Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bennie's Bitch Mourns Failure of Assassination Attempt (Update: Fired)

Update (7/14): The Daily Muck reports Marsaw is fired.  

The screenshots posted below say it all.



Anonymous said...

The MSM won't do it- such a vile, racist statement made by a racist and bigoted person! She and her boss should pay the price- Benny has pushed to pull DJT Secret Service protection-

Anonymous said...

Let’s see if Bennie is moral enough for fire her

Anonymous said...

Antifa,BLM,Bennie,Chock a Lock, they are all the same-

Anonymous said...

Hope she gets a visit from the Secret Service.

Anonymous said...

If he doesn’t fire her the governor and legislature should demand that he resign from the u s house!

Anonymous said...

The MSM spin never ends: "For months, politicians, the press and pundits have escalated reckless rhetoric in this campaign ON BOTH SIDES (edit). That includes claims that Trump was set to kill democracy, unleash “death squads” and make homosexuals and reporters “disappear.”

Again, which side is "for" democracy? Which side, including the WaPo, has spread lie after lie, and declared a political opponent to be "threatening democracy?"

Seems like it's, as in all history, the intolerant Left and their corporate/globalist masters.

This rhetoric is mirrored in Texas where Democrat congressmen blame the victim for "inciting violence." U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin: "Violence begets violence, whether directed at Trump or inspired by him".....

Never Dem again. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Governor needs to make this an issue. Imagine if a Republican said this about Biden or Obama.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a tactless and inappropriate comment. However,if one was fair and objective (though these days too many are not concerned about either),similar and even worse comments made by Trump supporters and even Trump himself, would evoke the same disgust and condemnation. Yet, they do not. Instead they are justified and championed. I don't know Bennie Thompson personally, however I believe he'd be more likely to condemn the comment referenced, than endorse it. I can't say the same for Trump if one of his staffers or supporters made a similar comment about Biden if the situation was reversed. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it.

Anonymous said...

Lady, it doesn't get much more hateful that encouraging murder of a political opponent.

I have never voted for Trump, and will never vote for him. But it's time for you to look in the mirror and ask if you're really any different than those you despise.

Anonymous said...

She said exactly what Bennie and people like him were saying to themselves. They are racists to the core.

Anonymous said...

screw you ms marsaw.

if this p o s isn't publicly denounced and fired by the fat boy benny, the house of reps need to vote to have the fat boy expelled.

Anonymous said...

As shocking as that is, it should be even more shocking that a sitting U.S. congressman has someone like this on his staff.

Anonymous said...

Thompson's seat is safe. He's a proud member of the uni-party, with his work on the 1/6/2021 fake insurrection committee bearing witness to his fidelity to the deep state.

He co-chaired that committee with the daughter of one of the deepest of the deep state, Liz Chaney. Of course, as in everything else, the white woman had to lead the way, showing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Donald John Trump, is a threat to all of them. At least, that's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2024 at 9:08 PM, for the record, you ain't fair, and objective.

Anonymous said...

The real offense is that Bennie Thompson has been in office since 1993 and the area he has power over keeps getting more improvised every year. That the real horror story!

Anonymous said...

8:43 commented, "Let’s see if Bennie is moral enough for fire her." You are kidding, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

@9:47 PM, what does "more improvised" mean?

Anonymous said...

That's about on par for her resume.

Tic toc tic toc said...

If party roles were reversed, a Republican would be fired immediately for this comments. Let’s see what happens…

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine anyone who I wish would be killed, certainly not because of their political ideology. And I cannot fathom encouraging or inciting others to kill those who disagree with me and criticize my beliefs. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it, or who says it. Simply assess situations and behavior using the same standards, requiring the same level of accountability by all.

Anonymous said...

Why are Mississippi leaders saying pray for President Trump...he's not the president. He's the former. Thank you !

Anonymous said...

9:08 said, "However,if one was fair and objective (though these days too many are not concerned about either),similar and even worse comments made by Trump supporters and even Trump himself, would evoke the same disgust and condemnation.

