Mayor files campaign finance reports
The Mayor is holding his regular press briefing right now. It is live-streamed below.
* There is a flu outbreak among city employees. Mayor Lumumba encouraged city employees to get the flu shot at the city's clinic for employees on North State Street.
* Mayor Lumumba discussed Thursday's fire inspection by the State Fire Marshal. He said the report listed the deficiencies found in September but did not include the repairs made. Hizzoner said many of the deficiencies were corrected. The escalators and elevators are working.
Manager Mike Williams said "we were never closed by the State Fire Marshal." Um, no you weren't. The State Fire Marshal said you could not reopen. There is a difference. Mayor Lumumba said stating the auditorium "failed" the inspection is an "exaggeration."
* Hizzoner said he filed all reports when asked by a reporter.
Is he lying? Are his lips moving?
Ask him if they have finished Thalia Mara yet.
I would rather have a colonoscopy with a railroad spike than read, here, that the mair's "Presser is posted below".
Oh, if only Kenneth Stokes would set 'Lyin Lumumba' to music! I'm envisioning him singing it to the tune of 'La Bamba'. It would be the perfect Conga Line dance song. And when is he going to release OFFICIAL Stokes Hats? Plenty of us would buy...
Has any enterprising reporter asked the City Clerk to provide the campaign finance reports for a personal inspection?
A fire safety inspection exists to point out deficiencies for correction, not to lobby for a participation trophy.
if the finance reports are filed, have they been requested/published?
...filed all reports. Kingfish, how fast can you get a copies?
Besides the FBI, where can one find said filed campaign finance report?
“He said the report listed the deficiencies found in September but did not include the repairs made.”
This is what happens when you elect an imbecile as your mayor. He doesn’t understand the point of a fire safety inspection. It’s to point out you’re in compliance, not that you did an ok job and that you tried.
How much did they pay the Turk to get the place operational?
At 2:50 pm on February 3, the JJ post of the year was made! "Lyin' Lumumba" to the turn of "La Bamba." What hoot! I'd pay for a recording of that.
Crank up a karaoke!
Can you post his campaign finance reports?
Oh... So the State Fire Marshall's office was lying. Gotcha. Thanks buddy. I wasn't sure who it was. I feel better now.
The emperor has no clothes. Not much for brains either, but he makes up for it with his excess of ego.
Will they allow a public records request for the finance reports or will they cite pending litigation?
Where might one find his campaign finance report?
The time to encourage flu shots was last October, Mayor dumbass.
Guessing The Kingfish has already filed a public records request for said financial documents.
Imagine how the federal prosecutor will suffer as he confronts this fake mayor with printed, recorded sound and video evidence of his vile corruption. Lil Choke will rationalize and or racialize every fact of his guilt, attempting to sway an ignorant jury member.
I'm thinking about Sister R called to the stand as a prosecution witness.
There won't be a trial.
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