Update: The New York Post posted the video of the shooting. Suspect used a suppressor.
The CEO of United Healthcare was shot to death on the streets of Manhattan this morning. The New York Times reported:
The chief executive of UnitedHealthcare, one of the nation’s largest health insurers, was fatally shot in the chest in Midtown Manhattan on Wednesday morning, according to a police report and two people familiar with the matter. The report said that the executive, Brian Thompson, 50, was shot just after 6:45 a.m. at 1335 Sixth Avenue, the address for the New York Hilton Midtown... Police officers are still searching for the gunman, who fled east on foot along Sixth Avenue, the report said. He was wearing a cream-colored jacket, a black face mask and a gray backpack. The police believe Mr. Thompson was targeted in the attack, which happened during the company’s annual investor conference in New York City.... Rest of article.
Deep state. Q. Z. It was all a Democrat conspiracy lead by RINOs and some antifa types. Run for cover!
Connection to the Clintons?
Someone's medical claim was denied-
The Lord works in mysterious ways
How did this happen since possession of firearms is illegal in NYC?
Including murder?
Yo NY, how are those anti-SECOND AMENDMENT laws working out for y'all?
If only NY had strict firearms laws this would never had happened.
Dispute resolution and impulse control seem to be at an all time low, at least in modern times. Get the wrong order at McDonalds-destroy the place and attack workers, get cut off in traffic-go full road rage, bump carts in Walmart- resort to Some hybrid of WWE and Sumo wrestling. The msm hammers home victimhood and justifies uncivilized responses. Wouldn’t surprised if they deem this as a “ mostly peaceful” protest and then go after the oppressive insurance carriers and promote Obamacare
Likely work related or someone unhappy with the coverage exemptions. Didn't notice y'all being so upset when it's a Neo Nazi or a Proud Boy murdering folks.
And, you are right, no law or rule ever doesn't get broken by the lawless and rule breakers! So y'all just keep having unrealistic expectations and forget that more often than not, a law or rule reduces the number of bad outcomes. You know like all the people who died of Covid and didn't have to die. Even with the Black Plague there were a few who seemed immune. But, even back then, people had enough sense not to assume they had the unknown protection. But, sadly, the barbarians at the gate of a prosperity is common. And, those of you moaning and groaning need to travel to other countries and stay long enough to find out how very lucky you are comparatively. Stay where you folks doing what you do live. For sure , you'll miss even a window air conditioner! You will miss the convenience of buying what you need. You'll miss the variety of foods. You'll miss the space in rooms and our public bathrooms. Lord y'all are so unrealistic!
I see many people celebrating online, and it's not surprising considering how badly health insurance have screwed us all in recent years.
I think it wise for hone insurance executives to hire personal security in light of this event.
11:10 AM, please provide the total number of murders committed by “a Neo Nazi or a Proud Boy” in, say, the ten years so we can compare to the total number of murders committed in the cities leftist Democrats use chaos and crime to destroy then control forever. Thank you!
P.S. Health insurance for those who worked for and earned in was much better until Barack “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and your insurance premiums will go down” Obama and his Democrat Party f____d it up.
Please don't come after the suppressors.
@12:23 - can you share whatever you’re smoking? I’m ready to forget the next 4 years and it seems to have worked for you.
If he didn’t get a tax stamp for that suppressor he will in big trouble.
This was a professional hit. Only question is *qui bono*.
The “but, but NYC gun laws” comments are particularly stupid, as are the “deep state” “connection to the Clintons” rejoinders. Some really stupid rednecks in the comments.
I got informed by United Health a week ago by mail that my private health data had been hacked back in February. Apparently a third of Americans had the same happen as a result of the hack. I’d guess the list of suspects with a motive is about 115,000,000 people long.
C'mon people, the election is over. Give the political BS a rest, please.
I had a very difficult time finding the actually video, because Heaven forbid people might actually see what happens when someone gets shot.
What I was able to see looked like the shooter's gun wasn't functioning properly. The linked article said it was a single action, which it clearly was not. The guy probably didn't know what he was doing and mounted a silencer that needed a booster, and obviously didn't test fire it beforehand.
Suppressors are known to affect cycling, hence his repeated racking of the slide. However, he didn't freak out or get careless, he just kept on carrying out the mission
@KF I have never had issue with full power ammunition having an effect on cycling. However, it is much louder. However, quieter "subsonic" ammo tends to struggle to cycle the ammo.
Next up: Private Security Thug Teams included with that $50 million-a-year executive compensation package.
Charlie dealt in pharmaceuticals
Charlie used to sell me pills
Yesterday his sister called to tell me
He'd been killed
Some respectable doctor from Beverly Hills
Shot him through the heart
Charlie didn't feel a thing
Neither of them did
Poor kid
Charlie dealt in pharmaceuticals
He sold those expensive drugs
I gave Charlie all my money
What the hell was I thinking of?
Charlie had to take his medicine
Charlie got his prescription filled
I came to say goodbye
I'm sorry Charlie died
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
Charlie dealt in pharmaceuticals
Charlie used to sell me pills
Yesterday his sister called to tell me
He'd been killed
Charlie had to take his medicine
Charlie got his prescription filled
I came to say goodbye
I'm sorry Charlie died
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
I came to finish paying my bill
I worked for a pharmaceutical company for 20 years…we “USA” pay more than any country for the same drug vis a vis…..and consume more drugs per person than any other country , it’s not about curing disease as it is about making $
Google is a great resource ! Please check it out! I personally witnessed a drug in Canada costing $32 that cost $80 bucks in USA.. AND I had cuban cigars
Shipped home by FedEx so i could clear customs
latest update. They got a picture of the shooter at a nearby Starbuck's counter. Ordering a double Espresso Macchiato after capping a guy.
Blah blah blah blah
might as well have been a mob hit, cause after the mob got destroyed, the insurance companies moved in to fill the void.
When Obama Care is forced on people they snap.
He shouldn't have been talking out of school about HRC.
Wow! Take a deep breath, Gomer.
Too bad he didn’t have better health insurance, I hear his insurance denied surgery due to no prior approval for acute lead poisoning. At least the shareholders were spared. Good job to whatever ceo put that policy in place.
Shooter: Nerves of Steel!
Victim: Tragic. RIP
Victim wife: Good looking. Sorry for your loss.
NYC Police: This is one crime that needs to be solved!
One of the least sympathetic murder victims to have ever existed. The only people wanting justice are billionaires and his wife. Everyone else just applies the fafo rationale. It’s surprising this doesn’t happen more often really. Denying a child or loved one’s right to receive medical treatment to pad their bottomless pockets is a recipe for this exact form of justice. I hope they make a movie about this shooter one day, I bet he’s far more descent and honorable than the “victim” ceo.
Police should start looking for suspects by identifying all the customers of United Health who had wrongly denied claims United Health. Once they come up with that list, the next few decades can be spent examining all the patients who had their health, financial, insurance, and medical information exposed by the United Change Health hack. The next few centuries after that can be spent researching each victim to come up with a list of suspects. I expect this thing to be solved around the same time that our healthcare system is fixed, never.
The NYPD has relased photos of the gunman unmasked!
Also, The words scrawled on the bullets used to kill UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson closely resemble the title of a book criticizing insurance companies and the tactics they use to deny claims, it has been revealed. Detectives investigating the shooting reportedly found shell casings with the words 'depose', 'deny' and 'defend' inscribed on them.
UHC, including this lead recipient and his colleagues, have been under criminal investigation for insider trading, etc., where they have made million$, while denying payments to very sick people.
There won't be a large funeral, but the parade will be huge.
RIP ass hole.
My money is on the shooter having a family member who died after being denied medical coverage by UHC. There will be an arrest, then trial, followed by "jury nullification."
Finding this suspect will be as high a priority as finding someone who torched an IRS building.
Hopefully the sheer joy expressed by so many working Americans over this jackasses death will scare the crap out of every insurance executive in America. If they think their decisions to kill Americans by denying legitimate claims will have actual personal consequences, maybe they will find the courage to act like humans.
I wonder if United will approve the claim for his ambulance ride to the hospital. It would be a shame if they made the grieving widow pay like their typical customers.
Dont care who he was or who he worked for. Sorry for the wife and kids for their loss
12/4 @ 4:00 here. Having now been introduced to the B&T Station 6 pistol, I stand corrected.
FWIW…..if John Q. Citizen gets in a dispute with an Insurance company or a Bank, they lose. Insurance, Banks, and big Pharma own Congress. Elizabeth Warren (D- Massachusetts] knows the score but she has been neutralized by their minions in BOTH parties. The more profits they make, the more campaign contributions they make.
Per Georgetown University, incoming Congress-critters are instructed to spend four hours PER DAY fundraising.
Getting re-elected isn't anything; it's EVERYTHING.
When are the movie and book coming out?
That Glock kept jamming because he didn't have a "booster" installed. If you don't know what that is you can educate yourself here: https://youtu.be/8bC7XZGoJP8
My empathy may be out of network.
It's quite possible they don't really care. As long as he had plenty of life insurance and other assets, they might secretly be GLAD.
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