Please cite the "similar and worse comments" by Trump. You cannot because you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

9:08 says

"I don't know Bennie Thompson personally, however I believe he'd be more likely to condemn the comment referenced, than endorse it. I can't say the same for Trump if one of his staffers or supporters made a similar comment about Biden if the situation was reversed."

You and reality aren't in the same area code. Bennie Thompson sponsored a bill to pull Trumps secret service protection - making him a complete sitting duck for left-wing lunatics.

Anonymous said...


Do people refer to former presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama as President? Many do. Please don't be so petty so soon after an assassination attempt.

Anonymous said...

Trent Lott was forced to resign for attending a birthday party for Senator Strom Thurmond. If I am wrong, please correct me.

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2024 at 9:08 PM
You will excuse anything done or said by a dumbocrat.

Anonymous said...

My bet is Secret Service shows up at both his and her houses & it is not swept under the rug. Innocent persons are critically hurt and one dead. BLM events with Highways & neighborhoods shut down with people being denied entrance to their homes. Cities were burned down & looted & no one was prosecuted! Thomson should be Stripped of Homeland Security job ASAP!

Anonymous said...

855, the Governor AND the legislature could demand all they want - but it would have no consequence. The Governor cannot remove an elected congressman for any reason - only Congress can - no matter how disgusting the congressman happens to be much less his staff.

And 1014, the title of office remains once one leaves office, be it President, Governor, Representative, Judge, whatever.I don't like Trump any better than you do, but he was the President so therefore it is proper to include his title. Yes, in writing about him "former" President Trump may be more approrpriate, but thats not a requirement for proper etiquette.

Anonymous said...

Yes, @10:02, let's see what happens the next time a Republican says something vile, threatening and inappropriate. To date, I don't recall their comments being condemned or them being fired. Rather,their comments have bee minimized, justified or championed. Yes, let's see what happens when the shoe is on the other party's foot, going forward.

Anonymous said...

“We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."
— Joe Biden, July 8, 2024

So if Trump is responsible for January 6th, is Biden now responsible for this assassination attempt? Isn’t that how this works?

Anonymous said...

10:22 POLITICO September 16, 2016. "Trump calls for removing CLINTON'S secret service detail to see what happens".

Anonymous said...

It’s been several hours at this point. Literally every political person has posted a statement has opined on the situation via social media. Bennie has made no statement whatsoever. The silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

I’m not Bennie’s bitch, but I’m still an old bitch who is tired of…well, everything at this point. But I’m especially tired of violence and the inane political rhetoric that gins up all this violence and division. Wish they all could take a float down the Okatoma and enjoy a really nice sandwich.

Anonymous said...

There are folks out there who have lived through such things in other countries and they can back the next paragraph up with personal experience. It might be good if they weighed in here and anywhere else they possibly can.

If this US Presidential election is decided by bullets, no matter who is shot, you can be certain that more things will be similarly decided. Whatever your politics, if you think an assassination is even on the spectrum of good ways to decide who is the next President of this country you are not worthy to be a citizen of this country. Period. Full-fucking-stop.

As to the particulars, that ignorant idiot has forced Bennie into a choice and he will have to make it PDQ. If he makes the wrong one, he'll have to live with the political consequences. If he has even one tiny ball or brain cell, he has already summarily fired her ass. With an ass-chewing that she will never forget.

Anonymous said...

11:05 left this out, deliberately (as always-context): “She wants to destroy your Second Amendment,” he said at a Miami rally. “I think what we should do is she goes around with armed bodyguards, like you have never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should disarm, right? Right? Think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yes? Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away. She doesn’t want guns. Let’s see what happens to her.”

So, you lie about Trump "inciting violence" when he posted a rhetorical question about the 2nd Amendment, but claim your side is "for democracy." Didn't you mean you want Democrat/Nazi rule?

You do realize that her allies have just taken Trump's guns away through rigged lawfare, yet you bring this up after he's shot and praises his protective detail, even though it seems now that they totally effed up in countersniper roles?

You guys can't win for losing.

Anonymous said...

Trent Lott was fired for comments he made at the party, not for mere attendance at the party.

Kingfish said...

Lott had to step down as majority leader. Had nothing to do with why he left Senate.

I hear Guantanamo has lovely beaches.

Beauregard said...

July 13, 2024 at 11:05 PM, you should have linked the article. Then people could see that slithering belly crawling individuals try to deceive others.

Trump was giving a speech on Second Amendment protections that Hillary Clinton, and her kind, want to take from Americans. He was using that as an example, and followed that statement with the question of, how she would like her security detail to be disarmed.

That same article said the Secret Service followed up by meeting with the Trump Campaign. As has been mentioned in a post above this one, will the Secret Service speak to Thompson's protégé? In all likelihood, this woman is being groomed to take Thompson's seat. The article is linked below.

Anonymous said...

10:53 PM is correct. Bennie is an elected congressman. Bennie being elected from what is likely one of the most uneducated congressional districts in the country is part of the political process, and should not be altered.

Bennie not having the integrity or the balls required to fire Jacqueline Marsaw, will be another matter.

P.S. And you won’t see any of the elitist white Democrat politicians or “opinion writers” with the integrity or balls to call out Bennie when he doesn’t fire Jacqueline Marsaw. They will be silent, and safely holed up behind their gates, or in the Republican controlled burbs.

Anonymous said...

She’s gotta go!

Anonymous said...

It wasn’t until I read 10:00PM’s question that it dawned on me that the word must have been “impoverished.” If I’m wrong, I can only wonder what sorts of improvising Bennie is up to in that neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

My apologies, something is wrong with that train of thought! So sad that someone on Congressman Thompson Staff would print that shigity, we are better than that!!!

Jacqueline must have been in that ole Smokey moonshine, everyone can’t handle it!

Please stop the hate! A letter of termination of employment is in order. I’m sure Congressman Thompson or any Congressman would never knowingly allow that rhetoric from his staff.

We do not spew hate! Show your support at the polls for your candidate! Pull the lever and move on. These politicians don’t know you! They are not idols or gods. Only you can save you!

As I said before we live in the Greatest County in the free world. If you don’t like it move to the one that fits your fancy! And yes we do have our problems.

Anonymous said...

My apologies, something is wrong with that train of thought! So sad that someone on Congressman Thompson Staff would print that shigity, we are better than that!!!

Jacqueline must have been in that ole Smokey moonshine, everyone can’t handle it!

Please stop the hate! A letter of termination of employment is in order. I’m sure Congressman Thompson or any Congressman would never knowingly allow that rhetoric from his staff.

We do not spew hate! Show your support at the polls for your candidate! Pull the lever and move on. These politicians don’t know you! They are not idols or gods. Only you can save you!

As I said before we live in the Greatest County in the free world. If you don’t like it move to the one that fits your fancy! And yes we do have our problems.

Anonymous said...

@10:14 PM - The MSM refers to Obama as "President Obama." Former Speakers of the House are addressed as "Mr. Speaker." Etc. Etc. Fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 PM - Only in a perfect world. Remember that the SS is under Sec. Mayorkas, who won't secure our border.

Anonymous said...

The left will use this tragic event as ammunition to continue to attempt to make ARs illegal, probably before the end of the week. Never let a tragedy go to waste.

Anonymous said...

Ol' Bennie will spin her statement and claim that it is being taken out of context. Don't forget, as a former NAACP chapter president, she is one of his people, and as posted above, maybe an heir apparent (or is that Chowke?).

Anonymous said...

of bennie fails publicly denounce this woman and fire her, bennie should be expelled from the us house by vote of the 234 other members.

Anonymous said...

of bennie fails to publicly denounce this woman and fire her, bennie should be expelled from the us house by vote of the 234 other members.

Anonymous said...

Calm down 10:53 - In your haste to admonish 8:55, you are quick to point out that a governor can't remove a congressman.

Maybe that's why 8:55 didn't say he could.

Quoting 8:55: "...should demand that he resign from the u s house!"

Anonymous said...

Ms Marsaw stay off Facebook when you are indulging in spirits. What were you thinking, apparently not!!!

I do not know what world you live in but it’s volatile! Don’t poke the bears! I’m sure you got caught in the hype and I pray you pray also for common sense and decency.

Ms Marsaw what you posted on Facebook regarding former President Trump ain’t cute. This ain’t the way to overcome as in we shall overcome.

I don’t believe you will be able to get out of this unless you resign! But hell, if your constituents think like you, I’ll be damned anyway!

This just ain’t the way we do business, APOLOGIZE sincerely!

PS take innocent friends and family pictures off Facebook when we post stupid shit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for capturing this, Kingfish. Well done.

Anonymous said...

People that believe or even think that Bennie objects to her position/comment are truly foolish! The almighty NAACP is speaking.
The years of rasicts and un American actions are plentiful - just one example is BT acting as chairman of the "Jan 6th Committee" -what a farce not to mention they now have "lost" all of the evidence.
Michael Guest , etal should be focused on expelling these traitors -endorsing assassination of political foe-rather than worrying about those in the GOP- Come on Michael, grow a pair.

Anonymous said...

This morning Bennie has still not put out a statement condemning the acts of his staffer. Imagine a Republican in this position. The left would be rioting. The double standards are on full display. FBT!

Anonymous said...

when this wackadoddle bitch was asked about her facebook comments she said ''i got carried away! I'm a die hard democrat''............................

got news for you bitch, diehard is not a good term to use for your lame excuse.

Anonymous said...

Bennie Thompson is a quality person

Anonymous said...

Race Chatter Asside, This Whole Incident Is Banana Republic Behavoir...

Anonymous said...

Do you people really think Bennie is going to say anything about anything. Have you forgotten that Benny is trying to remove Trumps's security detail? From the looks of things his security detail has not done a real bang up job. Imagine any security that would not secure an elevated building within 150 yards of who they are supposed to protect.

Anonymous said...

How can you spew so much hate and you never broke bread with me! Why would you wish harm or death on anyone? In 4 years both Trump and Biden will be gone! But the post of this lady will be forever! Be careful what you say in the present because the future is open.

I don’t know what I’m trying to say but the post was way off base. Congressman Thompson must send her packing because something is wrong! Please think before we post! These politicians and the people you worship and praise care nothing about you and don’t know you! Yes, they have agendas but I don’t think they include me and you!

PS I love you and I love America, keep sending your hard earned money!!!

Anonymous said...

Were the trash who stormed the capitol upon the FORMER president's command called Bitches? Yes her comments were inappropriate but so are you KF. Nobody in their right mind takes glory in someone almost losing their life. I guarantee you if she was another skin tone the disrespect wouldn't be so blatant. And to think I defended you. You and Clay are worse than any race baiters alive because you play the victim. Stop making everything a race issue instead of a human issue

Anonymous said...

We do not celebrate the suffering of someone else. We have to be committed to helping and blessing others. The post this lady made shows her commitment to everything that’s wrong in America!

Congressman Thompson must immediately reprimand this lady and terminate her employment! We don’t condone/celebrate the shooting of another person.

We are better than that!

Anonymous said...

Look I totally get wanting to comment on this but isn’t calling her a bitch in the headline a bit defamatory? At the least just as tasteless as her wanting the former President assassinated?

Anonymous said...

This government employee was truthful.

She exercised her first amendment right.

But, you people need to realize she spoke what is in the hearts of all leftists. This is who they are and the venom they possess towards conservatives.

We are not having a disagreement. We are in the beginnings of this country coming to an end.

Kingfish said...

11:06: You think I wouldn't call her a bitch because she is white? You haven't read this website for long, have you? I'd easily call her one if she was white, understand, bitch?

Anonymous said...

Works for Bennie Thompson aka

1) A Mississippian who thinks it’s fine for boys to play girls sports.

2) A guy that said Trump should lose his Secret Service detail. I’m coming All

3) Guy who covers an area that seems to get worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

KF, stay the course. She is a bitch, but if this were my blog I might have called her the "c-word." (Cantankerous?).

Anonymous said...

She will be the speaker at the annual election buy the vote fish fry I bet.

Anonymous said...

11:20, you think a mild insult such as “bitch” is on par with wanting someone murdered?!? Please do us all a favor and don’t comment on this blog anymore.

Anonymous said...

Dailymail is reporting she's been fired:

Anonymous said...

Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a resolution that would terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection. The legislation dubbed the “Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act would apply to all Secret Service protectees convicted and sentenced under felony charges.

“The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony,” the announcement said.” Bennie Thompson always hires people who think like him.

Anonymous said...

She has been fired.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong and I owe, and offer Bennie an apology. I said he wouldn’t buy he did fire the shit eater and Bennie deserves credit for doing so.

Anonymous said...

If Bennie fired her it isn't because he did the "right thing," but rather to save his own neck come election time. He will quietly find her a nice cushy job somewhere.

Anonymous said...

"My bet is Secret Service shows up at both his and her houses & it is not swept under the rug."

Nope. SS is under the Dept. of Homeland Security. Bennie Thompson is the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Coincidence? You decide.

Anonymous said...

Race has nothing to do with this. She needs to go because she is an incompetent idiot, self-proved by having made such an idiotic comment online AND doubled down by following it up with idiotic hypocrisy.

I'd point out that if what Trump said/did on January 6 was fomenting an insurrection, what many are doing now is suborning assassination, among other potential charges, justified or not. Those who have taken certain oaths of office doing so, and depending on the exact language used, could take it into the arena of impeachable offense (or worse). Do I think that this idiot should be prosecuted for her idiocy? No, no more than SOME of those prosecuted for their idiocy on January 6. But they were, and not a single member of any prosecution team reached out to me for my thoughts about any of that so I doubt any will when or if folks step on their privates over this, either.

Anonymous said...

@12:45 / do you think Mike Collin’s should be expelled from congress?

Anonymous said...

Little bitches like Kingfish are why Trump got shot. Stop being a snarky mean girl Kingfish and learn how to act like a grown up. You may think trying to raise the temperature in the room is funny, but you come off as a snot nosed brat having a tantrum. Keep this crap in your mom’s basement and leave the serious issues to the adults.

Anonymous said...

KF’s lack of professionalism and name calling are yet another reminder this is nothing but a MSGOP funded gossip blog for old racist white dudes to dog whistle and play grab-ass with one another.

Anonymous said...

to:11:20.....IF THE SHOE FITS.........................

Anonymous said...

IN MOST CASES employers are requied to control their employees.

benny proves he cannot control his employees.

he only hires racist wackadoddles like this marsaw woman.

for that reason alone he should be expelled from the us house of representatives.

Anonymous said...

"Works for Bennie".. Bennie may hire and fire but she, like all other politicians are paid by me and you- the tax payers.

Anonymous said...

1:41 PM provides us with yet another example of the Democrat Creed with no criticism at all of Congressman Bennie Thompson’s staffer Jacqueline Marsaw and her evil comment to the shooter “get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss;” i.e. “murder of those that oppose Democrats is OK, but name calling of Democrats is BAADDD!!!

Re: old white dudes, like Malcom X said, “that white person that you see calling himself a liberal (progressive today) is the most dangerous thing in the entire Western Hemisphere.”

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2024 at 1:41 PM, we're glad you joined us. It ain't everyone that can hear that dog whistle.

Anonymous said...

Lived in Bennie's gerrymandered district for 30 yrs. Firing this trash is the 1st thing I've agreed with him on since his brief hand-wringing over Clinton's NAFTA moves in the 90s. Which lost my 'hometown' 12 factories in under 2 yrs. And wringing his hands is all he did on that matter since he was already sold out to the big-guy Democrats, but at least he gave some appearance of understanding what kind of jobs the delta needed. Just didn't DO anything. Evidently the brief momentary spotlight on his aide's nastiness moved him to action again 30 yrs later. Another 30 yrs and maybe he'll do something else 'good.'......waiting breathlessly.

Anonymous said...

This will only intensify the animosity that is present in this woman's heart. We know the animosity is present because it was revealed by her tweet.

It would be a wonderful thing if the grace of GOD would give her a place to repent, and be cleansed from this hate. Not only her, but all others, also.

Whoever hates their brother, or sister, is a murderer. 1 John 3:15 :Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

This nation needs the grace of GOD to sweep over it, breaking down the hate, envy, and strife, that has taken hold. Giving all that will, a place to repent, and be cleansed. Oh, GOD, hear my prayer.

Anonymous said...

Astaffer for Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, was fired after making an inappropriate statement on Facebook following the assasination attempt on Donald Trump Saturday evening, Fox News reported. In one post, Jacqueline Marsaw wrote “I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time oops that wasnt [sic] me talking.” The second read, “That’s what your hate speech got you.” In April, Thompson introduced the DISGRACED Former Protectees Bill, legislation that sought to remove Secret Service protection for convicted felons, to the Homeland Security Committee. He has not yet publicly addressed his former staffer’s comments, however, following the rally shooting, he said on X “There is no room in American democracy for political violence. I am grateful for law enforcement’s fast response to this incident. I am glad the former President is safe, and my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved.”

Beauregard said...

I have linked below an article by Jonathan Turley. It lays out very well the rhetoric that has come from the left promoting violence.

Anonymous said...

It's quite telling that Bennie has fostered a culture among his staff that led this lady to feel more than comfortable sharing her sentiment.

Anonymous said...

She has been terminated

Anonymous said...

Fired for being too dumb to know, that what her cronies are chortling in-private, is not necessarily the smart thing to post on social media.

There's an IQ threshold, apparently, for hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Bennie T will never be missed.

Callaway Class of '81 said...

I will never forget the attempted assassination of President Reagan when it was announced over the school intercom and probably 80% of the student body erupted in cheers.

Why would I expect things to be different nowadays? Sad.

Anonymous said...

"We’re really the only nonprofit media outlet in Mississippi the exposes and fact-checks both Dems and Republicans, other arguably AP. That’s no secret to anyone."

Donna Ladd
12:10 PM · Jul 13, 2024

Anonymous said...

@4:05 pm, Thompson said his thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. This comes from a man who has known ties to an FBI labeled terrorist group known as Republic of New Afrika. I wonder if he said those same words when JPD Officer Bill Skinner was shot and killed by members of that organization in 1970 while he was associated with Edwin Taliferio, who by the way was a mayor of jackson and is the Father of the current mayor of jackson. That event has to be remembered. If you notice I do not type his name. And I will continue to not capitalize the j in jackson until this city turns around for the better. Which probably means never. It’s time for Congress to demand that Thompson resign. When Trump is elected and I firmly believe he will be after this incident, you will see a drastic change in our political landscape of people resigning in the hopes of not being found guilty by association to people of this nature. They will still be around and they will still be spewing their hatred but they will need to be removed by firing or resigning their positions. Thompson needs to lead the way. If the blacks want to vote only by color then it’s their choice but anyone is better for Mississippi and the Nation than Thompson. Oh, and I still capitalize the Great State of Mississippi and United States of America. Thank you for allowing me to comment.

Anonymous said...

Bennie allowed the left to use him and now he needs to go home. Time to retire, Bennie. You have grifted enough. Next!

Anonymous said...

“There is no room in American democracy for political violence”

This seemed to be a common phrase among democrats after the attempted assignation of Trump. It even seemed as if they had received instruction on a response.

I wonder where this position was when antifa, BLM, and other thugs, were breaking all hell loose in the summer of 2020?

The hypocrisy is strong with these people.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2024 at 11:06 AM
The absolute irony of claiming KF making this about race. The only card these people have is the race card. Certainly don't have a competency card.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2024 at 1:41 PM
Start your own blog then. Who knows maybe you'll end up being William Edwards bitch in prison.

Don Drane said...

"However,if one was fair and objective (though these days too many are not concerned about either),similar and even worse comments made by Trump supporters and even Trump himself, would evoke the same disgust and condemnation."

Your sentence is terribly convoluted, but if you are suggesting a similar comment by Trump or an employee of any Mississippi congressman, senator or representative has EVER been made or would be tolerated, you're a liar.

If the media had not pounced on the comment of this racist black woman, Thompson would never have mentioned it, much less reacted by firing her. He's a man of questionable ethics, morals and scruples. Based on Thompson's previous comments and actions regarding Trump, one can assume he supports her comment 100%.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2024 at 9:50 PM
I will always say "JFP is free because it's not worth a shit." You'll also notice that there's no mention of this on her website.

Anonymous said...

to 8:45...............callaway class of 76 here..........on that day in 1981 i was
in the us virgin islands working at a resort . i was in the employee lunchroom when the news of the reagan shooting came accross the radio.

the west indians had the same response........cheering. it was disgraceful.

fast forward 43 years and you can bet your last dollar that the same response was elicited when the shooting of trump was announced.

think about that the next time you start planning a trip to the us virgin islands to pay 17$ for a beer, 50$ for a hamburger and 600$ a night for lodging.

Anonymous said...

That elected or appointed officials are vilified even when they do the right thing and are telling is the problem.

We will always have those who are mentally disturbed who will violently react to their perceived injustices.

We make it easy for them to have access to assault weapons are surprised when they seek revenge or act on their delusions.

We blame security officials and law enforcement without realizing we have made their jobs more difficult when state law allows even open carry and there is no way to prevent the mentally deranged from access.

We have unrealistic expectations and jump to angry criticism with little to no information.

Those providing safety for both party conventions are asked to do Mission Impossible concealed carry is legal inside the convention venue. It's
an uncontrollable event if it's legal outside the official perimeters.

More than a few locals will be incensed if their businesses or routes to work etc. are shut down for a speech. Indeed, the landing of Air Force One or the Trump plane causes complaints at airports as it alters or delays flight schedules.

Bad things happen when we rush to judgment and lack critical analysis of possible outcomes.

We all have to calm down and stop overreacting.

Let the professionals do their jobs and while media won't stop speculating, we can learn the difference between educated guessing, theoretical and conspiratorial thinking and factually based information.

Law enforcement can't be psychic. They have rules to follow that may or may not need to be reconsidered. No one who is sane can predict the actions of the criminally insane or delusional.

So if you are so partisan as to jump on your party's " bandwagon" without thought, you are silly to think there will be no consequences for you as well.

Anonymous said...

Bitch boys like Kingfish try to stoke the flames because they think it’s funny. Grow up Kingfish, this isn’t the time to act like brat.

Kingfish said...

whatever you say, boy.

Anonymous said...

to 8:37.............

your 4th paragraph proves that cops and their groupies think that they are smarter than state legislatures and also proves that law enforcement is the biggest gun control lobby out there.
they cops want it fixed to where they are the only ones with guns. they want law abiding citizens disarmed.

Anonymous said...

July 15, 2024 at 8:42 AM
You're not even worth being called a man. Much less a boy.

Anonymous said...

July 15, 2024 at 8:42 AM, what were you saying during the summer of 2020 when antifa, and BLM, were rioting like savages? People like you, and those fake ass democrat officials, are a joke.

Anonymous said...

8:37AM deserves thanks for keeping with the leftist Democrat creed of blaming the gun.

Everybody with an IQ above 60 can agree there’s a 100% chance that someone not in law enforcement in possession of an AR, a deer rifle, a handgun, a firecracker, etc., WOULD NOT BE ABLE to get within 200 yards of Obama or Biden. This is all we really need to know.

Of course Bennie Thomson’s “moved to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection as President Joe Biden has led Democrats in deploying increasingly apocalyptic rhetoric on the campaign trail casting Trump as an existential threat to America who must be stopped” didn’t plant any seeds in the minds of whackos, did it?

Anonymous said...

Ol' Bennie can't go soon enough. I live in his district, vote against him every time, and still get no results. I wish someone with some money would back a competent candidate to run against him. That goofy guy that ran last time actually got a good number of votes.

Anonymous said...

This is July 14, 1:06. I was half wrong and stand corrected:

Anonymous said...

Dang, I'm not an English major, but you rarely see a long diatribe where each and every sentence is its own paragraph? 8:37

Anonymous said...

@2:33 - which part do you think you were half right about?

Anonymous said...

After graduating from Kalamazoo College with a degree in political science, Lumumba enrolled at Detroit’s Wayne State University Law School but left in 1971 when his RNA responsibilities called him to Mississippi. The group’s headquarters had relocated to a house near Jackson State University, and in August 1971 agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Jackson Police Department raided the property. During the resulting exchange of gunfire, police lieutenant William Louis Skinner was killed, and eleven RNA members were charged with murder and treason. Lumumba temporarily moved to Jackson to provide assistance to the RNA legal defense.

Lumumba subsequently returned to Detroit, finished his law degree, and worked briefly in the Detroit public defender’s office. He then entered private practice, retaining his commitment to the goal of liberation and self-determination for African Americans and frequently accepting cases that placed him at odds with mainstream politics. In 1978 Lumumba defended the Pontiac Brothers, sixteen inmates charged with murder during a riot at Illinois’s Pontiac Correctional Facility. In 1981 Lumumba served as counsel for Black Liberation Army members Fulani Sunni-Ali, Bilal Sunni-Ali, and Mutula Shakur, accused of involvement in an armored car robbery that resulted in the death of two police officers. Lumumba also worked to uncover evidence to support the release of Geronimo Pratt and briefly provided counsel for exiled Assata Shakur, both of whom were high-profile members of the Black Panthers.
He is Lumumba Sr after he changed his name & close friend of Bennie Thompson! god has better plans for America which don’t include Bennie!

Anonymous said...

“Content of Character.”

Anonymous said...

I love when the nation gets to share in our incompetent people. Love the conversations with people outside MS. We can joke and laugh about it because we certainly can’t take the power from the kings. In the 80’s, my SIL taught in an elementary school in Edwards, MS with his wife. He cheated on her but when she cheated on him, he beat her to a pulp. She had to wear sunglasses to school. Now what I said is hearsay but I put a lot of credibility into it because my SIL saw it with her own eyes. U cannot fix stupid and we have certainly declined as a society. God is our only constant in the crazy world. I do not recognize MS or America right now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kingfish, you should remove the defamatory title. This is inappropriate for a trained lawyer and journalist.
While her comments were senseless, no one on the right gave a shid about the rhetoric before it turned on Trump. How quickly we forgot the Jan 6, “Hang Mike Pense” actions not to mention an attempted overthrowing of the US Goverment. If any of the clowns posting here were students of history you would know the Jan 6 actions are called sedition, treason and is punishable by death. The irony is it would have been ok to kill the VP by your standards but not the inflamer in chief. You guys on the right need to stop sodomizing Trump and being his love slaves. It’s against the law. It’s time for these morons to stop posting on this topic.

It’s time we take a backseat to the nonsense and violence brewing from this fake Christian nation you’ll claim to wholeheartedly supporting . You guys need to examine your hearts because you people are “f”ed up.

Anonymous said...

July 16, 2024 at 11:32 AM, thank you. It's always fun to be chastised by immoral people.

Anonymous said...

Who woke up the far left progressive Fondren posters?

Anonymous said...

@12:39 - it’s weird, Kingbitch normally doesn’t allow any of our comments into his safe space. I guess he’s feeling invincible at the moment and is allowing a few in.

Anonymous said...

11:32 AM believing the “Trump” is “an existential threat to America who must be stopped” scam is a safe bet.

Also a safe bet that 11:32 AM is oh so morally concerned about yahoo’s propping their feet up and taking pics on Jan 6th but 11:32 AM does not give a shid about the lives lost while Democrats burned buildings to the ground and 25 or so people, including an innocent child (dead children are just collateral damage to Demcrats).

But you can “bet” 11:32 AM, nor any of the other idiots falling for the “threat to democracy scam” won’t take the “bet” that Democracy will continue, and presidential elections will be had, long afterwards if Trump is elected.

Anonymous said...

So Trump won’t be tried or charged with Elder Abuse there is no need for any more debates. Kimberly Cheatle Director of Secret Service needs a No Confidence vote from House & Senate. JD Vance doesn’t need to debate Harris either ! Bennie needs to be removed from Homeland Security Committee yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Heard on the news that Joe is on his way back into his basement. It worked for him one time.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS