Correction: The post erroneously reported Jayveon Murphy was one of the suspects.
Two knuckleheads sit in the Raymond Detention Center after they tried to kill a Hinds County deputy and her children last week.
A Hinds County deputy was merging on I-20W at I-55 with her four children in her personal car when sideswiped by another vehicle. She flashed her lights and attempted to follow the other vehicle but the miscreants had other ideas. For her troubles, they shot at her car four times. Three bullets struck the car with one striking the engine and disabling the engine. She managed to limp to a gas station and call police. No one was injured.
A quick-thinking child got the tag number. The driver made the mistake of going to Madison County where law enforcement is known for its aggressive use of tag readers.
Madison County deputies stopped the Chevy Malibu at 11:50 PM. Deputies detained four individuals and found three firearms. JPD determined two were not involved in the shooting but charged the other two individuals.
JPD charged Ty Greenwood and Carl Sims with one count of aggravated assault and five counts of shooting into an occupied vehicle (One charge per occupant). The Jackson Municipal Court set their bond at $1 million per charge or $6 million for each defendant. Needless to say, they won't be going anywhere for awhile as they ponder the error of their (alleged) ways.
Sims was arrested on January 29 for possessing a stolen gun.
Hinds County Sheriff said "We are grateful she and her kids are not injured. We are grateful the communications with other law enforcement agencies helped apprehend these criminally induced specimens."
Great job from one her kids. So glad they are ok and the shooters are in jail.
I bet their mom and dad will have some tough conversations with each of them regarding morality and consequences at the next family dinner.
That Bail sounds more like Madison County.
Murphy seems to be causing trouble all around...
Wonder if the bonds will be reduced to ROR at their hearings. I mean, no one was hurt, right?
What amazes me is how many of these thugs are just riding around "strapped up" ready to shoot at someone. It happens way more than people hear of. I-55 from Canton, through The Stack and 55 south to about Terry. Then you have I-220 over to pretty much Clinton. And they drive like maniacs. You're one flash of the headlights, or a horn honk from some thugs shooting at you. They have no respect for life.
The top thug lives on Sears street, hmmm that's where they found that body last week.
One a NE Jackson young man. I wonder if he matriculated at Prep, JA or St Andrew’s?
Chowke's dope boys?
Are they still going to be able to accept their full-ride scholarships to Harvard?
I told you people 10 years ago that I do not drive in Jackson without a kevlar vest and ballistic plate armor
They both went to school at NWR.
Candidates for Guantanamo Bay Correctional Facility or CECOT El Salvador Prison, they do not deserve to serve time in the USA. A waste of the taxpayers money. Contract them out for $5 a day!
Unfortunately, this kind of stuff happens on the interstate in Jackson all the time. Thankfully, the deputy and her children were unharmed, and good for the kid on getting a tag number. Unfortunately, these thugs will get blessings from Wooten and her cohorts.
The wannabe thugs dream came true! Shot up a car during pursuit! Too ignorant to comprehend the end of the song/movie!
The bad guy always looses, just a matter of time!
2:26 The Climate for the Hinds County Judges will change, they know these fools are out of control and their friends and or family members may be the next victim.
My brother in law is a teacher at NWR. He said several of Jackson's finest go to NWR and somehow bypass the residency requirements. Not sure how this happens. He said the place is horrible now.
1:40 if true, and they used a relative's address to go to school at NWR but really from Jackson, is another reason to lobby against school choice.
6'1 and 125 lbs? Prison is going to literally break him.
1:34 I dreaded going to the VA in Jackson because of shit like this! I changed my appointment location to Biloxi and made It a monthly day trip for me and my wife. All that shooting will have me relapse, I have enough psychological problems as it is!
Dang, retarded butt holes shooting at moving occupied vehicles! Hinds County Judges you got to get a handle on this nonsense, put these fools away for a long long time! You got to get their attention as if it was your family. This could have ended real bad.
Fight broke out between driver and passengers over whether carbon nanotubes were a more efficient way to manage electrons in a battery or would better refinement of Lithium make batteries more efficient. This lead to erratic driving and guns being pulled
To the young men that can’t read the sign that says leaving Hinds County! Just go on and take a plea and get a head start on the tomato and okra planting season at Parchman. In 20 years of good behavior you might get to work in the cold storage.
These criminals are not “knuckleheads “. They are feral evildoers and should be dealt with accordingly.
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