOUSLY, she was never in the running for mother of the year to begin with. I was just wondering if maybe this could have served as some kind of wake up call motherhood-wise. For example, if she did go to Fl and took the kids to have some undisturbed time with them, then hey, good for her. But if she did go, and left them behind with a nanny before she could be facing a long jail sentence..then, wow, that's still a piece of shit mom right there.

Anonymous said...

So, if the indictment was filed Friday she's got till Wednesday to turn herself in? Couldn't Mac have arrested her Friday evening? Or Saturday?

Think he wouldn't have arrested pretty much anybody else Friday evening?

I feel confident in stating that most OTHER mothers would have been celebrating mother's day from a jail cell.

Jane said...

About a month ago, some Latino guy was involved in a crash (on Highway 80, I think) where the driver of the other car was killed. The man didn't have a license and was arrested and taken to jail on the spot. I remember it because the children of the woman driver were in the car behind her and they all admitted that SHE ran the red light but were yelling about how the Latino guy deserved the death penalty. Most of the time, failure to have a license gets you a ticket. So - unequal justice, all day every day.

Anonymous said...

There might not be any money to move. After all, I'm sure Stuart would have gotten a pre-nup signed. If he (or his attorney) had any brains the car was registered to Karen. So you can sue Karen as the driver, and Karen as the owner (if the car is registered to her) but Stuart (and his money) may well be safe.

Anonymous said...

Did the Irby's contribute any $$$ to the D.A.?

Anonymous said...

Even if Karen was to turn herself in today, it could be months before she is sentenced. She will post bail and continue to be free.

Kingfish said...

The indictment was announced by the media Friday but she has been indicted for over a week before that.

The D.A. only got $500 from Stuart Irby. Smith gave himself ALOT more money.

10:49: I don't think anyone is really mad about her being in Destin per se. She knows what is coming down, get out of town for a couple of days, don't blame her for that. MY problem is that the indictment was a little over a week old and it makes Mac look like his biggest contributor is able to go to the beach out of state while the indictment is out there in his office. Makes it look very bad and frankly, makes one question Mac.

I'm also tired about the accusations about her being a horrible mom for being out on a school night. I have my own thoughts on her as a mother but going out for one damn night during the week doesn't make one a bad parent. Suppose in a few weeks when Les Miles comes to Jackson for his annual LSU tour, me and a friend go to the CCJ, we leave around 9 and stop at Amerigo's for a drink. She has a sitter for the night so says she actually has a chance to do something. Does that make her a bad parent? Hell no. Some people need to lighten up. It would be different if she was out all the time.

As for the domestic violence, the charge was a bogus one. I heard the story from several sources and it was BS. She took advantage of Mississippi's lax laws on arresting people to her advantage. Did the same thing to her ex husband when married to him.

There is a prenup. When Mr. Irby filed for divorce, he invoked it.

I don't have a problem with her posting bail. Bail is bail, not a jail sentence.

stilettoGOP said...

Kf, that wasn't a shot at me for "maybe" calling her a shit parent was it? That was based on much more than her going out on a week night. I agree, nothing's wrong with it if you're not making a habit of it. My point still has not been addressed really- did she reach for the beach WITH or without the kids for mothers day weekend. That was all.

Yeah yeah, I know your beef here is with Mac, I get that one too. I just get peeved about chronic bad decision making. Oh, and killing people, but that's another topic.

Anonymous said...

If history is any indication, I wouldn't trust Karen Irby for ONE SECOND...She should be in Jackson being held accountable for her actions!
If she has turned herself in by now, please disregard this entry.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? How do you know that it was Karen or Stuart on the plane? Charles has use of the Irby planes also.

Kingfish said...

Don't worry about how I know. Just take it to the bank.

If I tell you the sky is purple, don't even look, its purple.

Anonymous said...

CL says:
Prior to Karen Irby turning herself in, a $250,000 conditional bond has been set in her case.

Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green filed the bond order on Friday.

The order says upon Irby’s release she is to contact the Hinds County Probation Services Company, which monitors individuals released on bond for the court.

Irby, 38, of Jackson has been indicted on two counts of depraved heart murder and one count of aggravated assault in a Feb. 11 traffic accident that killed two doctors and left her and husband, businessman Stuart M. Irby, injured.

The aggravated assault charge is for her husband’s injuries.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Wait, I'm confused. She's been indicted for over a week now, and she still has not been arrested??? And she went to Destin during that period??? Good Lord Amighty!

Unknown said...

Y'all keep trying, you may stumble onto a conspiracy yet.

Unknown said...

I'm not saying there's a conspiracy. I just don't understand why she has not been arrested yet? I guess I must be retarded.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for permission to move forward p-head.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Apparently, she finally turned herself in after her weekend getaway

Anonymous said...

YAY! The slow wheels of justice are turning. The Irby wife is NUTSO. Cuckoo! I am telling you completely weird. When I found out she had married a rich old dude I was surprised she could dupe someone. Then I found out the circumstances (she got preg.; then he had to get a paternity test) it all made sense. Knew her in college and people avoided her like the plague. Totally strange girl.

Anonymous said...

KF, the sky is green. Didn't anyone tell you?

Kingfish said...

Not when I say its purple.

Anonymous said...

UH... Kingfish , she IS " out" all the time but there's a difference. When my kids were that age very few parents went out on school nights save for business, church or fundraisers. Husbands might have, but not even Mommas with nannys. Times change tho'

You ignore that the police showed up with her kids at home...scary stuff for kids, bogus or not. And, you ignore the rest as well.

Anonymous said...

So who knows for sure whose name the car was titled in? That could be a big factor.

Anonymous said...

KF I am sure u NEVER make misteaks since May 11 must be Sunday.I do wonder when the indictment was delivered to Mac for service. I, for one,feel with a case where the defendent will have very good representation that the case needs to be very well prepared as I know HCSD can do.

Anonymous said...

The more I've thought about this, how callous it is ,when you know the mothers of Lisa and Mark are having a rotten, awful first Mother's Day without them, to go to a resort even if your children were with you. So much for remorse and a sense of guilt...
Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD...

Anonymous said...

"Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD..."


Anonymous said...

How well do any of you know this woman? How many children do many of you have? Have you ever been married to a wealthy, older man? Do you have any idea of what you life can be life when married to a wealthy, older man? Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do and 9 times out of 10 everything is in his name! Don't judge her until you walk in her shoes. As for college, that is a itme for change and growing up. Some of you were probably "ugly ducklings" when you were there. Hell, look at some of the wealthiest people in this country, most of them were total dorks during college. Don't judge her as a Mother until you know for sure what a terrible parent she is or has been. It really would not matter what she has done, will do, or what she was charged with...sounds like it would not be enough for you people.
As far as leaving town, I sure as hell would want to get away one last time to get personal belongings or get away from some of you, and be able to be rolled in the wheelchair (isn't she in a wheelchair?) without all of you watching and talking.
What happened is horrible and terrible tragedy, but I for one feel there is more to this story. Why is she so bad and the husband so wonderful? According to many of you posts he is not a sterling character, but you continue to believe she is the only one at fault! Personally, don't know these people and I wonder how well you know them. Kingfish, not being ugly when I say I would like to get your feedback on my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Man, her looks really have changed after all her jaw surgeries. I hardly believed it was she. She is no less or more attractive & I'm not trying to be mean~ just saying.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Karen Irby, but I really wonder what it is about her that provokes such hatefulness. Is it jealousy because she's rich? I'm not referring to most of your commentors KF, but to the fools who comment on the C-L website. This woman doesn't stand a chance of getting a fair trial in Jackson if those commentors are representative of the jury pool.

JoBoxer said...

@ 6:19 PM.

I'm married to an extremely attractive older woman who wants sex all the time. Does that qualify to answer your questions?

Anonymous said...


Don't be a jerk! As a rule, most YOUNGER WOMEN married to wealthy, older men usually do not have a lot of control in the "relationship". Let me say I am truly happy for you that you get to have so much sex with an older woman.

Anonymous said...

6:44pm, it might have something to do with killing 2 people who actually contributed to society.

Anonymous said...

Nobody forced Karen to have sex with an older man. Don't recall any mention of shotguns at that wedding (unless Karen was holding one) either. Fairly certain there wasn't force in signing the prenup either.

And why shouldn't he have control of the 'stuff'. He had the stuff long before he had Karen.

Golddigging isn't without consequences. Perhaps Karen should have thought about that beforehand.

JoBoxer said...

Y'all hammering Karen subscribe to double standards.

Anonymous said...

Didn't say she needed control of "the stuff". Control means a lot of things---sometimes you have to do some things you don't want to do to keep the situation somewhat peaceful. You never know someone until you live with them. People can appear one way in public, but at home another way. So many of you seem to hate her. Is it because she married someone with money or is she that bad? I don't know. Obviously he cared about her or he wouldn't have married her ,he would have just supported her and their child. It is a very sad situation. Just remember there were 4 people and 2 cars that night. Obviously speed is a huge factor, but other things could have happened that night also. It is horrible that 2 people died and I pray for ALL involved, but really, people is she the one asking for special treatment? Don't blame her for the problems in the Jackson justice system or for the fact that her husband has money.

Anonymous said...

Please review the Fox 40 footage Karen Irby turning herself "in" and being released on bond. I wonder if Karen was driving the dark colored Chevrolet SUV, which was being escorted from the Sheriff's Jail. One would think traffic codes would be vehemently followed, the SUV didn't come to a complete stop at the Stop Sign!
Um, Irbys are still thumbing their nose at law enforcement, huh!

CottonBelle said...

There's proof Karen Irby was legally drunk. She was passing cars and speeding on a very busy street of Jackson at night. She crossed over lanes and literally killed two doctors with her car who were just innocently driving down the road. How does a lawyer go about trying to defend any of her actions?

Anonymous said...

Here is what I find striking. The Jackson Free Press has done nothing short of an abysmal job reporting on this story and Robbie Bell's complicity in the death of Heather Spencer.

With each passing day, and with each missed major story, it appears that alternative means looking the other way.

Anonymous said...

$23,600 buys the Irbys a whole lotta preferential treatment from Sheriff Campaign Contribution. Wait till the other shoe drops McMillin! Your fat ass is going to be exposed. Maybe you should feign a "near stroke".

Anonymous said...

Count III of the indictment refers to Stuart as "Stuart C. Irby" instead of "Stuart M. Irby."

How did that mistake make its way into the indictment?

(Karen is married to Stuart M., whose father was Stuart C.)

Anonymous said...

The Irby's do not have a dark colored SUV. Karen is unable to drive. She is in a wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

You're not implying that people in wheelchairs can't drive are you?

They do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

People in wheelchairs drive all the time. However, in this case I think the street of Jackson will be a lot safer without Karen Irby driving.

Wonder if they took her driver's license and her passport today?

Anonymous said...

There are obviously a lot of people in the Jackson area who either have no lives, are insanely jealous of rich people or are plain stupid. It is also obvious that very few of the people spouting off what all they think they know do not know the Irby's at all. Wheres everyone tonight that was so sure Karen had skipped the country? I personally agree that she should spend the rest of her life in prison, but all this stupidity needs to stop. It is not serving one purpose. Justice will be served. Meanwhile everyone needs to find something better to do with their time. Has anyone swept around your doorstep today???

Anonymous said...

7:53...that's a stretch.

Anonymous said...

Well...Well! Alot to say here tonight.

Replying to Anon. 6:19 pm I was not an ugly duckling, LOL! I never said she was (but honestly she's odd looking). She was "CRAZY" as people who knew her from Gulfport would readily tell you. My experiences with her was more of "Wow, she is STRANGE!"

The facts are: she got pregnant; S. Irby had to get a paternity test to prove it was in fact his; she is crazy (trust me this will come out somehow); their life was such a fairytale that he filed for divorce last fall; on that fateful Feb. school night she was driving DRUNK; she was going at least 60 mph over the speed limit on a residential street; she killed TWO human beings! ALL FACTS! Her plea of "Not Guilty" is an insult to everyone. Take up for that ANON 619pm. Lock up her so she can never hurt anyone again. I could care less if she took a "VA-CAY" before she had to go off to the pokey for 30 minutes.

If Stuart Irby had kept his zipper closed maybe none of this would have happened (cause would he have married her-doubt that.) and the world would not have lost two people who were set to make it a better place.

RIP Drs. Pogue and Dedousis.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone from Karen's high school verify that she suffered a head injury from a Cheerleading stunt that went bad?
That might explain people describing her as "strange" or "crazy".

Anonymous said...

I did not go to high school with her but have heard about the head injury due to a cheerleading accident. I think people think she is strange because she is strange.

Anonymous said...

9:18, a plea of not guilty is not an insult to anyone. Most people who are charged with a crime enter a plea of not guilty. Under our system of justice, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Do you not think she is entitled to a fair trial, the same as anyone else? Or would you prefer that "rich" people be presumed guilty. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

My intelligence is insulted that she pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against her. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

BTW: Over on Jeanhee-hee's facebook site, formerly called "Praying for Stuart and Karen Irby", Jeanhee has ditched Karen from the title of the Facebook account. Not only that, Jeanhee admits that she "has tried to pray for Karen" - excuse me, but you either "did or didn't" the word "tried" is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I love Kingfish....ever the diplomat. ;)

Anonymous said...

According to WJTV, Karen Irby is wearing an ankle monitor.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I asked Jeanhee Muse back in February (via private message) what she would do with the group when the truth came out about Karen's actions. She told me to buzz off, and that she was only interested in praying for people who were hurt and fighting for their lives, not in my "drama". Guess it's a different story now that the so-called gossip (which in my case was a responder's eyewitness account) has played out in public.

Jeanhee apparently lost her son to a drunk driver, so I can see how she would turn on Karen once the facts were known. Still, she had plenty of opportunity to learn the truth before now -- people were trying to tell her from the day she set up the Facebook group, and she chose to be in denial.

Anonymous said...

It's not that Karen is wealthy.

Saying you pray for Mark's and Lisa's family doesn't ring true when Karen's defenders call what happen "an accident" or try to cast partial blame on the victims by suggesting all sorts of nonsense or excuse excessive speed and drinking by suggesting " everyone does it" or try to paint Karen as the model of motherhood and Christianity or paint those who find the behavior as " jealous" or make it about class warfare or come up with absurd, unsupportable theories that hold Karen blameless. When you do that, it understandably makes folks madder than hell and INVITES rebuttal.
It's also about equal justice before the law. Something a lot of folks are pretty serious about trying to preserve and see this case as yet another example of that principle being lost.
If Karen had been treated like everyone else who broke the law in the same way and her supporters said, " she made a mistake and will have to be accountable" JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, this wouldn't have gotten so ugly.

If some blue collar worker had had one beer too many, was going 100mph in a 40mp zone and killed Karen,her defenders would want him off the street. There wouldn't be one whit of sympathy.
Dr. Pogue was a valued member of this community but everyone seems to forget that.The hypocrisy is so hard to take.

Anonymous said...

Very well said 1106.

Kingfish said...

9:52: Everyone is going to plead not guilty. Just a matter of procedure.

9:56 You knew that was coming down.
Took the next one down too. A little bit too strong. Doesn't mean you're not a nice person and we don't love you here, just was a little strong is all.

8:58: No serious person thought she had skipped the country.

5:38: I'm perfect.

10:05: cute. real cute. Nothing like a NE Jackson catfight.

Anonymous said...

about 3:45 just can't swallow the kool-aid

Anonymous said...

The head injury incident is true. Her family sued everyone remotely involved, and they eventually had to move from the coast because they were ostracized for going overboard with the lawsuits.

I have no idea if she was "strange" before that.

Anonymous said...

Now her lawyer is quoted as saying the wreck was "unavoidable." Just unbelievable. I guess they are going to say someone or something made her drink, drive, and kill two innocent young doctors that night in Feb. We probably won't ever know what was going on in the Irby car that night, but I think they were both drunk and literally fighting in the car when she lost control crossed two lanes and killed the two doctors.

Anonymous said...

How much of the tax-payers money was wasted on the police escort to Raymond?

I would NOT assume everyone that gets booked in gets royal treatment...

Civic Warrior said...

Her attorney did not do her any favors with his poor selection of language. I don't know if Hollomon has any longstanding association with the Irbys but, if so, Karen should seek her own independent counsel immediately.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming her for special treatment when it was the JPD that did that. Do you really think SHE asked for it and if so do you really think they would have given it to HER? How many of you would roll your wheelchair down and turn yourself in until the legal process was handled, especially whe you are still seeing Doctors and having surgeries. Blame the justice system and your elected officials for that. She married a man with money, so what! Many people do that. They went out to dinner on a school night, so what! They are adults. Her life and her life with Stuart are really none of your business. The events that happened afterward are horrible and you will get all the facts when it goes to trial. There are additional questions to be asked, but you don't seem interested in those. Just blame the "crazy" girl that married the older rich guy. Bottom line is he did marry her and they have remained together for several years, so all you jealous b------ out there that missed out, settle down. Life with money may not be all you think it is!

Anonymous said...

816am- Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

There are additional questions to be asked, but you don't seem interested in those.

Please, enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

8:16 am ~
Obviously, "life with money may not be all you think it is", Karen got more than she bargained for with a chub like Stuart and all of his demons!
Reminds me of a great old saying, becareful for what you wish for - you just might get it.

Anonymous said...

KF you are the BEST! I fear that Karen Irby won't spend a day in prison for cremating those two innocent people ALIVE. What kind of 'sensational' evidence will her attorney bring out in her defense as alluded to in his statement?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I bet that old head injury comes back to try and help her out of this situation... I had a seizure/blacked-out/yada-yada while driving because of my old head injury.

Anonymous said...

855am....BINGO! That and the old "accelerator was stuck" defense. Never mind that she was legally drunk.

Anonymous said...

really, legally drunk and actually drunk are 2 completely different things. Do y'all really think that the .1 difference was the cause? Do y'all really think that if she had registered .7 that she wouldn't have been going over 100mph and straightening out the curve?

Anonymous said...

This will not go a jury trial unless you believe that Hollomon is a fool. I'll admit he didn't help people to consider otherwise with that stupid comment in the C-L today.

Anonymous said...

You know what? Say what you will but the law is the LAW. The facts are she was legally drunk and two human lives were lost as a direct result of her actions. You do the math. How would you feel if one of your loved ones had be killed because of her being "actually drunk"? I bet you'd be pretty devastated. Seriously, how can you in good consciousness defend her? I drive Old Canton Road every day-twice a day in fact-so I know that curve. That curve requires a small correction of the steering wheel. I also feel great sadness when I pass that brick wall where flowers lie in memory of the two doctors who were killed by no fault of their own. It was a senseless, disgusting and tragic crime and now she will have to pay the price. Her saying she is sorry (which to my knowledge she has not publicly said) won't undo the huge crap sandwich she has made.

Kingfish said...

8:55: I thought about that but it doesn't work for her. Better be able to show you had a nuerological condition and were treated for it. If you did, no luck because then the question becomes how you had a valid license in the first place because people with seizures are not allowed to drive. Doesn't work.

6:48: I'm leaving this one up because it is true. It was a cheerleading accident. From what I understand someone failed to catch her.

As for the lawyer saying its unavoidable, folks, don't get too mad about it. He's just doing his job and if he had his way, would prefer not to make a statement at all. He's just saying that before trial.

8:16: Much of what you say is true and normally the personal life is no one's business BUT the CL opened this can of worms when it published that spin piece. Not puff piece, spin piece. The CL was gotten to and published it for a reason. They are the ones who brought up the personal life of the accused and painted this glowing picture at all odds with public records.

Now for my own opinion of her, I think she should serve time for what she did if she is guilty of the offenses, which I think she is. However, I also think she is being hung out to dry by her own team. Not going to say why right now, just call it an informed opinion.

No one blames her for having money. What everyone is mad about is special treatment, whether perceived or real. JPD's policy has been NOT to release toxicology reports over the years. Other jurisdictions do, but not JPD. People get even more mad when they see they have given alot of money to Mac over the years and Mac is saying she won't go anywhere when she wound up going to Florida. Any anger for special treatment should be directed at Mac and JPD, not the Irby's. People are going to try to pull strings all day long, its up to the law enforcement officials to say no to them.

Keep it civil today guys, this place is better than the Clarion-Ledger, lets keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

it's not a defense. It's a factual assertion. The point is that there is a reason for 100+mph and a .1 over legally intoxicated is not a very good argument for it.

I would assume had she not registered .9, that the same vigor to pre-judge her would still be in play.

Anonymous said...

Karen Irby's fan club is not helping her either. Their verbal hissy fits about 'everyone being so hateful to her' because we are somehow wildly jealous of Jackson society rich folk is wearing very thin.

They may be horrified to learn no one really cares what that crowd does, as long as they don't hurt or kill people.

Anonymous said...

Any anger for special treatment should be directed at Mac and JPD, not the Irby's.

99.999999% McMillin.

When the other shoe drops those who don't want to see him as anything but a good guy in a white hat will be forced to open their eyes to the blinding light. Just as the Crisler supporters who ran around town saying he was shot in the leg were proven wrong, so will the McMillin groupies receive their disappointing news.

It is time for Sheriff Campaign Contribution to do the right thing and resign. Don't sully the reputation of JPD when it was you, as Chief, who pulled those strings. It WILL come out McMillin.

Kingfish said...

Funny how none of the media has bothered to report on his campaign donations from the Irby's. Of course, that would involve a reporter actually going down to the circuit clerk's office and sifting through campaign finance reports instead of just having a clerk print out something. In other words, it actually involves something called work.

Anonymous said...

where's the quid pro quo that's being insinuated?

Anonymous said...

Re: the charges and K Irby plea
of 'not guilty'

I am no lawyer but it seems plausible that she could indeed be 'not guilty' of "depraved heart murder"

Seems to me there exist a threshold of what would be 'depraved heart' The indictment
implies ....drinking alcohol and driving 100 mph meets this threshold.

A different charge of felony dui manslaughter might not have any

could it be that she could be found not guilty of 'depraved heart murder ' and
would a new trial commence to
try her for felony dui manslaughter? Or, would the same jury and trial discount the depraved heart and go for a lesser or different charge?

Jane said...

If she's acquitted of depraved heart murder, she could not be tried later on any lesser included offenses because of double jeopardy. To the extent that her defense encompasses lesser included offenses, she has the right to have the jury instructed on those. I've never researched whether the prosecution has the right to have the jury instructed on lesser included offenses. I've always been under the impression that if the defense thought that the prosecution overcharged the case, it could gamble on an all-or- nothing strategy and insist on the jury having no lesser included offenses to consider but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Due to all of the publicity, will Karen Irby's attorney try for a change of venue, or a jury selected from outside Hinds County?

Anonymous said...

I dont see how they can try this case here. There is too much feelings for and against the Irby name/wealth.

As for her indictment, wouldnt all she need to say was that Stuart was passed out and she thought he might be choking or heart attack or overdosed and she was rushing him to the ER.
That is enough doubt to counter the depraved heart charge,

my point is , depraved heart
implies a recklessness with no

Anonymous said...


Cudos to you for trying to be fair.

Did anyone ever ask who instigated the "spin" piece? If I recall correctly, it was during a time when he was unconcious and she was having multiple surgeries. So why blame her for it? Seems she is getting crucified for something she had nothing to do with.

Also, the photos that surfaced today exclusively---what is up with that? Is the person that had them or possibly sold them in hot water for not reporting them to the authorities?

Kingfish said...

No one said those two had anything to do with the spin piece.

What photos are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

The photos from Channel 12. They say they are exclusive and the police have not even seen them. They are of the accident scene just after it happened.

Kingfish said...

just saw them. damn.

Anonymous said...

They should take those photos over to Sheriff Campaign Contribution and ask him to comment. Its time he put another public dodge on the record.

Anonymous said...

Where is this story on Are the comments down? Hmmm.......

Anonymous said...

Those photos are a horror. No wonder those who saw it that night have nightmares!

KF...can't you post bond after being arrested and have the same situation with medical expenses that Karen has now? If you're privately insured, you can still avail yourself of that coverage?

And, can you find out WHY she's still in a wheelchair? This doesn't medically make sense to me. Had a relative with a crushed foot, ankle and broken leg AND staph infection that wasn't wheel chair bound this long. Don't you need to be up and moving for blood circulation to help?

I'm beginning to wonder if some smart lawyering isn't at play based on life experiences...know that's not necessarily reliable but the long coma without atrophy and wheelchair bound this long is, to my limited long life knowledge, rather unusual. Not saying impossible, just uncommon...

You're the most accurate guy around with the best sources so relying on you.

Anonymous said...

A change of venue would be risky. In Hinds County, the jury might have as favorable an image of the Irbys that would work to Karen's advantage. In another county, You might also get a judge who hasn't been overturned very often so less chance of appeal.
At any rate, could be a LONG wait. 270 days to meet " speedy trial" unless the defense delays it more.

Anonymous said...

I just heard Bert Case interview Sheriff McMillin. Mac said that she did not receive preferential treatment. He said he afforded Frank Melton the same service when he was arrested that he did Karen Irby.

He also said that he deeply resented anyone implying that he could be bought.

Resent on, Mac

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous at 4:07, She is still in a wheelchair because she can't easily walk with crutches. She had surgeries on her entire left side. She is not allowed to put pressure on her foot. I seriously doubt your cousin's foot was injured as badly. She broke every bone in her foot. Some bones were broken in more than one place. Wouldn't you rather be in a wheelchair most of the time than hopping around on one foot?

I don't know where you're getting your information about lack of atrophy because it isn't true. Stuart was definitely in a coma. I saw him.

Anonymous said...

Did Melton get sloshed, get behind the wheel of a car, drive 100+ mph, hit two doctors head on instantly burning them beyond recognition?

Sheriff Campaign Contribution needs to come up with a better lame response than the one he dished to Case.

Anonymous said...

Maybe what Bert should have asked is what the hell happened to the charges on Crisler's shooter in that '93 drug bust that got screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone, family or friend go with Karen when she turned herself in? Other then her attorney, I would think she would have needed some moral support....

Anonymous said...

In addition to the foot injuries, Karen also broke her left arm, so crutches were out. IIRC, the CaringBridge site mentioned infection in the elbow after one of the surgeries.

A medical source of mine is still astonished she didn't lose the foot entirely -- s/he really expected it to wind up being amputated. It's the kind of injury you never recover from.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:35. I'm anon at 8:11. She broke a lot of bones in her upper body. I think they had to replace her elbow? I'm not positive about that. But, her arm, shoulder, and everything on the left side was broken.
I heard the same thing about the foot. I heard they called doctors in Indianapolis for advice because they see this injury in Indy car crashes.

Anonymous said...

She broke many bones on her left side and anyone who read the CB site (Which most of the haters stayed glued to it) should know the extent of her injuries. It is no wonder she can't walk with crutches. Also, if they were smart enough to pay attention to the news broadcasts they would have seen the person driving the SUV was a male. I feel someone from her family was there with her to offer support as she has a very caring and loving family. We should all remember that they are hurting from this tragedy as well.

Anonymous said...

I went to high school with Karen. She did incur a head injury. She was being "flipped" over by the youth director at a church function. It was indoors, and she hit her head on a foosball(sp?) table. There were some legal actions taken. It was the talk of the town at the time. Especially since it involved the church. The Youth Director left his position after the incident and Karen missed a year of school. This happened in the early/mid eighties.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:56. How old was Karen when that happened? I always thought she was under 10.

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt there were serious injuries.
The sources quoted were from caring bridges, which are dependent, understandably so, on what the person reporting understands about what they are told and how well the information is imparted to them.
In the end, it's not the same as a medical report from the attending physicians.
I just wonder if Mac has relied on what he's been told by lawyers and family or if he's had access to actual medical information upon which to base his decisions.
Has anyone asked?

Anonymous said...

Oh, well, yes Mac...escorting the mayor of a city indicted for exceeding his authority and abusing his office is exactly the same as escorting the wife of a prominent man indicted for depraved heart murder...just the same.
I'm sure everyone indicted for depraved heart murder,or vehicular homicide are given the same consideration.
I'm quite certain that Karen's attorneys, who represent HER,weren't involved in making any arrangements but were simply accepting kind offers from JPD and the Sheriff's Dept.
Defense attorneys probably don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anonymous said...

Ok the Irby's have bad injuries but you are leaving one very important fact out.It was the Actions of the Irby's that caused all this pain for all the families.They have broken bones and some scares and they are still here to do there mending. let's not forget there were Two other warm souls that are now gone.And this all happened"Why"

Anonymous said...

Correct, it was the actions of The Irby's that night, not just Karen that created this tragedy. People need to remember that, but seems many of you want HER handcuffed to a tree in the middle of Jackson. They scream "special treatment". What would many of you do if in a similar situation and were offered "special treatment"? I wouldn't know the difference as I, like Karen Irby do not have a criminal past. Yes, I feel sorry for her. How would you like to know your future rests in the hands of people telling you what to do or say? I still think there is more to this than meets the

Anonymous said...

The recovery period for these injuries common in car crashes and and in motorcycle accidents, and that involve open wounds, surgery pins,etc and commonly have infection is 12 weeks.
The long term effects are arthritis that sets in much later. Nerve damage resulting in pain or later, foot drop is possible.
This type of injury is more common in women because of their smaller stature and has become more frequent since air bags came into use.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering why those pictures weren't immediately released to the police? Am I the only one?

Anonymous said...

for May 11th, 6:19pm, Karen Irby is responsible for what happened b/c she was driving the car.
She is human just like you and no matter what her husband does to her, expects from her, she has the ability to make choices just like you and I do.
And frankly, I don't care what her husband did to her if anything at all, but she has a moral obligation in society to behave in an appropriate way when driving a vehicle and her actions that night clearly state why she is in this mess to begin with.
She also had the choice to pull that car over on a side street and call a cab to pick them up.
As far as Karen being a good parent, she obviously wasn't thinking about her children that evening or she would have made it home safely.
For a Grand Jury to indict her with "depraved heart" they most likely have some info that we don't know about. That is a very serious charge.
No matter what anyone says or does to you, you are responsible for the way you react! Now it's time for her to be held responsible and accountable for her actions.

Anonymous said...

I have looked everywhere for the crash scene photos. Appears they are well hidden, or my computer skills are lacking.
Anyone can tell me how to find them?

Anonymous said...

8:55 AM- what if K Irby looked over at her husband and
he was unconscious and unresponsive and she feared he might die if she didnt rush to the ER ?

Anonymous said...

one would think that the GJ wouldn't have given her the indictments they did if that was the case. I wld think that scenario would have been a key factor in the indictment.
If she looked over and saw her husband unresponsive, she still should not have been drinking and driving 100.
There is a fire station located right down the road by Walgreens and they have an ambulance ready to roll for unresponsive passengers and most of us have cell phones to call for help.
If that is the case, she still made a tragic choice...
Either way it still doesn't change today.

Anonymous said...

Grand Jury doesnt hear testimony from the defendant.

Let's just say , if I had my 2 yr old in the car with me and he was unresponsive, I (like many) would drive like a bat out of hell to the hospital.
(Actually, its obviously the worst thing to do , but people
would drive fast)
...and all I am saying , doesnt that scenario mitigate the criminality of the accident?

How could anybody prove otherwise??? Apparently , her husband was nearly unconscious
while they put him in the car at the CCJ.

The point is, if my feeble , non-lawyer mind can dream up a story, what will the pros come up with???

Kingfish said...

Still have to prove it or show some evidence, can't just make up a story.

Anonymous said...

To May 13th 1:01: What about the absence of skid marks? She didn't even try to brake.

Anonymous said...

to May 13th, 1:01-
If her husband like you SAY was nearly unconscious at the time of putting him in the car at the JCC, then they should have called 911 right then and there!
Seriously, what planet are you on???
and the GJ has some evidence as to what happened that night, or they couldn't indict an individual.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish said...
"Still have to prove it or show some evidence, can't just make up a story."

You keep talking about proving something... I dont have the legal background you do (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express) but,,,,,

all the defense needs to do is create reasonable doubt. I dont know if it is true but
reports suggest that Stuart had to be helped into his car at the CCJ. He must have been nearly non responsive then and yes Anonymous @ 1:01 they might have called an ambulance then.
But they didn't. so, let's say she driving him home and he starts convulsing or choking, or seemingly stops breathing. Isn't that a compelling reason to drvie fast to get him to a hospital???

1. Stuart might have some medical history we dont know about.

2. he was not 'normal' at the CCJ

3. who can say otherwise ?

If they can piece together a story that creates reasonble doubt, some on a jury could give this defendant the benefit of doubt. She will make a sympathetic defendant.

Why would the defense need to prove anything ???

King fish, is that part of the criminal process??? that they have to prove their innocence???

Anonymous said...

Kingfish said...
"Still have to prove it or show some evidence, can't just make up a story."

You keep talking about proving something... I dont have the legal background you do (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express) but,,,,,

all the defense needs to do is create reasonable doubt. I dont know if it is true but
reports suggest that Stuart had to be helped into his car at the CCJ. He must have been nearly non responsive then and yes Anonymous @ 1:01 they might have called an ambulance then.
But they didn't. so, let's say she driving him home and he starts convulsing or choking, or seemingly stops breathing. Isn't that a compelling reason to drvie fast to get him to a hospital???

1. Stuart might have some medical history we dont know about.

2. he was not 'normal' at the CCJ

3. who can say otherwise ?

If they can piece together a story that creates reasonble doubt, some on a jury could give this defendant the benefit of doubt. She will make a sympathetic defendant.

Why would the defense need to prove anything ???

King fish, is that part of the criminal process??? that they have to prove their innocence???

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that there thought process was a little off that night.Don't you think? If this had not happened i bet Stuart would not have much memory of that night.Thats what to much will do for you.He was in the passenger seat in a stupor.He must of had a loss of sensibility.There were comments made that they were fighting when they left the CC she might have been real mad at him and the madder she got the more she pressed on the gas padal and the car got away from her.She was also drinking so her mind and senses were dulled.It sure was a case of the DRUNK leading the DRUNK.

Anonymous said...

It appears that people with money seem to contribute to the people in power for just this reason.You scratch my back and i'll scratch yours.And it's not just happening there in Jackson.The Irby's probably know all the Jackson Police Force.And when you do contribute to those in power and you do wrong they just look the other way.I guess you can say that you own them in a way.After all they were bought and paid for.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heard she was dogging a deer!

Anonymous said...

O.K. here we go again if it's not the car falling apart,then lets bring out the old dodg'ing the Deer theory.To me it would seem that what ever did happen that night if the Irby's had full control of all there body parts and both were not in a drunkin Stupor.The out come might not have been so tragic.And how do you avoid a Deer by going 100mph?It does not make any sence.

Anonymous said...

Is the defense trying out theories on blogs to see how dumb the public might be?

If your husband is poured into the car and becomes " unresponsive", the assumption is PASSED OUT! If he's not breathing, you call 911 and get instructions on how to help him.

And it's REASONABLE doubt, not far fetched unsupported hogwash! It's something a REASONABLE person would think plausible. GEEZ

Natchez said...

I find it quite strange that this whole blog is about the HATRED OF THE IRBY'S, in any form...Karen or Stuart...


debragayefay@HOTMAIL.COM said...

Yeah, IT HAPPENED...MAN, JACKSONIONS, PLEASE, PLEASE, DONT'T GET OVER IT! How about shut your f. mouths and PRAY...FOR ALL. Really, stop the gossip, it's real.....and start perhaps living under the mercy of your Lord and Live.....Natchez.

Kingfish said...


This whole blog is about hating the Irby's?

You are a fucking liar.

Anonymous said...

ME, A F. LIAR? I, i'm not..actually, he was my first at 14..kingfish...what?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ANON 1:44. what is that supposed to mean?

RootETootie said...
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Kingfish said...

I enjoyed the battle of the Facebooks a couple of weeks ago as the NE Jackson bitches had it out over, ready for this? prayer groups. It was pretty damn funny actually. The combat raged in the trenches as no quarter was given and none taken. The casualties piled up as Buffies and Barbies attacked each other in a manner that would've done Kipling proud.

Kingfish said...

repost that again. Most of it was fine as I can attest to some of it myself but the comments about the judge need to stay out of it.

Anonymous said...

Funny. Prayer's with strings attached. Karen and JeanHee were dating Stuart at the same time. Took turns with date night. Stuart dumped JeanHee when Karen came up PG. There is history between Karen and JH to the extent of Stuart getting JH a Merc Benz and Karen making him take it back. No love lose there.

They were both after the money and Karen won. I wonder if anyone remembers JeanHee's photo on the front page of the CL. Was arrested for peddling out of the back of her car. Tax evasion I think. Then she owned the Underground in Northpark. Sold drug pipes, etc. to our kids. One of those places you didn't let your children go in alone.

Stuart's brain was so pickled by the alcohol. After 2 or 3 times in rehab with no progress no wonder he made such bad choices in women. Look where it got him.

Kingfish said...

I remember going into Underground one time and thinking what the hell? Spencer's on steroids.

Lisa said...

Kingfish, I'm not a NE Jackson bitch. I live in Brandon. I was one of the ones JeanHee said was "gossiping". She only did all of that for publicity for her business-the same way she spams people to be her friend on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Neither one of these women had any other motive other than getting the money.

When his X broke it off with him I guess he took what ever came along. If he only knew what people were saying about his choices. No one could believe that he would choose them over her. Now look where he is.

Maybe the wreck will wake him up and he will make better choices in the future.

I heard the Karen's atty was going to try to say the car malfunctioned. Wouldn't there be a recall or something if this was a problem? I bet the service records show nothing. Sounds like a stab in the dark and they need to think about the victims family. This is cruel and inhuman treatment for them. Drs. are dead and all they want to do is save Irby's butt. Public opinion not too favorable to try this tactic.

Wrong way to go if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

What name was JeanHee going by when she was arrested? She seems to change it every couple of years.

Anonymous said...

Boy, could there be some stories told about how S Irby got away with anything he wanted with the badge that Sheriff Mac gave him.

Kingfish said...

Took it down for a good reason. The best source for that kind of rumor is the Courthouse and there is nothing filed.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like Stuart. You don't know him now do you.

What rock did you crawl out from under.

She sat beside him at his father's funeral. I was there. Also she was with him at every social event for years so must have been more than just those tricks. There is a lot to like about Mona.

Stay under the rock where you belong.

Kingfish said...

All right, those kind of comments, knock it off. Y'all know better.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kingfish said...

All right guys, be cool. If its involving something public record cool. I've left some things up because I knew they were true. If I take it down, that means it might be slanderous and I don't know for myself if its true or not.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kingfish said...

Thought about it and I took it down. Having said that, you deserve an explanation. The thread is about the Irby case and their trip to Florida. I've kept out some of the more inflammatory comments. This one was supported by a public record and that was fine. I just took it down because its still getting a little too far away from the subject of the thread itself.

Kingfish said...

Here's the deal. If she becomes more of an issue then if you read this blog, then you will know her record will be discussed in more detail in a way that is not libelous or slanderous. I'm sorry if in nearly 200 posts I might miss one or gasp, think something is not libelous or over the line.

To me the issue is Mac saying Karen Irby wasn't going anywhere and then she goes to Florida and returns the day before she turns herself in. There was some obvious collusion going on between Mac and them.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the issue was if Karen Irby was a flight risk and Mac felt that she was not.

A. Do we know for certain that she was on that plane?

B. If she was - It was not against the law.

C. She appeared in court as instructed and is following what the court has instructed.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I knew that I was facing time in prison I might very well go one last time to Florida with my family to look at the ocean and be alone outside of this persecution.

She has not done anything that was illegal. She did not flee.

Kingfish said...

The point was Mac said she wasn't. Yes, she was on the plane. They both were. Mac defended NOT arresting her by stating she couldn't go anywhere.

That little trip made Mac a liar. She did what she was able to do uner the law. I'm not criticizing her, I'm criticizing Mac.

Anonymous said...

Staff Infection bacteria can cause infections by either directly attacking or by releasing harmful toxins into the body. Staph infections can spread through the skin if it is weak and fragile, through food poisoning by improper storage of food products, by direct human to human contact and through the use of superabsorbent tampons which can result in toxic shock syndrome which is a very serious and dangerous infection.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS